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tv   Headline News  RT  October 8, 2013 12:00am-12:30am EDT

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president obama's absence becomes a highlight of a key summit of asia pacific economies in indonesia where the american government shutdown now threatening the president's focus on asia. never allowed a good crisis go to waste china turns to europe for investment opportunities snapping up companies all over the continent and. the swiss army simulates a war against a debt stricken french government that send troops to recover stolen gold. a.t.m. in the russian capital you're watching r t i'm marina joshie welcome to the program
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a key annual summit of asia pacific leaders in bali has and its second and final day boosting trade and business cooperation between the twenty first member twenty one member economies is the main focus of the gathering but it has not been short of political overtones as well the absence of president obama due to the u.s. government shutdown was repeatedly noted as other countries to center stage at a forum are reports from indonesia. well the twenty one nations that make up a package count for more than fifty percent of the world's g.d.p. on an annual basis so it's clear that what is agreed here is of huge significance especially when you consider the fragile nature of the global economic recovery and this region has a number of emerging economies indymedia for example where we are right now is the fifteenth largest economy in the world so it's clear that there are plenty of good investment opportunities in the region so perhaps it's surprising then that us president barack obama is not here he is of course being forced to cancel his trip
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to asia to deal with the domestic problems the financial problems back in the united states and the continuing shutdown there and that decision to stay at home is going to be frustrating for u.s. business leaders especially when you consider the united states well documented pivot to asia as it is cool a strategic move designed to include increase america's influence in the region our bombers decision to stay at home has been a hot topic of discussion over the last couple of days or so everyone's had their say russian president vladimir putin saying that obama's decision is totally justified and that putin himself would have done the same when you consider what is at stake i think the singapore prime minister spoke for many on sunday when he said that he'd rather have a u.s. government that is functioning and working the one that is not on this entire economic summit really has been played out to the backdrop of what is happening in washington and what is happening in the united states with the threat of a u.s. default hanging over the global economy one business leader said to me yesterday
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that the prospect about the falls is simply unthinkable the consequences are run thinkable so whilst the summit continues to the backdrop of what's happening in the united states american politicians continue to squabble domestically but the size of what is its stake is being felt right across the world even here in indonesia so it's still not clear with uncertainty hanging over the states whether the global economy. is about to enter choppy waters or calm seas. obama's no show add the pack summit stirred mixed reaction among the rest of asia pacific leaders some say the u.s. leaders decision was understandable and justify while others called it a missed opportunity my colleague john thomas asked dr kahn holland foreign policy in focus columnist whether barack obama's absence would have repercussions for u.s. interests in the region. we're in the midst of this incredible craziness.
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at home domestically and that does have an effect on the military budget has an effect on the state department budgets except or so the obama administration is not able to put as much resources into as a good asia pivot as it was as it originally planned but i think in the long run what you're seeing here is the united states is still very much focused on challenging china and very much focused on building a kind of a ring of alliances regional alliances that will attempt to. isolate. china for the malaysian prime minister said that the absence of president obama is a missed opportunity for him to share his thoughts about america's new policy towards asia what kind of repercussions if any can we expect there i don't expect serious repercussions i think one of the reasons why the president made the
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decision not to go is largely domestic and it was one of the things that that the state department has been saying now a sense obama had to cancel the trip is we're losing out on these opportunities the chinese are eating our lunch we're being isolated in asia i don't see that it has much of an effect on foreign policy at this point obviously in the long run it might have an effect as well one country that seems to be benefiting from president obama's absence from the summit is china if present the u.s. leader was expected to have pushed for a transpacific partnership a trade bloc that actually excludes beijing instead china launched a charm offensive to blunt america's influence in asia. but it's not just asia where beijing is reaping the benefits chinese investment in europe has been growing steadily despite the financial storm that's been ravaging the eurozone well let's
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take a look at some of the bigger deals in two thousand and ten a chinese car maker the side it was easier to take over its swiss rival valvo then to compete then in january last year a german concrete pump maker the second largest firm in the field was sold to china well that same month beijing acquired an italian yacht maker for ready months later as a reminder of the chinese fondness for luxury goods the famous french fashion brand sonia rykiel was sold to a firm in hong kong china is also investing heavily in the u.k. buying shares in london's heathrow airport and pumping billions of pounds in the country's nuclear industry as probably boyko now reports chinese money is already changing the face of london. this time last year it looked like the iconic london cap would be consigned to the history books after its may cut the financially troubled london taxi company went into administration chinese manufacturer g.t. which already owns volvo has stepped in and bought the company for eleven million
