tv Headline News RT November 10, 2013 3:00am-3:30am EST
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the three day long geneva talks on iran's nuclear program. trying to. be old see friends and neighbors germany is investigating claims it's been spied on by britain from the embassy in the very heart of. meanwhile. the don't share our information about our customers if you don't have a warrant speak to one of the few champions of online privacy he refuses to cross lines in order to cooperate with the powerful intelligence agencies. and. there it is right that we follow the olympic torch has taken on its first space
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walk just ahead of the twenty fourteen winter games. just in time for the weekly tea with me highlighting the top stories of today and the week. talks on iran's nuclear program have failed to produce an agreement but hope remains that could be one in the future while the world powers try to push ahead for itself to be the most skeptical in the west and ultimately refusing to accept any short term deal. of reports on the stumbling blocks at the meeting. three days of talks here high level talks at a started off with a lot of optimism had ended with essentially no deal so we know that the nature of these talks were very important in the sense that the ministers who were here in
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town had dropped it changed their schedules in order to come here enjoy these talks with the lot of speculations that a deal might be reached but in the end it didn't come to have to pass five you said the foreign minister of france was one of those really was vocal about his reservations on b. initial text presented and the other in detail one of those the rest of the nations would be the stockpile that there's talk of iran as well as the reactor that's scheduled to open sometime next year in iran he said he was not satisfied that he wanted something an agreement that was serious as and also he had sent something like that he was not ready to get involved in a calm gave and this had angered lawmakers in iran they were saying that is he really was hindering the talks and had blamed france even calling it blackmail on terror but what's interesting is when the e.u. foreign policy chief catherine ashton as well as the foreign minister of iran. coming here to give their press conference they were kind of upbeat and they were
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hopeful about the next round of talks scheduled for november the twenty year old said that he was disappointed and that he had disturbed that something like this there would definitely be there will definitely be differences among the different parties involved but really it had taken quite a different turn from what was expected when we were hearing statements coming from foreign ministers of the u.k. william hague. seize the moment and trying to come up with a very elusive deal but in the end indeed there is no deal that has been reached but again talks will be rescheduled november the twentieth and some of the main sticking points on the table will react to a bit to iran could potentially be used to produce weapons grade nuclear fuel and how sanctions relief would proceed let's take a closer look. the deal negotiators were trying to put together first though according to some sources the six world powers want iran to stop all activities to enrich uranium at twenty percent iran would also be obliged to limit the number of
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centrifuges and allow more monitoring of its facilities now in return world powers would unfreeze some of iran's assets and perhaps ease sanctions that have ultimately crippled its economy well earlier here on r.t. we talked to covey a former advisor to iran's nuclear negotiation team the things that despite the french resistance tehran has actually played its hand rather well but was dissing the contribution of the french government to throw some monkey wrench in the process and managed to sabotage did deal basically is a very a strong pro israel lobby in paris and you know there is a causal relations between paris and tel aviv there is no doubt in anyone's mind that d.d. came with good intentions we did detailed proposal and proved their good faith in their negotiations there is no diet in my mind and minds of
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a lot of other people including millions in iran that a lot of the responsibility for the absence of a deal tonight responded sure of the french government before the talks began on thursday thousands were rallying in the iranian capital they were chanting death to america burning american flags and israeli flags as well despite iran's new leader pushing for a nuclear agreement many of the country are simply enraged by their government's dealings with the west investigating why. the republic of iran is ready to engage immediately in time bound orientated talks to build mutual confidence and the removal of mutual uncertainties housen rouhani as recent speech at the u.n. general assembly was said by many to represent a thorin in relations between tehran and washington a sign that the iranian leadership is king to initiate warmer ties with the global community but not everyone is king for this to happen. hard line conservative
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protesters threw eggs at the president upon his return to tehran and now those uncomfortable with the idea of increased diplomacy with washington have launched the first ever down with the usa contest the idea is to find the most creative and to us propaganda contestants are invited to submit photographs posters caricature poems hymns and blogs all relating to the slogan down with the usa over three thousand dollars are up for grabs for the winner there will be a prize for the best idea to mark death of america which will renew the concept of death to america because of the arrogance of america the message is clear for as long as the us policies are hostile to us we will continue to use the slogan. well the slogan first came to prominence during the one nine hundred seventy nine iranian revolution when the u.s. backed government was overthrown and since then it's been widely used by critics of
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washington those critics now favor holly's willingness to reengage with the u.s. could undermine the revolution they also see no reason to start diplomacy with a country that for years has portrayed iran as the enemy and subject of the country to harsh economic sanctions over its nuclear program states like these and their terrorist allies constitute an axis of evil this administration has systematically imposed the toughest sanctions on iraq on iran ever the united states is not going to lift the sanctions until it is clear that a very verifiable accountable transparent process is in place despite efforts by the u.s. government to suggest the sanctions aren't affecting the general population food clothes and even basic medicines have rocketed in price in recent is on the leadership's attempt to engage with washington has led to the american slogans and banners appearing all over tehran in recent weeks with rouhani demanding many be
