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tv   Headline News  RT  November 6, 2013 12:00pm-12:30pm EST

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on. your nine pm moscow time tonight crowds in hundreds of cities across the globe have taken part in a million mass march against corruption corporate greed and online privacy breaches . also headlining from us tonight tensions between germany the u.k. over spying allegations grow their lives accusing london of breaching international law by using the roof of its embassy the surveillance post. a deadly blast hits the syrian capital damascus it's killed at least eight and injured dozens more as the prospects for long awaited peace talks moves further away. and i'm happy a note reaching for the stars the limpid torch for the winter games in sochi prepares for liftoff on its first ever space walk we're reporting from that launch site.
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very good even if you just joined us my name is kevin owen here with us this hour in moscow our top story from r.t. the guy fawkes night took on a global field this year activists of more than four hundred cities around the world turned out for that million mask march to show their anger at corrupt politicians corporate rule in states of aliens in london but i was mugged by bonfire scuffles and arrests crowds that started a fire near buckingham palace they blocked parliament square for a while as you see the police moved in the sarah firth was there. no you. are trying to the first one the greater the lithium on march the other cargo. read a lot of resistance from the protesters. sort of other people know more live as well mostly even more than that in the last operation they've been very very ugly
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right at. the right that's really not the rule and he told me that you know exactly that that it would be a. book rather unexpectedly the million mom march here in london has paid the fees they had me from the houses of parliament where they were protesting and they won't write down all of them out here in london if you look behind him they're all walking down the aisle with. was. a woman ma'am are protesting here in london have ended up outside buckingham palace oh yes and then even making it across the gate we seeing prices breakouts and i've a tween police and protesters and some of the groups then saying often as he said
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coming over way down here of course this may be seen taking place in cities around the world tonight but here in london protesters ending the day outside buckingham palace sara first r.c. . so those pictures there across the atlantic protesters in the united states also took their chance to deliver a firm no to corporate greed and privacy breaches crowds march through downtown los angeles to show their solidarity with the movement many of them aligned to the occupy wall street front on the east coast meantime artifice also governor said the boy toast a protest from their washington correspondent going to church you can. hear in washington you have different protest groups marching under the umbrella be. honest they produce different things to protest what they see as a police state they focus against the persecution of whistleblowers they protest against law saying told the world's biggest producer of genetically modified seeds so generally speaking they see themselves as a movement against the government and corporations taking advantage of the people.
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who are. so we're standing next to the white house what do you want president obama to hear you want president obama to hear that five years after the financial crisis the banks being bailed out we're still suffering people are still struggling they're drowning in debt we live in a country that's fundamentally unfair we no longer have the rule of law from the n.s.a. to edward snowden to chelsea manning all over the world people are speaking out whistleblowers are speaking out regular people are speaking out and saying enough is enough we want justice we want to know and people ask if the decentralized massed movement like this can achieve anything other than just making noise well last year they were instrumental in informing people about the cisco legislation that would provide legal protection to internet giants that funneled private information of their users two thousand agencies and now in light of edward snowden's revelations they demand a drastic overhaul of the n.s.a. . ok this message is spread it around the world there's
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a big million mask march ready to as you'll see us the countries lighting over the countries where it's been happening it's been happening in europe city portugal saw crowds gathering on the streets where a mass elsewhere in canada mexico brazil it was happening to demonstrations also happened in japan australia and new zealand. and the guy forced mark has become a symbol of the protest movement of top selling item online abbi martin looks at its significance here. really hard pressed to not find this mask at a recent protest but ironically every time the mask is purchased time warner gets a cut yes because of time turners move even for a company also trademark the mask but despite this disturbing contradiction the mask still serves a very noble purpose it's help to give activists immunity and identity to anonymity .
