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tv   Breaking the Set  RT  November 12, 2013 1:29am-2:01am EST

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thousand people in this scene more than six hundred thousand a monster typhoon destroyed nearly eighty percent of the structures in its path the u.s. has already pledged twenty million dollars of the island nation which is great because turns out america might be partly responsible for some of these casualties is the logging and commercial mining was first introduced in the philippines by the us and logging was greatly expanded in the country by western backed dictator for dad marcos especially in the islands in the center of the typhoon the forestation makes these islands extremely vulnerable to typhoons and hurricanes because of the massive piles of wood that are carried in the towns and cities by strong water surges and this debris acts as a fatal weapon so today instead of spending the five dollars at starbucks pledge the money toward the people of the philippines there are dozens of worthy organizations already on the ground such as red cross doctors without borders and mercy corps but aside from donating the most important thing we can all do is
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reject city when it comes to climate change see the philippines government has already concluded that this record breaking typhoon is directly connected to the global phenomenon so while everyone wastes their time arguing whether or not this is real or manmade more storms like these will continue to devastate communities around the world it's time to wake up guys and it's time to break the. the the subtle the teams they are looking very hard to take out or to get along so well that he ever had sex with that her thick hair the. please. please. please.
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please. please. please. please. please. please. today is veterans day and no doubt you'll be seeing the yellow ribbons american flags and commemorative speeches made by our politicians but amid the empty gestures and grandstanding there is one thing they consistently ignore the abysmal state of veterans and you wes and the failure to live up to the promises made to soldiers when they first enlist so here to discuss the true reality of veterans face i'm joined now by mark march through vice pres in the d.c. chapter of veterans for peace thank you so much for coming out and i could be here every thanks. veterans day was a ridgeley called armistice day commemorating the ceasefire that ended world war one why do you think the days no longer used to talk about global peace well
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because there is a much global peace today considering all the. issues that we're involved with in the countries we have troops in hostile situations although you do preach a whole purpose over armistice day right and when you hear i mean as a veteran of the vietnam war how does it feel to be bombarded with these phrases support the troops thank the troops what does that mean you are kind of try to give the the people. if it is the rodeo do know how to talk to troops because only one percent of the u.s. population is connected with the military and they are the only ones making sacrifices so me personally when someone says thank you for your service i appreciate that but i mean i think it needs to be more than one week a year like you said in your introduction they put yellow ribbons on the cars of the way place but i mean veterans need health care three hundred sixty five days a year especially regarding mental health issues we've seen the troops go on the back and forth pingpong deal between
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a combat zone and home and just about the time they were going to comfortable in one situation their jerked out of that and put in the other one and by the time to go just at their home they're back in the end of combat so they don't really have a chance to process all the stuff they've seen in the military to kind of come to terms with that and that's part of the healing process of course and i mean you know you're talking about all these issues different to how this is one of the biggest challenges that you see in changes i guess over the forty years since vietnam today. well one of the things is that again so many people just don't know exactly what the veterans are going through because of that one percent versus the ninety diapers. to turn that time around for the occupy movement but i mean people say it doesn't affect me directly that and i'm not really interested in some friends of mine people don't get concerned with veterans' issues until it directs the directly affects their ability to do watch dancing with the stars and drink
