tv [untitled] October 22, 2013 10:00pm-10:31pm EDT
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for asians to rule today. it was like. that you know the price is the only industry specifically mention in the constitution which says that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy which help us. a little. bit like you know i'm sorry and on this show we reveal the picture of what's actually going. to go beyond identifying the truth rational debate and real discussion critical issues facing america ready to join the movement then welcome to the big picture. go on tell harmon in washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture. republicans say that
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obamacare is messy rollout is proof that the government can't do anything right but they've got it all wrong tell you why in just a moment also another day another school shooting two people have been pronounced dead after monday's attack in sparks middle school in nevada what can we do to present prevent this sort of senseless gun by its and their brag robber barons are once again trying to take over american democracy tell you how we can stop tonight's debate. you need to know this when it comes to health care government is the solution not the problem let me explain now that the shutdown is over the conservatives have moved on to the next manufactured controversy the good cheare rollout of obamacare they say that health care dot gov these problems are just another example of why
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the government is slow inefficient new unable to do the things that the private sector goes so well. health care dot gov is definitely a disaster in the obama administration needs to fix it if they want their health care law to work but conservatives have it all wrong the obamacare rollout is a perfect example of why we need more government employee needs here's how it got so messed up instead of hiring federal workers to build health care dot gov you know the way nasa used federal engineers and federal workers to put a man on the moon instead the government starts the job to a bunch of different for profit contractors the largest being a foreign canadian company our tax dollars at work in canada called c.g.i. c.g.i. and their fellow for profit contractors not the obama administration screwed up the launch of the exchange website all while raking in over two hundred million maybe over three hundred million by this time in taxpayer money c.g.i. alone took home ninety three point seven million dollars but the c.g.i.
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screw up of health care dot gov is bigger than just obamacare it's a symptom of a much deeper problem with how our government has fundamentally changed the way it does business over the last thirty two years or so ever since the reagan revolution american politicians have been obsessed with her new pseudo saw as a big bad government every president since reagan including democrats like bill clinton barack obama have tried to shrink the government and actually bragged about shrinking the government by handing over parts of our commons part of the government functions to private for profit companies. i said all workers got laid off president bragged about how they shrank government will actually increase seen the amount of money the government spends by having handy those jobs off to workers at for profit contracting. bill clinton for example was especially proud of his reinventing government initiative the cut the federal workforce by almost seventeen
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percent at fire sale of the commons has been great for contractors reports suggest that as much as seventy percent of the n.s.a.'s budget now goes to private firms like booz allen hamilton and running prisons is now a multi-billion dollar a year business the privatization has not been so great for the american people. the idea that private industry can do things better than government is just crazy especially in regards to things that involve the commons for one farm work to private contractors is a lot more expensive than irene gov government workers to do the same job it's pretty simple a recent study by the gov project on government oversight looked at thirty five different jobs and found that in thirty three of thirty five occupations the government actually paid billions of dollars more to hire contractors than i would across government employees to perform comparable services other studies suggest the private contractors cost as much as eighty three percent more than public
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employees do and unlike a federal agency private companies like c.g.i. the company would screw up healthcare dot gov are totally unaccountable to we the people they are ultimately only accountable to their shareholders and c.e.o. it's people who have a built in insanity called profit motive to turn out a cheapo product while milking taxpayers for everything they can get. the end result is a raw deal for the american people health care dot gov is just the latest example of that this is unacceptable we're talking about an essential part of a commons like health care that needs to function well because people's lives are at stake it's fine for private companies to make cars or shoes fact it's better for them to do that you don't want government making those things but health care is a right if we're serious about giving everyone access to it government not for profit contractor should handle it it's time to end this obscene obsession with privatization and hand the commons back to the government the george washington had
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three horses shot out from under him to create. and welcome to our big picture politics panel with me for tonight's big picture politics panel are marc harrold libertarian commentator and turning christie setser rest of strategist and president and c.e.o. of new heights communications and he knew some member of the national advisory council the project twenty one black leadership network thank you all for joining you and it's great to have you all the rings so i sort out with this rant about how we're you know bill clinton bragged about the fact that there were fewer government employees when he left than when he came in but george bush bragged about it obama has bragged about it there are three hundred i think three hundred fifteen thousand fewer federal employees right now than when ronald reagan left office yet the size of government in terms of what it does has increased by twenty five percent all of this isn't enough in the hands of private corporations who are making a fortune i mean it's like in the war zones you've got. k.p.
