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tv   [untitled]    October 23, 2013 9:00pm-9:31pm EDT

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today on larry king to the media forces cheryl hines and rachel harris give us a lesson in hollywood etiquette we had a director once said rachel every time you start to break on stage you want you to think to yourself what would you know st tell you a personal assistant sun confidentiality agreements they have all my secret. kind of not a secret plus my publicist is going around here and second that but shut up you stop everyone stop talking that's all ahead on larry king now. welcome to larry king our special guests are cheryl hines and rachel harris you know sheryl from such hit series as suburban good tori you get that rave kind of and curb your enthusiasm griffith and rachel from such films as the hangover and
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the award winning natural selection now you can catch them in the yahoo web series we need help in which they star is over the top version of themselves who hire a struggling actor to be their very own personal assistant do you have personal assistants in real life yes this show as i don't i'm going to start up with one in two weeks how did this come how do we need help come about well. we were personal assistants i was a i was a personal assistant to rob reiner when i got curb your enthusiasm really and delver although the sister world is so crazy and you have to do terrible things you know it's not just being an assistant to what somebody in a dot of at person do you know i mean like you've got you guys i mean like i can't speak for you but but when you're in somebodies home you're kind of a part of their it's a weird thing because you're part of their life but you're also you also work for them correct so i was a nanny for a shouter like i will. we can. yes so so the writers of the show is the purpose
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is to i mean to shine a light on this dark underbelly world but i have a lot of fun with it and so we have in the show we need help we share a personal assistant a guy named max who's played by max lowe who actually was my assistant for a while so max is a struggling young actor and in real life he was my assistant and then i met you know also studying the groundlings to yes which we both that's how we met was to the ground anyway so there's a blurred line you board is the who brought it to yeah yeah yeah yeah vaughn with that we had so so much fun because also it's loosely based on our real life dynamic to like with cheryl and i both being actresses and both this idea that we had to share an assistant set us up in a way that they could she would get more like if the system would have to do more important things for cheryl than for me but because i didn't have my career isn't
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in the same place as cheryl on the show odd the show like we are and then it fell but in so like i so it the dynamic for us is that cheryl like gets has to go do a talk show let's say she has to go speak with you and then i have to go do a ribbon cutting ceremony of a food court opening. the personal assistant has to do with the deal with lois lane make sure that she feels like her the language that was. this is them to terms to place a merkin on you i need to know what that means ok or you don't know what american is really i had american as a tiny little wig that you put over your private area for what purpose she was innocent because for instance let's say game of thrones take is a period piece so and now if there's any nudity and you see a woman nude. a lot of times women these days are doing a lot of grooming waxing going to. keep it clean that is so if they need more of
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a natural more of a natural look like you want to like they want to keep things that look like oh you need them oh goodness yes i even made more than i did she did in real life yeah well no but when i was a producer on a sure thing to keep it full and natural i alway's just it's so gigantic it does it does it stands on its own with the worst thing you did as the as you seem to do the worst thing i've ever asked an assistant to do i think the worst thing you could do is just they were feeling i've ever had is telling them like tell them who i am. make reservations and tell them who are remarkably like who don't i believe are i would tell them who i am and they're like we still don't know we still don't know is that you know i think that i'm trying to think with the worst thing that you've ever had an assistant do a running lines but but i mean we lines up to you. are saying i have had my assistant run lines with me while i was on a treadmill with my thighs cellophane not kidding it's sad but it's true
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because it hoping to sort of is this show in bravo's proof that. it's both good to both improv performers we are it's scripted we have a great writer truly welch i really wanted to say that i'm on are very proud of our and then there's a little room for improv and we have improv of what's the secret of not laughing but on curb your enthusiasm how did you not laugh you know what i did a lot i thought the inside of my cheek hurts it hurts and it keeps you from laughing because because on curb we had to care mercer's always went on larry and the person he was speaking to. it's not correct grammar but you know what i'm saying so. that's ok but if i had been he was terrible about breaking and laughing but then if i laugh during his take he would get upset so i learned to bite my cheek and you have
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a bridge that oh constantly the groundlings they would i was famous for breaking and i we had a director once that said rachel every time you start to break on stage i want you to think to yourself what would meryl streep do. and i was like well now i'm going to laugh every single time and i did and i continued to laugh and it and it really really really did make some of the performers angry they're like this isn't the carol burnett show and i do a personal assistant sun tougher than g.o.u. ruins you know what i feel like i need to i should have i need out now you should i think because they have all your secrets jay i have all my secrets down there and good stuff it's kind of a lot of secrecy but it is kind of scary because they are enough and she doesn't have to know your personal idea boring they know everything so you call you call as we need help yeah you know you need help. you need the help of the person which is what makes you great personal assistant thing somebody who is. genuinely
