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tv   Headline News  RT  November 7, 2013 1:00pm-1:30pm EST

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it was again today. operation which worked with the british. yes i can give you the currency believe that it's true the much anticipated u.k. intelligence chiefs televised public grilling turns into more of a q. and a session with predictable questions and more predictable and. also the sour report from guantanamo bay prison guards feel the comfort of billions of dollars being spent to keep the spirits up. here a little more than a life of a. fine ten thousand dollars deprived of even the most basic human rights though the inmates tailor made torture is one former prisoner tells us. on a high altitude handover the such torture which is the story of the baikonur cosmodrome
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we go over the pictures to. live from the new center of moscow at ten pm is kevin with a very good to have your company so first hot on the heels of a merican intelligence bosses trying to justify mass surveillance now britain's spy chiefs have been given the floor to explain themselves but those who expected to have a grilling are in for a serious disappointment as r.t. sarah firth has been following the hearing explains now. well of course the searching coming as a sensitive time for the government and those intelligence agencies on the back of the edward snowden revelations now we saw these three spy chiefs being questioned over a broad range of issues but i'm going to take you like to the chief. keef's
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in love and he was asked why it was necessary for the majority to have intelligence gathered in the attempts to catch the minority of doing wrong and he answered that with an analogy of a haystack so trying to find a needle in a haystack essentially saying that they don't look at the innocent hey if you like is an analogy that he used a fair bit do you think we really saw the level of scrutiny there's a lot of people will have been calling for indeed it think at the beginning of the session when we heard it said that witnesses are going to be asked to reveal any secret information so you're never really going to get any mind blowing revelations from those three spy chief but i do think people have been looking perhaps for the questioning to have gone a little bit further on some of those points and i think one of the most interesting bits in that question and answer session was when the. boss said that
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much of their success lies in terrorists being unaware of what they do and he went on to say that as a direct consequence of the snowden revelations their task has been made more difficult now let's take a listen to that. effect of the media coverage brutal media coverage will make the job that we have harder for years to come the leaks from snowden have been very damaging the put our operations at risk is clear that our groceries are rubbing their hands with glee our card is nothing you don't produce. information you can share with those as to actual hard evidence the terrorists or potential terrorists have been looking at these reports not in this public form and again i'm not sure that people are going to be fully satisfied with the answers
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that they received the main issue here i think is that a lot of the questions and a lot of the answers given from the spite he's we're centrally asking the public to take it on trust you know we're not sneakers that's not what we do we're protecting . lives in the and the country and i think the problem is in the wake of the edges of ations of course a lot of that trust has being eroded and say that is where the difficulty is going to live is certainly there are some interest think bits of information in there that are going to be very closely scrutinized but i think certain you're going to see this debate continuing so if earth reporting there from london will most exposed predicted the intelligence forces were unlikely to find themselves in hot water and like of course the journalists are really snowden's documents is to look at the efforts the british government's made to plug those leaks but in july the offices of the guardian newspaper which had some of the files were raided by g c h q agents and hard drives were destroyed as well you may recall that
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a month later david miranda partner of former guardian journalist glenn greenwald was detained for nine hours at heathrow airport he was in transit between birth and rio after beating a filmmaker who was apparently involved in breaking the leaks david miranda and stanley no challenging as to tensions through the courts although british authorities insist around his actions constituted terrorism we talked to professor of international security david gold braid he believes the government's going too far. i do think the public has a right to know exactly the overall ramifications of the intelligence community most definitely i think that the issue around how far the u.k. government can go in squeezing an independent and independent newspaper or news organization is totally is totally unacceptable within a democracy and we have a strong judicial system which is suggesting that the government is going too far and its crackdown on the government but be here in years is that we have to have trust in our and i'll efficiency that they will have proper responsible oversight
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of the intelligence agencies otherwise we're no different than any other not democracy. where according to the snowden leaks you can teligent was able to monitor up to six hundred million communications every day they were the only one either who had access to them eight hundred fifty thousand n.s.a. employees or private u.s. contractors could also dig into u.k. databases next is going to each account explains britain wasn't alone either in helping washington to keep an eye on the world. intelligence services of five english speaking countries have joint resources to spy on the whole world the u.s. is the most resourceful its closest ties are with britain's jussi h.q. but canada australia new zealand are also contributing australia backs up washington by keeping tabs on asian countries from the documents group by edward snowden who learned that. embassies across asia pacific coast based highly sensitive intelligence plucked from program as part of the five network is not just
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terrorists that the five eyes are looking for a former australian intelligence officer previous to the program said the main focus is political diplomatic and economic intelligence most recently the east timorese government complained publicly about australian spying during negotiations on the future of the timor gap oil and gas reserves canada two is interested in natural resources and is accused of actively spying on south america edward snowden revealed that canada with the help of the n.s.a. hacked into the brazilian ministry of energy and mines he also exposed that the u.s. has been spying on brazil's national oil company edward snowden revealed some details of how the five guys operate but even before intelligence officials made no secret of their quote unquote orwellian cooperation i met yesterday with our five guys colleagues and one of them. offered up the term that pop is
