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tv   Documentary  RT  November 6, 2013 6:30pm-7:01pm EST

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human rights. in most ruling is now demanding the release of cool t.t.d. names so that they can. the government far refused to release the names of twenty three you know how many really. you sure. know. not today it seems like a perfectly reasonable request the gee why don't you just give us all the names it may not be. that is what i ask. barbara. i never heard of her until. you have a pal or storage. part or see. that's why i. was like a wake up call i mean as i could i would have been submerged in the stonewalling
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efforts of my government of my colleagues there get. them going along with that stonewalling and do placing these obstacles in the way. of these attorneys who are trying to get that information. nearing the end of my tour there. sometimes going to be a done that's going to be done by me and has been have a short amount of time to do it. bob are all sense he wants the next i know where i get the next. inspect your bags they look at your things and you have something like that. they're going to prosecute you and i knew i made a list of names they're not gonna let me off the howling with that. this so figured out a way you know how my going to get off the island. and that's when i decided i would minimize regular pieces of paper. and off to where i could put it in a card and mail it off the island. my thinking was in when i went through the
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postal system was that whoever's handling that card would if it's a little bit thick would think that maybe it's photos or something inside of it. which is not uncommon and it just happened to be since it was january or the next holiday coming up was found last day so when i went shopping at it stands for my card it ended up in the be distributed chihuahua dog. and i wasn't sure i was going to do it i mean it's just something i stayed awake at night sometimes think and you know should i go through with the show now. i'm putting my own future on the line plus my wife's my daughter's the three individuals compared to five hundred fifty plus. i'm going to leave. they're going to be left behind in maybe never have their day in court.
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retrieved the list put it in the card. office down to the post office box. meanwhile spends his fourth year in guantanamo neither the german nor the turkish government have intervened on his behalf. nobody out there knew about guantanamo prisoners was going to get. they told me you will stay here forever you will never go home. for washington two thousand and four. had been along with her lawyer she drew public attention to the breach of law and her son's fate. as a housewife i was terrified of all the cameras. i'd rather not talk.
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to the actress vanessa redgrave told me don't be afraid to wear with you. he's an idea. i mean it's clearly inhumane how they treat their prisoners there for over a year robbie a corner rallied in vain for her son until in november two thousand and five she gained a powerful ally since she wasn't even a german citizen it was convenient to say we don't want to turn asked back that's what they stuck with but chancellor merkel disagreed with this policy and said i will put it into this and bring this young man home and then one day he finally arrived here on the plane. my family was waiting for me. i saw my mother first she locked me in her arms and wouldn't let go of me anymore.
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she also cried. i assume they were tears of joy. it was beautiful beyond words and i can't describe it i was detained and tortured as now i was a free man again. everything stayed the same except for some experiences that i don't share with my family because they don't want to hear about them. because going into pakistan to fight the usa alongside the taliban in afghanistan. ruby occur nurse believes that mertz new arab friends made him lose this way. he wouldn't tell me much. to brainwash him.
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first so i know full well what my mother told the media things that the americans then used against me. they were unsubstantiated things she just said because she thought it would help bring me home sooner. i might have while i confronted him i said was it my fault if you are away and hand sorry yes it was. but as a mother i just wanted to bring home the. old
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year later after i left it like many. officer was alerted there was an investigation and now is the focus of at. that point in the ok this is not. the list that i sent this is relating to that list. when they interrogated me they proceeded to take major case prints of my fingers my hands my palms to compared to the documents that they retrieved. and then they put me through a series of handwriting samples. so i could do the return address of good mo in writing it twenty different times. and who is going to be a serious chain of events to come. if i got court martialled going to impact me i'd be prosecuted but it's not going to impact. my wife my daughter.
