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tv   [untitled]    October 21, 2013 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT

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weeks that some jobs gulag awards marks. coming up on our t.v. shocking revelations about the n.s.a. the agency is accused of reading the e-mails of the former president of mexico the n.s.a. is also accused of looking at millions of french phone records more details on the latest ahead and some of the children from overseas are brought to the u.s. with hopes of a better life but that's not always the case some of those children are given up sometimes to total strangers online r t takes a look at the underground adoption network coming up. and professor petraeus the former general and head of the cia is joining another college but not everyone is happy he's joining us now that story later in the show.
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it's monday october twenty first i'm here i david in washington d.c. and you're watching r t we begin today with the new documents leaked by former n.s.a. contractor edward snowden we're now learning that the national security agency has extended its surveillance arm into both france and mexico the u.s. is now coming under intense scrutiny from these countries who say the agency has overstepped its authority and the reaction points to a possible fall out and diplomatic relations artie's sam sachs has more. in the world of the n.s.a. there's little difference between friends and enemies the latest leaks from edward snowden reveal a spy agency that's very much interested in the affairs of friendly nations like mexico and france their spiegel reported that in may of two thousand and ten the n.s.a. broke into the mexican presidential network to gain first ever access to former president felipe calderon's public e-mail account that snooping gave the n.s.a. insight into mexico's diplomatic economic and political communications while that
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spying was directed at mexico's former president we also know that in two thousand and twelve the n.s.a. spied on mexico's current president pena nieto scooping up information about his most relevant contacts and intercepting more than eighty five thousand text messages many of which sent by the president himself the mexican government which is a key economic ally of the united states has responded saying such actions by the n.s.a. violate international law also angered over the weekend the government of france also a close ally of the united states and was one of the few countries standing in support of u.s. military strikes in syria a snowden leak showed that in one month from december two thousand and twelve to january two thousand and thirteen the n.s.a. scooped up seventy million communications including phone calls and text messages targeting average french citizens as well as prominent business and political figures within the country the french embassy has some in the u.s.
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ambassador to explain the n.s.a.'s actions and so the white house again finds itself trying to put out diplomatic fires around the planet fires started by the n.s.a. as an insatiable appetite for data and your argument that only terrorists are targeted by the n.s.a. surveillance programs is collapsing under new information but here's average citizens business leaders and politicians and allied countries around the world are frequent targets as well when brazil learned that the n.s.a. had surveilled the communications of millions of its citizens its political leaders and. it's largest oil corporation president dilma rousseff canceled a planned meeting at the white house and then used her speech at the united nations to rip into the agency's global spying activities madelene and such a man there in july and the fears of other countries is a breach of international law and as such it is an affront to the principles that should otherwise govern relations among countries especially among friendly nations diplomatic ties with allies across the world are strained as n.s.a.
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spying activities have been exposed in places like germany india china and hong kong that in allegations of spying against the european union other south american nations could tare based news broadcaster al jazeera and the united nations and there really is no limit to mrs global surveillance operations and all of these revelations directly contradict the n.s.a.'s own mission statement which according to their website reads the national security agency leads the u.s. government in cryptology that encompasses both signals intelligence and information assurance products and services in order to gain a decision advantage for the nation and our allies under all circumstances but now as many of our allies find themselves as targets of the n.s.a. should the white house reconsider the role its spy agency is playing around the world after all the n.s.a.'s mission to give the united states and its allies an economic and security advantage now seems to have morphed into
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a mission to give the united states an economic and security advantage against its allies in washington sam sachs our team and now joining me to discuss the implications of this on mexican u.s. relations is patricio political analyst and editor of n.f.l. americas dot insall thank you so much for trysail for joining me let's talk about the newest revelation that the u.s. has hacked former mexican president felipe calderon's email last month. also revealed that the u.s. access text messages sent by president enrique pena nieto received this official statement in response to these revelations the government of mexico reiterate its categorical condemnation of the violation of the privacy of communications of mexican institutions and private citizens this practice is unacceptable and runs contrary to mexican and international law patricio tell us more about the response
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from the mexican government and that the mexican people to all of this well mexico in general is extremely extremely sensitive to any kind of. intervention sought in this case especially shocking the fact that felipe calderon the former president of the country it was a close ally of the u.s. made it one of the closest ones in the last decades so for the mexican society this revelation is really. actually shocking the lack of trust that the u.s. has especially under the police because there are policy against the computers so in this case. it was actually. necessary to perform these kind of you know. that was extremely close and the same case with. the east is actually trying to reform our policy on security issues especially
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immigration very sensitive issues for both mexico and the u.s. so this is just a dream of polemic actually of the u.s. in need hugh explained the air police or i'm only. mexico what's going on with these extended why why this. is spying. system that the n.s.a. has been implemented in the last few years sure and you mentioned this briefly but what's interesting is that. when calderon was president and you know u.s. security agencies had an unprecedented amount of access to mexican intel as part of the war on drugs so why do you think the n.s.a. felt the need to even monitor his e-mail because security is not beyond the n.s.a. it's actually performing these kind of activities not crime it's not terrorism what we have seen in terms of the information being revealed by the media and because of this not in documents are sort is that if the u.s.
