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tv   Headline News  RT  October 19, 2013 4:00am-4:30am EDT

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freeboard video for your media project free media r t v dot com. a global attack on rallies around the world unite against shale drilling and demanding authorities to open their eyes to the risks of the dangerous technology. in the eye of the storm bod to report on the syrian village of mali and meets the rebel fighters from the territories have it circled and. never heard of serco the circle line when you're away. on the ground yet wrong it's a british services colossus involved in the country's day to day needs but has some big questions to answer if a failure and fought. live
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from moscow this is r t you with me would say let's take a look at our top story this hour saturday is global day an international protest uniting activists the world wide demanding a ban on shale gas drilling for activists as they know what their authorities to hear the truth about the risks of the technology although british leaders are smitten with the fuel the prime minister being a vigorous advocate of the risk of technique as laura smith reports. it's going to make household energy bills cheap he says it will create loads of job c. infuses we'll pay you if you let us do it in your area u.k. prime minister david cameron has got behind forking in a big way almost evangelical in his drive to sell it to the british people north and south it's a tough sell as he's found out from environmental groups cool people worried about
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the countryside being called off wind down the u.k. . locals and campaign is barricaded to propose drilling but to much and they now vowed to move back to wherever. the wrecking energy goes next. and they've got the experience of americans to back them up one hundred times more for a clean well yeah in the us than in the whole of europe and environmental impacts all showing campaign is welcome and dangerous chemicals leaking out from underground contaminated water to. the air quality and even quakes linked to cracking and they've been seen here in the u.k. record by drilling who but the government decided that didn't just deploy
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a ban on the technique according to cameron it would be a big mistake to rule proctoring out on environmental grounds in the choice between boosting the economy and saving the environment the british prime minister has come down firmly on the side of the economy. in london but in canada demonstrations held a pos we can resulted in clashes with police in a rest around one hundred officers struggle to control crowds up. hundreds they use pepper spray on protesters who responded with petrol bombs demonstrators blood rosen's at the cars and fired these forty people arrested. so what's still to be so dangerous about fracking and the benefits of creating jobs and fuel outweigh the risks and here's how it works the companies need to drill down about a kilometer into a shale rock formation and inject the water to the crack to crack them and extract
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oil as well as gas not to run a well you need millions of gallons of water combined with sand and chemicals and much of this water loaded with cancer causing our radioactive substances returned to the surface and could get into the lakes in the rivers not to mention that that poisonous food can contaminate the ground and then comes a plushie and highly potent greenhouse gases are released in the atmosphere but the drilling in the firms are doing everything they can to prove that people shouldn't fear fracking as a activism warthe explains. gas industry has spent millions of dollars trying to educate the general public through advertising to believe that fracking for every last drop of oil and gas is good for us and likewise they've spent tons of money both through lobbying and campaign contributions to try to convince elected officials at the highest level is who i think are being lobbied to
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believe that this is and this is something that they should be behind and they often use what we call green washing to make it seem like you know natural gas just that warm alone is cleaner when in fact this is the multinational oil and gas industry and there are basic motivation is to generate profit for their shareholders and they will do that regardless of what their costs are to local communities who are affected by this process and the larger cost to all of us through what could be long term threats to our drinking water as well as catastrophic climate change. what if the fracking slide was all right in your neighborhood well seventy four percent of europeans are say they certainly be concerned now in a village in romania locals get to decide whether they want the u.s. energy giant chevron to explore shale gas under their homes as a referendum next month when all the company has halted drilling following mass protests both on the slide and in the romanian capital which is going to boycott
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those fighting the energy giant. locals in this remote region of remaining i have been saddled with and i'm going to guest u.s. energy giant chevron is due to begin drilling for shale gas. a great culture is our lives if they come to drill in our soil for sure all will die because we've seen on the internet what they have done in other places where. many residents here fear that the process of fracking could release chemicals into the soil and contaminate the water. i'm so afraid of this kind of guess exploitation people see they will be big problems for our animals because the water will be affected and this woman the food for animals and for us and children as well we have children and grandchildren what should we do these locals and environmentalist have been camped out here braving the elements in order to stand up to us oil giant chevron and the
