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tv   Larry King Now  RT  October 8, 2013 11:00pm-11:31pm EDT

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hey i roll researcher. on larry king now to judge judy she's been behind the t.v. bench for seventeen seasons i have a subliminal message once we help you get off your butt and help yourself plus we'll talk politics gun control and much more how to take a test to give up at a kill what you can call and buy a lethal weapon including an asylum flight with nothing more than your driver's license judge judy is next on larry king now. judy sheindlin is an old friend she's not old just the relationship is old she's the presiding judge on judge judy gearing up for its seventeenth season on
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september tenth the number one syndicated show on television so happy for her and i welcome her to larry king thank you have a life full of me to be sitting opposite you again we've been through a lot together over the over the many years in a little while i want to talk about the horrific news out of colorado but first some other things are you do you look at you are you surprised at your own success every day every day but you know after awhile when you feel good it's like having it's like having a bad back ache you know it feels bad every day but once it goes away goes away you hardly think about it but well i used to pinch myself every day and then it was once a week and it's once a month but every once in a while and i'm lying in bed and i seated myself how did this all happen you look as yourself now as a judge or a television personality both. i you know having enjoyed these two fabulous careers. i know that i'm
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a lawyer i think still think like a lawyer i know that what we do is entertainment and it's not entertaining nobody's going to watch and that would be the business but i don't have a script like you don't have a script we talk and we talk evidently a language that people find appealing so they keep coming back so i know it's entertainment as well but i think with both sides of my brain was it like to no longer have any financial worries. to. better than not having it is better than not but you know larry you appreciate things more you do and i was saying to somebody recently there was a time for the great majority of my life that jerry and i would go shopping we go into a department store and i would say child wish i could afford to buy that i you know people who spend hundreds of dollars on a pair of shoes i thought were crazy should be committed where you do and when you
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do have the wherewithal to buy what you want i find that it's it no longer has an appeal for me i couldn't wander into a store and i would say what do i need that for you know i have a shirt at home and i find that i wear the same things is there anything you splurge on. and i splurge on my children and grandchildren. i like to know that they are secure and that at least that financial stresses that so many young people have of college loans not being able to get out of their parents' house because they can't afford rent that those stressors hopefully i can help them out with so that they can move on with that little bit of stress free on the other hand you really have to worry that if you take that away from a young person and they don't have that hunger in their belly they may lose the drive to succeed it has to be a balance couple things about the show that the productions have been paid whatever
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the settlement is right production company will pay the judgment if there is a judgment but most often if a case is dismissed it's dismissed and the person who brought the lawsuit gets nothing at all so i think very infrequently is it about money it's more about the vindication of some wrong or perceived wrong that drives people to come here we get bored lever you know how do you can you know oh i don't know but i get different people you know the different cases every cases. case is every case is different every person that you want to view is different. and everything there and often challenging you think you've improved on what we think of as right and wrong in this country you certainly have had some effect well you know i have a subliminal message i can you can't be on that long and the kind of work that i do
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without having the message in my messages take responsibility for what you do if you have children be prepared to support them you have to pay your taxes you have to be a productive citizen if you having a temporary setback we is a good community as a good country and good citizens will help you but once we've helped you get off your butt and help yourself that's my message and if that's right and wrong well then i'll do a mea culpa for you but there are more people in this country that appreciate that then appreciate those folks who seem to be on the taking and always we were tough family court judge yes that's a tough element of war. interviewed a federal judge once who said one of the problem he faces when he was of he was a family court judges are you trained who gets the child in
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a custody suit we usually earning income from. well i think you're learning comes from the very lawyer instinct. not coming with any predisposition we are supposed to in this country treat mothers and fathers the same with regard to custody no one is has a less equal position however when i practiced in the family court and then was later a judge in the family court i found that that law was honored in the breach. most judges and most psychologists that serve the court always thought that the mother was better and i didn't always find that that was true if you want full time responsibility for a child and you're prepared to accept that as a guy which is not a natural role for a guy more of a for nurture or. and what we perceive is a nurturing mother there has to be a reason so i think that you have to have
