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tv   [untitled]    October 21, 2013 4:00am-4:31am EDT

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germany's green dream morphs into a nightmare for the consumer. for renewable energy end up adding billions to build. i mean girls otherwise it wouldn't be the crisis of confidence a series of scandals leave the reputation of the u.k. politicians at rock bottom the british public saying they can't be trusted particularly when they have to admit that they're wrong. and the first ever attempt to legislate against the n.s.a. spying in the e.u. will see anyone illegally transferring data out of europe potentially hit with billions of euros in fines.
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worldwide news a live from moscow it's r t with me rule reece to show thanks for joining us today robin hood like subsidies for green power are driving the e.u. towards an energy crisis that's according to europe's top utility firms the problem they say is billions in taxpayer handouts are killing innovation and competitiveness and the results for all to see looking at the cost of energy for example in the e.u. and elsewhere in china though a kilowatt hour is going to cost you about seven cents to america it's a few cents more double that and you've got france though where at least the prices are somewhat kept down by that of nuclear power though almost double that again and you've got germany at twenty seven seven sons that's about four times higher than that of china needless to say though that's bad news for us. three at
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a time when the e.u. desperately needs to get back on its feet economically speaking germany though has found a way to get around it instead of taxing businesses and factories it puts the entire burden of subsidies on ordinary households and as artie's peter all of a found out families are having a tough time keeping up with the green lobbies appetites. well their. support for green energy is anchored in the german psyche it goes back even when it harms us the us hurt is being felt in germany pockets right now i went to meet one bill in mother who was finding paying for power a real problem. not my. one day or so i had almost doubled two hundred euros it was not possible for me to pay across europe energy prices for homes have risen by seventeen percent over the last four years one of the reasons for price rises is the subsidies being paid out for solar and wind energy germany is set to
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spend five hundred fifty billion euro on a plan to take eighty percent of its power from renewables over the next thirty seven years those costs being passed on to the consumer that's why it's being sold on the message that it's either wind energy or radioactive catastrophe this plays in these fears and makes money for the wind energy providers after the fukushima nuclear disaster germany increased its commitments to ditch atomic power this is seen more coal power plants having to be built to take up the slack the increasing cost is causing problems for manufacturers from the our industry is suffering big companies may decide that it's just too expensive and look to relocate. despite remaining heavily reliance on coal as a source of power germany sees itself as a trailblazer of renewal energy but that innovation comes at a cost to both the consumer and to the country's industry peter all over r.t.
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. and in the meantime the german government is reconsidering its subsidy program i'm expected to look at exactly how the handouts work though for the immediate time being the anger continues to grow as artie's kitty pilgrim now explains as consumers continuously see their utility bills rise the conflict between competitive business and the. us is escalating the decisions to subsidize selected technologies have our prices so for example we rein in on germany for now then subsidies for renewable energy all running at around sixteen billion euros a year and that's rising and in total says the introduction that sixty billion there now the value of you tell it is on global stock exchanges all over the e.u. have gone from around one trillion euros in two thousand and eight to less than
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half of that now so as a consequence it's perhaps not surprising to you that investors they are losing interest now german utility company eon they seen their share price drop seventy five percent since their peak in around two thousand and seven and this is what we see the company has to say about bass in an impressive top so while the energy companies are losing patience our money environmentalist will they are pleased but the question is can they go below economy and the average consumer afford renewable right now war can it afford not to and britain at least wants the best of both worlds and is just authorize the construction of a new nuclear power plant of the first in a generation to be built by. french led consortium and according to the plan that will help power the u.k.'s grid for fifty years or more now on the green versus conventional debate with fred rowe the director although the young of choice is
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international advocacy group joining us live here on r.t. thanks very much for coming on the program today let's get straight to it here the biggest argument being that green energy is pushing pushing the prices up not and i understand it's a bit of a complicated subject can you melt it down for us and explain how is that possible yes so let me try to explain a report a simple example imagine you have various consumers going to a grocery store or a supermarket some of them just want to buy a bottle of beer for one euro and others say no actually i would like to buy a bottle of champagne for thirty euros in normal life people would just buy one euro for the beer and those which by champagne pay fifteen euros for the thirty euros for the champagne in the german end of the energy market it's actually different people who work the champagne by us would pay something like two euros and all the beer by us would also pay to your daughter to subsidize the champagne buyer and that's basic and the energy market if you buy energy from legacy energy
