tv Prime Interest RT October 17, 2013 2:29pm-3:01pm EDT
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this pack of confidential documents were uncovered as part of the toxic tort lawsuits that followed with some of the workers who realized that their sicknesses lingered lingered lingered these documents are very incriminating and they show that thousands of workers actually did in fact get sick from exposure to a number of chemicals including to be a toxic after know axons chief medical advisor dr kind of cool it's a memo to x. on and at the very end here you see the intent we do not need a health hazard evaluation and should try and avoid it if possible. the health hazard evaluation is osha and nyasha coming in and saying sorry there's too many sick people here and you spiller are now labile for doing long term medical surveillance how exxon avoided it was by misrepresenting the information as colds
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and flu. acts on managed to successfully hide these documents from the media from the people from the sick workers from the court from the federal health care officials b.p. is following pretty closely everything that. we were actually flying over the disaster site on sunday able to. and what we saw when you're out there were two airplanes were flying over and already carpet bombing the spill with dispersant we started to notice that the planes and helicopters were flying over they were dropping the stuff the spray they were really secretive about where those planes were coming from and when they were going out they didn't really want which was taken of these planes coming down because it looked like spraying in vietnam it was it was not a picture that either the government or b.p. really wanted to have out. carex it is toxic it's toxic to people it's toxic to the
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environment what it does is it breaks apart the oil into something called a myself a little oil bubble that's wrapped in this solving the in the hydrophilic into lipophilic into them and they form little packages around their oil which says spins the oil in the water column they're called myself these my cells go around and they absorb onto biological tissue they're absorbing on to sand grains they're absorbing onto raindrop particles they're absorbing up into the clouds and they're raining down as stinging rain on people who then get rashes just like this person's earth designed to go through limpets in the oriel they go through the lip in the sound they break down the sound wall which is a liquid membrane they take that whale into the sound into the organs more readily so there are delivery systems for the go around lying around itself that is toxic
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to every organ system in the body and the mixture of dispersant and whale is much more toxic then either oil alone or dispersant fisherman here have been exposed to this mixture they have literally got ulcerated skin it's not hard to find these people we have between four to five million people in this directly affected area of the coast and it's pretty clear why it's not being reported because b.p. can't afford to have a reported and by default us government can't afford to have it reported the ones who can afford to move have moved and the ones who can't are just begging for help . this is hugh councilman he has worked for the p.a. for four decades as the lead researcher on toxics blew the whistle on high levels of toxics at the now famous loved. now he also blew the whistle on the need to
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protect nine eleven cleanup workers from exposure to toxic dust and now he's trying to blow the whistle on the toxic dispersants used by b.p. dispersions. and they're used to. so that it's not as visible to the public in other words they're used for a cover up oh we'll alone in a body of water will rise to the surface there it's collectable it's containable but instead of actually containing it the dispersant was used of the eighteen dispersants on the e.p.a.'s authorized list twelve are more effective on the wheezy and a sweet crude than correct b.p. chose to use the only dispersant so toxic that it's banned its own country of england be. using corps which we're told has been.
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for the last ten years why it's oxic human beings. on may fifteenth two thousand and ten the e.p.a. approved use carex at under the surface of the water b.p. and its contractors started injecting thousands of gallons of corrected a day into the cult when they decided to do the subsurface injection the use of robots or to shoot the dispersants down at the blowout site five thousand feet below the surface of the gulf that it never did for. four days later the e.p.a. issued an order giving b.p. twenty four hours to find a less toxic dispersant b.p. chief operating officer doug suttles responded by saying that b.p. would continue to use carex it. was a set up to protect the. and and sort of do a dance for
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a few days b.p. use a tremendous amount of this persons who need says you got to cut back seventy five percent. and so b.p. cut back seventy five percent but they increased it so much they kept using the same amount. in january of two thousand and nine president obama appointed lisa jackson to head the e.p.a. jackson a louisiana native hold to a graduate degree in chemical engineering from princeton and is very familiar with the a fact of chemicals because there are scientific unknowns we had to make the decisions that are a series of tradeoffs and basically in common language it was either nothing or in moderation. b.p.'s penalties. are tied to how much oil. has been released who are the head of the v.a.
