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tv   [untitled]    November 7, 2013 9:30pm-10:01pm EST

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the site and create a surveillance file on its users over the course of six years six years now you might be thinking that this is just another case of agree just unwarranted spying which it is but i think that's giving them too much credit on that note let's break this. the key please please take and leave very hard to take that. lightly that you ever had sex with the earthquake there are those. that believe.
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that. given the constant censorship across the media airwaves it's great that there are organizations out there that truly embody a free press project censored as one of them the largest student based media organization in the country and every year they compile and publish a comprehensive list of the most under-reported news stories in the past year now many of these stories are issues that i repeatedly cover on the show obama's one whistle blower's the trans-pacific partnership the detrimental effects of fracking and massive wealth inequality but other stories are ones that you may not know about such as bank interest inflating global prices the power of peaceful revolution in iceland and the effect of wireless technology on global health but interestingly the number one most underreported story according to project censored is the trial of chelsea manning earlier i spoke to making huff director of project
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centered about media literacy its importance of today's society i was asked i have asked him about why his organization chose the chelsea manning trial as the number one under covered story of the past year. you know the manning case was. really significant because it really sparked the the entire wiki leaks situation and since with the leaks has been on the scene and julian a songe there's been a really significant ramping up of efforts of governments led by the united states to really silence leakers silence whistleblowers and really intimidate journalists so that they won't report things that the government is doing. renowned journalist john pilger wrote a portion of a book where he talks about lannon foundation he alleges that this group censored his film and attacked the liberal media for selling
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a war make of course this fits into the larger grouping of the liberal establishment media can you briefly talk about what is the land foundation and why it's so influential but a foundation is a liberal foundation that purports to have you know very pro free speech policies and of course if you look at their history they have championed many. free speech advocates and so forth this tale that the documentarian john pilger reports year this year uncensored twenty fourteen fearless speech in faithful times. is about his film the lennon foundation was sponsoring his film it was called the war you don't see and it was a film about media censorship and war it's an incredible film is an incredibly important film but ironically the the war you don't see became the film you don't see in the land foundation pulled their support for its u.s. treme here and john tells that story in the book it's actually a painful story never gotten
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a straight answer from the one in foundation they claim that they they had low ticket sale numbers and didn't want to embarrass him and on another that was true but they prevented him from coming they kept the theater booked the day that it was supposed to be shown to keep it empty they went to great efforts to keep the film from being shown john came into new mexico anyway we're live on asian is. as located in show the film a week later to a sold out crowd project censored showed it in berkeley california to hundreds of people and skype john in and we've told this story on our radio program but we thought it was really important to put in the book because it extends to other left progressive media outlets like democracy now amy goodman hasn't talked to john since and we've discovered that the lennon foundation actually funds democracy now and has given them over three hundred seventy five thousand dollars a particular year we don't know exactly what that connection is or what it means but it certainly is something that ought to be looked at and this is by the way this is not an example of the left disparate disparaging it's own it's not an
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example of fratricide or left wing circular firing squads you know project censored we champion free speech and we like to call out censorship anywhere we see it it pains us when we see it on the left and when left luminaries. fall prey to some of the same problems that are discussed in the propaganda model but this isn't the first time that we've done this project censored if you go back to our two thousand and eight book former director peter philips did an entire study on applying the propaganda model to left progressive media we just did a big conference on radical journalism as opposed to reform in san francisco with the need for democratic communications where james tracy and i talked at length about the problems of censorship on the left and he's written about this is well so the story is still very apt and important and who better to tell it then a great independent journalist like john pilger speaking of radical journalism the book also features a quote by chris hedges where he writes the elites and their courtiers in the
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liberal class always condemn the rebel as unpractical they use the hypocritical language of compromise generosity and understanding to accept that we must accept and work within the systems of power do you agree with that sentiment and why do you think is the liberal media doesn't receive the same scrutiny as the conservative media does i think that it's a good. service to kowtow to moneyed interests over the public interest when anybody does it and we call it out on the right and we call it out in the corporate media and certainly progressives and and others lott that when we call it out on the left it seems that there is there is that's overstepping some bounds and i think that because we've gotten criticism from right to left and whatever that falls paradigm actually as you've certainly discussed that on your program but i mean our goal is to really report what's going on and our goal is to call out censorship wherever we see it and champion voices of independent journalists and others that are speak fearlessly this is i mean we say fearless speech in faithful
