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tv   [untitled]    October 22, 2013 11:30am-12:01pm EDT

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those in power. system is set up to facilitate commerce. at the expense of. living beings human and otherwise. living communities can technology be harnessed for good and be used in a way that's compatible with nature. i think we have to ask more than just i think we have to ask what we mean by technology because i love what. about there are a storage area and democratic t.c.h. and i think and what we mean by technic is that a technology does not rise out of or lead to a social vacuum and it takes us you know that i'm living on holloa land it's all indian land of the whole of ship or at least twelve thousand five hundred years and they didn't invent backhoes and it's not because they were too stupid to invent backhoes it's because they had. a mindset. made it
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so their technologies invented weren't the sort of technology are invented by the dominant culture and said they would have stamina welcome and example that would be a form of their technology would be a song to welcome the salmon home and so back to last month or if you it takes a certain mindset to create a chainsaw and once you have a chains are better example of novelty it takes a certain mindset to create an automobile and once you have an automobile that will lead to certain changes in society so that you will do distance differently you know but later on today after going to town which is a few miles an hour be an entirely different experience firewalking then if i'm driving i'm driving i can drive into town like oh i forgot to bring one thing that weighs three ounces i can drive two thousand pounds back a couple miles just to pick up that one thing of the boat if i'm walking over to make sure that i have a reason for it though this is
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a small boat and we designed our societies around the technology and most were exploring was that. technologies will lead to what we call democratic pac man and some technologies will be more authoritarian and much of that has to do with whether the technology can be locally controlled or whether it is it makes you dependent upon outside sources and one really quick example profit is the difference between say solar photovoltaic and passive solar anybody can arrange their home or kind of range how they are to the sun that's awesome so that's a democratic anybody can do it on the other hand solar photovoltaic require rare earth they require mining they require the entire infrastructure is built around with it so once you get into an authoritarian technic you are. forcing yourself into some sort of authoritarian governmental system and so the question about can
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technology be compatible with the earth i think it depends on the technologies i think democratic technologies. certainly can be compatible with might on the planet i think is the word and in fact they are compatible my other with. schumann democratic decision making process nor with life on the earth and i wanted to move on to one of your articles where you write every morning when i wake i ask myself whether i should write a blow up and down i keep telling myself to write although i'm not sure that that's right are you suggesting that eco terrorism is all effective in terms of fighting back against the establishment. when i'm really trying to get out with his. we can have there's a line by karl where he says philosophy but there's no parts and i've always kind of like that line too we can fall off eyes all we want but what's really important is what happens in the real world and if our philosophy. how
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to bring about certain changes in the real world that can be good or bad depending on what those changes are and the truth is the salmon don't need for us to. write books about them what them need is for them to be removed and the need for industrial logging to stop industrial fishing to be stopped and the oceans not be murder. that's. so what i'm really trying to get out of that line is that what happens in the real world is what is and that's what's most important and we can we can you know you and i can have a conversation and that's great and people can listen to this conversation and if it doesn't actually make a change in the real world and so far as i'm concerned it's not really important but what's really important is how things change in the real world well let's talk about the real world people are fighting back in places such as russia canada are facing extreme penalties for doing so decades long prison sentence for piracy and
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russia's snipers unleashed on occasion it's activists in canada for stance on fracking i mean is this the only way to fight now is to become a martyr. i don't think that the only way to become a martyr i think. there are casualties in an ng war and right now the primary counsel to the courts are. you know non human and also the primary counsel to the monks humans are members of various oppressed classes and so there's a sense in which i mean this is all in many ways this is simply the the old line about those who make nonviolent revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable and we need to sit down and we need to change things and you know every
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cell in my body wants for us to have a voluntary transformation numbering nice we want to you want to off hold him you know sort of move into the future i think that we need to. try everything we can but if something doesn't work then we need to figure out something else that may work and so i don't think that we need to be martyrs i think that we need to start thinking of ourselves as a serious resistance movement and we need to start thinking of ourselves of the serious. revolutionary movement i think we need to start thinking very seriously i mean here's one of the ways i put this up with this forever it was that. space aliens came down from outer space and they were vacuuming the oceans and they were changing the climate they were causing the greatest math extinction is through the planet and they were putting docks in every mother's breast milk and they were causing people to buy cancer and they were polluting the world so that everybody is inhaling secondhand smoke you know we
