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tv   Larry King Now  RT  October 30, 2013 11:00pm-11:31pm EDT

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the camp at guantanamo where patients are worse that is going on out there in that car strike never turn world's attention to the point that some gulag of our time. today on larry king now two worlds collide harry potter meets dexter pitts daniel radcliffe and michael c. hall in their title kill your darlings is the idea that you know you have to make very hard decisions and sometimes cup people out of your life in order to grow as a person i really do want others having set plays action you know to fly salacious headlines get people into saving the movie that will end up in the movie plus you have an obsessive compulsive relationship with furniture placement and i wonder what would you think about well right now i'm thinking about just repositioning we couch in the chairs in the living room i mean it's pointless it's a sound i said yeah well doing that's all ahead on larry king now.
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welcome to larry king now a great pleasure to welcome daniel radcliffe and michael c. hall they are the costars of kill your darlings and intense film which we will talk about you know daniel of course from the harry potter series and michael is everybody's favorite serial through with this such a thing as having my favorite serial killer personally i like some of sam but he was. dexter for the everly plays the poet allen ginsberg michael is david cameron of professor who's obsession with ginsberg from lucian carr led to his faithful undoing you an american that's right yeah so you have a switch you american i did yeah i was sort of subtle in new jersey accent for this i just like i was easy to do for you i mean i'm lucky in the sense i've got to read it and you could if for accents and then it just becomes a. exercise and sort of doing it enough that it becomes natural and i time when i'm
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on sat i tend to just sort of remain you know all the time all the time so when you break for coffee he still talks and i reckon yeah yeah yeah it's not always i mean i knew full well that daniel was not american but i was struck when i heard an actual accent was so accustomed speaking as i watched him in how to succeed in business a great children she sang and danced you were tremendous and i was american and that as well as we're going to do broadway again i would love to i went by the yeah and it was fun to do that quest i christened it like this i just did a show in london which we sort of for a moment was talking about taking the boat of unfortunate didn't didn't happen because there was no fast because broadway is booming but it was great but we didn't get to go unfortunately didn't yeah i did pretty much exclusively theater before i started the t.v. stuff at six feet under in new york on and off broadway and regionally six feet on the legion first series yeah that was my first thing of any significance on screen
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how did this kind of this part come to you i told you i know alan jones robot who i interviewed down does where i think three or four times he was a wonderful interview so yeah he was supposed to be great fun very oh yeah i'm talking very verbal and he loved to talk he loved being asked questions you know he was posed i mean you his stories about people who sort of late in his life you know would be hosting you know book festivals over the road so something in that and they just write to him and he would respond and often come in like it was time you know he was supposed to be a kind of a generous guy very easily had to you know how do you tell me you study you might not have this film come about i met with john krokidas the director who also co-wrote the script probably about two years before the movie actually happened and told him how much i loved the script i was aware of the story of david cameron's murder was really excited that it was being told and so well told but you know by the time he called me again i'd pretty much forgotten about it and then. it was you
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know like fun and money in your pocket then forgot was there you know here in the movie was actually happening after it sort of floated out of my mind so i was i was thrilled that it was actually happening when i interviewed him i never knew this story you know is it said that's one of the things i think that was so exciting to me when i first read it was as michael said that the idea that i mean michael was aware of the story i absolutely was and you know the idea that i was this little known story involving three such celebrated sega's. story that was such an impact from moment in the lives and never been told was was a very exciting prospect of you played to me just as though you know the way i play david camm or guy who's. been in lucian carr's life lucian cars a contemporary of bergen burroughs and caroline the writer too he was and i think he aspired to be a writer but he was someone who galvanized these other guys around sort of common sense ability. of this new vision but. the camera was
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a surrogate father of sorts mentor to lucian carr was his student is he originally was his scoutmaster and yeah and followed him from institution to institution or school the school i should say obsessed with obsessed with him it was a co-created relationship and codependent relationship i think the way. i think there was i don't i don't know that they actually acted on whatever intimacy or affection they experienced for one another i mean by the time you meet them in the film lucian is ready to distance himself from camera on camera can he wept it was ginsburg's role in this when the allen ginsberg went to columbia university in one nine hundred forty four and met lucian car and he you know at least in was one of these people that just had the same kind of a charisma and alland much like david just felt totally and low. with him and and
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and lucian they had a relationship they had something i mean you know alan alan the movie you know we showed them kissing and. you know alan was definitely you know in love with lucian when we first met him and he was an incredibly important part of this life and then he was the person introduced ginsberg to bars and kerouac and so in a way i was very much a founding member of the beat generation although his he's sort of what todd since since the events in this movie took place and since murdering david to kind of raise his part of the history and who plays lucian played by dane de haan his fantastic young actor how do you describe this i don't know i think it's a coming of age story it's a love a love story in a sense they say the best stories are stories one recorded love in a way there are these parallel stories of unrequited love both for ginsburg's character and cameras character their love for lucian cars and recorded and it is