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become popular and his country's all stroy code efficiency dividend which is. the orwellian euphemism for cuts. for these intelligence services it looks like a give and take relationship a two way street or should i say a five way street in washington i'm going to a second party. thanks be with this comment relate to the program japan's brace for the most dangerous operation to push even nuclear plant since the twenty. and r.t. close monitoring events you'll be catching up on plus. we have come here to do serious business to make concrete progress c.e.u. expresses optimism over the current round of nuclear talks with iran but that approach isn't shared by everyone. wants the other side to be more serious that is they have to start lifting the genocidal sanctions those sanctions are killing ordinary iranians. more that soon to them but before that the cost of maintaining
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one of the planet's most notorious jails set to hit five billion dollars next year crew went to the count to find out exactly what american taxpayers are paying for. despite misconceptions give lho is not just a geo to be or not to be shot it's also a forty five square mile military base with no plans of going anywhere. full of signs of the stablished american life it is a navy base and we just happened to have the camps in here home to the only mcdonalds on cuban soil a subway sandwich shop a starbucks and a taco bell you got busted vested financial interests there you go to starbucks and . all of these other places that help to set up a logistical support for the troops that are all over the there are about five and a half thousand people living and working on the base roughly half serve the actual detention center the u.s. government has been leasing this territory since one thousand nine hundred three for just over forty five hundred dollars curiously that is still the price today
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but it's said that the cuban government has been refusing to accept this money for decades the castro government said you know we don't want this lease anymore in the united states' position was that it's a binding lease and in the lease it actually says that it can't be broken unless both sides both countries agree to that that strikes me as a very odd contract so when territory that the u.s. has occupied against cuba's wishes since one thousand fifty nine most officers come here for short term of up to nine months or longer deployment of two to three years far from home life isn't put on hold and. certain people wait and certainly have if it's away from your like rank system then you're allowed to there's the don't tell an open air movie theater playing all the hottest hollywood blockbusters and it ticky bar to let loose after a hard day's work even though most say schedules aren't that intense anyway we actually get quite a bit time off like a decent man and we go to be an end of year as our activities for people to do m.w.
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are stands for morale welfare and recreation. almost every sport known to man is available to team get on state of the art facilities. i love it it's a lot of people think there's not much to do but there's definitely an abundance to do. being in a remote location doesn't even have to affect eating habits an all you can eat lunch cost just under five bucks and breakfast is half that price a downside though information or lack thereof or just as a lot of the t.v. programs broadcasting here are army focused. and internet is almost nonexistent the beast dubbed new stream a stand by some soldiers even so we're told those serving here are banned from looking at websites like wiki leaks for example once classified always classified. even if the information has long been made public there are other strict regulations in place to fun fact about guantanamo apparently
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a life of an costs here a little more than a life of a detainee if you run one of these babies over the fine is ten thousand dollars. there's a very strict speed limit in guantanamo and it's a very slow speed limit and people say that that's that's all about the quantised somewhat ironic at a place marred by human rights scandals officials make a point of showing journalists how well prisoners two are kept and thirteen here were now in a typical cell for a compliant detainee at guantanamo they would be allowed to eat books have a two piece here some head and shoulders shampoo the less compliant ones have to wear the orange uniforms and get only two books at a time because going to the other side so you to see the books detainees can't come in here but the prisoner library lovingly displays the best of their art for t.v. crews to see a lot of pre-selected books to avoid certain topics violence sexual and religious
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stuff controversy shelves packed with magazines d.v.d.'s and video games plenty of ways for legit prisoners of war to pass the indefinite time they're kept here without charges and party guantanamo bay cuba and want to show reports from behind the commas wars including conversations with the maids and lawyers online r.t. dog comes to our special coverage there for you. in a completely different no the such a twenty fourteen torch relay is taking a cosmic twist today another memorable moment in the journey of the olympic symbol a multinational crew carried it on board the international space station the i s.s. the three crew members join the existing six month than on the orbiting platform after blasting off from the baikonur cosmodrome thursday morning but this is not the final stop of course for the top should space as artie's martin andrews explains. docking confirmed for twenty seven am central time and now the crew and symbol of the upcoming winter games have met on the international space
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station cosmonauts coat off and say go to san scheme will take the modified torch on a space walk roughly four hundred kilometers above earth fully docked with the current crew this will only be the second time in the isis history that three soyuz spacecraft and nine crew members have been aboard the lab complex at the same time millions will watch as the torch makes history safety and physics mean they card like the torch in space the design has also been changed so it can't fly away with it it wouldn't make much sense everyone knows there can be no flame in outer space as nothing burns there and it doesn't make sense to fake it after circling the planet several times the torch will come back to earth with the three returning crew members on the eleventh of november to continue its record breaking relay with the world's attention on this historical moment it's a nervous time for everyone involved we only need to prepare psychologically
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because you can't just before miss work mechanically as some routine job after all we are doing with a symbol here if you will of it's always good countries working together for the birth of everybody on the planet so in a small way i think it's great that we are in this to the international space station which is another presentation of international cooperation over the coming weeks thousands of torchbearers will join the olympic relay across sixty five thousand kilometers of terrain covering all eighty three regions of russia once complete it will be the longest relay in the history of the winter olympics but all culminated in the opening ceremony of the games in sochi by the black sea feb seventh in the meantime elim picked torch meets the final frontier but here we are. a moment that promises to be truly out of this world.
