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tv   Headline News  RT  October 8, 2013 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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thank you thank. you. moscow serious after police allegedly beat up and detained a russian diplomat in the hague president putin to demand an apology while the dutch investor to its summons to explain. flush with cash to beijing's finest start slapping up prices read european corporations and brands one in china's mighty manufacturing industry was from west and no home. and syria's chemical disarmament is on the track with a new one plan as its progresses plays by the u.s. and russia the asia pacific summit in bali.
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live from moscow with me to on the day with more international news to our top story now russia still wants an official apology from the netherlands over the treatment of a russian diplomat in the hague has reportedly beat up the official and detained him overnight the news comes against the backdrop of another spat between the two countries the details not from archie's going if she can't. the netherlands responded to russia's demand for an explanation and an apology by saying that they're investigating the incident and that they will apologize when and if they prove that the dutch law enforcement indeed violated international law now russia is not at all satisfied with such a response moscow says such an invasive an increase here and responses on acceptable and that the dutch authorities violated not just the diplomats rights but simply human rights because according to the russian foreign ministry the dutch police broke into the apartment of counselor of the russian embassy in the hague they hit him with a baton they ignored his diplomatic status and took him to the police station where
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they held him for hours without explaining anything later admitted but i'd seen was released in midst of what i'd seen says they broke into his apartment on the pretext that the neighbors call the police because of some reports of abuse which suit he says are absolutely not true and that your stories have not said anything about this and like i said we're still waiting to hear that explanation of the incident but we do have the reaction of the russian president on the incident take a listen. this is a flagrant violation of the vienna convention we are always clarification because. and punishment of those responsible for our reaction depends on how the dutch behave. the relations between russia and the netherlands have been tense lately the netherlands are taking legal action against the greenpeace ship the arctic sunrise which sailed under the dutch flag russia has blasted the netherlands for having
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systematically requests to make the arctic sunrise stop illegal activity near the russian oil platform in the arctic now according to russia it's been going on since last year russia says all its warnings were ignored by the dutch and three weeks ago we know what happened we peace activists tried to climb aboard the working world and they were detained together with everyone onboard the arctic sunrise the russian foreign ministry says the day before the incident on september eighteenth green peace activists made their first attempt to climb on board. but they were prevented from doing the same day moscow summoned to. get another warning with regard to the arctic sunrise activities russia says that warning was ignored yet again the activists and those who were on board the ship are now facing piracy
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charges because russia argues technically it was an attempt to seize the part for many russian foreign policy experts believe that the incident with the russian diplomat in the hague could be related to the tension between the two countries with regard to the greenpeace activists. russian affairs and those mountain mccauley believe that the netherlands attempt to see russia for rest of the greenpeace activists is aimed at embarrassing moscow but will ultimately fail. international law is very very vague and you can go to the united nations and what i think they're trying to do is to is to embarrass russia. so that when the case these so-called pirates come up in a russian court then they'll have a lenient sentence or perhaps the journalist who was he says he was doing his job that he be released so the dutch appear to be trying to embarrass. russia in new york so that this case will not be treated very seriously but i think on the face of it russia is going to really lay down the law here because they have warned
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they warned the greenpeace activists on numerous occasions not to do what they did and i think they're really going to lay down the law here catch up on the details of the russia greenpeace standoff following the attempt to board that arctic all platform on our website at r.t. dot com. the seeds. were strong. and i think the tree. on our reporters were very. well the american president i'm able to would tanda china's leader was front and center at the age of pacific economic cooperation summit in bali urging
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responsibility and caution in today's economic uncertainty it underscored how far beijing star has risen on the political map a rise a marriage by the economic future fortune enjoyed by china chinese money is flooding the e.u.'s snapping up by conic european firms as beijing's a business elite and moves in to pick up companies it considers to be severely undervalued let's take a look at some of the bigger deals in twenty ten a chinese comic a flush with money decided it would be easier to buy out sweden's at trouble volvo than compete with it in general last year one of germany's a premier concrete pump may make is also fell into beijing's a richest that same italian yacht a builder ferretti was snapped up by a company controlled by the communism regime not just a few weeks later french fashion bread and sony was taken over by the hong kong a base for him in keeping up with the east growing phone nest of luxury china is
