tv Headline News RT October 12, 2013 12:00am-12:30am EDT
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it was. built. the. first song all the. n.s.a. whistleblower edward snowden makes his first public statement since being granted asylum in russia after being presented with an award for his revelations. global march against frankenfood protestors and hundreds of cities across the world unite to vent their anger at the methods of g.m. giant wants. no deal to end america's budget deadlock the white house and republicans agreed to continue talking while cancer patients see their treatments put on hold. for the matter of life or death it's not a matter of inconvenience or just in your patient for us we need this treatment.
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and i welcome it's good to have you company watching r.t. this morning with me and. i would snowden hasn't been seen by the wider public since he received political asylum in russia until now wiki leaks has released new footage of the n.s.a. whistleblower they did not reveal exactly where it was filmed though because of concerns about his security when aussies you see catherine of can tell us more about we haven't seen snowden for a long time since the summer in fact but he had plenty to say that's right and you know this is the first video of edward snowden that since he received asylum in russia as you mentioned the last time that the world caught a glimpse of the n.s.a. whistleblower was of course inside the transit zone of moscow's sheremetyevo airport that was back on july. well for now this new footage was taken adjourned
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the sam adams associates for integrity in intelligence awards ceremony where he was actually joined by a number of interesting people including the former n.s.a. executive thomas drake former f.b.i. agent coleen rowley both of them whistleblowers in their own respects as well as just one radek from the government accountability project also a whistle blower and former cia analyst ray mcgovern now those for we were actually quite lucky to have them stopped by our studios right here in moscow last week at r t mr snowden meanwhile did speak out quite a bit he discussed the government transparency situation in the united states let's take a quick listen to what he had to say about that this latest you know relationship to go where we know exactly for sure it's on the wrong. side to the bombs. but they'll
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stop ok the. first stop will be to try. so strong passionate feelings as you heard right there mr snowden did also say that he doesn't believe mass surveillance actually increases people safety a point of view that he thinks is growing more popular across the world now the organization lucy that provided us with those clips and we keep leaks and the man in charge of that june in the sun has also voiced concerns his name once he said he certainly has r.t. did have the opportunity to sit down exclusively with the wiki leaks founder julian assange this was at the ecuadorian embassy in london where he still held now mr saunders said that he was basically concerned not for mr snowden but for the safety of those who have been helping him and publishing his leaks let's take a listen to what he had to say. i'm more concerned in terms of prison people at risk. center harrison who was involved in killing it would start out
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of home spend thirty nine days with him more school report protecting him following petitions to be in russia. now she's from the u.k. because we know he got a newspaper that was rated grills part time for nine hours on the counter terrorism act here without charges and a formal investigation for terrorism investigation has started all. over in relation to all those people. so there you have it julian assange speaking out there now as for edward snowden he is safe and sound in an undisclosed location here in moscow where he was just finally able to meet with this father both the songs and snowden though very much concerned about the state of whistleblowers across the world and and how the people who have been helping with these current leaks are going to be treated of course the situation is far from over and work certainly following the developments as they do come up yes i k all right thank you
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lucy that's. lucy catherine off. now worldwide running against genetically modified food giant monsanto is being held across the globe activists are protesting the use of potentially harmful chemicals in food production something monsanto says is the only way to feed the globe's growing population while hundreds of cities are set to take part in the march across more than sixty countries and you can see just how widespread the action will be on this map sorry we do not have that map but artie's report now i can tell us more now from the field in the land of super size approximately eighty five percent of all processed foods contain genetically modified organisms g.m.o. is an acronym that owes its notoriety largely to the agriculture giant monsanto a multinational billion dollar corporation generating global criticism revolving around the safety of its products and growing a monopoly over the world's food supply they are able to patent their genetically
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modified foods with a very strong patent for farmers can only beasts the seeds from monsanto each year and they can't save the seeds and farmers who have tried to save seeds or have their farms contaminated months and was gone after them and sued them or only into growing their crops researchers have documented dozens of health risks. modified foods and the majority of americans have campaigned for g.m.o. foods to be labeled just like these organic fruits are labeled but so far the will of the people has been silenced by the money of monsanto according to open secrets dot org the companies spent nearly six million dollars last year lobbying federal lawmakers and food regulators the payoff came this year with the passing of the so-called monsanto protection act a bill that gives the biotech companies immunity from lawsuits pertaining to the
