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tv   Headline News  RT  November 4, 2013 1:00pm-1:30pm EST

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that's. egypt's ousted leader mahmoud morsi forces the court. on charges of inciting violence crowds rally and his support. activists macross the globe appealed to the u.k. prime minister to an open letter saying national security shouldn't be used to justify wrongdoing. human rights organizations period kc government's response to revelations must thank their actions raiding fundamental human rights in the. american rallied years thousands demonstrate against president outreach to washington we found out why write in to so enraged.
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even just past ten pm here in moscow. this is not international law top story than this the trial of egypt's ousted president mohamed morsi has been adjourned until january next year he's been charged with inciting the killing of protesters last december hundreds of the former lead to supporters have been rallying outside the courthouse in cairo amid a heavy police presence. was there for us. the proceedings adjourned to show time because they will start again on january the eighth which to me is bell to tell you inside the court what actually happened there well as we've heard it has been adjourned until the eighth of january in about three months time and then purpose of that is for the lowest have a look at these enormous case files this is said to be his biggest find to six thousand pages long and all the lawyers concerned both those supposing most in his aides and those against him in the trial haven't had an opportunity to look at
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those files yet so they need that time in addition most he hasn't actually had any access to his know if he's been kept since he was ousted incommunicado in a new location today was the first time that we've seen him which was the first time his lawyers have seen him i learned today speaking to the different noise there are grounds to charge him and the people there on grounds of incitement to kill protesters and looking at the evidence is not entirely political although obviously is being carried out in quite a politicized way what was the atmosphere like inside the courtroom when he was equally as charged as soon as we saw the members of the missing brotherhood and the political aides of mohamed morsi and of course ahmed mostly himself the whole place erupted into contrasting chants the missing brotherhood themselves mohamad mostly said they did not were directed nice this court they say that illegitimate and that the most he remains the president of egypt meanwhile those who are standing against him the legal teams against him were saying execution execution he must return to jail he was extremely raucous and there one point
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a fight broke out between journalists and see who is the lawyer of mohamed morsy accused of genocide being paid by the state one journalist got up on to the side of the side and basically almost threw his shoes at a lawyer so it was extremely charged it was very tense the missing brother had kept repeating and mohamed morsi care be saying he was illegitimate president that this was a fake trial that this was a political trial and the really the just missing needed to prevail in this case needed to and as you say most he keeps insisting that this is a fake trial which is the reason that he says he will be defending himself. having said that there's some twenty five lawyers that are participating for the defense but only ten of them have actually been given access to the clients of course morsi is standing accused of inciting murder alongside fourteen and the muslim brotherhood supporters this is widely seen as a political trial of course tensions here are running high we'll keep you updated yeah you can do that by adding all those twitter page she's following all the
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developments in cairo for us. in the. let's remind ourselves of the timeline in twenty eleven egyptian revolution saw longtime leader hosni mubarak step down followed by a year of political turmoil then in june twenty twelve morsi became the country's first democratically elected president bush from islam is islam is about constitution spog deadly unrest in december that same year violence erupted again this summer and he morsi protests from to the military to o.c.s. misleader followed by the crackdown on was in brotherhood supporters that the timeline pans out in which more than a thousand were killed of course well to discuss the situation in egypt we're now joined live in a good piece of political activists in cairo either after it was his defense team didn't have access to him until the day needed say he wanted to represent himself with all the other side is he going to have a fair trial. i don't think this is to start with is
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a fair trial it's definitely have it's political motives the fact that morsi was postponed today the core postpone the case it is very evident that they have no all they're not ready to pursue this because they don't have enough evidence in fact had they had any evidence the current and the previous ministers of interior and should be implicated as well they were both part of the ministry of interior when the incidents happened in december two thousand and twelve so it is a technique to put pressure to gain better negotiation stance against the muslim brotherhood the current regime wants more concessions and wants the military muslim brothers to give in to the situation as a status quo accepted and that is just a pressure now we will continue to see a prolonging of the trials because there are no evidence and no sufficient evidence and not to mention that the referendum should be in. one month or two months the
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referendum on the constitution which is more or less a litmus paper for the illegitimacy of the you got government of the constitution passes and the referendum is a success that is this will be pronounced as a revolution not the court what happened in the thirtieth of june is still considered by a lot of people as a cool and by others as a revolution deliberate the litmus test will be whether the constitution will pass or not then things will take another turn morsi of course insisted throughout the troll today in the words he spoke that he was still the legitimate president and the military had no powers and anything to be doing there's no trial or anything like that. now much backing does he have. wallah he he truly believes that he still is the president and hanging on to the issue of legitimacy gives him
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a power position and that by not accepting this current trial he's more or less becoming another mandela on facebook today many of his supporters describe him as the new mandela for africa which of course is is neither true nor is it. realistic. that both parties the current regime supported by the military and the muslim brotherhood has had not realized that the only way out of this predicament is a political solution the military mentality believes that if you gain ground you do not give it up if you don't have to and the muslim brotherhood believe in the legitimacy for for the ballot box and both ended up breaking the cycle of handover and peaceful trends transformation and transition of power for now they handle this long way out because the story just we've got less than a minute a final thought as this grapple for power on both sides continues and the fighting
