tv Headline News RT November 5, 2013 11:00am-11:30am EST
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tonight the world's faceless march protest movement anonymous spread their message across the globe with crowds rallying against online snooping and government corruption. britain's spy post in the heart of berlin the u.k. the legit have been spying on its german allies from the roof of its embassy fresh classified leaks reveal. syria's president assad refuses to discuss handing over power will the upcoming peace conference in geneva be derailed before it even starts we've got the answer to that coming up from the president's advisor who talks exclusively to us on the program. at eastern libya swears in its own government now as the oil rich region tries to break away from tripoli blaming authorities for failing to maintain peace and security and become.
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my family are to. kevin owen here with me very good to have your company our top story the people in hundreds of cities across the world are taking part in mass rallies planned by the global protest group anonymous the day of action is called the million man march it's uniting those protesting against the violation of online privacy as well as corporate greed and corrupt governments protesters wearing guy for smart guy fawkes masks are demonstrating their allegiance with the anonymous to beast group infamous for its online anti government actions of course one of the biggest rallies is expected in washington d.c. where thousands of plotting to show up for the march and it's really getting speed there now let's cross to go if you can she's a much the crowds i gather got if you can i say crowds quite a few people gathered behind you at the moment but what is the general turnout looking over your. i was going to progress.
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on call here you have different protest groups basically that marched under the umbrella of the anonymous they protest against what they see as a police state they protest against the persecution of whistleblowers they protest against all sent in the biggest producer of genetically modified seeds they protest against different things generally speaking they see themselves as a movement against the government and corporations taking advantage of the people and i asked people what they came they marched all the way to the white house so what they would want president obama to hear and here's what one of the participants of this rally said. her oldest daughter imagine the stop line about noon about being honest and do something about vanishing spot on foreign leaders and the room people are in communication with the stuff you need to stop now and some of them say nothing about it and it's not going to stop she were here to say
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something about. i spoke her i also spoke with the organizer of the march here in washington he said they sent out a clear message of nonviolent calling of men by a list of those willing to participate in this rally and it does look very peaceful although as you know the hacker activists or the activists with the anonymous show in the past that they were willing to break the laws actually to get their message across by bringing down government plex websites for example people asking for decentralized masked movement like this can achieve anything other than just making noise well last year they were instrumental in informing people about the soul part member of the legislation that would pave the way for tension for internet censorship and the sopa sec and then there was the sister legislation that would provide legal protection to internet giants that share that funnel private information of their users to government. says the senate eventually did not vote
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on that legislation so they now miss all see their call as raising awareness is informing people about about what they see being done not in good faith. or are going to update a little bit more about what anonymous want american activist greg who says the group hopes the global demonstration will encourage people to stand up for what they believe one of my big pushes with all of the kind of real world stuff we've been doing not the online stuff for me has been to get more people what i like to call activated get more people out there just doing something you know i don't even care what you believe i want you on the streets telling people about it in getting things done so i think this type of event is going to just help to get more people active in the system and i have a feeling that more people active in the system would only be better for the people less part shall we were some of those demonstrations have been happening that we've
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spotted in turkey at israel as well as in bangladesh in europe the u.k. the netherlands have joined in the global action along with italy and bosnia to protests have taken place in armenia madagascar cities across south africa and australia as well as southeast asia and if you want to keep abreast of what's happening there you can on our website r.t. dot com live updates and latest images from those rallies. today with a look four hundred cities around the world are hosting a mass rally for fairness justice. follow million mask march on r t and r t dot com. reporting next tonight that the u.k. is operating a secret listening station within a stone's throw of the german parliament that's what the british newspaper the independent revealed citing leaked documents from edward snowden the equipment
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housed on the u.k. embassy roof could be intercepting phone calls and long distance communications across berlin peter all of it has more on the latest spy exposure. it's a case of another day another case of allies spying on each other this time it's the turn of the british it seems these allegations in documents leaked by edward snowden suggest that on the roof of the british embassy here in berlin there was a on the roof listening post now if that's the case it comes just a week after the united states supposedly removed a listening post of their own on the roof of their embassy which is just next door to the british embassy here in the german capital now there is the argument that this is what they do however there is certainly going to be repercussions from this if it turns out that it is true that the british had this. this this what's called an intercept nest on the roof of their embassy it's certainly going to be toxic for
