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tv   Headline News  RT  October 26, 2013 2:00am-2:30am EDT

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mention to the ways that some. of our guards. british intelligence is experiencing to cover up details of mess of. operations during a legal action for evil stepping down. the cost of membership. twenty seven billion. with many regulations. sunday to put to the turkey turns away from its allies in seeking a missile defense deal with china.
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live from moscow this is our cio it's made to mom and say it's just going paul said tom i am here in the russian capital let's take a look at our top story the solemn. revelations i keep on coming with the latest one hitting a target away from home exposing the efforts of british intelligence agency g c h q to keep their practices away from the public eye for fear of legal action now the lichter memos are from the u.k. the guardian newspaper showed that the agency was determined to hide the fact that various telecoms firms went beyond the legal requirement to provide the agency with phone logos and records revelations also included g.c. h.q. the efforts to assemble a group of experts who would help keep handle the press in the event of the information becoming public right all of those comes a day after it's been revealed that the n.s.a. has been eavesdropping on the conversations of thirty five world leaders of england
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france and germany who are now demanding a new spy deal from washington to be struck by the end of the nations have warned that trust with washington could damage our future intelligence corporations a u.n. resolution to restrain american spying or has been proposed by germany and brazil which was also targeted by the n.s.a. last k. from the u.k. private party says of the government's reaction to the news or show who they're really protecting revelations of the monitoring of world leaders from the show the breathtaking double standards of our ruling elite suddenly when it's a case of. telephone being turned but then we have the likes of kiefer speaking out and saying it's a real scandal. actually when it's a case of ordinary citizens that's what the real scandal is the real scandal is the true extent of mass violence in the e.u.
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and of course beyond mr kay also pointed out that british prime minister has been quite reluctant to take a firm stance on global surveillance. what's been clear is that david cameron is not willing to speak up in defense of britain and the british people when it comes to mass surveillance and indeed we've seen the extent of g.c. h.q.'s collusion with the n.s.a. for example in the temp or a program and we've seen massive harvesting of the data through the fiber optic cables so i'm afraid we need to start to take responsibility in the united kingdom . there's bite here pm heads of state of voicing their dissatisfaction with washington and its monitoring practices the angry words it doesn't have trended to any kind of accent a former u.n. diplomat load of unease explains why. john and a few weeks after the media toned down the big issue it will just go on and
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business as usual that is my expectation they will not that big and the real national stage will remain states and mental problems and i mean the debt problem is not that they're spying their problem is the score a lot of this year it's that they have been god that's fine not that's another that's another matter altogether individual why do they do that not to chase terrorists that do that for economic reasons they want to know what you are going to do towards the brics countries throughout asia to war because they are afraid that they're losing ground. because they are watching the n.s.a. scandal which has dozens of countries untangled they added a lot to a website actually dot com to gain access to the latest updates background and expert analysis on the story. right to see. her straight. and i think you're.
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on the record with. meanwhile a massive end to surveillance really is said to take place later today in washington d.c. with organizers promising it will end up being the largest demonstration here against n.s.a. practices so he'd put on from the bill of rights defense committee believes any practices that evokes public debate should go through the government and not swept under the rug if there is anything hurting anyone that is the n.s.a.'s activities hide behind the secrecy that's enabled those abuses to continue themselves is this cowardly quite frankly in a democracy and if these programs are poured into national security as they claim and are in fact compliant with the constitution which they are not they should
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survive the wide of day and small overdue for congress to have a transparent debate about whether or not we want to live in a country with prevail pervasive surveillance or instead we actually mean it when we sing anthems of baseball games about living in the world of the free just a few minutes away a hidden addiction. when it breaks down and i don't just exist it turns into a substance relative to the drug and it gives those little stimulation in our brain and gives us a little bit of pleasure so at least we look at how an entire industry is designed to keep always lines in the us growing. saying in the bin costing britain india a recent report by an independent think tank says london spends twenty seven billion pounds a year to comply with the blocks most costly regulations are g.'s laws smith has been balancing the books. david cameron's in brussels this week to demand the return of powers from the u.
