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tv   Headline News  RT  November 6, 2013 5:00am-5:30am EST

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the fifth of the bamber which manning will remember a scuffle in london between police and mass protesters as you know honest movement draws and say corruption rallies worldwide. germany's possible betrayal by another close friend as a report expose the u.k. for apparently operating a data harvesting post right on their bonus dads know. georgia signs up its military to more years in afghanistan to boost its chances of nato membership will speak to both supporters and troops families who say there are a loved ones have already paid and blog. and reaching for the stars the sochi winter olympic torch prepares for a lift up at its first ever spacewalk.
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this is r.t. coming to you live from the russian capital on marina joshie welcome to the program guy fawkes night to qana a global field this year activists in more than four hundred cities turned out for the million mask march it was a show of anger against online privacy breaches corporate greed and corrupt governments. first london and a bonfire lit outside the gates of buckingham palace with crowds wearing white masks involved in scuffles with police there were similar scenes near parliament to sara for of was there. oh right we were trying to the first about the protests of the movie among the other callers that read
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a lot of resistance from the protestors this sort of was out there you will know more live as well mostly even though all the not only the laws. but basically very very ugly rights and right and clear the right thing you know with little movement and in fact that it would be a. book rather unexpectedly the million mom march here in london has paid. the fees that have me from the houses of parliament where they were protesting and they won't write down all of them out here in london if you look behind him they're all walking down the mall with buckingham palace. well the man must protest this hair in london have ended up outside buckingham
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palace with. the other of them even making it across the gate we seeing prices breakouts and i between police and protesters and some of the groups been saying often as he said coming over way down here of course this maybe has been taking place in cities around the world tonight but here in london protests this ending the evening outside buckingham palace serafin artsy london and now across the atlantic protesters in the united states also use their chance to deliver a firm no to corporate greed and privacy breaches crowds marched through downtown los angeles to show their solidarity with the movement many of them have links with the occupy wall street front born two years ago on the east coast activists also converged outside the white house to protest well here's more from our washington correspondent dan if you count. here in washington you have different protest groups marching under the umbrella of be anonymous they protest different things
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they protest what they see is a police state they focused against the persecution of whistleblowers they protest against wall st told the world's biggest producer of genetically modified seeds so generally speaking they see themselves as a movement against the government and corporation is taking advantage of the people . who are. so we're standing next to the white house what do you want president obama to hear you want president obama to hear that five years after the financial crisis the banks being bailed out we're still suffering people are still struggling they're drowning in debt we live in a country that's fundamentally unfair we no longer have the rule of law from the n.s.a. to edward snowden to chelsea manning all over the world people are speaking out whistleblowers are speaking out regular people are speaking out and saying enough is enough we want justice we want to know and people ask if a decentralized mass movements like this can achieve anything other than just making noise well last year they were instrumental in informing people about this
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but legislation that would provide legal protection to internet giants that spawn all private information of their users two thousand agents use and now in light of edward snowden's revelations they demand a drastic overhaul of the n.s.a. all the movements rolled out in almost every continent france italy and portugal were among the e.u. countries which saw the protests elsewhere canada mexico and brazil demonstrations also drew crowds in japan australia and new zealand all of the face of god guide dogs more popular than ever abby martin looks as its significance. for you hard pressed to not find this mascot a recent protest but ironically every time the mask is purchased time warner gets a cut just because of time turners move even for an end to come. bunny also trademark the mask but despite this disturbing contradiction the mask still serves
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a very noble purpose it's helped to give activists unity and identity to anonymity . now as a privacy campaigners to their ground and other ad words snowden leak emerged it turns out that it's not just the u.s. that might have been brian into germany's classified affairs lawrence miss is in london for the. lord so tell us who's been caught out now. well now we know of course that it wasn't just the u.s. who was eavesdropping on the germans it's really been revealed that britain probably was to this information comes from the edward snowden leaks from n.s.a. documents from aerial photographs and of course from past form and it suggests that the u.k. has its own nest of intercepting equipment on the roof of its own embassy
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high-tech listing equipment on the roof of the embassy which of course is in the heart of a not very far from the german parliament not at all far from calls office so really in the heart intercepting communications potentially in the heart of german government. and this equipment intercept mobile phone calls and it's well known that angela merkel conducts a lot of government business through mobile phone calls and also through text messages can also incept wife by data and long just longer distance communications right across the german capital so it's incredibly intrusive potentially the germans of course are up in arms about it one m.e.p. has said that the operation is clearly targeting politicians and journalists and questioning whether they really are enemies of britain if you like and he says it's hardly in the spirit of european cooperation that everyone's going on about all the time and of course it's incredibly awkward for the british red faces all around the
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british ambassador has been summoned to see the german foreign minister to try to explain himself. well of course this isn't the first time that a close friend of germany has been up to no good ripe. yeah that's right we already knew about about the u.s. . listening equipment and it's basically the same deal equipment on the roof of the embassy which if you see pictures of it it's pretty obvious that it's there it's a sort of white box but apparently it's not visible from the streets at school and it's real spy novel stuff all of the operations for stuff by people inside the embassy but very few start and working under covers that even their colleagues didn't know what they were doing and the u.s. is now scrambled to limit that damage by shutting down this intercepting nest we know that from. we know that. the nest has been significantly reduced but of course that's happened as these new allegations about the u.k.