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came back would combine it for six months. smack her dismissal and i mean it was clear to me ok that's it retirements gone this is the life off thing so no income. immediately after i was taken away and locked up and separated from my family. and that's of the confinement facility. that's where they came with the waist band with the chains and the cuff my hands together for me and stay away from five am till lights out at ten pm trying to stay awake and just staring straight at the wall them in the chip paint in the. the primer a different color paint beneath it start taken on characters and the mind starts to lose a limb and i think they start dreaming. now
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. stripped all the way down fall needed each other they can inspect my body they take their sweet time out it. gets part of the humiliating effect that they try to have on people. i mean i was there and recreate the wheel when it created to use what they typically use in prisons barbara testified as a witness for the government against matt diaz during his trial after receiving his lest she had turned it over to the state authorities. thought it was a hoax. for months the u.s. government was facing relentless criticism over torture allegations at abu ghraib and guantanamo. they decided it was time for damage control. in
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a carefully orchestrated press conference they aim to demonstrate that there was no connection between the abuses at abu ghraib and government policy and that the aggressive techniques at guantanamo came from the bottom up and not the white house . to prove their point confidential memo and carried a single signature. of course my memo was right there clearly the intent was to shift the blame well of course i thought it was my duty and it didn't bother me at all to put in writing but then you see as it went up the chain all these other senior lawyers never put a thing in writing and so you think. ok i guess they were smart i was stupid but i never thought about any sort of political ramifications or i mean i always thought about was supporting my command but that's what put me out in the press and the critics you know the criticism and books and every torture book you can think of and every you know it's it's horrible from that standpoint that i'm taking the heat
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for the administration. to be really start with you did you expect that your opinion would not be the one that would be relied on that it knows are in fact one of the read oh sure you oh sorry my question was were i'm sorry were you surprised that your opinion became the opinion that was relied upon to shock i never received a phone call i never received an e-mail i never received anything asking me anything like are you a lunatic what were you thinking or you know great opinion or i received nothing you come across in this is being eager to have these techniques used and it says under category two using detainees phobias such as fear of dogs. now i'm trying to figure out as a lawyer how removal of clothing and using fear of dogs does not invision naked
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people by the way the hoods in their two naked people having dogs ticked on them that would have never happened i mean that's just not professional that indicates something but it didn't happen it did not happen man well dogs were used with naked people doubt that it happened if an investigator found that it happened i am not disputing that i'm just saying i was not aware of it at the time when you said. what. i what i meant was i didn't prove anything i wrote a legal opinion so whatever the commander. it would be applied in a manner to prevent it from being used abusively. i understood at the time i was. the role you played. it would not have been
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appropriate for me to simply say no legal objection or no comment there is no pressure for you. there was no pressure it was generated by me and my staff thank you do you think. that the techniques that we're talking about in guantanamo. migrating to iraq. it sucks but. we're going to do. the job the price is the only industry specifically mention in the constitution and. that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy trek albus. role. in fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is the corporate takeover of our government and out across several we've been a hydrogen why a handful of transnational corporations that will profit by destroying what our founding fathers one still just my job market and on this show we reveal the big picture of what's actually going on in the world we go beyond identifying the
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problem try rational debate and a real discussion of critical issues facing america ever feel ready to join the movement then walk a little bit of. wealthy british style. that's not tied to the tide of the findings will. hide the. markets why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report on our. time at. this site that i think it kind of can. do and the bank it's all been
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all about money and i mean that's like that for a politician right a lot. coming up. here just to let pratt city buy. that. bakken braman. finds it hard to make a life for himself. you are murat kurnaz aren't you. i saw you on t.v. you had a long beard. you look kind of rough yes. so how are you doing it's been a while since then. did you ever think of changing your name. oh yes. i do have the right to do that. i could change the name my mother and
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father gave me. i don't want to do that. you don't change it you are innocent after all and for me it's not a matter of being ashamed of it but it is hard to find a job. and if someone came to me for work i'd say ok brother i'll give you some work. but when i hear the name murat kurnaz. i would be scared. oh well that's obviously since you don't know me. maybe you're being watched and then my place would be watched to my customers might be annoyed and yeah that happens to me all the time. oh. go from top to in school.
