tv Headline News RT November 5, 2013 12:00am-12:30am EST
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it. was. over evil the anonymous movement plans to unite over four hundred global locations on tuesday for a million mass protest against a raft of issues from the n.s.a. snooping to g.m. food and. fueling europe's far right this fear that ongoing austerity in unchecked immigration could see stream is party steal a march in next year's an e.u. election. and the libyan government loses control over its oil rich east which is being declared autonomy by powerful militia leader.
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broadcasting twenty four seven live from moscow you with. now hundreds of cities across the world are expected to stand together as one today in major rallies planned by the global protest movement anonymous the million mask march and aims to unite those protecting online privacy as well as standing up to corporate greed g.m. foods and other courses and spoke to some of the activists. the anonymous are calling for hacktivists activist and ordinary citizens to stand up against what they see is a police state if you have not yet been up to the reality of the. morning. we are here so that was a bit of their call and now i'm joined by the organizer of the upcoming rally here in washington the million mask march john anthony ferre hurst thank you so much for joining me thanks for coming down you know all right john you say
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a police state they say secure state what do you think about that dilemma. i think it's kind of like a lot of crime you know that you can't give up your freedom just to be safe you know the main criticism is that such a decentralized force will die down like as the occupy movement has the many ways i'm going to explain what i mean i mean did they did they stop the overtake the corporate overtake no they did not will you stop the n.s.a. what is your answer to that like to you know but you know. i think we're not we're not slowing down we're speeding up i mean this started this with one a vent here in washington d.c. and as of the last i looked last night we had over four hundred marches samak on november fifth in over one hundred fifty different countries and it doesn't look like it's marsala not at all john i looked at the agenda of the rally it's very diverse it's against the persecution of whistleblowers it's against monsanto the biggest producer of genetically modified seeds tell me about the agenda what are
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you trying to change we're trying to change a lot of stuff that's going on in this world like i said as far as like the food that we police state for wars like they're spending money in other countries and all the stuff that's going on in the night he is spending it here you know i was just talking to my friends where you know you want to wear these for michigan you know and they're talking about like all these abandoned buildings i can you can you fix somebody else's house before you fix your own you know you go. you know there's people all over the world that need some serious change and that's what we're doing here thank you thank you thank you sir for all the reasons there you just heard to these men and women in masks are taking to the streets across the u.s. with the main event here in washington and when he begins this tuesday morning i'll be your eyes and ears so please tune in in washington i'm going to check on well earlier i spoke to american activist greg who she was associated with anonymous and he says the group has a very certain distinction between what's right and what's legal one of my big
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pushes with all of the kind of real world stuff we've been doing not the online stuff for me has been to get more people what i like to call activated get more people out there just doing something you know i don't even care what you believe i want you on the streets telling people about it in getting things done so i think this type of event is going to just help to get more people active in the system and i have a feeling that more people active in the system can only be better for the people do you feel anonymous might actually alienate people because you talked about the protests there which is fair enough but also they do hack websites and people could legitimately say well actually it's not a criminal offense to be want to be part of this you know there's a distinction there you call it criminal but you know what's right and what's wrong is not exactly in line with what's legal and what we will and so it's really up to
