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tv   Prime Interest  RT  October 12, 2013 11:01pm-11:30pm EDT

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with us. guys i'm having martin and this is breaking the sat so tampa bay local news just came out with a stunning report apparently and recent flight from d.c. to orlando hosted what can only be described as a terrorist dry run take a look at how they figured it out. crewmembers say that shortly after takeoff a group of four quote middle eastern men caused a commotion the witnesses claim one of the men ran from his seat in coach toward the flight deck door he made a hard left and entered the forward bathroom quote for a considerable length of time where let me get this straight a guy that had been arab looked at the bathroom at a flight because he may have had a bad case of diarrhea side effects from bad airline food yep definitely a red flag but i can't be the only reason for it. while he was in there the
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other three men proceeded to move about the cabin changing seats opening overhead bins and quote generally making a scene but ten news investigators contacted both u.s. airways and t.s.a. and both confirmed the incident. well i'm glad that the t.s.a. confirmed that three men were shuffling around in their overhead bins on by the way the t.s.a. also followed up by saying that there is no need to investigate this incident any further basically this isn't news at all and these concerns completely baseless so what is this really all about. you will remember this day as long as you live the memories and images of nine eleven are seared in the minds of almost every american . that's how this news report started yes it seems like we can't go one day without being really traumatized about the nine eleven terrorist attack that happened twelve years ago you know the reason stories like this even gain traction in the
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first place is because of the fear of the other or by that i mean anyone who remotely looks brown and to prove my point it just so happens that i have acquired some rare footage of what really went down on that flight. yeah i think you get the idea that. it was a. very hard to take. that back with the terror threat there.
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i'm it's the u.s. government shutdown there's an economic ticking time bomb waiting to happen an unprecedented default on america's debt well yesterday there was almost a breakthrough in this ongoing shutdown hybrid catastrophe dominating capitol hill is the republican leadership finally offered to raise the ceiling in order to avoid a default. the cash is only for six weeks no mention of what will happen after those six weeks or when the government will be reopened because you homos know the food safety inspections and mine are just aren't that important so they discuss the situation in
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a congress that is officially less popular than colin off confused i was joined earlier by dr stephanie kells an economics professor at the university of missouri kansas city i started by asking dr kelly what would happen if congress fails to raise the debt ceiling. i think the only real answer is you know nobody knows exactly nobody can describe in any sort of concrete terms exactly what it would look like if the u.s. were to miss a payment to default on its debt but i think it's pretty clear that it would be very very bad for the global credit system because then the u.s. debt is you know all the net all the treasury unfallen that this is what we're talking about we're talking about u.s. treasuries and they are the equity that supports the entire global credit system so if we start messing with the equity that underpins the entire global credit system we're talking about something that presumably would be pretty catastrophic the latest didn't but it would shake that confidence invested in treasury bonds and i
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do i mean i think that you're going to see some pretty sizable effects i don't know how lasting they would be you know japan defaulted on its debt after the war and it was the only case that i'm aware of where you had what would be the same as in the u.s. this is a voluntary default that's what we're talking about we're not talking about whether we have the ability whether united states government has the ability to keep its promises to make all of the payments that are due to seniors to veterans to civil servants to bondholders and so on it's not about whether we have the ability to do that we certainly have the ability to make the payments we are in control of our own currency and so. we're talking about whether we have the willingness to pay our bills and the only time that i'm aware of that a country with the ability to pay it made the voluntary decision not to pay its bills was japan after the war and it quite simply announce we're not going to pay
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back our enemies this is a completely different situation ok with this is this is just mind boggling that we're talking about whether the united states of america which controls its own currency is going to make payments in u.s. dollars when it is the issuer of the dollar and there's absolutely no reason whatsoever for the united states government not to keep all of its promises and protect full faith and credit of the u.s. government what is so outrageous is that it's it is voluntary and i think the real question that i have is this is a sham i mean is this is this whole debate just a sham to kind of fearmonger the american people hold us hostage or is this really a realistic threat on part of the g.o.p. . well i think that for the most part they view this is an opportunity and you know it's not something that they're trying for the first time and it's also let's be honest not something that only the g.o.p. has done both sides both parties historically have used the debt ceiling to try to
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gain some leverage to get legislation that they want past or that they don't want repealed and so in many ways this is not something new they view it as an opportunity and they're trying to do something to throw some red meat to that segment of their base that is so vocal that turns out for the town hall meetings gets very vocal and up upset and energized and will shout down their elected officials and primary them and you know these these people view this as i think the g.o.p. is thinking you know we cannot simply vote to raise the debt ceiling without getting something in return it will you know we have to be able to go back to those town hall meetings and when those folks stand up to us we'll say ah but we got social security or we got you know whatever it is that ultimately might come out of some sort of a deal in the next month or so let's move on video affordable care act why do you think republicans are so vehemently against it considering how it's essentially
