tv [untitled] October 22, 2013 11:00am-11:31am EDT
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video for your media project free video gargi dot com. tears six killed and dozens injured as a peaceful also monday in russia's volgograd a shot of so side a time on a passenger bus. we report from a city in mourning in the aftermath of the last calls by a career to harness. today's headlines demanding answers. the u.s. must explain why these people have been killed civilian casualties a lack of transparency and no justice for the victims amnesty international lashes out at washington's drone war in pakistan saying some of the killings amounts to war crimes. and norway becomes the latest e.u. country to sound alarm over its citizens joining the sea when jihad as all slow
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launches a global hunt for two teenage girls thought to have done to have gone to syria to fight alongside the islam is that. and welcome to our t twenty four hour news live from moscow. our top story now. volgograd is mourning the victims of a suicide bomb attack on a passenger bus that claimed the lives of six and injured dozens witnesses described a war zone like scene of scattered body parts and blinded survivors unable to comprehend what had just happened to france isn't the southern russian city for us with the details. at this point investigators according to four people involved in this case they point to thirty year olds i see all of us from dagestan
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a career jihad it as the suicide bomber in the case and three men also involved one dimitri sokol love who is her reported husband was on his way to moscow and then two men waiting for them there from dagestan both of them wanted for twin terrorist attacks in dagestan back in two thousand and twelve so police are on the hunt for those three men at this point the report states that he got on the bus shortly after that is when the explosion took place shop will t.n.t. and a grenade remnants were found at the site which six dead and more than forty injured many of them very severely local hospital inundated with very graphic witnesses say that there were severed limbs and severe birds and many of those cases were said to moscow for further treatment i we've got an eyewitness we spoke to who came upon the situation just moments after here's what he's got to say about what happened to her from there were many ambulances and police around people getting out from the
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coast to help they were pulling people out of the bus giving the water sharing their first aid kits what shocks me is that there was one woman still inside the bus satchel covered in blood and i couldn't tell whether she was dead or alive but the bus route starts at the city's heart center also pulses near the university so the bus was full of hot patients and students also a large bomb was found near a shopping mall in dagestan by anti-terrorist police and what they're really trying to piece together right now is why this bombing took place here involve a grad and not as it was originally planned in bosco also last night and islamic prayer center was firebombed here in volgograd so investigators are looking at that as well so there are many pieces to this puzzle that finally need to come together before we get a clear picture of how. this was carried out and why it was done. and we discuss the issue of terror threats with alexander don't rain has a doctor of law and
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a visiting lecturer at several u.s. universities have told us terrorism is no longer a rachel myself but an international concern i can tell you that you know we are dealing with this kind of a terrorist international we cannot divide what's happening in america in boston or in oklahoma city and then you know to five well we cannot separate it from what has just happened in volgograd or from what happened in they'd all be just several weeks ago we were seen boat and this is very unfortunate and we need to deal with it this is something you know about happens on a kind of an irregular basis this is not the first time this is not the last time but once again on the way in the same boat and unlike just several years ago when the head was full and you know with expression one person's terrorist is another person's freedom fighter i can see now that no matter what if somebody is added to
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to russia and the russian government will have a terrorist attacks in russia this is a terrorist attack not just them against the russian people it's against this is a terrorist attack against everybody. and our web to you is all the latest for you on the terror attack involve the bronx or extensive background information i witness reports pictures and footage go to r.t. dot com. many of the deaths in the u.s. drone strikes in pakistan are unlawful and amount to war crimes claims amnesty international and new damning report released today looks at recent incidents and cites horrific examples of the killing of children and elderly the human rights organization wants justice for the victims of unlawful strikes and calls for greater transparency under fire investigation there and there could be a lot to look at and it all began in two thousand and four when president bush was in office two thousand and six was the deadliest year in his presidency were almost
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one hundred civilians were killed just by two airstrikes two years later so drones became much more frequently used and then barack obama became president in two thousand and nine and that was the year which saw the biggest number of killings it was one hundred sixty two in the next twelve months this strikes almost doubled there were more than one hundred of them and the program goes on the latest attack in pakistan happened just over a month ago so we can see the lion's share of drone strikes were carried out by the obama administration around a thousand civilians have been killed including two hundred children and the total number of deaths is more than three thousand people more details now from r.t. is this account. the predator drone remotely controlled and heavily armed it's the weapon of choice in the cia's undeclared war in pakistan that's where the u.s.
