tv Headline News RT October 31, 2013 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT
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for your media project. r t v dot com. coming up on our t.v. it seems the catholic church and the pope have caught the eye of the n.s.a. and italian magazine reports that the n.s.a. was spying on the bad again and the papal more on the holy spying revelations ahead and in syria an important deadline on chemical weapons was reached when that weapon inspectors say that the syrian government government chemical weapons have now been destroyed or rendered inoperable coming up we'll look at the latest coming out of syria. and on the internet there is a video of a marine calling out senator john mccain the marine criticized mccain for supporting u.s. intervention in syria calling for the politician to be arrested and tried for treason we'll speak with the marine about his actions later in the show.
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it's thursday october thirty first four pm in washington d.c. i'm lynn neary david and you're watching our t.v. . we begin today with the latest revelation to leak regarding the national security agency and italian magazine called panorama is now reporting that the spy agency has targeted the internal communications at the vatican along with the in going and outgoing phone calls of future pope francis according to the reports the n.s.a. was intercepting calls from in and out of the rome residence where the cardinals stayed during the papal conclave additionally the magazine details how the n.s.a. has been categorizing those phone calls into everything from foreign policy objectives to threats to the financial system that can spokesman father federico lombardi quickly dismissed these allegations and said quote we don't know anything about this and in any case we don't have any concerns about it the n.s.a. has also responded to the allegations by saying quote the national security agency
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does not target the vatican assertions that the n.s.a. has targeted the vatican published in italy's panorama magazine are not true however this article comes in the wake of a damning report based on documents released by former government contractor edward snowden of course we know that the spy agency has monitored the communications of thirty five different world leaders along with many of the citizens in their respective countries so here to give us a little more insight on how the church is responding to these allegations i'm joined by jimmy akin he's a senior apologist at catholic dot com jamie thank you so much for joining me thank you amir it's a pleasure to be here so at this point the n.s.a. is flatly denying that these allegations are true at the same time the magazine is not cited a source for this information but whether it's true or not how detrimental are rumors like this to u.s. relations with the vatican. i don't think they're particularly detrimental. for the
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liberty displayed a new statement i think is pretty typical of what you'd expect in terms of whether the allegations are true the vatican or issues or the italian prose is. the rumor fed and without citing sources you can't really place a lot of confidence in what it says normally but in this case we know that all the major world powers spy on all the other major world powers all the time so i don't think the reporters particularly in doubt i would assume that the u.s. is spying on the vatican just like it does every other country and like you mentioned the vatican is saying that they're not at all concerned about this of course it is a very different reaction than that of other countries who have found out that they are being spied on i mean what do you really make of that response i think it's because i think the difference is because of what the vatican is if you're a normal country like germany or england or france you know the u.s. is spying on you but when that comes to the attention of the press you want to act outraged to reassure your population that you're taking steps to deal with the
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problem on the other hand the holy see is not a normal nation it's not concerned with national politicking the way france or germany or or or or england would be instead it's concerned with getting the message of jesus christ out to the world and so it's native instinct is going to be to try to rise above that kind of national politicking outrage share and jimmy you know we've long heard popes rail against war an income inequality not quite the most controversial of issues so why do you think the n.s.a. even cares about what's going on at the vatican well the the holy see. is the head of the catholic church i mean it's the organization that heads the catholic church and one in six human beings is a catholic there are a billion catholics in the world that means that the pope and the people around him have a lot of influence in the world and it would only be natural that the u.s. would be interested in what they're planning on doing and indeed the holy see has