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a thriller of sorts i mean i think part of what's exciting about the movie is it's populated by these future icons but it could stand up on its own even if these characters were not things as a young girl you know how did you get the part of the projects and why i did when i was doing it was in new york on broadway the director of the film john created came to see that time he was you know kind of making lists for the movie of actors and then he saw the play and then sent me the script and i i loved it and we met and and that was it really that it was quite a long process for me is about five almost five years since that now and. dishing for it and go to it and then go back to pot so we were able to finish it the movie didn't happen and then they would refuse recast and that happened again and then when they were refinancing it another time john came back to me and said would you still be a part of their life it is and often is this this is doesn't so it's an up or a time to move well that's the thing it's a. i feel like it is important to say it can and you know when you talk about this
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film it can sound very dark and very intense but there is you know we're also making a film about young guys having the time of their lives you know as much as there was this darkness to all these guys they were having an incredibly fun excited time and you can't make a movie about the beats of this age without making it fun as well so if this was what year it was nine hundred forty three and one hundred forty four and it was pretty beat what it was the thing is that it's the formation of it's them it's very it's you know it's the origins movie because it goes well known out of the cereal ration it says freshman year yeah and he's favored it through through singing through this event of the mud really is what sort of this this combination of factors in his life is really what fight him up to start writing in the way that he in the way that he did you know the murder was a real creative catalyst for all of them i've heard it referred to as the beat big band. you get killed i do the first one of the first images of the film as
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my character and then of course you flash a flashback of those scenes difficult. yeah yeah i mean i think i think the the more difficult the more fun in a way the more of the more challenging the more seemingly impossible or fun it is to take the leap especially with something like this we have twenty four days to do it so the really really was a lot of time to think you know. trust our instincts and trust john groupie to this our fearless leader he had a real enthusiasm and tenacity that i think kept us all focused dissolve and get involved in the solving of the crime he's involved in the in the aftermath of it because basically in this era you know it's not a political film but one point the film does make it how the justice system in the states at the time was that if you. lucian basically tried to portray david as a homo sexual predator himself as being heterosexual and that at that point in history your child would be downgraded from to manslaughter and he said you know
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vastly even less a sentence and he would have done otherwise and he tried to get alan to write his deposition to the d.a. for him if he didn't do. well dogs oh yeah lazy the. this is not really the reveal because we can we can reveal that he died because in the first of the movie riots i don't notice forums like you know the title. ok. ok killing your dog kill your darlings and the idea of killing your darlings in a sort of literary sense is the idea the rights that should take out of that work any of that sort of you know a sentimental habits and things that crutches that they lean on in their work because that's the only way to achieve real growth as as a writer and in a metaphorical sense and of it sort of is the idea that you know you have to make very hard decisions and sometimes top people out of your life in order to grow as a person can we it's good and as i said a lot of fun as well. it was
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a huge fun making if you will both roles that time to stamp you. potter and dexter was it hard to ditch that was eight years or eight to overcome typecasting. i don't know you know i did say that it goes with the territory if you're going to make an open ended commitment to a character in play for a long time that you may well be associated with that character but i'm glad to be associated with a character that has as much dimension grew and changed as much as dexter did and. at least in the case of john krokidas he imagined me doing something being on the receiving end of murder so i turned the tables on myself. but yeah i think it's inevitable i would be associated with the part but i'm proud of that to a degree how many partners did you do eight and soon it was it is a part of every way and is in business of the others i. thought of the one agent one why split time if you started filming the first film i was eleven and we
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finished i was twenty one so it's ten years back and you know like michael says it's very proud of that still and i you know i i think we did something really kind of you know unique and remarkable and to make it an eight film series of them to get better and better until the last one which i do think is the best you know is that doesn't happen all the time so was it hard to break away from it when you sunny so many disparate things yeah i mean i think the truth is if you put yourself out there and and and you know show a willingness to take do challenging material then people are going to give you opportunities to do it and it depending on you know that it is up to you to make the best of those or not but i mean so far i've been lucky in the fact as people have given me you know john came in so many that was and thought me for this and and you know every week every job brings an opportunity to learn something hopefully and keep getting better or is it like to work with him it was fantastic i mean daniel was really our leader on the set and. along with being
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a very talented actor he has a. professionalism and focus and an enthusiasm and a sort of indiscriminate kindness that i think sets a great tom. thanks there is a section this with his. best friend says it's still too early you would think that's kind of like you know i know you would really think it's kind of you know people be used. to get is yeah i mean i don't think rocky i mean it's i don't think yeah i mean i think it's only shocking in the context of you know my career and what the thought that my read my letters had been said yeah exactly and i had that and i think you know that's a human. thing you know that that does you know it's an easy headline you know that's reality ways an easy thing for people to write about and it's and it's you know but it's i'm kind of a pragmatist about this so even if like salacious headlines get people and save
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a movie that little and ups in the movie we're going to find out how each of these wonderful actors supposed speech famous roles they starred in kill your darlings it will be right back. it was a. very hard to take i. want to get on here. that that would that hurt rick perry. but.