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a mix of commonsense you have to know the law but you have to have the six cents of people with great louis nizer i'm sure i interviewed him quite a few times a great great lawyer said that the worst cases he stopped doing them were divorce and custody cases that the hatred in that courtroom was worse than the victim of a crime sitting begins behind the person who committed the crime not so you had to perceive in cases where people hated each other people hated each other and that and some of the other cases that family court has jurisdiction over equally as difficult you know we deal with the terminations parental rights in family court and you it was always hard for me to understand them a man was convicted of a triple murder he's in jail he has three little kids one of the people he murdered was the mother of these three children and yet he's fighting tooth and nail so that his parental rights will not be terminated to those children even though he knows
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he's never going to be able to parent them but he doesn't want anybody else to parent them is it on bug mind. you only work five days a month you make all is money you cut your living in venice you live in jackson hole i live in connecticut you have a private plane york five days a month what what how did you get this gay i don't know i don't know why you were occasions only what do you do you know we do ten cases a day we do a week's worth of programming in a day. which you know is a lot of work for four people in this entertainment industry but not a lot of work for a family court judge i used to do sixty cases a day you know you started nine o'clock in the morning and you worked and it was a grind and you took twenty minutes for lunch and you came back and you did what you had to do so i'm used to getting things moving i had really good training before we talked about having done cases in your own court the most mind boggling
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thing to me is the second amendment what were they talking about when you talk about a militia or your right to have a gun while the eye of i don't want to talk about my personal thing but i had a guy from start with the our own once who could not comprehend that americans could go in and buy handguns it was beyond his belief sense what do you make of this colorado what do you make of this i don't know because i don't think anybody can understand what goes on in the mind of a madman a minute who would could contemplate doing something like that and yet today i had two cases that i tried in my television courtroom two cases that involved guns one of them was a lovely man who's next door neighbor had dogs that he perceived to be vicious who had according to him traumatized his family over the course of several months well
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he opened up his garage door one day and the dog came calling to him charging at him he took out his twenty two which he had in his pocket she wasn't supposed to because it was supposed to be a house gun he didn't have a carry permit. and he shot at the dog towards the dog didn't hit the dock but hit his neighbor's garage across the street his neighbor. sued him to get the money to fix the garage door and he turned around and sue the owner of the dog who were was the cause of him shooting the guy ha interesting so i said to him what if there was a child behind that garage door what if when you took out your gun instead of scaring the dog you hurt somebody you killed somebody.
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sympathetic he said you have to protect my family i said you may have to protect your family but there's a reason that we require people to have a permit to carry a weapon whether it be training whether it be licensing because that was surely poor judgment on his part to take out a gun in a busy neighborhood and shoot a gun what do you make of the fact americans access to getting guns it seems absurd i really think that if you have if you are able to pass a test first an i.q. test and then a test about the gun and then a psychological test or a psychiatric test but before you can get your hands on a weapon you have to establish that at least there's some reason and that you are capable person i mean my grandson just had to take certification to go scuba diving you know you have to take a test to give a pedicure. but you can go and buy
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a lethal weapon including an assault rifle in many places with nothing more than your driver's license it's written that part of it to me is ridiculous that you can do it with impunity you can get you have access to these kinds of weapons with impunity and how many cases in america is a home invaded by a thief carrying a weapon threatening your house i bet none today maybe one where you need guns what do you need a handgun for. i don't know. i don't know now there was somebody who said that in the theater in colorado if there was one person who had a gun that was well trained they might have taken down this lunatic or missed him and hit it off the wall i love the people but this lunatic was so armored to get all the ammunition he thought it got egally legally through the mail that cruise mail that crazy it's crazy and went and thousands of rounds and when questioned
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somebody said well if you talk at practice that's not unusual to buy thousands of rounds of ammunition right tommy got judge judy and i discuss our plans to take gold would be in today and she'll answer your question stay with us. please let's take another look very hard to take a. look. at that back with senator rick they're looking.
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to. cut a piece of the political ticker. it's a good james he's told to. expect some of the straight. from the. one on c.