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cooperated with the u.s. significantly in the past it had a role for example in ending the cold war and bringing down the soviet bloc pope john paul the second cooperated with margaret thatcher and ronald reagan to do that he did it in a behind the scenes way but that was an important incentive cooperation the holy see has also taken positions that have influenced american politics you know plays with most recently when president obama seemed intent on going to war with syria the current pope pope francis organized a world day of prayer to stop that and guess what we're not at war with syria. absolutely well according to the magazine the n.s.a. has been categorizing the vatican's communication into four different categories i want to take a look at them there's leadership intentions what they call leadership intentions foreign policy objectives human rights and then threats to the financial system now i find the last one the most interesting what threats to the financial system does
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the vatican pose or might might pose well that one's a bit of a head scratcher for me because the holy see doesn't have a particularly large amount of economic clout caijing really the holy see will make statements about policy suggestions for maybe how to help the world economy and how to help people grow. eloping world but it's it doesn't wield a lot of financial power if it isn't that big financially it does have an institute known as the institute for the works of religion which is kind of a bank that set up to help coordinate charitable activities and currently the pope both pope francis and his predecessor pope benedict have been working to kind of clean up some of the activity there and put the vatican bank on a more rigorous footing and integrated into the european banking system but it's a small bank in the scale of things and so i don't i don't really know what kind of threats they would imagine the holy see would post hold all very very interesting i
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really appreciate you coming on and giving us some insight on that jimmy aiken senior apologist at catholic dot com thank you thank you and it's no secret that the life of former government contractor edward snowden has been anything but normal for the past five months but just a few months after getting asylum in russia it seems like the whistleblower may be heading back to a normal jive because according to his lawyer he's now secured himself a brand new job artie's igor piskun up has more. putting john i thought he could should you know lawyer who has also been representing edward snowden in russia the former n.s.a. contractor will start working for a major russian web site in the am or so possibly even as soon as tomorrow in his department of technical support mr bush really didn't specify which web site exactly we do know that earlier russia's largest social networks contacted offered him a job as a security specialist so we don't know whether or not snowden will actually be
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going to work or will it will he be doing it from home since his exact location is still unknown due to security reasons that was artie's igor piskun up reporting. and president obama will host iraqi prime minister nouri al maliki at the white house tomorrow the white house said in a statement that the discussion between the leaders will focus on the long term post-war partnership between iraq and the united states that post-war partnership is something the prime minister is extremely concerned about as the security and stability of iraq on rattles prime minister al maliki made that message very clear today while speaking publicly at the united states institute of peace r.t. arabic correspondent rima has more there is one message iraq's prime minister nouri maliki has been pushing during his visit to washington d.c. this week help me fight terrorism in my country because maliki says well not only
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help iraq but the region here's what he said during his speech this morning in washington d.c. fault by all countries and societies would like we want an international war a global war against terror if we're on to war we want this surge would war against those who are killing people getting flocculation who are calling for blood shed for ignorance and do not belong to. logic to govern our daily lives the main challenge iraq faces remains the same a rise of attacks that has claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of civilians arise now he says as a result of violence in syria but maliki was in washington d.c. to try to convince both the administration and the lawmakers to step up their support to help him fight terrorism in iraq is having trouble convincing them
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congress who experts say take a harder line on iraq that obama sent a letter to the u.s. president asking him to be so far on maliki in it they say they blame the maliki government for the rise of violence in iraq the letter says that maliki pursues a sixty ariane and authoritarian agenda which strengthens al qaida in iraq senator mccain one of the six republicans and democrats who signed the letter saying that washington's assistance to iraq should be sized to a new more developed strategy and real changes in iraq so experts know that maliki will face many challenges and trying to convince both the administration and the congress to as he said in his speech make a fresh start in a complicated relationship with the u.s. and his meeting with president obama at the white house tomorrow is only one step forward on a very bumpy road the mohammed the artsy washington d.c.
