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tv   Politicking With Larry King  RT  October 18, 2013 1:29am-2:01am EDT

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one of my concerns is is this sort of the new normal. are we walking into a world now where you know if we only have two percent g.d.p. growth are we going to be having to have these sorts of fights every few months now here in washington how do we prevent it it would actually take a handful of things because let's face it these are actually fights about resources . and you can actually look at the other extreme allergies of a president that isn't as engaged in the process and working with the members but what do you do when you have an environment where mandatory spending is going to continue to explode and yet as ga our our budget folks keep telling us we're now the new normal maybe only a two percent g.d.p. growth. you can't have both of those so it means the fight for resources are the new normal you sent a letter to the u.s. treasury secretary jack lew challenging him to pursue alternative solutions to the
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debt ceiling have you heard back i haven't but part of this is and is that conversation we actually started with secretary geithner a couple years ago. take one step away from the politics of is there such a thing as default and others using default as a political leverage and let's actually just deal with debt management when president obama leaves office we will hold about twenty two trillion dollars of u.s. sovereign debt in some fashion or other we need to start building a strategy of how do we manage that type of debt load particularly when interest rates start to move on us. and do you see that happen where you see it going well my great hope here is when we get beyond the current fight. put some of the adults in the room from the senate the house the treasury secretary's office and blind ourselves of our particular political affiliation and
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start to say here's what we have to do and think this through all budgeting now is about dealing with the baby boom we have a demographic retirement cycle that's going to bring on tremendous amounts of debt tremendous amounts of spending for about the next thirty five years we need to be modeling everything beyond that time and i know this is a little geeky and it's a little outside the horse race mentality of washington but if we don't step up our planning up should we be issuing long term debt should we look at professions schiller who now i guess has the nobel peace or nobel prize in economics he had an idea called a trill which is actually selling an equity interest so be sort of cyclical in its return with the economy we need to be pulling all these eyes to ideals together and certain managing our debt load so we reassure the world debt markets that our
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sovereignty of our payments our credit risk is minimal how has your speaker handle all of this do you think. and look i'm one of those four conservatives who are thrown off their committee think i have i yeah i think i may have some credibility to speak to the subject i think he's done stunningly well. think about this we've gone fifteen days about twenty fairly can tankers votes and both the right and left side of my republic can conference stayed together. i'm very disappointed that we got here to the end and we weren't able to do the same coalescing around an idea but all in all the conference actually held together pretty darn well what's the effect on the future of the party the party seems to be split i see it in three factions it is actually it's it's maybe even more complicated than that larry because now you have some of the rich natural regional
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divides urban versus agriculture right versus left. and eat now you also have a fraction of those of us who may even be a little more libertarian on certain issues and certain economics. but isn't it always that way and if you actually look at the democrat party they have the same type of mechanical issues. when you're in the majority you know you have to move the legislation you have to find those points where you can bring and coalesce around it we were doing really well up to last night what about the future of the party you see the party rebounding we're at an all time low in public raving's yeah but everyone in washington even the president if some of the data from last week is true that the president is now in the mid thirty's in favor billet. we're all it's been a pox on all of our houses and the fact the matter it's going to be fascinating because you know most people hate congress. but they're comfortable with their congressman
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which is sort of you know one of those and it's always been this way but the president actually become sort of the unifying focus either anger or support and i think it can be very damaging also for the left future if the president still remains in the thirty's or low forty's oh well we only got about a minute left do you see a light at the end of the tunnel. i'm actually very optimistic as i think this fight may sort of launches into having now to do some big things dave camp who's chairman of ways and means in the house has spent the last two years of his life working on a big big tax reform package because we go back to our scenario before we're going to have these fights all the time if we stay at two percent g.d.p. growth would big tax reform actually start to spur economic growth maybe that's the thing that bipartisan can coalesce around and we can actually move out of here
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david thanks so much great talking with you are seeing washington congressman david schweikert republican of arizona we thank him for joining us we'll continue to follow closely what's going on on capitol hill joining us now is someone that knows what it's like far too well he was in that hot seat during the ninety five and ninety six shutdown the former speaker of the house newt gingrich joins us from washington at the c.n.n. studios where he co-hosts a new version of crossfire i'm going to get to all the important things but i won't i don't want to begin on negative note but i want to go to this because she's all out talking her book and coulter writes in her new book about you she says that newt gingrich you are ripping off the republican party for your own self aggrandizement she loves you with liz cheney todd akin and mark sanford as enemies of the g.o.p. how do you react. well that's kind of weird. i help leaders to the first republican