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beer every night what a truly sad commentary to say that i mean that's the reality of it it is reality and let's break down some of these mental health statistics really harrowing statistics my it's one of the one of the issues never discussed of course is p.t.s.d. according to the american psychiatric association more than three hundred thousand veterans of the wars in iraq and afghanistan have been diagnosed p.t.s.d. . twenty five percent of all of that are and suffer from this kind of mental disorder some kind of disorder what does this say about the long term future that veterans face here well we even know today that they're having trouble getting into the health care system whether it's the military health care system of the v.a. system i mean we heard stories of veterans having to wait six eight ten months to be able to make an appointment with the mental health professional and if you're feeling suicidal or homicidal or very depressed i mean you need help right away you can't wait eight months to see someone and that's one of the things that the v.a. needs to deal with i think they're slowly improving but they still have a quite
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a ways to go where you bring up a good point and bizarrely not this is actually exponentially grown the number of backlog cases the trying to register under obama there's been a two thousand percent increase in back on disability claims trying to get these heard why do you think that it's becomes such a burden well i think just like you said the sheer number of veterans that i think veterans hopefully are becoming more and more aware that they need to have asked for help and their family members of their friends or their neighbors need to kind of encourage them to do that i mean i've seen p.s.a. on television one one eight hundred help a veteran or whatever it is and but again if you call these people that may ease you through your crisis at the moment for but for the long term thing unless you have something continuing on a weekly monthly you're only bases with the trade mental health care professional you're just going to you know go back to that depression or suicidal homicidal
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situation when you get to your current crisis and go something is done long term it's just going to continue and multiply that by the number of vets who have done multiple terms three and four and five times that they're finding out that p.t.s.d. and t.b.i. traumatic brain injury are kind of a accumulate over time and unless you deal with that it's just going to continue. then you do to build with the truth and imagine that the machismo culture of the military makes it even harder that much harder to even talk about it but you do need help and seek help you know you're mentioning before about these constant redeployments in the stop loss program let's take a listen to what obama had to say today during a speech about that exact issue. men and women like the soldier soon to be veteran i met a few months ago jakarta hogan. jakarta deployed to iraq twice and schieffer survived not one but two. excuse me three
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separate idea explosions. and when she was well enough she deployed again. you know it's almost celebrating as you say no she was she was really joyful to jump back in there and combat i mean what effect do these multiple redeployments have on soldiers i just want to expand i would like to compare that with the current focus on concussion the n.f.l. i mean i read your show that the n.f.l. and the military are doing partnering on some kind of research behind that since they are fairly similar i mean you get banged on the offensive line and a felon and you get your brain rattled by a i.e.d. and you're confident and the injuries are similar or different from different circumstances but so they're working together and it hopefully there will be some definitive research coming out of there will be useful to especially the military folks and you know veterans also make up about seven percent of the u.s. population yet thirteen percent of all the homeless people in this country are
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veterans and one of the biggest factors contributing to this really shocking statistic well i think again it's just that the economy kind of factors into that one more companies are downsizing or sending jobs overseas back in a way back in the last century i mean we were there and the teacher's job when we came back from from our service to our country and i think because of the economy that today that has a just for fortunate effect on the military again people the appears safe for enlistment spiels to join the military get job training and this kind of stuff but a lot of military jobs don't translate into the civilian factor a civilian equation when you when they go back and of course a lot of people say old blame you know it's an all volunteer army of course you can blame the people who are joining but really it is a lot of manipulation in this system to get a people to join in and of course once you're in the system there really little options to get out thank you so much mark or so vice president a d.c.