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and he's got a new weapon in his. report by i think. being a net beneficiary of all of these rules and regulations that really costing the u.k. taxpayer a staggering twenty seven billion pounds a year in europe the hundred most expensive regulations stuff like rules on working hours g.m. food and a range of other addicts and found that in at least twenty four cases the cost outweigh the benefit even according to the government. meaning that it's knowingly spending taxpayer money. in other cases the report found the benefits of the regulations have been involved. in that in the case of climate change regulation around ninety five percent of the expected benefits totally failed to materialize but this study only covers the top one hundred of the it's just the tip of the arts
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. and regulation which doesn't include. it is just red tape obviously if britain left the e.u. tomorrow those costs wouldn't just disappear but at least say critics it would be british regulation british people. many see cameron's proposals for reform to this european summit as his first step in trying to change the balance of power with brussels ahead of the referendum he's promised to the british people. meanwhile turkey is also frustrated with its relationship with brussels. nothing is going on with. this is like him. and the split
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on a love affair find out what's been stalling on present day to join the twenty seven nation blog that's just ahead for you here on r.t. . believe talk about collateralized part obligation monson on the show before that and that ben bernanke m.r. carney are trying to monetize their flatulence that's the that's the economic growth in the u.k. they talk about g.d.p. annualizing at three percent growth but debts any logic at nine percent growth and higher if you put the debts that are off the balance sheet like on the bank of england back into the mix the debts compound at twenty percent a year so three percent a year in g.d.p. growth even though it doesn't even discount for the actual inflation number the fact is you can count me in negative territory they're living on carty farts they're living on corny farts here that's their entire economic so called growth.
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sigrid lumber tour in two mccurry was able to build a new most sophisticated robot which on fortunately doesn't dorna found anything tunes mission to teach music creation why it should care about humans in the world this is why you should care only on the dog. you don't know if you don't panic or. i don't know if everyone in my life that i cared about they're gone and then. i came to skin well. i was a national champion in track and field and also was able to go in qualify for the olympic games. in one nine hundred eighty eight i started to experiment with that
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the drugs i had lost all the financial means that i. was really on the street. black market where i can. pick your brain can't drink keep. her for her. through all the great hopes for freedom and democracy. substituted by great disenchantment. what was expected to be a blessing to the country. turned out to be its curse.
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georgia the story of the disappointment. is the same with us we're back with more news here on r.t. . the u.s. is at odds with its nato ally turkey after ankara turned away from alliance members in seeking a multi-billion dollar contract turkey is in talks with a chinese company to co-produce missile defense systems that firms under american sanctions for violating a nonproliferation act one turkish analyst explains ankara's motives to r.t. . the american. system is all of it so that the americans control the entire system if it is deployed whereas china is offering turkey to produce
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together. to control. together and provide turkey along control of the entire system china has stressed the missile defense deal should not be poor little science as it's actually all about normal commercial competition as a baxi also told r.t. that the. more grants to dictators and terms in relations with washington. the turkish government. of course negotiate this situation with americans but the americans have to make this point station that turkey is taking part in the production mechanism process until now it was already offset fairly. in turkey this was their new way of thinking a new set of confidence that turkey wants to be part of the entire process meanwhile another issue turning heads in turkey is still the e.u.