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is believed to have launched more than three hundred strikes since two thousand and four the target suspected taliban and al qaeda militants the white house says better drones then boots on the ground and justifies the covert program as both affective and legal america does not take strikes to punish individuals we act against terrorists who pose a continuing and imminent threat to the american people not so according to amnesty international and a damning new report the human rights group warns u.s. drone strikes could amount to war crimes documents recent killings in pakistan's northwest tribal areas and the lack of transparency surrounding drones this is a secret program in fact in our case we've found at least in some cases they've clearly killed civilians and some of these cases might be war crimes that really concerns us one such case is that of sixty eight year old man nama bibi killed by a u.s. drone last october she was picking vegetables with her grandchildren when that
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attacks took place a double strike the children miraculously survived and i first it was so then i heard that. the first hit and the second hit my cousin. but her grandmother's body was pulverized these missile fragments are all that remain of amnesty documents other such cases but its main point the need for transparency and accountability the u.s. must explain why these people have been killed people who are clearly civilians must provide justice to these people compensation it must investigate those responsible for those killings the u.s. continues to give very little public information about the drone program but it will face more international pressure later this week that is because on friday the u.n. general assembly will be do. bating the use of remotely piloted aircraft now in a separate report a un investigation looked at thirty three drone strikes around the world not just in pakistan that violated international humanitarian law and also resulted in
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hundreds of civilian casualties that report also calling for more transparency and accountability from the united states reporting from moscow i am lucy catherine of and we're also spoke to the head of the drones report and she says people in pakistan fear the unmanned aircraft the same way as they do the taliban and al qaida that. what we have done it's conduct painstaking research into a specific time period in pakistan where u.s. has carried out drone strikes and that's a very recent eighteen months in a very particular part of the country in north waziristan this is one of the most neglected remote areas. suffered abuse from groups also disappearances and torture other detention for the focused on and. on top of out of the skies. they are being attacked by u.s.
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drone strikes. in some cases it is that some of those some of the killings have been unlawful that amount to extradition executions or war crimes we contacted the u.s. government in advance of our report being published. referred us referred us to the white house and the white house referred us to u.s. president barack obama's speech of may twenty third team which made promises of transparency we've seen little change to date. and despite the outrage against the use of the unmanned aircraft washington refuses to acknowledge any unlawful killings that's why some experts are calling for an international investigation into drugs trying. the us has a consistent position in refusing to allow its highest officials whether political or military officials to be held accountable for the consequences of wars that are themselves fundamentally violations of international law international law in the
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united states unfortunately is too often only applied to other countries and not to ourselves one of the big problems with the drone war is that we don't have good information it may be that there are war crimes involved if there are. decisions made to use drone strikes when other options are available if decisions are made to use drone strikes against settings where there are known civilians they may well be work crimes there needs to be a thorough investigation and what we've seen is that the u.s. government is not prepared to investigate itself so the question of international investigations whether it's in the context of the international criminal court to which of course the united states is not a member or whether it's in the context of amnesty international the united nations other agencies all of these need to be explored and used. you're watching on c.n.n. coming up later after a short break america's homeless shelters fill up with yesterday's middle class.
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i'm not just working five days a week and still not having a place to call the biggest of america's poor is drastically changing not story from new york. washington falls out with its age old ally france in a historic friendship undermined by the latest n.s.a. spying scandal suggesting millions of french people how about putting a stop to the full details in just a few minutes. germany's finance ministry has denied reports it is preparing a third bailout for greece. of course not you know there will be no third bailout for greece bailouts and so last decade this is the age of the bailiff by design this is over the bandits bankers and brokers who have taken all that you've got no dollar euro yet a drop will be left behind and inflation deflation
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a couple scotia will take a realistic well done. well told me my language or what i will only react to situations i have read the reports i'm likely to put in the know i will leave them to the state department to comment on your letter point. to the security of a car is on the docket no going to. do no more weasel words. when you need a direct question be prepared for a change when you're done you should be ready for a. freedom of speech and a little down the freedom to. this is our sea welcome back and our poor in france of erosions the n.s.a.