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republican plan you have no single payer no public option of asuncion a mirror image of romney care on a federal of it's a it's a great question if that's exactly as you describe it that's exactly what it is so what have they been saying they've been saying that they oppose it because they view it as another big government program that makes people dependent on government in some sense that they're going to grow to like the program that they're going to become depend more depended on to be are going to take it away from them in the future but really i mean there are some good things in the affordable care act i think there are very good things in the bill but on the whole this is not a piece of legislation that i particularly like this is a huge giveaway to wall street this is saying. you know to wall street here are thirty seven million americans we're going to send your way and you're going to provide insurance for all of them notice there wasn't a whole lot of pushback from the insurance industry on obamacare and so it's it's
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a piece of legislation that in many ways republicans should why i want to get your opinion on janet yellen nomination to head the federal reserve of course the media's in a field day about how the conversation about her potential nomination focused on the controversy over whether obama would choose scandal plagued larry summers over her but my question is why focus on these superficial controversies instead of actual fed policies because most of the people that i know don't even know that the federal reserve is a private institution. yeah that's right i would say independent and they're independent of government in the sense that they get to set interest rate policy without having to ask congress for permission i mean that's that's really what that independence is all about they can do q.e. they can do operation twist they can adjust short term interest rates and they don't have to get congressional approval to do it that's what independent means but they are independent of government and they say that all the time and when bernanke
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he sits and under oath and testifies before congress and and congress asks him what is the fed prepared to do his responses will do whatever congress tells us to do at the end of the day the federal reserve understands that it is there as a creature of congress and the congress made the rules the dual mandate for example that gives the federal reserve the mandate to pursue both high employment and high economic growth and lower stable inflation that those are the marching orders given to the fed by the congress now congress can change the fed's mandate at any time that give them a different set of objectives to pursue and and the federal reserve will do its best to carry those out it does seem like the sort of a problem given an audit so. well you know that that is true bernanke he does not want people coming in and poking around too closely was very sensitive for example in the wake of the financial crisis with the fed intervention
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swap line agreements and other lending to financial institutions and he didn't want that sort of deep probing that would have revealed exactly how much the fed spent intervening to prop up the financial system that is true thank you so much for weighing in on all these issues dr stephanie colton department chair and professor university of missouri kansas city thanks for having me. the choice to use was good enough to. say. guys were soon approaching world food day on october sixteenth they found it on the gold to feed the hunger and make food a source of empowerment for all october also happens to be agent orange awareness month a time to educate about the lasting effects of the deadly chemicals spread by the u.s. military during the vietnam war and with these two important dates in mind activists from all over the world of chosen this saturday october twelfth to hold the second
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official march against monsanto two months ago does not only responsible for the production of agent orange but now it's overtaking the global food supply with genetically modified seeds the march against this model of the corporation is an international event set to take place in over four hundred cities across fifty countries so to talk more about this massive rally and where a demonstration is taking place near you i was joined earlier by nick burnaby activist an organizer with march against month santo i first asked him why the movement against monsanto is gaining so much traction around the world. well i think it's because it's such a broad it's such a broad movement you know there's so many different people from different backgrounds it's not one of these left right issues it's really people from all all all places all you know poor and rich all over the world it affects all of us so i think that's why there's so many people getting involved and a lot of people just don't know about monsanto and about what's going on with these g m o's and the policies and when they find out they get activated they they
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they're ready to take us down as soon as they find out and i think that's why it's grown so quickly so is the march just about awareness right now or is there any specific action that you guys are trying to put forward to enact policy change. yeah well you know the last march was really got really fired up when obama signed the monsanto protection act and you know in my opinion we've been successful to get that removed because the senate has announced that they're not going to continue the monsanto protection act so they're dropping it from the farm bill so you know that's at least one tangible you know one tangible win that we already have other than the you know last quarter monsanto reporter reported a loss and it was it was millions of dollars that they lost last quarter and you know we think that is at least partially due to the new awareness that's being brought about and you know awareness is key fact in their bottom line is keep people voting with their dollars and also we want to transform the food supply we want to make it more of a bottom up approach instead of