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also investing heavily in the u.k. buying shares in london's heathrow airport and pumping billions of pounds into the country's nuclear industry as well a boy can report the chinese money is also propping up a london icon take a look this time last year it looked like the iconic london cab would be consigned to the history books after its maker the financially troubled london taxi. company went into administration chinese manufacturer g.t. which already owns volvo stepped in and bought the company for eleven million pounds the factory is now back in business this part of the assembly process is called the marriage of the carriage where the shell of the time. meets with the shafi of the taxi here but it's the marriage between the chinese manufacturer and he and the london taxi company that managed to save a british icon from going out of production g.-d's pledged to invest a hundred and fifty million pounds into the coventry based business over the next
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five years promising to create jobs and develop new engines to future really previously when we were an independent company with the financial resources to continue to develop the product as we would like to now that we're part of the finances. and that gives us the ability to develop. a which we could have only dreamed of financial analysts have called it a win win situation the london cab comes back from the brink of extinction while a major chinese manufacturer gets through invested in an exciting new project but what does it say about the state of british industry business secretary vince cable called the chinese buyout a clear demonstration of the strength of the british car industry but the london cap is just the latest in a raft of u.k. businesses being sold off to foreign companies cadres chocolate is now american. indian and the british airports authority spanish to some it represents
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a hollowing out of corporate britain and i'm happy that it's not going on there but it shows government policy for a long time now as encourage foreign companies to take over our british companies and what that means is that our british companies are not competitive across the globe so we're not putting in the right tax policies we're not dealing with regulation in this these companies welcome to have new investment it always is in the long. this takes away economic productivity from this country it means that stuff and jobs are more liable to go because there's allegiance between the companies that are owned by foreign entities and their country rather than britain piece has been a cabbie for over forty years in a scene the london taxi company goes through several british owners i hopped in for a ride and asked him how he feels about turning chinese this is a shame that it's not owned by a british company but it's better than going to the wall or die lever the companies that are still british they would be faced with and you see. r.t.
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london. china's richest man of the in the taman tycoon wearing a limb that has unveiled his plans for your robe targeting hotels luxury brands and cinema chains local analysts professor joseph chan from hong kong city university says now is the perfect time to do so. china has a very big water chest a monkey into border and three point two trillion u.s. dollars chinese exporters would like to expand their operations to drop upstream and downstream to maintain and even expand their market share they want to acquire technology and bonds management this is of course of time because prices are low and inexpensive because of the financial difficulties in europe. online we've got a much more about time is expanding investment abroad including a story about beijing's a buying high and
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a very oddly enough france's border region but at r.t. . both russia and the u.s. have been hating the weapons elimination on the sidelines of the asia pacific leaders economic summit foreign minister sergei lavrov is optimistic markhor shows us saying that it's all me is not enough to end the war and peace isn't possible while radicals fight in syria. people are moving closer. then to the free syrian army which is being portrayed as the secular opposition so the thronged is. in the favor of jihad just radicals among those who fight on the ground. and it is not on . our computer repairs be conviction of god miracles that we must not talk to these people. the latest iranian steps towards amending its relations with the western world also came into the russia's foreign minister's focus after ciaran that once again insisted on its right to a peaceful atomic program explain to our t.
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why fears that iran could use it to produce weapons is ludicrous. why would soon. be european be united states. would. be the. political decision. made at the nuclear program no intelligence agency. was able so for to make a. major you know with. a news bulletin fall for exclusive interview with the russian foreign minister right now we'll be back after the break to stay with us here on r.t. . wealthy british style some time to let.