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have been and german and u.s. diplomatic relations have really hit an extraordinary relations of really has been extraordinary since this since this was revealed and we can expect the same for the u.k. if the ambassador isn't able to provide now as a percentage of the nation and the first test of those relations particularly between the u.s. and germany is coming up next week that's basically trade negotiations between the u.s. and the european union understandably those in now in jeopardy and the european official talking to the guardian newspaper said it's over for us now the u.s. and germany particularly got close to be the e.u. as a whole haven't been doing business on a level playing field so potentially incredibly damaging well indeed must be very embarrassing situation for the countries cagr and hannah doing that and certainly nominees a backdrop for the negotiations between the parties involved laura smith thank you so much for bringing us this update from wanda and from germany's pirate party doesn't think his country's an entirely innocent victim. the german government of
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course didn't notice what was happening on the roof top of the u.s. embassy and the u.k. embassy because it's clear for everybody who looks at that building what's going on there but i think that the german interior secret service they're not a nod to investigate on the l a's and this is simply because germany right now is such a class part of the b. of the u.s. and they want to become a first class partner so our government is simply selling our privacy and their own privacy to climb up to lead. the us out has its own vision on resolving spy scowls once and for all by plugging leaks with dollars lawmakers have approved the annual intelligence authorization act that includes funding operations to prevent revelations similar to those made by edward snowden the director abhi n.s.a. will also have more powers to investigate employees with security clearances.
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now this such a twenty fourteen winter olympic torch relay is approaching an historic checkpoint final preparations are being made to sand it into space martin andrus is a cosmic hero where the launch will take place. up up and away yes the countdown begins it's now less than twenty four hours until the olympic torch makes this moment in history this fascinating journey up to the international space station it will be approximately eight am tomorrow in moscow and the launch where we also see . in london eleven pm in new york of course this is a moment in history of course not only the fact that it's the second time. three soyuz spacecraft have docked with the i assess and they'll be a total of nine crew members on board so i'll be quite a party up there my opinion i think the space station is one of the greatest accomplishments of mankind in modern times because of the international cooperation
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of all the countries involved so it's great that we can tie these two great events in an elim pics in the international space station tie them together in some small way and we're happy to be a small part of it. the olympic flame is one of the most ancient symbols of peace and it's a great responsibility and a great pleasure to be working with this symbol. taking the specially modified torch because of course you can't have a naked flame in the vacuum of space out of the s.s. on the night of november and the scheduled to come back here down to earth on the eleventh of november lots of press here from all around the world the friends of excitement here in the baikonur of course there's lots of military the heightened security is in full places going to be almost children military here of course this is now part of the exciting pan russian school for the olympic torch it's already been to the north pole where it was on nuclear powered ice breaking ship it will make its way to lake baikal the largest freshwater lake in the world go to the very
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very bottom of that lake and it will also make its way to the tallest mountain in europe to the peak of elbrus before its final journey to the olympic opening ceremony on the seventh of february next year in sochi on the black sea so lots to look forward to but of course at the moment for the next twenty four hours all the eyes on the olympic flame and the torch is journey to morrow to the i assess to look forward to in a moment that's promised to be literally out of this world well we're of course following the torch on its average journey around russia and beyond anything to keep tabs on it. the new ones taking russia to court for detaining greenpeace activist in the arctic ocean in september theory environmentalists where arrested after trying to scale a russian oil rig and the dutch are demanding their release reports. russia is not
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going to take part in the proceedings the russian authorities from the get go were saying that they actually have a lot more issues with the dutch government than the dutch government could possibly have for moscow russian authorities are saying that they have been closely monitoring the activities of the arctic sunrise for quite some time in the have been worried about them and how very repeatedly asked the dutch authorities to do something about the vessel and. those who are on board the arctic sunrise but the netherlands remained kind of mom on the whole matter now what to the netherlands are hoping to take off this tribunal is the provisional release of the thirty people who are on board the vessel from the jail in which they have been since middle of september they're hoping to get a ruling from the international tribunal sometime in the next couple of weeks at the same time there is talk from the greenpeace press secretary in russia of the
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activists possibly being transferred to a different jail from mormons which is in the north of petersburg however there is no official confirmation in that regard norris's has said that they would drop the charges of piracy and replace them with charges the polygamous and very recently however that has not been done yet. so there's a bitter pill for some doctors in the united states a report reveals that some help torture prisoners instead of giving them treatment the details on that still have for you the south. now britain's construction industry is building at its fastest rate since the credit crisis hit problem and the skilled workers have gone we'll look at why.