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enthusiastic and interested in in helping you lay that they're really great with multitasking and they know how to speak to the people they can represent you well like when ever they're calling on your behalf they have to say yes no matter what the question it that's what i learned being in a system myself no matter what someone asks you you say yes and then you figure it out. oh i would be if i was just saying that i had to ask my assistant to clean. hedgehog coop my daughter has a pet hedgehog. it is you in her house there as she is out of the pets but. not going to clean out the cages let's be honest so i had asked my sister to clean and it's hard because you know don't you have a maid i don't choose a housekeeper. this is a little because i'm not sure my housekeeper going to handle a hedgehog goes with you are all this is going around here and secondly put shut up
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you stop everyone stop talking so you thought hollywood was glamorous didn't you but how did this partner should begin to be in with the groundlings we met at the groundlings yes yeah and fifty years ago. did you come here and right away. we did i know we the thing was that our friend who was directing us at the time you had like a buddy like that would take you there was some of the show it was like the old the old person and that she would give it she'd already been in the in the senate committee which is like the farm team of the yankees it's like the you know the senate company is what you do before you get into the big show and cheryl was like she was assigned to be my buddy unwillingly like unwittingly like she didn't know i mean i didn't she was forced to do as i did her but my first my i do it the way i remember rachael because i had guess i'd met her before and then we were a fair concert right and there was a long line to get water and drinks water and sitting in line and rachel comes up i
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feel like she's like this far from my face and i'm a close talker he's like remember me up. to the ground and i said oh that's that's great and she said you have no idea what my name is to you. and i could feel my face k. hot like now that i know her that's like the worst possible thing that i can i and i i didn't remember her name and she said but she said i've met you at least three times and you don't remember my name and it's really see the way i think i really say that i was like i can't. do like i do and off the middle of play would you like to do you had you know i did
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i really wanted that's i mean my intention never was to go into comedy i remember i was in college thinking i was going to go to new york and do a lake in india a night mother chica and and then i had a college professor they said you really should do comedy. college. and he said you know you really should do comedy and i was like oh ed you know that's crazy and then years later when i wasn't working at all in new york or los angeles i went to the ground and i saw shone i was like oh my gosh i want to do this so bad cheryl what i did. i do like drama i don't feel like i need to do drama for the sake of doing drama just so the world can see my other sad but. you want people to see your range. but i do like i said i like the. i like of i like a drama with a comedic feel to it you know the because i think it's reflective of true life so
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even in the even in the most dramatic situation there's usually moments of comedy and i like that you get involved in these shows personally i like do you care about her dating robert kennedy oh my god yes he's awesome you know and i love him and i am so in love with the person that i'm with right now also with i'm with a really great guy named christian hable he's a violinist he plays with josh groban and really he's in a whale an artist he's great you have a violinist in it and you have a political inspired mentalists and environmental we like it or you both serious with these people so serious so it's instead serious charles as i was that way too serious but i'm just in interviews now with people but yes for dead serious is it more interesting being involved or want to go on this and the candidate needs to on it. there's never a dull moment. here you know it's that he has an amazing family and they're all.
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intelligent and warm. people move given chill coming just so much and they get there really and that being the case to it they're you know it's this the family that a lot of that most people know of and feel like they have some sort of connection with and and they're always out in the spotlight whether they want to be or not so it's it double edge sword and tragedy. but you know that may also be true for a lot of families if you looked at them in the yeah it's not as it does that doesn't make the headlines of someone's. family member dies what do you what does your bio in this thing do they show he loves it he loves it he's also very he but he really what he always is pitching ideas for it oh yeah i but he's also saying like you know you really are at some episode where you need
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a violinist. like he's just like trying to get at is robert the solution he loves it he said he just watched all of them at once and he makes his friends watch it he makes them sit down why is he it's great yeah i think he was i think he would do the show too oh for sure you need to write in and i really honestly got really mad because we didn't do something that he suggested he did i believe he had an episode he was like i can't believe you wouldn't do this yeah he pitched an idea the second season so he started using music we didn't use it wasn't it was too late it is don't always get their way. we do a bit of digging a ditch cheryl and rachel's professional pass and any roles they may have regretted . allowed. it was a. very hard to get. to get on here. why not do that or how exactly would that hurt their feelings.