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the. market. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines kinds a report. language as well but i will only react to situations i have read the reports for. the know i will be back to stay current a comment on your latter point to say. it's ok because i'm not talking no. thank you no more weasel words. when you need a direct question be prepared for a change when you. get ready for
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a. critical speech and a little bit on the freedom to. welcome back you're watching our t.v. now these really prime minister has unwittingly turned to a public relations onslaught to win over the iranian public into something of a flaws it's the first time he's trying to speaking directly to the people of iran in more than two decades in top level politics and it's backfired a big losing friends is with me now with the details was so what exactly did mr that who say well surprising as it may seem to be he got quite a dressing down indeed it was for saying that iranians aren't allowed to wear the trousers they want that's right he made the wayward comments during an interview with b.b.c. persian essentially he said if iranians were free they would wear blue jeans they
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would listen to western music they would have free elections even now twitter is officially banned in iran but plenty of people use software to in fact get around that they took to twitter sphere to point out this to this inaccuracy of his comments and for instance they took some of the photographs some very famous photographs doctoring them up there's a famous shot of the pm drawing and ominous read the wind through a a bomb at the united nations general assembly that time it was essentially doctored up and turned into a rather attractive pair of feminine blue jeans speaking of clothing censorship some skaters took to the internet posting their clothing clothing item of choice of course which is as you would guess blue jeans but it's not just the fabric of the photograph this remarkable it's the content of the couture that is explosive correct me if i'm wrong but that's an american flag right there on that their t. shirt and here you can see there's
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a whole collection of blue jeans yes and entire mosques in iran filled with men wearing blue jeans now in his blog on the israeli newspaper. at website barack and david writes that the gaffe about iranians not wearing jeans was not a prime minister's only memorable moment in the interview he says netanyahu got out two words in persian one that translates roughly into soccer and other that means nonsense which basically in this case sums up quite a bit this whole sorry episode of happy well it certainly sounds like it did backfire there lindsey france where the details on that story for us by dr mohammad has sun carney from the international relations department at imaam saadiq university in iran is with me right now good to have you with us now mustn't we are you've been in high level politics for a long time are you surprised by what seems basic blunder.
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actually what we heard from netanyahu was an insult not only an insult to you on an iranian nation but also an insult to intelligence of one of your it israeli person . and their reaction that we saw against mr netanyahu comments was somehow a response to what he said that. some of what he said actually was an indication of the fact that how ignore and or the israeli leaders about real situation in iran and that also includes those political claims or claims about the european nuclear issue so does shows that what you're hearing from tel aviv is absolutely nonsense and ridiculous so how are people that you you know
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reacting to this gaff. well everybody who has been traveling to your own including your reporters they know how to run a streets looks like iran is not saudi arabia iran is not pakistan iran is not north korea people are free to choose their own clothing as far as they observateur the dress code of the islamic dress code and also the persian value dress this is something up to the iranian youth there are thousands of iranians their rear bluejeans they are free to choose the taste of music from pole to traditional music even the movie industry in iran has been flourished during the past few years you know that iranian movies have been. very active across the globe winning the can first of all even to a score so in that sense again i want to conclude that what we heard from attorney
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who is a very valid proof that how ignored and misinformed on fortunately for the israelis about iran iranian people iranian society and even the political situation in iran certainly point taken that dr mohammad has son canidae from him ascetic university showing us thoughts with us here on r.t. . the most collector of the sochi winter olympics that's harsh relay is on its second and final day before its incredible journey began. well john there the big talk show route across of the capitol is out his ego piece going up you go out at the touch it is up wrapping up it's for the capitol hill for more on the how it's spent the last three days. well ever since the olympic flame
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was abroad to russia from greece via the special flight it stay here in the capital was very unique it was supported from the airport to red square on sunday by the night moves by again quite well known in russia for their involvement in various charity projects a lot of these guys are athletes as well and they said for them it was a great honor that i was greeted by the president on red square deal it's the olympic cauldron and since then the flame was being taken to through the seafood through its main sites for ordinary muscovites to be able to see it with their own eyes as well it was being carried by celebrities including athletes artists and others so truly a special events but all good things have to end at some point and now it's really the time for the rest of the country to enjoy seeing this flame with their own eyes as well so now it's being returned to red square to be put back into the olympic cauldron officially marking the end of the moscow leg of the olympics really argue
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he's got nothing thank you very much for that update on what's happening with the olympic torch relay. why do stay with us here on our team we've got more coming up after this break and we'll have more news in thirty minutes time. i recently read headlines all over the russian internet screaming in full paranoia mode that china has just bought five percent of ukraine now they're writing that china will lease five percent of ukraine over ukrainian officials themselves claim that china won't be getting either and if this is a deal about some drip irrigation system the situation didn't explode onto the internet to the fantasies of bloggers the south china morning post reported that one company does have a crop in pig farming plan design utilized nine percent of ukraine's territory also
