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tv   Prime Interest  RT  October 12, 2013 9:29am-10:01am EDT

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this is coming i don't know what will happen that we are we've got it's. third time it's just very frightening. these people feel betrayed what were the responsible authorities thinking the study was financed by the national health office of the united states and conducted by tufts university they made no official comment only that the research project was the subject of an ongoing investigation how does this story fit in with the inventor's humanitarian ideals veers into false if we assumed that everything was being done properly and i'm still assume that. i don't know the chinese partners but i know the partners from the us i actually still believe that they did everything correctly. why do they need to know why and how was the spanish produce that was used in the trial how was the gelatine
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produced that was in the capsules that surrounded each of the doses of the b. the counting that was given in oil where did the oil come from there is no. evidence that there's any problem with genetic engineering is genetic engineering a plan is harmless an experiment involving rats raises a few doubts at the university of conning friends rats were fed genetically modified corn for two years it was the first ever long term experiment with genetically engineered food the result that genetic corn caused tumors the study was conducted by french genetic researcher seventy. the tumors appeared as early as four months into the study as you know the earliest a tumor can develop is after ninety days they exploded in quantity as well as the number of kidney and liver diseases that resulted in the death of the rats
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beginning around the end of the first year that means after about half of the normal life time for these animals than any human. several leamy interprets the development of tumors like this the genetic manipulation change the chemical composition of the feed corn that may have depressed the animals immune defense against cancer. i were results show that all the genetically engineered projects already being distributed really should be stopped this study elicited very controversial reactions in the scientific community genetic research is a highly charged topic politically and illogically several eenie calls for close examination of the risks also those of golden rice only if you take it seriously and don't want to play with the health of the public it's absolutely necessary to conduct a long term tests like this one before putting the rights on the market. and rice would hardly be approved for the swiss market without prior animal testing
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according to the federal health office but no such tests have been conducted for the philippines. you've got the study by the swiss national research programme or dish which states explicitly that from everything we know so far there is no danger and that there is no theoretical danger to be expected in golden rice we have the same substance wearing justing every day when we ate carrots of which we've already consumed hundreds of kilograms without any adverse effects there were exactly the same molecules as has been scientifically clearly proven and now with golden rice which could protect children from going blind or dying we're expected to conduct long term studies for potentially fifty years before we accept that this rice is safe to eat that it does sound a little crazy. but to genetically engineer plants have
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a known side effects should we really take that risk the island a boy a province in the central part of the philippines doesn't want to take the risk the island's government has bench unethically modified plants so there won't be any golden rice here but according to national statistics the. people suffer from vitamin a deficiency how will they solve the problem. it's sunday morning we are visiting the family a typical family a rice farmers. cooking rice is one of the first things they do every day. the family is self-sufficient living from what they grow they have little
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opportunity to make any money to buy food in a store they have to depend on what nature provides a daughter or a shell breaks off a few twigs from a tree its leaves are especially rage in vitamins and minerals including pro vitamin a. and a few blades of lemon grass for taste. you know the family usually eats red rice it's more nutritious than the white curry and we are told. to move it. along with the rice there's a little fish and decided guy leaves from the family garden.
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we always help raise what we eat with it depends on what we can harvest from the garden and what we can afford to buy that. meat is rare once in a while there's an ache depends on what their models farm can produce. fruits provide important nutrients coconut mango bananas and. this one. i was one of. the well. you know one of the books were surprised how much the family is able to get out of the scarce ingredients available to them but it. shows us his rice fields he owns just a quarter of a hector of land most of the time there's not even enough rice to feed the six
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members of the family. in its current stage of growth the rice has to be flooded every two days that allows him to come back the main pest a snail using biological methods it isn't much but it works without the use of chemical additives he assures us that this method has proven successful on his small farm. we learn that the farming families on this island are organized in the so-called poor ox units of ten to fifteen households that are trained in agricultural issues if necessary they may even receive seedlings free of charge in addition the island's government also trains local health workers and that after you know everyone. at the book is good i look at all of these courses they learn for example which vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamin e. he said but they guess but i know i'm i said the way you looked up there the main goal the big man. by the way and become so
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that is we take advantage of the opportunity to ask whether there are currently cases of vitamin a deficiency on the island will be about what i am baby atheist and see those three would be. you know it's. more of the off. i hate seeing the last thing a cell was in nine hundred eighty s. less big sack and a chilling chat. this is an amazing claim according to national statistics the island is considered a region deficient in vitamin a but the local health workers have not documented any cases they don't know where and how the national statistics are compiled. our visit to the island raised a lot of new questions we saw
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a population that while poor enjoys a well balanced diet and contrast to the official national statistics there's no sun in a vitamin a deficiency here. what does the inventor of golden rice have to say about what we have observed. does it is for me that doesn't surprise me because it is not very easy to document it is although statistically it is certain that these cases exist the philippines are not a very good example because in the philippines vitamin a deficiency is a problem for only about ten percent of the population with and for other countries provide better perspectives for girls i was recently in india where i visited a village of traditional farmers i wasn't there for thirty minutes before i had seen two cases so the cases do exist as it is you just have to look out for them in the right segments of the population. for evolution in the us and.