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a pyramid scheme for the food supply we want to get the communities involved and i think that's where our biggest effects are taking place is at the community level people are starting to to produce their own food and and use these new ideas like opon extent and community gardening see essays co-ops and things like that and i think that's where we can really have our biggest effect what else can we do other than you know obviously not mind monsanto and kind of venturing out to farmers' markets and things like that but we've got to keep supporting these initiatives to get the labeling i believe that one wants to get one state to get labeled that'll be the domino effect and it'll it'll start happening all over the country so i think that would be one good first step is to push for some to get one at least one state to get labeling legislation pass absolutely our health is at stake here i want to thoughts and has tags and go to fine on the triggers there more about this and they are hash tag march oct twelve zero zero zero one two zero twelve and
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a and nick where else can people go to find out more about the march and where they can get involved. well they can go to our website which is march dash against dash monsanto dot com so it's march against monsanto dot com and under the events link they could find out about it for the thais a list of all the events around the world it's ordered from continent country ends and state and city so it's really organized you can find it there you can also search in facebook for my chance monsanto and then type in your local city we have over four hundred events so there should be a an event near pretty much wherever you're at and it's still not too late to even start an event there's a little. there's a little directions pad there on the website as well where you could. you know set up an event there's some quick directions there other than the people you'll see people out in the streets and most of the capitals tomorrow and it's not too late to join these events as well and a lot of these events are highly organized we're going to be really effective
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spreading the word people there's fliers all over the internet people can print them out and take them along with them and then you can find us on social media as well facebook page. march against months on so you can find us on twitter at march against am and follow us there between our stuff share our share our posts and you know this this event seems you building a lot of momentum and we think it's going to be even bigger than the last time well next now's the time people care but this is a day to get on their communities and get involved link up with like minds so we can really drive monsanto into irrelevancy thank you so much nic burnaby activists from our friends on santo thanks for having me abbi. still ahead i'll cover some of the hottest headlines of comedian we can't stick around. and soldier you're in the military now no more joking any more. never been some
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time in my life. every day would be the story obviously limits. you think it's going to be easy. but everyone's desperate. suspense to. sleep i don't know if i'm going to make it to the end look i'm still filming some i'm just a book on the left i don't know what to do. but if you're going to like. you know.
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pleasure to have you with us here on t.v. today i'm sure. israel is the country iran threatens to wipe out with them nobody that could the iranian leadership openly says so in this sense there is no difference between rouhani enough money to look good as a vehicle for his visit to new york rouhani publicly declared that their goal is to annihilate israel. as i know that i'm always telling you to write me and let me know you think about the shows of today and respond to some of your feedback starting with you tube or a bow bow says abby what's with the go to round your neck and the black and white
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dress was that your idea or was told to wear it yeah did i get a memo every day from my illuminati since lord telling me to wear my check checkerboard color scheme to brainwash the audience in mind control i mean anyone can clearly see that the necklace is a go ahead after some cool geometric pattern writes well is move on to the video i did about the neglected native american communities in the us in light of the redskins controversy. or actually given that moving right on the trigger in response to my segment of the devastating lasting effects of agent orange at rock rogers says they never should have bombed pearl harbor wait agent orange pearl harbor that's two different countries man vietnamese people and babies born with birth defects should have never let their japanese ancestors bombed pearl harbor genius and on facebook david a hani says in response my self immolation piece in which i said that i remember as a child seen imagery of monks on fire during the vietnam war he says if you want
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even during the vietnam war and you're an insult american military veterans well david i understand you're probably confused at what i meant which was not that i was actually alive during the vietnam war but just that i remember seeing those images and i was younger posters books magazines and throughout the media sphere and i'm not sure why it automatically follows why i'm a disgrace to veterans but ok and from yesterday's show but the energy crisis we face someone on you tube named james alexander fish said the role sounds have proven the existence of a biopic oil and obvious still screeching about the oil running out they'll be you carol. james once again you seem to be you can other confuse troll i'm not screeching about oil running out i'm talking about it bro and all i'm saying is that we should be concerned about polluting destructive fossil fuels are and that we should be seeking alternatives but he had such a stick up as asked that he continued trying to discredit me by saying quote abby
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needs to bone up on her english she use the word out of my eyes to the proper word is automated it is hard to take someone seriously who seems confused about grammar . homeland sort of schooling you myself all that z t h g four eight to one reply for me who said wrong optimize was an appropriate word choice for the oxford english dictionary automotives verb another term for automate another term for itemize well that's it for today guys thanks as always for writing and for watching . so has a lot going on in the news this week truckers are taking over d.c. ted cruz turned a speech from the value voters summit into an opportunity to fear monger us against tyrannical goose hunting and fox news uncovered the real freeloaders off the welfare state with a lot to cover and i called up my friend comedian lee camp to help me sort through