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. and the international chemical weapons watchdog group responsible for overseeing the destruction of syria's chemical weapons now says the country has met its deadline meaning all chemical weapons have been destroyed or rendered inoperable the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons says its teams inspected twenty one out of twenty three chemical weapon sites across the country the other two were too dangerous to inspect but the group says the chemical equipment had already been transferred over to secure sites it's something that was discussed today as congressional leaders met to talk about the state of syria at a special senate foreign relations committee hearing artie's sam sachs brings us more from capitol hill nearly two months ago the senate foreign relations committee approved using military force in syria to respond to alleged chemical weapons use it was a close vote in the committee ten senators supporting using force seven senators against but ultimately u.s. military strikes were averted after the russian stepped in and negotiated
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a deal approved by the assad government in syria and the un security council to turn over chemical weapons to the international body for destruction war was averted well today that same senate foreign relations committee met again to be updated on the situation in syria at this hearing comes just as the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons announced that syria will meet the imposed november first deadline to have all chemical weapons production and mixing facilities destroyed given the progress made over the intervening months using diplomacy instead of committee approved military strikes some senators question the ability of the u.s. military to solve problems around the world there were senators ed markey and tim kaine both democrats we have to approach all of this with a lot of humility given what we've learned after we intervened in iraq in libya in afghanistan. after what we've seen go on in egypt so we should just
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have a little humility in the united states terms of our ability to control events on the ground in these countries there's a fatigue that the american public are feeling now about the limits of our efforts in this part of the world as senator mark you mentioned the kind of we've we we've had you brits and now we have you know what about the effects of our outcomes ultimately though disarming syria of chemical weapons is just one issue a war that has claimed the lives of more than one hundred thousand people and created a humanitarian crisis while raging for more than two years with another round of talks in geneva slated for next month the american ambassador to syria robert ford argued that the u.s. must continue its support to the syrian opposition to strengthen their hand heading into negotiations where the u.s. and the opposition will demand assad step down from power but ultimately this is a problem that needs to be solved by syrians not by u.s. missiles ultimately senator syrians must fix this problem and ultimately senator
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it's going to require them to sit down at a table the sooner they start the better but in the meantime we will keep helping the opposition senator in response senators bob corker and john mccain one of the fiercest war hawks in the senate expressed regret that the u.s. hasn't done more militarily to help the opposition i think our help to the opposition is bent on embarrassment. and i find it appalling that you would sit here and act as if. we're doing the things we said we would do i am now at a position tragically where i now will have to rely on the saudis to provide them with the weapons that they need because it is patently obvious that the united states of america is not going to do so so there's still a lot of varying opinions on the senate foreign relations committee but for now
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most senators seem ready to let the policy keep working which is a big change from just two months ago when these same senators stepped to the precipice of war on capitol hill in washington d.c. same socks are two. and a new video is now surfacing that shows a u.s. marine strongly addressing senator john mccain at a town hall meeting in his home state of arizona the young marine named blaine cooper read an impassioned letter to the senator where he called him treasonous for encouraging the obama administration to intervene in syria take a look your actions against this country are treasonous all of you against the will of the american people have aided and abetted the enemy you and the rest of congress including the president of the united states have went against the will of your people and syria in syria regardless of your position and vote whether it is a yes or no is still a political smokescreen you swore an oath to protect us and part protect from all
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enemies both foreign and domestic the simple irony is that the message enemy now in this country is the people in government of the united states and mccain and you and the rest of our leaders are accountable for their actions and i'm now joined by marine blaine cooper himself to talk a little bit more about what happened that day point thanks so much for joining me thank you for having me so you stood in front of senator mccain and accused him of treason what pushed you to address him in such a bold fashion. well with the destabilize the destabilization in syria i felt that as a citizen and what's going on in government that a lot of these people that i talk to throughout the internet. who are very good close friends of mine throughout the middle east and here in the states wanted this to be able to tell this to their leaders but nobody is going to their leaders in tolland in these things and asking these questions you know why are we funding an
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al qaeda civil war in syria the u.s. policies in the middle east and in syria or destabilizing the reeds in creating chaos and countless christians are being killed because of it and i felt i had to say something because nobody else was indeed it was very bold i'm interested to get your opinion specifically on syria why do you think the u.s. government was so intent on pushing to intervene militarily. it's funny how they use the children as a a weapon to try to get military intervention in syria. i believe it's over and the oil gas line that's running through syria seems that all of our wars we've pushed have a deeper agenda and we run america tries to run into the guys that were trying to fight terrorism but really it's about resources i believe share and you are of course a marine would you say that there are others in the marine corps that have similar