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would know what to do we would know how to we would know that we need to break identity with and we need to. bring down their entire system and yet when it becomes. when they have to do with with this that when. when it is the government to which we pledged allegiance we were children and suddenly we get really really not very smart about it so what we need to do we need to break our identity work and we need to move our loyalty to our community and to the natural world and then we need to start thinking like a really serious resistance movement and we need to start thinking we need start thinking very seriously about what we're going to do derek i couldn't agree more and i want to sum this up because you're talking about breaking out of this establishment mindset and i think that the really big problem is environmental across the environmental movement they're catering to the democratic party and you've talked often about the lesser of two evils when it comes to the two party system why are so many environmental organizations caving to the democratic party
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instead of throwing their full weight behind other parties that could actually do something in terms of policy changing about a two minute slot. well i think part of it has to do with the question of what their loyalty is to or to to what to what or to whom is their loyalty and a great example of this is what all the so-called solutions to global warming have in common but are prevented by the mainstream are mentally ill what they all have in common is they take industrial capitalism as a given and the natural world as something which must conform from dr topalov and that's not in terms of being out of the physical we out of my point here is that once again once you switch your loyalty then you can make conscious decisions as to whether you want to in this case you know sacrifice some ideal to or sacrifice some loyalty for a process of purpose make a temporary alliance but if your primary loyalty is the man in the system all
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you're going to be as a loyal opposition which is the best we can hope for from a democrat you know the democrats so far as i'm concerned the democrats or republicans are just good cop bad cop you know that the bad cop comes in and beats you up and then they go. and and feels your pain while they do the same thing thank you so much for your insight gary johnson author environmentalist appreciate your time. oh thank you so much ok. still ahead we'll take a look at iraq and how life after the war of the country completely devastated. she could lumber tour. was able to build a most sophisticated. fortunately doesn't sound anything tunes mission to teach music creation why it should care about humans. this is why you should
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care only on the dog call. germany's finance ministry as the nine reports it is preparing its third bill after a break. of course not you know there will be no third ballot for gray ballots or so last decade this is the age of the ballot by the time this is over the bandit's banks as a broker will have taken all that you've got no dollar euro yen or truck will be left behind and inflation deflation the toughest patient will take every last nickel and dime.
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i. there's a medium leave us so we leave that maybe. the scene pushes to cure the whole your party years ago. questions that no one is asking with the guests that you deserve answers from it's all on politics only on our t.v. .
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despite the media's complete disregard for the state of post occupation in iraq a terrifying trend of violence continues to plague the country week after week there is a new wave of car bombings and suicide blasts that have come to characterize modern iraq perhaps the worst crime of all is a history of being revised right in front of our eyes case in point as newly released study by the journal p.l.o.s. medicine which alleges that the total death toll of iraqis during the war amounted to four hundred sixty one thousand people and while nearly half a million is horrific it's far from accurate see a comprehensive study was conducted in two thousand and seven by the british polling group opinion research business that showed a body count of over one million iraqis the survey was conducted at the height of the violence but far before the war even ended and all the provinces warn even
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included but that's not the only research concluding a mass misrepresentation of casualty numbers the journal lancet as demanded one hundred thousand deaths in just the first year of the war and another six hundred thousand by two hundred two thousand and six but the government media's efforts at whitewashing the controversial legacy of the iraq war isn't limited to body counts there's also the nuclear legacy to grapple with the us military depended on the pleated uranium or. its artillery shells do you as a byproduct of nuclear waste and it's also very good at creating explosions but when these radioactive particles are scattered they're carried by the wind seep into the ground and are consumed by living things in the area since two thousand and three it's estimated that occupation forces fired one thousand metric tons of iraq according to the united nations environment program the effects of this radioactive contamination are devastating and in fact one hundred fifty five countries have already voted to ban they used to be
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a d u s. cept america because america is exceptional and no one seems to question this country's use of chemical weapons even when they result in widespread birth defects well the news outlets reported that the rate of child deformities in fallujah now surpassed that of nagasaki after the dropping of two atomic bombs some of the serious malformations recorded for loser range from a girl born with two heads to partial paralysis not to mention the cancer which is a growing epidemic especially among children and will be for decades to come to the most disturbing part of all is that do you contamination never goes away these growing concerns prompted a long awaited report by the world health organization the report's conclusion it was expected to mirror the findings of multiple medical doctors throughout iraq but instead the investigation made a startling claim that some report says the study provides no clear evidence to
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suggest an unusually high rate of congenital birth defects in iraq. wow now snuffy's ahmed of the institute for policy research on the guardian points out there is reason to believe the study is deeply flawed and that alleges that people within w.h.o. have been compromised by political pressure to support this claim he highlights the comments of dr keith bob a stock of former w.h.o. expert on radiation he said quote the extent to which scientific principles are being bent to fit politically convenient conclusions is alarming alarming indeed only adding to the claims of this corruption is former u.n. assistant secretary general hong's von sponeck spoken ex who exposed previous w.h.o. cover ups during the first gulf war also attested that the report's findings were defective he said that quote it seems that someone somewhere clumsily decided that they would not release these damning finances and instead obscured them now the
