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tv   [untitled]    October 21, 2013 12:00am-12:31am EDT

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germany's green dream morphs into a nightmare for the taxpayer as perks and handouts for a new energy billions to build. crisis of confidence a series of scandals leaves the reputation of the u.k. politicians at the wrong bottom with the british public saying they can't be trusted even to admit when they're wrong. and a multi-polar world in the making russian and indian leaders get together here in moscow and read growing calls for limits on western domination.
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good morning to you from the entire news team here in moscow now eight am on monday i'm real research show with the hour's top headlines for you robin hood like subsidies for green power driving the e.u. towards an energy crisis this according to europe's top utilities for the problem they say is billions and handouts are killing innovation non-competitiveness and the results are there for all to see looking at the cost of energy in the e.u. for example and elsewhere in china a kilowatt hour is going to cost you around seven cents in the united states a few more sense than that double it and you've got france prices at least a kept down by some nuclear power but almost double that again and you've got germany at twenty seven cents an hour that's four times higher than china well needless to say that's bad news for industry at a time when the e.u. desperately needs to get back on its feet certainly economically speaking germany
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though has found a way around it instead of taxing of businesses and factories it puts the entire burden of subsidies on ordinary households and as artie's peter all of a found out families are having a tough time keeping up with the green lobbies appetites. well the. support for green energy is anchored in the german psyche it gets support even when it hurts us that hurt is being felt in germany pockets right now i went to meet one bill in mother who's finding paying for power a real problem. not my. one day or so i had almost doubled two hundred euros it was not possible for me to pay across europe energy prices for homes have risen by seventeen percent over the last four years one of the reasons for price rises is the subsidies being paid out for solar and wind energy germany is set to spend five hundred fifty billion euro on
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a plan to take eighty percent of its power from renewables over the next thirty seven years those costs being passed on to the consumer that's why it's being sold on the message that it's either wind energy or radioactive catastrophe this plays in these fears and makes money for the wind energy providers after the fukushima nuclear disaster germany increased its commitments to ditch atomic power bases seen more coal power plants having to be built to take up the slack the increasing cost is causing problems for manufacturers from the other before industry is suffering the big companies may decide that it's just too expensive and look to relocate. despite remaining heavily reliant on coal as a source of power germany sees itself as a trailblazer of renewable energy but that innovation comes at a cost to both the consumer and to the country's industry please roll over r t.
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so the german government is reconsidering its subsidy program wrangler merkel expected to look at how exactly behind belts work but for now the costs continue to damage the economy at something artie's katy pilbeam ok now i tell us more about good morning to you k.c. hello frank good morning to you are a yeah i get straight to it if i may yeah ok let's go for it so as consumers continuously see their utility bills rise the conflict between competitive business and the eco ambitions is escalating the decision to subsidize selected technologies has bumped up and you prices of course then see what's going on in germany them right here says subsidies for renewable energy are running at sixty billion euros a year right now now since they came into play that sixty billion that since their introduction that the value of utilities on global stock exchanges all over the e.u.
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has gone from around one trillion euros in two thousand and eight to lessen half of that right now so as a consequence perhaps not surprisingly investors are losing interest are one example of this is german utility company eon which is seen its share price drop by about seventy five percent certainly the c.e.o. of the company as we witnessed earlier wasn't too happy about that so while the energy companies are losing patience and our money the environmentalist say all but the question is can the global economy on the average consumer afford renewable right now or can you afford. host of venture capital thanks for coming in so bright and early on such a monday morning to see. you close the loopholes are exploited by the united states. to curb data
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transfers to other states with new laws which. with billions of euros of. syria where the state broadcaster are too afraid to appear on television. targeted by rebels trying to stop the government message from getting out stories coming your way in just a few minutes. for the meantime here on the british public things that are politicians rarely tell the truth and are unlikely to own up if indeed they make mistakes but a recent poll shows just how little faith people in the u.k. for those elected to represent themselves. hits the streets of london to find out. cash for questions selling access to the prime minister and of course m.p.'s abusing their expense accounts the story that just keeps on giving all of these scandals and more have come together to undermine the moral capital of politicians
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and the amount of trust the able to command with the public a poll done earlier this year said britons think politicians tell the truth less than all real estate agents don't and nicholas allen co-author of a new book on ethics and politics says this creeping loss of trust goes right to the heart of the dishonesty of all governments and there is a perception i think that politicians have. become less and less on it's less ethical in the way they conduct both state politics if people perceive politicians to be generally immoral and dishonest the politicians are going to lose a certain amount of moral authority politicians governments need a moral authority if they're going to lead the public lead society down quite difficult policy parts the times we live in to mond difficult policy poets raising