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production and sale of genetically modified seeds the new reality of the world is that chemical companies are feeding us and our families and i hadn't realized that before that it is now sort of already to the table rather than farm to table and in an effort to widen its power and profit the agriculture giant has recently purchased a corporation which sells climate data to farmers the price tag of nine hundred thirty million dollars wasn't a problem for monsanto which grossed a reported thirteen point five billion dollars in revenue last year but decades before g.m. most and fears about modified foods came along monsanto was already in business it helped bring pesticides agent orange and terminator seeds to the market agent orange was used by the u.s. military during the vietnam war where it's estimated to have killed hundreds of thousands of people its effects are still being felt today vietnam says some half
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a million children have suffered birth defects due to herbicide. monsanto's current practices have ignited protests around the globe. millions are taking to the streets demanding that big food comes clean by either label eat genetically engineered products or not selling them at all marina port ny r.t. new york. i'm on santa is not the only g.m. producer causing concern we spoke to colin o'neill who is director of government affairs at the center for food safety in the u.s. and he says such companies have the power to pressure governments worldwide to get their products on the market these marches are raising awareness about the issue and bring awareness not only about monsanto and its influence in agriculture but also other chemical companies that have become major agribusiness influences on
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capitol hill i think you we see an overwhelming influence in governments and that really has to do with money that these are major chemical companies the top i mean fifty three percent over fifty three percent of seeds are owned by just a handful of these major agribusiness chemical companies so they exert tremendous influence in politics and have millions upon millions of dollars to spend to ensure that their products get spread through reviews and also to ensure that consumers are not informed about what the products they are eating so for instance not labeling genetically engineered foods and of course we will be following closely the global action against g.m. foods here and online as well so do stay with us for the latest it's i was global business. interests versus millions of voices billions in profits versus global.
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argy. bargy dot com. president obama and house republicans have again failed to reach a deal to end the u.s. budget crisis the white times rejected a republican proposal for a short term lifting of the debt ceiling. we cannot have a situation where we use extended as part of a budget negotiation process for only six weeks which would put us right back in the same position that we are in now while obama spokesperson said the president would only sign a clean short term increase of the ball rolling limit that means one three of any policy demands republicans want to do today obama's health care reforms but the white house is refusing to discuss this until the government is reopened if no agreement is reached the u.s. will run out of money ties with the seventeenth and will default to some including cancer patients whose treatment has been put on hold things are already bad enough
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. lives are at stake two hundred people are trying to get into trials at an age each week and if each week passes that's another two hundred that are turned away at this time and it's a matter of life or death it's not a matter of inconvenience or just an irritation for us we need this treatment michelle langbehn was diagnoses with she was supposed to receive treatment at the u.s. national institutes of health but was turned away after lawmakers failed to agree on the budget we asked what she'd like to say to them i have heard a couple of instances where they find that this is just the game between them and it's a matter of winning and i'd like to say that it's not a matter of when or lose i mean it's a please listen to the people and know that it's affecting so many. that are in need of help on truckers take up the task of forcing lawmakers to solve. blocking
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highway. trying to get into d.c. stories just ahead also reports of a humanitarian crisis in syria with the country gripped by civil war but we take a look at just these claims to reality. react to situations i have read the reports for. the pollution and no i will leave that to the state department to comment on your point of view to carry on the job. no gonna. take no more. when you question me prepared for a change when you when you should be ready for a. freedom of speech. down the freedom to question.
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wealthy british style. market. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger the no holds barred look at the global financial headlines. kaiser reports. soldiers you're in the military now no more joking or. never but sometimes one life. every day with the story. you think it's going to be. good everyone's.
