tv Headline News RT October 14, 2013 8:00pm-8:31pm EDT
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we've told you before your media project c.e.o. don carty dot com. shut down blues day fourteen of the u.s. government shutdown and both sides are still blaming each other so can a deal be reached to open up the government and avoid a u.s. default the latest i had. mad at the system over the weekend veterans and truckers came to d.c. to demand change they won't washington to start listening to the american people that story coming up and own known geo mono worldwide activists take to the streets against the sea monsanto we'll have a report on the protests later in the show. it's monday october fourteenth eight pm in washington d.c.
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i'm meghan lopez and you are watching r.t. all right folks well welcome to weeks three of the government shutdown at this point the lights on capitol hill are being alumina did by bipartisan bickering alone or at least it feels that way over the weekend senate majority leader harry reid met with mitch mcconnell two attempts to broker a deal we have yet to see what actually came from that meeting though both men are publicly expressing optimism about a possible agreement or at least an agreement to raise the debt ceiling anyway meanwhile today house and senate leaders were supposed to take a trip down down pennsylvania avenue to the white house for talks however that meeting was just postponed because the senate leaders say that they need more time to work out a deal and the longer this debate continues the more ordinary americans are feeling the sting now if you are waiting for justice in immigration or civil court. he says
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that wait just got a little bit longer federal courts have been operating on emergency funds since october first however that money is quickly drying up prosecutors who are already working with a skeleton staff are now being forced to go home themselves immigrants who are waiting for a green card are being told that they have to wait until the shutdown is over for help but again no one knows when this shutdown will actually end now i was joined earlier by the team from boom bust host erin aid and producer bob english and i asked them what effect does the government shutdown have on the financial world's. it's columbus day the bond markets are closed but let me tell you what was happening late last week in the bond markets the borrowing cost of the u.s. for very short term obligations just four weeks are called t. bills has spiked up seventeen times now that's a real effect it hasn't translated into higher borrowing costs you know a year out twenty years out thirty years out but there is this effect right now
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where everybody who's holding short term debt that might mature in the near future they want to get out of it so that means like j.p. morgan is trying to get out of it they're recommending to their clients that they get out of it now if this continues if the u.s. actually gets to this brinkmanship point where we go off this cliff fiscal or otherwise then we'll see you know there will be real consequences we could see another ratings downgrade any number of things but for now we're safe but treading on very thin ice it's important to note that actually legally jack lew the head of the treasury we can't go office clip legally it's in him and he'd be breaking the fourteenth amendment we cannot default on our debt so if we do that you know it's one thing that the t. bills the short term t. bills there and there are yield is going up in terms of interest rates but nothing tangible truly tangible has happened yet and it can't happen according to law will it happen you know that depends on many many variables and obviously it's more political than financial but how the financial markets capitalize it is an entirely
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different thing so talking about the debt ceiling pay backing off of what you just said what is the point of a debt ceiling and if we can legally can't go will go away from it isn't that that's a great question a lot of people say you know there is no point a lot of countries don't have debt ceilings and they don't need them i mean you know you can go a thousand different ways at this and it's more economic theory which i will obviously just never bothered here to iran when terms of economic theory i'm not a fan of anything that gives congress the ability to hold the entire country hostage and the markets the global markets along with it several times per year this is a badly conceived band-aid to a bigger structural problem so is there something that we should. otherwise you know what i was asking the budget let's do that for the cameras time and three or four years start there and then we can talk about it and i'm glad that you brought this up the passing a budget is obviously we are t. minus fifty five hours to heading that debt ceiling right on schedule. what affect tell us how long the u.s. market and the global markets i mean in this short term not much over the short
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term not much but global markets are all into interconnected now so if we see any kind of technical default in the market and technical is just what it seems it's not that major we're not going to have global repercussions but at the same time everybody is probably questioning the viability of the u.s. long term if we have something that lasts a few days to a few weeks which is a more structural do fall and something else to add to your something as you know the short term is not not the big deal it's the long term stuff that's scary and if we do to follow it like you said what could be the implications there and one of our producers just seen underhill had a hysterical line while she said it in just there is some truth to it just like we could be buying ammunition with big coins that it could be that bad if you know it's so much of the of the global market is tied to u.s. dollars in need of u.s. dollars are no longer credible in your rating is downgraded like bob said we're in the world could be in bigger trouble than we'd like to admit or like you like to talk about right now something else aaron to bring up obviously in all of these
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talks is that every single time it seems that we come to a fiscal cliff or to a budget or to the debt ceiling we get to that moment that tipping point moment and then someone somewhere in some agency somehow finds some funds to keep us going bob is that likely to happen in this case the look on a job or seventeenth the government still has thirty billion dollars to spend now they have several payments to make they don't run into real trouble until november first and that's when they have about fifty eight billion dollars in outlays and they have to also pay interest on debt so these are big issues now the treasury is also taking in money in the meantime. in the form of taxes now the they're not legally allowed to ration this out or prorated and make these payments according to the way some people interpret the law but i think that actually will be done just to avoid a default which is which would be catastrophic and like you said strategies there are some funny strategies being floated around my personal favorite the one