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were what strangers by in several respects more or subjects not only security both for economic reasons trying to find out more they've been there are. a non-issue of what was going on within the binion your dog team the secretary of state ministers it's just not what we what we get to see is we are not ok never held up for it we are not. sure we we are talking about economics we are but we're talking about advantage in terms of well if he's trying to find out even more and in this case he's not only mexico in the u.s. the yankees easy extremely and cost of all if for the rest you know government because actually. if you who say if it was actually planning to to go to your the u.s. that the first pressing and pressing gates was going to go to it the u.s.
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to be back b.c. of the prison of all of our market for a couple years ago saw in prison. research actually canceled here and there that's of the crisis for more than i want to jump in because i want to ask you specifically about that we know the n.s.a. is has also extended its reach to brazil delmar is a canceled her trip like you said how do you really compare the mexican response to the brazilian response do you think the. a brazilian government has then much more angry over this yes yes it actually is actually the friend i think in this opinion yet his position is very very tough because we are talking about a neighbor country we have a very very important pinion issue immigration we have to remember that a big percentage of undocumented immigrants living in the u.s. are from mexico in terms of but it doesn't rest seal press it has its own agenda
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its all its own policies is trying to five job because you are an equal partner we are with the u.s. on bessel east not sharing any in the border with us and in fact has been a stronger on its answer to cyprus asia and the fact that the president dilma rousseff of castle at an official trip an official invitation to the u.s. it shows how serious the u.s. younger in these in these i would say should be are not absolutely no willing to provide any in the gallery space point political space to the u.s. to continue with this is spying on on countries that actually cause you know even self allies are not sure if at number three so i want to ask you a question dovetailing off that all you know what kind of a fact do you think this is really going to have going forward on the relations diplomatically do you think this is powerful enough to really turn allies and
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enemies here not to another level i think the come on the agenda and the common sense of history a strong the u.s. needs. time interests of very key issues energy security it suggests. actually is is is a factor of more the ration between the u.s. and the rest of the countries of the america so i think what we have now is east. it is a delusion where the government of the states has to be very active if trying to apologize trying to ensure or believe or any going to war and is that this is not to happen again but as you actually see even thinking about building its own infrastructure based on oil on internet in there on oil so they don't have to pass through the united states when the when an email is sent from a rescue to europe for example some of the really trained to make sure that no
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better happened by the u.s. who has the big knowledge you tube in italy maybe in any server in the world so what we need now is supple you go. a little from the u.s. government and especially from president obama that this is not going to happen again so what's the relationship with it with such an important country as a vessel is going to be affected for a long time absolutely will have to wait and see what happens the truth as i'm around our political analyst and editor of in for america is that involve thank you for joining me my my pleasure. and the government shutdown has brought polls of american trust in government to new lows look at this pew poll conducted on the eve of the deal to reopen the government four and five americans distrust the government while less than one in five say they trust the government but the united states isn't the only one facing a population that is discontent with the people running the show artie's laura smith is on the streets of london with more. cash for questions selling access to
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the prime minister and of course m.p.'s abusing their expense accounts the story that just keeps on getting all of these scandals and more have come together to undermine the moral capital of politicians and the amount of trust that able to command with the public a poll done earlier this year said britons think politicians tell the truth less than bankers all real estate agents don't and nicholas allen co-author of a new book on ethics and politics says this creeping loss of trust goes right to the heart of the. and there is a perception i think that politicians have. become less and less on it's less ethical in the way they conduct they say politics if people perceive politicians to be generally immoral and dishonest the politicians are going to lose a certain amount of moral authority politicians governments need
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a moral authority if they're going to lead the public lead society down quite difficult policy parts the times we live in to mond difficult policy poets raising the pension age paying taxes to pay off the deficits everything to do with. they only require real moral authority something politicians arguably just don't have as i found out outside their offices over there in port house politicians. remember the lies that would be that we've lived through for the but think it's a group of people away from the barman. will force you to. pay this became something on how what i come across or how honest i say i suspect and what i know very much the government is trying to do something about it focusing on greater transparency with money how politicians spend and misspent cash but dr alan
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spined. falling on stony ground rather touchingly old people in the u.k. really wants is to know that when a politician says he or she will do something they'll do it and that could be the hardest thing of all for the political class. i was artie's laura smith reporting. and david petraeus the four star general and former cia director will be joining the faculty of harvard's john f. kennedy school of government currently he's a visiting professor at the city university of new york and you may remember that last month many students gathered in protest of the school's decision to. higher general petraeus there were about seventy five people at the demonstration which was organized by the ad hoc committee against the militarization of sunni so far there haven't been any similar reactions from harvard students in his new position betrays will be a nonresident senior fellow at the belfer center for science and international
