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tv   [untitled]    October 23, 2013 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT

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if he loses patience with the uncontrolled flow of illegal migrants by the arab spring demanding that its fellow e.u. countries share the burden that countries badly hit economy is bearing. open maritime routes along russia's northern coast cargo ships flowing turning the arctic into a commercial. american police are held to account for their excessive use of force as crowds take to the streets nationwide in protest top stories this hour.
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from a studio center here in moscow this is r.t. with twenty four hours a day italy is demanding that takes emergency action on the migrant crisis that has hit the country rome wants an overhaul of europe's asylum policies as well as for other block members to take responsibility tens of thousands of flooded italy many fleeing from conflicts and revolutions that have shaken the middle east and north africa many make the perilous journey dangerously overcrowded boats and never make it the latest disaster more than five hundred drowned italy's prime minister has warned his european colleagues this tragedy would not be the last. well here's a detailed look at the route asylum seekers are taking many syrians travel towards greece via turkey and the majority of north african migrants head to the italian islands of lampedusa and sicily algerian a moroccan national so either to france or spain now france is among the most popular destinations alongside germany and the u.k. but it's only in greece that bear the brunt as according to e.u.
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laws asylum seekers entering without authorization are obliged to remain in the country they first arrived in well here are some numbers for you official statistics suggest migrants from outside the e.u. amount to more than twenty million in italy every twentieth man is a registered immigrant while felons are believed to live there illegally increase the numbers even higher at more than seven percent of the population and the amount of asylum applications in italy has increased by more than one hundred percent compared to last year r.t. you got a position of reports on those who prefer a life in limbo to the chaos of home. they want to buy food from if your puter saddam than traveled to libya and finally reached sicily after what must have been the most nerve wrecking ball right off their lives these three women are hiding their faces from the camera since now they're risking being sent back when we were at sea now the boat with refugees sank into the three hundred people died but we
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were lucky and in sicily we managed to avoid getting registered it's illegal between need to go further north there is nothing for us here under e.u. regulation all newcomers must seek asylum in the country where they are right and under italian law anyone of voting registration is sent home but nowadays more and more newcomers are ready to take their chances don't register to try to go to northern states where there are more opportunities with you probably when you arrive here they give you the very minimum there is no jobs no school and you sleep in the street for six months italy is one of the worst european states in this regard youth unemployment has exceeded forty percent while the economy is in the worst recession since the second world war international obligations and plain human principles can't allow italy to turn away a refugee since for many it is the only chance for survival but the situation has now reached a point when this duty has become too heavy for it to handle on its own the e.u. has pledged italy would receive an additional thirty million euro or just over
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forty million dollars to deal with the refugee crisis but how will this help to distribute the more evenly throughout the union and integrate them into the economy is not clear they have been so on ideas so they cherry they may be some positive development and i see embodies a lot of. good hope but no concrete ideas and as governments and international organizations brainstorm the solution one thing is certain the flow of refugees is only going to continue you've got this going off italy. well for more on europe's migrant crisis and what the e.u. can do to cope. talked to victor diaz the philippi he's chairman of the communist party in sweden now as we've just seen in that report italy is the hardest hit by this crisis what can you can trees do to help and indeed will they help. think that other countries can help by creating a form of quota each country must accept. but the problem is i don't think there
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will because we have an economic crisis in europe and it's easier to blame blame it on the migrants then the policy to each country has made for a decade bearing in mind there is an economic crisis for european countries is it really fair that they should take on this extra burden what could the social consequences be for those countries i don't think there is a social consequence in that sense i believe that the european countries must create a different policy is. the countries in africa and in the middle east you have to have. for instance these countries incredible debt to the european countries they can't even pay the interest rates. first off why should. all this. be loans that they have made so as to create better businesses and so on in each
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country so i think you can make make a difference by creating different policies i don't think this solution is just to have a so-called generous migration policy or close borders you have to do both things in response to what's happening the e.u.'s foreign affairs chief catherine ashton is suggesting the use of military drones for surveillance of migrants is that a good idea from your point of view no i don't believe that crossing borders will solve anything because the situation will still be difficult for the people in. in africa or central africa or the middle east as i said we have to create different policy which we cannot turmoil company is killing people in nigeria we're going to mirror old company is hiring international mirror scenary group think you know what i should have i don't think the suggestion is to close borders is actually to use
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military style drones for surveillance it has been some criticism about that but what's the problem with that i know but. i believe when kitchener shouldn't go out and she says these things but i believe in the end it will be used to close the borders. information system of already close the borders from africa to worry about their initiative that's a want to m.e.p. who we've spoken to say the whole initiative is to save lives let's have a listen to what they said. realty should be used to control our borders to combat illegal immigration and at the same time this could also help to save lives because when we can see at an early stage that people that people are trying to cross the mediterranean in boats that are just not sea worthy we could have an alert so what do you make of these comments that yes i understand it's easy to say these