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trillion dollar coin i am not joking that is literally a strategy and a way to avoid you know defaults are hitting the debt that pretty not a one rather not printing minting a one trillion dollar coin that's certainly something i would love to get my hands on myself to pass on my student loans and what not but this week is a very important very special week here at our team we are happy to announce that you'd say you are starting a show. that your guys are heading the way is this wednesday bob tell me a little more about it we have a show called boom bust it's a continuation of our previous ventures we're going to explore explore all things financial we dig beyond the mainstream headlines we talk what's important to the viewer and we have a number of exciting guests coming up on our initial lineup we have the deputy prime minister of greece david stockman former director of budget under ronald reagan and we're going to talk about a brand new scandal you might have heard of lie board this thing could be bigger and that's all coming up this wednesday and erin why should people tune in why do
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people care about the financial blog why why i think i mean if you don't care about trying to answer is you truly don't understand anything else that is going going gone it's not it's person and condescend not to get understanding what it's about but it's we all have money and we need money and we should learn a bit more about it and we should do it in a way that's you know digestible for everyone in an unconscious anyway because frankly it is an education for all of us even the economists they frequently change their position or go back and forth so and we can only do to break down the layman's terms of the tough and complex financial world that was host of boom bust erin eight and producer of boom bust bob english whose new show prepares this wednesday at four thirty pm eastern time right here on our. so d.c. might not be a great place to tour at the moment was all the closed monuments and museums but what better location to protest the government shutdown they have the nation's capitol thousands descended on d.c. over the weekend to demonstrate against
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a shutdown far from what the protest promise when it named itself a million vet march but still enough to grab national headlines military veterans broke through the barricades at the world war two memorial and brought those fences to the white house where demonstrators got into a tense standoff with police clad in riot gear parian boring picks up the story from there. and a whole new level of political discontent was displayed at this weekend in washington d.c. on sunday thousands of veterans from across the united states what a pilgrimage to the world war two memorial on the national mall this is the memorial that was built with mostly private funds to honor veterans that was closed due to the partial government shutdown feeling like pawns in this political game of protesters and a strong message to president obama yesterday tear down these barricades protesters have been referring to them as the barry cave nickname for the president they have become a symbol of the partial shutdown now of the truckers that we reported on last week
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played actual role in this peaceful protest but at its most media reporting checkers ride for the constitution as a grassroots campaign that is very outspoken against president obama and his administration and is their response to what the partial shutdown that crossed the trucker's line when they shut down the world war two memorial and a highly coordinated fashion chucker send a platoon. from dhaval virginia i descended upon washington d.c. at about nine thirty sunday morning they surrounded the memorials and support of veterans veterans then they started to dismantle the barricades around the world war two and the lincoln memorial reopening them to the general public and the patriotic fashion the veterans carried to the barricades almost one mile to the white house and dump them right here in front of the president's lawn attached to them were signs that read return to sender and respect our vets please witness and allow the protesters to take apart the government property but there were no
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attempts to stop them or the march there between two to three thousand veterans family members and upset citizens from across the political spectrum who participated in this event veterans included the korean over to go off to iraq and afghanistan wars even members of congress showed up including representative david reichert. kids are. well. after dumping barricades in front of the president one protester stood in front of the president's house and called for his resignation the riot police were then called in but overall it was a non confrontational event there were even some accounts of police saluting the veterans the barricades were reassembled last night around the world war two and lincoln memorial but there are still protesters lingering around the mall calling for obama to tear down the fence yet again in the city with most childish display
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of partisan politics and perry and boring party so did this march actually accomplish anything or did it just cause headaches for the people who are already suffering from the shutdown i was joined earlier by general to lead dr corder nader for the ryan for the constitution and mike best choice he's the trucker and they both took part in the rally this weekend and i started off by asking ernest what was the point of the rally. number one lots of information for this can be found obviously on rad for the constitution dot org there's also a secondary facebook page that is just on fire it's called the one thousand mile march facebook page. what was the purpose let me just focus on yesterday yesterday because friday and saturday are complicated long hard to understand really lots of different issues saturday was nothing but for support of our veterans in protest of all of these very cade's that are put up everywhere in our
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national parks especially blocking out our world war two veterans this president has gone way too far way out of bounds and i as you damn a personal warning and a facebook post last night about midnight and from what i understand that they were in the process of putting the barricades back in place around that memorial there i'm calling on the american people to join me these barricades everywhere are coming down so what are the goals of your career what are the goals that you are trying to push forward moving beyond might bring back america not only for one you know we need to refresh our government for one we need to get those are following the constitution they were you know standards set by our forefathers