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times the day we are willing to put themselves their careers even their lives on the line to tell people the things that they really need to know in order to have a self-governing society and that's why we had so many important stories this year in the top twenty five on the war on journalists record jail journalists and deaths around the world obama's record war on journalist has has gone after more whistleblowers than any president in history to the chelsea manning case that we mentioned earlier is a really significant story and we're really trying to champion through media democracy organizations and journalists and make sure their stories get told indeed mickey is speaking of another topic that the book covers this here is a chapter called a how hollywood fantasy mediate state fascism definitely a compelling headline there a lot going on what role hollywood plays in historical revisionism something that i have been referring to as the hollywood cia hollywood military industrial
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cineplex and and its take argo you know the movie that the cia actually was writing that basically working on part of a script for argo years ago and specifically in their hollywood division. they have a division in the cia that actually talks about what they would like to see as a movie. zero dark thirty the cia directly involved it was directly involved in rewriting the script for that and again this helps push the idea in zero dark thirty it's justifying the use of torture and if you go back and look at argo it's sort of reminding americans well what's wrong with iran and why should we be wary about iran and again this cia has has a hand in these kind of movies in the problem is the public sometimes these this isn't oculus entertainment it isn't it's these are ad junkies of the news industry this is all the infotainment industry right you could call it in media complex as well and this is really part of the problem and people don't really critically think about films maybe the same way they should think about news media and so on
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and elliot cohen has a chapter in our book called digging deeper that reminds us why it's important to be be astute critical thinkers and how that contributes to media literacy let's talk about money literacy you mentioned that and how you know the whole goal of projects under it is really this grassroots building of democratic media reform from the bottom up from the people there's a section in the book of course all about this why is this such an important issue for americans and what are the major steps for americans to become media literate what we're really saying is we're saying people need to learn how to construct logical rational arguments people need to learn the difference between opinions and facts people need to understand what a logically constructed our human looks like people need to understand how to avoid basic fallacies in the reasoning process ad hominum attacking a person or character rather than there are human red herring changing the subject straw person taking someone's view distorting it and then attacking a distorted view framing providing only this or that or either or type false
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dilemma i mean there are a lot of tricks that propagandists will use to deceive the public and we simply say that if people take time to be more media literate understand how ownership and advertising and all the relying on official sources helps frame news so that people are more aware so that they can ask the right kinds of questions you know. we think that's the hope and we think that's actually a radical practice because it teaches people independent thinking the importance of independent thought the great anarchist and feminist in america emma goldman once said the most on pardonable sin in society is independent thought and we project censored not only championed that but as educators we try to teach people how to think not what to think thank you so much director project censored make you have always amazing to have you on. beats and pleasure to be on keep up the great work. coming up a plan interview i did with a personal family member of the scientology family foundation.
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i want to underline the moment like. i said you know. pleasure to have you with us here on t.v. today i roll researcher. think that. we're going to go digital the price is the only industry specifically mention in the constitution and. that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy albus. role. in fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is the corporate takeover of our government and our craft semi-colons we've been
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a hydrogen lying handful of transnational corporations that will profit by destroying what our founding fathers once built up i'm tom hartman and on this show we reveal the big picture of what's actually going on in the world we go beyond identifying the problem trucks rational debate and a real discussion critical issues facing america to find ready to join the movement then welcome to the big picture. this is my ego like whenever i'm feeling a little low i'd want to look at all this i still can't believe it i still plan to and so did. my first says his father to try to be good for the. good fortune been able to help others. even in maybe i'm very proud of the level so that these awards and black colleges. getting paid by the war. i feel like left
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a mark. or not psyched to an active camp at guantanamo where patients are. in the terms of our strike every time world's attention to the place that some have called a lot of our time. guys unfortunately there was an emergency today and my next guest couldn't make it
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to the studio last week i had the opportunity to interview jamie toward the great grandson of l. ron hubbard the founder of scientology jamie talking about his controversial family legacy and why he thinks the church is really a brainwashing cult. i was actually oddly one of my greatest inspirations when i was a kid because he was a writer and he was a science fiction writer and even as a young kid i was given a lot of his books for christmas and stuff like that of his volumes and of mission earth in particular and as a little kid i was like this guy's a bad ass you know he has all these covers of guys and sheen guns in laser guns and you know rocket ships and and it was i grew up that is christian hilariously and and i actually had to learn who l. ron hubbard really was and what else he wrote the side science fiction in a book a pastor gave me about cults specifically and that was what started
