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tv   Documentary  RT  November 3, 2013 8:45pm-9:01pm EST

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from soon to go morocco as soon as the fish is caught in a big one the one hand it is caught immediately and on the other it gets here within twelve hours packed in styrofoam with a proper a set nine to twelve degrees celsius and it gets here right away within twelve hours. yes of course they buy it it's also cheaper there's not a lot of difference from domestic fish. is something else these people should think if you do that when they eat fish that comes from each illegal fishing they eat the life of a fisherman because that is if the consumers think of that and realise the cost of the money follows. they'll see that them money does not benefit the
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fisherman. now or the fishing communities. say they are foreign companies and very often chinese or spanish if they are the two states that operate like that in west africa and they found out he didn't company which is supposedly senegalese they arrive with the fifteen big industrial
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scale fishing vessels that supposedly being low into the company and so they fish freely. how do they escape the controls. when the ship comes to dhaka he says he seeks a senegalese pot not an infinity senegalese continent becomes the fictitious president. did their big boom in order to deal with the public opinion and the regulations. he besta stamps and everything but it won't be fiddly. however if it's the europeans who exploits the business. when the product arrives the european is here he checks it low doesn't contain is
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a big. and sends it off. he sells it in his cities you can find this product here. to learn to fish is exported to europe. where you can see the container us. all fish goes to europe the white man is here and controls everything all the loads the months the containers and sends them off to europe.
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so by having a flag sometimes as far removed as mongolia when you are on your ship you are basically exempt from a lot of fishing rules because mongolia hasn't ratified certain treaties or as and is not member of certain fisheries management organizations so this way you avoid many rules and regulations to is a clear new poll that needs to be addressed by the international community. the fishermen live day by day and what they earn isn't enough for them to make a living anymore. and that is why there are waves of migration towards spain with even if we get us all the list but to be also. before when fishing when good and it
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fed the people. fishermen had no need to leave for europe ever they had opportunities possibilities and they were not interested in migrating. to the root of europe as the one that organizes the flight of africans to europe organizes illegal migration. e.u. had helped us out in combating illegal fishing all the young fisherman who are abandoning africa instead of going to europe would fish here for there would be a fish and they would make a profit. they would be able to feed their families but when they have nothing to eat when they lack the protein when they have no money they will go where they can find to go to europe america canada. so if the e.u. wants our fish it should accept our children and its country so it can't be that it
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takes our fish are causing misery and then tells our children to stay in their country the main public health issue in the e.u. is obesity. in our countries the main public health issue is famines so this injustice is not sustainable either we live together in a fair and it gala tarion world or we share a world of terror because you would do if i could tell you how many are in the ocean with the sea bottom is full of progress with the dead bodies of our children young people who left in search of adventure. when i was a child i would come to see because i loved it a credit boom more to do it as the son of a fisherman who is proud to go out to see. his dream is to become
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a captain one day up the road. you know how little i had no money to support my parents so i decided to take the perogue and emigrate. i didn't care about the danger or if i would live or die my dream was europe so that i could help my parents out. with it. i took eighty seven people with me. who was on what we called one or more captain to help with the embarkation don't want but he was unlucky on the you know a wave overturned his ship. and nine people died in the sea of bora. never tried to save them. to the sea was cold and they all died when you got them but if
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we left without them. we said we're now all heading to spain you know what would be all one family with the same dream brothers and sisters if the perot gets there we will be saved if it sinks we will all die even those who know the sea well we must show solidarity of water starts getting into the pirogue we all take it out immediately we don't wait for the fisherman. legs to be a god given day after two days at sea and if someone fell ill if ever i know what i left in the water and then he wouldn't eat or drink he was vomiting we were different we forced him to eat and drink but he kept on vomiting we don't know what . throughout he died on the third day of the journey that he would get we through his body to see because he started to decompose. they were afraid when we when we threw his body into the sea. we all prayed to god
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that he would go to heaven i'm in your home going to many were crying and saying we're all going to die. when there wasn't you on the fourth day big waves broke the battle of the really really big go it was. good but. what about the body at that moment everyone was out of control no one good no matter how many because those people who had more experience know how dangerous it is. i'm middle going to going to have the guy who was about on the lookout i'm think i'm ever going to go the eldest of a soul a very experienced fisherman he told us not to fear about the pira advised us to take a rope. and use it to tie the broken pieces. it would be a little bit of work in the book because. we did i thought yeah and we used our bags to close the hole that really don't want. to look at some lay down and sealed
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the hole with their backs so that water wouldn't get into the pirogue what on journey was one of the hardest ever made. and teaching your argument about turn came bang bad for. example. some democracy that was able to separate the it's really engine from
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a. economy still can be applied to these day that's a fair point what i spoke about in the book was how ways gokey had done some being accompanied by skip gates and make it a go way with hyperinflation and very volatile you go with the tide so achieved so much economic success and i think that was great but the problem there is of course they do want to be needed they have his attitude has changed he now has become much more to talk to. us dollar range of any criticism and more bad annoyed. the deepest lake in the world. usually then no more than fifteen thousand years old this one dates back twenty five. spirits and buddhist gods live in.
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the pure clear water in the lake is helping scientists unravel the mysteries of the universe. i try to see by cal in its entirety. it's not that i have discovered something new here rather that i absorb everything that this place offers. the spirit of. giving up something that is quite simply. was no way. they were just at the wrong place at the wrong time. and sold to us so turned over to us for. the soul that could be buried alive.
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saved with great over. they wanted to turn me into a terrorist so it was they wanted me to admit that i was a member of al qaeda or taliban or that i fought with them. about time i didn't even know what al qaeda is nevertheless there are people. brave enough to start a fight. something's going to be done that's going to be done by me i have a short amount of time to do it but it's going to impact me i'd be prosecuted but it's going to impact. a wife my daughter. the one time a trap. monarchy. science technology innovation all these developments from around russia we've got the future covered.
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right to see. the first strike. and i think that you're. on a reporter's. instrument. to be in the. please.
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raises a lot about america's drone campaign which has taken hundreds of innocent lives despite u.s. claims that very few civilians come under fire. i was not with my grandmother everything became. a pakistani girl who survived a u.s. drone attack travels to washington to tell congress how her home was destroyed and her grandmother killed. the e.u. isn't satisfied with washington's explanation of n.s.a. surveillance allegations germany wants edward snowden himself to shed some light on reports of its chancellor's phone being tapped. in germany.


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