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he said if you say i would to either ban or limit the use of dispersants could you have the power to act unilaterally i believe i did chairman but i do want my lawyers to get you a response i know going in but but that's a question you needed to know from day one ms jackson forget about cleve forget about the natural resource the average just for releasing the oil just for releasing oil. tins of billions of dollars of farm well if you can buy. how much oil is released they might be able to get those penalties down from twenty five billion to maybe one or two billion billion dollars here a billion dollars are you talking real moving. the company that makes correct said now coke is a joint venture with exxon mobil patricio over twenty four million dollars in u.s. government contracts over the past decade. now kosher. there's directors with b.p.
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and exxon mobil. according to its own web site now co has some pretty influential fans so from here to here this is the scope the distance about five hundred miles. west detroit problems central nervous system problems the headaches and dizziness and nausea and the skin problems that intense rashes there are hundreds of thousands of people who are dosed with high amounts of toxic material the more risk of having severe health affair it's often we're told don't worry honey we'll take care of you and it won't hurt we'll we didn't find out that a very good product we thought was a good product turns out to have vial consequences i don't want dispersants to be the agent. this will still.
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be calling for exit because chemical dispersant is the best option to come in to my father for these bridges roads are coming from. and i know you're going. to dump her good serves if your house is so you're saying in a day the b.p. had known as a species there is none of them somewhere to suppose you always had some corruption but i mean i never thought it was that this little has anyone in thinking been fired because in this incident mood swings from the feed just going to feed through enough money to good old american voters look like a successful a deal on a movie thinking of putting a million people that you think you can get away with this i think this is
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a toxic waste kind of rather an american system. after even more scrutiny surrounding b.p.'s continued use of correct said b.p. quietly announced in july they had stopped spraying dispersant the oil was gone and so were the dead animals. to verify this we interviewed keith seal an b.p.'s incident commander but b.p. denied permission to use the center of the zero. three months later in september we snuck onto beaches where b.p. was working to find the truth cells. at night the oil was clearly visible beaches for some young fish as you can see there climbed up into a clump of well dead wildlife was also prevalent now risking ourselves by turning
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these only the lights on. to tell that something's america they should be put respirators on the. t.v. station is just right across this cut. despite b.p.'s claims they had stopped spraying our cameras caught the still transporting and spray dispersants. we should already become cashier played. at it right now. can't think of a place like louisiana as the state it is an oil it is only controlled by the oil industry. i ran one of the regulatory agencies as
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a result of environmental quality agency the oil and gas industry lobbyists run our halls every day i mean they're talking to people in the. that might have some say over how they would regulate or lying to us the same time they're making campaign contributions in every election comes along when the time comes for a vote i've seen it all and gas industry for example kill environmental bills just by putting the foam. the problem is that. everyone can only the bottom. as u.s. decides to commit economic suicide it's like they've strapped on a suicide vest as a globe as an economy the suicide bankers yeah i've been saying that for years your suicide banker their banking shot is based on one of the boats they pull the plug and a blow up the world for their ideology board and what about all of the terrorists that are going to terrorism i think is real now it's one of the few people
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understand it people try to say wait a minute we've invested in financial terms the wall street who want my plan back. right on the same. search tribute and i think the trick. on our reporters twitter. and instagram. to be in the. on. the. economic up down in the final. day but the deal and the rest of life is so unique it will be every week on
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a. it's the same corruption that effects the louisiana happens on a larger scale in washington. comes from texas oklahoma louisiana the political structure the economic structure of those states are sold on the oil where the number would be issues. one thing that is unique about louisiana's where a tiny state politically we have single digits in terms of electoral votes but we have an incredible influence on on the national political scene the senate is the most now apportioned body in the world you have two senators from each state you