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it was. going to be a bit of a political. big bucks for. everybody to do the job did you know the price is the only industry specifically mentioned in the constitution and thereby that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy shred albus. rule. in
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fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is the corporate takeover of our government and our press several we've been hijacked why handful of powerful transnational corporations that will profit by destroying what our founding fathers once built on my job market and on this show we reveal the big picture of what's actually going on in the world we go beyond identifying the problem try rational debate in a real discussion critical issues facing america by are you ready to join the movement then welcome to the big picture. we'll be back with cheryl hines and rachael harris they costar and we need help on yahoo great idea great concept that they are both a lot of fun in that stream really talented where were you in your career when you got the part in curb your rob run his assistant was rob reiner's assistant at the
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time but you were also in the groundlings i was in the groundlings i was performing at the groundlings and everett she had dish and she came back and i was she sat down next to us in the theater and you were like you guessed it on the right i did one of the cats us they cast me as a lesbian assistant to mount brock's. and on never forget the first day of shooting i called cheryl afterward and i said oh my god there is going to fire me. and she was a poet and i said yeah he just kept shaking his head after takes and looking at me like this and she said oh no he does that with everybody is natural selection jane you grew up with you how do you get along with larry right away yes or do you care struggle way i was cast right away they called me two hours after my audition and said i got the part which never happens never shucked a bad show to go off i was shocked when i auditioned it was just a one hour special on h.b.o. it wasn't even a show and then i was yeah i remember. i remember getting
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a phone call so early in the morning one morning that curve had been nominated for a golden globe and i realized oh my gosh i think my life just changed from going to their i'm going to the golden globes that's so weird and rachel you were married was that we were married yeah well my favorite of the shows was is about to get back with you but because you you leave the. leaving the room there. and i respect would tell you about your appearance in hardcopy oh my gosh my hair it's in hardcopy was the first thing i ever did in new york they i literally got a cost and they want people to look like brigitte bardot types because back then i was like i was so they super skinny and. it wasn't that healthiest time i left it at any rate so i go down there and i have to do a. react minute. card all the time and it was in black and white was
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it a girl's shoulder it was way gross it was so it was so grow every knack might have been or is it they did this thing about huntington hartford losing his fortune and that he was in squalor and that but they did went back and they talked about how he kind of women that he liked when he was young and i remember having to do like this in slow motion with a girl like a girl faith and i had to snort cocaine i didn't end it with a kid to cut it and then i had to go down really slow. to act in slow motion they could just do it in. i can't remember i mean or i don't. know i was like the first i don't want to be can find it i'll give them ten dollars louise brennan in swamp thing. what was swamp thing ok so i won a game was a t.v. show that was shot in orlando florida where there was an evil scientist big budget and huge budget and somehow the swamp thing.
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monsour would have been to the farm and teach everybody a lesson and then click into that swamp on sun strolling it was great you know you were you were marches in star trek voyager that's one of my favorite roles ever because i had to get to give birth to as to what an alien on my back there's a birthing bar and i had to hold on to a birthing bar and they push it out and it looked like i was yep and you have a career credits about sure it was unsolved mystery it certainly it's funnier when it's rated oh you know it unsolved mysteries and i tell you something and you know this story is her hair was like curly my unsolved mysteries lead to a solved mystery which is there is something about a nanny there or there are the nanny or would lead to a natural love and i said yes thank you very very broder so i'm thrilled about it and i feel very proud very proud so all is time you were getting on to she was
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right doing a lot of comedy well the things that i'm think it's good for you right what was it like for you when curb get well she couldn't sell a telephones at a garage sale and try to get people to buy telephones at like five ten dollars and that was an embarrassing moment i don't have a garage curb was on the air at. the yard sale and it was a brand new wallet but in the fridge there is never anything that's guy came out it's a garage sale there i mean i'm not out there for my health your store on television you know who exactly exactly well though it's the problem larry jagan seeing herself as like a star no i mean i was still in a room you know ring controlled one bedroom apartment in west hollywood it did you know it did not change my life in a monetary way was significant at the time the bottom line is that she tried to haggle somebody for that wallet in her garage and he said no and then he walked off and he said oh by the way i like your show and i said all you can have the wallet
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because none of that's ok they want to tell larry david the story he said. next time you want to have a garage sale well you just tell me and i will give you fifty dollars so you turn. yourself in the marriage w. thought this would be a marvelous opportunity to introduce a new segment on our show called how to impress your so every boss starting the staff of larry king now this is basically hollywood want to one rachel and cheryl if you could please provide some a by employees with your sound advice first up one of our hard work the internes devon mcdaniel devon has two questions ok so i often find myself in the same room with larry and it's a little bit hard to start casual conversation with him unless you want to talk about the dodgers or international politics and i don't know how far you can go without invading his personal privacy so it's a good conversation starter to use with your celebrity boss. celebrities like to talk about themselves so any time you can say if they like to hear they are if you
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back right and also you can say well those suspenders look great get away with that tie and he will go on for the next ten minutes without how great he looks in the suspenders and then your ice is broken yeah and then the second question is as you may or may not know larry's thirtieth birthday is coming up you haven't and i don't know if i should give him a gift and if it's appropriate and if i should get him a gift what do you give the man who has an emmy sitting on his coffee table it's a good question. he should make a gesture if he let's say he likes frozen yogurt. i do that's how it is a perfect thing it's in your price range you don't get him a scarf the second aware it he's got better scarf than you can buy him so him but he can't he's not going to go get frozen yogurt farm self so that's a perfect get him for yogurt with a candle on it and good to get up to try too hard i mean i'll go right on for me because if you're not serious you're not going. for rude varane verbs has two
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questions for you guys so on the new guy in the office and i have two questions nice to meet you by the way larry thank you. jay with. a bit of shyness and also being your grands new environment what's your sense you have to break the ice and fit in well i think the best thing you can do is not try too hard just know that take you know take your time getting in but then also don't be afraid to just be honest you know like you could say to larry like a amnio and we're going to shy but i would love to have to talk with you and then i'll be an awkward pause this is then then you say yeah but then i think it's i think honesty is the best policy and you can say i just you know where do you go out and just yeah that's right come on gravel ok so you are should. have been a regular coming up on a future show and little bit of a harry potter fan give me suggestions of how i can avoid being starstruck.