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a larger conversation because in my family he was literally something we didn't talk about so he was my great grandfather his first son was l. ron hubbard jr who was my grandfather and his first child was my mother so i was the oldest child i was the oldest grandchild and. i mean it was just something that nobody ever wanted to discuss and also when i was a kid that l. ron jr was also actively battling against his father should basically is dying days so it was just something that we just didn't bring up in the house because it was constant and current and you know even now some of my family won't talk about it and actually one of the last people that will absolutely fascinating you know you're one of the most outspoken critics of scientology according to village voice sarah listed actually at number twenty two out of twenty five people are crippling it i'm told and here you are you said they are not higher on that list i do not
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want to be higher on that list that is. it's a little scary to even be on that list i won't lie i imagine it you know a little scientology compounds everywhere that the airplane dot ca is on every single person they're like all right what are we doing about number twenty four talk about backlash when kurt i mean i know that you're joking around right now but really i'm sure that there have been i mean we tried to cover story here and we received you know the call from the from the church telling us not to run the story i mean what what sort of experiences have you had any threats at all from the church for speaking out today i mean the first the very first time i spoke out about about him was in one thousand nine hundred nine and i did a performance about in a cafe at a show that i just started and culture rats without regrets and it was a show that was about just it was like there's just kind of long diatribe about scientology and it's like cults in my family and everything is the first time i
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really publicly said anything about it in particular and it went online and within days that they were out of my house they tracked me down pretty sure that they tap my phone so i was being followed everywhere i went and so i mean they they basically come after you like some kind of pseudo crazy. mafia i think that they don't want to bring more attention to just like the whole general that side of my family and that story because it's a little embarrassed seem to have the same name sake as your general idea t. . or great founder and leader actively warring against scientology for his entire life as well i mean the story of l. ron jr is a pretty nasty and embarrassing one because he used to be a member of the cult as well actually helped write a lot of their protocols that dealt with critics and strong arm tactics so he was well aware of how they were going to execute these tax sick and impression
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because junior also helped write him as well why do you think our religion and invented by a science fiction writer six years ago i mean this is recent history has become so wildly popular i mean we know that you need our machines part of the initiation i took one of those tests myself what is it about that has to long with dianetics that's sucks people in the church i think it's actually what what it's scientology is actually a very brilliant form of brainwashing one because it's very it's very process of the e meter and so on for it's really electrified hypnosis you're being guided along this hypnotic state that is causing you to regress into your past lives which also has this sort of overall overarching like kind of paranoid corporate structure to it where you're trying to unlock your brain in the guidance somebody else who has their own purposes you don't see your results so it's like you're holding this and
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it's running an electrical current through you while you're born sort of being hypnotized in this process and whatever they're writing down you don't get to see they only are secrets this is not a client attorney privilege or any kind of psychiatric relationship this is information that they just. oh and they can put in a filing cabinet and they can and will use it against you later and as you progress up this is what they call the bridge which if you just turn it on its side it's really just clearly a pyramid pyramid scam really where you going towards o.t. level eight. and higher which is basically at the point supposed to be a super human trans you know continental interdimensional beam at that point and that's where tom cruise is supposed to be that's where john travolta is supposed to be at but you're always moving up on this bridge and if you express doubts then they can reverse you on this bridge you have to take these classes over again you have to pay for it again so this is kind of
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a bizarre like internal structure that has this internal societal pressure upon you and has this paranoia on you start to believe that this machine can read your very thoughts and you can get sect checked which is like this whole brutal sort of interrogation that they'll force you through and so there's this entire climate of fear that surrounds all of it and yet the fact that aside fire writer can suddenly turn around from writing fiction and then say oh now i'm i made new brain new scientific discoveries that will change the world over and i will be very little in the form of that in search studies is rather stunning and makes sense in the time and climate that it came about you know in the fifty's in the early sixty's and this is kind of viewed as like an exciting new revolutionary innovative science you know at this point it becomes laughable when you look at a lot of its secrets revealed like o.t. level three and xenu and the evil galactic warlord and the alien souls that possess
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your body but mind you in the seventy's nobody knew that nobody had the internet this is stuff that was you had to earn your way too you had to pay to brainwash yourself i want to hear all of this talk about the you know people joining and becoming indebted and the financial manipulation i guess. yes from people who aren't millionaires right well i think one one of the reasons why celebrities become ensnared today is it is certainly way the whole sort of belief system is narcissistic in nature you're basically on a path to become a god like being you know the whole idea is this is about you that you yourself are a god like being in having this show you know it isn't that l. ron is god l. ron is basically like a buddha or like a wise the wise is scientist that has given us this technology that has unlock this and it was still view that l. ron was you know
