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tv   Documentary  RT  October 9, 2013 10:29am-11:01am EDT

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every nook and cranny that they're allowed on the base. i'm not sure whether it's the benefit of experience but everyone seems more confident here and it's a good thing because a live fire exercises are about to be ramped up it's a tough job for the man in charge. sometimes i get tired of ordering people it happens from time to time the guys don't obey me but i was given the task of commanding the company and i have to do it so in any case i'll remember this time with a smile it was tough sometimes but everything will be fine i'm sure we'll do our military duty. today the war games really got still says we were assaulting a hill with full support. with a good machine gun to goes first second is private brown private brown after him
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the squad leader your next and you bring up the rear beside the vehicle everyone mind your distance to look around to check your comrades and remember you're using live ammunition so your life depends on following the safety procedures of those who moved to the land you have to come back safe and sound up any questions no sir . i was crouched in the bottom of the boiling hot tank there's barely room to breathe let alone move. and then just like that you're out running. into position on. all six months called spread out and headed to our places. and jack. we were moving in
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a race of knots run crouch and file but you've got to make sure the right person is in your sights. move. these i mean right in front of you and you got to close to each other go to shoot when you're behind someone number one go. down hill it's a nightmare just staying on your feet. in the tank and the grenade launcher open up alongside you it does tend to push you forward. by the time we hit the bottom my legs were in agony so i tumbled into my foxhole i don't think i could have taken another step. we get around. to ourselves and at least there's a t.v. room where we can chill out most of the time i just use it to recover to write to
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you of course but there's always someone new to chat with. what was the hardest moment for you is this here in the army. probably all the physical training apart from some drills like marching drills jumping isn't easy either. for the army have you decided what you want to do you know i'm studying at university and want to find a good job and be the best in my field of logistics if possible i'd like to stay in the army as a contractor because they pay well now and allow you to do external studies. life in the dormitory is like being in a five star hotel you sleep so much better when you only have to deal with two other people snoring. i'm good how are you going nuff special. and i'm going to need all the energy i can get.
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we've been building up to our first day of full sparring and most of the time we're working on shadow boxing and the basic maneuvers. with a straight and you. understand. tension to get ready so. continue with your right. did it once we've. gone to pick up. and start scrapping. because eventually you're going to have to pull on the gloves and the headgear and try not the hell out of each other. i've got. to slow. and.
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just missed my last a karate about twenty years ago and i'm going to have to remember it. in the mean time i was taking on one of the mountain regiments challenges the. whole thing is a hellish test. jumping i was sailing and shooting with no chance of a break. and come. the idea is to train you to overcome extreme conditions whether you're walking along ledges. james move. or the ways are gone. faster than leaping down canyons you want your friends back in clear out any
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oncoming enemy. this paratroopers obstacle course must be crossed by a division as a whole it means that the success of the filling tasks doesn't depend on a single soldier but on cooperation between soldiers of this division. cover a char. with a ship but each soldier opposes the skills he had acquired before coming here from their own units so we improve what they had already learned before. you can see soldiers manage this obstacle course well. the divisions work in coordination.
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it's things like this that make you realize just how fit the paratrooper needs to be go to the club you will have nothing left to give. a look you're grabbing at wrong. take it like that there's a hold you see use your fingers like that push closer to the rock feel it lie on. your right leg there. stand up and straighten it out you know the council come on come on try harder to the end. the blue hold come on. discuss. it's too hot. i can't have no more strength so. more almost
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a goal of course ends here with this climbing wall if you fail to do your task here you let the whole group down his life and his life depend on you you must cooperate if one of you fails it means all of you fail. right use your head you have to think like a mouse a time when you think hire fire. go there you are. keep going back to excel and. that's it was. a great. ground loop to come on. that is one for a little for one here there's always someone there to help you get through. there's not much left. to come on come on do it yourself.