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carrier such as coal or nuclear power you subsidize those which demand energy for much higher price and that other renewable energies such as a winter and solar power but when you bring up a huge problem if i can just jump in here to straight for us for a moment though you could you brought up the issue of coal power you talk about renewable power that have nuclear power but i suppose at the end of the day fred transitioning to a new power sources was never going to be easy i mean of course there are going to be some hick ups involved is it as simple as that. i would call to take up some of the german minister of environment even who was a big fan of this transition into renewable energies even put a price tag on this change instead its one trillion euros one trillion euros means that all companies and all individuals in germany have to work one hundred eighty days just to pay that sum at least one hundred eighty days they don't earn any money to pay for their health care bill to pay for their food to pay for their housing so when you are talking massive money here we discuss issues of over a trillion euros i mean the german green energy taxes amount to roughly that of an
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irish bailout per year you bring up the issue of a trillion euros can i ask you this though fred why why is germany so adamant for example france or the u.k. have have no problem with conventional and nuclear power why does. it happens when policy is especially energy policies conducted with i do logic believes and not common sense understanding how actually supply and demand works so let me just explain that if you produce renewable energies in germany you have a government teat prize consumers have to pay for this energy. and that means you can produce produce even if no one actually wants to have your energy you are entitled to sell it and that created in germany a so-called energy bubble so a lot of people like farmers or municipalities are producing energy no one actually needs but they're entitled to sell it and at the end it's consumers paying it and
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even when you say in your report that industry has to pay higher costs at the end it's consumers which have too bad the cost industry have to pay because at the end products will be more expensive as and if the energy to produce these products is more expensive so as you're saying at the end of the day it's the consumer who has to bear the burden the brunt of the additional costs but let me ask you this fred at the end of the day as well who is profiting. it's a bulletproof investment at the moment to build a wind well in your yard or to put some sort up on notes under your roof government subsidizing the loans you need to actually afford these things and then you get to go and treat prize for every kilowatt hour you produce it's a bulletproof investment and a lot of people are doing this because it's a good way to make money but at the end it's us consumers paying for it and let me just point this out germany actually has an oversupply of energy at the moment there's often way too much energy in the power grid so germany has to get rid of
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the energy and they pay other countries to actually accept this energy country such as the czech republic and france have to take germany's energy especially when it's very windy or sunny and then other days for instance in the winter day especially the more we get rid of fossil power as a nuclear power in cold winter days where there is maybe even no wind consumers good germans will have to buy french nuclear power to actually lighten the christmas tree so it's bizarre it's actually not getting rid of nuclear power it's just outsourcing it and so it's incredible you say that as germany sometimes finds itself with too much power still though the burden of the price falls on the shoulders of the consumer fred wrote the director of young voices international the advocacy group thank you so much for joining us here on today thank you. still to come on the program a multi-polar world is it in the making russian and indian leaders to get in to get there right here in moscow so let me quote growing calls for limits on western
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domination. it is a ten minutes past the hour moscow time the british public things politicians rarely tell the truth and are unlikely to own up if indeed they make mistakes a recent poll shows just how little faith people in the u.k. have in those day elect to represent them so we dispatched auntie's laura smith to hit the streets of london to find out. cash for questions selling access to the prime minister and of course m.p.'s abusing their expense accounts a story that just keeps on giving all of these scandals and more have come together to undermine the moral capital of politicians and the amount of trust the able to command with the public a poll done earlier this year said britain's think politicians tell the truth less than bank because it's all real estate agents don't to nicholas allen co-author of a new book on ethics and politics says this creeping loss of trust goes right to
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the heart of the legitimacy of all governments and there is a perception i think that politicians have. become less and less onerous less ethical in the way they conduct basically politics if people perceive politicians to be generally immoral and dishonest the politicians are going to lose a certain amount of moral authority politicians governments need a moral authority if they're going to lead the public lead society down quite difficult policy parts the times we live in to mond difficult policy poets raising the pension age paying taxes to pay off the deficits everything to do with austerity they all require a real moral authority something politicians arguably just don't have as i found out outside their offices over there in port house politicians. i mean to go there would be there with you for the more i think it's
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a group of people away from the barmen rebuild frostiness the. pain is the pain and suffering on how i come across or how i say i suspect in general i know very much the government is trying to do something about it focusing on greater transparency with money how politicians spend misspend cash but dr allen spa. for laying on stony ground rather touchingly old people in the u.k. really what it is to know that when a politician says he or she will do something they'll do it and that could be the hardest thing of all for the political class. are still a lot to come here on the program on r t including that of syria where staff of the state broadcaster were too afraid to appear on television after their colleagues targeted by rebels trying to stop the government's message from getting out that story in just a second. but for the meantime with europe and america struggling the