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has spied on millions of its citizens has forced washington to make one with strongest ambitions admissions rather yet regarding its surveillance practices after a phone conversation between barack obama and president francois hollande the white house considered the latest claims raise legitimate questions in just a single month the agency automatically intercepted more than seventy million calls while also logging text messages along with the general public businessmen and politicians were also targeted this prompted president or land to join the calls of those urging tougher privacy laws in the european union e.u. lawmakers have already new legislation to protect online information which would outlaw most data transferred to third transfers to third countries including the u.s. and earlier we discussed the fallout from snowden's latest revelations would be renowned french politician dominic to ban who served as the country's prime interior and
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foreign ministers and he says there's no justification for the you are spying on its allies. we knew that. some practices were existed but the search and overall system this came as a surprise for everybody the importance of the spying into the private lives seems so big that it really looks something and acceptable between friends between allies there is no argument no reason that can be given to explain to thing of course fighting against terrorism is very important and we should try to find through corporation financial corporation intelligence cooperation but spying on the private life of citizens this is something we cannot accept and francis former foreign minister also told us he could become or in some valence scandal exposes the dangers of one country dominating the internet. what we
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are seeing today is incredible privileges of the u.s. administration all over the control of the world system we knew that the us were controlling the financial system through the banking dominance of some big banks through the dollar currency reserve currency but controlling internet controlling the information you know world this is it privilege and monopoly that canard to be accepted because we know that if we are going to follow the same direction then confrontation might be in the book and of course we'll have more stories for you online including journalists united as high ranking u.k. media representatives for a petition demanding the release of a british cameraman detained in russia over the greenpeace or the protest in the arctic. and also that the russian sibling of the santa clause means the olympic flame on the latest stage of the torch relay read more of the sporting
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symbols a voyage at altitude are. the number of european muslims joining the ranks of islamist militants in syria is growing every month norway has launched a hunt for two teenage sisters who have allegedly gone to the war torn country to find the regime alongside a rebel forces are she is a piece on of the looks now and the dangerous trend which is spurring fears such people would return to their own countries and well trained and ready to carry out terrorist acts there. the two sisters age sixteen and nineteen left a message for their family saying that they were going to syria because they believed that muslims in the country were being attacked from all directions now the family who haven't been named are cooperating with the authorities to try and track these two young women down now they've been it's reported that they are of somali descent that they. came to norway in the year two thousand they weren't
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particularly religious that impacted over the last few weeks that being arguments between the the older sister and the mother of the family over the the older sisters want to wear the niqab so norwegian authorities looking into this to try and track down these two women who are believed to be in turkey trying to cross the border into syria they say they have evidence that they've been spotted in that area security offices working with the norwegian security services are saying that we are seeing a growing trend in organized groups trying to to recruit and radicalize muslims muslim people in the in the west in europe and across europe we have seen cases where by anti assad fighters have turned up with with passports from across the european union norway itself believes that around forty of its citizens are currently fighting in the area one of the largest groups from europe that's made their way to fight against assad troops have been from right here in germany it's
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believed that in the north of syria there's a camp that's been labeled the german camp by newsmagazine around two hundred german citizens most of them from the north rhine-westphalia area believed to be there the numbers while the numbers speak for themselves is believe that or over one thousand european fighters currently battling assad forces in syria right now and that's gone up from two hundred fifty from this time last year so if it does seem that if these these organized groups are recruiting that they're certainly getting more and more people to their cause. no assad in the future of syria that's the demand for voiced an opposition meeting with the friends of syria coalition it comes after the president of the war torn country mentioned the possibility of his participation in future elections at the meeting in london the coalition also agreed to increase military support to the rebels to help as is claimed in the
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fight against extremists within the opposition ranks the international community is currently attempting to persuade both science in the conflict to take part in the proposed geneva two peace conference. and let's discuss the dangers of european muslims joining the syrian jihad with middle east expert mark almond he joins us now live from mr almond welcome to our good to have you with us do you agree those european muslims who go to fight in syria who joined your hardest resent threat to go home countries when they come by or were just exaggerating. now i think there is a threat obviously we're talking about a relatively small number of people out of the millions of muslims who live in the european union the problem however is that even if here zero point one percent of people risk being radicalized and we're talking now well over a five possibly several thousand people from new york in union countries have
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either gone to syria or involved in the kind of pipeline of radicalization and supplying people. we do have for a subgroup that is a threat and we've had actions violent actions in france in britain and in other countries. this has come to the surface of people who have been radicalized elsewhere sometimes in syria other parts of north africa for instance or in some of it. and what do you think it will do you think a problem those people and young people especially to join days limits and see where it do they share their political aims of toppling assad or is it really just ones i mean what actually inspire those teenage girls from norway to go to war. i think we have to look at to sort of i was one hand is the individuals themselves may have all sorts of frustrations including from as i said just teenage adolescent angers and fresh. in a society that they perhaps don't feel wholly integrated do they become in some