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what's going on man how are you so me i got a great joke for a man who can dick cheney is that around and it by joe lieberman joe lieberman saying hey man isn't it nice that we're here instead of not in our jail cells where you know what this actually happened can you believe that we have war criminals actually joking about the fact that they got away with waterboarding jokes are written by the victors and that's how we're exonerated is very funny it's exactly like those three jokes written by the victors you know it was it was a riff if it was like dick cheney was quoting that joke by jay leno then it is this circle of hell that i never thought i'd see that is so scary to see the. those all come together it was just to see asher of awfulness. getting of let's talk about this ridiculous sham of the government shutdown in the partisan hackery surrounding this obamacare debate how is it that a we have a congress that is refusing to take a pay cut of course there are they're popular in less than cornell skippy's they
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have incredible health care plans and choose from themselves they have three premium options and you know what they're refusing to recognize that obamacare is just romney care at a federal level and what the hell right as. well though they did call obamacare anti-american and the writing on the right wing did and that is actually true because watching friends and family members die of preventable illnesses is a uniquely american experience you know where else can you get that so what are we going to do be like every other country and save our friends and family to a game where different abby that's what makes us special this is american exceptionalism these are dying and just pick and go through a bit of history. but he would carry out his long lines really that's all it's about when you rather have one hundred thousand dollars in debt than have a long line at the hospital i mean absolutely you know i have a lot you know in a way where you know you don't know the absolute rubbish i exist with debt and then
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those same people are like oh the shutdown is not that big a deal the federal government employs more people than i read there's mcdonald's and wal-mart combined so not only do i feel bad for those people but i was just horrified by the phrase mcdonald's and wal-mart combined anything scarier than that you know other than ted cruz we're going to really think there's a good currency given to action speech about the dangers that we face the let's hear from. vice president joe biden had some advice he said if anyone's attacking your home. just go outside with a double barreled shotgun and fire both barrels in the air. which is very very good advice if it so happens you're being attacked by a flock of geese crazy like a fox or crazy. crazy in many different ways some assortment it's a cornucopia of crazy it's lovely it's a you know i love that he's making fun of the idea of you know just to take a shot gun of what it's all about guns and everything and here's the thing is the
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people that are flipping out about guns what to protect the property the freedom their family all that's taken from them without their guns like they're probably the house was foreclosed on they don't have their freedom their e-mails are being spied on their son has a student loan he's indebted to that forever so all those things you want to protect with that gun it's already been taken through other means of saturday's they were done with a very good client who made the good can't really protect you from that foreclosure sign well speaking of just insanity and let's move on to this fantastic investigative report fox really dug right and then the colored only revealed will be the welfare queens are let's hear from them. to these folks who really need to be on welfare so i have a t.v. yeah i will tell you if the air conditioning yes cable t.v. comedy channel one of the one. dass it is welfare recipients they have cable running water and facilities is just gusting how long are these poor people going
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to do things like continue to live you know and breathe the same air we breathe what right do they have to breathe air and to you know when the you when you've had your house stolen by the bank and your mother trying to take care of three children and you have no right to air conditioning i don't think these people realize that you need a phone to even get a job if you go in to try to get a job in the employer's right yourself and you're like you know i don't have one and i guess i did i want to be able to get welfare and this is a little bit facile bag making fun of the ugly side of welfare she's the ugly side of media she is the welfare of maid of corporate me right she's the welfare recipients require you mean there's no reason she should be on there but she's so i hate i really hate recipient on recipient hatred it really is ugly ugly to start a war against it i've been hearing all week about this mythical truckers strike really interesting as this is shut down the road that lead to washington looks like the kind that happened i mean i could be wrong wasn't just
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a big traffic jam i mean let's follow up with this photo and see what they said i mean they said that the strike was really successful and check this out so totally block people you know given the thumbs up and such turns out that was actually from a make a wish foundation charity event that's a con for something right a solid protest make a wish protest yeah i kind of feel bad for them because those truckers spend all day every day driving across the middle of the country what are they listen to the only thing they have to listen to rush limbaugh and glenn beck so they're this is a stockholm syndrome protest is what this was they just have terrible stockholm syndrome they're trapped in that little cab with going back all day long you know itself of all the things that could happen from stockholm syndrome drive and slow. to be a lot more i do so if the people knew what it was about and not just saying hey it's a. i mean hopefully there was a point made thank you so much we camp comedian host of the moment of clarity web series things that you're not going to get me into the alumina. that's for later
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that's for later man thanks much for tuning in you guys have a great week and see you back here tomorrow i'm sorry monday. actually nothing very good has happened in afghanistan the last twelve years and that's something western media and political leaders don't want to talk about anymore well there's really no actual practicing democracy to speak of in afghanistan what you have is kleptocratic corrupt. state but we should reframe the question so i was only just stays there there will be violence there will be chaos because there's an occupying power. again you know the u.s. wants to keep a footprint there but the longer its footprint is there the more well with lin had to say the violence will continue because of occupation.


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