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membership bid and that tensions are running high as marina flush now reports. always the bridesmaid but never the bride progress over turkey's accession to european union could be best described as. this is like a. platonic love affair the europeans doesn't want turkey to go away totally but there's a war in the house the talks started in two thousand and five but brussels still says turkey is not yet ready with the eurozone debt crisis raging turkey's membership plans look far less tempting everybody's concert. in new further enlargement of the european union whether it's on the balkans or in turkey . because much more travel and more problems for the european union turkish
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authorities say they are still keen on joining the e.u. family but there has been conflicting signals from an impatient and qur'an prime minister erdogan recently threatened to turn away from e.u. if the country doesn't become a member before two thousand and twenty three many gree with that sentiment believe in a fast growing economic and strategic power will not profit from joining a political and economic zone in deep trouble it's very clear that brics countries have the future of the world the usa and the european union the don't know when and how they will overcome this economic crisis they're not going well and they did everything and they don't have any strategy to do now but the turkish opposition believes it cannot make prosperity is not the main issue they say membership might help improve the domestic situation in the country where spiritual groups can't operate freely and last year turkey was accused of jailing more journalists than
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any other country in the world and the turkish policy at the moment. no policy i mean the europeans. i don't really want turkey discovered at this rate a comfortable with that because they don't want to you we think this is wrong because we feel your accession is a strategic goal for turkey for its democracy to put it secular democracy. it being a member of the euro the community of nations and while the political scene between brussels and i'm current goes up and down more and more people are becoming disenchanted with the idea as circus you are of minister one says membership is like a pregnancy you either are or you are not where they go she says now continuing for eight years turkey is definitely not still and it seems to want it less and less reflection r.t. from turkey. are you interested in learning to computers well that's one
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hobby you'd better keep to yourself if you're in the us working this that host every last experience. it turns out that not only the act of hacking you can do you know legal trouble but now just labeling yourself as a hacker can get you into hot water last week a u.s. district court ruled that if you simply call yourself a hacker you can apparently we have all your equipment taken without warning in this particular case engineering laboratory battell energy alliance is doing x. employee over claims that he stole software coding from a company and the idaho court decided that employees computer could be confiscated without notice simply because his web site stated we like hacking things and don't want to stop yes that's right despite fourth amendment language that protects individuals from on reasonable search and seizure hackers are apparently not included. you can now watch that show in full in about ten minutes time your analogy for now the
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law international news in brief a car bomb blast in syria has killed at least forty people including seven children explosion took place near a mosque in a ton outside of the capital damascus the incident comes after reports that the syrian army killed the leader of al nusra front powerful al qaida linked rebel group as well as dozens of opposition fighters. thousands of people in the german city of hamburg have marched in support for african refugees three hundred migrants from africa and are living in the city and asking for residency and work permits the demonstrators also joined supporters of the asylum seekers who survived a shipwreck off the coast of the thai an island off lampedusa three weeks ago. a peaceful demonstration against bus fares and brazil's capital sol pollo has turned a violent protest as vandalized the turnstiles. vehicles on fire injuring at
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least one family's high cost and paul polity of public services has been. for brazil activists complain that the government is more interested in spending billions of preparation funds for the twenty fourteen world cup. thousands of serbs are from possible have rallied in front of the serbian government headquarters in belgrade cause of always broke off from serbia in two thousand and eight is judea holding municipal elections in just over a week which is as claimed the pro publica authorities are drafting the electoral process by forbidding some serbian politicians to campaign in the run up to the vote. what do you as the most overweight nation among developed countries food activists say it's all about the direction maintained by subtle system of technological and marketing tricks by food corporations but rather put blood by our lives into what's feeding america's food habit. it's the richest country on earth where banks can't fail and
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we slimes can't stop expanding waistlines in america are growing alarming new study showing half of all americans could be obese in less than twenty years sugary drinks and wider waistlines go hand in hand with one out of every three adults clinically obese and forty percent of children officially overweight the united states is the fattest country in the developed world experts say food has become a drug and. cooked and marketed by an industry banking on addiction is what these scientists. lab and they've created these chemical concoctions that are very sickly very fatty and very salty and they caught up with points meaning they've created foods that are going to get consumers and they're going to want to keep coming back for more and more casein is the milk protein and casein when it breaks down and i digest of system it turns into a substance called k. so morphine and k.
