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tv   Larry King Now  RT  November 8, 2013 11:00pm-11:31pm EST

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if you guys talk to the jokes i will handle them assess that. today. the myth the legend meets slash original guns n roses was definitely my proudest moment i have nothing but really great memories from a certain period but then there was a a shift. is there a possibility just the possibility that you might all get together one day that's the sixty four thousand dollars question plus i finally got to the point where i was i realize that it's not doing me any good now i'm not enjoying it anymore it's too much of a responsibility to keep me high you know it's all ahead on larry king now. welcome to larry king our special guest slash the legendary guitarist is sold
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millions of albums both was a solo artist and with his former band guns n roses he's been named by time magazine as one of the best electric guitars in the world second only to jimi hendrix and now he's branching out of the film as a composer and producer of the heart of film nothing left to fear it's out in select theaters and on demand now why why it is why horror films are movies have been my my favorite john ever since i was a little kid. huge fan and something that i followed pretty closely but as far as producing was concerned that wasn't something that i had any ambition for it was an opportunity that was handed to me by another producer based on my passion for harmony so that you buy a script or a book he he had tons of them at his office so he's going to send you some scripts i didn't take him seriously at first and he goes i'll send you some scripts and over a period of time he sent me
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a ton of scripts and and i had this aptitude for really getting into these scripts and he asked me to pick out the ones that i liked and you know trash them. that i didn't like which ended up being the majority of them but we did in a with a very small handful of scripts i know you did good music and you got to do more than a good little why did you take up guitar. that's another thing i was and wasn't aspiring to do and then i just came out of nowhere when i was fourteen years old. a friend of mine. had a guitar this house and he put on a kid's record in and started banging on this guitar through a little amplifier and it was just like this is exciting you know and so i think i was going to play bass was the idea but i took it very seriously from the get go so i went to a local music school and. no one no no i thought i was this i thought this was something i was going to do was going to take it seriously to that point but
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what happened was he was playing a guitar and playing some eric clapton stuff in the room when i walked in and he goes well would you know anything about bass and who would you want to play who were your influences i didn't know anything about anything and i didn't even know what the difference between a bass guitar and electric car were but as he was talking to me he was playing these clapton licks and i said that's what i want to do and he was that's a guitar and that's basically i shifted to guitar found an old guitar in the closet of my grandmother who gave up i think i picked it up quickly but i it's hard to say because i was so into it that there's no parameters there's no time you know you just spend spend all your time so into it that you're not thinking about whether you're picking it up quickly how do you get slash from salt you know who see work as well as actor yeah of course he called me slash that's where that came from he was a wonderful yeah i still talk to him from time to time but i used to hang out at his house his best his son was my best friend and so whenever i went over there seymour
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used to call me slash and what i made what made bed bad to get out of the how to guns n roses come about. that's a long story short. i mean basically the guy who turned me on to the guitar was steven adler so he became a drummer i was a guitar player and. axl uneasy were in l.a. from indiana and came from seattle and we just had to go into different variations you know bands with axl and izzy downs with axl steven and i dance with duff and steven and i anyway it just somehow molded the what it was the perfect combination of people i think i've always said that we were the only five people that could have made that there who made the bit it was a name that came from l.a. guns and hollywood rose so it was tracy guns and axl rose it's a great name is a great great not always the band together i say probably from. i
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want to see nine hundred eighty four and i was in until one thousand nine hundred six just for you one thousand nine hundred six twelve years you made a lot of money became famous why did you leave just a lot of it so that's an even longer story basically i you know what it was is axel took over the band and reformed it under guns n roses under his direction and i chose not to join that configuration simple as that so you formed another group there's a bunch of other bands since that ever regret leaving no. it was really something that it it was one of those kind of things that it just had it happen the way that it happened and i think that was probably the smartest thing that they decision i ever met where do you play the other you told me just came back from france you played in france right where do you play you plays a single you play with a group why have a band which is my solo project with myles kennedy and the conspirators is called
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we so we do that but i jam a lot i do a lot of sessions and i like to jam with a lot of different people also so what are the how do you get the dates they just they just pop up where you mean like you know you'll be hanging out with somebody another musician and happens to be in the studio and somebody that you respect and admire and you're like oh yeah i'm doing something so you know you want to get to hear them play on something and i just you know i'm always up for playing the field going into the rock n roll hall of fame that was a you know i was i was not that into the idea was longest time that is i said no exactly what it meant i wasn't even aware of the rock n roll hall of fame until. sometime in the late eighty's cleveland and it's always seemed to me like well who runs it who's was the criteria for getting into the rock n roll hall of fame how does how does that work and so i always shunned it as it was never something