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list of experts who have denounced this report is too long to mention it includes the international coalition to ban depleted uranium the organization has repeatedly called upon the w.h.o. to release the data set they used from the study but unsurprisingly they've refused so really it doesn't matter what papers or official reports are published attempting to revise history the reality remains the same iraq is living a nuclear nightmare because of what the us did so even though government officials might sleep better because of a lie on a piece of paper many won't be until do you is banned completely and justice awarded. american webster dictionary defines a conspiracy as
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a secret plan by two or more people to do something that is harmful or illegal now usually when the topic of conspiracy theories. approached there's a few eye rolls an undeniable fact that conspiracies are real and no i'm not talking about the unfounded claims that reptilian shapeshifters are projecting illuminati symbolism into our brains i'm talking about real historical events that have been proven to be government conspiracies yes believe it or not this government has conspired against its own people on more than one occasion so that over just a few of the most shocking declassified government conspiracies i'm joined by because producer matt gough let's go what is up man we're not talking about the chilean illuminati ship then i give you they're already. going to do it on the lizard no we're going to talk about real conspiracies that have been classified there are so many to count man i know that we only picked out the five craziest ones let's start with my favorite operation northwoods start with the craziest plan
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presented from robert mcnamara the joint chiefs of staff under president kennedy obviously we know at that time we were really irking for a reason to get into cuba so what was this all about church so that's dead a dead on the united states was really keen on going to war with cuba they needed the public support to do this and really this is far as conspiracy theories that have later on been revealed through disclose information is really one of the scariest because it details what the united states is capable of just coming up with in terms of ideas the need of the public support for a war with cuba this of course never happened thank god because of what they were doing was what they were planning to do was really really scary they were talking about staged bombings in cuba fake the landings by cuban troops. and u.s. soil exactly they were planning to blow up an american ship there was there was plans to hijack and crash an airliner so. i mean this is this is all things to declassified information that we found out thanks to none other than all of the
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stone of all people who you know if there was a film j.f.k. re galvanise that idea that we need to get the truth out about the j. of cake. assassination conspiracy one thousand nine hundred seven comes around thirty years after the assassination and you've got you know thousands and thousands of declassified documents titled operations northwoods what is that and come to find out that this was this huge conspiracy this was that is unable to carry balls flag attack that never happened but the scariest part about this is that false flags are real and that this almost happened i mean it was presented all the way up in the chain of command up to the president yeah i mean they played kennedy rejected it i mean and the false flags we talk about these are there are so often dismissed as conspiracy theories you know you can choose to buy into some or not more recent ones but you can look back in the historical thread remember the maine and its own government right the spanish-american war that the mexican american war these were all these are all started by false flag attack right exactly so it's not too crazy to talk about false flags this is story of fact. this
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is something kind of searching for the perfect truth serum you know taking it out as a possibility and they just loved to people with acid and then killed her as one of the craziest ones in fact i've heard references to whether i don't know if if the sixty's counterculture influence they did not alter or or visa ve but they were they were experimenting with all kinds of psychotropic drugs l.s.d. what barbiturates as well they were finding prostitutes prisoners the mentally ill and they were experimenting with all kinds of crazy drugs on people and i mean you don't find out about this until. much later on when when it's when it's found out that it was actually the cia that was in bahrain and now the cia has i think half of the world's assets supply or i think at least in this country and you know it is it actually did spawn into the sixty's because it's funny to see that this actually started in the fifty's so you just have picture f.b.i. agents from the fifty's dosey had their i mean it turned to the whole thing and it was in the movie the men who stare at goats that's actually a pretty good example of that's kind of film adaptation and there was one of the
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jobs act of where is called operation midnight climax where they're actually driving kind of your average joes and putting them in rooms with prostitutes and doing crazy stuff and to. here's the really twisted stuff there rob you and it goes back to what you were saying you know that trying to develop that perfect truth i don't know if they've gotten prostitutes let's talk about the craziest one prohibition alcohol poisoning i haven't even i hadn't even heard about not heard about prohibition i know that what was going on so prohibition going on in one thousand twenties thanks to the eighteenth amendment of course of banning the whole sale of alcohol in the united states i had no idea until i started researching what the f.b.i. was doing under directions of the us department of treasury which was to poison alcohol and that was actually the new york city medical examiner at the time in one thousand nine hundred six charles norris i wonder if they called him chuck norris they were government charles norris actually said practically all the liquor that is sold in new york today is toxic so it was known even at the time that the f.b.i.