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affairs there he will participate in a project taking a look at the technological scientific and economic dynamics that are reinvigorating north american competition the project will also take a look at how policy may be spurring that competition this academic position signifies a further break from portrays this former career before taking a position as the cia director petraeus was most known for his role as the commander of u.s. and international forces in afghanistan before that he was stationed in iraq where he was responsible for carrying out the strategy associated with a surge in u.s. troops however patrice is also known for leaving his cia position mired in scandal in two thousand and twelve you admitted to an extramarital affair with paula broadwell who of course was his biographer at the time. and now to the revelations that are coming out of a recent investigation on america's adoption system raters has taken a look at adoption as an underground market the report reveals that americans who adopt children from overseas can easily transfer guardianship over to virtual
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strangers they meet on the internet it's a practice now called private re homing artie's lives while met with a child who is really homed and brings us the story. dimitris stewart was five years old when he and his brother were adopted from an orphanage in a small town near moscow it would be a rocky road living with his adoptive american parents didn't really feel like. i was there when he was a young teenager after years of strained relations and after his parents had biological children of their own the stewarts decided it was time to find him a new home that's when they turned to the internet zydeco underground group for people on a. destructive adoptions and eventual levy internet search led the stewarts to meghan axon axon moderated a website to help find new homes for children that's how dimitris parents found nicole isa in easten advertiser self as an aspiring mother that ran
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a homeschool demeter found out that this was far from the truth this is little tiny basic. yes it was clear that his new home was no home school there was a knee on the desk there had to deal more here he didn't even make you go to school . to go to school and then you had a biological kid that was taken away from them from the stay so they want a lot of any more kids and that's why they're doing this underground underground thing the living situation didn't last long a month after being dropped off axon was shocked to learn more information about who the east since really were nicole had been married to a man who was a pedophile and that she could not get a homestudy due to their finances we got into the car and we drove to get it's becoming more common for hopeful parents to turn to the internet to find children
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websites like parent profile dot com the site claims to be the number one registry of adoption parent profiles here birth parents can sift through hundreds of profiles of parents hoping to adopt all many parents looking to adopt take matters into their own hands they turn to social media and create their own websites many turn to sites like craigslist and the adoption section of the classified advertising site parents can find advice expecting mothers announce they're looking for parents and couples announce they're looking to adopt these days private adoptions are far more comment traditional adoption agencies are becoming a thing of the past according to d.c. based nonprofit families for private adoption seventy percent of newborn adoptions in the region are private independent adoptions it's unclear how many of them were facilitated on the internet where it's harder to regulate the transactions between family it's you both have to have lawyers you have to do things legally this is
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not an easy way to adopt after the traumatizing ordeal dimitri moved to this group home outside out. hannah he feels safe with his new guardians in this quaint home in a nice suburban neighborhood today he has words of caution for families turning to the internet to adopt use never know who's who's going to. you know out there looking for kids and there's sick people out there everywhere and marietta georgia lives of all our t. . to talk more about the adoption issue i was joined earlier by adam permanent executive director of the donald the adoption institute i started by asking him to explain the process by which adoptees are tracked after their arrival united states . well the adoptive are not typically tracked once they come to united states once you adopt a child there your child just as surely is in law just as surely if you give birth now that said there are monitoring systems that some countries impose the children
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almost always come to an adoption agency and there are check ups on that sort of thing so this really homing thing phenomenon as as unnerving is it is is a rare is a rare occurrence and is not part of the system per se it's very decidedly something that's disturbing that's happening outside of the system sure and and this report has revealed that international adoptees are especially vulnerable to being rehung it seems that more of them are given out versus domestic adoptees why is that the case this is a little complicated i'll try to boil it down essentially most adoptions in america are from foster care which means that there's a system in place to get services to get help if that is the option does disrupt there's a place for the child to go insane adoption baby adoptions don't occur very often but generally speaking those are children who were abused or neglected and like and
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unlike international adoptees they weren't institutionalized so looking at the population of international adoptees increasingly just in the last several years these are more and more children who are older with special needs who have reacted attachment disorder so what you see in this free homing phenomenon is sort of the worst cases of the worst cases these are people who didn't get the education up front meaning the families they can't find the supports to help their children and they are at wit's end. this is not defending them they are with and what to do for their children and to integrate them in their families they don't know where to turn and they so so they find drastic measures like this we homing and adam you know legal adoptions are supposed to be handled through the courts and prospect of parents are supposed to be vetted they can you talk about how parents are really able to get around this oversight sure and it's by the way it's not just in the adoption realm i mean you hear of people turning over the custody of their child to