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duty used to be you know thirty thousand bucks a year for a p.f.c. where whatever it is twenty thousand whatever they make an end of the war happened they could pick up a gun and then shoot now you've got one hundred fifty thousand dollars a year halliburton contractor who were paying halliburton four hundred thousand dollars a year cooking the food and if the base gets overrun a soldier has to stop what they're doing and go to offend the country this is nuts . time marc you're the libertarian in the bunch this is libertarianism on steroids gone insane is it not no it's not at all i mean the basic premise here is if you need to have more competition in the bidding practices price transparency competition what has happened is it's not privatization it's the crony capitalism that's gotten into privatization that's raised up how much they pay privatization true privatization caplets privatization where you have to compete for the bids and all that not crony capitalism or you're just giving money away to your friends where there's actually a bidding process that story is there and there's a bidding process but the whole thing's rick because you're talking about the influence just want to have a encompass no absolutely
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a canadian any of those companies there's no way all of any of those about a dozen at hospitals involve the skin in the game so the early days so you're saying you're disagreeing with your libertarian friends and saying that there should be no lobby no there should there should certainly be lobby there's always going to be lobbying the lobby is what's causing the crowd we have put it that the bidding process is top down and needs to be bottom up and they need to have a true bidding process this can be done cheaper by corporations or by companies and the government can do it it's just that that's not what we're seeing these are give away and these are spoils for their friends they're not truly indicative of what these services cost and they can be done true cheaper and privatization is the key to getting this done this i mean it just makes sense that this kind of course be done more cheaply and better inhouse by government employees who actually know the work and you can actually have some sort of oversight process to getting it done it makes it of course it's understandable that when you contract out the work not going to be talking to them as often don't exactly understand we're going to be going through and of course they can charge out was new but as he said this is part
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of the war on government employees that anything that govern employees do is bad of course they're totally incompetent you know this mentality that one of the big issues that they're unionized god forbid and god forbid right here we. are missing in this whole debate is the fact that the very top you have a government official who's managing the contractor to the website so. anyway but in theory you know kathleen sebelius hired probably had one of her staff members oversee this entire rollout so where is the you know where is the countability there so everybody is looking at problems because people are these at the ballot box well yes it surely is unfortunately in two thousand and twelve we didn't get that little bit. here at stake. but at the same time if you're saying that privatization is the is the culprit of this problem how come why is it that we're not looking at kathleen sebelius and her staff with. this privatization what has
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been thirty two years in the making i mean this is something that both democrats and republicans have bought into ever since reagan said government is not the solution to problems it is the problem and there's been this aggressive thing but but if and just ask all of you if you could demonstrate that hiring one hundred programmers and and running a billion in baltimore and doing this with government labor instead of hiring twelve different contracting companies with the c.e.o.'s who are all taking multi-million dollar salaries and and twelve different sets of stockholders who are all taking millions of dollars in dividends that it would be cheaper just cheaper assuming the job got done identically badly. wouldn't that be the better thing to do i don't know why no i don't doubt it because at the same time the c.e.o. you are assuming that the c.e.o.'s don't have value so but there you go web site development you know and specially if this massive of a scale were some level of a lot of this is. the i.r.s. talking to the social security administration to confirm citizenship and taxpayer
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and income status these are government agencies talking to government agencies it should have been a government agency that's interacted with i think absolutely look there's one of the major problems that people have had the website is the level of interest in this that they have encountered when they have tried to to apply for you know for health care and they're getting questions like. you know the. their grandmothers you know first made a name sort of thing your social security number are going to look into your credit report one have to think that again if a lot of this has been done in-house government agencies would have been able to talk to one another as opposed to do we really want to have a corporation or a bunch of private corporations who may have a bunch of snowden's who are giving the stuff to the guardian they're instead giving it to say some hackers and indonesia you know or the philippines where they're running your credit card i don't you know mark well first of all what that was said just there i don't really completely agree because one of the things that there is some checking data when you have it out source because what you're talking