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things but for instance we have different monitor monitoring systems in europe in the war against terror where said well it should all be used against terrorists but now we see how it's used against all the population in any respect in respective countries so i don't believe i believe that the idea in itself perhaps the sound bit believe that there will be a misuse of this victor chairman of the communist party of sweden thank you very much indeed for joining us live here on r.t. good buy. melting ice in the ought to be huge concern to soldiers but it's huge appeal to commercial shipping the northern sea route running along russia's north coast has opened up as global temperatures rise and is likely to prove quite a draw to vessels from asia well earlier we talked. about why it's such a big deal for those two main reasons for this the first one is the potential to save billions of dollars in shipping costs because the route is much shorter than
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say the suez canal so i'm talking less fuel the more business trips that can be made throughout but it secondly it reduces dependency on the suez canal which is always prone to destruction or because of tensions in the middle east as we know and even even pirates and who's going to benefit ok well this is the interesting part because one of the biggest benefit is will be russia and that's because russia has the advantage of where it sits on a map and will be able to see actually the route that it's going to be taking and it will be traveling across all these shipping towns to be able to see a ship bobbing along just there and that will in force. really is in the structure i'm talking about the multiplier effect as well because money will be brought into these regions and of course benefit also russia has expertise in terms of icebreaking as well which a lot of these countries that do want to get into the region don't have so they can
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take advantage of all of this means in the long haul competition more commercializing the arctic in the long run and it's no wonder that you've got the likes of south korea china india is li all these countries wanting to get a hand in a piece of the pie because we know this part of the world has a quarter of all the oil and gas reserves as well. r t live here in moscow still to come on the program the day of the tragedy. is right here at about two pm local time that a blast ripped through bus twenty nine. six dead dozens in hospital reconstruct the timeline of the volgograd bombing attack and looks at the new face of terrorism. that's still to come free but first a basque militant has been released by spanish judges after they accepted a ruling by the european court of human rights in
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a still radio of the separatist group letter had been serving a thirty year sentence for bomb attacks in the nineteen eighties well for more insight international law expert. joins me live from london and xander of course the concern is this sets a precedent so are we likely to see more convicted terrorists being released. yes certainly in spain we probably will can i explain what this case is about because it's a bit complicated spain like many countries has a system whereby there is the sentence the court hands down and then there is the amount of time you spend in a spanish prison now the a maximum amount of time anybody can spend in a prison in spain is thirty years a sentence however can be much greater in this in years the real progress case it was three three the centers the total centers for various terrorist offenses was three thousand years now whilst in prison she behaved herself
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was granted nine years off. well nine years remission now what the issue was was it nine years after the thirty years that she was that she was required to spend all the three thousand years she was sentenced for the european court of human rights has said it's the it's the thirty years not the three thousand so in effect she has to be released and was sentenced to life of the exalted she was sentenced for life does not make a mockery of a life sentence she wasn't sentenced to life she was sentenced to three thousand years that's as good as in spain spain doesn't have. spain the legal system in spain says that the maximum amount of time anybody convicted of anything in it to force inspire
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a crime in spain can spend in prison is thirty years and that applies to everybody what about them that omission challenging and very the european court then you could could spain of challenge the european court of human rights over this one. this is a decision of the grand chamber of the european court of human rights so it can't be challenged and in fact the grand chamber of the european court of human rights today has actually a very unusual. that she must be released and she will be released i don't have any doubt about that and other people who were. experienced the same problem are going to be released as well of that there's no doubt at all and she gets thirty thousand euros as well so she's richer and she's three thousand euros as well but what do you make an interest free why should she get that money. well the reason she's got that money is because the european court of human rights has said that in effect she was kept in prison longer than she should have been because she received
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nine years remission from the time she should have spent in prison which was twenty one which would have brought down time tristen to twenty one years and the spanish authorities tried to keep it there longer of course the actual sentence was three thousand years because she committed a string of terrorist offenses between nine hundred eighty two and nine hundred eighty eight and the total amount of the offenses added together came to three thousand years so very very serious offenses indeed but the question is an example is that this is pertinent to spanish law and its relationship with the european court of human rights you said earlier yes you agree this sets a precedent so there you are in london could we then see that sort of interference or some would say from the european court of rights occurring in other european countries and seeing. that we can no doubt at all about it we
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absolutely can if other countries within the european convention area also change their karole and predation systems in a way that the european court of human rights considers. unjust as they did in this case then the european court of human rights will strike it down and will people people released they've done it they've done it today and they can do it in other cases too and they will thank so much for explaining that so clearly a complicated case as you say very interesting developing their alexander of course live in london great to talk to you on this as always here on r.t. thank you. well we're bringing more after the break including the chilling eyewitness accounts of the terrorist attack that shattered the peace in the russian city of volgograd.