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taken down. r.t. are still to come here on our rest recuperation indefinite detention. i love it's a lot of people think there's not much to do but there's definitely an abundance of smiles and sunshine in stealing the show at guantanamo bay with no end in sight for that u.s. military base that's where the hunger strike in detainee's continue to be force fed behind bars. thanks for joining us for the weekly on our diplomatic scandal blowing up in the faces of european officials this week so after a british newspaper reported the u.k. is operating a secret listening station in lynn to spy on their german allies the equipment housed on you. the embassy roof is believed to be able to intercept communications all across but german officials are investigating the claims and that's while their hands are already full with reports the german chancellor of its mobile phone was
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being tapped by american intelligence european parliament member paul murphy admits there will be a diplomatic fallout but he says political interests will end up outweighing any public criticism in germany and britain are both in the european union together they are meant to be part of a common political project and so it's more difficult for them to express the open and tiger doesn't that doesn't exist it does but at the same time i think this is going to have consequences it will deepen the divide between the. britain as represented by the government and within germany. there is kind of star of difference there with britain more representing an atlanticist view of the european union obviously being part of the so-called five together with the u.s. you know u.s. led was kind of strange in new zealand and britain whereby they spy on others but supposedly agree not to spy on each other i think actually what would happen is
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that there's an attempt there'd be an attempt by the governments to so madi express and give voice to the anger felt by people but then to try and put a lid on it because if you look at what's happening between the you with the us i mean there is words of criticism but then both sides want to get on for example with the free trade agreement between the two in the us because they see it as being in the interests of big business from both sides in a world where anyone is spying on everyone. spoke to one individual who's actually created a free online safe haven. we decided to open a data center and here we're taking an exclusive tour through one of the few data companies standing up to the u.s. government in the name of privacy i think we do residential actors very well pete ashdown is the owner of x. mission and independent internet service provider based in salt lake city utah this tower here handles most of our e-mail unlike most power players in silicon valley
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x. mission refuses to give the n.s.a. backdoor access to its networks since nine hundred ninety eight x. mission has rejected a judge in the u.s. government for some more information stored on private servers like these we don't share our information about our customers if you don't have a warrant the majority of law enforcement requests ashdown says he's received and refused have been subpoenaed is lacking accountability and necessary approval by a judge this is actually an amiga since launching his company in one thousand nine hundred three ashdown says he's filled no more than two customer data requests from the federal government take care of your. money the current climate of america's unrestrained surveillance matrix has been facilitated by corporations who have spent years secretly working with the n.s.a. regulation government contracts and. monetary. compensation are
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in my opinion the three reasons why they're cooperating ironically utah is probably the most unlikely home for a privacy champion roughly twenty seven miles away from x. mission. is the n.s.a.'s newly constructed one point five billion dollar data center i think it's a stain on the tech industry of utah all the n.s.a. activities are a stain on american internet businesses ashdown has vowed to face jail time if that's what's needed to protect his customers from being monitored what surprises this fourth amendment advocate is that big data companies like google won't promise to do the same marina port r.t. . thank you joining us here at all today sharing the olympic spirit with outer space of a symbol of russia's twenty fourteen winter games has been taken on its first space walk to use the lives of france was at mission control to witness the unique moment
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it's a very exciting thing to watch live here because what we're actually getting to see right now is down on the floor the engineers are essentially walking the cosmonauts through the steps of making it all the way around the international space station with the torch in hand so it's again. it's his fourth spacewalk and sergei it's his first now of course the torch has been in space before once for the one thousand nine hundred six olympics once for the two thousand and six but this time in space it's actually going on a space walk it's not just inside of a shuttle or inside of the eye is that this so it was a big moment here when we actually saw the torch come out of the hatch attached to the cars minot's and make its appearance out in space the symbol of unity and sportsmanship being seen all over the world now the torch has a couple more days left on the i assess before it heads back down to earth with a three person crew on
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a soyuz spacecraft again and so it's then going to rejoin this historic relay to saatchi after they kick off in february of the olympics so we will be bringing you all the live developments of the olympic torch right here on our city. and still to come here at odds he is a court so a judge of the trial of egypt's ousted leader mohamed morsi. from that country's revolution. security libya is deadly and fighting escalates the country's your radium stockpiles are reportedly being made. if you. know opportunity. to start to construct. a little bit give don't want to meet. in
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it is a busy day for the weekly here on r t today let's get straight to the philippines i should say and the death toll from the devastating typhoon haiyan that swept across the region it could exceed it and the phallus and that's the fear of local officials well the government has yet to confirm the latest numbers among the worst hit areas that of the city of tacloban from west of i was a saying the scenes a horrific earlier the red cross confirming twelve hundred people had been killed by the cycle on which is the strongest in history to hit the region and the typhoon now moving towards vietnam where thousands have been evacuated from the low lying coastal areas. following out typhoon haiyan dot com that's where you can get the latest reports on the death and destruction. to see. the first strike. and i think you're.