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relations between germany and britain to close allies within europe and it also comes at a time where german officials try and get some kind of agreement on not spying on each other so all of this information coming out it seems in a relentless fashion showing that all of these people who held hands as friends around the world wall secretly listening in to what each other were doing now it's been said. that the e.u. have asked david cameron's british government for for answers on this the british government have said well it's a matter of security and they don't comment on matters of security it all seems like a very easy and city give but this and to be repercussions from this and it does seem that just because you're a little paranoid doesn't mean that everybody isn't spying on. it's all over the simply celebrations are being taken seriously within the last few hours germany's some of the bus there over the eavesdropping allegations be to
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a member of the alternative a germany party also an i.t. specialist mccarthy spoke to us and says security analysts along been saying germany needs better protection from foreign spy operations. we all remember chancellor merkel you know the famous than oil and nuland being pretty much saying that it's a new thing for us after fifteen years of internet come on wake up government and invest some money and build structures to protect us against those kinds of threats of course there's going to be a lot of talk and a lot of steam rolling going on but in the end it's a matter of responsibility i mean technically parchin department of the governance have to protect the communications. money troubles and job losses are pushing europeans to the far right that's what the latest opinion polls show months ahead of the e.u. parliamentary elections mainstream politicians and analysts say it's too early to predict just how many seats the euro skeptic or nationalist parties could win in may twenty forty let's say it looks all unusual but broad estimates suggest and
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c.e.u. parties could score from twenty to thirty percent of the votes this year in austria from since the far right secured one fifth of the ballot the movement for a better hungary made to begin road to the national assembly in twenty ten the same year in latvia the national alliance came in fourth and then twenty eleven the true fitness party could drupal its share of the national vote test receive the reports from france next with a nationalist movements one of the strongest in europe. they minced no words at the three hundred one question european people are realizing that the using them part of the soviet union in fact is destroying their freedom. the authorization of islamic mass immigration to europe has been one of the greatest mistakes of recent decades. and they're all fired up to continue. this so shake the system. there are two increasingly popular figure heads riding
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a wave of nationalist movements across europe not quite in the mainstream but no longer on the fringes either germany france the netherlands belgium austria greece italy and the u.k. all seeing the success of political parties which in varying degrees are anti e.u. in its current form anti euro and anti immigration. hopes but that day europe doesn't have economic growth nor does it really have the right and the left did not manage to resolve the problems and the far right feeds off it a new pool of voting intentions show that nearly a quarter of french voters would vote for france's national front in the may twenty fourth in european parliament elections that's ahead of the country's two leading parties and this swing to the right could very well sweep across europe as well in the pens national front and the dutch and islam politician have to hilda's party for freedom plan their move that's despite reports that builders in the past disapproved of anti semitic remarks by look tense father while
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a pen reportedly described the dutch as more radical than she was when it came to islam it was of this restaurant the two of the most confrontational politicians in europe had sat down over a meal and got to know each other and in the end they realized that they had more in common that they might have initially thought so much so that full political parties that claimed patriotism they decided to put their differences aside and pursue an ambitious goal changing europe's grand plan. the europeans and the french have understood that the political structure of the defense people of the best is the nation but today the decisions are made in brussels in washington reprise they're not made in france and this cannot go on while a potential alliance between far right parties is already stoking fear into some in the e.u. italian premier enrico letta called the growing popularity of euro skeptics and the far right as the most dangerous phenomenon facing the european union that could
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lead to the most anti european parliament in history in the end it's a numbers game as far as that's concerned the rise of the right is not quite just a blip on europe's radar. r.t.e. paris well president the european commission has said memo bro so called on the pro european forces to take the lead not give the initiative to extremist movements though believe populist appeal of public discontent with the rising tide of immigration is fading the ranks of the far right. all of these parties are anti immigrant there and our immigration they do express. the strongest sort of anti immigrant views in europe and so that's one of these days might have a certain influence as they have had like in denmark for instance and so resistance against immigration is one thing the other is a sort of and tight and just sentiment among voters in europe so people who wish to express a protester an anti elitist sentiment tend to support these parties it could have
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a major influence certainly in terms of immigration policy and in terms of the way that europe is viewed around the world. talk on the other side of the atlantic some rural communities are pushing now for the creation of a new state as we are reporting. as american voters head to the polls on election day hundreds of thousands of citizens in colorado are voting on a ballot initiative to establish the fifty first u.s. states details straight ahead. also on its way to completely different beauty queens from eight to six nations brightening up the russian capital as a gears up for the ever popular miss universe contest we talk about.