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chapter for veterans for peace thank you seem to be here to take you. it's not uncommon for a news publication to endorse a political candidate proposition or certain campaign however in a bizarre twist the new york times just made a good blowing recommendation for something the public can even see last week the new york times editorial board wrote an article titled a pacific trade deal and they describe the t.p. p. of the transpacific partnership as an agreement that could quote help all of our economies and strengthen relations between the u.s. and several important asian allies that's interesting i want to have a great lady has such a clear understanding of a trade deal that so secretive even most members of congress have no access to the text. not only is end result secretive those investor
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to state dispute mechanisms but the process by which they're getting close to this deal is also very secret if the chair of the subcommittee of jurisdiction are around international trade and he has not had access to the text near nor has his cleared to staff had access to the text and this is actually goes against past practice in trade negotiations congress is not involved the other agencies are involved or not involved so it's really like a slow motion coup d'état. a slow motion cooter time might sound like hyperbole until you consider what's at stake for t.p. which is made up of the twelve country trade blocs spirit of the us is not the negotiate by world leaders but instead by multinational corporations yes big banks big ag global telecom pharmaceutical and fossil fuel giants are all standing to benefit immensely from the passage of this deal see there are over six hundred us
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corporate advisors ensuring that the final outcome of the text guarantees corporate profits of a public good and of the twenty nine chapters only five of them actually deal with trade the rest at a very dangerous precedent on everything from intellectual property rights to food safety to the eradication of the buy america act not to mention the international tribunals that would use syrup national sovereignty and to make matters worse not only have the talks but conducted in the dark but obama is now trying to bypass congress completely to fast track the bill or to bring the t.p. you straight to his desperate signature knowing the violin portions of this impending agreement it's discouraging to say the least that such a little of attention has been given to these secret talks and it's even more disconcerting to see steam publications like the new york times actually supporting the deal because it means like the point out that they've either seen the document and are refusing to fill the journalistic pledge to provide the american people to
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put information or that they haven't seen it and they're endorsing it because they know that being members of the establishment corporate press they'll benefit from it just the same. stick around after the break we'll look at some examples of the two tiered justice system. do you. you know the price is the only industry specifically mention in the constitution and. that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy albus. role. in fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is the corporate takeover of our government and across several weeks when a hydrogen why handful of transnational corporations will profit by destroying what our founding fathers but once i'm trying mark it on this show we were to feel the
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big picture of what's actually going on in the world we go beyond identifying the problem to try rational debate and a real discussion critical issues facing america five ready to join the movement and walk a little bit of. time to read the irish government has been sending letters to the young unemployed citizens of miami suggesting that they leave town and go overseas scat scran pounces get out of our statistical sites get dental get out of here joy good don't want to see your poor boat reflation our national talents no mo. liriano bugger because we've traded you for some ghost ships of death fraud and the collateral call has come in.
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deliberate torch is on its epic journey to structure. one hundred twenty three days. through two thousand nine hundred two cities of russia. really by forging zones and people for sixty five thousand killings. in a record setting trip by land air sea and others face. a limbic torch relay. on r t r two dot com. i. i more often than not think that the idea is controlled by a system of unfair justice or giant corporations can torture human beings violate civil liberties and completely destroy the environment and after all that said and done they can even sue the victims and when it truly is liberty and justice for
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some of the most egregious case that the two tiered justice is and i'm joined by b.t.s. producer a man well below what is going on. so there are so many cases that we can talk about on a local level to state level of federal level let's start with the chevrons the victims of the oil spill after decades of contamination yeah it's almost a disservice to condense to suggest such a small list but some of these you know are are my favorites are just so ridiculous i can't can't help but bring them up and we have covered this little bit you're looking at the headline right now chevron which is formally texaco is responsible from of the worst environmental disasters in the history of the world we're talking about sixteen point five billion gallons of crude oil just deliberately pumped into. zero oversight this was you know between between nine hundred sixty four in one thousand nine hundred fast forward to two thousand and eleven after decades and decades of legal battles. chevron which took over texaco was finally ordered to pay
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for the costs of the part of the cost of the cleanup and also for the damages incurred by the indigenous populations there and which i mean this is there's really no value that you that you can put on this and it was a historic win i mean it was yeah it was it was eighteen billion dollars overall i think after everything was said and done it was nineteen billion dollars that they that they were ordered to pay but at the end of the day they weren't they didn't pay a thing because they didn't recognize that the court's ruling chevron brought the. back here in the united states the indigenous people there defendants are still trying trying to sue but now chevron is actually fighting and fighting back against the indigenous people of ecuador actually counter suing them for defamation saying that they've been baelish the claim saying that so overexaggerated are conspiring to racket tournament's the company and if you want to talk about who is conspiring here we know that chevron got their hands on countless e-mails from activists journalist people associated with this case actually literally spying on the people