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there's a medium leave us so we leave the meat. of the scene potions to the. all the physical . issues that no one is asking with to get that you deserve answers from. politic. wealthy british scientists it's time to try to find. the. markets. find out what's really happening to the global economy for a no holds barred look at the global financial headline news. comes a report on our team.
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after a decade of war in afghanistan georgia's declared that it's game for more nato operations there even after next year's troop pullout believes he wants to prove itself to the alliance which he desperately wants to join as race and reports leaders are accused of being willing to pay in blood to do so. these georgian woman suffered a tragic loss the hardest thing for any mother her sons or rob was sent to get his son and came back in a coffin. his body was frozen the coffin was full of ice but we're open to it i saw many scars on his head. i remember woman in military uniform had come to my place she told me that my son had died in the explosion at the barracks but that he is a hero. rob had planned to get married in september he signed up for military
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service to get a salary of seven hundred dollars a month so he could start a new life. what good are all these medals these owners if he's no longer live what should i do now. do you under president mikheil saakashvili made joining nato a national priority. as a nonmember the country has been better than collison operations in afghanistan since two thousand and four georgia has sent around eleven thousand troops there making it the largest known alliance contributor. around thirty georgian soldiers have died in afghanistan. and the new leadership seems likely to stick to that course they use old keys to raise their ratings on the world's arena really has a more prime minister but i should be there has a more why don't they send them to ghana star why should we pay. our head georgian military expert says the country needs to join nato to protect itself from russia.
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in two thousand and eight tbilisi launched a large scale assault on its rake away province of south a settin in violation of a truce to regain control over it dozens of russians living there were killed the russian military intervened fending off the georgian forces in a five day conflict georgia's new. cheese have already pledged to bring self-assertive back into the fold. if we become a nato member then chapter five will protect us and we'll be able to rely on nato as help in the event of any military conflict and we send our children to afghanistan to show average interest to cooperate this is the price we pay yes nico also has kids two daughters by asking whether he'd send his son to have denniston if he had one it's a very difficult question but i'd be honored for him to become a hero they spoke of two hundred pages as cold heroes twenty nine stories of young
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georgian men who died in a military mission in afghanistan fortunately these tragedies have not been repeated since the book was published several months ago but as the country expands its contribution to international mission it's easy to imagine more similar chapters unfolding. from georgia. doctors are supposed to heal not harm but some u.s. medics are being accused in an independent study of being complicit in the torture of suspected terrorists it's claimed they have designed inhumane and cruel procedures when they should have stood up to the cia's orders associate professor of medicine dr alan kalar from new york university believes the doctors were often the driving force behind implementing abusive treatment was clear policy and practice of the department of defense and of the cia that following the tragic events of september eleventh that torture was institutionalized and that
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health professionals not only participated passively but frankly led this led this in terms of developing the abusive torture methods that were used in kata following their use and in pet you waiting a law i that these methods are safe and effective interrogation techniques there is no question that they were torture they were dangerous they were abusive they're not effective in a listening accurate information and they are wrong. you made soudan a tory is going tunnel bay prison know what it's like to enjoy intense interrogation and our t.v. crew has been given a rare chance to report from within the camp so how lying to see what we discovered as official showed off equipment for the widely criticized force feeding procedure insisting it's not really that bad. also israel's olive branch to kick
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start flagging peace talks it's offering to make the barrier which surrounds the west bank the border of any future palestinian state. now being a builder in britain manned good well paid work and plenty of it when the crisis struck it hit construction hard today though firms are doing more business than an time in the last six years yet attracting the skilled workers back onside is proving tough bully boy who looks at where the industry is pointing the blame. it's supposed to be a bellwether for the economy as a whole but britain's construction industry has been crippled by the financial crisis literally this central london site was surprised to house a skyscraper called the panic oh but those cranes over there have been lying idle foamers two years off the financing for the office tower dried up now instead of