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majority in the house in forty years i helped develop with bill clinton the first four of the only four balanced budgets in her lifetime we helped pass welfare reform how to thought all those when it counted against the number of books she sold but you know people got to go out and say something to sell books and she's found her schtick and it's attacking conservatives and being sort of the odd person out so you know life's like that i don't know i don't worry about it much i worry about how do we develop ideas to break out from where we are today not how do we argue with people like that and speaking of books your wife calista wonderful lady has a new book out called yankee doodle dandy and i'm going to relate this to the current situation that my book deals with the american revolution the founding fathers how do you think they would react to what's going on in two thousand and thirteen in washington we are close and i talk about it because in her book alice the elephant introduces forty year olds to american history and we were we were literally talking with the fact that when the founding fathers needed to write the
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constitution they want to philadelphia they locked themselves in for fifty five days no press conferences no public attacks no leaks fifty five days of hard work i think if the president and the congressional leadership would spend fifty five days together we wouldn't be in the mess we're in they'd have found some common solutions and i think it's sad that we have degenerated from serious people doing serious business to the kind of politics we have today but the mess you're you have a lot it was passed the supreme court said it's the law. why can't the law take place in no wouldn't this the founders look shocked at the fact that congress doesn't want to obey a law and i think that the founders changed laws all the time the constitution replaced the articles of confederation when i was in congress you remember we passed a bill called catastrophic health care the people hated it so much within two years we had repealed it by the bigger margin and we passed it by but and we're all right
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repeal it but at least let it go into place but it seems to me that they would probably have done better to have focus directly on what's wrong with obamacare and certainly with all the mistakes were seeing the collapse of the websites the fact that people are getting higher prices not lower prices i think you could have very successful hearings on why this law has to be dramatically reformed if not totally replaced but you don't have a government to have the hearings in well and that's why i think getting it back up in the next there's two you know will be beyond this but what bothers me is when we get beyond this we'll be back where we were earlier i don't think anybody believes we've turned a corner we we haven't broken out of the the the broken washington system in which people hold press conferences but nothing substantive seems to change right down the senate approved the bill you think the house will go along you know i will send as i'm technically approved yet they feel like they've actually got to finish
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writing it but i think people are so exhausted it's going to be approved it's going to be approved by the house and senate the president's going to sign it we now have to look to the next stage of the of the long process of government i think this this particular round is over and it is clear the house republicans lost and president obama won with weather in the long run that's good for the country will see are you certain the house will approve it yes i can't imagine the house not approving it they will get a view get all the democrats and a significant minority of republicans and that will be enough to pass it. the public by about ten points holds the republicans more responsible than the democrats share that view sure many republicans picked this fight they went out in the house republicans did they were quite clear about it and i think they will suffer a temporary cost i don't think next year they'll suffer any cost is still almost three hundred in ninety days the next election the election next year is going to be as obamacare working is the economy working or are bureaucracies working and are
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we going to deeply into debt on those issues i suspect the republicans will do surprisingly well next year what's your opinion of john boehner is performance in your old seat well i think he has an amazingly hard job you know i used to come on your show back when i was speaker and before i became speaker and you'd appreciate this boehner job is vastly harder than mine it's harder for him to manage the house republicans he doesn't have a republican leader in the senate the way i did instead he has to deal with harry reid who is a hardcore democrat and i had bill clinton who you could talk with he's got barack obama who doesn't want to talk so i think boehner jobs probably ten times harder than mine was and i have no idea how i would have done in a job it's a different world with a different set of circumstances. i'm talking with the former speaker newt gingrich who was on the hot seat himself during the ninety five and ninety six shutdowns wall with the speaker right after this.
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good lumber tourny to mccurry was able to build a new most sophisticated robot which all unfortunately doesn't give a dollar amount anything tim's mission to teach music creation why it should care about humans in. this is why you should care only. a little. bit. more. pain in the young girl's cammo for the future hunter. between two and three hundred million guns united states so you can act like they're not here and keep
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kids away from them. the causes are you know i mean this teaches them a lot of for a responsibility and since we're going to pay through the eyes of children if we can't do it for our children our future. will fall. live.
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live. live live. live . with the former speaker of the house the current co-host of the revived crossfire on c.n.n.