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r.t. bike annoys you. and of course of every year more on record breaking torch relay for the twenty forty winter olympics in sochi and on saturday when the torch is taken on that historic space walk to we'll have special coverage of the maids in a boat for you to see live here on r.t. thanks for being with us this evening at sixty minutes past ten at night now i'm kevin oh in about with more news after this break. torch is on the. one hundred twenty three days. fourteen thousand people or sixty. in a record setting trip. air. space. torch relay. on our.
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police. believe. archie dot com is launching a special project to mark the appalling scale of violence in iraq. we want you to know.
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a pleasure to have you with us today. peace negotiations with the government but announcement comes hours after the militants chose a new leader to replace the foreman had killed by a u.s. drone attack last week i spoke. to says the u.s. was austin put a halt to his joint strike but chose to ignore it. the taliban are angry at. last week a kamal of masood the previous leader of the taliban who was killed in a u.s. drone attack more for the last the new newly appointed chief spokesperson for the taliban and leader of the taliban now was always against peace talks even before the killing of hacking one of us food last week and he was responsible for the
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shooting of malala yousafzai the insurgency from two thousand and seven to two thousand and nine instance what value that for thousands of pakistanis killed so he has always been against peace talks with their pakistan government who have accused the us of sabotaging its talks the us were aware that peace talks were imminent and they had been asked by the pakistan government to hold strong strikes whilst these peace negotiations were occurring everybody in pakistan knew about peace talks occurring so it's very difficult to imagine they weren't aware of them and where do peace negotiations go from here at the moment they've come to a grinding halt you know boxed on government are angry at the u.s. and the taliban are angry at the pakistani government and it just seems that nobody seems to be going anywhere with peace talks words of guarded optimism over iran's nuclear crisis solution once again being heard in geneva or
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a fresh round of talks between two run and six world powers got underway official search outline of a long awaited deal is emerging world powers are offering a partial easing of sanctions if iran freezes some parts of its nuclear program michael moans a spokesman for the e.u. foreign affairs chief catherine ashton who chairs the nuclear talks he spoke to us and says this promise but it's ultimately up to rome to end the standoff. the signs are good in the fact that we are getting into the detail in a way that's really never happened before under the previous iranian government we have come here to do serious business to make concrete progress the iranians have expressed the wish to do the same so what we hope is that they will follow up their words their good words with good deeds in the negotiating room they have to make a certain number of undertakings and guarantees this is about the iranian nuclear program where the international community has justified concerns so they have to make that step and really you know agree to do certain things that the international community is demanding for example it's all about the enrichment. in
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iran to a level which is not necessary for a peaceful nuclear program therefore there are certain things that they have to do of course this is the negotiations that both sides have to be flexible but the the first step really needs to come from the iranian side i spoke how would a maddie's journalist based in to me disagrees that the talks success depends purely on iran no one can get expect a major breakthrough as long as the israeli lobby is putting pressure on the western side if dead western side wants to respect iranian right to enrich uranium if they are ready to respect that right i can go in teeth from my sources close to the negotiating team that the talks with definitely succeed. otherwise if they're not going to respect your right to enrich uranium it's not going to get anywhere iran says we're going to be more cooperative we're going to be more transparent at the. at the same time iran wants the other side to be more
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serious that is they have to start lifting the genocidal sanctions those sanctions are killing ordinary iranians diabetic's cancer patients have affiliates there not harming the government they are harming ordinary people's. mind in the spoken of the could of such sanctions israel is increasing resorting to twitter now with the hash tag stop the charm offensive spreading a message that iran's diplomatic efforts are merely a facade more the home also there to trial over the facts on the bolshoi theatre is artistic director continued picture yourself speaks out about the assault and demands almost one hundred thousand dollars in compensation. and you clear clean up team of fukushima is preparing to move the power plants fuel rods to a safer location it is therefore the most hazardous undertaking about japanese facility since it was crippled by the earthquake and tsunami two and a half years ago skis got the latest. extracting these rods from the pools is