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the pension age paying taxes to pay off the deficits everything to do with they all require a real moral authority something politicians arguably just don't have as i found out outside their offices over there in port house politicians are lawyers i mean the girls are the wiser would be there with you for the more i think it's a group of people away from the barman. for us to be. paying this became something on how would i come across or how. i suspect in general i know very much the government is trying to do something about it focusing on greater transparency with money how politicians spend and misspent cash but don't tear alan's. for laying on stony ground rather touchingly old people in the u.k. really wants is to know that when a politician says he or she will do something they'll do it and that could be the
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hardest thing of all for the political class. are still to come here on another country where politicians. trust. in the streets and riot police government soaring unemployment saying the protests won't stop until significant change plus the police allegedly shooting an opposition activist new ways will form protests as activists demand the basic human rights. are just one in ten minutes past the hour moscow time let's turn eastwards now and the indian leaders are in moscow for talks where energy will also be discussed with europe america struggling powerhouses are looking to take up some of the economic slack. joining us live over to you. that's right the indian prime minister's expenses in moscow and again we're talking about brics
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which is of course brazil russia india china and south africa why do we care about them well because essentially these are the countries that have taken it upon themselves to say hey we're living in the world which is living by the old rules and there are so many new countries which are emerging for example the ones i just listed which have enough gravitas to take matters into their own hands or take their reins from the world economy of the world political situation basically take it all and change it from the old adagio from the cold war era which has. essentially was still going on in the minds of the american and some of the western european leaders and basically bring about not a new world order but a very slightly different view on current political events so the indian prime minister coming to moscow going to talk about some of the matters which are of course important for the for the brics countries such as slipping away from the behemoths the u.s.
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dollar which essentially is driving the world in calling me insane over the past few years if you ask some of the economic. experts and of course talking about other important issues as well really you made a mention there about the indian finance minister being it being here in moscow and you also. moving away from dollar dependency multi-polar world that's being promoted by the brics nations to india though one of the fastest rising economies in the world certainly one of the biggest oil consuming economies in the world as well many saying the india has a very significant role to play absolutely of course and it's exactly what we're expecting from today's visitors about the course there's going to be a lot of people citing that there why is this important is because the us dollars obviously weakening i mean we've just seen the government essentially holding the entire world on edge and there's a lot of people who are saying that why should we wait for one country to do that to the rest of the word. old so russia and china and india especially these three
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particular mayors players of the brics they're very particular about creating an alternative to the world currency i guess to the world the dollar so they're working on that and of course there's a lot of other issues which they're going to focus on as well india we are talking about china and india the two countries with the largest population in the world and in fact if you look at if you look at the all the countries of the brics taken together that's forty four and a half percent of the world's population in total a very few number of people whose opinion and really whose significance should not be and must not be you can order now read obviously when it comes to economics being discussed are certainly ongoing here and there are always political objectives to be included on the table as well absolutely i mean if you look at the map you see india and what's not real and what's really close to it is of gallus and so the whole issue off and get us down in pakistan of course that we're dealing right away with two issues not is combating terrorism and also called netting drug
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trafficking very very important issues both for india and for russia so we can expect to see a lot of talking in that area a lot of papers being signed and of course a lot of i guess productive you can say productive work in the near future or at all he's really going to go there in central moscow thank you. the data has been set for the long awaited peace conference on syria the geneva two talks will start on the twenty third of november and the government of bashar al assad has reiterated its willingness to take part but stressed that it won't negotiate with terrorists and this comes after thirty people were killed in a suicide truck bombing at an army checkpoint just outside the syrian city of hama the blast said a nearby fuel tanker on fire causing several more explosions and despite an army installation being the target most of the dead were civilians earlier sixteen more people were victims of
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a blast on the outskirts of damascus the capital remaining the main target of opposition fighters often targeting civilians as artie's paulus leer reports and also seem bent on scaring and killing the state media reporters. these pictures were long time coming syria's state t.v. headquarters in flames the attack occurred just hours after rebel groups warned they'd showered damascus with mortars. you know. i think their main goal is to intimidate people to stop us from working they want us to think twice about working for syrian t.v. like other employees of syrian state t.v. this woman is afraid to show her face she is one of the names listed in this web site set up by the rebels and each name and photograph is the word one tid those with crosses through them are people who have already been killed. the irony is
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that those who make t.v. are now too afraid to appear on this video editor was given an ultimatum either come work for us the rebels threatened or we'll kill you he managed to escape but a few weeks ago he came home to the message where ever you are you dog of the regime we will find you painted on his front door this with this. i've lost the feeling of fear after i saw a man beheaded in front of me and mortar shells falling all around you forget what fear is but the pain and heartbreak remain idea bus's brother ali kamel was an editor in chief of the syrian news agency he was killed by four bullets shot at close range after a masked gunman broke into his home. the strange thing is that we were never afraid for him we were afraid for my other brothers quine the army without i believe the civilian he'll be safe but they kill him because they don't want anybody to tell the truth even just those appearing on t.v.