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an old friend newt gingrich the you think boehner will survive this onslaught my guess is he'll be speaker through the rest of this congress whether or not he wants to run again after that i have no idea if he's got a feel exhausted and in some ways deserted by the right wing of his party and he must be frankly a little befuddled about how do you manage the house at this point his hard right won't give him votes when he needs it the democrats are very disciplined in n.c. pelosi legitimately is not going to help him at all so he has a very hard road to hoe i don't think he'll be replaced but i do think he has to ask himself after this term is over does he really want to try to stay at this thankless position or does he see a way to improve dramatically the republican position in the house but this is going to be a pretty tough week for john boehner. will rogers once said i'm not a member of any organized party i'm a democrat that seems to be reversed now the democrats seem to be totally organized
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and the republicans seem to have two to three wings in that and that set up where would newt gingrich put you hard right middle right far right where well i think i'm sort of where i've always been i believe in big ideas i believe in the future i would try to break out of the current dialogue and create a whole new way of thinking and talking about where we're going and what we're trying to accomplish you look at around you larry you look at google amazon e-bay. apple all these things to work you know your automatic teller machine card that you carry in your wallet that gets money anywhere in the world and then you look at the total failure of the obamacare web sites and there's this symptomatic of government bureaucracies that are totally out of sync with the modern world that's not a republican or a democrat comment it's not even a liberal or conservative it's a matter of objective reality and i think i'd be trying to create a an idea oriented new reform wing that would focus on how do we how do we
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modernize government so it's at least as effective as our automatic teller machine does that wing agree that we're the only up till now industrialized nation in the world without a health plan for all its citizens and haven't had one until obama got one passed do you agree we need one well i think that we need to ensure that every american gets health care and that no american is left without access to health care even under obamacare they'll be thirty million people who won't have coverage and i don't think we haven't had a rigorous serious conversation about how you make sure that access is available to every single person and is on question in terms of anything which involves life and death. you ever wish you were back there in the house i tell people i feel like john madden you know you're a member madden was a great young coach and then he got a nice job sitting up there on sundays looking at the current coach i never heard john madden once say he wanted to go back down on the field it's great to have done a once in my life i love being where i am now crossfire is very exciting and i
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really enjoy the creativity of trying to talk about one issue at a time every evening and i think it's given us a chance to really bring some some new light and some new information to the american people let's get to some other areas what do you make of senator ted cruz he's very aggressive he's very smart he represents clearly one wing of the republican party and he has a knack for infuriating the other wing so he will be one of the great polarizing figures the next generation will see whether that is a springboard to the presidency or just means he's going to be a very noisy very prominent u.s. senator i think the jury's out on the you know of any polarizing figure who got elected president well reagan started out as a polarizing figure but by the time he won the presidency he wasn't so you could start i guess with that example all right you said that john boehner is quite happy to have the news media attack ted cruz you told that the wm may already earlier
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this week what do you mean but you're a shrewd observer of this business larry if you're the speaker of the house in your choices the news media attacking cruz are attacking you would you be glad to have them attack cruz think of as they call them a blocking back in football if he takes all the heads boehner may be frustrated but he's not the one who gets beaten up the most. what are your thoughts about barack obama overall give me your assessment of him as a man and a president he's extraordinarily smart he is very shrewd strategically he wants to create a very radically different country and he understands the common culture probably better than any other politician around right now i think that he makes a huge mistake by automatically shifting into a partisan mode and attacking and vilifying his opponents and i think he makes a huge mistake by not being willing to sit down and talk with people in the goshi with them and both of those i think in the long run will dramatically limit his presidency but you have to give him credit even if given his values and what he's
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trying to accomplish his rise from freshman senator to beating hillary clinton to winning the presidency to getting the stimulus package he wanted to pay off his allies to getting obamacare on his terms he has been very effective at the things he wants and i think he would say that's the that's the swap he's agreed to the he has no intention of being particularly friendly to republicans because down his opponents his goal is to get what he wants and he's done a decent job of it how well did clinton handle similar situations clinton did a much better job of keeping the system working he did a much better job of working with his opponents but objectively he got less done to radicalize the country and obama said early on he didn't physically want to be a bill clinton he i think i think obama love to what clinton did as giving up key values welfare reform balanced budget tax cuts in order to be popular and in order
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to build a unified democratic party and i think that obama rejected the clinton strategy and went to a very different approach and i think that was a matter of values but but in terms of keeping the country unified in keeping the country getting things done i think clinton did a dramatically better job than obama what do you make of rand paul. he is not his father i mean nobody should assume that he is limited to the the right wing. libertarian position that his father had he's a serious student of politics and government he's very methodical and i think that he is it will be a significant force in american politics chris christie i think he's going to win by twenty points or more proving that you can break out of the trenton machine you can break out of the union dominated system i think he's a good model for republicans to look at and he's a reminder that when you look at a john cases scott walker a rick perry bobby jindal there are