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the people. that was a new alert animation scripts scare me a little bit. there is breaking news tonight and we are continuing to follow the breaking news. alexander's family cry tears of joy and a great thing rather that there had to be added red dark and a court of law around. this is a story made for movies playing out in real life. we're back with daniel radcliffe and michael c.
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hall a costar in kill your darlings that opens our top sixteen to new york and l.a. needs are and stops working daniel has three films coming out a t.v. mini series and a play in london michael was more than a decade in the claimed t.v. series and you've got another film coming there's a i want to do it called cold in july the directed by a young director named jim called coming out sometime in the new year and i'm going to do a play in new york starting we're ursula's in january what's it about it's called the realistic joneses about two couples who have sort of remarkably serendipitous things in common and it's with toni collette marisa tomei and tracy letts great the worldly what are you doing that's mother that start a new version of frankenstein with myself and i was not the one playing on tango the hunchback assistant. with the hunt yet my fellowmen what i want as i go. you know i didn't know. that i'm not kidding it's
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not the starring role that one of but it starts it's a new take on it where the story so the whole dr james mack. he's one of the it's kind of it's very cool because he's one of the actors i just read it up to him when i was young and younger and so on the very excited about him. how did you approach dexter a serial killer who is like. well i mean i think the aspiration of the show initially was to to invite an audience to identify with him maybe even like the serial killer all bets would be off if he didn't have his code and weren't killing reprehensible people you know if he were just indiscriminately killing old ladies i don't know what he would like but i you know knew he had to have some inherent affability in terms of the way that he presented himself to the world there was a voiceover element that had a sort of arrive sense of humor and work to maybe. implicate the audience if you're
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watching it and you're hearing what he has to say or you know in the secret that no one else in this world is so you know we knew that we needed to to find a tone that would give the audience a chance to identify with him and i think audiences you know been proven to relish the opportunity to identify with characters that maybe in the past they weren't given a chance to side with did you have any idea it would be the hit it was i you know hope that we'd find a cult audience if you will i didn't into a spate of the cult would be quite as large as it ended up being but i was pleasantly surprised now your father got to do harry and know that. we were in a bathrobe and you know no he delivered the news the related by he didn't like. drugs i don't remember that he was doing. that that's all i do most of my work. dried out for me he. can tell me it was it was a definite he said
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a defining moment in my life how do you approach carrie i mean to be honest it's it was it was hard to say that i hadn't approached my stuff it i just i was kind of just going on instinct. and and having a member you know it was a really around the third film by started sort of thinking how the acting a lot more and and you know it was a real learning one i definitely feel i was on right till the end of the series what do you make of here they're going to make another reply that well you know sign off yes i did you know i'm now in the in the position of kind of caring about it with the rest of everybody you know i know i don't have an inside track anymore i have joined a role of writing it actually is i know that much but i don't really know what it's about or anything but i'm i will look forward to it with with everyone i will someone please like a grant for the i don't know i think it's like i think i've led to believe i think it says in the it's like it's a prequel it's set in the in the past so i don't think i would have been born but yeah maybe his some grandparent. but i don't i don't i want i don't really they would tell you a little when i released
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a consultant or even said give me adam should i tell him i do i don't think i could stay claimed i mean trade to see what would they do with it and what you know what how how that was going to be expanded i think jo rowling probably fails you know very confident in going back to having stepped away and had success with in other ventures to come back to when you know expand the world that she knows people love so much i think it's very exciting and we have some social media questions for you slither and say on twitter wants to know how hard was it to remember an american accent was shooting kill your darlings and juggle to get and slipped into british no i mean i think once i once you get on set in the morning and sort of start talking in the acts and for the first like sort of twenty minutes half hour days of take time to warm up and then once you're into it's quite easy to stay at it and then coming out it's actually harder really yes sometimes get back into it just have this weird look transatlantic accent for me i sound like you know my goal is on facebook as michael hall did you research the real david did you create him from
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your own vision. and probably a combination of both i mean there certainly was less to go on with david cameron and. there was for daniel and other people who were playing these people about whom we know a great deal but there were enough things in ginsburg's journals realtime accounts of the first time he met david cameron things like that to hang my hat on and make informed decisions as i did fill in the blanks that were there to. tina to rezone facebook wants to know how previous does you both played influence your performance in kill your darlings i mean i think. i learn from every every every day you take something off take it you know the stage then out which is a state of constant learning in the moment but i'm not sure other stops but you know it's i feel like i take something from every job which i use on the next cymbidium yeah i think so i don't know if there are specific traits of previous characters but i think every time you work your fashioning new tools that you put
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in your toolbox and maybe some of those old tools were appropriate to use this time around even white on facebook if you could work with one actor or actress who would be. he go on i can't think of go on an old days around as a trial. robert of all. he's still around good guy. tom sparrow on instagram i saw you done with dexter for good there was talk of a spin off that's something that i can't even begin to. think about it some more distance between myself and dexter before i even try to wrap my mind around that possibility jason keep going on twitter do you guys were hers scenes or do you read the script and then do the film we did actually have on this job we had four days russell which is more than you get a lot of jobs so yeah that was really useful and the same guy ask you that you did it in person nation of me oh on the kevin pollak show only because i was.