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the. economic down in the final. day. and the rest. will be.
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continues her naughty roadside service has been hell for the victims of monday's suicide bus bombing and the russian city of volgograd six people were killed while still fighting for the lives of those critically hurt in the blast. has been reconstructing the events of that fateful day. october twenty first started just like any other monday here in boca gras people woke up with places to go and things to get done heavily using bus stations just like this but for several people needing bus number twenty nine they could never have foreseen how quickly their lives would change when they took that ride. the route ran without incident from morning till afternoon it's a one person got on board thirty year old why you don't see all of that is when things took a tragic turn anastasio at the very end of the it was on her way home from classes
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at the university laughing and talking with the other students crucially it was in the middle of the bus which say trade life. when the boss who did everything around me when flying and from that moment i don't remember anything on the recall being thrown onto her window then suddenly finding myself on the street and in a panic i realised something had happened to my hands i was covered in blood. it was right here at about two pm local time that a blast ripped through bus twenty nine filled with about forty people first responders thought it was perhaps a malfunction of the buses fuel systems but aside from the shop they felt to ask themselves if this was a gas explosion what was the fire. in that that was the same rock was there in the car everybody in the blast was touching their faces and heads asking what happened what happened there was a lot of blood on them and a lot of flesh everywhere i was very afraid i let out of my car and i saw the head
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lying there i mean my friend took a young boy and his father to the hospital the remnant of an explosive device told the tale shrapnel t.n.t. and a grenade the accident site became a crime scene while a jihadist from the republic of dagestan became the central focus of the investigation and then the story took another twist the attack wasn't meant for volgograd at all as the oliver had apparently taken a detour. she had purchased a ticket to moscow and boarded an intercity boss the pass through volgograd when the bus was almost at the city limits i see all of our gado and went back to downtown volgograd right now investigators are trying to find out whether this move had been planned in advance or are over altered the plan along the way looking for a place packed with as many people as possible also under suspicion are three men
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believed to have helped in the plot to attack the russian capital two from dagestan wanted for twin terror attacks there in two thousand and twelve were said to be waiting for her in moscow on his way there was a c. all of us has been dimitri sokolov an ethnic russian convert to islam missing since two thousand and twelve some reports suggest the couple had an argument shortly before the attack which may have caused the last minute change in her deadly plans authorities will be keen to find her husband in the hope he may have the answers lindsey france r.t. in volgograd and if you want to know more about the tragedy log on to our website or t dot com there we've got witness accounts dash cam footage a more on the alleged perpetrator including details of the personality of the woman who carried out the attack. fulford on our website not so secure security. revealed stuff repeatedly left the door to
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a control center wide open. right now dot com. facebook users team up and arrange a private phone by the scorpions lead singer for a russian hospice patient making his lifelong dream a reality in less than twenty four hours a touching story right now online. nationwide protests against police brutality have been held across the u.s. activists are calling for an end to impunity for officers accused of abuse. often shielded by the so-called war on terror reports from one of the rallies. in new
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york and dozens of other cities across the west a national day of protest to stop police brutality repression and the criminalization of a generation this is a time when it's the eighteenth time these people gather for this simple message this is not a judge to be how they treat us they shoot us like animals and the best of the unwarranted is literally on warranted when something breaks through like trayvon martin grimm our league re-emerged sean bell it gets treated in the media like this is a isolated incident something that rarely happens and then more often it's not reported at all organizers have been documented cases of what they call the stole lives project they say just over the last two decades thousands of killings have taken place by the hand of police officers they say the majority of these cases have been under reported or brushed aside hundreds every year were killed by the police that the majority of them were unarmed and not involved in any criminal
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activity when they were killed and also the majority of them were young and either black or latino the mass media is a very good propaganda saw a lot of people under the impression that people are being stopped and frisked who are being gunned somehow criminal one of the major concerns for these protesters seems to be the lack of accountability when it comes to gun violence police brutality and even killings that are currently under the hands of law enforcement they see the justice system continues to neglect these cases of violence thus not doing anything to improve the system and bring about real change you have to go through hell and high water just to get a conviction of the officer and what he's convicted for doesn't meet the crime to he's accuse anyone so if not he and found guilty even if he's convicted he gets out on good behavior after serving minimal time activists and families of victims called police brutality in the u.s.