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each individual to decide just how far they're willing to go with their protests. next year europeans get the chance to replace the page the worry is that increasing numbers of voters are being attracted to the far right the root is anger at what's perceived to be unbridled immigration while suffering from stagnant economies and stubborn unemployment has recently looks at some of those on the rights who are lining up to take on brussels. he minced no words the doctors will be a simple pondered on course european people are realizing that the use in them parts of the soviet union in fact is destroying their freedom. the authorization of islamic mass immigration to europe has been one of the greatest mistakes of recent decades there was live out here and the role fired up to continue. this is so shake the system. there are two increasingly popular figure heads riding
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a wave of nationalist movements across europe not quite in the mainstream but no longer on the fringes either germany france the netherlands belgium austria greece italy and the u.k. all seeing the success of political parties which in varying degrees are anti e.u. in its current form anti euro and anti immigration. on the fifth day europe doesn't have economic growth nor does it really have the right and the left to go on the managed to resolve the problem is under foreign feeds off and a new pool of voting intentions show that nearly a quarter of french voters would vote for france's national front in the may twenty four thousand european parliament elections that's ahead of the country's two leading parties and this winter the right could very well sweep across europe as well in the pens national front and the dutch and islam politician have to builders party for freedom plan their move that's despite reports that builders in the past disapproved of and to submit it remarks by le pen's father while
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a pen reportedly described the dutch as more radical than she was when it came to islam it was in this restaurant the two of the most confrontational politicians in europe that sat down over a meal and got to know each other and in the end they realized that they had more in common that they might have initially thought so much so that full political parties that claimed patriotism they decided to put their differences aside and pursue an ambitious goal changing europe's grand plan properly. that europeans and the french have understood that the political structure of the defense people have the best seat in the nation but today the decisions are made in brussels and burley in washington reprise they're not made in france and this cannot go on while a potential alliance between far right parties is already stoking fear into some in the e.u. italian premier enrico letta called the growing popularity of euro skeptics and the far right as the most dangerous phenomenon facing the european union that could
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lead to the most anti european parliament in history in the end it's a numbers game as far as that's concerned the rise of the right is not quite just a blip on europe's radar. r.t.e. paris. for the way it's a particularly painful problem me and tina gratian progress party came third in national elections this year despite having mass murder and is braving as a former follower social research expert johannesburg police populace to paley's fading the ranks of the far right all of these parties are anti immigrant there and our immigration they do express their the strongest sort of anti immigrant views in europe and so that's why these days might have a certain influence as they have had like in denmark for instance and so resistance against the immigration is one thing the other is a sort of anti-gay sentiment among voters in europe so people who wish to express
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a protester an anti elitist sentiment tend to support these parties they could have a major influence certainly in terms of immigration policy and in terms of the way that europe is viewed around the world. the country that became one of the most outspoken critics of washington's global snooping appears to have been core time to brazil's blushing offered missing it's been spying on diplomatic premise is on its territory head online to learn more about the country's intelligence. also that he seized a ton of chemicals on the road to syria at the border check what exactly was being smuggled to the war to stay. right on the scene. first for you and i think the jury.
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on our reporters twitter. and instagram. could be in the know. on. the deepest lake in the world. usually they're no more than fifteen thousand years old this one dates back twenty five. spirits and buddhist gods live. the pure clear water in the lake is helping scientists unravel the mysteries of the universe. i tried to see by kal in its entirety. it's not that i have discovered something new here rather that i absorb everything but this place offers
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. the spirit of. the olympic torch is on its epic journey to show. one hundred twenty three. days. through to some other towns and cities of russia. relayed by fourteen thousand people or sixty five thousand kilometers. in a record setting trip by land air sea and others face. a limp a torch relay. on r t r c dot com. the interview. cut.
