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tv   Breaking the Set  RT  October 19, 2013 2:29am-3:01am EDT

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to access to. ladies and gentlemen and welcome to everyone's favorite game show revolted that door today only lend security million dollar question is who's going to replace general tone as head of the d h s folks the stakes are high it's a position that oversees two hundred forty thousand employees including fema ice the t.s.a. and the coast guard so who is the lucky winner john it looks give the audience some clues is a physics or old male who is that informally pretty in the pentagon and he's friends of barry zero has also helped lay the groundwork for any don't ask don't tell news so far not to mention he's actually said america's war on terror should
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come to an end and he even believes one of our country's top priority should be restructuring the u.s. immigration system. lots of good stuff here folks but wait there's more what's behind closed door number two here's a hint it's full of skeletons first starters he actually had the audacity to say that staunch pacifist m.l.k. would have supported us wars in iraq and afghanistan. next up he's also say oh masochist. oh wait what's that you say sorry that's dick cheney my mistake but we're not too far off guys this guy does get off on torture so you personally travel to quantico were chelsea manning was held and approved all the horrible treatment she incurred this guy also helped draft the drone king's drone policy. know the words indefinite detention an extra judicial killings definitely aren't
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part of this guy's vernacular so without further ado there is no way mr jenner then. yes he is no rick helli no saint either so it looks like the american people lose again with more of the same let's go break the set. the for the thrill of the games they are looking very hard to take that early the flow that he ever had sex with that hurt right there at the end. of the goal. the little.
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the at least. the. third did you know that industrialized countries account for only twelve percent of the world's population yet consume over sixty percent of its resources the us alone gobbles up a whopping twenty five percent of the energy on earth believe it or not the shocking disparity is by design at least that's what my next guest alleges in describing how this system works self-titled economic hitman john perkins says that through the guise of foreign aid the natural resources of the planet are seized and profits funneled in the pockets of a few he's also the author of the bestselling book confessions of an economic hit man and hoodwinked he joins me now john perkins welcome back to the show. thank you ed it's great to be with you again john you allege that you were an economic hit man which you describe as a highly paid professional who keeps countries around the world out of billions of
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dollars are there any government documents that back up this decade's long global conspiracy. i think everything that's coming out around the n.s.a. and edward snowden's revelations certainly back an awful lot of it we're going deeper and deeper into this so i think at this point there's very little question plus we've admitted to overthrowing governments like most the deck in iran is a recent book about the dulles brothers who were involved in that we've admitted to overthrowing arbonne xin we want them out of the cia did that. in chile. henry kissinger's admitted to it it's yes there's a lot of documentation that totally substantiates this your book also claims that so-called jackals are the corporate murderers that have carried out assassinations on world leaders that don't comply with the program such as the former president act when or if that's the case john why are you alive. well i get that question a lot every bit and the reason is i actually started writing this book in the early eighty's my daughter had just been born i contacted other people that had been in
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the business and received threatening phone calls about my life my young daughter's life i was also then offered a consulting job with donna webster a large consulting firm out of boston in new york they said i have a great resume i just did i've been chief economist at one of their rivals and they like to use my resume and proposals like the paid me a very large consultancy and half a million dollars just don't write the book and i would have to do any work so here i am in this position where my life my tatas life is being threatened i'm being offered essentially a bribe but it's a legal bribe there's nothing illegal about what they did i took the money and in my own defense i have to say that i put it toward good things i made trips to places countries that were screwing in latin america wrote books like shapeshifting the world is as you dream it but i didn't expose what was going on. and then after nine eleven i decided i had to come clean and at this point i decided to write the entire manuscript without telling anybody i was writing it and then get out into
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the hands of major publishers at that point it became my best insurance policy in fact even today you know if someone were to shoot me when i walk out of the studio the book with so many many millions more copies and that's exactly the opposite of what the jackals would like to have happen so whistleblowers should never threaten to blow the whistle they should just get all their ducks in order. exactly there are some high profile death of political leaders that happen here in the u.s. john that people still question to this day do you think the jackals operate inside of america too. you know i have no personal proof of that but it's sometimes hard to believe that they weren't involved in some of these things that certainly follows the model that i've seen in many other countries as i mentioned in my books i was personally involved with the time it rolled the. democratically elected president of ecuador and the archery house of panama both of whom were assassinated and some of the things we've seen in this country very very
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akin to what i've seen overseas and as i said i personally was never involved don't have any personal evidence of let's talk about syria clearly the goal was regime change but it didn't happen should we expect a sob plane to crash soon. i think he's pretty well protected you know it's similar to saddam hussein who certainly we tried to win him over using economic hitman as as we had done in saudi arabia very successfully but saddam hussein would not buy in the jackals tried to take him out they couldn't he had very good security so that's why we sent in the military i suspect assad's in a very similar position that it's probably very well protected and of course the fact that russia. is backing assad in many respects it makes it very difficult to in a. places like move with gadhafi in libya we have more international support than we do in syria last year on the show john you were talking about when the evolution