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that i was you know can't wait one day to be in this this this this. sort of pinnacle of rock'n'roll stardom kind of thing but then when the time came for us to actually be in there i knew it would be very very complicated trying to get us all together and i was really not into it but when the day finally came and we went up there not all of us the original members were there some of us were there and it's actually it turned out to be a really memorable occasion and i've actually felt like we were being appreciated for our contributions musically and in and i was very proud walking away from it. but away with the whole when you went into the whole thing actual didn't show up right right i don't know are going you don't know we haven't talked about really really long time it was a bad breakup. yeah i think so you know all things considered it wasn't on it
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it wasn't on the best of terms not is there a possibility just the possibility but you might all get together one day. you know i mean that's the sixty four thousand dollars question but it's not something that any of us have reached out to each other and said that we wanted to do that thus far so rather than be a pessimist and say you know it'll never happen and it's not like i'm harboring a lot of resentment. but it's just it's not something that we're all thinking about doing so if it happens when day it happens if it doesn't i don't think anybody is you know losing any sleep over it or you have no regrets over no. you would hear songs played by guns n roses like they were on the radio governor wallace on the radio all the time there was a there's a the you know on a positive note from the time that the band got together all the way up until a certain point it was the coolest greatest thing. as far as i'm concerned you
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could ever be involved with a great band very people and you know it's all that i have nothing but really great memories from a certain period but then there was a shift. where it just got to be very difficult and also we lost a couple key members and it was one of those kinds of kind of bands it was really founded on it's chemistry of the five original guys and so once that decimated. sort of never felt the same after that do you get better as a player i try. you know you know i love playing and i think the more i put the longer i've been doing this the more i love it so i would hope that along the way i'm picking up some progress you know a great audie should i stop playing the clarinet he said he stopped playing because there was nothing more to play and not the modal learn i don't think is a musician that's possible but you know i mean there are some fantastic musicians that see me it just seems like there's no end to what you can learn or at least
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come up with there in the world of electric guitars wood les paul reich les paul is probably in. let's pause like the grandfather guitar for me invented the idea i may have been a lot of great stuff that we still use to this day i don't think he even gets enough credit. by generations as they come along that they don't i mean i have to admit i didn't know les paul was so my grandmother told me and he could play he was just unbelievable you know and so i played with him a bunch of time well did you know yeah and i remember the first one played with les was at his club that tuesdays in new york and this was in. late eighty's and i went up there all cock sure and everything's just you know sort of get up and jam and he wiped the stage with it so you know i used to be i used to judged how well i was i was how much better i was getting as a guitar player but how good my jams would last for getting you play a non electric guitar most of the time i mean really when i'm home i write mostly
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on acoustic. because i just find that that's really the best it's the clearest and most honest sounding instrument for what it is that i'm doing no matter what the stylus you have a desire to just play country. which is would you call was invented yeah i know there's a lot of three kinds of guitar players that actually have a lot of influence right right clark was somebody that i used to listen to a lot you know chet act and so yeah i mean country definitely has an influence on me as a player i'm not much of a country songwriter per se but i learned a lot of lyrics from country music now this world of fear and horror do you plan to do it fully going to make a lot of movies are going to well i mean my first. you know something ever since i was a little kid i was always that guy that and this goes back i can't even remember not
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being it or. my parents turned me on to it my dad turned me on to. literal you know like like literature you know. ray bradbury crap stuff like that and a lot of horror movies in england when i was born and then when i moved to the states my mom turned she was a real hard and it just always fascinated i was that kid that like frogs and snakes and dinosaurs and lizards and so how do we measure because this is the best time of year when we come back in the movie by the way is nothing left to feel when we come back slash on the stage a rocky road today. did you know the price is the only industry specifically mention of the constitution and. that's because a free and open prize is critical to our democracy right albus. in
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fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is because. of our government and i trusted the girl we've been hydrangea why handful of trans national corporations they will profit by destroying what our founding fathers once i'm tom are going to get on this show we reveal the big picture of what's actually going. i am the world we go beyond identifying the problem or trying to rational debate and a real discussion critical issues facing america have i ever feel ready to join the movement then walk a little bit but. i'm the president and a society. i'm big corporation trying to convince to. do and the banks are trying to put all that all about money and i'm a family fit for a politician writing the laws and regulations that. are coming out.