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the spying scandal between germany and britain is gathering for sperling's warned london that using its embassy as a surveillance post is illegal under international law the allegations of u.k. snooping come on the heels of course of the revelation of america's own president spying of a german chancellor of his or a smith has the details. now we know of course that it wasn't just the us who was eavesdropping on the germans it's have been revealed that britain probably was to this information comes from the edward snowden leaks from n.s.a. documents from aerial photographs and of course from past form and it suggests that the u.k. has its own nest of intercepting equipment on the roof of its own embassy which of course is in the heart of berlin not very far from the german parliament not at all far from merkel's office you see pictures of it it's pretty obvious that it's there it's
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a sort of white box. and this equipment intercept mobile phone calls and it's well known that angela merkel conducts a lot of government business through mobile phone calls and also through text messages can also incept wife by data and long just longer distance communications right across the german capital so it's incredibly intrusive syncros it really awkward for the british red faces all around the british ambassador has been summoned see the german foreign minister to try to explain himself in german and u.s. diplomatic relations really has an extraordinary since this since this was revealed and we can expect the same for the u.k. if the ambassador isn't able to provide now as a percentage of the nation and the first test of those relations particularly between the u.s. and germany is coming up next week the space be trade negotiations between the u.s. and the european union understandably those in now in jeopardy or smith there will european parliament paul murphy thinks
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a lot of oh there will be consequences for london in the end it's going to be business interests will prevail over public demand justice. germany and britain are both in the european union together they are meant to be part of a common political project and so it's more difficult for them to express the open antagonism that does exist but at the same time i think he's going to have consequences it will deepen the divides between the. britain as represented by the government and within germany. there really is kind of star of difference there with britain more representing an atlanticist view of the european union obviously being part of the so-called five together with the u.s. you know u.s. led was counted a strain in new zealand and britain whereby they spy on others but supposedly agree not to spy on each other i think actually what would happen is that is that it attempts would be an attempt by the governments to so madi express and give voice to be felt by people but then to try and put
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a lid on it because if you look at what's happening between the you with the us i mean there is words of criticism but then both sides want to get on for example with the free trade agreement between the two in the us because they see it as being in the interests of big business on both sides. over the u.k. partly no rush to give birth announces over the latest spying allegations peter all of a fraud he went to find out what the german people had to say about it. the fallout from the revelations that britain may have had a spy nest on the roof of its embassy in berlin it being felt right across germany here in rural northern bavaria the local newspaper carries the headline now even the british as spying on us it also has a picture of the locations of the british and american embassies and where the various listening posts were supposed to be now the people who we speak to here say this really isn't what friends do so on another day i should terms. it's shocking we've been friends with britain for a long time outside of our knowledge to show i think it's shameful what they've
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done and they don't care if it isn't right now try to do the disgusting but nothing will get done. that you think it's not ok but what can we do against this type of operation the response from britain that they don't and so questions when it comes to matters of national security isn't anything to ease the concerns of people all across germany who are left wondering just how much of their personal and private data is being listened to or looked at by their allies in the united kingdom all of which could lead to some potentially interesting talks next time david cameron meets with anglo merkel but could end up having some role that toxic implications for relations between two of europe's major powers. still ahead this hour an investigation shows light on military torture in the united states to depend for shows that while the defense department the cia masterminded the abusive treatment doctors and medical staff were more hands on with it is interesting read also to
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a nationwide strike in greece shuts the public services transport for twenty four hours as protesters go all out against austerity program whipped up by the country's international lenders we're talking about that very soon tonight. terrorist attacks across syria left at least sixteen dead according to local media the explosions coming after international talks to end the crisis were yet again. paula slee is got the latest. at least eight people have been killed and many more injured in the capital city of damascus as a result of an explosion that happened at the entrance to the railway building among those injured are women children and construction workers there is no group that as of yet has come forward to claim responsibility for this attack but the government is calling it the work of terrorists which does refer to opposition and rebel fighters who have been backing it out with the syrian president bashar assad
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at the same time there's been a second incident of violence in the southern city of suede and now there we are hearing that a suicide bomber drove a car into a building belonging to the syrian military intelligence and then in another incident in hama province they we're hearing that a gang has attacked a military outpost again no word there of casualties but this has been a bloody few hours of violence in syria and the attacks come in the wake of no movement on the diplomatic front there had been hope that geneva two would bring together the syrian government and the opposition before the end of the year but the latest word now is that on november the twenty fifth if the russian as well as the american delegates and the umbrella of the united nations arab league envoy lakhdar brahimi will meet and only even perhaps will they agree on a date by when to have this next round of negotiations the problem is the sticking points which first and foremost is the division within the opposition and they also
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are insisting that the syrian president bashar assad is removed before they're prepared to come to talks now this comes on the back of several weeks of foreign inspectors working inside syria and up until now the wood from these inspectors has always been positive. well with that in mind despite the progress in syria's chemical disarmament hailed by the international chemical watchdog of the world that paul was talking about there is still skepticism coming from america u.s. officials say the assad government may be trying to hold on to some of its toxic arsenal but gerard coleman author and journalist who's been writing extensively on the syrian conflict told me such statements are just acts of desperation he thinks on washington's part i think the west is very very desperate in syria right now they've been bogged down there now for two years with their foreign mercenaries and foreign terrorist groups they've been basically sending over the border from turkey and from lebanon and from iraq and neighboring countries so they are not really
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interested in disarming syria this is not a question of disarming syria this is basically a smokescreen what they're really trying to do is cover up for their own crimes crimes of the groups that they've been sending into syria now since two thousand and eleven these are these are clerical fascist groups extremists are funded by saudi arabia and qatar and israel and what they're trying to do is to divert attention from the terrible atrocities being committed by these groups and blame the assad government again but there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever of the use of chemical weapons against syrian population by the syrian government on a lighter note after the break we follow the record breaking olympic torch relay it's going up to space. very shortly. old. technology innovation all the developments
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around russia we've got the future covered. economic down in the final. deal and the rest of it will be.