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pounds the factory is now back in business this part of the assembly process is called the marriage of the carriage where the shape of the taxi. meets with the shafi of the taxi here but it's been marriage between the chinese manufacturer and he and the london taxi company that managed to save a british icon from going out of production g.-d's pledged to invest in getting fifty million pounds into the coventry based business over the next five years promising to create jobs and develop new engines so the future really previously when we were a company the financial resources to continue to develop the product as we would like to. to develop. which we could have only dreamed of financial analysts have called it a win win situation comes back from the brink of extinction while
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a major chinese manufacturer gets to invest in an exciting new project but what does it say about the state of british industry business secretary vince cable called the chinese buyout a clear demonstration of the strength of the british car industry but the london cap is just the latest in a raft of u.k. businesses being sold off to foreign companies cadres chocolate is now american. indian and the british airports authority spanish to some it represents a hollowing out of corporate britain and i'm happy that it's not going on that but it shows government policy for a long time now as encourage foreign companies to take over our british companies that means i would british companies are not competitive across the globe. so we're not putting in the right tax policies we're not dealing with regulation and it's these companies welcome to have new investment it always is in the long term this takes away economic productivity from this country it means that stuff and job some are liable to go because there's allegiance between the companies that are rode by
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foreign entities and their country rover than britain piece has been a cabbie for over forty years in a scene the london taxi company goes through several four to shona's i hooked in for a ride and asked him how he feels about turning chinese this is a shame that it's not owned by a british company but it's better than going to the wall a dial m. of the companies that are still british they won't be faced with any. london while in line we've got much more about china's expanding investment abroad including a story about beijing by any leave in europe and france's bordeaux region you can catch it at r.t. dot com. well there is a growing divide between the u.s. and libya as tripoli slams washington for a raid to capture a terrorist suspect the target of the raid was allegedly involved in nine hundred
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ninety eight u.s. embassy bombings in kenya and tanzania libya's prime minister has demanded an explanation for what he called the kidnapping of one of its citizens from its territory saying that inside the country the fence consultant says the u.s. is used to meddling in other countries affairs. they claim that under a two thousand and one the us lol they can capture anyone anywhere in the world they can enter any sovereign territory and arrest anyone it's extremely dangerous policy that a a one governments in the world can intervene in any other country sovereign state they've been invaded. with a un resolution they invaded iraq with a un resolution they attempted to carry out as strikes against syria recently without un resolution so it makes the whole world a dangerous place with their with their policy in place now libyan authorities say
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washington never informed them of the planned raid law professor and colonel morris davis says that if such claims are true the us was acting against international law publicly libya is saying they did not consent to the raid were aware of the raid when we sent in an armed force in order to conduct a kidnapping so if that's true then you know that sovereign territory and i question our legal authority to conduct a military operation in the sovereign territory of another country without their knowledge and consent and so there are other countries i'm sure there are people here in the united states that other countries view as an enemy of their state so if we can go into libya and just abducted the one we choose and one country come here and do the same which they did that you know be the lead story on every news network tonight before we do it is just you know kind of shrug and not. now the issue as was america's offhand tactics was discussed in abby martin break has said
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and that's coming up later in the program but here's a preview. shockingly many are praising obama for not employing drones to assassinate a libby from the sky this sentiment alone reveals what an utter disgrace the discourse has become complimenting the president for illegally kidnapping alleged terrorism potentially torturing them instead of murdering them only emboldens the false dichotomy of fighting the so-called war on terror but the most stunning compliment of all came from former white house press secretary for ari fleischer who treated earlier today bush's fourth term continues no lawyer interrogation secret rendition snatch and grab on sovereign soil indefinite detention no that wasn't a criticism of the president that was a glorification of bush two point zero. because apparently snatching sovereign citizens from sovereign lands for fifteen year old crimes is something to celebrate
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. imagine the year is twenty fourteen the impoverished french stormed the swiss border in an attempt to bring back the gold they believe was stolen from the nation the defending forces fight off the invasion with guns rifles to keep their banks eight bit all over has more in switzerland wargame scenario. the idea of two western european nations going to war with each other may seem on thinkable however exactly the contingency that the swiss military have been preparing for that article in the march newspaper it was revealed that the swiss armed forces had conducted war games and which they depicted an invasion by neighbors friends to find out a little bit more about this i'm joined by the author of that article. thanks very much for talking to me why did the swiss military think that this was necessary.