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concerns or believes. oh yes definitely thousands and that's why i had to go confront them the way i did because a lot of them want to ask these questions and asked a politicians why are you doing this. and you seemed pretty sure in your speech that the u.s. is aiding terrorists some of these elected officials have defended their actions by saying that they are only working off of the evidence they've been provided by intelligence agencies so where's the discrepancy do you think officials are getting all of the information they need to make the right decisions for the country. i think what the politicians are doing are lying to the american people i think they know darn well what they're doing specifically in egypt where you have thirty eight million people rise up against mahama morosi which you know the u.s. united states government gave them one point three billion dollars bomb was
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a big supporter of moslem morosi which is a sponsor of terrorism and he's a part of the muslim brotherhood the people egypt these stood up thirty percent of those people were christians and so we're just not going to do it anymore and they threw out muhammad morosi lindsey graham and john mccain both went over there to try to get him back in the power of the people threw him out sure and blame i do want to take a look at what senator mccain had to say in response to your statement i'm going to play that now but also i look forward to you running for office. nobody's preventing it from that even in this treasonous country i understand that there's a great deal of controversy about some issues but honestly sir when you say that we are guilty of treason that is something that frankly i can't dignify with a response so mccain said that responding would be beneath him he couldn't dignify it with a response i'll give you the opportunity to respond to that since you didn't at the town hall what are your thoughts. well my father why does he feel it's been the
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thing the people like him to do a job to represent people and clearly the politicians are representing themselves so i think that he'll lose all the american people an x x x. a response of why he's why the politicians are doing this in the middle east and in syria and under the code if you know it's if in a court of law that is the law that if you're aiding the bed in the enemy whether in the united states or elsewhere that it is treason chair and lastly wayne of course mccain also said that if you wanted to see change you could just run for office would you ever consider running for office do you think that that could be the best recourse for change. that all the pans. fortunately campaigns are very expensive. i'm not a person i have a lot of money i really don't know much about running for
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a politician it seems if you tell the truth if you're for liberty and freedom and limiting government the media kills you they just want to have nothing to do with anymore they want big progressive government to pursue their agenda. and that's not the american way our way was limited government and it seems if you're not well to a corporation or big banks that you just you don't get in the power why do appreciate you coming and breaking down what what happened that day blame cooper u.s. marine u.s. marine and activist thank you you thank. while the votes are in and forbes has the tally topping its list of the world's most powerful this year is russian president vladimir putin president obama took second place following him as she jinping of china pope francis and rounding out the top five list is german chancellor angela merkel forbes says she uses for criteria to determine the top contenders including
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how many people they govern how much money they oversee how many spheres of influence they have and how actively they use their power to influence others putin is thought to have taken the top spot because of his growing presence on the world stage this year especially considering russia's role in brokering a deal to help syria of its chemical weapons. and more than a thousand people gathered this week in santa rosa california to protest the fatal shooting of thirteen year old andy lopez it was just a week ago that the teenager was shot and killed by a county sheriff who saw lopez holding a pellet gun that resembled an a k forty seven according to the police account to sonoma county sheriff's deputies sol lopez carrying what appeared to be a rifle and immediately called for backup the officers then allegedly repeatedly asked lopez to drop the weapon and when lopez turned to face the officers one of them deputy eric go house opened fire shooting the young boy seven times the parents and the community of ending lopez are frustrated over the shooting they say
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didn't have to happen and they brought that frustration to a rally this week where they carried signs that read quote we are all in the lopez the whole damn system is guilty and andy did not have to die to talk a little bit more about the controversy surrounding this incident i want to bring in our tease from moen go lindo were known at this rally like i mentioned they were chanting andy lopez did not have to die and of course they're putting the blame on the entire system would what do they believe should or could have been done in the situation to avoid this young boy being killed. well this community in santa rosa in northern california is still in a state of shock and mourning after the shooting of thirteen year old and the lopez no house says that he thought he was in danger and the community was in danger when he saw the lopez's toy gun it in knows it's going to the time because they remember it resembles in a case so much but so much so many people in the community are still wondering why
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it is that somebody that is so highly trained cannot use less lethal way of confronting and the lopez from from the sounds of the eyewitness reports and even the testimony of the deputies themselves this all happened very quickly and and as you as we've seen over the past week thousands of people have come out to show their support and love for the family and at this point is there any investigation open as to whether this deputy even acted appropriately in the way he used his weapon while on duty. house who's involved in the shooting has been placed on administrative leave he's a veteran of over two decades of in law enforcement now the f.b.i. has launched their own independent investigation i called the f.b.i. office in the bay area this morning still waiting for response from them the santa rosa police and the petaluma p.d.