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a wise guy like being inhabiting this flesh shell which happened to be of portly redheaded chain smoking in. middle aged man on a boat but past that is that there's a narcissism of it too it's definitely in the secrets the fact that they are in your secrets they can absolutely use those against you they absolutely will three i think that some people have to realize that it's embarrassing to go that far this pyramid and start to realize how absurd it actually is and i think that that's personally humiliating because the thing is is that that and if there are scientologists listening feel free to tune in or turn up your volume is that i don't have particularly a problem with the low level scientologists because a lot of these are are smart productive people they have to have some sense of a career in order to be able to even pay for these services that specifically the
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people they target they target people who have money that have careers that have good professional standing is that the problem is that l. ron was literally free styling the whole thing from the k. so as it goes further it becomes more and more innately absurd and more and more explicitly in. saying you know when you get the evil galactic war lords in and the dead alien parasites that are clinging to your very body well that point it becomes laughable but you don't know about that for a long time which is why the critics and the members who have left start screaming xenu right away because that's ultimately where it's going right is that you know if i hand you a bible you can read the book of revelations in the first five minutes you don't have to earn your way in a year away and unlock each new chapter of the bible it's all given it once and i think that's the point is that why should we trust an organization and press any
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religion institutionalized religion but especially one that makes me paying to get these secrets of god or whatever you know and their interpretation of god is right i want to move on because we're almost out of time jamie but i can't help but ask i mean there have been a number of mysterious deaths associated with the church most notably lisa mcpherson who was held for seven hundred days by members before he died i mean do you think that the church is also covering up more serious crimes like blackmail and eventually murder there have been many statements that people have said that murder has has certainly been on the menu in dealing with critics let's say that is what i heard someone recently who i talked to who is a very high level defector and leave their identity secret for the moment they made a terrifying point to me they said jonestown it wasn't known the people's temple right and jim jones wasn't known for suicides and murder before jonestown right that was simply when you pushed against the wall they came back firing and
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everybody died and he said who say that scientology can and in the same way i mean right now they're getting rocked with all kinds of allegations of all kinds of lawsuits they have high level people who are leaving the church their number two and three people just left recently in the last decade you have tony. village voice is blasting and every day your show's taken swings out of not even having me on and that's the thing is that how far is it going to go because at this point you have a cold small cold that started as dwindling membership but in this century like it was part of the largest domestic case espionage on its own government and united states government and that's factual that happen iran's wife went to jail for it operations no way and i mean the fact that most americans aren't even aware of how dangerous scientology has been and there are critics of fact that i know i put myself in danger every time i even talk about it and anybody who's dealt with
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the cold knows how dangerous that they truly are i mean i definitely have a sense that the empire is showing its cracks and it's starting to fall apart because when you don't have any more secrets to sell when all your secrets are online how are you going to sell them anymore and then what are you going to do once the whole temples on fire amazing have you i mean the wall spoken word poet performer artist i need to get on again doesn't talk about your work man really honestly to you thanks so much thanks thanks but. so if you like what you see so far go to our facebook page at facebook dot com slash you can break in the senate measure into it thousands of already done and give us a little light on the updating our status daily there with links to past segments as well as reaching out to you the viewer right isn't what you want to see covered on break and the sat as a child behind the scenes photos and past episodes like my recent hearing about
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operation gladio would change for me so i do our facebook page check out all that and more i'll see right back here tomorrow guys to break a sad all over again. i would rather ask questions to people in positions of power instead of speaking on their behalf and that's why you can find my show larry king now right here on our t.v. question for. i'm
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the best at it and i think a society back if i'm big corporation kind of can consume can do i'm the banker trying to get all that all about money and i'm just fashionably late for a politician writing the laws and regulations to attack bankers coming up. here is just too much crap is it a society. that. live i've i've.
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i've. i've flown. crosstalk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want to. play.
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it's a classic. over by the way to do the job did you know the price is the only industry specifically mention in the constitution which says that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy which correct office. will. never go on i'm sorry and on this show we reveal the big picture of what's actually going on we go beyond identifying a problem to try to fix rational debate and real discussion critical issues facing america by the book go ready to join the movement then welcome the big picture. well i'm tell marvin in washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight.


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