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security approach if i would say i would say don't ever not don't ever try to let go of being starstruck because sheryl and i when we went to the vanity fair party a couple years and all we know is that people like it when you come up to them and say you know larry i'm such a huge fan driven on like that when people say always it is always nice but he but the trick is to get out gracefully because he's not going to want you to sit down and hang out no offense because i'm sure you're a great person. but you have to do your thing and then act like you want i wanted to when i acted out we're going to show you me i'm your tirades ok i'm here i'm daniel radcliffe it's so great to see you i'm i didn't like the biggest fan and q. so much. gosh i would love to talk to you but larry needs me on the set great thank you this lovely thing i hope my writings you know again i would love to get it this is the way to deal with it that you think about you and i know you. do that you're
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fired ok. you know all the getting the right to the security of his kid and last but not least alex logan a star editor. firmly in the job goodell which really long time editor first time question actor. so larry just had a big barbecue for the whole staff and with the holidays coming up i wanted to know exactly how drunk can i get to work function and if i do get over served can i crush on my bosses coach is that cool you know cool i would say yes you what i would say because honestly let's say let's say you get really drunk you you pass out on the couch he fires you but you have such a good story for the rest of your life you know everything do you go to you go guess what happened to me two thousand and thirteen i was fired by larry king because i threw out on his but you know earn and then i pass out that i want to say
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first of all ok usually i would yes and you and be like yes but first take kudos on your stash it's amazing accurate then i mean i must have had thoughts of that and i would say if again i think honesty is the best policy you can say. i'm mortified you known really drunk right now and i guess one of your friends are called call. your kids go lower than fourteen and thirteen leave your leave your kit leave your car at larry's go if you want even you know. if you want to know you want to know know him you would know and then that take you there are certain questions and question also about cars ok so if larry invites me to the oscars this year where's a good place that i can park my ford focus stationwagon prepare for is this like is it like in a valet event or or should we run a limo like prom no do not get a limo i think it will show a lot of class of personality if you drive your car you drive larry i leave you
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guys you know show up in your pim o.b.l. i'm sorry he's going to have a parking pass that's it that's what you really need to focus on oh yeah eve got to put your parking pass and you're on your dashboard and honestly you can drive anywhere through and people will really respects them by selling us thank you very much thanks michelle thank you cheryl and rachel for helping these boys out i have a couple of closing questions we call if you only know the first person ever kissed a guy named david unger i on the right is now well as it was this is in tallahassee florida oh you mean a school and i was at a party who is always on the mouth. fourteen fourteen year for a long no i mean my first significant one i guess i played spin the bottle in my middle school first just fourth grade brain well cox usa roller skating rink we were in the inferno which was the dance part in the center there are going to be right yeah but my eyes were open like a fish you know that they close their eyes i can close my eyes you know what i'm going to get
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a kiss yes i was yeah. because i was shooting a movie and he was editing it in florida no he was what he called me and he said i you're not going to believe as i watch i see you every day i'm a second for the second ok i get them but anyway he's in florida he's in miami and i talk to him every now and again wow you know she goes i don't have to curse word you overuse balls it's not a curse. but you can say balls when you have kids i have so because i like to tell her that it's you know thank you great guests thanks to cheryl and rachel catch that web series we need help on yahoo and remember you can find me on twitter at kings things that i see in my time. well. technology innovation all the developments
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around russia we've got this huge you're covered. please. please. little. little. little little. little cross talk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want. to let. me sleep. little.
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little. sleep little. the. little touch. up do you know what's on your dinner plate i mean really know what's on your dinner plate sure may look like chickens steak or hamburger but there's probably a little something extra in there too arsenic you know the deadly poison and antibiotics shock in the about eighty percent of all antibiotics sales in the u.s. go to livestock alone since the one nine hundred forty s. the livestock industry has been adding these drugs to animal feed and nurture reduce infections and make them eat more appetising lead pink but these antibiotics also double as growth hormones so that now chickens look like this yes that's the.


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