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are being threatened they call a couple of time to adjust to say that your body will be shut off from the head they said we know who you are we know the location we cannot kill you we're going to cut your head from the body you are. this is what they say exactly the fear for many is that this list is long there were many names on it and scenes like this could well be repeated until every last one of them is deleted policy r.t. damascus syria. course you can always go online for more stories including that of a runaway train a scare in the moscow metro as a driver falls to his death weaving a dozen carriages hurtling on to the next station with no one behind the wheel. and banking goliath j.p. morgan a set of payout zero record thirteen billion dollars to settle criminal proceedings
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into an alleged information cover up that helped plunge the global economy into a crisis more online for you with that about dot com right now. at one time i saved money to hire a hitman to shoot me dead from the next building through the open window. i searched through the internet typing things like i'm looking for you i'm waiting for you before i wrote i'm waiting for you i'm looking for you i didn't care at all what this man would be a lie deprived disabled ill. you know you want. the battery is ruined. i love everything about him i have grown to love every here everyone interesting to him actually be healthy years and other guys who drink beer in a bench i've always promised that if she ever realizes it's too much for her and she decides to leave me i will accept her decision without criticism because it's
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her choice. choose your language. with. some of. the concerns you. choose to do you. choose the stories that if you. choose the access to. right to see. her straight. and i think that you're.
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quite it is an eight twenty am right here in moscow on monday i should say welcome to the program on arts here let's turn our attention to brussels which is expected to finalize a new set of rules aimed at stopping the transfer of e.u. data to third countries is the first attempt at legislation in reaction to the revelations of whistleblower edward snowden that the measure would make america's secret court orders powerless forcing companies to comply with your opinion laws fines or running into billions of euros are designed to discourage anyone from violating the new law snowden's findings actually forced e.u. political groupings to reach agreement over an issue that would cause a two year gridlock although former m i five agent annie mashona things there's
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still a lot of room for improving the issues of privacy. i do think it's good first step it's certainly something that the european community tried to do over ten years ago they tried to do two years ago and were not beat out by washington and edward snowden's disclosures ensured that they now have to do it one would hope as brazil is doing that we would look at how in europe we can protect our communications infrastructure the hardware that's at the base of everything we use because if we can't trust that at the moment we can't because it's very much under u.s. control then we have some serious problems it could also be a very good reasons opportunity for european countries to develop their infrastructure and start using things like open thought software so that they're not u.s. dependent and i think that might be the way to go in europe certainly to protect ourselves against this. regis and snooping that we've seen over the last few years from the n.s.a. well there's investigative journalism now
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a thing of the past and the governments the only ones forming the media agenda are people of ellen as guests will be in today's edition of crosstalk they'll be going head to head over that issue and our quick sample of what's coming your way at six thirty am g.m.t. . it's also often a question of spinning the information in misleading ways and framing the debates in misleading ways cnn's free is a car you had on three billionaires in the past week to discuss the inequality of wealth where they talk about redistributing wealth as the evil of allowing the people who who produce things to keep some of it yeah i was just going to jump in i think that i don't disagree with that but i also think that this is something that's happening existed. as long as there's been media in this country and right now when there's an opportunity though with the technology and i hate that phrase for use it is sort of like that it's what i would call an information leader who
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understand what's happening and hopefully have the influence and we've seen it c.i.r. is that we've got an ability to push information in stories out not through necessarily big corporate media that we partnered with them but through social media through engagement tools that really create an impact and have a result. and i will get to the antiwar dot that soon here on the program for now though to rome we go we're angry protesters are continuing rallies against a fresh round of government cuts a peaceful march in rome turned violent during the weekend when crowds of thousands clashed with riot police there reporting ferrazzi correspondent you go to prison off. forty percent off youth unemployment and the worst recession since the second world war critics say the two thousand and fourteen budget will not do enough to solve the economic problems for three days italians have been taking to the streets of rome protesting against the government's economic policies are bringing along