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here just to plug. the days. that. we're back on larry king now with the great slashes rock n roll dog. you know that's that's a. it's a question that's been put to me a couple times i don't think rock and roll. roll ever dies it's more of an attitude
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you know it's a me i think in the industry in the music business right now. a lot of what makes rock n roll great has been sort of snuffed out in popular music i think there's a lot of kids who are putting together bands all the time but you can't necessarily get a leg up in this business right now playing rock n roll you have to be playing top forty you have to have your first single has to be a hit or you know you're not going to get any backing to sort of further your career so it's a very sort of strange time right now but at the same time we go out and do these concerts you know i mean obviously i am a rock guy and i'm out to and all the time and the fans are just as rabbit and just as into it as ever so i think i think we'll see some sort of creative revolution coming at some point not too far from anything like the era that the sunset strip was in the eighty's. yeah not really you never know if there's no scene in los angeles when it comes to music right now so closely know when in the
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eighty's there was definitely a scene in the seventy's there was in the sixty's there was the scene right now there's no scene where did you father do my dad as a graphic designer is that what he's an artist but for this generally yeah and professionally he was a graphic designer he said to album covers really so he did a lot of stuff for shelter records back in the day and what about your clothes designer for entertainers we all have been sort of raised in this in this world you know they all left england together everybody my mom is american and she met my dad in france and i was i was conceived in france and so born in england where my dad was born oh then there's this one brother what does he do he's an artist and we've so everyone's in the world of everybody's and some sort of creative communications your autobiography is filled with tales of drugs and guns and you ever regret that whole era i have i have no regrets i actually you know don't believe in
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a in any kind of regrets i mean i think things that happen that you don't necessarily appreciate that you think the things that you've done that were stupid are all part of life you know as long as you haven't hurt anybody or killed anybody should be aren't given a why you did it the other people who were drugs and richard dreyfus told me was there's no way to tell you while i'm successful why did i do this. there was a period there when when i really enjoyed it you know i i have won't lie about that . i mean i i don't i don't necessarily miss it i think i did it to the hilt and i just did you quit i just finally got to that point where it took a long time but i finally got to the point where i was i realize that it's not doing me any good now i'm not enjoying it anymore it's too much of a responsibility. me high you know when i'm not even getting. yeah i quit smoking right out of touch with shoes while i was smoking like three packs
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a day doing stuff but i was fortunate enough to get. pneumonia one point you know you start smoking so much that half the time you don't even enjoy it it's just a thing that you do it's a mechanical and so during that period of pneumonia like for two weeks i couldn't i couldn't even breathe i tried to smoke it in oregon so after that was over i had my cigarettes on the nightstand my lighter and i was all excited and and that occurred to me that i was over the hump and so if i was going to quit that was a time hard to stop that there's your u.r.l. that makes sense and my mom had just died from from cancer. from basically of lung cancer from smoking so why did you decide to have your head that way as i would have been it was me i was a little you would when you were a kid. you know why. when i was you know i was born in the sixty's my parents never thought it was necessary for me to cut my hair so i was pretty
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much always had long hair except for i remember a couple summers where i just got frustrated and cut it is easy to manage. to get it is what is needed do you. know i call it the shower and then i just go so i do not like in this styling. so it's sort of i spend very little time on the whole you know sort of like style and. what as you it's hard to look at yourself some to what made you a great guitars what do you do this others didn't or don't see the great that's an adjective that other people have applied to me which i'm very humble and and thankful for but it as a guitar player myself and knowing a lot about guitar and a lot about other guitar players and so on. something that's will work in progress i think i have a talent for it and i feel for it and i have my moments you know where when i really feel like ok this is. you can play sometimes and really express yourself and
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that's why you do it but i don't i wouldn't ever call myself a lair as a weed i'm working on. it's it's just the what do you lead you well it's just you know the thing about guitar playing is is being able to. feel and hear notes while you're playing and to be able to execute it you know instantaneously and the right notes and the notes that you want to hit and being able to find them on the neck and so on i mean it's really hard to verbal to explain all of the nights where you don't get it oh yeah you know i mean when you have when you have a night where everything just happens it's like in the cosmos where everything just falls into place that's what you're chasing for the better you get the more of those nights you have it so at least when you have an off night lease you can play well enough that people don't necessarily notice that's that's something that that happens on
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a regular basis and what you're trying to do is just have those amazing nights is sort of like with drugs like you chasing that high all the time it's a little bit different application the great guys you stern told me though that on nights when he felt he wasn't his best. well it happens happens there'll be some nights where you just you just have this sort of devil may care kind of attitude and you may not be might not get all the notes you're trying but the attitude was there maybe that expressiveness of it all of them social media questions was less than a minute but. kids nine and eleven today know about their famous father know you're famous they know i'm famous i think they've gotten used to that fact i don't think they understood it at first but at this point they realize that for whatever it is that i do see people seem to seems to attract a lot of like would you do they do they like what i do when i'm doing concerts because then they get to see me jump around which is something i don't do it on and