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come on well done stuff. well done. it's done a good job joyously. but you've got a satisfactory result i'm pleased with here the task is complete you've done well i've got nothing to say excellent well. given you want to be a better comer chip is vital in the army we try to build a good team spirit make a friendly atmosphere help you today tomorrow you help me and if you couldn't get through the fence today and you got stuck i helped tomorrow i could fail to when god forbid injured myself and you'll help me that's what's important to me ami friendship in a close knit team in situations like this real team spirit reveals itself you can
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see straightaway who's your friend who's not. training in the really prepare you for an actual. truth to the bigger they are the harder they fall. don't touch the headgear ok and i grab again you know hit the girl in. the best nothing will if anything happens. break off immediately. already again. i want to again. james they were right.
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nobody. but nobody. you would know really know her. language as well but i will only react to situations i haven't read the reports so i'm likely to put a no i will leave them to the state department to comment on your latter point of the month to say it's. a car is on the docket no. thank you no more weasel words. when you have a direct question be prepared for a change when you get to a punch be ready for a battle for them all speech and down to freedom to cost. the interview.
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of. activism politics in a cold place and a whole lot of media publicity what is greenpeace all about today is it is smug and self promoting or a brave environmentalist opinions vary and at the very center of the debate surrounding organizations such as greenpeace is the question whether they have the right to operate outside the law.
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one of. the face. of pleasure to have you with us here on t.v. today i'm sure. you know you and james. people. but. so look at a soldier who has never faults never met his enemy face to face or never felt the
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strength of his enemy is not ready psychologically or physically to fight but that is why the most important and the only possible way to overcome those fears is to practice and to spark. one thing you do in the paratroopers the assistants if you get knocked down you go to get back up again i was. going to. dive in a body well i don't i don't want. to go but stop. you. this is well done. so that was a good lesson when you're ok. moto i feel a bit sick of course.
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because time to hand combat is a last resort ideally heavy artillery should make sure the enemy never gets that place. in all time drills where patrolling the hills almost every day. nobody on salt is a double edged sword you spread the intense heat from inside but you have to hang on for dear life you managed to inhale some air among the clouds of dust but tanks and their stories speak temperamental and maintaining them is a full time job. and a child first we all have girlfriends we call them and feel. happy that each then in three or four sometimes even five months it's like what's wrong with i've broken up with my girlfriend why she cheated on me how do you know my friends told me it
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happened to me too everything seemed to be fine then i cold and her cell phone was off. anyway she's not the only one apparently the army gives you women trouble who thought it don't forget it's not too long to learn coming home. we've been moved into a field camp so sadly my days of comfortable living are over there are about thirty of a searing a tent and most of our chores involved digging out the ground for the new ones to be put up. i'm spending a lot of time with my tank pursued apparently they've got something special in store for me i'm not sure whether to be a warrior or not. james now we're going to drive a tank of your. courage and resolve that brace yourself you got ready ready. to get into position here. head
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forward and tuck your gun and. lead in the right direction of the tank. keep your elbows close the closer you keep them below you'll be ready. let's go. congratulations your training has been a success. there were you done it. and the more you train your soldiers the more
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you learn about that was called can you see what they can do and how they can do it you become confident in them and in yourself as well. if anything were to happen you'll sure do everything well it's theirs but they're doing as a unit is capable of performing any time because of this training. let us know the enemy's been identified most of the group is going to lie in ambush with the objective of capturing one of the captain's offices. one chapter of the group. on this side so there's a to. begin understood team. got to get into position private brown smoke will signal the attack you take the left flank i'll take the right.
