tv [untitled] October 23, 2013 10:00pm-10:31pm EDT
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think. it would like to do if you did you know the press is the only industry specifically mentioning the constitution and. that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy schreck all those. that are you know i'm sorry and on this show we reveal the big picture of what's actually going on and we go beyond identifying. rational debate real discussion critical issues facing america among them are you ready to join the movement and welcome the big picture. oh i'm tom foreman in washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture. joe mccarthy were alive today chances are even pretty jealous of congressman darrell ises combative
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rhetoric never ending in washington which was mccarthy two point zero up to now and the same time we gave this taxpayer robbing congressmen the boot and according to a new gallup poll more americans support the legalization of marijuana but ever before lawmakers in washington ever be as high on the idea as the american people or. you need to know this it was on june ninth one nine hundred fifty four during the thirtieth day of the so-called army mccarthy hearings when republican senator joe mccarthy was investigating the united states army for communistic timothy's those of well counsel for the united states army at that time had had enough of mccarthy's baseless accusations and lies which months and hyperbolic partisan rhetoric and call him out. in front of congress and in front of the american people
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. who. look. up these are not us fans and the lad for them and you. have no standing. here at long last and you know him so. well as comments help to open americans eyes to the lunacy and absurdity that was joseph mccarthy fast forward some sixty years and here we are again allowing a job mccarthy ask lawmaker to run amok on capitol hill congressman darrell i says this generation's joe mccarthy or at least the biggest want to be if you're leading unsuccessful taxpayer funded which months into the i.r.s. so-called scandal in the bin gazi terror attacks congressman i say has a set cite on something new obamacare on fox so called news yesterday i said
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announce that he was officially launching an investigation to find out what exactly went wrong with the rollout of healthcare about gov and that website i say is. the house oversight and government reform committee now looking for answers as well the chair of that committee congressman darrell issa joins me now good to see you congressman you know we just talked to ed henry and he's trying to get answers from jay carney about what went wrong and jay carney said hey look we're not interested in monday morning quarterbacking but you are right it's only the first few minutes of the first quarter they'll be trillions of dollars spent on obamacare so yes this is not monday morning it's real time and i saw is particularly interested in investigating the contractor that the obama administration principally used to build the health care dot gov website c.g.i. federal and it's close ties to the white house but as it turns out c.g.i. federal is
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a major republican party donor in fact during the two thousand and twelve election cycle c.g.i. federal gave two grand to their allies say himself and executives at c.g.i. federal personally gave more than twice as much to g.o.p. presidential candidate mitt romney during the two thousand and twelve cycle than to president obama so the company sure doesn't seem like it's too cozy with president obama but all that aside lost in all the coverage advice is made for t.v. which is any discussion on who he really is for starters i i says the wealthiest member of congress worth an estimated four hundred fifty million dollars making it all the more iran iraq that a man who hasn't had to worry about health care costs in a very long time would choose to go after a program that provides millions of uninsured low income americans with affordable health care i saw also played a key role in the bush administrations and then attorney general alberto gonzales as politically motivated removal of eight united states attorneys and before he came to washington i saw hyped enron's takedown of california's electric system and
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spent over a million dollars of his own money on advertisements to destroy and discredit governor gray davis' governorship because he was planning to run against davis in the recall election that he helped make happen but those efforts. fruitless and he broke down into public tears when he learned that enron's ken lay secretly been meeting and working with arnold schwarzenegger to help schwartz a nigger become governor and that schwarzenegger had filed his papers. and painted by today the san diego republican was rushing back out of his own dream to become governor it's nights like. this. so knowing the truth about congressman darrell i say we really want this generation's joe mccarthy leading yet another taxpayer funded which up on capitol hill let's rubble. is wednesday ready to rumble join me for