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bricks powerhouses are looking to take up some of the economic slack for the russian and indian presidents a meeting right here in moscow to try and prove that power really is shifting to other parts of the world let's get more on this now with. joining us live here on the program certainly should be an interesting meeting to be a fly on the wall that would be fascinating what can you bring us up to date on all you have to keep it's important to keep in mind that we're talking about russia and india which are part of brics which also include brazil china and south africa the countries that essentially cover one fourth of the land surface area as well as there is their population comprises about half of the planet's population in total so definitely forces to keep in mind when they're doing business and basically dealing in the world and that is what the brics countries are saying. wasn't done until until now essentially they're saying that there is
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a single polar world in works out the moment and it's important to step away from that primarily probably had seventy off the dollar and bring that about bring about an multi-polar world this is really what that is what the brics countries have been working on over the past couple of years they actually have worked out a plan to even do business with each other using local currencies that is one of the major steps that they have done but of course it doesn't end there. there are so reno one of the members all of the brics nations are meeting here in moscow the indian minister is here today as you mentioned a moment ago discussing a moving away from the issue of dollar dependency but as most people know many certainly that india is a surging economy in the world one of the biggest importers of oil just showing the effect of that economy but when it comes to today's meeting though can you give us a broader scope what's india's role here india's role should not be underestimated in fact just recently there has been reported by transparency international which said that out of all brics countries as a matter of fact india has placed at the top as the most open country when it comes
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to corruption and actually business dealings so that is one thing to keep in mind another thing to keep in mind is china which is also india's neighbor has just a centrally issued devalue the largest seat meant when it comes to de americas americanization off the world essentially what beijing is saying is that the dollar isn't helping the economy the currency in fact is dragging the world economy down and it's time to step away from it and look for other options so the ministers get together here and those from india and of course there with their russian counterparts here and in the capital economic speech discuss but of course politicking as well absolutely you cannot get around that of course and if you look at the map you look at india and then you see other countries next to it and we're talking about afghanistan and pakistan so obviously the two issues which are on the table is fighting terrorism and of course battling drug trafficking that is something that moscow and new delhi will put their heads together on and hopefully
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come up with a huge solutions in that regard as well all right we're going to go there live in central moscow thank you. more still to come here on the program. in a buck rein of the country's police allegedly shoot dead an opposition activist sparking a new wave of progress protests. and the rest of the world's top headlines for this hour off the.
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more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. operations today. i. pretty free. free. free. free. free. free. video for your media project free media r.t. dot com. live from moscow it's r t brussels is expected to finalize a new set of rules aimed at stopping the transfer of e.u.
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data to third countries it's the first attempt at legislation in reaction to the revelations of whistleblower edward snowden now the measure would make america's secret court orders powerless forcing companies to comply with out of european laws now fines running into billions of euros are designed to discourage anyone from violating the new law or snowden's findings actually forced political groupings to reach agreement over an issue that it caused a two year gridlock now among the priorities of the new law is limiting data collection to the minimum necessary while also protecting an edge of virgil's right to a race any private information stored online and a. former m i five agent thinking that there's still a lot of room for improvement when it comes to the issue of protecting one's privacy you can get a good first step it's certainly something that the european community tried to do over ten years ago they tried to do two years ago by washington and edward
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snowden's disclosures ensured that they now have to do it one would hope as brazil is doing that we look at how in europe we can protect our communications infrastructure the hardware that's at the base of everything the u.s. because if you can't trust that and then you can't do that very much under u.s. control then we have from serious problem. it could also be a very good reason for tuna tea for european countries to develop there in its structure and start using things like open thought where so they're not u.s. dependent and i think that might be the way to go in europe certainly to protect ourselves against this. region and snooping that we've seen over the last few years from the n.s.a. . i know many more stories for you online that are to dot com right now including that of underground runaway certainly a scare in the moscow metro as a driver falls out of the train to his death leaving a dozen packed carriages hurtling on to the next station with no one behind the
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wheel. and banking goliath j.p. morgan set to pay out a record thirteen billion dollars to settle criminal proceedings into an alleged information coverup that helped to plunge the global economy into a crisis and those details right now on the website. the data has been set for the long awaited peace conference on syria of the so-called geneva two talks will start on november twenty third in the meantime the government of bashar al assad has reiterated its willingness to take part in those stressing all the while that it will not negotiate with terrorists and this comes after thirty people were killed in a suicide truck bombing at an army checkpoint just outside of the syrian city of hama and the blast set a nearby fuel tanker on fire causing yet more explosions and despite an army installation being the target most of the dead were civilians sixteen more people