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although vitamin a deficiency is said to be more prevalent in india the miracle rice is planned for introduction in the philippines first we contacted innumerable organisations and authorities charged with document ing vitamin a deficiency. without success. we would like to have spoken with the national authorities again no success instead they sent us an e-mail referring us to another office once again we were perplexed they were referring us to an office we had already tried to contact namely the national rice research institute phill rice. in other words to the same people who are working with the erie to bring golden rice to market as quickly as possible. and subway doors begin opening. up you know. we have an appointment with antonio.
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indeed even though. actually nothing very good has happened in afghanistan the last twelve years and that's something western media and political leaders don't like to talk about anymore well there's really no actual practicing democracy to speak of in afghanistan what you have is a kleptocratic corrupt. state but we should reframe the question so as only just stays there there will be violence there will be chaos because as an occupying power it began you know the u.s. wants to keep a footprint there but the longer its footprint is there the more well with lin had
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to say the violence will continue because of occupation you know just the fact that the afghan government has not yet been able to convince the afghan people that it provides a better alternative. israel is the country iran threatens to. why palace chose a deal with them nobody that could the iranian leadership openly says so in this sense there is no difference between rouhani enough medina good as a vehicle for his visit to new york through honey publicly declared that their goal is to annihilate israel. wealthy british style sign some time to. find. markets why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy
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with max concert for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kinds a report on r g. d a limpid torch is on its epic journey to structure. one hundred twenty three days. through two thousand nine hundred towns and cities of russia. relayed by fourteen thousand people or sixty five thousand killing. in a record setting trip by land air sea and others face. a limp torch relay. on r t r c dot com. real damage and complexity of this oil spill was not something you can grasp just by looking at dirty birds we have between four to five million people in this directly affected area of the coast and it's pretty clear why it's not being
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reported because b.p. can't afford to have a reported all along the gulf coast are clean they are safe and they're open for business if b.p. is the single largest oil contributor to the pentagon the us war machine is heavily reliant upon b.p. and their. boyle this is a huge step backwards for democracy it's a step forward for oligarchy carex it is toxic is a look a lot like spray. it was it was not a picture of either the government or b.p. really wanted to have out there i don't want dispersants to be the agent on. this. and tony all of fonso was the top man in the golden rice project we asked him why we weren't allowed to film the golden rice harvest. what was wrong with us
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well. yes yes we received your. requests and our communications team related it took twenty we did start with the process of requesting them to and the project decided that it's not the right thing it's not the proper time to do it and for what that is on i cannot tell you that we got all the same some golden rice what did you get because that's the secret i'm sure it did not come from the philippines because the philippines is this illegal in the us you don't believe it i don't believe it because there's no way for somebody like you in the media to be holding things like this because our policy is it's very clear in the philippians access the world that i should only be limited to what i special and i'm not sure they don't have the authorization to
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have access the us. so well. can you explain what's going on with a golden rice often. you harvest. and then i just have to compile all those regulatory data those coming from the field is just one part of it there will be a date that i mean from the lab you know protein analysis positional analyses all these things all those will be form part of that regulatory set of data that will be submitted to the regulator and that's the department of agriculture bureau plant in the story so based on those data they will make an evaluation. it's gold in the days safe the. basic by safety requirements when we philippine people eat golden rice so where would the golden rice become available
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for planting iris i can tell you that i was i can have a definite answer to your question but i can't because it would depend on that. if and when they would approve god based on that they that he will submit to them if this group had its way the people of the philippines would never eat golden rice this is the rice cultivation center of the park an organization made up of small farmers it is a nationwide network with thirty five thousand members farmers who cultivate their fields using traditional equipment and who raise traditional types of rice. in this at the moment. and i said but i this plant bed but they know it all. but some of them had been planted in the with the saw we have. two thousand six hundred. an enormous variety cheechoo medina and
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his team document each and every strain with all their individual characteristics farmers can acquire tried and tested traditional seeds and multiply them on their own free of charge. sheet to medina takes us to the treasury of the organization. this is a presentation on. this book to decide and must be progress on the other side all of this important to me and they because. most of them would be put in a mental conditions they should. events so part of the why and in the order to leave an order the have something to eat they need to this day but it's about a this in the show him having this seeds into the hands of the pot of lettuce is
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sent out of the words of the element and bottoming because at this time the scenes that are being button and needed to be bought by a us service at least this will spur part of a space on subsistence in their own land for them to do and for them to sort of buy golden rice is not essential for survival he believes a specialist in different strains of rice insists we take one more rice sample from his own collection and give it a try. who in this country really wants the golden miracle rice the government the researchers the international rice research institute erie. ultimately even the erie opened its doors to us after all the reason for this change of heart remains a mystery they even offered to show us real golden rice growing in philippine soil it wasn't outdoors in an open field as originally agreed but at
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a heavily guarded experimental field at the organization's headquarters. so this bruce tolentino led us to research most will guarded treasure so this building. this is called worth. the. access to this greenhouse is controlled you have to log in and we ensure that no animals birds or rats get into that we notice and spread the seeds around because we want to make sure that the research being done here follows all the protocols for credible science. that golden rice growing in a hermetically sealed greenhouse. is the security intended to protect animals.