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about there is it was just government agencies talking to each other and they're confirming it within from all these different databases that no one really has an idea how this whole thing works that that we can get to that later as far as some of my main problems have to do with the transparency of the system in the information it's asking for and how much of it hooks up databases but no i think there are things the government should do and they need to do them well and cost effective the problem here is that there is this presupposition that government should be involved with this health care at all and if you go from that then we argue that all the basics been involved with health care for a long long time you know which is problematic why the health care to our veterans is the george washington administration and then the example the veterans when it's tied specifically to the service is a little bit different i don't see that as a problem with the comment specifically because it's tied to their service if we're talking about mental health issues the v.a. but part of the problem here is and i don't agree with you one of the things is when i look at these numbers and i've seen again i always say you you torture statistics enough to tell you whatever you want to hear i've looked at these numbers and of course one thing you're kind of is it's not as cheap because you the
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whole government structure is not taken into the cost same way it is in a company you'd want to target and see who are paying for the whole we're paying for that anyway and that's saying what i don't know nor it's a nice big picture politics panel right after. i. find. you can do. the bank trying to get all them all about the money and i'm passionately sick for politicians writing the laws and regulations to tax corporate bankers. there's just too much is a society. that. we're not psyched to an active camp at guantanamo where patients are forced that on
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the health care and other strike never turn the world's attention to the police and that's something gulag of our times. like these. faces i think you're right. pleasure to have you with us here on t.v. today i'm sure. welcome back with me for tonight's politics panel are marc harrold christie setser
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and he knew some let's get back to it now on more obamacare related news attorneys for the old oklahoma based store hobby lobby have asked the supreme court to hear that company's challenge to the birth control mandate in the affordable care act and this raises really two questions number one and this has been argued before the supreme court will see. is a corporation can a corporation have a religion and thus have you know one a religious exemption from a federal law and number two why is the supreme court deciding these things anyway i mean where in the constitution to say that the court the supreme court has the right to strike down a law passed by congress and signed by the president thomas jefferson explicitly said that the people themselves should make that. decision that each branch should decide for itself what's caused it to shuttle and if the people disagree they will vote that branch out mark you are the lawyer here you want to start this thing well you're exactly right about the fact that is not in the constitution if you ask people for the checks and balances in
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a civics class and i prayed that's what most people will say no most people will say yes check one of the checks and balances this and that the same way that you know the senate confirms you know nominees in appointments the thing here is your to actually write the i think that they were looking at this for reading tea leaves i think that they will find personhood and i think that they may find that they have the first amendment right there really i think they may have an issue. of judicial review is one of those things that depends on when you're talking about when you're talking about federal laws a lot of time people see it differently but of course they also judicial review of state laws i mean if you look at a state like roe v wade obviously the legislative process in forty six states out of fifty states at that time had been the i believe i think roe is when you get that out of a row was wrongly decided to doesn't make any sense as far as how x. actually rich while not reassuring as makes no simple but beyond that i mean the birth control pill was legalized and sold one thousand nine hundred sixty right and if the court had not decided roe and seventy four legislatures would have decided by the late seventy's i mean that i was alive during that time and that's the way
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things are going the court the same with brown v board the court always made is sometimes there are a couple of years ahead of things usually there are a half a decade behind things but it doesn't it doesn't matter they shouldn't have this kind of power here i think you make an interesting point in. refer back to the lawyers lawyers here you know for sure and you know the constitution does not grant the supreme court this level of power but you know looking at citizens united and in predicting what the court will find in terms of the hobby lobby case i think that you will you will see that they will yes reestablish personhood of corporations and then from there decide that corporations do have a right to religious freedom they are going to believe that that person eight hundred. you know big time and always the first national bank versus bloddy that was the one where they said the bank has the right to purchase christie i remember back when i was going to say was it we've already decided that corporations could be people of course we guess we can say about corporations can be people with a particular religious viewpoint but i mean what would obviously be obama