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a long liberal rubble chris allman conservative commentator and activist and conservative commentator and editor of the guns and patriots news letter thank you for joining because you have to disarm both so darrell i said one of the few members of congress who's been arrested one of the members of congress has been charged with like you know grand theft auto i mean literally people calling grand theft. you know there's questions about his warehouse the burned down the got his first business go on that got the money is business partner this guy is really sketchy how to republicans feel about him well tell you what i can't believe that you're out here defending the debacle that is obamacare and not of course darrell eyes and congress you know this president says he wants transparency but we're going to want when we're going to look into what went wrong he himself said he was very angry and upset and he had no idea it wasn't working where has the man ben and what about kathleen sebelius she didn't see it fired immediately she's calling in the eighteen now a month after the rollout started i mean this is outrageous i'm glad you're so
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upset that people can't easily sign up for government tell a government sponsored subsidized health insurance oh absolutely and you're such a big supporter of obamacare neal i don't understand why you're being so mean to darrell and it's like the way. he's a crook now well listen he's paid his debt to society he didn't go to jail i mean you know maybe overnighters but he also key he can't eat as a felon so i mean he does carry that with if he was accused felon he can't vote he can't own a gun are you sure yes and so but you know the thing is that i see the cat and go the front and he's investigating the brother but having said that song it's ok for congress to look into what the executive director joy i totally agree and that's why i'm here i think so it's an attitude of sort of like the tone of your monologue there was sort of like nothing to see here move along citizen no no no we don't ask questions about obama care or miss we don't question
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the white house i am question dear allies to turn benghazi into a witch hunt and now we have the guys who are going to be dead and while we're hearing a lot of this americans who died was doing. well he was on his way to rescue the other three yeah exactly i mean the fox has been pushing out is that obama just sat back and didn't do anything left him to die we want to live here leave them died going to get them know they would they they had they had them out of there in twelve hours they had the bodies out twenty four and they had the body of matter is completely deep into this thing there is no scandal gradually there was a and there was a one hour delay it was of years of your eyes and when is it you're ready buds resume went to bed at ten thirty without knowing the location of his in bassett or he had a meeting for like twenty minutes with panetta and dempsey and they did nothing they were forces hoax they were of a more sinister org and i mean and so it was yours and italy that could have saved that up on the care so the fact that we spent five six hundred million dollars on
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this website that doesn't work and congress should not be able to look into that and find out why for three years i say it's a rangers ok i group is qualified maybe we get when you add one of ted kennedy but wish i know as he's never done anything wrong in his life and we only shot i have hired the government should have hired contractors programmers excuse me rather than hiring private contractors and this is just one of several usually the should not have been outsourced well it should have happened the government should have programmers the government. should have been good federal employees you know you're talking to the i write data varies in the photos i mean i just learned with us federal government this is a classic example of where the federal government runs things this is an act around the f.b.i. does a great job of maintaining their own database the guy does a great job the day he interviewed a boston marathon bomber three times before he bombed the boston area rest is a great you can't be other it was all mariners you know you have got your great job . the f.b.i. was running the mob in boston for at least ten years. i mean come on why did they
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go live with the program when they knew when they did the trial that it wasn't going to war and civil war why there is a. republican to the. as it is to tell right away i got to work in my mac computer at the office so there's an update to the brand new operating system it's the third update to the new operating system we rolled out two weeks ago but i updated my computer i mean and you know i think the update i don't think that what you are talking about which on the real which is going to be this when sebelius shows up to test is my own problem we knew this was if this was good faith i would be completely with you how do you know it's not good think of the tears because because there i was in a very good way because that's fair money's not good oh no it's should be investigated i guess yeah but darryl i says history is turning everything into a political but you're not on seriously think the constitution idea the constitution is not so much designed with good faith the constitution is designed to have competing institutional rivalries and that's what's happening here except
