tv Headline News RT November 3, 2013 6:00am-6:30am EST
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my mother was killed my children were injured and i'm so glad that people are going to hear our story about a stunning family talk starts here after outlining to the u.s. congress the full horror of a cia drone strike. e.u. officials head to washington hoping to on earth the truth about america's spying program reach millions of europeans have found themselves targeted by but. it's worse for obama not. who's running the show the country's leadership seems to be unclear on what its national security agency is doing as we report later. the syrian government dismantles its chemical production facilities but the disarmament process hangs in the balance as some rebel groups continue to defy the deal plus. there's water in the beach and it's nice there's nothing really bad
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about here before it's passed down the nose we lubricated the smiles of u.s. military officers mask the pain full force feeding of detainees at guantanamo bay the reports from behind the barbed wire. are watching the weekly this sunday here in archie with me and he said now it's good to have you with us we have the latest news plus a look back at the week's top stories. putting a human face to america's so-called war on terror in pakistan a family of drone strike victims testified in front of congress this week having lost their grandmother in what was reported as a precision strike on militants they asked lawmakers why the u.s.
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targeted their home arties going to canada with the emotional briefing. this was the first time actual victims of u.s. drone strikes were in congress and apart from the congressman who initiated this briefing i saw only four other members of congress it's no secret the u.s. congress generally approves of growth strikes so it's very difficult to expect the sudden change of heart even though hart was with these drone victims were appealing through one of the twenty fourth of last year a u.s. drone strike left this pakistani family devastated the nine year old girl and her thirteen year old brother nearly escaped death that day their sixty seven year old grandmother was killed vegetable garden. i no longer love blue skies i prefer the gray skies the drones do not fly when this kinds agree and for a short period of time the mental time and fear eases but when this kind of run the drones return and so does the fear you know this family has never been abroad out of their home in north waziristan and the father of this family said he looked at
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the life around here. he wished his children to be able to walk the streets not afraid of being bombed at any moment. my mother was killed my children were injured i'm so glad that people are going to hear our story that's why we came to america i have no idea why our village in my house was talking to. the family came to washington of course hoping to get answers to why they have to live in fear every day i have no idea why my grandmother was killed when the drone hate i was outside with my grandmother everything became dark i was scared so i started to run then i noticed my hand was bleeding so i tried to clean my hand but a lot kept coming out but i was very scared so i just kept running. we also learned that the u.s. government did not grant to the lawyer of this family a prominent practice any lawyer who has sued the cia in the past on behalf of the victims of drone strikes in pakistan four hundred fifty thousand vocalisation of.
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his yes. you know concentration. on this will work trying to move your show on how long for someone. s.u.v. this is dog and at the same time do nor to be in a position to leave the purpose of this briefing to put a human face to drone strikes there is therefore a chance that in congress the tragedy of this family will fall on deaf ears but there is hope that the public notice in washington i'm going to check out. that family's grandma on their mom on the b.b. was among the up to nine hundred civilian fatalities estimated by rights groups instrument strikes in pakistan began in two thousand and four an amnesty international report published last week said these unlawful killings could amount to war crimes but activists brian becker agrees if nothing shocks the conscience
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of the congress like this nothing ever will we see that this is a criminal action by the u.s. government those drone pilots who carried out the direct violent death of this sixty seven year old grandmother they should be arrested and so should their superiors it's not acceptable for a lawless a program like the drone attacks the targeted killings of people all over the world by the united states government unilaterally deciding who lives and who dies it's not acceptable to have a series of analysts a partial apologies or compensations for the people they call collateral damage the program is inherently criminal it's outside the laws of the international community it's outside the un charter the united states' government is the only government in the world that dares to irrigate to itself the right to carry out targeted assassinations of whoever it decides should be killed. and coming up later in the program striking down the peace process a u.s.
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drone attack killed a top taliban leader who was poised to hold keep talks with the pakistani government. a group of angry e.u. officials has been spending this week in washington d.c. seeking the truth about america's global surveillance operations europe has stressed repeatedly that spying is not what friends and allies do and such activities will not be tolerated germany sent its own delegation to the white house to investigate the revelations the u.s. chancellor merkel's phone mounting questions and criticism have pushed president obama to launch a review of the country's intelligence operations and it seems europeans weren't the only ones kept in the dark over the n.s.a.'s practices secretary of state john kerry claimed both he and the president weren't aware of some of the things the n.s.a. did saying the agency ran certain operations on autopilot since they have the technology and ability to do so well contrast this with a statement by the n.s.a.