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what would happen if burris started eating vs beta carotene grains. the answer to this question has yet to be investigated. dearie demonstrates how the genetically modified plants are harvested one by one. ok well this varieties are being planted and we are testing a range of varieties to find out which of the varieties can yield the great this level of beta carotene and we try to improve the varieties each step of the way and at this stage it's been an improvement from the varieties that are planted out in the field but we keep working because the beta carotene content needs to be improved sort of you need some benchmark standards that have been set apparently the rice is still in its test face still the authorities are expected to
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consider approving it for the market within the current year. once again we are perplexed the authorities have already approved several genetically engineered plants. a magical moment the yellow green first appears when the show has been removed the authorities seem confident that the success of these greens will start soon half the world's population iterates every day so if you can enrich rice if you can fortify rice with white them in a beta carotene you can help a lot of people with no additional expense we've been hoping that this race could be available this year i would not be surprised if in fifty years. people look at white rice and think what nurse is that anemic stuff and when their grandfathers tell them it's what we're used to we. they will hardly believe it.
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initially golden rice was planned to be marketed only in the philippines and in bangladesh. that was the plan set out by the gates foundation. as the principal donor and gets to make the decisions but the inventor patroclus wants his miracle rice to be introduced worldwide preferably sooner than later he is irritated at the dictatorship of money and i think they came into the project at the end just as we were almost finished and we worked for twenty years to develop this rice without any help from the gates foundation and then in the end gates comes in with his riches and takes the entire project over for turning it into a gates project. singh going to forwarded its research material to erie and later in collaboration with the gates foundation also relinquished rights and responsibilities regarding golden rice to the erie. the inventor did not approve of
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this agreement made in two thousand and ten. but his objections were ignored today to try because feels he was booted out. that iseman data rights leader working within the philippines today doesn't it belong to you anymore in the good ones morally and legally it still belongs to us but on the basis of the material transfer agreement which is an agreement between the gates foundation eerie and single we were circumvented as a good. that means at the moment we have no direct influence on what has been going on at the erie for the past two years. as it is and if we are not happy about these developments we consider it not only unfair but also legally improper. of the we don't intend to take. these and.
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send us a letter saying they claim that the erie contemporarily determine what happens with golden rice is incorrect they went on to say we would like to state that our interest in golden rice is of a purely humanitarian nature. a noble motivation but one that was unwilling to state on camera we are perplexed for weeks we tried to persuade to participate in this film without success. and what about the disappointed inventor put trying because he is still optimistic . in the i will of achieved my goal when the rice is being eaten by the people we made for that is to save the poor people in developing countries who are in danger of developing serious medical conditions due to a lock of vitamin a. i know seventy nine years old i don't know whether i'll still
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be here in a year or two or three i hope i will still be alive when golden rice is finally in use in the philippines maybe in bangladesh and additions. with a genetically modify golden rice created by him as i actually benefit the people in developing countries the way its inventor hopes it will why are the authorities hiding behind closed doors if golden rice is approved in the philippines the floodgates will open and there will be the. consequences once a genetically engineered version of people's most important basic food stuff has been approved it will be easier to gain approval for additional genetically modified fruits.
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and. a. place if it was a. very hard to take out. once again that long there is a lot that we never had that would make their lives so that one. of those.
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players. play a. little bit of. a. i come around soldiers you're in the military now no more joking any more. never been some time in my life. every day with those two obsolete limits. do you think it's going to be easy to find. but everyone's desperate. just best to. try. to sleep i don't know if i'm going to make it to the end the can stop filming some
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i'm just a book on the left i don't know what to do. mission free cretaceous free transport charges free. range month free. three stooges free. download free broadcast quality video for your media projects a free media and on to our teeth on top. real damage and complexity of this oil spill was not something you can grasp just by looking at dirty birds we have between four to five million people in this directly affected area of the coast and it's pretty clear why it's not being reported because b.p. can't afford to have a reported all along the gulf coast are clean they are safe and they're open for business if b.p. is the single largest oil contributor to the pentagon the us war machine is heavily
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reliant upon b.p. and their oil this is a huge step backwards for the marker sea it's a step forward for. carex it is toxic is a look a lot like spraying in vietnam it was it was not a picture of either the government. or b.p. really wanted to have out there i don't want dispersants to be the agent. is the real steel. drum opposed to trying to be ignored. in the. stories others refuse to notice. the faces changing the world. filled picture of today's leaves no longer from around the globe.
10:00 am
dropped it. will suck a known for the first stone cold and true. the first vizio whistleblower edward snowden and mergers the sans his leaks about the n.s.a. to force the full intelligence analyst on the run from washington's prosecution. the wild again so called frankenfood accidents and hundreds of cities across the globe take to the streets and protest at the dram giant also wanted. says u.s. politicians a break out with a budget and the government shutdown continues we'll speak with a counselor patient who is among hundreds of being denied treatment because of the deadlock. the matter of life or death it's not a matter of inconvenience or.


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