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that this is turning political that oh i'm sure you are really proud of everything you know me read this stablish right of course read further if you want to know what is thought about them anyhow the university of denver has just come out with a new research finding that children growing up in poverty actually are neurologically different that their damage occurs both in utero and in the first few years after birth children at the age of three have thirty percent smaller vocabulary than children who don't grow up in poverty poverty and then that sets the stage for children never doing well in school never doing well in adult life dying younger not having good health that poverty in that first couple of years what are republicans you know we've seen what democrats are proposing do about this l.b.j. cup poverty and half of the great society was the republican solution for poverty we have just a minute opportunity. and i will say having known people raised in poverty my father was raised in poverty and he was none of those things that you were talking about and i'm in love with a woman who was raised in poverty in china who has none of those attributes that
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you talk about in fact because of that upbringing both my father and this woman are stronger and smarter and sharper and more motivated than myself or anybody else is the exception. well not know and look at look at dr ben carson he was raised in poverty but you know what the difference is it's strong families and strong parental involvement and yes work is really hard revenue and poverty it is but it's not impossible or a financial discipline is what we but what we're talking about here is not for the government to step in and take us over the wall of poverty we have the worst in the industrialized world that i decided it has ignored and that's jobs and you know what if the democrats dunces all of my thinking i'm going to have we have more people on food stamps than ever before i think the president should create jobs to go i believe that level i wish he were going to get out of the way you had get out of the way who put one in ok we're in the way well listen regulation continues obama containers of sales business administration he continues all of these
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regulatory want to get all of george bush's programs out of the way i'm saying get rid of all of these government programs are upset i saw a liberal writer. i would read that as questions to people in positions of power instead of speaking on their behalf and that's why you can find my show larry king now right here on our t.v. question or. more
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news today is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. showing corporations rule the day. the back of the rubble joining me chris allman and neil mccabe let's get back to it according to a new gallup poll fifty eight percent of americans now say legalize pot and not just medical marijuana just legalize pot is the first time in history that
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a majority of americans are in favor of this two states have actually done that colorado and washington state there's a big meeting going on in denver right now started today it's going to run for three days a thousand people the international drug policy reform conference this is serious stuff is no time to end nixon's failed drug war i think there's a lot of parents who don't like the idea of their kids smoking pot yeah i think they would rather and there's a lot of trying to have my the damage the damage done to a child's brain by smoking pot is horrific and specially in those last years of teenage years let me finish my sentence i would much rather have my children smoke pot than than drink alcohol is so destructive it is so addictive fifty thousand people a year die just directly from alcohol those same terence probably won't want their you know that many died from pot in the last decade. united states how many blew their s.a.t.'s zero how many blew their s.a.t.'s somebody blew their s.a.t.'s
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because they were they were they were charging like that i'm not saying for the kids to get drunk either tom i mean parents have held him out there is need help and parents support a government that's supposed to help them not work behind their back so their kids are going to want to keep illegal so that if kids are smoking pot they have to interact with people who are also selling heroin and cocaine well you know that's not exactly what i said i have i have however whatever let's wrap those guys up to i have libertarian leanings and so you know part of me says decriminalize however the message since they'll be this stuff is dangerous and let me tell you the problem is three point ok the pot on the street today is not the same pot. that was there when we were in college but it is because i talk to go to my where i sat and as the drug i was only a very liberal woman you're right i know i've been pretty in she said i said how do you feel about it she said let me tell you it's not the same and the damage it does to young people's brains so we can talk about decriminalizing it and everything