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so morphine is relative to morphine the drug and it gives those little stimulation in our brain and gives us a little bit of pleasure scientists and food industry whistleblowers say big food companies engineer processed foods and beverages with ingredients that pique the taste buds while tricking the brain to think you're still hungry causing you to eat more but in a country where diabetes high cholesterol high blood pressure and heart disease are becoming all too common among millions of children and adolescents why don't food corporations create healthier recipes and one word. we are doing mommy. hell just like we want you. are quite a. mystery. we want to examine that word because that for ourselves it will continue to drive generations of so. another major. off that generating
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ingredient for big food is marketing in the u.s. there is virtually no regulation of food and drink advertising even when it's hard to teach children how to last year entertainer beyond a fifty million dollar endorsement deal with pepsi this came as the american heart association released a report finding that twenty five thousand obesity related deaths in the u.s. back in two thousand and ten were linked to the over consumption of soda and other sugary drinks in france they have a warning label on it much like we have warning labels here in this country cigarettes a warning label on processed foods it says warning to be harmful to your health in sweden and norway all advertising to children has actually been and in ireland you cannot advertise for fast food or candy and celebrities are not allowed to endorse bad while european countries require genetically modified foods to be labeled in the u.s. the biotech industry and corporations like pepsi co and coca-cola spent millions
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last year to defeat a california ballot initiative for g.m.o. labeling we have a very big problem in the united states in that even the questioning of labeling of what we have and the origin of our food and whether it's organic or whether it's genetically modified it's very difficult to get the right labeling standards on to the packaging big push pack with the industrial food producers who do not want to label what really is going into our food supply whole foods market our grocery chain with three hundred thirty nine stores recently announced that it will begin labeling all g.m.o. foods within the next five years it will be the first and only u.s. retail store to require the food labeling on the other hand when it comes to soda regulation is off limits new york city mayor michael bloomberg recently lost his fight to limits the extra large serving sizes of sweet beverages. in an effort to
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fight obesity was. very vague and subtle lovers like v.p. want to be sarah pailin have celebrated the fact that americans can continue consuming and alarming amount of high fructose corn syrup and empty calories in one giant cup not sure if miss palin knows about the medical warnings indicating that if the country's health trend continues at its current pace nearly half of all americans will be obese by twenty thirty marina port i.r.t. new york. as always you can head online for plenty more stories waiting for you on our dot com including hundreds of oil spills i kept secret from the public in one of america's largest producing states on our website we've got a report on how authorities managed to keep them out of sight. plus eyes and fly their limping flame sign that slides of the north pole in style for the
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first time in history as part of the sochi twenty four team relay we bring you the best of the visual experience and don't forget to follow the rest of the flames. coming up every mountain takes a with breaking the set. a new zealand is boldly going where no government has gone before and according to reuters has decided to create a regulatory body to oversee recreational drugs that is their opening pandora's box it have at least temporarily given approval to fifty substances for sale at special stores which are banned in most other countries the body is trying to take a more scientific approach and determine which substances are actually harmful to
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the user you know i've heard the argument that the war on drugs just wastes massive sums of money effort and lives and you need turn a futile battle which is true it does but the only option people give is just legalize all drugs there are a few problems with this when something is legal that tends to make it ok is it really ok for you to spend your whole life in a trance to avoid reality is it really ok for everyone in town on friday night after work to go in and ice crystal meth rampage the other problem is that the war on drugs fails because is fighting the drugs and not the reason why people take them which is to escape reality why do people want to escape reality because in modern times or post modern times. live a soulless pointless isolated consumeristic existence of working in a pointless office job just to get poor so you can scrape by and get some cheap plastic junk at wal-mart when people's lives are empty they will fill them with something through a needle but that's just my opinion. great
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hopes for freedom and democracy. substituted by great disenchantment. what was expected to be a blessing to the country. turned out to be its curse. georgia the story of a disappointment. i know c.n.n. the m.s.m. b.c. fox news have taken some not slightly but the fact is i admire their commitment to cover all sides of the story just in case one of them happens to be accurate. that was funny but it's close and for the truth and might think. my.
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goods because when full attention and the mainstream media work side by side the joke is actually on here. and our teen years we have a different right. ok because the news of the world just is not this funny i'm not laughing dammit i'm not god. i'm if. you guys stick to the jokes well handled it makes sense that i'm going to. what's going on guys i'm happy martin and this is breaking the set so the n.s.a. is a leaky faucet just won't stop the pain we've already know that the u.s.
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government has a tentacles in the ears of world leaders in france germany and brazil and just yesterday we learned the extent of the n.s.a.'s global spying apparatus goes well beyond these three countries yes apparently eavesdropping on the phone calls of longtime allies just isn't enough to quell uncle peeping sam's voyeurism addiction according to a two thousand and six classified memo released by the guardian the n.s.a. has monitored the phone calls of thirty five world leaders and the best part is that the memo acknowledges that the spying has produced virtually no report of all intelligence so not only are we pissing off our most trusted allies but we're doing it for no reason. i think we all know what's really going on here this gives the u.s. the upper hand on virtually all diplomatic issues what better way to win that chess game of global politics if you already know everyone's next move. much of the benefits this information could provide american industry and in fact n.s.a. carries out industrial espionage.


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