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have two senators from louisiana and two senators from california the california if it was a nation would be the seventh largest nation in the world and louisiana is not close to that. the senate say only legislative assembly in the world that has a super majority to get things done they need sixty votes to get things done so it only takes a few senators to stop the initiative of the house of representatives. the senate has the power to veto any bill created in the house up to one hundred eleven energy related belts proposed in the last decade every bill that contain provisions for alternative energy was blocked. the only bills that became law with the five that subsidized fossil fuels and nuclear. another factor that contributes to the lack of regulation by congress is the proverbial revolving door. on a congressional delegation is known as the all delegations are senators when every
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tarak go to work as a lobbyist for walling gas there's a two year cooling off period. or you could become a lobbyist out of the senate senator lott resigned from the senate one month before the end of the session so he didn't have to wait two years he only had to wait one year and then he had a party with john breaux invited all kinds of people to celebrate when the one year was over and now the bro a lobbying firm is very successful they have lots of energy clients lots of oil violence little plants gas clients and them a lot of power. to see. your of the oil industry which is enormously powerful which provides huge amounts of money in campaign contributions of those very very short law if you present oh dear it washington d.c. and they've got a number of people on their leash. with only five hundred thirty congress
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members the ratio of lobbyists to congress in d.c. is almost one hundred to one there's probably one hundred thousand people in the lobbying business in washington d.c. so it's big business after the federal government lobbying is the next biggest business the washington d.c. . lobbyists function is the razor to guard dogs from big industry making sure congress does their bit but big loyal uses a far more aggressive means of tightening its leash around congress' neck here's the reality you're sitting there is a billionaire you make money on bullshit making money maybe you're exxon mobil you can no contribute to self only front organization which can then what millions and millions of millions of dollars of television ads into campaigns hold in this country what it really is same is that we are giving unbelievable power to
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a handful of people to control the politics and the nature of our democracy. on a. national scale fuel companies have huge power over our government. but didn't we throw those oil guys out in the last election. didn't we elect the guy who is going to change things. i believe that americans of every political stripe are desperate they are hungry for a new kind of hope that. most people go into go to go in because they care about what happens there to change something. i will never forget this victory truly belongs to us. it belongs to you. belong to you. broke obama over in the most successful
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campaign ever it was very smart it was very well done it was articulately laid out and they capitalized on the desperation in this country and it was so prevalent i thought the filter will be to bring about a sensible energy policy discovery at some level billion dollars this past quarter . to give up the profits easily. to go a lot of people on the left to demonize president bush thought it was all about evil president bush and if you could just get rid of bush in like new it would take over interviewed all be driving around in solar powered cars and life would be beautiful within three or four weeks. old chris hedges it's a form of your correspondent author of nine books and a member of the new york times pulitzer prize winning team a democracy gives expression to the desires and concerns of ordinary citizens
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whether that's through the press or the labor unions one of the culture. and oligarchy system co-ops. all those institutions if you are a billion it you can sit down and say ok i'm going to put three hundred thousand dollars into the race in colorado four hundred thousand dollars into mexico half a million dollars into vermont and use for the money and nobody has to know who i am i can do that with no disclosure whatsoever this is a huge step backwards for democracy it's a step forward for oligarchy or a handful of extraordinarily wealthy individuals and launch corporations have a major major major influence over all political life after the obama administration came in with his big hopes of changing everything getting serious about energy getting serious about global warming in certain ways has been as disappointing as president bush was. there's
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a great deal of in tipis the distrust even anger toward slippers and i don't think it's misplaced it was the democratic party under bill clinton that deregulated the banking system allowed our commercial banks to become hedge funds and precipitated the meltdown that we are now undergoing. this was done consciously bill clinton understood that if he did corporate bidding he would get over money can buy the one nine hundred ninety s. the democratic party late ninety's and fund raising parity with the republican party and by the time barack obama ran for president they got more. when have the american people been as betrayed investing so much hope energy money and brock obama's campaign. today we're announcing the expansion of offshore oil and gas exploration. take responsibility for solving this crisis and the president and the buck stops