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to history to this in two thousand and twelve the swiss army already held exercises on the premise that europe slides into economic chaos and many immigrants flock into the country so this time around they went even further and created another legend suggesting that a financially stricken france breaks apart into warring regions one of the new countries that will appear will be called sonia a small but very nationalistic state. will have thirty percent unemployment huge debt and it will blame switzerland for creating this debt so saionji is preparing an attack on switzerland to retrieve the money it had allegedly swiped from france so what's the reaction been in france to being portrayed as the invaders here i don't the french media made fun of this in marketing we received lots of corn calls
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from the french press that he didn't take it seriously but in switzerland people are very serious about whatever the army does so public opinion is split some believe the story told for the drills was quite realistic and supports the idea of an exercise with this premise others think the swiss army put itself in a discredited position. thank you very much so swiss war games underlining real tensions between neighbors and western europe. still have the program the afghan president blast the twelve year along u.s. led occupation off his country accusing washington of breaching the country's sovereignty and causing chaos while afghanistan falls into the hands of the taliban . and the russians capital is ready for second day of the olympic torch relay which will see the flame set off across the country. right on the sea. first street. and i think the jury.
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on our reporters with their. instrument. to be in the. world for. science technology innovation all the latest developments from around russia we've got this huge you're covered. but the piece of legislation was a terrible mistake and led very hard to make going to let you get along here is a plot that never had sex with others make their lives let's call
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it was. just so. listen the amount . of.
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welcome back you're watching r.t. and president of again istana slammed the occupation by nato on its twelfth anniversary accusing allied troops of making the nation suffer and failing to uphold security the criticism comes at a crucial moment for the country seeking to hold its first democratic transition of power during next year's presidential election well the taliban overthrown by the u.s. led forces over a decade ago recently promised to disrupt the vote after nato pulls out all aspects of security will be in the hands of the afghan army meeting they would have to deal with high risk militant areas that's now nearly half of the country with elections around the corner director of the world can't wait and i were group believes the chaos caused by the invasion comes in handy for the radicals. this is an occupied country by the largest military in the world the biggest economy many
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billions of dollars up to a trillion dollars have been poured into afghanistan and the basic people are in worse shape than ever it's there's plenty of deadly violence going on now but the civilian death toll has actually been higher in twenty twelve than in any other year of the us occupation this is created justifiably population which is very much against the occupation and in some senses has been one to support the taliban which many people never supported before this all started the us has said and supported the taliban by creating such disasters around the country and over in our own websites freedom came too late we've got the story of the last man who served over forty years in jail for a crime he didn't commit and die just hours after his release plus
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a powerful typhoon as battered china's southern provinces forcing tens of thousands of people to flee and it's past and bringing public transport to a halt so had to our in motion section four stunning video on that one. now the torch relay for next year's sochi winter olympics travels around basco before it goes on an incredible journey across the world's largest country. now the moscow leg of the olympic torch relay is in its second and final day on
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monday it was taken to the moscow state university campus where a spectacular show was put on are just like here chefs he was there the first day of moscow's leg of the sochi twenty fourteen olympic torch relay has come to an end culminated by a spectacular fireworks show here at the sparrow heels in front of the most go state university the first day of the moscow leg of the torch relay kicked off at midday beside the red brick walls of the moscow kremlin and ever since then the torch bearers have been running across the russian capital carrying the torch passing the flame from one to another i myself was lucky to witness the handing over of the flame at one point right next to the moscow state university all in all this was just the first day of the moscow torch relay the relay which promises to be a truly historic one and i did a report to explain what the peculiarities of this torch relay this time will be