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occurred of corporate corporate control pretty much over governments when and how did that transition take place. it really started at the end of world war two when the world bank and the i.m.f. were created at the bretton woods conference and these were institutions that were created to help reconstruct a devastated europe and they did a pretty good job at it but then very soon after that became this tension between the soviet union and the united states that we know as the cold war and then the these institutions became very supportive of big corporations because they wanted to prove that the capitalism was better than the soviet system and so they really bought into the corporate policies supported big corporations around the world privatizing things and in developing countries making huge loans to developing countries that they couldn't pay off so then demanding that they privatized their electric utilities their water and sewage system sell them to our corporations there was this huge expansion there was this cozy relationship between these major
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banks and then wall street got involved and the corporations and then of course there was a time but it didn't stop there because the relationship had developed into new and continue to develop so really at this point in time it's safe to say that the world bank the international monetary fund much of wall street serves essentially as a tool for big corporations and in fact that is the u.s. government so that's the pentagon sort of the n.s.a. so the cia very very much supportive of big corporations but you know we've seen with these snowden revelations about the n.s.a. that a lot of their spying was done to help corporations u.s. corporations gain an advantage over others oil companies and other corporations in different countries right and one thing that i was really fascinated that you said that the n.s.a. personally that had you for your job at that strategic consulting firm. decades ago i mean so you obviously you were privy to pretty much the extent of this global spying apparatus far before the leaks came out and glenn greenwald claims of the
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most damning revelations are yet to come what could be worse than we already know john well i'm sure you can get an awful lot worse isn't it interesting how already you know the dilma rousseff the president of brazil has declined to come to the united states and meet with obama because spying in her country and i think there's a back story to that too that most of us haven't heard and that is that the us supported a very brutal military dictatorship in brazil back when i was an economic hit man and dilma was a resistance fighter and so she's very sensitive to the idea of the u.s. government spying on her or anybody in her government we don't hear that very often and three other major countries in latin america have broken ties with european countries because of this thing over snowden so it's become huge and i think we're going to you know i think we're going to hear an awful lot more and yes i was interviewed by the n.s.a. i was offered a job at the n.s.a. back when i first got out of business school they put me through a lie detector test personality test and the determine that i would actually make
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a pretty good critic agent. do you still have connections in the system i mean do you still have ties to any current economic hitman and have you tried to convince and they're working for sociopathic fitow kratz well only through my books and i mean really very much out of the system i mean i do run into people from time to time i go out and have dinner beers or something with a few guys who are doing this before women so there are connections there yes but frankly at this point in time my main goal is to create a better world to to expose what happened in the past and to use that as a springboard into moving a new into a new type of economy working with corporations to turn them around to convince them that their main job is to serve a public interest it's not just to make huge profits for wall street and for the. center the wealthy but to actually serve a public interest us has a big long history of having set that back in the eight hundred as
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a prime goal of corporations so i see my job today as turning what i would call a death economy which we have today one that's based on the military it's based on ravaging the earth tearing up resources let's turn that around and convince these corporations and pay our taxes to corporations that will instead of making weapons help clean up the terrible pollution of the planet help starving people around the world grow food more efficiently store it and distribute it more efficiently create better systems of transportation and energy marketing banking and so on and so forth i think this tremendous opportunities here to create a really but much better economic world a life economy instead of a death or con and i absolutely agree with that but john if the third world isn't perpetual and ventured servitude to the first by design and the riches of the first world based on the debt of these countries how can that ever change we have about a min. oh yeah i think it's going to take a real change in consciousness and on our part and that's why right that's my mom shows like this that's why you're doing this show thank god you are that's why
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we're doing what we're doing because we've got to get people to understand that the real solution to acts of terror around the world is to get rid of the causes of terror terror the deep underlying causes which are desperation and which are poverty which are people's lands being taken away by oil companies and public utility companies and big multinational corporations if we want to good world a sustainable just and peaceful world and we've got to create a new kind of economy around the world and that is going to take all of us understanding better what's going on what we need to do to change it it is a revolutionary values of consciousness of just thought thank you for being such an integral part of john perkins author of confronted with his passions of an economic hit man who went everyone check it out thanks so much for coming on my pleasure abbi thank you so much for having me keep up the great work still ahead we'll have the latest information about whistleblower edward snowden that stick around. a member the first time i saw fox and i became