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ten saying they won't leave until their voice is heard previously on saturday tens of thousands of protesters took part in a mass rally in the center of rome which started peaceful many brought their families along and even children but it ended in clashes with the of stories when a group of young radical of protesters started throwing eggs at the finance ministry and bottles sticks and thunder flashes or paper bombs as they're called here at the police as a result several policemen were injured arrests have also been made you've got this kind of arty rome and the demonstrators coming out by one of the gates of rome say that they won't leave until tuesday when they expect to get an official response to that the man's italian politics james walston warns that more on rest could be looming with very different social groups united. against the problem politicians. but i want to mobilize the city so this is going on probably go on in
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different ways for a long time surely from the employers to the trade unions to different political parties and very strong protests from. young people various sorts we do not like the government like the budget we want and recovery growth budget this is what they're complaining they complain about the same thing is the unusual situation that's what we have to really go on and we was. spending too much too long. there is in the same sort of situation. or aid to the world update here on r.t. at the baghdad we go at least thirty nine people killed over fifty injured in three bomb attacks across the iraqi capital on sunday morning the worst came when a car full of explosives was driven into a cafe that was in a mainly shia district killing thirty seven
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a roadside bombs then claimed the other two lives there has been a significant increase in violence in recent months more than six thousand deaths in just the last year. and program protesters spilled onto the streets of grain or right out of the capital there i should say after the death of an opposition activist there queues regime forces are killing hussein to mark the beeb he had already been sentenced in absentia to fifteen years in prison for speaking out against the government and the gulf country has witnessed regular demonstrations for more than two years your position accuses the monarchy of refusing to talk. and to egypt where police arrested fifty five students after security forces fired tear gas at crowds of young supporters of the ousted president mohamed morsy. ended up a seat in a prestigious islamic university with strong links to the muslim brotherhood. it's the second day of rest and cairo university is close to where is the must have
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a protest camp which was demolished you know. gunman on motorbikes opened fire at a christian a wedding ceremony as people left the church an eight year old girl is among the three people who died a couple christians have become targets in egypt making them to the overthrow of mohamed morsi. and bush has continued to rage out of control in southeastern australia and new south wales the worst hit state has now declared an emergency after at least two hundred homes were damaged or dry winds and soaring temperatures could make things worse in the coming days hundreds of people have already been evacuated to safety with one man killed while attempting to protect his house in the fires of the region's worst fold. by thank you for joining us here this morning it is a very early on monday here in moscow just a moment i want to. speak in
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a prominent human rights activist. to camp. where patients are worse than. ever the world's attention to the police.
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i've. lived. please please please liz liz . hello welcome to sophie. shevardnadze bahrain seems to have remained unaffected by
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the arab spring however local activists say it's because of governments have a hand that puts down any dissent what's really going on in a tiny al kingdom how did black reign manage to stay out of the media raiders and what is in store for them. in the world gripped by a revolution. few countries have remained on a track to what's called. a stream protest dissidents jailed an opposition to. the stability political oppression in the middle east who's the fight for freedom. which sucker flies is worth the game which will break cubes. in our guest today is miramar howard jaya human rights activist whose father is a prominent bahraini dissident currently jailed following anti-government protests
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in two thousand and eleven we are great to have you with us today so to be honest it's really hard to understand what's going on in bahrain even when it comes to the form of rule one some say it's addictive or shape even a tyrant a others say it's a legitimate constitutional monarchy committed to reform with certain democratic values how do you see it. well i think that you know describing it as a constitutional monarchy is very problematic when the constitution of behind actually gives absolute power to the king that means it's not really a constitutional monarchy yes there's a constitution but just the presence of a constitution within a monarchy system doesn't make it a constitutional monarchy we're looking at a situation where we have a parliament and behind made of two houses but they don't have legislative or monitoring power so overall you can call it an absolute monarchy which is oppressive so you would say it's a dictatorship or a.


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