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that were behind the suit so i mean when you're looking at that who is really conspiring against who the fingers point to to chevron here and it's really sad because at the end of the day it's the indigenous people and the environment that suffers it's such a disgrace i mean that is really a shocking case and let's talk about aboud great because this was you know one of the black mars on american history in the iraq war at this horrible torture house where you had international you had to american troops there torturing brutally some of the worst human rights abuses and recent history you know pulling generals across a cold wet concrete floor forcing people to commit homosexual acts with each other dogs on each other i mean it's just it's just a disgrace not only was there absolutely no justice for these torture victims when they tried to bring their case to court a u.s. district judge said no you don't have a case because it was outside the u.s. and instead here we go you know if that wasn't bad enough and i'm i'm yelling
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because i'm really pissed off man because this you know i can think of more discreet full case of injustice than this where they come back the judge already dismissed their case and then make and then on the same basis they get sued by cia sandor national you're completely you're going to be on point after all this and then and we were we were covering this is some extent whenever the plaintiffs were trying to come the united states and then you the courts were blocking them from even coming in filing suit and when they do come here the courts like you know what this happened overseas in a prison overseas. so this is a u.s. court we don't have jurisdiction but somehow they do have jurisdiction to rule in favor of international and award them fifteen thousand dollars that the plaintiffs the men that were tortured at this facility are having to pay for the legal costs witness fees and all they know is even though they should have been dismissed on the same thing that you know and it would be this is a pity me of and you know the same private contractor mess that have just been just growing up post nine eleven errors k.b.r.
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and what to skip over this one i mean jamie lee jones contractor for calibra religiousness of citi or how burton was brutally gang raped and locked in a box after she was raped by her peers and instead of you know one in a lawsuit or getting any sort of justice k.b.r. sues her for defamation right this is another bizarre this is a much more complicated story because back in two thousand and five jones with the contractor kellogg brown and root she claimed that she'd been gang raped she claimed that she'd been drugged the thing is that they were loopholes within the contract that she had signed that made it such that she had actually there was fine print with her employer saying that she really sorry had to go to through some internal system she couldn't go directly to a court she had to report this to k.b.r. and she couldn't take this to court so all the while you know they're dismissing this there were allegations that themselves had actually tampered with the rape kit all the while there's no actual legal procedures going on in place by the time she
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does make it to to up to a federal court and it is with the trial by jury people hearing her case there's not enough evidence to to convict they they actually sue back against her and when they actually were asking for two million dollars from from from jamie in and you know they still ended up getting fourteen thousand dollars after she lost this suit and what that does that sets other press for our employers to make it harder after the break because they can talk about this all day and be absolutely physically ill let's talk about the latest case which is. the reason why we decided to do this which is the fracking victim who now you know has flammable water as we see in that famous grassland trailer have been lighting you know the light in the water on fire because of hydraulic fracturing or just fracking and now if he's getting sued for defamation this is the catch all this is really part of the fun new ones and i really i don't mean to laugh it's just so ridiculous the man's name is steve he's and he's a texas you can see this all over the internet actually one of the stories that
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went viral there were journalists coming to his house regularly just to see him light his garden hose on fire he would let the water run out of a well in his backyard and the water itself would catch fire and the company which the company's called range resources was doing he sued the company he said you guys you poison my water the water was poisoned and they're suing him for defamation there's absolutely and there's overwhelming evidence just that it was range resources that are completely and fully responsible for poisoning the well not only that but his neighbors are now saying that you know they were experiencing similar contamination but they're afraid to speak out because they're afraid of the backlash and that's really what this does is that you set these presidents were go lie at the little guy and then it just where do we go from here because of course people are just you know in fear of actually standing up for themselves and of course to top this up we cannot let go without talking about the war on whistleblowers which in itself is just such a disgrace and bodies that to justice system so much where you have whistleblowers exposing crying this war crimes instead of them you know
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a lot instead of them being given a warren's nobel peace prizes they're put into jail charged with the espionage act eight people so far under obama you know is talking my dad lost and he was saying all the news just talking about what should these people be prosecuted with and it's really the question should be what should the government be prosecute with for committing these crimes all these little activities instead you see the people who blow the whistle on them we're out of time manny thank you so much for coming on breaking some of this down thanks andy. yes. high schools across the u.s. are notorious for their generic textbooks one that cements the idea of american exceptionalism brought history to the current day cogency intuitions on the other
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hand are much freer to recognise their liberal environments that foster true learning and critical thinking and fact my first year in college was when i was introduced to many of the insane things happening around the world perpetrated by my own country which helped propel me into becoming an activist and one of the books that stood out the most in those early years which helped counter my years of patriotic brainwashing was howard zinn's a people's history of the united states howard zinn was a revolutionary thinker who understood that history is too often written by the victors by the powerful which is wise and chose to write an alternative narrative on everything from columbus's genocide to the slave trade to the dropping of agent orange across vietnam it's a book written from the people's perspective one that doesn't shy away from the horrible truths indeed the texts that will challenge people's long held belief systems which brings us to former governor of indiana mitch daniels currently president of purdue university c.