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going to. be in the. live from moscow this is auti more than a dozen detainee's continue a grueling hunger strike at guantanamo bay with no deadline for their release or even the closure of the notorious military prison oxys an associate went behind the barbed wire to find out how deeply entrenched the multibillion dollar facility really is. despite misconceptions give lho is not just a geo to be or not to be shot it's also a forty five square mile military base with no plans of going anywhere full of signs of a stablished american life it is a navy base and we just happened to have the camps in here home to the only mcdonalds on cuban soil a subway sandwich shop a starbucks and
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a taco bell you got busted vested financial interests there you go to starbucks and . all of these other places that help to set up a logistical support for the troops over the there are about five and a half thousand people living and working on the base roughly half serve the actual detention center the us government has been leasing this territory since one thousand nine hundred three for just over forty five hundred dollars curiously that is still the price today but it's said that the cuban government has been refusing to accept this money for decades the castro government said you know we don't want this lease anymore in the united states' position was that it's a binding lease and in the lease it actually says that it can't be broken unless both sides both countries agree to that that strikes me as a very odd contract so when territory that the u.s. has occupied against cuba's wishes since one thousand fifty nine most officers come here for short term of up to nine months or longer deployment of two to three years
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far from home life isn't put on hold and you can't date certain people wait and certainly have if it's away from your like rank system then you're allowed to you know there's the don't tell lisi i'm an open air movie theater playing all the hottest hollywood blockbusters and it ticky bar to let loose after a hard day's work even though most say schedules aren't that intense anyway we actually get quite a bit of time off like a decent man and we go to the beach and activities for people to do m.w. our stands for morale welfare and recreation. almost every sport known to man is available to team get on state of the art facilities. i love it it's a lot of people think there's not much to do but there's definitely an abundance to do. being in a remote location doesn't even have to affect eating habits an all you can eat lunch cost just under five bucks and breakfast is half that price a downside though information or lack thereof or just a lot of the t.v.
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programs broadcasting here are army focused. and internet is almost nonexistent the beast dubbed no stream a stand by some soldiers even so we're told those serving here are banned from looking at websites like wiki leaks for example once classified always classified. even if the information has long been made public there are other strict regulations in place to fun fact about guantanamo apparently a life of an costs here a little more than a life of a detainee if you run one of these babies over the fine is ten thousand dollars. there's a very strict speed limit in guantanamo and it's a very slow speed limit and people say that that's that's all about the quantised somewhat ironic at a place marred by human rights scandals officials make a point of showing journalists how well prisoners too are kept and thirteen here were now in a typical cell for a compliant detainee at guantanamo they would be allowed to eat books have
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a piece here some head and shoulders shampoo the less compliant ones have to wear the orange uniforms and get only two books at a time was going to the other side so you can see the books detainees can't come in here but the prisoner library lovingly displays the best of their art for t.v. crews to see a lot of pre-selected books to avoid certain topics violence sexual and religious stuff controversy shelves packed with magazines d.v.d.'s and video games plenty of ways for legit prisoners of war to pass the indefinite time they're kept here without charges and party guantanamo bay cuba. spoke with the former guantanamo detainee david hicks he claims that prisoners were subjected to treatment and even used as lab rats. one self and everyone else was tortured on our on
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a daily basis on minutes from typical physical beatings a whole range of sorta logical toys there was medical experimentation that was there is scary to be subjected to we wore them off to take your injections or pills what those were did not tell us or the reasons i would constantly change your refuse to take the injections of the pills. and they sent in this white squad who would beat them to your bones are broken if aaron cells or cages that had cement floors one to the time he was beaten removed that are hoses and scrubbing brushes to remove the blood from the cement floor. to libya we go now where two policemen and a lawyer have been killed in the latest spate of violence there a security has been shattered by a surge of infighting between rival groups and militias all across the country meanwhile rusher exhaust the un to investigate the security of libya's radioactive
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materials a stockpile of yellowcake uranium in the middle of the desert is held by a militia which has allegedly been approached by al qaeda with offers to buy the nuclear stand i want to explode explain to us what extremists could be seeking to accomplish. it is not highly radioactive itself however we did see a uranium in india some six months ago and it did get ahold of this yellowcake. it is potentially could be used in the a radiological explosive device or just used to terrify people it's not very toxic but it is radioactive and that would create a tremendous amount of terror if al qaeda got it everybody is is is terrified of radiation and we hear the horror stories for a place like. where accidents to occur and yellowcake is radioactive it appears to be held in you know an unsecured store and although it wouldn't present