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a fox came into being after i left leave the united states to live abroad when i first saw it i just thought what is this this is opinion t.v. there are no facts at all it's just opinion i personally i was really shocked at what has happened to my country because there's no news in this there's news station you know if you if you click around or you go through all of the major news websites i agree i mean it tends to be the same story to a certain a certain level or degree and not much new information and clearly you know this business model of their you know that it's not a secret is to. carry a conservative or republican agenda and their major goal if you watch their show is to really make sure obama doesn't succeed as a democrat so it's a business model they made a decision. it's a quick fix for a long and increasingly intoxicating addiction the us may have avoided the fault
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but it keeps dragging the world into an ever deeper debts home is it still possible to break this vicious cycle. of food on. the news today was once again fled up the phone these are the images cold world has been seeing from the streets of canada as true for china operations are on today. since the first and it's
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a revolution in june and word snowden has managed to stay almost completely out of the media spotlight to get a low profile in russia where he was granted temporary asylum but this month four americans with previous ties the u.s. intelligence community met with snowden in russia and presented him with the annual sam adams associates of word for integrity and intelligence those people are n.s.a. whistleblower thomas drake retired cia analyst raymond govern and f.b.i. whistleblowers coleen rowley and just one radek the latter two join me now to discuss their visit and what lies ahead for mr snowden thanks much for coming on justin and call it mean so much. so just start with you both went to russia you presented edward start with the same out of the terrier world what is this award all about and why did you choose to give it to him well this award is true recognize people who have shown courage and integrity in the in intelligence communities where it can be particularly hard to speak up because those people are unprotected it doesn't necessarily have to go to
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a whistleblower but often has and we felt it was very important to give it to edward snowden because he had engaged in that magnificent amazing act of civil disobedience and basically threw away his life as he knew it to do so to help people here in america certainly did call him and move on to you considering the reach of n.s.a. control do you guys take any precautions to make sure his location was revealed. well we didn't take too much for cautions ourselves other than we did take laptops with us but that was mostly because we were afraid our laptops and cell phones might be confiscated when we when we returned. we didn't know where we were in moscow because none of us are really from. they are with moscow so there was nothing real special about our arriving at the sign disclosed location and we were just really fortunate to have several hours actually alone with edward snowden re
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also had human rights attorney there and and translator for a while but we were able to have a long in-depth chat about the n.s.a. and the surveillance and the possible reforms incredible i mean what was that like just want to sit down with him he's been out of the media spotlight how was he in person he was fine he seemed happy and healthy and which is hard to envision after being under such enormous pressure but he also seemed very thoughtful and brilliant and has the wicked sense of humor so he was very vaal grounded the river great person to spend time with and it was really i think wonderful for both of us to see him and for him to see other people from home as i was and he's been so inspired by the work of all of you guys and so it's just an incredible connection to make really tremendous calling although he's been granted political asylum in russia for just a year is he free to move around in the country as it stands and what happens when
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the year is up does anyone know. i don't think anyone really knows what lies ahead for him he has a course requested the asylum in other countries and i think even some other countries have granted him asylum but his problem is the transportation to get to any other place outside of russia right now i'm with i think many of us hope that there will be a venture a cultural change and people will recognize that as a whistleblower he has actually helped put the united states back on the right path and actually on the effect of pay off i think it's there are you know the polls show that sixty percent of the united states is with him so maybe it'll be like the story of benjamin franklin who was also accused of being a were. a traitor back before the american revolution for also leaking information to the colonists at the time about their civil liberties so let's cross our fingers that things change and that he will have more options available to him well i'm
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really happy to hear that he's being optimistic about the people waking up i hope they do too but just when did he express any concern about his fate if he does return back to america oh i don't think he plans on returning back anytime soon right now he's been granted asylum i think the immediate thing to do would be for him to be able to extend that because it only lasts for a year and hopefully at some point in the future our country will calm down and see that happening immediately but his home for now is is russia and he's making the best of it learning the language and taking classes and at the same time continuing his activism and pushes for reform and that's where he is right now russia and italy was our host and invited us there and was there during the dinner and to welcome him with open arms with. just as we know he's been with
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someone sarah harrison who's been a by as side who is she and is she and she's been with him the whole time i mean why what is going on there with that relationship sarah harrison is a week you leaks journalist and wiki leaks basically when extracted him and helped him go from hong kong to russia right before he was extradited to the u.s. and sara like i said is the unsung hero she's been shepherd his friend his mentor his guide and his colleague all in one she's been staying with him you know for protection and companionship. in the pool atomic sense of the word but you know. to look after his well being and help him adjust to all these changes obtain asylum and find a comfortable and safe place to be because wiki leaks very much believes in the protection of its sources of sources where they belong to wiki leaks or not the
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protection of whistleblowers what about in that she's probably scared to leave because she doesn't want to incur the same wrath david miranda face when he traveled a very tense situation which is tremendous for staying there and helping him out. and you know colleen did you in the dream team of whistleblowers have any difficulties traveling in and out of the country actually know we we kind of worried a little bit about coming back to the united states that we might be asked you know where is edward snowden but we came right and just ignore our only without any problem and you know we we do again hope that edward snowden one other thing is he doesn't have to travel back to the united states in order to make a difference his disclosures continue in the new york times revealed yesterday that he doesn't possess these documents now but they are in the custody of others and he