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their on to their uncle to a good friend while they go out of the country for to your three years so there are mechanisms legal mechanisms to turn over cuts to your child it's a simple power of attorney it's unfortunately it is easy and it's generally just a few paragraphs in your sign on the dotted line the problem is that these kids have problems so when you are turning over the child even if it's for the best motives and i'm not saying that always is but even if it is how do you know that the next parents will have the wherewithal to take care of those issues if you could not write and of course we know that a lot of these three homing adoptions are being mediated if they're being needed through online forums can you talk about how problematic that really has been in trying to regulate this kind of activity well we don't this is pretty new these sorts of activities are not commonplace again they're pretty unusual they're
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happening so we need to address it but they're pretty unusual so what we do know is that the internet per se and i invite people go to our insitu web site adoption institute dot org and we've done the the first big report study research on the internet impact on adoption it's called untangling the web and it's there and we're going to put out a second year study in about a month but the bottom line is that the internet has transformed adoption practice should lead to all of us to look at what are we doing for children vulnerable children how do we help them and this is the warning flag that tells us that there's something to be done. that was adam kerman executive director of the donaldson adoption institute. and the new york city man who was arrested this past summer for allegedly carrying methamphetamine is now suing the police department that arrested him you see there was a little bit of confusion because that crystal meth he was supposedly carrying was
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in fact jolly ranchers that's right the popular multi flavored hard candies the officer who arrested the twenty five year old african-american named love joe confidently said that he yet professional training in the identification of methamphetamine he also noted in the criminal affidavit that he had done a field test on the substance and determined it was indeed narcotics the red and blue crystalline rocks of solid material were then taken to a lab for a gas chromatography analysis and two days later the earth shattering results were in this was not a controlled substance but rather just candy however this was all after the young man was detained for over twenty four hours. says he underwent severe emotional trauma over the false imprisonment now it's unclear at this point why he was stopped in the first place however officers who stopped and searched him reportedly said it was quote only a matter of time before they found something leading privacy advocates to believe
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the officers were employing the controversial stop and frisk practice. and while the recession here in america has technically ended people are still facing tough economic times while the cost of college mounts on the job market spotter's resident explores how some people have resorted to a new market for cash selling parts of their bodies for more on that here's the residents lori car finessed. if you listen to economic reports you know it's tough times here in america people are struggling financially across the nation with a lousy job market and college costing
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a ton of money prospects are slim so to find money to survive more and more americans are resorting to creative ways to pay for themselves out and by that i mean they are selling parts of their bodies for body. not their sex parts but their hair breast milk eggs and even hiv. since two thousand and eleven when you type i want to sell mine into google old hairy legs and kidneys has been among the top autofill results selling kidneys is illegal in the u.s. but the others are perfectly legal to buy and sell. shady grove fertility center nice name said about thirteen thousand women will apply this year to be a donors women can receive up to ten thousand dollars for their first egg donation and they can receive several thousand more for up to five additional donations you can get a couple thousand for your hair and breast milk goes for up to five bucks and out
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on line. the facts that. bodily is so on the rise during these tough times seems to be no coincidence market strategists say that the fact that people are even exploring that as an option indicates just how worried people are about their financial outlook they also point to the internet as an enabler making the buying and selling of things you won't see on the shelves at wal-mart a lot easier. as one analyst noted the economic recovery we're going through right now is unlike every other one we've seen in the past it's slow line being very frustrating. we now live in a world where almost half the wealth is in the hands of less than one percent of the people the rest of the population is getting pretty desperate. one woman who sold her hair puts it selling these parts of yourself is basically profit for very little work anything you can do people are willing to do it. the truth is
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any job you take is whoring yourself out to some degree right but selling parts of your body just for money is arguably one step closer to the oldest profession in the world tonight let's talk about that by following me on twitter at the resident . and that does it for now for more on the stories we covered today go to youtube dot com slash r t america check out our website r t dot com slash usa you can also follow me on twitter at mirror david. mission creep couldn't take three. more charges free. agent
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free. three stooges free. zone free blog loaded video for your media projects a free media. hello and welcome to crossfire all things are considered on peter lavelle journalism a thing of the past and much of the western world in the name of security challenging the official media message of the elites is often met with serious threats and reprisals whistleblowers are damned and made to feel severe consequences what we may need is a deafening echo chamber warning all to get in line.


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