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a pandemic they say considering the unite. lectures the rest of the world on human rights it's time to follow its own example not just words but deeds. are new york. police brutality is a subject of today's breaking the set without the multan and you may find some of the following images graphic is a preview of what's coming up later this hour. i i. know. according to national prominence just as a reference service forty three percent of cops i agree that always following the rules is not compatible with getting the job done according to the bureau of justice statistics between four hundred five hundred innocent people are murdered by law enforcement officers every year.
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break in the sec coming away very shortly here in r.t. and now in some other global headlines this hour the greek far right golden dawn party will be stripped of state funding that's after the country's parliament overwhelmingly passed a bill suspending payments to parties involved in criminal activities recently the leaders of far right groups were charging of the far right group would charge in connection with the killing of anti fascist musician the death sparked violent protests across greece the movement denies the accusations. thousands of taking to the streets in tunisia demanding the resignation of the islamic led government that is the head of its planned talks for the opposition in september the country's prime minister said his cabinet would resign and clear the way for a caretaker government following months of unrest the anger there in the country that was the birthplace of the arab spring was sparked by the july killing of a prominent opposition leader. also the world update this hour police in madrid have broken down barricades blocking the entrance to one of the city's university schools the students have been protesting against the rising cost of education from the top story the budget just to make the run thirty thousand students have been
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priced out of universities due to high fees. and funding the tour right now where at least twenty five police officers have been killed and more than twenty injured in militant check attacks on checkpoints in the western anbar province a separate bombing also killed three civilians no groups claimed responsibility but similar sorts of recently being conducted by al-qaeda linked insurgents more than six thousand people have lost their lives in violence across the country this year . well for me and the news team in just over half an hour from now in the meantime as promised we mustn't take the mainstream media to toss again breaking the set.
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as you don't know if you don't pay a car you're not response to ruse. everyone in my life that i cared about their government and then. they came to skin well. i was so national champion in track and field and also was able to go in qualify for the olympic games. you know nine hundred eighty eight i started to experiment with other drugs i had lost all the financial means that i. was really on the street. black mark brown can't. break. the tree.
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delivered to our church is on its epic journey to such. one hundred and twenty three days. through two thousand and nine hundred ton two cities of russia. relayed by fourteen thousand people or sixty five thousand killings. in a record setting trip by land air and sea and others face. olympic torch relay. on r t r two dot com. what's going on guys i'm abby martin and this is breaking the set of eyes it's almost all the way in so i decided to open the show with a good old fashion story this one's about a senate bill called the cyber intelligence sharing and protection act or since bought it is bill essentially makes tech companies legally immune from sharing
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private user data with the u.s. government and the house passes as a wet dream of the bill earlier this summer and the said it was all ready to give it the go ahead but then edward van helsing snowden started disclosing one surveillance program out there. other and celebs this once and for all the gas was at its best and who's leading the charge to pass in the senate none other than senator dianne frankenstein. but not without the help of as a director keith alexander who specially requested that the zombie bill be resurrected and as much as i wish that this was an urban legend to keep the snowden's the world up at night this is on the bills alive and well so it's up to us to bury it once and for all back in the ground where it belongs. to the the please please take another look very hard to take a. look. at that or had sex with her but
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there really. are that leap. to the to please. please. please. please please please. please. october twenty second is the national day against police brutality even though many are using today as a platform to spread awareness about police violence this overstepping of authority is happening every hour of every day across the country and fact according the bureau of justice statistics between four hundred and five hundred innocent people are murdered by.


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