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and what's so special about it. on october the twenty ninth in a limpia handed over to russians on october the fifth in athens and delivered to moscow on the next day now the olympic flame has started its long and unique journey across the host country five time olympic champion and synchronized swimming and. was chosen to be the very first story fourteen thousand more will hand the flame to each other in the next four months among them people of a range of profiles and backgrounds including a special be ip guest. expectation on the in the beginning but on these games i think there's a lot because it's been a lot of preparation. a lot of work to do and i think it will be but i think you're great you're going to get the twenty fourteen sochi games olympic torch relay has only just kicked off but it has already been branded as historic covering more than sixty five thousand kilometers across nearly three thousand cities towns and
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villages in russia it will become the longest storage relay in history and probably the most seen as well with almost one hundred thirty million people being within reachable distance of the relays route for the first time in history it will be taken for a space walk outside the international space station that's before descending to the bottom of the world's deepest lake baikal heading to the top of the world at north pole and scaling europe's highest peak russia's mountain. this is a unique opportunity to the united nations and a great way to explore russians themselves and because. with the flame. and. this particular city the capital of the olympic games after two days in moscow the olympic torch will have further inland before ending up at the grand opening ceremony of the saudi winter olympic games in exactly one hundred twenty two days from now.
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r.t. moscow. philip the torch is on its epic journey to such a. one hundred twenty three days. through two hundred cities of russia. really fourteen people or sixty five thousand to live. in a record setting trip. here see another's face. olympic torch relay. m r t r t. take a look at some other stories from around the world north korea's army has been put on high alert after u.s. military ships including an aircraft carrier moved into a south korean port for joint naval drills pyongyang has warned washington of serious consequences and ordered its military to be fully ready to launch an operation this comes despite
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a recent thaw in relations on the korean peninsula which led to the reopening of a jointly run industrial park. u.s. billionaire warren buffett has earned tan billion dollars in payoffs from companies he loaned money to joining the financial crisis in two thousand and eight according to the wall street journal the cash accounts for almost half of his company's profit buffett is one of the world's richest man in the world with a bankroll of almost sixty billion dollars and. staying with the us were a surveillance camera that's captured the scene of an attempted robbery the video shows the cashier of a new york food store standing up to thief in fact pulling out a machete before chasing the armed man through a parking lot well local police are currently looking for the robber.
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now for years education was an essential step on the way to decent jobs but in the crisis hit europe more and more graduates are firing of selves unemployed with greece and spain having the most unsettling statistics every second student in spain is out of work with little hope of finding a secure job searches her first now reports your son employed g.'s are often called the lost generation is perhaps not the most out of descriptions given that when you speak to young people here they know exactly where they are and how tough the situation they're in is here in spain youth unemployment now found that more than fifty five percent not coming at a time when the spanish government says that things are slowly getting better in fact only greece has it worse in europe we've been speaking to some of the students here to find out how they're going to be facing the challenges that lie ahead. it's the start of a new academic year and for many of these students it will be the final year at
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university but with only snarling hundred thousand jobless used in spain accounting for a course at the three point five million unemployed and the twenty five's across the usa according to figures and the prospect of graduates saying isn't exactly a cause for celebration why i don't feel very good about that. i see people like. to take a job. they can't and. maybe if we. you know i think. we want. to out for. the moment we we. we don't know. three years at the moment. shows that in fact many
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spanish east are doing just that choosing to go abroad a worrying sign for a country he will need a young dynamic workforce to help it out of its economic crisis the government have fulton reforms in a bid to appease tiring of these students impacted so you. may well come see you know sara out. and coming up here in r.t. we get an inside look at the basic training of a russian paratrooper. m s n b c news have taken some not slightly but the third. as i admire their commitment to cover all sides of the story just in case one of them happens to be
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accurate. that was funny but it's closer to the truth and might think. it's because one whole attention and the mainstream media work side by side the joke is actually on here. and our teenagers we have a different brain. because the news of the world just is not this funny i'm not laughing dammit i'm not how. you guys stick to the jokes i will hand over the stuff that i've got to. put on your army like these thank you ali face.


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