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ways more. religious than perhaps their parents were but also there are people who seek out to recruit them and i think we do have to sceptically in britain that we have a paradox of contradictory situation that some of the groups the british government sponsors domestically what they call counter radicalization groups is part of nations funded by the taxpayer to in a sense calm down the radicals actually also act as conduits for people going to libya in two thousand and eleven now going to syria today so we have to face the problem but to some extent there's an intimate all the kind of personal psychological are the reasons why somebody might become very radical with people who are cruising grooming and send me on and some of those people have afraid official connections in britain in norway in france too remember in france the had quite a large number of mcgregor humans who speak arabic with the north african dialect accent to be used by the french for instance part of the army soldiers an army to
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fight in libya back in two thousand and eleven they would obviously not north african to many of the western journalists covering the story if they'd bother to even to us is that i know you meant to say be european countries by openly supporting this seaward opposition are unwillingly encouraging that muslim citizens to join their ranks. well i think there is a risk of this now perhaps belatedly we see people like the british foreign secretary william hague suddenly notes saying that this radicalization that has been going on now for almost three years perhaps even before that one problem as i say is the element of collusion remember that the. in france see their migrant muslim communities as a pool of potential recruits to provide them with agents with informers and so on in the wider middle east of the world with muslims there and so there has been if you like a tendency to have a bright eye to the problem the blue black blowback as they call it from
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afghanistan the west has supported radical groups in the past going back to the one nine hundred eighty s. in afghanistan overlooking that these groups do have their own agenda they don't necessarily just want to do what the puppet master has asked them to do and they certainly bite the hand off but the hand is not the sort of virtue of the person who's helped to groom them and send them but ordinary civilians ordinary people in society whether people shopping in the westgate center in nairobi a few weeks ago or walking down the street in woolwich back in may in this country for instance. right professor and middle east expert live from oxford professor armand thank you very much indeed. thank you. up next stay with us for the latest additional breaking the sad without a mask. it
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seems like politicians can get away with anything nowadays but not all of them the former mayor of failed detroit has been sentenced to twenty years in prison after being found guilty of committing record tiering conspiracy fraud extortion and tax crimes while mayor yeah the prosecutors say he funneled millions of dollars to himself and family members all while detroit moved headstrong towards the bankrupt state it is in today this is big news not because some mayor took bribes but because he got punished the judge who could fix him stated why this is such an important case she said at the very least a significant sentence will send a message that this kind of conduct will not be tolerated yes sending a message you see corrupt officials are usually cowards and they do what they do because they feel they can get away with it when you start to put the fear of god into them they start to behave much better so the question is will the mainstream media grab the story and really use the conviction of detroit's former mayor is an example probably not but it would really help the country if they would but that's just my opinion.
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speak your language i mean some of the will not advance. your music programs and documentaries and spanish what matters to you. a little tonnage of angola's stories. here. the spanish find out more visit. tito it's calm. have you ever felt. that if you are in a phase. song lyric or posted a frowny face is your status update well if you've ever expressed any sort of feelings of melancholy on social media then you're a prime candidate for a new product called government surveillance c.n.n.
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new program funded by the national institutes of health is using twitter to spy on the mentally ill for population level depression monitoring yes that's right computerized algorithms alone will be separating the crazy from the saying if you don't want to take part in this exciting new study too bad you don't have a choice two thousand of your tax dollars have already been spent on it so keep up that tweeting analyse you in the padded room side effects include overwhelming chilling effects such as the prosecution being the mentally ill is a way to never have standing in a court room gross paranoia never being able to make sarcastic remarks or jokes in a gigantically bloated surveillance state let's go break the set. to the clean cut a. very hard to take the turtle to. do that or how to act like that hurts but there are no.
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such please please. please. please please. please me. crazy news to report guys obama's got a coke problem now i have been reading the national enquirer i'm talking about as unwillingness to make a final decision on keystone x.l. pipeline that could rake in one hundred billion dollars from vulture capitalist brothers charles and david koch that's understandable why obama hasn't officially signed off on the pipeline yet considering how much he's already pissed off his democratic base but given his close ties to oil and gas executives many
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environmentalist aren't holding their breath so with the democratic party continually selling out to big oil what options does the modern and environmental movement have earlier i spoke to environmentalist and author derrick johnson i first asked him how the current industrial system plays into the environmental destruction of the planet. right there. so do you think that the government take better care of individual human beings or human you know the answer need to take better care of corporations and nobody nobody ever thought experiment. you know do we want to talk about the b.p. oil spill we want to talk about right now how chevron is suing. people in the amazon whose lives in the homes they've destroyed to boil attraction i mean we have just a bazillion examples of how the system is really set up for. those in
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power. system is set up to facilitate commerce. at the expense. of living beings human and otherwise. living communities can technology be harnessed for good and be used in a way that's compatible with nature. i think we have to ask more than just i think we have to ask what we mean by technology because i love what's. about there are authoritarian and democratic t.c.h. and i see outs and what we meant by tax make is that a technology does not rise out of or lead to a social vacuum and it takes us you know that i'm living on apollo landing apollo in the inland and the towel of ship or at least twelve thousand five hundred and they didn't invent backhoes and it's not because they were too stupid to invent backhoes.
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