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twenty one sixteen about an ira mosco the sochi twenty fourteen winter olympic torch relay is approaching an historic checkpoint final preparations being made to send it into orbit martin andrews is at that cosmodrome end where the launch is set to take place soon. well the countdown begins and away less than twenty four hours before this russian space rocket jets off into space with the three crewmembers suppliers and of course the olympic torch it will take between six and eight hours to reach the international space station ten minutes just two weeks zero gravity and connected with the international space station tomorrow only the second time in history that they will have three soldiers capsules on board and a total of nine crew members so even though will be quite cramped from tomorrow afternoon or certainly be
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a party as for the space walk they can't have the naked flame in the vacuum of space and they also can't have the flame inside the i assessed you to safety procedures but they do have a modified towards take that outside the i assess on the ninth of november cosmonauts all are cut off and he will be making that historical space walk on there for the night they will then be returning with three remaining crew members back here on november the eleventh once the torch is back on terra firma it will then continue its journey around russia in total will be covering sixty five thousand kilometers of terrain covering eighty three regions of russia it will go on to lake baikal to the bottom of the lake in siberia the largest freshwater lake in the world and a wall eventually make its way to the top of mount elbrus the tallest mountain in europe ahead of its final journey to the opening ceremony in sochi on the black sea on the seventh of february yet of course will be covering the launch live here on
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r.t. as the olympic torch is taking to space you will follow its remarkable remarkable event live the rest is journey to. the international space station from us. next the day greece stood still public services and transports been crippled by a nationwide strike against tightening austerity around fifteen thousand people joined the twenty four hour walkout move coincides with the arrival of the country's international lenders known as the troika accused by many of destroying greece credit is available to convince the government to take a couple of billion euros for next year's bailout while athens is saying it needs five times less serious than acus from the civil servants confederation in greece leaves his country stuck in a vicious circle. we want to send
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a message to the government and to the troika that it is enough with this kind of austerity policy this for policy has failed already for three years they promise that it will be a development in the country and it will it should be a growth by the set of these we see poverty growing up we see unemployment people and when we don't see any result in the numbers in the us and the statistics in the figures of our public debt and the public deficit all these loans everybody knows that all this money they're giving they're going to have to pay back this loans the situation cannot continue anymore. online our correspondents provide a unique glimpse of the fukushima exclusion zone if you get a minute to check it out for your skis there now in japan working on a report from the scene of the twenty eleven nuclear disaster people following my instagram to see how the situation is developing it seems to be bad news of the bad news there. and on our you tube channel we got some breathtaking footage of this adventure rocketing through the skies there mouth fuji well there it goes with
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those jet powered wings i'd love a pair of those for christmas. news today. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. operations room. another has taken russia to maritime court demanding the release of those greenpeace activists to tend to the arctic more than a month ago environmentalist who tried to scale that russian offshore oil rig aboard a dutch vessel charged with hooliganism right now. the latest on this case russia is not going to take part in the proceedings the russian authorities from the get go were saying that they actually have a lot more issues with the dutch government than the dutch government could
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possibly have for moscow russian authorities are saying that they have been closely monitoring the activities of the arctic sunrise for quite some time and they have been worried about them and how very repeatedly asked that as authorities to do something about the vessel and. those who are on board the arctic sunrise the netherlands remained kind of mom on the whole matter now what to the netherlands are hoping to take out also this tribunal is the provisional release of the thirty people who are in board the vessel from the jail in which they have been since the middle of september they're hoping to get that's ruling from the international tribunal sometime in the next couple of weeks. u.s. medics working for the military been accused of using torture to gather intelligence from terrorist suspects a new independent report suggests the department of defense and the cia ordered doctors to carry out quote inhumane and cruel procedures so troubling kello to part of the inquiry says many of the techniques were designed by medical stuff
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themselves it was clear policy and practice of the department of defense and of the cia that following the tragic events of september eleventh that torture was institutionalized and that health professionals not all e participated passively put frankly led this led this in terms of developing the abusive torture methods that were used in kata following their use and in per. a law i that these methods are safe and effective interrogation techniques there is no question that they were torture they were dangerous they were abusive they're not effective at all listening accurate information and they are wrong more the world's top news stories tonight a report by swe scientists as confirmed that radioactive polonium was