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administration had argued before was that you know we're not talking about all companies we're talking about companies of a certain size the fact is that ninety eight percent of women use contraception at some point in their lives so essentially a company like hobby lobby is saying to ninety eight percent of their potential employees that we are not going to cover your health care even though it is mandated by federal law i mean that's that's a pretty clear i don't use of her birth control the user to the store for health purposes generally speaking so if a corporation is a person and can have a religion. does the thirteenth amendment apply if a corporation was another corporation is that involuntary servitude is it legal. and does a corporation have a gender of corporations emerges that same sex marriage. i mean. you know ok so you guys are all demonstrating how absurd this is just saying that the supreme court would do this ok to go to something to look
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a whole lot more serious two new studies out of human rights watch and amnesty international indicate that we may have really stepped in the united states the drone programs in pakistan and yemen. both of these organizations human rights watch and amnesty international not weird lefty organizations these are internationally respected organizations by the united states are saying that there's a real problem here with staffa quadri could re amnesty international tells the story here it is written. on a sunny afternoon in october two thousand and twelve a sixty eight year old woman moment of bibi was killed in a drone strike that appears to have been directly targeted. grandchildren recounted in painful detail about amnesty international the moment when she was brought in blown to pieces in front of their very eyes while she was gathering vegetables so. and then and then we've also got this double double tap i think it's called where
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we don't just kill the person but then when people come in to rescue we send a second drone out this is the new policy that we're pursuing what's the difference between what you just heard and blowing up a bus in the name of of overthrowing the presser. that's right yeah i mean look this is obviously a murky part. of our law the president has said that he's going to hunt down terrorists wherever they are and i think we know that that means that there's going to be collateral damage part of that there's always going to be i mean that's just it's unfortunate the tragedy but it also has been. part of you know human worth their fair since the beginning of time but maybe we should question the assumptions of warfare i mean the these folks are not trying to blow up canada they're not trying to blow up norway norway actually build schools in the middle east they're aggressively not trying to ball in our way and maybe instead of trying to kill the terrorists we should be supporting the people in their communities and they'll take
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care of the terrorists we should obviously be doing both of those things you know obviously be taking care of people in their communities as well but you know the truth is that this isn't actually a partisan policy i think you know this very well because you know the start of the bush administration although this is not a criticism of president obama specifically this is. if if we are committing war crimes as these two organizations are saying. who is the you know who is the war criminal i mean is this an indictment of a country it is the united states of america this is not president obama's now president bush is us as a country because though we those of duly elected officials we have not you know a little limits on this falls on us to this day i mean you know the german people were not on. we didn't know what that letter was absolutely and as you know analogy it's a shame that you have to do when i looked at this as a topic for tonight try to find some research on the number of civilians that have been killed through drone strikes and you know the war on terrorism in two thousand
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and one and you can't buy it yet you can't buy it it's nowhere to be found so again this is you know i was really manage to be your chelsea man you know the big leak was you know that we were gunning down a.p. reporters only of writers who absolutely you know heard a story this morning about you know how you are talking about post post trauma stress that the stress disorder p.t.s.d. and how one particular person that is response for operating drone attacks they are not they're not able to get special you know so they don't have it and they're having p.t.s.d. levels among these drone operators that is the same as for combat pilot yes you know when one gentleman had killed the twelve hundred twelve people most of those civilians and it's not eligible so this is a travesty on many many levels this is that we have this we're just showing here where the this is the stuff that shows you know mark with us well we all want to hold on this sort of ethnocentric belief that we have the moral high ground in all cases and we don't this is wrong this is the wrong thing to do this is the wrong way this is not the department of defense acting in defense of america that's not
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to say that there could have been a situation where we target osama bin laden had a way with no collateral damage and we were able to take him out this way instead of sending in a strike which functionally the same thing these drone strikes i believe we most likely have violated international law as i understand it these drone strikes do not minimize civilian casualties and there's no doubt in my mind that continuing these groans drone strikes in the scope that they're being conducted is further turning people against us and they probably are the most likely or propaganda machines to create the very types of terrorists that we say we're combating with these drone strikes i think that they're wrong kristie the frame the strikes me is you know mexico has a terrible problem narco terrorism they've got they've got these narco gangs. that are killing people inside mexico and the government is at war with them and they have declared war on the government i mean they'll go in and they'll kill every police officer in an entire town thereby police they're every bit as bad against mexico as against us so what if the country of mexico said you know we have