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chief keith alexander who said his agency is told by policymakers who despise alexander pointed out that u.s. ambassadors were also among those ordering the snooping ray mcgovern who worked as a cia officer under seven different u.s. administrations says if president obama really didn't know what the n.s.a. was doing it would raise many important questions. i think in many ways it's worse for obama not to have known who's who's running the show it where does the buck stop so equally bad is that he knew or he didn't know this backfilling and this really didn't between the n.s.a. chief who were shown to be very fast and loose with the truth. alexander for one and then clapper who. was the head of the intelligence apparatus who is admitted to lying to the congress felony that there to sort of try to defend themselves by telling everyone they told the president every i don't know whom to believe because
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both sides have been very sparing with the truth. well in its search for the truth about america's spying germany has reached out to the person behind the global scandal edward snowden a green party m.p. has met with a former cia employee in moscow to discuss his assistance in a potential investigation into the n.s.a.'s operations he says the words of the u.s. can no longer be trusted. i think it's important to work together with mr snowden rather than putting him in prison we'd like more clarity on these allegations and we want to make sure something like this doesn't happen again snowden worked for many years for the cia and n.s.a. so i'm sure he can tell us everything we need to know about the leaked documents because as we've seen the n.s.a. has been very scarce with providing information i also think that the organization including n.s.a.
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chief keith alexander aren't always being truthful they once claimed they'll never break german laws on their surveillance operations but tapping the chancellor's phone is not legal that's why i have trouble trusting u.s. intelligence officials. the lawyer who's been helping out over snowden in his attempt to avoid u.s. prosecution explain why his client will have difficulties aiding term and officials despite his willingness to help. bush took a new course edward snowden can't leave russia because he's got refugee status here and if he travels to a different country he loses it so germany has any questions for mr snowden this could be resolved through treaties exist between germany and russia and edward wouldn't have to travel there to testify the level of danger is still hard but we hear comments from the u.s. government almost on a daily basis that edward is still on the wanted list we've done everything possible to ensure his security as far as surveillance and wiretapping goes i
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wouldn't comment on that because those who have been following the situation around snowden know what u.s. intelligence is capable of. you can always get more updates videos and expert analysis on the n.s.a. scandal on our website r t dot com president bush's press secretary has reiterated that while he remains on russian soil the fugitive whistleblower is free to talk to whoever he wants for guarding germany's investigation and what other sides of the conflict have to say about that r t dot com. the chemical disarmament of syria reached its first milestone this week as the conflict stricken country successfully dismantled most of its active toxin production facilities to site couldn't be reached by inspectors due to heavy fighting in those areas of syria now has two weeks to agree with the world's chemical weapons watchdog on a road map to destroy all of its remaining toxic agents coleslaw reports now from
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damascus. dangerous and dirty that's how the nobel prize committee described the work of chemical weapons inspectors inside syria not to mention they brutally tight deadline october twenty five damascus provides a detailed plan of its chemical weapons stockpiles done october twenty seven foreign inspectors visited all declared sites missed. syria finishes destroying all equipment used in the production and mixing of poison gas and nerve agents done we eliminate. whatever we can but you know this is a very complicated the process complications filled by so called security concerns and that's the reason why one deadline already has been missed one of the biggest problems the tween faces is how to access sites in rebel controlled areas so far the rebels have been unwilling to cooperate foreign inspectors have managed to visit twenty one of twenty three sites and although they haven't verbally blamed
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the rebels damascus insists it's doing its share until now. those. sites being visited are under government control and we hope those who are controlling. the groups tell them to implement what they are expected to implement it's the most difficult mission if undertaken by the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons destroying a country's chemical weapons stockpile in the midst of a civil war story with syria actually stop producing chemical weapons in one thousand nine hundred eight as a possessed alternatives that can be a strategic substitution and are not in conflict with international law but none of this answers the reason why foreign inspectors are in damascus in the first place a chemical attack on august twenty first in which hundreds of people were killed off two rockets with sarin gas were fired at damascus the suburbs those responsible are still at large the next deadline in the destruction of syria's chemical weapons
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program is the middle of next year by then damascus must have destroyed or removed its entire stockpile and ambitious timeline in very difficult circumstances policy r.t. damascus. just a few minutes away failed expectations. it's like the first two if you can we think. oh maybe we need you to get your body. with you know our correspondent meets the desperate immigrants some of whom now feel they should never have left their home country. what the so these have done invade and occupy another that come through which is their home that we could have taken place without the full consent of the americans and what we've actually seen any i meant propped up by the americans come up with
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their own initiatives to replace one dictator doctors saw this and in a place imply another dictator which is a staunch ally also about this to protect its own backyard go ahead let's not forget that the arab spring is a crisis moment in international politics it is the moment in which you can put the genie back in the baltic because the people on the ground in those countries for example in egypt there is a nationalist swing towards the sea but do we really think that sisi is going to be able to become an old forward cerium without the people rising up again.