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armenian government which has given them the green light to start exploratory drilling in that field over there without any public consultation the sense of betrayal is that by most protesters chevron were forced to leave the area last week unable to get past the locals human chain around the site but it's only a matter of time before they return when they can guess they don't have any future because the children are present the future the old people in the village told us that they can die but this is important for us to have a future. chevron told us he that they have all the required permits to begin drilling and plan to return to the site and begin fracking safely assume as they can something that's less than reassuring for the growing number of people gathering here when we hope to stop them even if it means paying with our lives and if they want to send the army we will die if it is fate is for us to die so let it
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be but we won't give up until the outflow franking in romania boy actually pretty gestae romania. on air and online will be following the day of protest against fracking as they gain steam around of the globe stay with r.t. . in syria at least sixteen government soldiers have been killed in a suicide blast near damascus believed to have been the work of the militant al nusra front of the syrian rebel factions are pleading for more money and western military aid to fight the regime archies murphy is one of the few journalists who has been reporting from syria and i've spoken to members of the free syrian army inside rebel held territory. we cross the syrian lebanese border every day many
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times a boy and his son is a soldier for the free syrian army lawful general hard to miss for we take injured people to lebanon hospitals we get ammunition from there we bring in and out if i just want to go to see their families our cell is a safe haven. our so is a mostly sunni lebanese village on the syrian border. along this road which appeared here in the first days of the conflict in two thousand and eleven it's possible to reach all of syria's main battlefields bring in weapons or militants and many have done in those two and a half years damascus has repeatedly called on foreign nations to stop supporting what it calls terrorists in syria but when these calls apparently ignored taken the capital remains the ultimate go for all the forces fighting president assad in the digital. the security belt that the regime created around damascus is huge and to
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targeted we need many fighters and advanced weapons and to be honest we don't have those kinds of weapons but what we can do is watch operations here and there to relieve the pressure on the regime last month's attack on the village of malala here in the southwest of the country could be part of that strategy this ancient mostly christian settlement lies in a valley surrounded by mountains on the way from homs to damascus it's loyal to the syrian authorities but surrounded by f.s.a. held villages it is practically the only obstacle to venton fighters from two large syrian battlegrounds uniting in more than a month of clashes between a islamists and a physician tartars on one side and governmental forces on the other dozens were killed according to government sources and the siege continued while we feel and at the scene what you can see over there is that my little a village we can see actually the villages south of what we can see is the hotel to
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fear that the militants saffy holding for weeks now so right now we are on the other side of the clashes. from here to the hotel is territory held by the rebels after safai hotel it's the regime this is the highway to damascus but we cannot reach it because of my own rula. the fighters seized control of the heights around the village while we were filming it was still held by them. in this case you see the prices hundreds of thousands it's just used here just take a look at this this will these days does this to me this is where you see these caves that house them. soldiers of the syrian army when we were in mali alongside the army there were snipers in these very caves in the mountains around the village stopping us from getting out when i was stuck here in this corner and we're now
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trying to get out of here but while f.s.a. soldiers can hold their opponents they seem unable to make their own advances. have mount an f.s.a. fighter was injured in an order he says they need more money and american military aid washington has conceded a limited assault on syrian military bases over august's chemical attack. if they strike with just ten rockets the regime of bashar al assad will fall by itself but america changed track after moscow pushed washington to agree on a peaceful way forward pulled its warships spec from mediterranean and put its tomahawks on hold it didn't please everyone. seeing us all of them are liars the americans the arabs all of them i don't know how i can express had better and we're not hoping for anything from them. with army forces struggling to come but fighters haydon in the mountains and militants helpless in the face of government
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tanks artillery and. the country's at a deadly impasse is neither side prepared to blink first. marti's morea for national reports from fragmented syrian rebel held territories. syria on the rebel. marksman. as a family's killed in an afghan taliban attack on an international residence complex and we talk to a candidate for next year's presidential election explains to us what he thinks is behind the increase in insurgent attacks. and a decade's long like a rock who's using all the water reaches boiling point in the sauber in the u.s. . locked in a legal battle the details coming. technology
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innovation. developments around russia. it's a. pleasure to have you with us here on our t.v.
