tv Documentary RT October 26, 2013 10:29am-11:01am EDT
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similarly sixteen percent of imports came from illegal fishing. the european union is ironically taking fish from some of the poorest nations on earth so this is a very serious and very urgent problem that needs immediate international action. they enter our territorial waters they fish they load the fish on to the ships and leave for europe. to day illegal fishing is taking the bread out of our mouths. a different georgia was built in front of the very eyes of tbilisi citizens who made architecture was dismissed and the president personally approved the new ridiculous constructions. holes shaped like giant pipes they were erected in
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tbilisi ruining the historical parts of the city is clear that the georgian authorities were keen on putting form over substance the size of the capital the president experimented on the city of but to me several point just skyscrapers were built. north philly regarded everything is as personal villa he got on his private jet landed here and then threw parties with lots of girlfriends the boulevard was closed off of course this is outrageous this was the case not just in but to me. to tbilisi to. georgia's ruling elites combined a passion for western ways with the violent fits of russia phobia traditionally the vast majority of georgian spiegel understand the russian language and the history of virtually every family is linked with russia and all of a sudden georgians were forced to think that any. russian is bad lessons were
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dropped from curriculum in schools and movies were banned from television a new generation of georgians grew up not knowing a single word in. we don't get to speak russian often. there is much more practice in english. sources inside he says it's useless to be looking for the cause of this hatred to anything russian demonstrated by seconds really in his teens it seems strange because they were all born and grew up in this. we're always looking for some philosophical roots for these phenomena all this so you ask why well there's a simple reason they link their career their wellbeing their future the only with the west but not with the interests of georgia.
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the establishment specifically the former ruling elite are extreme rusa photo ops. when they play they even show contempt or through the georgian came cowley jump. well ordinary people feel russians are closer to us than europeans. and every georgian village people still remember the times of the soviet union with nostalgia it was a time when russians and georges lived together in peace and visited each other regularly of course since the old generation that still has these memories of that so did you watch the old soviet movie father of a soldier you plow the land first and then you sow the seeds likewise first comes russia and then europe we should lose russia those who lived in those times who saw what it was like back then want to get back to the old ways. young people don't
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understand it they didn't live back then. they can only get this experience from us. has worked his whole life is a pot make. to sell in russia hundreds of wine pots so unique georgian can't see he now lives from hand to mouth people used to go to russia to sell apples or whatever and they are in their income this way no they don't want us anymore they don't let us ordinary people are struggling looking for whatever food they can come across. time is passing us but we never had any democracy don't trust those talking heads on the television. nori says that young people sometimes came for russian lessons but he complains that he doesn't speak as well as before. everyone wants to chat in russian. they want to learn it it's much
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more difficult to do it now you. know. it was in november two thousand and seven when the top down system of power built by mikhail saakashvili showed its real face for the first time the authorities launched a heavy crackdown on opposition protests attended by tens of thousands of georgians people hit the streets to demand that the president resign. the army and the police that were formed by. prove their allegiance by shooting at people with bullets and threatening them with battle. at the very avenue. they celebrated the revolution embraces saakashvili beat us up he opened fire on us ordinary georgians it was for the first time the georgia soul of the nation they voted into power in two thousand and two. could be
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a different man altogether any government that goes against its own people will end up in jail saakashvili will also end up in jail by then the president's closest defense minister record became an exiled. me should you have made a big mistake you will go down in history as george's most corrupt president. the government put down the brutality of the army and the police to the simple allegation that the protests were straighted by the kremlin the roots which was supposed to convince the nation really had no other choice than he had to defend democracy it was a trigger which in georgia wants. why did the international community keep quiet. after such a cynical and brutal crackdown by the police. why. really managed to convince many in the west. it was an operation planned by russia's main intelligence directorate and the federal security service or the
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kremlin or all of them together. everyone was waiting for the onslaught of the russian tanks. that we were going to raise the red flag that. the november of two thousand and seven also showed that the democratic authorities were going to welcome any criticism from the journalists t.v. station he made he was the first victim of the new regime. i see them entering our office they are about to break into the studio something terrifying is going on i hope they won't use force i hear they are about to get into the studio goodbye and . that was the evening when georgians highs for the freedom of speech were crushed since then the media space has been exclusively pro president. says not a single component of democracy was functional in those times elections were not fair courts words. show. this situation in the mass media was disastrous.
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t.v. networks could not broadcast to a nationwide audience unless they played to the tune of the saakashvili clan. really called an early presidential election in january two thousand and eight so to say face his main contended this time was the. leader of the opposition the lines. that was a dirty campaign with heavy mudslinging directed at me and at the united opposition our purpose was to bring down a dictatorship because that was a tacit dictatorship we won the election and january fifth two thousand and eight the election commission unlawfully name the victor and then the bush administration later russia back to. within less than a year the georgians would through the outcome of that election.