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welcome back here with r t live from moscow more than a dozen detainees continue their hunger strike at guantanamo bay prison in protest over being held indefinitely without charge most of them are being force fed in a manner described by human rights groups as torture but the u.s. military continues to defend the controversial practice on the sea of churkin the reports from inside the notorious center. every morning at eight am the u.s. national anthem erupts across the base that holds america's most scandalous prison no one likes to be spit on no one wants to have their own on torture hunger strikes and suicides have marred this place since two thousand and two and they're human beings after all they're there's no reason to expect that they enjoy being here you know we pretend otherwise prisoners held indefinitely in the name of the never ending war on terror whether they're innocent or guilty is not our job right now we have the court system determined that in just over a decade
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a total of seven hundred seventy nine prisoners the majority released without charges today one hundred sixty four remain over half of them cleared for release but still kept locked up. on the other side of the barbed wire. life is a blast. there is water and it's nice as i thought really bad and i here just like any common american town now is awfully scared to come here but i mean it's absolutely beautiful place when you get around other stuff getting around the other stuff is not hard a lot of what goes on here is kept under a thick veil of denial and secrecy camp delta house as a hospital and library and this is also the place where patients are force fed and even though the hunger strike is largely and officially said to be over we know that at least fifteen people are continually being force fed here today a tube is passed down through a person's nostril and pushed all the way down to their stomach before it's passed
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down the nose we lubricate it and we give the patient a choice that they want to have. which is agent it will numb the area or if they want to lubricate the tube. most of our patients have been using all of you seem to like it in fact some of our patients are so used to this they will. described which nostril they want this while major world medical bodies are in agreement that force feeding is not ethical and should not be practiced the force feeding them i've got my clients of experience to guantanamo they've certainly described this torture the restraint chair that they're strapped into they actually call the torture chair an arabic force feeding takes up to forty five minutes and is performed twice a day the patients that had the civilian world have said it feel strange i've never heard insisting on. i have not heard that good move fishes are beyond nonchalant
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about the highly criticized practice you might feel differently from the way i might feel uncomfortable has been the most of it i have heard but they don't even believe in what this thing anymore because they know it sounds stupid i volunteer that the procedure be demonstrated on me request declined the prisoners who've not met one another and speak different languages keep saying the same thing that we were tortured used. tied. to the chair legs to the ground they. struck across and they forced in a tube into our noses never in thirteen years have detainees been allowed to speak directly to a journalist while remaining at get most only leaking statements through lawyers they would love nothing more than to sit down with journalists and just tell them you know about their daily lives but communicating seems to only occur here if someone was it a point where maybe they had been verbalizing a lot of hopelessness we were immediately intervening and trying to assist that person to make sure that there wasn't any thoughts of maybe wanting to
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harm themselves or in their lives with charts like these often used to pinpoint patients despair you asked them how do you feel right now and they'll be able to point to it we have not had a patient in this area. thank heavens meanwhile six suicides and dozens of suicide attempts have taken place at the detention facility we haven't seen any autopsies the u.s. government hasn't released any formal reports or findings we're now outside two active camps at guantanamo camp five told single cells where the so-called less compliant detainees are held camp number six is one filled with communal cells when officials deem that detainees have behaved better there will be warded by being allowed to live in groups while detainees are kept away from us what we witness are clean empty prison cells with cozy pajamas colgate toothpaste and maximum security shampoos paraded in front of journalists as proof everything is so much better here
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than any silly horror stories we all have heard and r.t. one ton of cuba a single u.s. drone strike has destabilized the entire peace process in pakistan it killed the leader of the country's taliban group who had been prepared to enter talks security forces are on high alert across the country over fears of a militant one local expert told us that the pakistani people will end up paying the price for the us attack the prime minister of pakistan was in washington d.c. only back and he had spoken to president obama taken him into confidence regarding the dialogue process and it also made a request for the drone attacks to stop because we. had made it a precondition but be drawn attacks must come to an end before they come to the dialogue table but instead of the drone attacks being stop big continued so i mean body who is going to suffer or it is going to be the people of pakistan not the us
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the united states does not have the right to be judge jury and executor all rolled into one without any authority. the french government's proposed eco tax has become something of a ticking time bomb with thousands hitting the streets calling for its immediate scrapping. in the french region of tiny violence erupted between protesters and security forces over the new measure tear gas and water cannons were used to break up the crowds fought back with rocks and bottles. imposed levies on trucks playing more than three and a half tons but it's been suspended amid mounting anger it would only drive companies out of business. and suspected of carrying out a gun attack at los angeles international airport has been charged with murder prosecutors say the death penalty could be sought for policy in syria who stormed a terminal on friday killing