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today i roll researcher. welcome back to our she is home all international news transport health care prisons a school services in the u.k. there's one for him with a finger in all those pies but few members of the public know much about it even though it's accused of charity performance and even charging taxpayers for it not as a investigates the suspicions about sicko. for bicycles for rent to health services prisons speed cameras ambulances and even the government's work programme for the jobless chances are they're operated by global private companies that you may have never even heard of have you ever heard of the companies. should know better about. have you ever heard of the come to school to compete.
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never have you ever heard of serco. on the ground you know one of the biggest companies providing public service is a thanks to outsource government contractors a company called serco operating various services for the transport for london electronic tagging of presidents for the ministry of justice and some out of hours general practice services for the national health service now these are just full of areas of the company operates and the company is currently making headlines as is being investigated for fraud mismanagement of a long list of complaints on the quality of the service it provides are they competent to have their expertise. and they really effectively manage the service and nothing. is becoming to thank. for its part has said that the situation is being dealt with we will embed quickly and effectively any changes
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needed into the way we do business and we expect to emerge stronger as a result that practices. publicity of two different things the u.k. government is set to continue on its massive outsourcing drive the n.h.s. or the health service for instance isn't working on its single a big contract to date inviting bids valued between seven hundred million and one point one billion pounds one of the reasons that these public service markets often is because the pace and scale of reform is causing significant problems in the rush to develop public service market is avoidable areas. often been made and design an oversight and what we would urge the government is to slow down learn quickly from mistakes and correct them out of the system before another mistake grabs the headline but there doesn't seem to be any slowing down on the part of the government and for those in the private sector it's simply business as usual just
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or so yards he wondered. those voices in your head might just be real scientists say they're not only a step closer to ease stopping on our faults but that their discovery might allow our minds to be manipulated to find out who could soon rain our brains and our teeth dot com. and the monster bushfires that are ravaging southeast australia right now we've got a gallery of dramatic images showing just how terrifying that blaze was stricken households. a family of six has been killed in the latest surge of violence in afghanistan as the country's government comes under pressure to make peace with the taliban for children were among the victims when a taliban suicide bomber detonated a car full of explosives are leaving an international compound east of kabul and they took convoy is said to have been the target foreign forces and diplomatic missions have seen a surge and insurgent attacks or as the country braces
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a cell for nato troops withdrawal in twenty four thirteen one presidential candidate for the next year's election told us that for government control is to be . out of the increase. has been very very evident in the past few months mr karzai is not living in afghanistan that will be remembered as a stable afghanistan and afghanistan but our government has public support a government that has been able to attract bigger problems that people are suffering from which is property lack of jobs corruption lack of rule. of law there be some some some achievements but these achievements have not been because of this government these are for the achievements have been because of the mass inertia of the presence of the international community and the global push towards freedom of speech women's rights or some technological advances in the communication area or
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in the in the media area these are not government made achievements these are shiva's that were here because of the presence of the international community this government has not produced anything that is sustainable or tangible. around the world now for some other top stories the un is urging washington to release some more data about its drone strikes the organizations the latest report is says at least four hundred and fifty civilians have been killed in pakistan afghanistan and yemen in and manned aerial attacks since two thousand and four a figure that's been downplayed by the u.s. the u.n. wants an investigation to provide accurate casualty figures. and to torture activists have subjected themselves to feeding through a nasal tube outside an appeals court in washington d.c. in protest at the indefinite detention of inmates at guantanamo bay one has spent
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more than three months on a new water only fost in solidarity with the prisoners who remain on hunger strike over one hundred detainees or started refusing food in february over the mistreatment with dozens having since been subjected to force feeding by u.s. authorities. athens has seen another large protest against greece's florida golden dawn party a gathering was aimed at como rating the killing of an anti for us as red. news murdo was confessed to by a golden dawn a member of the organizations leader denies the group was in any way connected to the attack but the stabbing said the greek government on a wide crackdown against the party. a hostage drama in paris where an armed man took four people captive at a bank of a frenchman who is it in his forty's demanded that the state up provide social housing for him and as it is able to run after police are wrong to the building and was eventually persuaded to surrender after two hours and no one was harmed.