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and bring them back. now unless we do that we're just going to end up like any other democracy in history and in virgina fold. how do you see us bringing back those constitutional rights the constitutional rights this this government what has happened for aggressively over the last hundred years is an agenda has been advanced a bigger and bigger government in this country taking away the rights the freedoms and everything guaranteed to us in the constitution by the end so many changes need to be made i don't mean these to come across as threats but i won't every elected official and not elected official every official government understand we the people are angry we have been pushed too far. twenty fourteen is common twenty sixteen is coming we want to be the tsunami of the currencies over washington d.c. and this wave is building and selling album even understand that sell over here so
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what do you blame do you blame obviously you blame congress do you blame democrats do you blame republicans do you blame both i also heard that you guys want to impeach obama is that true. president obama with his disrespect of our veterans disrespect. so many things that are traditionally have always been american his fundamental transformation of america to may and to the people in this country finally we understand and two thousand and eight we will listen to what he said he sounded like he was wrong all right and here was our opportunity to take and bring the nation together it's our race is everything and truly unite and really move forward that i have been betrayed it's he has betrayed this entire country yes obama needs to go but also so that members of the house and senate there's only a handful that are worth have and career politicians your time is over it's done
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over the next two years peaceful and the law fully we the people will take control of the country one other thing they're an arm running along and it's your show i'm also the national grassroots embassador for the convention of states project this group just to sum it up very quickly insists they plea this group is putting into practice a plan that they had that is now covered in mark levin latest book the liberty amendments so just to break it down yes or no do you blame both both houses of congress blame everybody in government as is the government and the supreme court they are out of control they've forgotten their place they serve the people we're not servants so but at the same time when we have these arguments about getting these people out you're. after year after year they are in fact reelected this two thousand and twelve cycle would be a good example of that so obviously the people are still supporting them whether or
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not they agree with congressional gridlock right now right now dress it for a minute of course i did something thousand mile march for liberty this summer live from memphis to the city july the fourth arrived in washington d.c. september second. i figured somebody had to do something if not me who i am now when the people in this country suffer from. apathetic. false sense of well being they don't understand not only how far this is gone but half are it's going by my care will be the total economic destruction of the united states of america at the same time let me stop you there because you guys say that you support the constitution and the last word this was a constitutionally up held it was up held by the supreme court voted on so how can we say that we support the constitution if we are against obamacare which has been supported well it's been supported by the supreme court the decision reached in the
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by the supreme court was passed by congress well it was it was passed by democratically controlled congress and president obama was also reelected on this well you know i understand that and i tell you what it will be the destruction of the nation it will be the people will not stand for it and i know everybody is saying all these things it's the low you know what else was well slavery was once the well should that remain is the law of the land prohibition was a constitutional amendment should that have remained that was lower than my own. is a bad law is a bad law. that was general earnestly and dr corder nader for the right for the constitution and trucker mike mike meet way. while still ahead here on our team marching dance monsanto was like it's a lot of protests over the weekend against of by. tech giants back in a moment. i
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ignored. stories others the few still know. it's changing the world right now. the old picture of his days. from around the globe. welcome back over the weekend protestors on six continents in fifty two countries held a massive march against one santo and genetically modified foods the rallies came right before the world food day on october sixteenth from berlin to strasbourg chicago to london sydney to mumbai over five hundred cities soft crowds chanting no no g.m.o. and demanding food labeling one company in southern california has even taken their food find two against labeling to the label of its own products after california's
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prop thirty seven failed during the last election dr bronner's magic all in one soap has filled its labels with as much information as it could cram on its about washington state initiative of twenty two the company argues that americans have a right to know what is in their food and the products that they use and they say that a.g.m. industry is a boondoggle just a little light bathroom reading for you if you get a chance to pick up some of that soap but for more on the fight for g.m.o. labeling our teaser along the lindo was at the protests in los angeles over the weekend and brings us more. oh. hundreds of people of all ages turned out in los angeles to march against monsanto and against genetically modified foods among the major concerns here are the safety of the food supply in the u.s. and the underwear floors that giant corporations like monsanto have owned
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washington d.c. . stands out is that making money is more important than the health and well being of the people i mean this problem is the lack of research and the safety of g.m. and the fact the f.d.a. only. wants monsanto back as research in order to approve a product and there's no independent research that shows the safety of the g.m. monsanto is not about feeding people it's about control if you control food you control the people monsanto corporation claims it is helping farmers feed the world by pushing it superstrength herbicides in combination with genetically altered seeds most of the corn consumed in the u.s. is genetically modified g.m.o. products are banned in several countries if this continues to happen this way what's really going to be the result very very wealthy people are going to be able to afford to eat super well while people who are not wealthy are going to be eating this terrible food we don't know what the long term applications are you going to