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you won't we shall keep on fighting russia hasn't just invaded some country in the caucasus with its tanks it is invaded europe georgia is the forefront of a word against evil the way just two thousand and eight came as an oil for many suffered a humiliating defeat and its people learned the bitter taste of fear and the casualties that could have been avoided. on top of that the west never came to the rescue is really had hoped they would and the georgians had a chance to glimpse their presence valor in action its word. that was a shameful scene that i can neither forget not forgive to this day. deserves to be put in prison for the events thousand of two. alone even if we were told. the
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faults on the show lead us to a disaster and cause our country to be split up at best but that calls for punishment doesn't it. the georgian government propaganda machine works day and night shaping the narrative of the war it has served its purpose the georgian public is convinced that russia has occupied and caused the end southall said by recognizing their independence today five years on the hawks in tbilisi still cannot stomach defeat. more than go to you can see skin vaal as a last battle but the war is far from over eighteen percent of our territory is under occupation. by the war will continue until georgia's territorial integrity is restored. we should always remember as winston churchill famously said he would have to be naive to believe that russia respects anything but force.
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russia could have imposed harsh sanctions against georgia in the wake of the war but didn't when the reasons for that was the fact that there are about a million ethnic georgians living in russia they've done their best to support their relatives in georgia. says regular georgians appreciate that age. more than sure jin public. has learned no lessons from the conflict with russia in two thousand and eight. faith in the might of the west. idea that the west will come to our rescue has become an article of faith george's political elite. fighting in the georgian government launched a witch hunt to find someone to blame for the defeat. of the end of the war general
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tristen city. and one hundred fifty army officers were arrested and charged with high treason. was personally introduced to the comforts of a georgian prison which they woke me up in the dead of night and took me to some decrypted building one of them through a gun and said shoot you if you don't sign this. i told them we'll shoot me then i won't sign this because it's all fiction then they took my children hostage my son was ten and my daughter fourteen years old. they would walk into our cells and say plainly you will rot here afraid the rest of your life. really has been formally recognized as a political prisoner and it made no difference to the georgian government whether a suspect was an active duty general or a military advice that with the georgian mission to nato. spend several years
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working on behalf of his country at the nato headquarters in brussels that helped him a little once he was charged with espionage. he spent almost four years in detention . they maintained that i had been spying for. russia the cia a the british intelligence service the french intelligence oh yes and al qaeda apparently through doku ahmad of. it was a terrible day and very hard to take a. chance again to put on here a plane flight pattern that had sex with her make their lives. a
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choose me access to opportunity. the west did assist georgia was the war was over they extended credit and dispatched teams to build settlements for the newly displaced refugees the village of a baby was arrested by a german construction to several rows of thin walls similar looking cottages the village lies within walking distance of symbolic those are our mountains and beyond the misery land we used to have everything very good houses our own gardens sure we have to buy everything. the walls are rotting away no one has supported us in all this time the government what good is it it was them who brought this upon us if not for them we would be fine now. now has an ailing mother a brother and sister who have stayed behind. she has never seen them in five years
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refugees have been stuck away from their native villages strangers in the eyes of locals the only hope these people might see is the hope of going home one day we will return. when if not us our children will come home. i just don't know and i don't want to stay here i want to be home. and i miss my family i have met with my sister but i cannot see my brother and i want to meet my mom who is sick my friends and schoolmates. my teachers and my neighbors. this war was a mistake we need to make peace with this. otherwise we will never get any better. the war of two thousand and eight and georgia's political elites away from brusha for good at the same time he really became something of
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a pariah for the international community. to years no european nation would welcome the president of georgia. for an official visit he was seen as a disappointment even by the americans who took to calling him a loser behind his back this and he provoked more russian phobia and jingoism from the georgian leader. more sympathy it says that the best false patriotism is the last resort of scoundrels to share and i just he found himself in this role and he exploited it in every possible way that the boonies with a queer store should make sandwiches is he used it to assert himself beyond limits feasting on it it would be pointless to look for any rational reasons here. the woman mourning coats ac for the fallen georgians of world war two was the first to fall victim to the new policy. on the ballot was the moment rio was over they're all over by that tree. today there are any
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seventy two war veteran still alive in could see see his really however was and concerned about the memory of that war all the veterans opinion. three hundred thousand died in the war one hundred twenty three of them were heroes of the soviet union it's a sign of utter disrespect i don't think anything one except for fascists could have done such a thing. but it turned out there was no other place in georgia to build a new parliament. and then add to that it looks like a trudeau. oh . oh it's. two thousand and twelve was
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a critical year for georgia a new political figure if it had been seen. ivanishvili. const of the revolution of the roses this billionaire supported the young democrats and first he says he spent almost a billion dollars on their initiatives but he became disillusioned with second israeli and in recent years he distanced himself from politics and was mostly involved with charities to the now has the largest orthodox cathedral in georgia. his construction was funded by ivanishvili essentially been seen in vanish really was the only person with enough money and power to china. on october the first two thousand and twelve georgians used their right to fight. says that during sec israelis rule georgians experience the biggest turmel's since
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world war two. in the last nine years almost three hundred thousand people have had some experience with georgia's penitentiary system they were either imprisoned or came in contact with the system in some other way. our people have never been traumatized like this before. we are this poorest but the safest country but we paid an extremely high price for our safety. georgia has the highest number of prisoners per capita. lists of political prisoners longer than those in north korea. these facts are backed by european observers. people in georgia say that just ahead of the election many was swayed by footage of torture and abuse in georgian prisons by local television.