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a lot of republican governors doing smart things across this country i personally believe we're more likely to nominate a governor than a senator in two thousand and sixteen for the republican nomination and christie certainly if he wants to is going to be a major contender for the presidency no one can get into another person's head but off the top do you think hillary's going to run gosh you know i think she is and she's working too hard to not run but part of our has to really dread be you know. her peeve day is going to be the day she announces she's been through this once before it's very clear that the left is going to organize around somebody like a lose with warren and it's very clear that the news media is going to take apart how her husband has been making money how the foundation gets run everything they can go after of so from her perspective she got to really think about it but it's a little hard for me to imagine her not running i mean she has she has too much to
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offer the country she believes too deeply in her causes and she has too much pride i think to just walk off and i suspect that she and bill and for that matter chelsea all three are committed to a very methodical four year campaign to win the presidency and then bill she would have a formidable campaign no would she not well and in chelsea i mean nobody should underestimate how brilliant chelsea is and how much she's grown up in the context of national politics and i liked the interview that her father did with piers morgan were piers said you know which one is better prepared hillary or chelsea and bill laughed and said you know if it's tomorrow morning hillary but if it's ten or fifteen years from now chelsea said is going to be smarter than either one of us and i think that there wasn't as fatherly affection as she's a very bright young woman so they're going to have a trio out there are campaigning and they will be very formidable in a serious vein newt what's the impact of this mess the debt ceiling and the like
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and on the world stage well it's one more weakening of the american image i mean. this is the most. significant country in the world in terms of our economy in terms of our prestige in terms of our military and that's one of the reasons i disagree so much with president obama's approach of not negotiating and just trying to to bully his way to get what he wants the fact is when america goes through these kind of masses and nothing serious gets done we don't look like a country you can rely on and we certainly don't look like a country you want to follow and i think in that sense you've seen a steady weakening of the american position in the world over the last five years what what's the great is that sterno threat to this country today the greatest short term threat is islamist terrorism and the danger that they'll get a nuclear weapon and age weapons of mass destruction the greatest long term
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challenge is the rise of china which is occurring on a scale we can't even imagine and which is going to be a long term a question about our ability to mobilize our scientific and educational resources and i think there's a very very grave challenge to us in being able to match china over the next fifty years phyllis is no book yankee is is aimed at who it's fish for forty year olds it's the third book in a series on american history she's invented a character named ellis the elephant and in yankee doodle dandy he introduces forty year olds to the american revolution to george washington to paul revere to betsy ross it's a great book as an elephant dizzy a republican you know ellison ellis' an american elephant he is a patriotic elephant a she seriously looked at bunnies and giraffes and hippos but alice is frankly
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pretty darn cute and i think that's how he won out susan i was here as the artist and does a wonderful job of getting alice to be engaging and getting young people to really like the elephant. one other thing newt you say we go back to the gingrich revolution in retrospect was it a success well in the sense that we created a houseman public a majority of the lasted for twelve years for the first time really since and over seventy years we balanced the budget we reformed welfare we had the first tax cut in seventeen years and the economy grew dramatically and we reduce regulations i think in that sense it was it was a success i mean it didn't fundamentally change the direction of history but remember when i left here in the middle of four consecutive years of a balanced budget and we were actually projecting the paying off of the federal debt it was a remarkable moment i think bill clinton certainly deserves half the credit but i think the house republicans deserve the other half and one other thing in the
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overall picture of things here an optimist or a pessimist on the total optimist i don't see how you can be an american believe in american history look at the american people and not be an optimist i think it just is it's a part of who we are. newt as always thank you very much like you always see you and hope to see you soon back on washington great to see you larry we thank you speak again thanks for joining us on politicking hoping next time we meet in person for my viewers out there i want to hear from you what do you think about the government shutdown join the conversation on my facebook page and share your thoughts on twitter by tweeting at kings things and using the politicking hash tag that's all for this edition of politics.
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splits to fight the syrian opposition party takes a close look at life on rebel ground is just a few kilometers from the capital damascus the city's like a state within a state free syrian army controlling the area big syrian military and terror.
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reports from fragmenting syrian rebel held territory. syria on the rebel group on our. time very sad this sucker of the global financial system is complicated time to rebuild something better something less. correct perhaps in fact this three architecting of the global financial system is happening right now as i speak these words doesn't matter whether you like it or not it is happening why the recent well the former french prime minister dominique de villepin recently said the us has used its three phenomenal courage is to put the financial stability of the whole world at risk. of. real damage and complexity of this oil spill was not something you can grasp just by looking at dirty birds we have between four to five million people in this directly affected area of the coast and it's pretty clear why it's not being
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reported because b.p. can't afford to have a reported all along the gulf coast are clean they are safe and they're open for business if b.p. is the single largest oil contributor to the pentagon the us war machine is heavily reliant upon b.p. and their oil this is a huge step backwards for democracy it's a step forward. carex it is toxic is a look a lot like spray and. it was it was not a picture that either the government or b.p. really wanted to have out there i don't want dispersants to be the agent on. this.
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and it meant a spike in radiation levels have fuels fears at the fukushima nuclear plant as readings in a storage tank right thanks. in time. it's bye bye is. long time chief of america's embattled national security agency. after spending months struggling with the fallout from the edward snowden the. stay inside the syrian rebellion though with the arrival of brigades and civilians a feeling. you get a unique perspective from within an opposition controlled area. just eighty kilometers from the capital damascus but it is like a state.


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