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was allowed to give a statement to the european union committee on human rights by proxy so let's hope that he's able to continue that kind of work because heaven knows we need reforms we absolutely do thank you so much you guys for coming on just in red are calling really really appreciate you guys time thanks so much. you know i often get flack for not having more opposing viewpoints on work in this so today i decided to wrap up the show with a more lighthearted discussion with a guest who alleges that the liberal media is brainwashing us into accepting the socialist tyranny. of zero the comedian and author of the book adequate for idiots to have a conversation by asking her why she thinks we are living under a nanny state. our system right now is if you need something everybody goes right to the government rather than the first thing we should think about is go to our
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friends and family then we go to our local community then we go to local government and there's why our church is exempt from tax status because they're how they're there to help and we're not using or utilizing our communities and we're expecting the federal government to do everything for us and it's turning into this nanny state basically that you know. president obama just the other day said people just want the government to work like we don't care how it works like we're some ridiculous nine hundred fifty s. housewife who doesn't know how to balance her checkbook that's ridiculous of course we want the government to work but it but not at any cost we don't want just want to keep going deeper into debt and we don't certainly don't need to be told what to wear what to eat what i don't really tell us what to wear yet but they tell us what to eat you know they tell us everything they're there mike rowe managing us down and losing every single one of our freedoms slowly and every every time we give up a freedom in this country it's a drop in the bucket and people don't realize that that eventually that's going to lead to living in a dictatorship in
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a socialist society or i don't really look at our government and see it as socialist at all i mean the obama care is the farthest thing from socialism you can get it's more a corporate grab i mean the insurance industry is actually wrote the bill it's there are the winners here they're the big winners so i just think that these labels are really dividing us from engaging in proper debate i mean calling well the government marks this is totally erroneous well there's elements of socialism in it in that it's forcing people to to have. by and participate or be fined for it . i think it's definitely a socialist idea. talk about your book at it could it is what's it all about you know i just rode ridiculous etiquette like etiquette for sociopaths and i was just messing around and my publisher really liked it and said it needs to be forty thousand words so i was like wow i can write some stupid stories and why not lot of people write crappy books and paying for it speaking of sociopaths i saw that it
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was indorsed by ann coulter about. people who have their fancy early and she's insane but i actually love her and i'll tell you why i don't agree with all of her politics and most of what she says but i really i've had dinner with her and i really like her as a person and i like the fact that like you know she's willing to stand up and speak for what she believes in even even if people disagree with her and i have a lot of respect for that and it's certainly not easy to do and in any industry or or anything especially in this field how do you feel i can't let you go without asking you this how do you feel when you're. that the players on the rutgers women's basketball team are not be headed hos i mean do you think that he deserved to be fired for that comment i think it was and i actually addressed this in my book because it's it was absolutely surreal to me and i think that was my first wakening to really i was truly shocked by what the media did to him and how they completely misrepresented him and called him racist i grew up with them and he's a total nut job an amazing awesome father but he's the last thing he is
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a racist and that was shocking to me really to see how much the media actually does lie and that's when i started to get into breitbart and course reading his book and understanding and greg gutfeld has a great book called the joy of hate which talks about the lies of the liberal media or i have to disagree with you on the term liberal media because the media is owned by six corporations pretty much the interest of profit maximisation so i don't really see where the liberal slant comes in. well that i'm you know i'm just repeating everything i hear on fox news. i don't hear it. well i think what i see on television and what i watch predominantly is. and i'm here in hollywood so dealing with most of my friends are liberals and their perceptions of what's going on seem very leftist and. biased and based on no real actual facts or knowledge while a listen at imus zero comedian author of for it it's another stupid stories they do
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so much for coming on the show. you guys that's it for the show tonight thanks for tuning in see back here next week to break the search all over again. but.
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according to the behind center's numbers we have more than two thousand political prisoners in brooklyn right now of course if you look at the system what the bahamian government is trying to do is they're trying to label many of these prisoners us terrorists. deliberate george is on a big journey to structure. one hundred twenty three days. through two hundred cities of russia. related by fourteen thousand people or sixty five thousand killing. in a record setting trip by land air sea and others face. olympic torch relay. on our t.v. archie dot com. may disagree. but i believe america is exceptional.
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we're going. to. see the. economic downturn the find out. the long. and the rest. will be.
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a global frag attack the rallies around the world unite i. imagine the authorities and. the risks the dangerous technology. and the all those stolen bolts on the syrian village of. the rebel fighters whose territories have it encircled and. never heard of. on the ground yet wrong that is a british also the same bolt in the country's day to day needs but has some big question. claims.


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