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i just get used to having the tanks on my side now we have to learn how to ambush one. of the. taking the ridge across the. fifteen vehicles. they haven't taught us interrogation techniques yet i think that must be an advanced course. one of the regular favorites here is
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but we eat with a chunk of can beef. but it's calories and we all empty all messed hints. despite the fact that we're living in a muddy fields we still have to keep ourselves clean and tidy and there are a few tricks of been able to pick up. ok how do you feel altogether which i mean at the beginning was that you know initially we didn't understand each other at all of course because we were all from different cultures with different approaches to life but first there were conflicts but in two or three weeks we got used to each other and became friends. everything's been fine since he learned to get on with people who are it's essential here. like your tunic is almost ready we only have to dry it but when it's dry it'll look fine with just stamp it
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a bit more here so that it won't rip. tides out light out lights out. tomorrow i get a chance of redemption. all the training all the loss all the pain i'm about to find out if it's been worth it. one thing's for sure it's going to be terrifying. a couple of weeks ago if you told me i'd be sitting on the tarmac waiting to jump out of an airplane loft. my last training session on the practice tower was a disaster i couldn't go through with it. i was only forty metres i'm about to try a. while jumping from an illusion is worse than from an answer of
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some of those with the answer now if it's like jumping off a stool if you just drop the ball nothing to be afraid of but if a strong gust catches you're going to just amazing images you think you're ready. for let's see. hope so. we're waiting for what seems like hours eventually we get the all clear good weather is due on the horizon perfect jumping conditions. there's no backing out this time. i'm going to have people in front of me i'm behind if i don't go no one else can snow melts. the equipment checks one last time and we're ready to fly. everyone's handling it in a different way. there are guys here who jump three or four times and this has never done it before. on trying to think about anything roll them what's about to happen
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as the plane takes off. i hope i'm in for a soft landing. first the tank goes out the back and it's a. this is what makes the bit of a unique. guy say it's better when you can see the ground. help the right. the moment you realize your shoes actually open must be the greatest feeling in the world. blissful relief. and with the wind direction.
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it's easy to lose your concentration but you still have to think about landing the wrong position could mean a broken leg or worse. take the harness off. and actually made it for that brief moment i felt like a power trip. well probably brown now your more than just a parachute jump so you're a real paratrooper thank you very much congratulations now moves into position for
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the initiation into position for the initiation. let's do it. two three. four hundred one five hundred thirty five and three pull five hundred four father and five. nobody but us that's. way of life and no task is impossible we can make it all happen. we doesn't matter what kind of situation it is. we have to be there first and fulfill the task to make our government proud of us and this is almost a full life but it's how we live. look and i think about a friend you know. right alston don't forget to take care of the actually most of your book that person so great my hands that. i can see why everyone says the different men off to the army get some psycho for us these young soldiers have to
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make for me it was exhilarating agonizing heartbreaking and amazing but i won't lie i'm relieved i'm coming home. it was a. very hard to take a. look again. at that that will make their lives.
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millions around the globe struggle with hunger each good. what if someone offers a lifetime food supply no charge they carry said they can the very strong push against g.m.o. and we think that. the genetic anymore the right products are priest to tool that there is no. evidence to this any problem with
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genetic engineering when you make a deal. or is free cheese always in the most tract i don't believe that i destroyed all four and then three. then primary market is profit. my need. for social justice golden rice on our team. my comrades soldiers you're in the military now no more joking any more. never been some time in my life. every day with the story absolutely makes. you think it's going to be easy to fire. but everyone's desperate. just best to. college. honestly i don't know if i'm going to make it to the end though can still pulling
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some i'm just a book on the left i don't know what to do. real damage and complexity of this oil spill was not something you can grasp just by looking at dirty birds we have between four to five million people in this directly affected area of the coast and it's pretty clear why it's not being reported because b.p. can't afford to have a reported all along. the gulf coast are clean they are safe and they're open for business if b.p. is the single largest oil contributor to the pentagon the us war machine is heavily reliant upon b.p. and their oil this is a huge step backwards for the marker c. it's a step forward. carex it is toxic is a look a lot like spray in vietnam it was it was not a picture that either the government or b.p.
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really wanted to have out there i don't want dispersants to be the agent. of this. activism politics in a cold place and a whole lot of media publicity what is greenpeace all about today is it is smug and self promoting or a brave environmentalist opinions vary and at the very center of the debate surrounding organizations such as greenpeace is the question whether they have the right to operate outside the law. to limp a torch is on its epic journey to such. one hundred twenty three days. through two thousand nine hundred top two cities of russia. relayed by fourteen thousand people or sixty five thousand killings. in a record setting trip by land air sea and others face.
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a limp torch relay. on r t r t dot com. this is today britain's intelligence chief warns the country is facing his grave this terror threat from al qaeda affiliates so i think thousands of islamic extremists living and. president obama says they'll be no negotiations with his opponents until the shutdown is over and the debt ceiling is raised with. america's political impasse. and saudi arabia reportedly team up to take on syria and iran.


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