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a probable cause of the death of palestinian leader yasser arafat those tests say some of the samples from his exuberant body as well as clothes carried high levels of the poisonous material. fairly early in october two thousand and four and died in a french hospital on november the eleventh year age seventy five palestinians could have been poisoned by israeli forces. will say there are a new round insurgency that now use only political means to attain the goals we have twenty three groups have been fighting with government in the eastern democratic republic of congo since last year the militants were forced out of the strongholds last week in an offensive launched by the congolese army and backed by un troops. at least eight hundred thousand people have fled their homes since the start of the fighting. gyptian courts upheld a ruling imposing an outright ban on the muslim brotherhood back in september the group was stripped of its legal status following the arms overthrow president morsi in july key figures in the brotherhood including the deposed head of state
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apparently facing charges of inciting violence those trials as well as the future facing egypt in a discussion of cross-talk. the trial that has been adjourned it started it's already been adjourned has been described by morsy supporters as illegal unfair unjust and unconstitutional how do you react to that there are signals on there are signs that we have seen it may make us believe that this trial is turning to be a political feud or the most illegitimate institution in egypt right now is the judiciary they are able to go through for trial an appeals process to take on hosni mubarak for the crimes that he allegedly committed during the two thousand and eleven operating and now you see the crimes of the muslim brotherhood being put on trial and if they are found guilty there may be an appeals process there may be another acquittal. after years of stagnation the british economy starting
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to show signs of recovery but so far the construction sector remains in the doldrums leaving thousands of workers and employed of these police could takes a closer look next to where the industry is heading that. it's supposed to be a bellwether for the economy as a whole but britain's construction industry has been crippled by the financial crisis literally this central london site was surprised to house a skyscraper called the panic oh but those cranes over there have been lying idle for almost two years off the financing for the office tower dried up now instead of the pinnacle those in the business professor call it the stump instead while commercial buildings lack private funding government budget cuts have hit public projects hard one hundred fifty thousand skilled construction workers in the u.k. are out of was and on the dole the welfare payments are costing the government of the two billion pounds a year if this government invested when that kind of power and the continued with
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the various plans such as building schools for the few. building new hospitals we would have actually been prime building workers to produce for the country on the other side you promised so experts have advised the government that if they invest just five percent of those two billion pounds on funding public building projects such as affordable housing they'll create thousands of jobs there's been a big school of government investment and a projected for continuing to next be is there all things that government can do to get this industry believe me again and i think what we're saying is that government is to get on and do that and not allow the stagnation to carry on for the next five years while sites are abandoned the workforce has been losing skills to paper over the cracks all those have been stepping in there are a lot of modern workers working on construction sites the british were close saying to baby the more elderly workers on sawing that is probably caused by the lack of
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apprenticeships and the lack of trying that's tied complies in our industry economic recovery time is just. with the construction sector beginning to move and the good news is that after years of stagnation in the u.k. the only way from here is the. funny voice i see the sun this is good news that he's come from u.k. twenty seven his past not at ninetieth thanks be with us to look at life after a time behind bars in the world's most notorious prison guantanamo. what's happened is law enforcement and the national security agency has gone behind our collective backs and tried to accomplish this using the courts in secret and
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that's truly what the issue is a broken whatever trust and violated whatever trust we may have had and that's the real issue and they're going to have to earn that back the hard way. deliberate george is on a big journey to such. one hundred twenty three days. through to some members cities of russia. relayed by fourteen thousand people or sixty five thousand killings. in a record setting trip by land air sea and others face. a limp the torch relay. on r t r c dot com.
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what. we're cleaning up. the president did not keep his promise. two years later on tunnel is still operating. could shutting the door on that detention center really and the trauma of one timeout. and can the closing of a prison really liberate those that once held captive.


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