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s i was a new alert animation scripts scare me a little bit loopy. there is breaking news tonight and we are continuing to follow the breaking news. the alexander family cry tears of joy at it great things other than. the ever regard in a court of law found alive there's a story made sort of movies playing out in real life. it. looks like you know that you know the price is the only industry specifically mentioned in the constitution and. that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy albums. in
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fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is the corporate takeover of our government and across several we've been hijacked like handful of transnational corporations that will profit by destroying what our founding fathers one little class i'm sorry mark and on this show we reveal the big picture of what's actually going on in the world we go beyond identifying the problem trucks rational debate and real discussion critical issues facing us to find ready to join the movement then welcome to their. lives. technology innovation all the list of elements from around russia we've got this huge earth covered.
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bradley judge judy seventeen years well we're surprised that john roberts swung the supreme court the other way on the health care bill yes i think it was a tax and therefore. yes it was that was sort of cute. finding all of you finding as not to buy that you're taxed here for the taxed or find one or find. you know. it's really no different from the federal government giving you money to build aid to buy build roads in but you have to enforce the speed limit on public highways if you choose not to enforce the speed limit then you. you know got one we surprised at the decision i was. then again you know i'm never surprised at the court no record and in the jury right you don't work for office you have a command jury never. and there's and there's
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a valid reason i don't think that any elected official can really make a substantial change because the process of change is so cumbersome and when you've been a family court judge like i have and in the family court for twenty five years and then this wonderful job for seventeen years it's like a monarchy you know you make a decision and that's it and then you walk or you get up and you walk out new say now you deal with it i made it i made the decision but as president as governor as mayor you have so many checks and balances even if you want to do the right thing and even if what you plan on doing is the right thing getting it done is virtually impossible john kennedy once said where the people are mostly like is a kind of king we're both. and me into unfamiliar territory to me with this show on the internet which is kind of a flip to mail me joining every minute of it and you know i have
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a website what would julie dot com tell me about that. i was so afraid of this what i call the machine of the people call it a computer. i could not figure out how to work it and i didn't for fifteen or twenty years and then i decided you know what you really have to this is this is the twenty first century on either going to get with it or you're going to be booted out of it so i said you know what i would like to find out what other people think about issues that really interested me over the last forty years of work. and i think that sometimes people would be interested in my responses to some of the questions that plague us do you have a pre-nup or do you not have a pre-nup do you live with the guy did not live with the guy when do you get divorced and who gets the kids all of those are where we are in this complex world of you know first marriages second marriages children stepchildren half siblings
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and all the other things where are you laid to rest up you know where it is oh you're in the middle you're into it so i pose questions on what would you say twice a month and you tell me your stories i want to hear your stories maybe some of your stories in the way you've handled your finances your stepchildren your former spouse whatever issue is that they were talking about maybe it will help somebody else maybe it'll guide so i'm great and i'm having a good time with it it's like a voyeur into somebody else's life are you technologically savvy absolutely not i mean i've never tweeted twittered oh i trust you do i don't know how to do that i did i don't type it but i did do you dictated to somebody that does or does not well you know i don't know how to do it well i don't know how to do what i'm supposed to look good in the nothing you type you know when i do not text i do not text i think the texting is gone when they open up the time capsule for two
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thousand and two thousand two thousand and twelve two thousand. when he went on fine that what brought down the us is a civilization is texting because there's no person involved and nothing can do it you can get out of the regime to do any other thing and use certain restaurants within people and say they are share that at the line of a dinner alone i'm with six people but i'm alone we have some questions from twitter and facebook and read it for you christopher from read it says are you a libertarian you always come across as someone who is for personal responsibility you can see these over libertarian i don't i don't like to put a label on it i think that having personal responsibility his just the right thing to do why do you have to put a label on it i think that that's where so much of our politics goes off these days you know if you say something if you say you know what i think that if all you can afford to have a street children that's all you should have this three children they say you're