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the pinnacle those in the business preferred to call it the stump instead while commercial buildings lack private funding government budget cuts have hit public projects hard one hundred fifty thousand skilled construction workers in the u.k. are out of was and on the dole the welfare payments a costing the government over two billion pounds a year if this government invested when that kind of power and it continued with various plans such as building schools for the few. building new hospitals we would have actually been prime building workers to produce for the country on the other side you promised sexperts have advised the government that if they invest just five percent of those two billion pounds on funding public building projects such as affordable housing they'll create thousands of jobs there's been a big pool of government investment and a projected for continuing to next be is there all things that government can do to
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get this industry moving again and i think what we're saying is that government is to get on and do that and not allow the stagnation to carry on for the next five years while sites are abandoned the workforce has been losing skills to paper over the cracks all those have been stepping in there are a lot of modern workers working on construction saw the british were close saying to baby the more elderly his own saw i think that is probably caused by the lack of apprenticeships and the lack of trying in this type of blogs in our industry economic recovery tends to. with the construction sector beginning to me and the good news is that off to years of stagnation in the u.k. the only way from here is. what the boys are much. more stories from around the world now in china several small bombs containing ball bearings have exploded outside our regional communist party headquarters killing
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one person and injuring eight they ripped through a crowd of government employees who were heading into a war and it's not known who was behind the blast just over a week ago two tours died and dozens more were injured in a terrorist attack when a car rammed into a crowd on tiananmen square. couples in mexico city between police and farmers fighting for a fair price for their products one for tester was tackled to the floor and kicked after running from officers only some farm products are subsidized by the government leaving others to claim they are at an economic disadvantage. india has launched its first spacecraft bound for mars the rocket will orbit earth over the next twenty five days to gather enough speed to continue its journey is to mission is successful india will become only the fourth space program to make it to the red planet after the soviet union the us and europe.
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former israeli foreign minister is to get a job back in the cabinet after being acquitted of all charges in a corruption case a door liberman's post was kept open during the course of the trial the far right politician was accused of fraud and breach of trust labor man was suspected of promoting a diplomat in exchange for details on a probe into his business activities. we're up to date here in oregon now and up next artie's got a tour of the world's most maligned jail guantanamo bay our viewers in britain though get to find out how much the recent spice gal is costing the british prime minister. wealthy british style. time to see the tires on.
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the market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kaiser report on our. please. please. please. please. margie dot com is launching a special project to mark the appalling scale of violence in iraq. we want you to know. in a blow to the u.n. scope of the super even cold today that the prison is it going to move to legally
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challenge their detention in kuwait schools. what we want is an immediate cessation of conditions that are cruel inhuman or degrading or that constitute torture migrant shane school human rights lawyer involved in the money most grueling is now demanding the release of the names so that they can do you can cope the government has so far refused to release the name stuff. why do you know how many. you sure you know. not today well it seems like a perfectly reasonable request to you why don't you just give us all the names it may not be. what i asked. i never heard of her knew of her until guantanamo have had our story are all i took part. in.
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that's what i. would like a wake up call for me as i could i would have been submerged in the stonewalling efforts of my government of my colleagues there and get. them going along with them stonewalling in placing these obstacles in the way. of these attorneys who are trying to get that information. nearing the end of my tour there. something is going to be done that's going to be done by me and doesn't have a short amount of time to do it. you want to know where i get the. inspect your bags they look at your things and you have something like that. they're going to prosecute you and i mean a list of names they're not going to let me in with that. figure out a way you know how am i going to get it off the island.


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