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indignation for stronger than anger people voted for a vanished blog if it weren't for ivanishvili i think it would have been a. ninety one we would have started shooting at each other it's all because of me pushed it too hard on people. count of the three young reformers who emerged out of the revolution of roses and stood for a political spring just one is a major player in politics. now calls mikhail saakashvili possible enemy. and yes the yup of course i realized i was an enemy for him. unfortunately i wasn't lucky in my enemy didn't prove to be worth fighting he crossed the red line he put pressure on my family and my children but what's more important is what he has done to my country. shows a charge featuring sec israeli's approval rating over the past year is today it's as low as one of eduard shevardnadze in two thousand and three when he was basically blamed for anything that was wrong in the country history repeats itself
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. gives you an idea of the evolution of approval ratings of mr saakashvili it was as high as seventy three percent in two thousand and four when he came to power with triumph. and here's august two thousand and thirteen just fourteen percent. according to. the leader of the parliamentary majority campaign manager of the blocks nominate the ruling coalition will not repeat mistakes. i spent my political career in the opposition. and i remember what kind of methods were used against it i will not allow the use of these methods against the opposition ever again. relations with russia getting more and more complicated the ruling party led by event really says it's ready set men's eyes were brushed but indicates it will not happen overnight i
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haven't been to russia for ten years. and i don't speak russian very well no. well not. only but i will speak russian. we are fully prepared to revive our friendship with the russian federation. we realize that it will be difficult. i hope that russia will feel the same way about. us together with his supporters cockup indicated say is now writing a book called two hundred years of occupation according to him georgia never wants to be part of the russian empire he says such sentiment is still present in. abkhazia and south of our part of georgia. i hope that georgians will never elect a government that would follow a different policy. different political reality. must
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both russia and georgia have what we call red lines and unfortunately these red lines cross we are not so much concerned about visas or mineral water or wine exports to russia we are more concerned about our territorial integrity about the skin vell district this is our concern. ultimately only mean a. campaign saying she knows how to negotiate with moscow. true we are in a dead end unfortunately. but there is always a way out. yeah i like it as a motorist he would agree with me that sometimes in order to move forward to a longer route i think you need to back down and to make a u. turn or a left or right turn and then you're on the right track again when you get only a look i think we must do it with this.
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past nine years that we're trumpeted by second really as the time of democratic reforms actually lived invade the unemployment rate remains very high standing at more than forty percent. but even i mean to be honest little has changed for us politicians by safer power and advantages that still what it used to be. the residents of the old someplace tired of the experiments of the regime the election is seen as a new hope for the better they don't even want to talk about cycles really he's been consigned to the past. we don't need the old president enough is enough here thinks about his pocket and no one thinks about the people.
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because of the time being no one in georgia knows what the new authorities are going to take but most georgians have learned one lesson from the presidency of seconds really there's so much between george and some russians and you can destroy a relationship that spans many centuries with just one striker as people in tbilisi say georgia cannot relocate itself into space or some other continent russians and georgians are bound to live together forever regardless of the name of the possible future president you up is that young back.
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they're doing whatever they want in syria these days and even the obama administration can do nothing to rein the saudis in and i think the sad answer is that the united states doesn't have the power that it once had it doesn't have the leverage that it wants tries to work through allies through international organizations and occasionally on its own and deal with the court of public opinion . the best america can but there are there is a lot in the toolbox right now they're not many tools that. well it's tough but a lot of allies are complication months on the show before that that ben bernanke m.r. carney are trying to monetise their flatulence that's the that's the economic growth in the u.k. they talk about g.d.p. annualizing at three percent growth but debts and you allowed to get nine percent
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growth and higher if you put the debts that are off the balance sheet like on the bank of england back into the mix the debts compound a good twenty percent a year so three percent a year in g.d.p. growth even though it doesn't even discount for the actual inflation number the fact is you can count me in negative territory they're living on clarity farts they're living on corny farts here that's their entire economic so called growth. as you know as you know. most everyone in my life that i cared about their gold mine and then. i came to skint well. i was a national champion in track and field and also i was able to go and qualify for the olympic games. you know nine hundred eighty eight i started to experiment with
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another. case communications head. and the u.k. prime minister a fails to convince his european partners to cut back on business red tape following reports that regulations are costing british taxpayers tens of billions of pounds a year. but it's nowhere near here to witness them over the real history but this is the first saw him with the big bright image ever been made at the north pole. and our t.v. crew follows the sochi two thousand and fourteen torch relay into the polar night we'll be bringing you the spectacular images from their journey.
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