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evidence that one of these are one of these drug lords is in a house in phoenix arizona we're going to fly a drone over and we're going to take out that house or if it blows up a couple houses around that you know it's collateral damage but world war with these guys right it would happen and i absolutely love it you know there's a reason why when rand paul decided to filibuster over this issue it wasn't just republicans at the board and it was a whole lot of you know liberal democrats as well americans obviously understand that there are there are consequences are actually in that that this is pretty murky territory i think so i'm guy that we get some resolution on this now the shutdown is over the republican party is trying to pick up the pieces or depending who you talk to i guess korean culture everything is wonderful it isn't just the way it was supposed to be but these this schism between the billionaire funded side the freedom works club for growth you know funded by the koch brothers tea party side. which seems not to want any government at all just like the billionaires run everything and the old fashioned republicans who
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typically historically have been in bed with the chamber of commerce and big business and proud of it and you know there's a certain nobility to that i suppose. our are just in open trench warfare i mean you've got john mccain and ted cruz calling each other names we're where is this go and he what's going on in your party already i'm not a republican i'm so good. for the record but no they're this is an ugly fight this is been happening every since the white house was lost in two thousand and eight the question of which direction do we go. and clearly is going to be a baby i think that you will find. hopefully you will find one figured you know we always talk about reagan on the on the right so you farm. figured that could actually try to combine these two groups and how they work together but there is a lack of. there's a lot of there's there's a lack of leadership in that combining create charismatic figure that can draw people together and draw people back in the so-called reagan democrats drag so
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that's so you all are waiting for the hope you know the person who's you know or the man from hope was there with. christie i don't think we have a minute i don't think so look the difference between this civil war in the republican party and one that we've seen previously say between a schism between economic conservatives and social conservatives is that we have one group of republicans who don't want to negotiate at all they want one hundred percent of their way one hundred percent of the time and that means that you know they're starting to see lots of enemies within their own party not just within the democrats i think that you know obviously that's going to be a short ticket to a permanent majority leader harry reid and you know it could be mark is could it could it be that what we're seeing is the whigs peeling off from the federalists i think so i mean it's kind of a nice analogy but look it's almost two parties now you have that just a mash mike leave that that party they're talking about smaller government than you have all the conservative say they believe in smaller government except when it comes to things like military intervention and subsequent social issues you know in
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the bedroom these sort of things it's almost two different parties i would i think it'll be fractured if they don't get it together before the conventions into the sixteen election and maybe they will i don't think there's a defining figure that comes out of that party and i think it can be very hard to get something through that primary with the money in that party and where it comes from something that primary that can be competitive in the general election i think there are a lot of trouble i think i think you're absolutely right mark christie here we thank so much for being with us tonight for sure coming up nothing is right wingers are. talking about benghazi what really happened on september eleventh two thousand and twelve and who's responsible for turning a tragedy into a partisan conspiracy theory more on that right after the break. emission free accreditation free transport charges free. range month
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free. free studio time free. download free broadcast quality video for your media projects and free media and on to our t.v. dot com. world of. science technology innovation all the latest developments from around russia we've got the future covered. plus there was a new alert animation scare me a little bit. there is breaking news tonight and we are continuing to follow the breaking news. alexander's family cry tears
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of joy and a great thing. that had rendered it a court of law around a long time this is a story made for a movie is playing out in real life. in the best of the rest of the news before conservatives on capitol hill decided to hold our nation hostage and force a government shutdown over funding to obamacare many of them were still fixated on
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betty gazi gates yes there's no question that what happened in benghazi libya on september eleventh of last year was a tragedy investor chris stevens information officer sean smith navy seals glen doherty and tyrone woods all lost their lives in a cowardly act of terror was there rather than address the benghazi terrorist attack in a rational and appropriate way conservatives in washington republicans in washington began a witch hunt almost instantly politicizing the deaths of these men now media matters for america has published a new book titled the benghazi. oh that looks into the politicization of benghazi by republicans and the roles that the conservative media has played in spreading benghazi lies and misinformation joining me now to talk more about this is is ari reagan off and ari ari well thank you for having me tom thanks for joining us. the book is the benghazi jose it's.
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