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a conservative you're a conservative therefore you are. it's ridiculous at this civilized discourse has disappeared because we try to put labels on people whose opinions we don't necessarily agree with travis on facebook as do you like the people's court but we did that show for you when you were just judge who's the guy who goes to a judge wapner and i like it were up there where joe klein started it he started it he started it he broke the ground he's not crazy about make no no not you guys about it doesn't like no doesn't like my style. what do you make of all the shows well you know i think that. since the last like since the law is something about which everybody can offer an opinion i mean you can sit here and you can ask non warriors what they thought of the united states supreme court case what they think about gun control what they think about the death penalty what they think about
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a variety of things that affect the law and you don't have to be a lawyer to give an answer so i think that that's why i quote chose a popular john from reddit as was the most difficult case gel of a case in which you made a decision went back and thought that i do the right thing was this correct or make a mistake you know i have a case if i you ask me what was my most difficult case that i ever had to try and i don't know how much time we have to we have a little bit of time to evelyn it the minute we have a minute it was a case involving a russian woman who lost her child lost a child to the system in new york and it was a case that lasted over seven or eight years with a lot of other judges and it came to me to try to do what i perceived to be the right thing and it was gut wrenching heart wrenching case and i ultimately returned this little boy to his mother and he was very happy and comfortable in his new home it was a part case to judge judy couple of quick things how's your health your little scale issue yeah what a year and a half ago i had
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a little scary i think everybody else was more scared than i was and what would find god worse yeah ok we are dense some shows with the saying we call if you only knew so what's your most embarrassing moment. oh my most embarrassing moment was my third year in law school where i had answered a question of the professor the day before so i knew what wasn't my turn so i sort of didn't prepare and the next day he called on me again and the only thing i could say to him was you called on me yesterday. i said i have nightmare a food you hate the most. food i love all food actually i don't like anything that crawls you know somebody handed me a you know a bug to eat that was covered with chocolate that would not happen but other than that if a boat doesn't eat me i eat it i hate eggs. first thing you thought about when you got up this morning. was it too late to to go to the gym. weirdest talent
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do you have a talent we don't know about you sing in the shower i sing all the time and i have a terrible voice but i remember the words all the old songs from the fifty's and sixty's i don't remember what i did yesterday but the songs i remember best advice you ever got do the right thing and the right thing and happen do you give the same advice to others all the time they were pleased to be wherever i am. that's julie first person ever kiss your member's name marvin martin high school marvin probably junior high school i was precocious because failure. i don't think that there are any failures i think just learning experience a serious success the show. now i think my biggest success and my family biggest regret i don't have and oh i
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have a regret but it's not my regret i am sad that my parents didn't get to see all this stuff that they weren't around and lock enough or little julie yeah i would i think about that i'm hoping that they're watching from someplace is there something no one knows about you. there's a lot of stuff that people don't know about me and that's the way it's going to stay you're not shy you know and you always been this out so all i had by had a great gift that i probably part d.n.a. and probably nurture which was my father gave me a great sense of myself he said anything you can do anything you want to do you can do it you are the best you are the most terrific of the most poised short is wonderful. and he made me feel terrific and i took that with me the rest of my life so i was fortunate one other thing in my home office last name levine
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marvin wolverine where was this in brooklyn we were in brooklyn when i lived on ocean avenue i'm not exactly sure where was probably at some spin the bottle party poker and yeah i know what happened i'm often you know and you can't look up modern living there are twenty million thank you dolly thank you always fun always thanks the judge judy and thank you for watching the level you can always reach me on twitter at kings things i'll see you next time. the world. technology innovation and all the developments from around russia. the future of covered.
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police. more news today violence is once again flared up look these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. trying to look for a shelter all today please. play the leg. lifts live. lead live
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look. cross talk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want to. live. when you take free. free. free. free. free. free. video for your media project. the russian paratrooper regiment is nobody. will push you harder than you've ever been pushed in your life. they say once upon.
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a many of the scripts like. that's all. you want to. dress right. dress right. attention. and come back. on my couch by division. one. three. four my new regiment is heavily focused on combat training and every day we're out on the square. fighting drills at the moment we work individually but .


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