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the government was actually poisoning people to look prohibition was absolutely on in force at the time so the fact that we just kill that exactly is going to kill her. ill. will it's crazy the stuff that they were putting in because methane from elder ammonia arsenic kerosene acetone let's paint thinner believable let's move on to tuskegee experiment on poor black citizens of the united states they were calling them simpletons at the time they were taking an educated poor black citizens at the time it was basically infecting them with syphilis that's exactly they were doing this was going on between one nine hundred thirty to one thousand nine hundred seventy two they were infected upwards of four hundred individuals many of them women twenty eight people died directly from the disease several children were born with with right the disease of course and it was horrible what they were doing to them they were telling these to these people that you know were
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looking into with this mysterious new disease many of them didn't even know what was going on they were told that they were being administered in an adobe really they were just given aspirin. and they were conducting all sorts of experiments to find out how syphilis affects the black population really really long haul off of these things and even and keep in mind this when this kept going into the seventies one nine hundred seventy two until it was discontinued and it wasn't until one thousand nine hundred seven under president clinton was the first american i don't know let's stop actually administering the medicines you know what lessons are you that we're not sorry that we're sorry yeah that's pretty terrible and of course operation mockingbird you know this was a program that the cia f.b.i. was inserting operatives within all the major media networks i mean we're talking about all of them publications and the thing that my my whole question is is this still going on today because they've really permeated throughout the culture of the establishment media thousand media today they just parrot is that an ad like wait
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this gone full circle or do you guys do a really good job said in the nation here it's absolutely right because i mean this is a cold war mentality and yes we know cold war mentality is permeated well into today but what they were doing they were bribing heads of major publications and mainstream even for the time during the cold war the new york times associated press reuters they were they were really getting getting through this and you ask is this still going on today well we can look at the last national defense authorization act twenty thirteen has a provision in there that legalizes propaganda we found out last year that the. central command was giving these what is a sockpuppet accounts up to ten accounts for per servicemen to kind of promote this pro-american propaganda or sanity and i mean do we really even need that we have like you said we have the corporate media they're all there we have what we have and we really need to be you know it is shows you how far reaching this really is and you know i think it's really important to acknowledge these conspiracies and they're all proven fact and really when we talk about conspiracy theories we don't
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differentiate enough between the really unfounded ones and the real ones and i think it's really hindering the dialogue and debate as a country of history and also. just current event you say you say conspiracy theory immediately people go with the a rebellion illuminati and it's dangerous there is a lot more thank you so much for breaking some of this down man well thanks. guys thanks so much for tuning into my remember join me tomorrow same place same time. as you don't know if you don't hurry chorused response to really. knows everyone in my life that i cared about their goal but when that happened i came to skin well. i was national champion in track and field and also i was able to go and qualify
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for the olympic games. you know nine hundred eighty eight i started to experiment with that the drugs i had lost all the financial means that i. was really on the street. black market can't. break. through. to the. show thirty five can just spend over fifteen billion euros on culture he says of each one hundred people a million degrees with gun talk among still to sell something peacefully to france we travel in search of the song. knowledge we've got the future covered.
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i know c.n.n. the m s n b c news have taken some not slightly but the fact is i admire their commitment to cover all sides of the story just in case one of them happens to be accurate. that was funny but it's close and for the truth and might think. it's because one whole attention and the mainstream media work side by side the joke is actually on we're. going to have. at our teen years we have a different brain. because the news of the world just is not this funny i'm not laughing dammit i'm not how. you guys talk to the jokes i will hand over the stuff that i've got to.
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choose your language. surely we can we know if you're mentally ill send us a still some. treatments that you can sense you can. choose to use that to. choose the stories that impact your. choose to to access. the problem it was terrible taking the i'm very hard to make outlets again long here a plug that had sex with her make their lives let's play.
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lists lists lists lists lists lists lists lists about. a. cut.
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bloodshed death six killed and dozens injured as a peaceful autumn monday in russia. is shattered by a suicide attack on a passenger bus we report from a city in mourning in the aftermath of last caused by a career jihad it's. also in today's headlines demanding. the u.s. must explain why these people have. civilian casualties a lack of transparency and no justice for the victims and the international lashes out at washington for its drone war in pakistan saying some of the killings amount to war crimes. no way becomes the latest e.u. country. citizens joining to syria.


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