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last year the ban on foreigners buying land ukraine. been lifted although i am the distrustful pro sovereignty type getting the rich foreign country to pay to develop your nation's agriculture might not be too bad of a deal it would definitely take a lot of money to restore ukraine's farming to its former glory they see that ukraine used to be the bread basket of europe i think that status spec could really help the country but selling off or even just leasing nine percent of the nation's territory is absolutely unacceptable doing a large project with the chinese that is mutually beneficial is one thing but selling or leasing off your country is another and by another i mean treason but that's just my opinion. syria's had baby steps to show the world had to cooperate in a joint effort to end the civil war well among the world level diplomacy which are
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empty discuss with russia's foreign minister sergey lavrov that's that that interview is coming up next like now. we're joined on r.t. now by russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov are on the fringes of the apec summit here in bali mr lavrov frank you very much for your time thank you for joining us here on our take i'll delve straight in if i can start to talk about syria you said on monday that the geneva two peace talks on syria could be held as early as the beginning of november but i'd just like to talk to you about some quotes attribute it to president bashar al assad over the weekend in desh spiegel newsmagazine in germany he's quoted saying that he doesn't necessarily believe a solution can be negotiated with some elements of the opposition the extremist elements saying by my definition a political opposition is an arm and i was just wondering is that a sign that he's going to need more persuading to come around the table well first i believe the bits for the conference the possible base for the conference we're in
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. by the secretary general of the united nations during the general assembly opening week and that was the near occurrence are the members of the permanent five and he suggested to target mid november. we would direct you to the known in a day because. it is that the government is going to send a delegation and belief in though is that make sure that the position participates and that the position is representative not just one group of people who live outside syria we would like position to represent will be into a spectrum of the opponents of the regime including the opposition which is active inside syria like national coordinating committee like be supremely council of kurds. and this would be important for the conference that we really representative
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of the security council resolution twenty one they do you hope that the case will be syria joining you can take over. opens convention said because apart from the chemical design when the resolution spoke about the need to convene the conference and to make sure that the full spectrum of the syrian society is represented therefore the conference would be successful yves deposition manages to bring all those who would like change in syria to negotiate with the delegation from the government yes to the interviews of each president that's that has been giving very generosity in the past weeks i think. i do believe that a situation of each weekend which we should have to handle in syria is assessed more and more in the same manner by us by then miracles by the europeans by the countries of the region and the situation is really deteriorating. be groups
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of deposition. becoming split more and more recently there was news that some thirteen field commanders said that they would not be taking orders from the free syrian army and from the national coalition which is the political. wing of the free syrian army as far as i understand and that they would create what they called a movement through introduce the sharia law in syria and not only in syria but in that jason there is and then forty more groups. said that they would be creating of us like me from. and these people moving closer to it then to the free syrian army which is being portrayed as the secular opposition so the trend is. in the favor of jihad just ridiculous among those who fight on the
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ground and it is not only our conviction that there is the conviction of the americans that we cannot and must not talk to. people we can only talk to those who offer for the sovereign territory and in federal security multi-ethnic multi confessional syria. and therefore i come back to the beginning government of my answer it is of crucial importance to have the right opposition groups the right fix of the mix of the opposition groups the directors of the countries but as the g eight leaders said look at the sun it was june. we call all of them all eight of them plus the european union they called upon the government and opposition to join forces to fight the terrorists and extremists in syria i think it's a very important message which must not be over the. last week. russian media quited anonymous diplomatic sources saying. the chemical chemical attacks in the
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suburbs of damascus on august the twenty fast were carried out by a saudi arabian back great these were anonymous quite running does moscow have evidence to back this up i read those reports we have been looking into the problem of chemical weapons use in syria for many months now starting from march for of a big round on march nineteenth there was an incident reported in the vicinity of aleppo and the syrian government asked the united nations to investigate this species specific incident the united nations under the pressure for european friends refused to send a team just to investigate this incident they demanded as a precondition. access anywhere everywhere to anyone in syria. girl looked very much like the regime under which saddam hussein was put when the
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united nations was looking for the. weapons of mass destruction in iraq. and this year ian said look we would be ready to negotiate for the sites to be visited but this one is urgent people died and this happened only a few days ago why don't you send your expertise no wait then the hearings asked us and we did send our experts who took these samples in full accordance with the organisation precondition of chemical weapons rules we ensured the uninterrupted custody of the samples said it was delivered very not b. c w a certified laboratory into was analyzed in moscow and the results available to the security council we made them available i think in late june or july and we are convinced beyond any reasonable doubt that. this was the.


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