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at the top continues what about the daily lives of egyptians has not improved in the last twelve months for them or not. that's why i was just about to head the economic situation is incredibly critical the gulf has recently announced pacifically the minister of foreign affairs in a minute said that announced that egypt needs to stand on its own feet they cannot continue to supply subsidize the scut in three g. and at the same time the military's economics cannot sustain the situation for a long egypt's critical economic situation has its toll taken its toll on daily lives of millions of egyptians around five thousand factories have closed down which impacts around two million to ten million people in terms of economic scale and this is a thing continues to be dire because of the tourist industry reaching a critical point now the current e.g. has to understand that the solution is quite political and there is no way around
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sitting on that table with the leaders of the muslim brotherhood and reaching a more sustainable solution. some human rights organizations from around the globe are sounding the alarm over the roshan of freedom in britain they've written an open letter to the u.k. prime minister blasting the government's response to surveillance leaks are to serve as more of their appeal. well some very strong words for the prime minister there from those human rights organizations and they're fighting back against what they call the eroding a fundamental rights in the now let's take a look over some of the main points that that letter raises and their concerns center around the use of terrorism legislation against david miranda when he was detained at heathrow airport they also talk about the sustained pressure against media organizations reporting the edward snowden leaks the guardian newspaper has come under
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a huge amount of pressure you cast your mind back they had government officials actually enter their building and destroy the hard drives now i think a very interesting point that the lesson makes is a for the potential violation of freedom of expression now this is the argument we hear the u.k. government use a lot when they're condemning the leaks being published that it's damaging national security in the cane there are permissible limits to freedom of expression and person freedoms according to national security and there will prescribed in international law our concern is that the u.k. government has simply gone way beyond what those normal prescribed limits are now in the letter it says that the protection of national security can be a legitimate reason for limiting the freedom of expression but and this is the really important point that governments must demonstrate that the expression actually harms the national security not simply enough for them to say that it will now coming up this week we're going see the heads of m i five m i six and.
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questioned in an open evidence session that's going to be broadcast fire public satellite leg so this debate certainly not going away however much you can imagine u.k. government will be wishing it will right now and of course we'll be bringing you all those developments as they happen. sarah firth well meantime cia contract to turn whistleblower edward snowden's released a manifesto calling on the world will hold laws and values which limits surveillance to protect human rights he also slammed the u.s. and u.k. spy agencies as the worst offenders that a text appeared in a german magazine it was sent to the editors from moscow veyron encrypted channel. has more on the leakers statement. the spy can't be allowed to dictate our politics that's according to whistleblower edward snowden writing in the major german news weekly beagle he's put forward what he calls his manifesto for truth and which he condemns the security agencies around the world that have set out to smear not only
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him but also those journalists that have published his articles in various publications around the world he also saying that we need to stop this kind of spying culture that is taken over it's all part of a a major major set of articles about edward snowden in this in the german paper it comes on the back of their support for edward snowden here in germany and in a massive increase we've seen that group of over fifty senior public figures calling for him actually to be to be granted asylum here in germany now the article it does say that something that perhaps the current german government wouldn't support because suggesting that some of the skeletons in their own closet could come out if there was any big investigation into just exactly what had gone on in terms of the n.s.a. spying program however among those fifty that say edward snowden should should come
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to should be allowed to come to germany is one that says one seemed former german politician saying edward snowden has done a great service to the western world and now it's up to us to help him so huge support for snowden and he's laying out his ideas right here in the german press. a correspondent in berlin while edward snowden sists calls to reform intelligence gathering agencies prove he was justified in leaking classified data meantime though the white house has rejected any idea of clemency saying he violated the law and should therefore come back to the u.s. and face justice lawmakers supported the decision but also some sharp comments regarding awareness of and i say operations to i think there's going to be some best actor awards coming out of the white house this year and best supporting actor awards coming out of the european union. and mike rogers the head of the house intelligence committee claims snowden put the lives of u.s. soldiers in afghanistan at risk however the leakers supporters for their side say
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it's revelations have hardly done any damage and a leading instead to necessary reforms thoughts about that from former m i five agent. the decriminalization of whistleblower who is actually breaking the law here because all the ground that each spy agency say they are legally allowed to file next is appear to be very legally dubious at best but we thing in the last decade has been here technological scale of the spying industrial scale that by and the new technology has allowed that to happen and the laws which is supposed to be and democratically and we see how we are spied on are just not keeping up the twentieth century north and now we're dealing with twenty first century tech. coming our way so when cash is king u.k. iris to left on the breadline. for free because we write professionally and they. don't have many skills. on our team makes the blue
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blood so and i'm feeling the economic pinch of this break. world with. science technology innovation all the least developed from around russia we've got the future covered. wealthy british style sun it's time to rise. above the. market. find out what's really happening to the global economy for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines today and to cause a report.