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else but the the bottom line is yeah america needs a bunch more stoners i don't think so so we should be telling people that you know what life is good you don't have to be on drugs you know you have to be an alcoholic well the fact of the matter is that there's always going to be a small percentage of people it's probably somewhere between six and ten percent of the population who are going to abuse drugs recreationally i mean that's just there are people who are wired that way and you know i've i've smoked pot i've been around a lot of people who smoke pot i've drank alcohol or been around a lot of people who drank alcohol i would much rather be around somebody who is high on pot than somebody who is just charged on a film which act daniels what i mean people on pot the biggest danger is that they're going to eat your brownies you know you know people or when i was a reading of what i would drive around street crime i was a reporter in boston i got a press pass one year to the annual park rally on the boston common where they basically fence and all these stoners and they let them do whatever they want and i thought it was going to be so cool and i showed up at this thing and you know there were young kids beating drums and listen to the grateful dead and everything but
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really stunned me with these people in their forty's fifty's and sixty's who are obviously just stoned for the last twenty years and they were like they were like these walking ghosts it was really sad but see that was so sad to me that had that it had they been using alcohol during that period and it would have been dead from cirrhosis but. i mean it's if we're going to have rationalized this in society i mean this is this is the existential question if we're going to have recreational drugs in our society and alcohol is a recreational drug pot as a recreational drug shouldn't we choose the one that in the last two hundred years has not killed one person pot and that doesn't cause damage to the liver another thing. like that even though it does have side effects i'll acknowledge it over the one that kills people well you know what here's the deal let's just legalize everything how would you feel about this drug testing before you can get welfare benefits to make sure that it's a drug tested before you go to work on wall street well you know what you know that's a private company you get government money but you know what you want these people
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to be able to get all kinds a handout is after they small idea where the way these people don't have moved money for a code there is no way they're spending none of these people are spending money on drugs that's absurd right and speaking speaking of banks toure's j.p. morgan's green apparently apparently jamie diamond got winds are going to tell you a shakedown yeah or that he was being investigated so he called up eric holder literally called a pyrrhic holder and said hey let's get a deal you know and they're going to pay thirteen billion dollars we were told but it turns out they can deduct this from their income taxes right their stock didn't drop all in five said well it's you know because it's it's not profit anymore right guys these guys crashed our economy i mean hundreds of thousands of people lost their home but i mean if your horses there were suicides as a result of what jamie dimon and j.p. morgan in the banks did shouldn't somebody be going to jail do they have to set a thousand people in for the prosecutors and six hundred of them to jail over the years during the secret is that. in these sort of plea agreements what these banks
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and other companies agreed to is they agreed to give millions of dollars to community groups that are associated with the democratic party and they also agree to start happening because i haven't read it but it's happened over and over again where they they find different community activist groups and things like that and then another thing they do is they agreed to behavior regulatory behavior regulations at the federal government could get through the normal process in a plea agreement will there get there they say four billion of it is going to go to help struggling homeowners they greet you know i don't go to the lawyers not to go to the i gotta go to the you know their house or in the aisle of this of course this. don't exist whoever the replacement for acorn is that's exactly how it's going to go to the banks to x. they figure out if there are ways to cycle they're going to launder at the so here's the question why have the shareholders not gotten rid of jamie diamond because he's making the money they don't care it's honest money and i don't understand why it was a model or b he i'm not sure this is the specific case or was another with j.p.
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morgan as i don't know why a bank has to pay a fine for making a trading mistake like i don't know why the government is even these were not mistakes that i don't even know why the government is involved in this stuff was fraud because they were they were they were making phony want to loan apple do they break going to do that you know people's in these things you know even handle a civil way which are you had it civilly with the people that they defrauded neal if i walked into a seven eleven with a gun and walked out with thirteen billion dollars don't you think that i would spend a day in jail well i hope not for the gun charge ok but i want to. thank you all right chinese authorities to this chinese drug this is you know this is this is interesting actually we have it we have a our favorite character now is like really really sick and we can't figure out why and what he's been for speeding about for three or four weeks and and it turns out that he got sick about the same time six hundred dogs and all bunch of cats died when they were because they were eating these streets and we i remember buying some treats of c.v.s.