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with me. obama flies down to florida jumps in the water briefly with his daughter for the. up and from that point on most of the media has left beaches all along the gulf coast are clean they are safe and they're open for business that's one of the reasons michelle sasha and i are here. in reality neither he nor his daughter touched the water of the gulf they swam at st andrew's bay a protected area. what happened with safety regulations in the gulf of mexico in the wake of the b.p. disaster rename a couple of agencies change a couple of faces business as usual full steam ahead what does that tell you. the administration that it promised us change made no alteration to be antiquated spill response plan that still cites wall versus the most threatened species in the gulf of mexico and it still lists deceased people as the contacts increase when
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emergency. obama might have had a good reason to tread carefully when he dealt the spill the largest oil consumer in the world as the u.s. department of defense and guess which company is the pentagon single largest supplier of fuel to b.p. is the single largest oil contributor to the pentagon the u.s. war machine is heavily reliant upon b.p. and their oil. during the last ten years b.p. has been the single largest energy contractor to the various branches of the u.s. military receiving over seventeen billion dollars in direct contracts for jet and diesel fuel oil is true and b.p. in particular is crucial to the military intelligence and diplomatic complex. on june sixteenth two thousand and ten obama called the meeting at the white house with b.p.'s c.e.o.
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tony hayward gets managing director bob dudley and its chairman of the board carl and rex van burke the u.s. government took. no action against b.p. or its executives instead it agreed that b.p. would simply create the claims fine for victims of the oil spill the people of the goals have my commitment that he will meet its obligations to them. as publicly pledged to make good on the claims that almost of the people in the gulf. large oil companies are greedy companies or don't. think lazy weak have. four days after his meeting with president obama tony hayward was enjoying a yacht race in england. instead of being fired in the wake of the gulf oil spill
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hayward was sent to run b.p.'s operations in russia and it was back to business as usual you can throw out tony hayward just another one out of their frankenstein machine with a different hairdo and a different name they all operate they say you've got to get the oil out the cheapest way is the filthiest most dangerous way and the most corrupt way. that's what makes these guys rich. by january of two thousand and eleven the obama administration announced it would start issuing permits for new drilling operations in the gulf of mexico why you may wonder big oil is paying the federal government or percentage of that comes out of each barrel that comes out of the ground it's an enormous amount of money. behind the i.r.s. the collection of offshore oil field revenues and royalties is the second largest
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generator of money for the united states government. the first new permit issued by the obama administration. i was for a while in the gulf of mexico operated in partnership with b.p. . just these planes are clueless of all not only in charge of being responsible for the. consumer searching for the. me valve the impossible are to you they're using a new soprano for a knife is a person who still and this stuff. is rich to feed. the more. this woman. is really all we are.
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following some old. school rights. to the. law. paying for the young girls cam all for of a future hunter. between two and three hundred million guns united states so you can act like they're not here and keep kids away from them. the pass' that is they want you know i mean this teaches them a lot of rope sponsibility and simply come to pay through the eyes of children if we can't do it for our children move for future what the country will save.
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mission free accreditation st john's church is free. range men's free. three. types priests download free blog plug in video for your media project a free media. dot com. is on its epic journey to such a. one hundred twenty three days. through to the summer months under tom cities of russia. relayed by fourteen thousand people for sixty five thousand killings. in a record setting trip by land air sea an outer space. a
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tonight president obama calls the u.s. budget crisis a self-inflicted blow to the economy after signing a deal that ended the government shutdown undergird to default but deep problems and result. a. person continues our. u.s. detention center. but you don't really see it this is a place that people. don't ever think about it. what it's really like to work. also to britain's prime minister as the guardian newspaper over. snowden's leaks calls for an.
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