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were victims of a blast on the outskirts of damascus and the capital remains the main objective for opposition fighters who do often target civilians as artie's paula reports they also seem bent on scaring and killing those who work for the state broadcaster. these pictures. we're a long time coming syria's state t.v. headquarters in flames but the attack occurred just hours after rebel groups warned they'd showered damascus with mortars. and young women turn call for i think their main goal is to intimidate people to stop us from working they want us to think twice about working for syrian t.v. like other employees of syrian state t.v. this woman is afraid to show her face she is one of the names listed in this website set up by the rebels and each a name and photograph is the word one tid those with crosses through them are
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people who have already been killed. the irony is that those who make t.v. are now too afraid to appear on it this video editor was given an ultimatum either come work for us the rebels threatened or we'll kill you he managed to escape but a few weeks ago he came home to the message wherever you are you dog of the regime we will find you painted on his front door this witness i've lost the feeling of fear after i saw a man beheaded in front of me and mortar shells falling all around you forget what fear is but the pain and heartbreak remain idea buses brother ali carmel was an editor in chief of the syrian news agency he was killed by four bullets shot at close range after masked gunmen broke into his home and got a victim of id the strange thing is that we were never afraid for him we were afraid for my other brothers quine the army without our lives a civilian you'll be safe but they kill him because they don't want anybody to tell
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the truth even just those appearing on t.v. are being threatened they call a couple of time to adjust to say that your body will be shot off pronged they haven't they said we know who you are we know the location we're going to kill you we're going to cut your head from the body. you are. this is what they see exactly the fearful is that this list is long there were many names on it and scenes like this could well be repeated until every last one of them is to. damascus syria. and a straight path now to open up the world up to an explosion on a passenger train has killed at least six and wounded seventeen others. express was travelling to quetta when a bomb planted on the rail tracks exploded near a station in balochistan and the blast damage at least four coaches and did derail
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the train. and afghan army special forces commander has defected to a taliban allied group it's the first known case of an officer switching sides in the country's fight against the insurgency official say that he sent some of his subordinates on leave and then paid others to go sightseeing at that moment he then raided the team supplies took about thirty guns binoculars night vision goggles stuff them in a humvee vehicle and tore out of that. all right well a program for protesters spilling onto the streets of bahrain's capital this after the death of an opposition activist they accuse regime forces of killing hussein. who had already been sentenced in absentia to fifteen years in prison for criticizing the government of the gulf country has witnessed a regular demonstrations for more than two years now as the opposition accuses the monarchy of neglecting them. discuss the prospects of the uprising with
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prominent bahraini activist mariam. has a quick preview of what's coming your way in about an hour and five minutes from now. but is anarchy i mean of for looking at the situation right now where we have a crackdown almost on a daily basis where we have people getting arbitrarily arrested from their homes during night raids where we have children being picked off the streets where we have people attacked with tear gas inside their homes or torture it's rampant is that not in itself as a form of anarchy we don't really have a system that is you know governed by a legal system there are no laws basically the police are free to do what they want government officials are free to do what they want in my opinion that is anarchy in itself.
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our thanks for joining us here on our team today i'm stepping aside for kate partridge who's coming into the studio right now for your live weekly sports roundup. we'll talk about language as well but our lovely react to such right i have read the reports but like. to know i'll leave a comment on your minor point. to carry out a car is on the job here no. thank you no more weasel. when you made a direct question be prepared for a change when you know you should be ready for a. pretty page letter down the freedom to watch.
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dramas the chance to be ignored. stories others refused to notice. faces changing the walls of lights never. told pictures of today's events. on demand from around the globe. up to. fifty. welcome to the r t sports show i'm kate partridge incoming obvious hope and out of the week's top sport from russia on the cross the globe and here are the headlines . bound for brazil russia draw one one with azerbaijan to win group and reach their first world cup finals in twelve years. plus red
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square stars richelle against a target for the a.t.p. tour finals and simona halep makes it title number five with victories out the climb in cup. and new kids rookie side measure shot to lose a thriller at dinamo moscow but still talk of the playoffs on a roller coaster first year in the k h l. but let's kick off with football as russia have qualified for their first world cup finals in twelve years despite being held to a late one one draw by azerbaijan in back who russia opened after sixty minutes through it a man should all call for then were held back as the hosts dug in but with fifteen minutes to go azerbaijan had maxi medvedev sent off yet fabio capello's men couldn't capitalize and faggy jugaad off snatched a last minute equaliser to send the home crowd wild one one of the russia still claims the points they needed to finish one player of portugal and book their place
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in brazil. so disappointment for palin ventouse men as portugal were left to the perils of the playoffs despite winning three no let home to rock bottom luxembourg the host mr spending relman cristiana rinaldo and peck play but the visitors had out early and what came sent off after twenty eight minutes and so vest swiftly fired home nanny quickly doubled portugal's lead and with ten minutes to go well their push to get deathly ramped up the three no win. while bosnia and herzegovina one group julie on goal difference from greece to reach their first ever world cup finals as an independent nation with a tough one zero victory in this new idea the visitors have finally opened after sixty eight minutes edin jack-o. finding very bad piece of each and held on for the vital when the greeks are in the playoffs.


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