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and bringing them home and i don't know if this is that or not nobody knows that better like you know thousands of dollars in this cat nobody knows but there's a american well that's the problem these are american brands and it doesn't say sourced from china and isn't this or perhaps it doesn't i didn't read it but you know even if i read it i would think my government is keeping track of this doesn't this sort of thing demonstrate that the weakness of the failure of libertarian philosophy as opposed to using the precautionary but you know what it's interesting because when i read the article it said that the f.d.a. does actually have authority over these things so what it really demonstrates is how in effect. government is and maybe so well you know more money we'll need to do what we normally do which is start a new agency when the old agency approves not to be effective then we have to create a new one and give it even more money just make that agency effective why don't we get rid of the agency instead of giving consumers this false sense of security that basically pretends that all this stuff is safe because supposedly there's
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a government full of hacks that's going to be looking into this stuff the government dropped the ball like they've dropped the ball in other things all these dogs and other pets died and another circumstance americans will die i think would be better if you had no government then everybody was buyer beware well this is this is the this is the i think as existential argument that's going on in america between the left and the right it is an act you know i remember living in vermont and there was an eye doctor in town an ophthalmologist who had scarred somebody and word kind of got around and i mean somebody else's i turned out he was addicted to his own morphine or something and or i guess cocaine is what the op of ologists used to but he was he was abusing drugs he left town before they could prosecute him and as the what i heard i don't know if it's true or not but what i heard is that he went to new york city now in new york city there's a steady stream of suckers he couldn't you know nobody in seven thousand people nobody else is going to go see this guy in new york i mean how do you how do you have laissez faire capitalism how do you have unregulated capitalism how do you
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have no f.d.a. you know because in a world where people don't know we have the f.d.a. and the u.s.d.a. and they're obviously not working because six hundred got six hundred pets died i mean because you had a false sense of security when you walked into the c.v.s. criminals always right criminals are always going to look away so you're saying that the u.s.d.a. should be more effective that they should have been checking more of these treats before they came into the country well i think i'm saying you know we should just make everything because you assumed they were you didn't do due diligence well there's no way to do due diligence i don't own a mass spectrometer info. i will personally days you dog food to make sure it's safe so these n.b.c. report on this i mean i read i'm following this because i think this is killing my cat and today and they've been trying for weeks to figure out what it is in these streets that's killing the i don't think has any they still don't know yet it's not because it's necessarily from china i mean just because something's made in china
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doesn't mean it's unsafe there are certain there are criminals and there are faulty humans and there are faulty companies everywhere should i mean in the united states shouldn't we have protections against their will the protections are in the market if what we have is we have this we have this billion dollar bureaucracy that claims to make us safe that how does this market you know if if if the most companies aren't producing poison most actually it was off putting companies are how do you do is make this is sort of asked poison of the company that is making the chicken that's infected with salmon eller right now that you know the u.s.d.a. is telling us a there's salmonella in this chicken they're still selling that chicken and it still has salmonella i mean who are buying it people all over the country there the u.s.d.a. is like their. good question but it's like i don't know they're saying what are you a parrot what would you have to have the best they're saying power should the f.d.a. is out of thirty thousand they're saying if you just cook it above one hundred sixty five degrees for more than three minutes of time what about nice can take our
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what power does the f.d.a. need that it doesn't have you have a democratic administration the f.d.a. a budget u.s.d.a. u.s.d.a. rather even the u.s.d.a. their budget is higher than it was five years ago less than a fraction of one percent of our food is actually spent and what started with the reagan administration spec and then we went on the same in that well i think so yeah i started with our with the reagan administration and when i got hired on the sahara lloyd's would tell an honest ration was this idea of letting companies self test let them running their own their own tests you know the famous thing what during the george h.w. bush administration or those hot dogs killed a bunch of people. and because the company turned off the counter the salmonella counter and it took the c.d.c. like a month to track it down using d.n.a. and i think that china actually offers us the solution because we've talked about this before that there was an official in china who knew that the baby formula was in and yet had had poison or was so smart they yes ok so so and no
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marketplace big government would have done what it is you know what it was like listen if you're going to run a time chris all going to. me that i. seriously covered up the better shot learning what is scheduled for execution next month but larry flynt is anything but excited i'll ask him why right after the break. we'll do the. technology innovation all the developments around russia. that's huge you're covered. wealthy british style. is not on this.
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market why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's cause or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to kaiser report on r g. three bureaus you don't know if you don't panic or you're nor responds to ruse. most everyone in my life that i cared about their goal much and then acted like a mosquito well. i was national champion in track and field and also i was able to go and qualify for the olympic games. you know nine hundred eighty eight i started to experiment with other drugs i had lost all the financial
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it's a perfect. everybody go to do its job and you know the price is the only industry specifically mention in the constitution. that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy should. go on. to make you know i'm charming and i'm a show we reveal the picture of what's actually going point on we go beyond identifying a problem or trying to rational debate a real discussion critical issues facing america by a member ready to join the movement then welcome to the big city. welcome back to the big picture i'm tom hartman coming up in this crap hour the man who shot and paralyzed larry flood is scheduled for execution the november twentieth you think larry would be excited.
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