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list. i don't know if i'm going to make it to the end. just a book on the left i don't know what to do. welcome back with some world news in brief twenty seven people have been confirmed dead by carrying african migrants capsized in the mediterranean sea most of the approximately eight hundred who were on board have been rescued by multis into tully in a ship supported by heavy culpepper's in a similar incident last week more than three hundred people mostly from eritrea and somalia trying navy italian island of lampedusa. but his way that has detained
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a u.s. operated ship which to disputed waters off the vessel was being you. by an american oil exploration company called the move an unprecedented threat to peace while venezuela said the ship violated its exclusive economic zone without permission a border rather tween the two south american countries has lasted for over a century with the search for resources fueling tension. syrian government troops and militias seized to serve in damascus suburbs from opposition groups strengthening their hold on the supply lines the fighters include shiites from iraq and lebanon's hezbollah clashes took place close to a major chemical weapons facility where experts overseeing the elimination of toxic arms argued meanwhile human rights watch says rebel forces were responsible for a civilian massacre in all girls which killed at least two hundred people in fro regime villages. or staying with syria talk of
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a humanitarian crisis has been the fuel for western calls for an intervention in the conflict many reports suggest ordinary life for most syrians has more or less ground to hold but often reality can be quite different as r.t. reports now that we have been able to make progress on the chemical weapons issue we should not forget we also needed to make progress on the humanitarian issue a warning echoing throughout many corridors of power in the way of states is on track to be. the biggest humanitarian catastrophe of the twenty first century this is building into one of the great humanitarian crisis on the face of the planet. no this is not true we hardly know they are all liars we don't care what they say outside here as you can see we have no trouble in this bakery in downtown damascus tens of thousands of traditional rugby floats all churned out each day the machines
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work sixteen hours a day six days a week. we have extra quantities enough for another fifteen days. while in this public market and the thousands like across syria shoppers and management tell us in tunis they've never been any shortages. regarding rice and sugar there are always available we never have a shortage of them and our warehouses are always full. but it's not what the foreign media reports the worst humanitarian crisis since the end of the cold war and we're seeing evidence of the humanitarian situation inside syria and it is only getting worse isom adani recently arrived in the country and was shocked to find that local stores are full i thought that there would be nothing nothing at all everywhere in the supermarkets and nothing to eat and nothing i was really very agreeably surprised there is a lot of everything you know fruits bread. vegetables
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were ok of syrian origin i said lives in france where she works hard to counter mainstream media bias she believes the french press like others does not report the truth about syria and they were always there ling lies and they were really part of the project. a lot of. constant b.b.c. were and c.n.n. all of them they were talking exactly the same thing at the same time the same moment with the same. slogans i consider slogans that suggest ordinary life for most of damascus citizens has ground to a halt but the reality is that most people here are going about their daily routine far removed from the hardships depicted in the foreign press but when it comes to shortages there is one that is crippling the economy queues like this are commonplace at gas stations around the country caused by sanctions imposed by the
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united states and the european union i want to create the very countries that are calling for humanitarian intervention. the syrian people need a solution now the governments or the media who are trying to use everything we have even the small things like bread to justify their own image. actives the fight for syria is far from over and the psychological the battle of perceptions over reality is likely to be fought for as long if not longer than the sides who have taken up arms against each other. r.t. damascus. right from the scene. first struck. and i think the jury. on our reporters were there. and i.
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am the. one. that might be one of the world's most popular tourist destinations boasting historic sites and exciting events but the city of london has won a less or suspicious title it's been named the worst time in the u.k. artes or smith ask the man behind the award why. it's interesting the dreary day here in london typical of tell you the weather which makes perfect day for me to tell you that nothing has been facing the worst area in the u.k. to live in despite the fact that within a mile radius from here the houses of parliament westminster abbey the london eye and other really famous landmarks it's a book called crash towns returns which lists the fifty worst places to be in the u.k. i don't think london i didn't really understand this is a city of london being the worst place but luckily some jordison say to explain
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that to me with an umbrella and his copy of town to tell them you love it i mean i can think of ten worst places just off the top of my head what your criteria are all kinds of criteria i think one of the things that people writing about a lot is the daily grind it so hard in london getting on that the northern light having your on but i mean you'll know you jammed into someone else's all hours of the time expense the fact that it costs so much to to buy property or is in fact impossible for most people to buy property in the center of london is be hollowed out a union as can afford to stay not even professionals like doctors can and there's also a lot of anger with london coming from the rest of the country had the banking crisis which is all centered around london and then we're told that subsequently the recession is over and there's growth but only london really seems to be getting the benefits and is sticking up another housing bubble it's primarily it's a book that people read in the toilet and it's made to make them laugh it does it
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doesn't seem to provoke to mind. people thinking about the times and the way we treat and the way we live and hopefully start a conversation quite serious conversation ok sam johnson thank you very much it's certainly easy to say on a day like today why london might not be everyone's idea of paradise because because it's the capital city it get inside and out is it is from the outside they . you know if you went to visit trying to make it very reliable and people are very rude might just be possible for london to pick up its behavior in the next ten years and become no white. on air and online here's a taste of what we've got. loads. luckily the driver of this truck managed to get just minutes before trying smashed into it and drive did along the trunk you can check out the video and find
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out exactly what happened. under spending hours ago this was put in one by an authority you would get it right the vatican's withdrawn a series of papal commemorative medals which celebrate. rather than jesus we've got the full story. well the government has shut itself down so hundreds of truckers decided to shut down the capitol in response they got behind the wheel in protest and cited washington to clog up the traffic on interstates the hosts of prime interest reports. tucker's ride for the constitution is a deep rooted grass roots campaign independent truck drivers and they words they are quote leaving a convoy to deliver their truck or demands and their left hand in the us constitution and non-negotiable rise in their right hand they took off this morning to the interstate surrounding d.c.