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see pushing once and you want this country we have i am pushing our organic farming just as hard as a fish or monsanto we want you to stop going on until hiding a camera it labeled it off we did so in the us come off monsanto's political power is well known on the west coast yet we're cultured giant bankrolled the opposition to a g.m.o. label even issued even california these marches what that purpose is to get the word out there so that people are not moaning with their money they're not giving the money to the corporation and giving the money to the local farmers farmers and then months until eventually be forced out. it just gives me hope that people this is going to change and it's the little people like us when we all gather we make a big change. in los angeles in the party and the middle of this government shutdown another big controversy is taking away
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as a matter is the and this a surveillance scandal world leaders have stepped up to speak out against us global surveillance time after time it was months perhaps no one has been more outspoken about the issue than brazil's deal rousseff during the u.n. general assembly in new york last month president rousseff took the time to call out the u.s. on its spying practices as a violation of international law she even proposed a state visit over her the controversy here's part of that u.n.g.a. speech madelene in such a man there in the life and affairs of other countries is a breach of international law and as such it is an affront to the principles that should otherwise govern relations among countries especially among friendly nations a country's sovereignty can never affirm itself to the detriment of another country's sovereignty. the right to security of the country's citizens can never
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be. you violating the fundamental human and civil rights of the country's citizens all over the weekend the brazilian president took a few more jabs on twitter at the american surveillance program and also announced plans for brazil to create a nationwide secure email service to prevent foreign espionage now the goal is to keep all internet servers it in brazil and to encrypt all digital traffic inside the country and the traffic that is coming in if the brazilian government collaborates with various in christian service is it could block the n.s.a. out of the country entirely rousseff also announced via twitter her plans to host an international summit on the internet security next year but we'll have to wait and see if the u.s. gets an invitation to that summit well we here at r.t. have spent numerous hours over the years talking about the situation that want
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tunnel bag from president obama's broken promise to close the facility to the mass hunger strikes by detainees that have been happening recently but the truth is that the day to day operations of what actually goes on within the facility walls are very much i think guarded secret until now our correspondent on a stasia charkha took a trip to guantanamo bay to give us an inside look at the detention facility so be sure to tune in in the next few wednesdays for an inside look at guantanamo bay and everything you want to know. meanwhile in the midst of a government shutdown ordinary americans are trying to find a way to get their message through to congress and also to the president i demand to pass a budget and to reopen the government are among those demands some are driving trucks others are protesting and some are signing petitions what is in the thing actually coming out of all of these efforts and if not how can we get congress to
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listen for her two cents the residents lori her finest. the american congress is doing a horrible job that's an indisputable fact at this point they let the government shut down before doing their primary job pass the spending legislation and instead of solving problems they make commercials about how the other party has worse solutions than they do their pockets are lined with dirty money they represent the corporations they give them that money over their constituents they act like big
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babies who are in paris they eat every single american that this point i think it's safe to say that their approval rating is hovering right around a few zero percent but if we protest we get locked up for taste and thrown on it as they watch list submitting a petition to the white house is a joke we can make all the clever snarky remarks we want to on twitter but a lot of congress members are too busy eating while we're out with poker is an expensive hotel rooms to bother reading both so how are we americans supposed to let congress know just how fed up. we are a progressive digital marketing group called revolution messaging has come up with a creative way for us to do just that they've created a drunk dial congress a service that allows you to enter your telephone number on a website and get connected to a random lawmakers office to air your grievances and the service encourages you to
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do so while drunk so you pounded future and to your phone number and the service will call you and connect you to any one of our congresspeople brilliant the website links to articles on the shutdown and suggests talking points that include he would have to do when you. why don't we make yourself useful and at least a little loan you jerks are costing the country twelve million bucks per hour and if you get to yell at a park ranger after forcing the government to shut down then i get to yell at you. this day also includes a drink recipe just like the southern congressman the sleepy senator and the bad representative this is a ridiculous approach and i firmly support it congress continuously rights laws protecting their idiotic behavior and decimating our constitutional right and nothing we do seems to get through them so maybe it's time for us to treat them as
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childishly as they are beat haiti tonight let's talk about that by following me on twitter at the resident. lopez have a wonderful night. mission free accreditation free zones for charges free. range month free. free studio time free. download free blogs can plug in video for your media projects and free media and don to our t.v. dot com.
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