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a really hard task because each one of them called weighs more than three hundred kilograms and they cannot even hit each other that's what caused a nuclear chain reaction not only these pools are crippled but the machinery the automated machinery doesn't work as well so everyone has to be extracted from the pool manually the tepco company running the fukushima clear up process and the japanese government are now in a vicious cycle situation because on the one hand they need to remove these fuel rods the arkansas mandating the water as it's been reported in the waters of the fukushima nuclear power plant and on the other hand of course this is a very risky venture because they have to literally extract every rod and there's more than a thousand of them and each rod has to be extracted manually we also managed to take a peek inside the no go zone in other areas and you know what what shocked me the most and surprised me the most and i'm saying that by my experiences of travelling to the explosions on interim novel that in the fukushima area the towns which are just close to the station ten fifteen kilometers away from the station they have
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been reopened for residents were literally saw people rebuilding their houses in this area in case anything happens these people would have to be relieved evacuated again and or putting themselves under very serious risk well in fact in the fukushima region itself there are several n.g.o.s who are do not believe the government and the tepco organization in their measurements of the radiation levels the one which struck me the most and we talked with them yesterday the movement called the mothers of fukushima these are ordinary women who are afraid for the safety and health of their children they bought radiation meters which the cheapest of them cost around a thousand u.s. dollars and they are just patrolling the area staking their own measurements and sending them to the government but the government as they say is doing nothing is not considering the radiation measurements as if they're trying to play down the scale of the things happening even in tokyo in front of the industrial ministry there's a peek at there's a protest happening for already eight hundred days with the people there protesting against nuclear energy and the actions of the government and the tepco so you can
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see how serious the rhetoric of the anti-nuclear movement is now in japan even though they say that their voices being often silenced by those that power. will brief now riot police of storm the state media building in athens fixing protesters who'd occupied it for the past five months scuffles scuffles a rupture between the offices and the activists the public will cross the t. there was shut down in june as part of deep budget cuts with hundreds of employees using their jobs as a result. of british military courts concluding a hearing into the alleged murder of an afghan prisoner of war by a woman reading the incident which took place two years ago was captured on the soldier's helmet camera the insurgent was found by three marines after being injured in a helicopter attack and was allegedly shot in the head by the defendant the court has withheld the video but in audiotapes been released in which the soldier can be admitting that he'd just broken the geneva convention on me in the philippines almost four thousand people being relocated from areas in the path of super typhoon
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haiyan schools have been closed flights canceled emergency service put on high alert the storm which is believed to be the world's strongest this year is no churning across the western pacific it's expected to hit the philippines within the next twenty four hours we'll keep you posted on its progress. it's twenty six minutes past ten here in moscow up ahead on r.t. a look at the history of former guantanamo detainees whose lives have been changed forever the next news bulletin just over half an hour from now. illegal immigration is a hot topic and everyone always says that immigrants do the work that no one wants to do well let me explain why that is i want to kurdistan vacation got into a taxi drawn by a former migrant worker who used to make
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a living at moscow he told me that he really worked hard driving unloading trucks after five years he came back home and bought our house yes for the seller that russians can't even survive on. he was able to buy a house employers in russian america say that locals don't want to work are demotivated well want to margaret work or on a salary that could build a bright future one compared to a local who can't even make ends meet while you could see why the market workers are a lot more motivated let me put it to you this way if you knew that you had to work five hard years of some awful labor awful conditions somewhere far away like brazil or germany what would be able to pay off a house would you do it i think you would let's not buy into this myth that locals and country x. don't want to work they just don't want to work at complete futility for table scraps but that's just my opinion. sigrid laboratory was able to build
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a most sophisticated. fortunately. tunes mission to teach music creation why it should care about you and. this is why you should care only. if you blow to the us super group today that the prison is it going to move to legally challenge their detention in us schools. we want is an immediate cessation of conditions that are cruel inhuman or degrading or that constitute torture. human rights. among most ruling is now demanding the release of food to the names so that they can see the government has so far refused to release the names why do you know nobody really. you sure. know. not today well it seems like
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a perfectly reasonable request that gee why don't you just give us all the names it may not be. at is what i ask. i never heard of her new of her until guantanamo you have the power to restore the moral i took part or see. you missed. that's what i asked him. was like a wake up call i mean as i could i would have been submerged in the the stonewalling efforts of my government of my colleagues there and get. them going along with them stonewalling and placing these obstacles in the way. of these attorneys who are trying to get information. nearing the end of my tour there .


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