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a self-proclaimed autonomy in the country the eastern part of libya which the breakaway leaders call that annika holds most of the country's oil reserves its main city benghazi is where the revolution against moammar gadhafi began in twenty eleven the militia chief in charge had his forces shut down all flows in the province in july leading to a fifty percent drop in exports now when jet stopped abraham. because the authorities in tripoli lack the means to deal with him by force the government's been losing popularity over its failure to deal with corruption and rising post gadaffi instability some analysts say the situation is being aggravated by foreign meddling. the central government in tripoli is not strong enough by itself to impose its rule all over the country so the reality on the ground is that there are more than one libya today and we have to see if this means that they signed an agreement to maintain the composition of the various entities within
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a common libya or if the very way altogether over four forces that are intervening from outside of libya so it wouldn't be surprised if the area would start looking east and southeast there are about two hundred forty tribes in the bia and tribes are very important for the running of the territory so it's not just a sort of. remanded feel like we can imagine from the western in tribes there they count they control people in the territory it depends how much they bargain among themselves but it may also end up that they fight each other i mean this is very difficult to predict it depends also by which support from outside this new independence unit would. acquire. and the capitol is not immune to the trouble either new clashes are being reported in tripoli it is the latest outbreak of violence in the city which the central government has also been
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able to fully control last month the prime minister was briefly kidnapped by a group of armed men who allegedly tried to pressure him to resign. now there's more breakaway trouble on the other side of the atlantic. as american voters head to the polls on election day hundreds of thousands of citizens in colorado are voting on a ballot initiative to establish the fifty first u.s. state details straight ahead. egypt is anticipating more street support for the toppled islamist president after a coalition of mohamed morsy allies said very fully back his resistance to the trial that kicked off on monday morsi and fourteen muslim brotherhood members are accused of encouraging a deadly crackdown on dissent in cairo last december this footage is from the opening of the hearings the first video of the deposed leader since his arrest four
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months ago he refused to wear the mandatory white uniform for defendants and rejected the court's authority insisting he's still the leader the judge then perspire in the trial until january eighth morsi is behavior could see him barred from further sessions during his transfer to prison police had to face off angry pro morsy mobs in the capital and other cities but no one from the military has been brought to book over last year's bylane something many egyptians activists find astonishing. the fact that morsi was postponed today the corps postponed the case it is very evident that they have no all they're not ready to pursue this because they don't have enough evidence in fact they had any evidence the current and the previous ministers of interior and should be implicated as well they were both part of the ministry of interior when the incidents happened in
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december two thousand and twelve so it is a technique to put pressure to gain better negotiation stance against the little brother the current good question is and wants the muslim brothers to give in to the situation as a status quo accepted and that is just pressure egypt's islamism cells have been divided over morsi is leadership but even those who wanted him and in the summer accuse the trial of being politicized gabe also believes all sides have to recognize the urgent need for a political solution and morsi truly believes that he still is the president and hanging on to the issue of legitimacy gives him a power position and that by not accepting this current trial he's more or less becoming another mandela on facebook today many of his supporters describe him as the new mandela for africa which of course is is neither true nor is it.
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realistic. to both parties them the kind of. support of the military and the muslim brotherhood have not realized that the only way out of this predicament is a political solution now washington's deadly train more fair is something president obama apparently takes great personal pride in being martin explains why him breaking the set in the next hour here on our. you know the last thing i ever ever expected to come out of a nobel peace prize winners mouth is this i am really good at killing people yes folks according to a new book double down our beloved president constitutional lawyer nobel laureate rock obama apparently loves to brag about how well he can execute human beings with drones now for those of you who are still not offended at the president's disregard for human life and think this is just the way politics works and that every
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president has blood on their hands let me remind you of this one of the chief architects of the drone program john bellinger said that the reason why obama has ramped up the use of these killer robots is to avoid the bad press of guantanamo bay so you know what i'll give it to him he is really good at killing people because if there's one thing voters how hope for when electing him it was expedited murder. case of breaking the set coming up shortly let's take a look at some other world. and we'll go live to the u.s. these the pictures where a gunman has opened fire at a shopping mall. there were no reports of anyone being injured hundreds of police officers and i searching for the man who is no longer thought to be inside the
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building he's believed to be wearing body armor fied a single shot of course we'll bring you more developments as we get them. iraqi police have all been attacked by two suicide bombers who tried to break into a police station in the north they recognized the attackers and opened fire forcing the bombers to blow themselves up outside the building at least two people were killed and seven others were wounded that's on top of other bombings that killed ten people in the country on monday iraqis seeing the worst violence in years with almost a thousand people killed in october alone. a man has hijacked a bus in a populous skiing area in western norway and stabbed all three people on board to death the suspected attacker is originally from south sudan and in his fifty's the motive is not yet known he was captured by fire fighters who arrived at the scene thinking it was a traffic accident. and people in crimea have come out against ukraine's looming