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more news today. again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. the giant corporations are today. hello again tens of thousands of iranians are gathered outside the former u.s. embassy interim venting their anger at president rouhani as initiative to mend relations with washington the rarely comes despite a statement from supreme leader ayatollah khomeini voicing his support for the diplomatic efforts aimed at ending the long running international standoff over iran's nuclear ambitions now santa ana's faced criticism from hardline opponents who say iran should not be seeking any compromise of what they see as a hostile to and wants to have a crush economic sanctions against it lifted in this indeed signaled its
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willingness to make concessions on its controversial nuclear program such as paul scott investigates why there are these diplomatic overtures of being so fiercely resisted. hassen rouhani these recent speech at the u.n. general assembly were said by many to represent a thorn in relations between tehran and washington a sign that the iranian leadership is keen to initiate warmer ties with the global community but not everyone is keen for this to happen. hard line conservative protesters threw eggs at the president upon his return to tehran and now those uncomfortable with the idea of increased diplomacy with washington have launched the first ever down with the usa contest the idea is to find the most creative and to us propaganda contestants are invited to submit photographs posters caricature poems hymns and blogs all relating to the slogan down with the usa over three thousand dollars are up for grabs for the winner there will be
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a prize for the best idea to mark death of america which will renew the concept of death to america because of the arrogance of america the message is clear for as long as the us policies are hostile to us we will continue to use the slogan. well the slogan first came to prominence during the one nine hundred seventy nine iranian revolution when the u.s. backed government was overthrown and since then it's been widely used by critics of washington those critics now fear a hollies willingness to reengage with the u.s. could undermine the revolution they also see no reason to start diplomacy with a country that for years has portrayed iran as the enemy and subject of the country to harsh economic sanctions over its nuclear program states like the and their terrorist allies constitute an axis of evil this administration has systematically imposed the toughest sanctions on iraq on iran ever the united states is not going to lift the sanctions until it is clear that
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a very very fireball accountable transparent process is in place despite efforts by the us government to suggest the sanctions aren't affecting the general population food clothes and even basic medicines have rocketed in price in recent years and the leadership's attempt to engage with washington has led to anti american slogans and banners appearing all over tehran in recent weeks with rouhani demanding many be taken down and with talks over iran's nuclear program looming large later this week it's not just the international community president rouhani has to convince paul scott's r.t. . or the sanctions against iran have been enforced by the european union america many other powers to the u.n. security council passed several resolutions out into the measures they include bans on heavy arms supplies and weekly technology the a use restrictions range strong the gold trade to oil imports to for its part america has gone as far as an almost total embargo on energy products financial
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institutions in aircraft parts all of this that has crippled iran's economy and caused the national currency to plummet we spoke to a former advisor to iran's nuclear negotiating team who told us why a rainy and not sold on ronnie's diplomatic initiative. there's a group in iran that is deeply suspicious of the united states based on is history of longstanding animosity toward iran is there widespread perception in iran that the u.s. is engaged in a double speak toward iran on the one hand parking but engagement and respecting iran's rights and on the other hand adopting a very inflexible and hard line negotiation a strategy that demands match concession from iran without expressing willingness to you know show. any flexibility on the issue of sanctions relief we have seen a statement by the top u.s.