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it was a command performance that he does with all of his you know interview you have to impersonate me right did you try i gave it a shot what did you what does sound like. well like i don't mind it was oh it was good as i'm hearing from you now it was it was it was pretty bad. idea simon it was you say you say. you tell some random and perhaps salacious or or off color story and then you go to the phones so i said something about something i used to do with my dog i'll probably not say it here and then i was like boise. ok. we have a. response in this game if you want to you know you move to first go and you kissed yes it was their name. had he they had to be in britain yeah. yeah i was
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i was holding him. for thing we had one like her. in the countryside unlike. romantic rural england. i know what happened. on might now. only a first kiss angela peacock and your empty talk yeah yeah oh yeah it was i can under you know sing with caroline i was not and we talked about earlier for i may when we're. in the garden yeah yeah i was a randy little five year old we were in you know well i did it while we were out buying the racers oh i love the you know when you clean the orange i say their job yeah clean the blackboard. proudest creative achievement. probably either this film or learning to dance how to succeed you witness and i go. you know i think i
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think just first shared like volume of consistent work dexter. rolled it did you ever turn down a road you were granted. yet if you muslim no never had to do it no in fact i but you know sometimes the things you say no to are as important as the things you said yes to and i i don't regret any of those most people worry about money and what keeps you up at night i'm worried about. you know just general anxiety about how i thought my job i suppose is doing my job well though and you know whining about that stuff i go yeah i think yeah nagging questions surrounding work or just of obsessive compulsive preoccupations with pleasure. i mean let's get into that ok you have an obsessive compulsive relationship with furniture placement yeah i mean the kind of things you know like you're waking up
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like why am i thinking about this you know what i want what would you please about that i mean just you know you do moving on well right now i'm thinking about just repositioning the couch in the chairs in the living room so that they're facing each other with the fireplace here as opposed to the i mean it's pointless it's a sound i said yeah well do i know doing it is there a name for that. probably i don't i'm giving you some new. careful. maybe if that's about fantasy football and the n.f.l. on the huge value of dodging keep me up and i owe your teams support the giants don't say anything when you're rooting for the giants do you do so in an american accent that's all i like i don't because i found it amuses all my friends much more if i shall in english yet if i shall american football things and he was able to draw them from doing plays in front of you why did i was in new york one of the boomer and. brought us that to just like gave me a chance i made it as a way you say do you have
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a took me down to the base and said this is wrong he's the only just found in the building he's miserable thank you both very much daniel radcliffe and michael c. hall i'm larry king you can follow me on twitter at kings things i'll see you next time.
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cross talk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want. his love. of. dreams. he couldn't hold on to raise such a thing. and now she runs her own factory. a little smoking and even coffee is forbidden they worship the earth.
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will he be able to win. his woman. more news today. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. giant corporations are today. so there i marinate and this is boom bust here are some of the stories are tracking for you today. first up could j.p. morgan settlement be a bust worth is things may be going south for the very very big bank meanwhile sac capital stevie cohen could also be looking to settle and we'll tell you about the
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possible price it could cost him and putting princess as that and just how valuable was that internship you had way way way back in college some are challenging the ones unpaid gigs are now pay its dues we sit down with eric the latter who's been in the middle of it all and finally the corporation behind some of the world's most expensive accessories lost one of the main mix so is l b m h about to lose another big name plus it may be time to stock up on your favorite bottle of the know why well the wind could be drawing on the vine scary stuff argy producer rachel corrie's is joins me to talk about this later in the show but let's get to today show.


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