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are also investigating this and no more county sheriff because in sonoma county there is a protocol that's been in place for a couple decades now that police agency involved an officer involved shooting can investigate itself in this actually comes from a string of officer involved shootings back in the one nine hundred ninety s. from back in the ninety's there in sonoma county but still despite all these investigations happening there are many in the community who fear that there's not enough transparency in this in that this case will unfortunately turn out like so many other police shootings where the shooting is ruled justified. and interestingly ramon when manny lopez was shot he was wearing a hoodie which is a pretty big symbol there were others at the rally wearing hoodies in solidarity as they protested do you think this incident reminded people at all of what happened in the case of trayvon martin did you see the issue of race or racial profiling discussed at all. the problem a racial profiling and police brutality has been
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a big issue in the bay area even before trayvon martin i mean the n.c.p. least brutality movement has gained a lot of steam in recent years especially after the shooting of oscar grant which has gone viral on you tube yeah and the lopez was wearing a hooded sweatshirt at the time that he was shot and he wasn't wearing the hoodie was not at the time of the shooting but really in this community there does seem to be a lot of. a lot of animosity between the latino community and police in fact sonoma county sheriff has a latino outreach division within it's the partment which really shows that this animosity goes way back in and from the looks of the response that we've seen following the shooting that on the mosque is still quite strong and around as i understand during this rally there was definitely a police presence can you talk a little bit about the rationale why why were there so many were there arrests made or were the were the protests peaceful while the family of andy lopez has
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pleaded with the public and demonstrators to remain peaceful and and they've heeded those calls yes we've seen pictures and videos of police in riot gear. trying to protect certain property from protesters they've told the local media that they expect outside agitators and vandalism however no that has happened and things have remained peaceful and there from the looks of it there will continue to be vigils and rallies throughout the next several days in order to lend support to the lopez's family and to hopefully keep this case in the public limelight hoping that just will be served either way absolutely well we'll have to follow this for sure we'll have you back on again our teaser mongul endo thanks. and that does it for now for more on the stories we covered today go to youtube dot com forward slash r t america check out our website r t dot com for its last usa follow me on twitter adam you're a david stay tuned because boom bust is next. technology
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innovation all the developments around. the future are covered. press and media freedom works nothing. when it comes to the interests of multinationals we have a media that is corrupted by power mostly by corporate power you have corporate ownership from the top down corporate advertising coming in from the side we have the media this is where advertising and money and corporate influence is really the mother's milk a documentary filmmaker is being sued. for the truth is being told the private investigator so some think something taking even reading it happens people buy and
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sell those kind of services pool of the world. hundreds of million dollar industry needs to protect its reputation a few million being spent on the only campaign to do just that just for the goods good money wells well spent. so what will be the verdict. big boy is going bananas. last time of the new alert animation scripts scare me a little bit. there is breaking news tonight and we are continuing to follow the breaking news. alexander's family cry tears of joy at a great thing that. regard at a court found alive is a story made for a movie is playing out in real life. hello
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there i marinate and this is boom bust here are some of the stories we're tracking for you to. j.p. morgan city of sideline there. cheap currency dealers in london following allegations of currency market manipulation we'll tell you about the chat room yes that's right chat rooms that got them into some very hot water and the man who personified brazil's boom is now busted. wow that's what's hard to say but tista built a financial empire but yesterday his flagship oil company's a player the biggest bankruptcy in lot of american history will talk about how all the chips came tumbling down and we want a man who cuts through the jargon with you today.
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