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diplomats are struggling to pave the way to a peace conference in syria unconfirmed reports say it may be delayed again for another month meantime syria says it's not going to the long awaited peace summit to hand over power and form a transitional government anyway with an exclusive opportunity to talk to the vice president assad talk to siobhan about what's hindering the start of the summit and . let it go it's on the ground however if you are the coalition many nationalist opposition however if you are the coalition so good that tell us who do this people live resign and ask for us go because that's not the step down i think i would call on secretary kerry to speak the same language everywhere are not the changes not according to the capital in which he speaks. or something but certain sir that if
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you are some goodness that been put on something that then did love it oh i think the simplest thing is that if secretary of the united states should or not his words are speak the same language everywhere and make the same stun the leading western backed opposition groups refused to attend peace talks in geneva unless president steps both russia and the us agree that the conference should be held without any preconditions bonuses series in full support of vets approach this interim government has announced monday at times that it is that idea to offender nevel without precondition the problem is with the others host big money different languages different places and keep putting conditions we've just learned that the russians and the americans have agree that your neighbor too should be convened without any preconditions for money aside so that's fine with us. and just like you know you can check out our exclusive interview with president
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assad's a doctor put on it siobhan at length about the you tube channel. eastern libyan sworn in a breakaway government dealing a new blow than to the embattled central authority in tripoli named syrian eco by local militias the area's home to a large share of the country's oil reserves it's also the birthplace of the revolution that overthrew mama gadhafi in the first place the rebels led by a powerful libyan warlord blocked oil flows in the province this summer leading to fifty percent drop in exports probably. has said he wants order a military campaign though to oust forces from the altar because there's no organized national force in tripoli that could take on such a task government's been losing popularity of its failure to deal with corruption and rising instability since the fall of gadhafi some analysts say for meddling is only making matters worse. the central government in tripoli is not strong enough by itself to impose its rule all over the country so the reality on the ground is
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that there are more than one libya today and we have to see if this means that they find an agreement to maintain the composition of the various entities within a common libya or if the very way altogether for forces that are intervening from outside of libya so it wouldn't be surprised if the area would start looking east of southeast that are about two hundred forty tribes in libya and tribes are very important for the running of the territory so it's not just a sort of. remanded like we can imagine from the west i mean tribes there they count they control people in the territory it depends how much they bargain among themselves but it may also end up that they fight each other i mean this is very difficult to predict it depends also by which support from outside this new independent unit would. acquire. power of photos being similar but earlier on was
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still in libya the country may have abandoned its nuclear ambitions long ago but ror stockpiles remain in the country they're causing major concern alarm over a warehouse packed with radioactive material that's in danger of falling into the wrong hands that's the worry we've got that story on our web site in fact if you want to check it out r.t. dot com also the to india join the mars log on to our website for details on the country's first probe heading to the red planet off it goes. another way another break where movement gathering steam this time in the united states state of colorado people in several countries are about to cast their votes on whether to form their own independent state artist maria port maya looks into what's motivating them all. in a state of five point one million people democracy is failing the minority and a battle to break away has begun or trying to address a systemic issue within the country which is this rural versus urban divide eleven
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colorado counties approximately four hundred thousand citizens are voting on a ballot initiative that would pave the way for creating the fifty first us state the urban areas can assert their well against the rural communities and it is like taxation without representation and that the rural communities don't have a voice to block the things that are being forced upon them earlier this year colorado's democratically controlled legislature exerted its power by passing laws fiercely unpopular in the northeastern parts of the state among them. historic gun control laws and mandating only rural areas to produce twenty percent of their energy from renewable sources a move officials say will crush farmers and ranchers while also raising the cost of electricity urban legislators imposed one standard on rural colorado and exempted themselves out of that same standard for their urban constituents one
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might call that tyranny in my thirteen years plus of being a county commissioner i have never seen folks this frustrated this discontent this feeling of this disenfranchised in addition to sending a message to lawmakers here in denver supporters of the fifty first state say their ballot initiative also serves as inspiration for the many other u.s. cities and states with their own secession movements i get fold calls on a regular basis. at least once a week from citizens in other states saying hey what are you guys doing out there how you doing this from vermont and north carolina to texas and california the u.s. has seen a rapid spy. in secession movements blazing across the nation in the past decade as the united states has grown extremely divided i hope that there's a recognition that