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dramas that can't be ignored to. stories others who refuse to know. for instance treat the world right. through pictures of days. from around the globe. dropped. in the u.s. three neighboring states are struggling to divide us supplies from one shared river a battle that's been going on for decades they blame each other for using too much water is wall looks at the dispute. for over two decades three states have been in a bitter battle over water now the fight has reached
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a boiling point there certainly is an issue about whether there's enough water for everybody georgia alabama and florida all have a stake in the apalachicola chattahoochee flimsier river system it's the source of drinking water fishing business and recreation or i'm standing right now i am in georgia just on the other side of this river that's alabama now the water is flowing down south into the state of florida and with all three states having a stake in this river it's leading to a war over water early october florida filed a lawsuit against georgia in the supreme court the sunshine state charged its northern neighbor with using too much water florida says georgia's water consumption is drying out business for oyster farmers oysters need a healthy mix of fresh and salt water to thrive so who is sucking up the most water many blame atlanta the city is growing and so is its third for water.
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is population growth is this climate change is coming we're starting to stretch our water resources particularly periods of drought but outside florida experts keeping an eye on the water level of the chattahoochee river say it's not all atlantis fault but that there's also a lot of climate change strands we see less rainfall the new year will last ten years and that certainly affects the flow into apalachicola and there's a lot of other variables that of oysters of than just bridge waters the neighboring states have been fighting over the rivers resources for over twenty years one lawsuit after another there's been no solution that clinches everyone's thirst it's not very often that the come to. the. consensus around something that both people given taking on the you there win or lose usually
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in court you think of the cost of twenty three years of litigation and these years and then the federal agencies that are involved it's enormous for the most part the river is regulated by the army corps of engineers if florida gets its way the corps would force outlander to cut back on its water consumption and divvy up the water among the three states but some that have a stake in the river still hold out hope that the dispute can be settled outside the courts i would hope that within the next five years the three states can get to the table and bring rules aleutian of the in columbus georgia list of all party. so see you as a menace to avert default at the last minute there's a chance a to turn over financial new leaf but prepared to have your hopes dashed for a better system later on our team x. kaiser gets locked and loaded to take on the rating agencies. credit is created
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spontaneously from nothing and that the spontaneous credit creation from nothing not even a fractional reserve but zero reserve then becomes the collateral for even more credit creation and you create this global daisy chain of credit that has no collateral whatsoever but is nevertheless used by the top one percent to acquire assets who happen to be going up in value as long as they keep creating phony credit and again this is all tied to rating agencies being able to say look here's a steaming pile of dog poop and we're going to give this a aaa rating and then say using that as collateral to get out of the bank and borrow twenty million dollars to buy a shot or to borrow half a billion dollars to buy a company is if they're willing to say that this steaming pile of dog poo is aaa rated security that i'm going to borrow against. then so be it that's the new papacy in the post-capitalist world the vatican pope of goldman sachs and j.p.
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morgan says d.m. this crap to be to replace the collateral with the security. right coming up a closer look at gun control in the us and a small county in kentucky with. everyday life. you know as i look more and more into it i find that there were a lot of myths and exaggerations about what happened in russia during the soviet era however one really bad rumor seems to be true if you were an outspoken advocate against the soviet status quo then you could be considered insane and be locked
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away until the psychiatrist convinced you that khrushchev was brilliant scary stuff but sadly famous grammy award winning singer lauryn hill might be living the life of a soviet dissident right now she was convicted of failing to pay five hundred thousand dollars in taxes but strangely according to the international business times she was ordered to undergo psychiatric counseling because she believes in conspiracy theories related to the music industry who wrote in her own tumblr account that the music industry is manipulated and controlled by a media protected military industrial complex this is a strong accusation from hill but is actually irrelevant if it is true or not you see punishments are supposed to fit the crime and the crime of tax evasion should not have a punishment of mandatory counseling or is more paranoid types like me like to call it reprogramming oh they are usually trivial this celebrity case actually sets a dangerous legal precedent but that's just my opinion.
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according to the french center's numbers we have more than two thousand political prisoners i'm behind right now of course if you look at the system what the bahamian government is trying to do is they're trying to label many of these prisoners us terrorists. i know c.n.n. m.s.m. b c news have taken some lightly but the fact is i admire their commitment to cover all sides of the story just in case one of them happens to be accurate. that was funny but it's closer to the truth and might think. it's because when full attention in the mainstream media works side by side the joke is actually on here. and our teen years we have a different brain. because the news of both worlds.


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