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trade deal with the european union up to eight hundred turned out in the autonomy republic in a protest which coincided with russia's unity day demonstrators burned the you've called for closer ties with moscow despite mixed support ukraine's pushing ahead with the partnership deal which could be signed at the end of this month. was plenty of independent spirit in the united states to parts of colorado will vote on tuesday on whether to break away from the rest of the state report i has been to find out why. in a state of five point one million people democracy is failing in the minority and a battle to break away has begun we're trying to address kind of systemic issue within a country which is this rural versus urban divide eleven colorado counties approximately four hundred thousand citizens are voting on a ballot initiative that would pave the way for creating the fifty first us states
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the urban areas can assert their well against the rural communities and it is like taxation without representation and that the rural communities don't have a voice to block the things that are being forced upon them earlier this year colorado's democratically controlled legislature exerted its power by passing laws fiercely unpopular in the northeastern parts of the state among them. historic gun control laws and mandating only rural areas to produce twenty percent of their energy from renewable sources a move officials say will crush farmers and ranchers while also raising the cost of electricity urban legislators imposed one standard on rural colorado and exempted themselves out of that same standard for their urban constituents one might call that tyranny in my thirteen years plus of being a county commissioner i have never seen folks this frustrated this discontent this
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feeling of this disenfranchised in addition to sending a message to lawmakers here in denver supporters of the fifty first state say their ballot initiative also serves as inspiration for the many other u.s. cities and states with their own secession movements i get fold calls on a regular basis. at least once a week from citizens in other states that saying hey what are you guys doing out there how you doing this from vermont and north carolina to texas and california the u.s. has seen a rapid spy. movements blazing across the nation in the past decade as the united states has grown extremely divided i hope that there's a recognition that a disconnect exists not just here in colorado but in other states and that we need to begin to address that problem the problem of america's partisan politics extends all the way up to the top last month's dysfunctional stalemate in washington caused
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a sixteen day government shutdown the next step beyond this is going to be more than likely a twenty fourteen hour statewide ballot initiative which everybody in the state would be able to vote about point which would redraw the boundaries of the state of colorado however this coveted swing state can only be torn in two with the approval of u.s. congress a powerful legislative body known best for its own failure at reaching compromise marina portnoy r.t. colorado. thanks for being with us this morning up next it's around thirty million years old and over a kilometer discover the life that blossom blossoms and like by cat. well. science technology innovation all the list of bellemont from
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around russia we've got the future are covered. under bush on martin in washington d.c. thank you all the face i think you know about. a pleasure to have you with us here on t.v. today i'm sure. exactly what happened that day i don't know but a woman got killed. piers later is when i got arrested for. for a crime i did not do. we have numerous cases where police officers lie about polygraph results. innocent people to confess to police officers don't beat people
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anymore i mean it just doesn't happen really. in the course of interrogation why because there's been this is like men know because the psychological techniques are more effective in obtaining confessions than physical abuse and they were off taking they could get what they wanted they can say what they wanted and there was no evidence of what they did or what they said. the. lake baikal is in east siberia people are drawn to it by its beauty its energy. at its benevolent spirits. in old old shaman. said there is a place we should sprinkle water and pray to the spirits. and they will guard your
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. food if you really get the impression that something supernatural is happening. because i'm a physicist i know it is impossible. a young scientist from switzerland was attracted to this area where religion nature and science intertwine. i tried to see by cal in its entirety i didn't know what to expect from this place. but i have discovered something new here rather but i absorb everything that this place offers cookies.
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more than twenty five million years old. is a little over thirty. the swiss scientists travel to the banks of the oldest lake in the world by ultra light. this tiny aircraft weighs less than five hundred kilos of speeds of up to one hundred seventy kilometers per hour it can fly at three thousand meters where from such altitudes you can examine the bottom of the lake because of the clear waters and his four cameras fixed to be afraid. for us if it's not just a scientific endeavor but a personal one. what winds of fate brought the young scientists to the by cold region it all began with a minor research trip. here quite by chance i came up with the idea of experiments. in the
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world's oceans there are a lot of organisms that exposed to the light of a certain spectrum range emit light over a different range and i wondered if this was also the case with the lake. in short discovered luminescent crustaceans in by coles waters. serious research of by cal only began in the seventeenth century before that legends travelled around europe that siberia was home to people with the heads of dogs the first expedition destroyed all those myths. peoples. populated with. fish. with a photographic memory. close to the show.
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