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i feel frozen. but in some point you do have to leave on time oh hi. where might you do for the rest of my life i'm too young to just be retired. i knew if i owned my own business i had to do something that i would be good at that. here too far out. there. doing it. well dog day care business is i had a standard operating procedure that was approximately four hundred pages long they're covered everything you could think of and i thought well this is probably meant for me because this is something i understand and has to be you know a structure. when i got back from prison i was being stripped of all of my credentials as
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a qualified lawyer. no longer allowed to practice in any capacity and. that the conviction and employers that will take you. for my colleagues in somebody no longer associate with. them it's basically a person. who's been foreclosed the car has been repossessed by. the media every day requiring. i'm getting collection calls daily. and i'm doing the best i can paying the bills that i can pay it's keeping me above water for now and just wait i mean i know there's family out there. which comes to worse and in
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a fight you know if they have a room for me that's where they come to. i wrote. that and you're right. on out. because one and. everything. what happens. there for us. on this and they all they're not going to. do if i didn't do what i did to resolve the condition of the loss of income and savings and all of that. only be attending college right now. with the prepaid college tuition that i had saved up for that good news not only to get
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through my case but to get through the aftermath of that and continue living for as long as i could. in the end it's domino effect my ex-wife got behind in her mortgage and things went downhill for her where they're losing their houses when. within a matter of months from now they'll also be homeless. the stanch will complain basically showing that the mortgage rather than paid show they're trying to recover the property has basically shown if you want to get current at the bank would want is fourteen thousand two hundred seventy three dollars and forty two cents.
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what school. i want to go but on the money in grants and loans and what their mails does go in that. in. jerusalem. a lot of people change saying that down in guantanamo he can be classified as a terrorist for the government should hang my dead rescue said he or me were in any more special memorial day parade. on the morrow day around the corner and. reported . for duty if it were. you know how that. was definitely a sense of shame and letting her down. that's the downside of taking it since i took her that's the downside of being the raised i was and having the conscience i had.
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i am even safe fear just maybe it's the fear of making the wrong decision without that sort of structure to fall back on. you know i'd say it's difficult to know when. i know i don't know how to explain this these witch hunts that were going on in the military if a guy called you a dyke nothing was done to that person and there was no one you could say anything to and so that was it was very difficult particularly you know if you're doing better than the men. obviously an easy way to take
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a cheap shot at you is to question your sexual orientation or you know wear a sign that says i'm straight i'm not a homosexual i'm i was very lonely in the military because i was afraid of what people might say about me i let that control me for too many years of my life and just never dated a lot or perhaps being married was just not meant for me so i can't explain there aren't. i'm sure there's many reasons but mr y.-o. you know you just you can't let it bother you because god has a plan for everyone and so i think. you know gay maybe that day will come for me
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but it hasn't come and so it bothers me but it's just something i just can't explain. i understand that i've been placed in these situations for a reason maybe i don't understand why perhaps it's because i have the ability to withstand what has happened i'm glad i volunteered i'm glad i was assigned to go on time oh i'm sure that was part of god's plan even if. i don't always understand it and i don't always agree with the outcome. but. that's what happened and i just really have no regrets.
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the resigned joy and serving in the military still only job i knew the only life i knew for my entire adult life. my childhood was living in poverty. and i made a decision to join the military because otherwise i don't know what would have become of me. and i had a sense of why. i did everything to support the mission that. i
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did what they wanted me to do but that one thing that's the only thing that they disapproved of. well i'm not seeking any sympathy for them and i've got myself in that position but i mean that is a reality a consequence of acting on your conscience can sometimes have these types of results. actually. trying. to. go i believe in fate i am and that god puts us to the test. maybe guantanamo was a form of punishment. or a way of strengthening me for the rest of my life for those close to screams.
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i would say that i didn't pass this test.
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a nation free accreditation free comes for charges free. range and free. three stooges free. download free broadcast morning video for your media projects a free medio daugaard t. dot com. or not psych to an octave camp at guantanamo where patients are forced by the outer amount of the first strike never turned the world's attention to the point that
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some gulag of our times. more news today violence is once again flared up. the these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. the giant corporations are on the day.
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the fact that. everybody. did you know the price is the only industry specifically mention in the constitution and. that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy schreck help us. to make you know i'm sorry and on this show we reveal the picture of what's actually going on we go beyond identifying to try to rational debate real discussion critical issues facing america by december ready to join the movement then welcome to the big picture. full on tell marvin to washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture. chris christie ones.


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