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a disconnect exists not just here in colorado but in other states and that we need to begin to address that problem the problem of america's partisan politics extends all the way up to the top last month's dysfunctional stalemate in washington caused a sixteen day government shutdown the next step beyond this is going to be more than likely a twenty fourteen hour statewide ballot everybody in the state would be able to vote about point which would redraw the boundaries of the state of colorado however this coveted swing state can only be torn in two with the approval of u.s. congress a powerful legislative body known best for its own failure at reaching compromise marina port ny or r.t. colorado. because world news headlines brief night around eight hundred people have been rallying in southern ukraine in support of closer ties with russia and against a planned trade deal with the european union should in crimea mark russia's unity day demonstrators believe flags and chanted anti european slogans despite public
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resistance ukraine's government is currently pushing ahead with a partnership deal which could be signed by the end of this month. the street cleaners and refuse flexes have been gathering in madrid to protest against mass layoffs because of city budget cuts unions have declared an open ended strike around a thousand staff stand to lose their jobs now adding to the hundred super cayman employed in august workers set fire to trash and chanted calls for the mayor to resign. in bangladesh more than a hundred fifty four guards have been sentenced to death over a mutiny in two thousand and nine that left seventy four people dead another one hundred sixty mutineers were jailed for life including a former politician from the opposition bunder the nationalist party the verdicts took hours to read twenty three civilians also face conspiracy charges. police say a gunman who opened fire in a shopping mall in new jersey has been found dead the man let off several rounds seemingly at random without injuring anyone before shooting himself in the head his body was found in a back room after
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a massive manhunt involving hundreds of police officers both inside and outside the building. on the steps of kazakhstan engineers are making the final preparations for thursday's soyuz rocket lift off and take a closer look here you can see there's something special about its exterior it's in fact the logo of the sochi twenty fourteen winter games as they assess crews going to be taking the olympic torch with them into war bit you know seeing time lapse footage of the rocket being installed on the launch pad. russia's capital sparkling with gloss and glamour this week as beauties from eighty six countries fly in for the miss universe competition it's the first time moscow's host of the pageant and parties turbo mazzei is following the event for us. to say that they've been stopping traffic and breaking a few hearts along the way that understatement these girls eighty six of them from
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eighty six countries have been here in the capital for the last two weeks enjoying some of russia's cultural as well as doing a little bit of a long therapy while they've been here they've been around cultural centers where they've painted much. doesn't want to take away a little bit of russia when they go back home they've also done further issues on red square iconic center of moscow visit of the bolshoi theatre and amongst that also had a little bit of fun of course down at the racetrack just testing out some of those luxury cars that we are a c.e.o. around the capitol hill but more importantly they all about charity giving it's part of their work and they visited a couple of local colleges centers with my parents and children have given gives as well as spend time with the children but of course today is the start of the official start of the news universe contact it will seek something contestants been picked today who will compete on saturday for that tron of miss universe at the crocus hall in moscow will be given you all the updates and who doesn't want to be
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crowned miss universe. as we remember the fifth of november the next crisis is there's a plan to blow the global economy sky a parish the thought fund what he's talking about in just a minute after the break. remember way back when we first talked about the first downloadable guns that could be printed out on a three d. printer at home while technology moves pretty quickly because british police have already busted in the legal armory pretty out firearm parts and special three d. printers this technology may make gun control literally impossible in the same way that banning and burning books has become futile and the past they used to be able to just burn books or forbid them from being printed but in the age of the internet all you need is a scanner and an internet connection and the information that's found in
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a book cannot be destroyed because it is out there on the magical ether of the air at so basically the near future any person with even half a brain and some patients can start making guns in their basement which means the gun control laws will basically become pointless because they'll never be able to catch all the people doing it nor will be able to take the guns not even obama or the hardest of hardcore liberals this technology could be the best thing to happen to the second amendment ever but i shushed my opinion.
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welcome to the kaiser report i am max kaiser remember remember it's yet again the fifth of november and banks there's a con man still rule it's been four hundred years that rebuilding failed for a rope a rope was the last never held and for this reason trees those plots to look bad indeed it was blankfein the diamond who did these schemes called ponzi contrived to blow the global economy sky high with three quadrillion derivatives lay deep in dark pools that did prove the market's overthrow. the markets go blue with the economy what are wealth and when the smoke did clear away the tollbooths are here to stay life liberty and the pursuit of happiness speech assembly and association were no longer fricken free all but a dollar a nickel and a dime so remember remember that every fifth of november when we pay warner brothers is copy white till we must drop another penny to the guy they call jamie
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carney or blight pip pip or a penny for the guy stacy herbert yeah max is the tollbooth economy the november the president wants you to get rich on obamacare you being the bank of course this is tom scully in the new york times and he was he was involved in the introduction of medicare schedule d. which is that trillions to our health care bill in the united states but he was talking to hedge funds and private equity about obamacare and he said it's not a government takeover of medicine it's the privatization of health care you know i call this the digital divide or digital apartheid in america you notice that when it comes to hardware software to run a massive surveillance state run out of the n.s.a. be after the government things seem to work flawlessly but rolling out a computer program for health care oh it's stinks it's full of bugs.
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