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to bring attention to their cause by backing up traffic they say obama's policies are forcing toddlers to work under madame wage and putting a lot of people out of work. if you haven't been in. your life you don't deserve to be making rules for guys that are now this campaign started about a month ago but it has escalated use of the administration's response to the government shutdown people are going to remember all this idiocy and food business during the shutdown i believe president obama had a plan that he was going to take and punish the american people but he went a little too far when he started shutting down war memorials for like the greatest generation in our history some other demands might just surprise you take a listen part of our agenda is we're calling for his resignation or impeachment just like marcy in egypt and if we raise one hundred million americans across the country we will demand his resignation or pressure of the house and senate to come
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for his impeachment own treason and for other than calling for of iraq obama to leave office they are also demanding that the usa shall not support al qaeda the debt ceiling shall not be raised and the national security agency's surveillance of the entire world communications must cease among other they're calling this a gas it roots campaign they probably have one hundred fifty thousand likes on facebook and they have lost a twitter campaign and hash tag t two s t a s r truckers to shut down and america this is day one of their four day campaign they haven't quite shut down the country but they are tooting their horns loudly and they have been heard in washington d.c. perry and boring party. is coming up to help last night here in the russian capital on but with more news in about half an hour's time up next it's marks the college report.
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there's a lead us so we believe that maybe. by the same motions to cure. your party there's a poll. questions that no one is asking with the guests that you deserve answers from it's all on politics only on our t.v. . the real damage and complexity of this oil spill was not something you can grasp just by looking at dirty birds we have between four to five million people in this directly affected area of the coast and it's pretty clear why it's not being reported because b.p. can't afford to have a reported all along the gulf coast are clean they are safe and they're open for business if b.p. is the single largest oil contributor to the pentagon the us war machine is heavily
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reliant upon b.p. and their oil this is a huge step backwards for the marker c. it's a step forward for oligarchy carex it is toxic is a look a lot like spraying in vietnam it was it was not a picture that either the government or b.p. really wanted to have out there i don't want dispersants to be the agent. of this bill's. emission free cretaceous free transport charges free. range month free risk free. to tide free. download free broadcast quality video for your media projects a free media don carty dot com.
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welcome to the kaiser report. as are you know recently the prime minister here in the u.k. david cameron claimed the profits were not a dirty word i have news for you dave profit isn't even a word now with any objective meaning anyway thanks to accounting fraud it's whatever some shimada with the bean counter wants to be and so so you do have all these units of accounting fraud let's call them profits then what stacey exactly max because we hear all the time profits are up profits are down profits are up profits are down and nothing ever seems to change in the real economy this first headline year the profits profit profits have been booming in america reaching the highest proportion of g.d.p. since the second world war given such buoyant conditions you might imagine that
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businesses are investing like crazy to take advantage of all those great opportunities correct no they're not max because instead businesses are handing cash back to shareholders a tactic once reserved for executives who had run out of ideas in two thousand and eleven the value of america's share buybacks was equal to two point seven percent of g.d.p. in britain the figure was three point one percent or yeah you bring up a couple points are they the important point here is that when the corporations report on their profits that is a number that is delivered to them by one of the big four accounting agencies to report as their profit but what we've discovered is that these big four accounting agencies like the banks on wall street like the hedge funds like the rating agencies are also committing massive fraud and they simply cooked the books on the mandate of the c.e.o. who wants to report numbers that they feel.
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