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i love that good father i think so try you work with michael jackson re on the. who was michael like michael was great. one of the one of the most amazing natural god given talent i've ever been in the presence of a play but i did we did a lot of shows together in the i guess it was in the early early ninety's and actually all the way up until. two thousand which it was easy to play for great yeah very natural. he would just let me do my thing and i would just accompany whatever he was doing and i felt very it just flowed and we have social media questions spot on instagram wants to know what is the one riff you've heard recently you wish you had written. i can think of one riff you know whenever i hear a great riff that somebody else wrote somebody else wrote it i'm not going to sit there and wish i wrote it. lotus music probably on instagram what advice would you
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give your younger self about following your passion. that's a good question. and you know it's really all up to experience you know i only know what i know now from having gone through what i've gone through up until now so there's a lot of things i could've told myself way back when but i don't think i would have properly understood it and it was a little wolf on facebook what's your here care routine. you guys with stories other just. think it is there in a girl that's a. job run on facebook wants to know do you ever worry about your creativity dying up how do you seek out new inspirations i crying up yeah i think anybody who writes specially that writes professionally has those moments where you have writer's block and you think it's it that's over that's the end and how the end you just have to sort of go with it and the only thing you can do is be optimistic about it and go this is just one of those periods maybe even just put the guitar
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down for a little while think about something else again go if you only knew just quick questions if you could collaborate with one person dead or alive who would be dead or alive it would have to be keith and i would love to jam with you beatles the rolling stones a rolling stone the guy favorite guns n roses on. that's a tough one i always say paradise city because to me that was like essential guns n roses had all the elements of greatest guitar solo of all time. well can you hear me knocking by the stones and taylor's guitar solos always been one of my favorites i don't know if it's best of all time it's what comes to mind at the moment guitar solo you haven't nailed it. is far somebody else's or yours others yeah anything i'm working on a new record now so. there's going to be a lot of guitar solos i haven't done yet that i'm looking forward to do. you have
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a surprise or so i do i those are those are those moments that you're striving for when you surprise yourself to produce creative achievement. as creative and she might have to say you know the original guns n roses was definitely my proudest moment favorite horror film of all time the omen the original omen gregory peck yeah that's it that's that's what i want to do when i as as a producer i want to be able to achieve take a little kid and take them up into the woods and make them know that that kind of epic theatrical drama slash form and what's on your i pod right now because europe which is a french heavy metal band if you're no visitation what would you be i would be an artist definitely not a first girl you have a kist i do always the name christiane was a in l.a. a we i was probably the see this was night i was like eight years old where that
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occurred in her house under you know i'm going on sort of parents. and she was the aggressor i have to say she was the one that taught me how to french because the french just you know eight. where is crystal no i have no idea but if she's watching this show i remember her parents' names and so funny with it being in virginia king mix couple king and virginia. well do you ever think of hanging it up no you know. i would like i said the more i do this the more i love it so i can't imagine not doing it. do you ever not want to go on stage no i mean you know what with the grind that comes with touring and everything goes that hour and a half two hours you have on stage is the only thing to look for. there's a moment there when that happens right you may not be feeling great but when you walk that's that's when it all comes together you can be sick you can be fifty's you can be whatever but soon as you get on the stage it's like you all that falls
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away and you know thank you man it's great architect the great slash the film nothing left to fear you can catch it out in select theaters and on demand the soundtrack is also exclusively on pledge music dot com backslash slash and remember you can find me on twitter at kings things and i'll see you next time. it was a. very hard to take a. look again here. that would make her look.
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like. one of. the people. big bucks for. everybody to do the job did you know the price is the only industry specifically mentioned in the constitution and. that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy shred albus. role. in fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is the corporate takeover of
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our government and out across several we've been a hydrogen right hand full of transnational corporations that will profit by destroying what are probably the hardest ones my job market and on this show we reveal the big picture of what's actually going on in the world we go beyond identifying the problem try the rational debate and a real discussion critical issues facing right there by never feel ready to join the movement then walk a little bit. there
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i marinate and this is boom bust here are some of the stories we're tracking for you today. first up b.l.s. numbers are out and beating expectations which was kind of easy to do considering how low those expectations were we'll take a look behind the numbers plus we talk about the new rules affecting the long. metal exchange and how the chinese government may shake up the commodities market that's all coming up and lives are levison had to shut down his encrypted email service to love a bit of a government pressure and while he may be up against the ropes he hasn't been knocked out just yet i sat down with him to talk about whether a company could protect user data and be profitable.


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