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negotiator wendy sherman dad the u.s. has not offered any tangible sanctions relief to iran at their last negotiation round in geneva and that should be very disheartening to many iranians who are looking for. concrete tangible signs of good faith to arjuna on by the united states as unfolding story online about asian hacktivist fighting back against america's global online surveillance operations if you want to read up about it part in daisy's group claiming to be part of the international network anonymous has brought down the websites of scores of a struggle in companies revenge for the country support of the n.s.a. but full story don't want from us and u.s.s.r. to revive the israeli palestinian peace process have hit another deadlock as television has announced plans to build more settlements in the west bank the story goes on and on all the details there are to talk. a province in eastern libya now wants to go it alone and has declared itself an
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autonomous region the area that some sixty percent of the country's all production has been blocking supply since the summer analyst an expert on the middle east part of a phony told me tripoli's too weak though to assert a unifying power over the rebels. central government in tripoli is not strong enough by itself to impose it throughly all over the country we have seen what happened to the prime minister of libya some weeks ago and it's libya it's a really total mess at the moment certainly in the syrian ike and area there are old for. the forces that are intervening from outside of libya so it wouldn't be surprised if the area would start looking east and southeast in brief fresh protests of wrote several cities in bangladesh it's the latest twist of the political crisis is dividing the country ahead of january elections at least two people including a member of the youth wing of the opposition been killed their protest to sue
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homemade bombs and torched cars holding the bangladeshi government to resign just last week sixteen people died in a similar rally developing story coming in tonight now in the last students in the university of connecticut have been told to stay indoors in the state of emergency has been declared the alarms not yet been specified i don't know quite what it's about but there were early reports of a man with a knife and a fire on the campus there the university website urged people to stay away from windows places running the area of course as we get more details and keep an eye on it we'll bring you up to speed. a crowd of up to eight thousand have rallied here in moscow in a so-called russian march organized by the country's nationalists at least thirty people were arrested for wearing masks and shouting nazi snow slogans anti migrant has been fueled by the recent killing of russian man by a migrant worker from central asia the instant spark violence across more sort of clamp down on illegal immigrants as well. britain's heiress to kratz may live in
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the jury as homes but all that splendor comes of course with some crushing maintenance bills it's not a new story this they've been putting up this for years in some cases they're even having now to take menial jobs to make ends meet. one such breadline. when one speaks of the british aristocracy be traditional a landed gentry or noble little what would imagine lavish lifestyles and grand estates as it would have been centuries ago but the reality today is not quite up to par as it would have been in the past. i'm on what we call the job seeker's allowance so i have to support this markup all on a single man's allowance. so each of us gets five pounds a day my wife and i this isn't what one would expect to hear from an earl heir apparent to the marquise side of aylesbury the estate has been in the family for
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a thousand years but he's now in a fierce legal battle with the state's trustees with no access to his money i have no money to heat the house there is the whole water in the past so when my wife and i want to wash we good on the public both of them over the financial times reports high court cases of beneficiaries challenging trusts doubled from two thousand and ten to two thousand and twelve coinciding with the financial crisis the cost of looking after a large house is staggering on a yearly basis this stately home in norfolk was built in the late nineteenth century and while much of the state remains intact parts of it have been left to wreck and ruin and restoring it to its full glory could cost up to three million pounds add to that gas electricity water maintenance the list goes on around sixty percent of british historic homes are now open to the public and use for various purposes such as weddings conferences and tours and this one in particular used to be used as a wedding venue and the reason for such diversification is to be able to generate
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some income for properties that are very expensive to keep them going the reality is that the cost of maintaining these houses is so great now their stocks tend to be a very asset rich but cash pool something that holds very true for this girl even finding a job that didn't quite work out for him because there is great unemployment because of the great recession in england. i'm not i don't have many skills that i can so i come across drive so i've had a few part time jobs as a driver. delivery driver van driver lorry driver i don't know what my peers think they must think. i shudder to think what they must think of what's going on. and it seems a title can only mean so much when cash is still king deaths are cilia r.t. . tough times for you case learned the gentry up next sophie shevardnadze talks to
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the head of the delegation to washington which failed to get the satisfactory answers about those spying allegations it's the next program after the break. remember way back when we first talked about the first downloadable guns that could be printed out on a three d. printer at home while technology moves pretty quickly because british police have already busted in legal armory pretty out firearm parts and special three d. printers this technology may make gun control literally impossible in the same way that banning and burning books has become futile in the past they used to be able to just burn books or forbid them from being printed but in the age of the internet all you need is a scanner and an internet connection and the information that's found in
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a book cannot be destroyed because it is out there on the magical ether of the air at so basically the near future any person with even half a brain and some patients can start making guns in their basement which means the gun control laws will basically become pointless because they'll never be able to catch all the people doing it nor will be able to take the guns not even obama or the hardest of hardcore liberals this technology could be the best thing to happen to the second amendment ever but i shust my opinion.
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well i will come to sophia and komi sophie shevardnadze now as international diplomatic crisis over n.s.a. surveillance is gaining in scale the u.s. just scrambling to justify its actions and while we're waiting to learn what exactly obama wanted to hear in angola merkel's conversations the question remains will the west manage to roll back the mass surveillance or will it submit to the reality of this one particular big brother presence. when for spying on friends and trust has been undermined. the relationship from crumbling europe forgive the u.s. for sneaking in snooping. on the curious. how much longer will snowden's revelations keep.


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