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a security guard and wounding several others meanwhile the airport you're back to operating normally now after the chaos we saw more than a thousand flights delayed or canceled. in northern yemen four days of conflict between rival muslim clowns have killed fifty five people that's according to a spokesman one of the groups further in the week shiite rebels attacked the town of demolish which is held by their rival the country's army said a ceasefire came into effect friday yet the bloodshed continues. in the wake of the biting recession many italians are complaining about the way they are being forced to live by their austerity driven government but that's nothing compared to the misery immigrants in the country find themselves in europe is going to have now reports on the fate of those who end up in squalid conditions no better than the ones they left behind. some call it a city within a city others a refugee ghetto it's like we're still in africa refugees from four african
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countries over twelve hundred people all crammed inside a former university building in rome now known as salaam palace anything that. we may get a better life here but not weren't allowed to film inside the rooms but dr treating the refugees agreed to describe the conditions they with. their thirty five tabs and thirty five showers and eighty percent of them need to be repaired the beds are all sin in very bad condition actually a lot of people sleep in the car thousands of refugees have been flocking to italy mainly across the mediterranean in search of a better life but the country's only economic problems including the worst recession since the second world war provide very little opportunity at the same time just lieschen obliges all refugees to stay in the country where they receive asylum those who manage to avoid registration go further north as illegals but
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those who don't want local shelters are running out of space for all the newcomers without a job or even a place to sleep where do you go for the majority it's the train stations to meeting point for possible work or some cash during the day and makeshift shelter at night which is on a bit of let me space so on sometimes immigrants from different countries fight each other like alabamians and those from bangladesh for example pennies on what they say they make it there are a lot of them here and in other areas nationalities at first they came from southern countries now also from eastern ones the whole region is full of immigrants. or polish or a dizzying gadget and very strong activity but live well also you will not be. solve this problem the e.u. has pledged to give an additional thirty million euros for italy to build more shelters for the refugees but it's unlikely this will help create new jobs or ease the flow of immigrants altogether because it's going off r.t.
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road. on our dot com right now you wouldn't want to mess with these guys. the flagship of russia's pacific fleet and the country's most advanced nuclear power destroyer are now on the waters of the mediterranean and on line on what's behind their mission. plus hundreds of tons of vitamin rich treat in the making the envisioned section of our web site takes one of the visual to more of a planet take plantation i should say where you can dive into a sea of right meaning cranberries. that's already been to the north pole and in just a few days it will be sent into orbit yes we're really talking about the olympic flame it continues to snake its way towards the venue city of sochi ahead of february's winter games is passing through the towns and cities of the world's biggest country and the torch is currently touring russia's northern regions like
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to wrap up this news bulletin with some pictures of this week's highlights of the record breaking journey enjoy it and don't forget you can always follow the flame by logging on to archie dot com. coming up you'll find out what happens when a filmmaker takes on a diet food conglomerate that's after a break stay with us and. a spanish language teacher in texas has been fired for posing nude in playboy before she became a teacher parents and found out about this demand that she be fired because her past was inappropriate and that it was
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a distraction the classroom well this was something she did in the past which was legal so this i mean if you pose for playboy you are forbidden to work in the normal world also as a former teenage boy i can tell you that any young attractive teacher will cause a distraction with the boys and wolf you can fire people for being distracting that when they have to fire every teacher with a handicap or abnormal appearance on the other hand though teachers are supposed to be people for children to respect and to look up to and when you're spares teachers wound us so the good stuff for money to playboy it is a lot harder respect that sort of person and it sure isn't a good example for my daughter this is actually a very complex issue but i can say is that you should really try to fight the temptation to make quick money with some nude photos that could come back to haunt you but that's just my opinion. wealthy british style.
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market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max cons are a no holds barred. the global financial headlines tune into kinds a report. it's not to say that your story isn't given the fans voice coverage from your perspective but it's something that they have got better relationships with the press the need to be stupid is not to be using those to their advantage. i know understand that i'm up against the machine employing scare tactics need to control p.r. spin and dirty tricks these lobbying and public relation firms provide
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a variety of services among the services in some of these firms provide is to actually plant opinion pieces or what we call op eds in american newspapers. they have people on staff who do nothing but sit around all day and write up an opinion piece then they'll go out to a think tank or to a university and recruit someone there with a big name to put their name on the piece and then they will plant the piece in an american newspaper when we got the opposition and saw this david ginsburg declaration i was personally surprised he's in the l.a. copyright society an organization i was president of one time and i remember when we admitted him into the society and and that's a group of people who are primary. you know representing filmmakers defending against these kind of claims so so why did don't bring in the.
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