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daniel sought to ban howard zinn's books from all indiana classrooms according to a recently acquired e-mails from two thousand and nine by the a.p. daniels wrote to top state education officials this terrible anti american finally passed away his book is a truly executable anti factual piece of dissent from ation that misstates american history on every page daniels goes on to complain can someone assure me that it's not in use anywhere in indiana. that is how do we get rid of it before any young people are force fed it totally false version of our history of course after being confronted with the breaking story daniel's backpedaled and claim he was only talking about k. through twelve not college somehow not realizing that censorship an arbitrary book banning at a high school level is still just as insane as far as the anti-american insults daniel hurdle towards zen john turman executive director of mit said inside higher
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ed to be contrary to the old mainstream construction of history is not equivalent to being anti american that should be obvious but to a politician who still seems to be campaigning for something it never will be his unsuitability per views president is a glaring. boom take that daniels here attempt to censor one of most important voices of our generation is a major failure not only of the book continue to be taught but this week universities across the state of indiana future events then from teach ins to lectures in response to the emails but the conversation is now brought in way beyond just this book students and faculty across the state inspired by the censorship attempt have use it as a springboard for greater conversation about academic freedom. what we see here is somebody who's got a lot of power trying to take that away from people who have less power at the
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college and university level a lot of decisions depend on the university administration and the state doesn't have any authority but clue stroman says months after the emails were printed the reason people are still talking about daniels and attending reed and why is because people in power are trying to get more involved in making decisions about what should be studied and indiana's classrooms see these students get it only when we learn the uncensored history of the us had gemini will we ever begin to be able to stop future destruction and prevent history. from being repeated over and over again.
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exactly what happened that day i don't know but i killed. piers later is when i got arrested for. for a crime i did not do. we have numerous cases where police officers lie about polygraph results. innocent people to confess the police officers don't beat people anymore i mean it just doesn't happen really. in the course of interrogation why because there's been this is like meant no because the psychological techniques are more effective in obtaining confessions than physical abuse and they were often they could do what they wanted they can say what they wanted and there was no evidence of what they did or what they said.
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if you. got no opportunity. to start to construct your. cue don't want to be bit. don't want to be gangstas in a lot of. the a list they don't want that blow with the time that the kid came to be we can see. you just made the boat as i was and i was in the hood and what they. really were. well i felt like. i said. i don't want to die i just really do not want to die young young.
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margy dot com is launching a special project to mark the appalling scale of violence in iraq. we want you to know. we're not psyched to have active camp at guantanamo where patients are forced that in the months after announcing the first strike never turned the world's attention to the place that some gulag of our times.
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iran revives ties with britain and allows u.n. monitors to visit its nuclear facilities despite israeli anger over the american led negotiations on the program plus it's never know who's going to. be out there looking for kids and there's take people out there everywhere we report on how the practice of online rehearse. finding a new home to live is being used in the u.s. for children. despite possible safety.


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