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a a health risk for very short periods but long exposure to it and certainly if yellowcake has ingested uranium mine is to suffer from a high degree of cancer from ingesting powders similar to yellow cake so certainly not a total surprise they're concerned about it and not happy to have it in their community unguarded. this is ati september has been the deadliest month in iraq this year that's according to a leading database on violence in the country called the iraq body count it puts the death toll among civilians at more than twelve hundred people all adding to a total of over one hundred thousand violent civilian deaths that iraq has witnessed since the start of the u.s. led invasion of two thousand and three and it's the armed intervention that experts blame for the surge of violence and the rapid rise of al-qaeda in the country with
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around four thousand suicide bombers blowing themselves up over just the past decade a former u.s. marine in a veteran of the siege of fallujah. he told r.t. all about the horrors he had to witness. the big facts that need to be known is just a kind of you know quantified the human tragedy that that was the second seizure of flu. anywhere between three thousand and six thousand civilians were killed the operation created about two hundred thousand refugees we destroyed two thirds of the city i mean really just like level that to the ground and this was a city with three hundred thousand inhabitants it wasn't a small city it was just massive massive destruction and incredible human suffering in there is really a strong possibility that the weapons that we use during the siege all the scientific research that has been done on this topic so far is suggesting that those weapons have created a public health crisis and food is
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a really serious public health crisis that is causing incredible rates of birth defects in children being born in cancer throughout the city incredibly high rates higher than higher than hiroshima after the atomic bombs even. well you can get across the numbers from the human rights watchdog dot com you can also check out our joint special project with the iraq body count online. or to cairo now why egypt's deposed president mohamed morsi along with fourteen muslim brotherhood members went on trial on monday only to see it postponed until january the eighth of the ousted leader is facing charges of encouraging a deadly crackdown on dissent in cairo last december this footage coming to you right now is from the opening of the hearing so this is the first video mohamed morsy since his arrest four months ago he did refuse to wear the mandatory white uniform for defendants and rejected the court's authority insisting it's still the
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country's legitimate leader and during his transfer to prison police had to face off against the angry probe morsy mobs in the capital. bill true reports from that . crimea some is known as the singing of the revolution the popularity of his pro-democracy song saw him badly tortured by the military and now despite fighting to bring down both hosni mubarak and mohamed morsi romney has little hope for egypt's future as mostly goes on trial for incitement to kill protest his packing for the revolutionaries and now in the worst scenario we have ever been since two thousand and eleven morsi should be tried but his comment that mubarak trial should be held up at every turn while the morsy trial is moving along so fast what shocks me is that the authorities never seem to have the will to push through the court cases of remnants of the former e.g. tahrir square once the heartbeat of the revolution has become just another busy roundabout
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in two thousand and eleven and two thousand and thirteen people came here demanding bread freedom and social justice but after the military ousted mr brotherhood president mohamed morsy hundreds have been killed and thousands arrested eating some to fear the freedoms and justice will never become a reality. amidst this violence rights groups have little faith that the trial of mr morsi and other mr brotherhood leaders will be fact this coming at a time when there is a general crackdown against a brotherhood a very selective prosecutions on the part of the justice system looking only at brotherhood members with impunity for security services meanwhile the retrial of egypt's other ousted president hosni mubarak drags on the feeling the security apparatus continues to shape court decisions means egypt's future is hard to predict the military is entrenched in its own influence and so an interest again and again the problem now that we need to sit down and agree on a specific route of transitional justice either we're trying everyone on meaningful
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we're taking the route to the south africa bureau and many many of them but this talk of evil speech and that seems far away as pro morsi protests and clashes with security forces continue to rock the nation the fear is morsi is trial will not deliver much needed justice to egypt the brothers set the stage for further instability and turmoil. for r t cairo and with two former presidents on trial civil tenuously for separate crackdowns in egypt political activists to ask maidan again he believes any type of military solution is not a solution that all both parties the the current regime supported by the military and the muslim brotherhood have not realized that the only way out of this predicament is a political solution the military mentality believes that if you gain ground you do not give it up if you don't have to and the most of the i don't believe in the legitimacy for a for the ballot box.
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