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tv   Headline News  RT  November 12, 2013 4:00am-4:30am EST

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we want you to know. ties with britain and allows u.n. monitors to visit its nuclear facilities about seoul despite israeli anger over the american led negotiations on tyrone's atomic program plus. december. is going to. be there with you for kids. we report on how the practice of online you really homing which is common for finding pets a new home is now being used in the u.s. for adopting children. with bitcoin prices soaring to a new high here at odds he we talked to those advocating the cyber currency as a charity beacon despite possible safety concerns.
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why news of live from moscow this is on t.v. with me rule re sushi thank you for joining us for the program today the failure to reach a nuclear agreement with iran last week hasn't stopped both sides from trying harder to reach a breakthrough on monday to iran signed an agreement with the un's atomic watchdog allowing expanded monitoring of the country's nuclear sites and on top of that the islamic republic is now we're vibing diplomatic ties with britain reporting from london. brits another royal monday named new envoy to each other's countries now that scene is a continuation of this reestablishing of diplomatic ties and coming on the back of course of the meeting at the weekend in geneva. two rounds nuclear program by and large actually considering the u.k. of course traditionally
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a very staunch critic over on seemingly very confident in their way of saying that there is going to be a deal which i'm convinced that the agreement we were discussing would be good for the security of the entire world and we will pursue it with energy and persistence but of course those talks also meant the not successful we've seen the finger of blame pointed by saddam france that floaty attributed to the french foreign minister quite publicly making it known his concerns about the proposed agreement saying that he wanted to avoid a food game now we've seen the u.k. and u.s. foreign ministers were to try and play down these differences saying that the differences between the western powers are actually very narrow first being said by some experts to be a base saving exercise here and of course as we said the u.k.'s certainly much more positive start surrounding the talks looking forward to november the twentieth when
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those talks will resume we've heard foreign secretary william hague saying that he is confident that further progress will be made on the course one of sarah firth and earlier we talked to barbara slavin the u.s. state department's leading iran expert and a senior fellow at a top u.s. think tank that of the atlantic council and she believes john kerry's latest statement about a united front with france is more likely a diplomatic maneuver to reduce tensions in the western camp. john kerry is generally quite diplomatic and he wants a deal and if it's france that's in the way he's not going to go out and publicly critical criticize the french he's going to work behind the scenes to try to convince them to sign on now it's iran that's changed its attitude toward the talks most radically let's face it this is foreign minister zarif who came with a new proposal at the last round of talks and who. is very serious about wanting to
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get an agreement for him for rouhani this is a second chance it's what we call a do over they didn't manage to improve iran's relations with the united states and get a nuclear deal the last time they were in power and i think they're determined to do it now and iran's supreme leader accused powers on twitter of showing open hostility during the weekends talks to try to forecast a job he believes that sales was one of the main reasons why paris broke the run string the talks in geneva. france does a lot of business and wants to continue to do more business with the arab states particularly the saudis in selling them weapons and of course they have a long history as they did during the iraq iran war of supplying weapons in that those days to iraq these are the arab nations the sunni day sions who look upon iran shia iran as a mortal enemy france has at least three hundred nuclear weapons and they're
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telling iran that they can't do anything look who invaded mali the french can't get over their colonial trip and its new colonialism so what they may lose in iran in car sales auto sales and other sales they'll make up by doing more business with the arab league and more for more power in places where they've lost it since their colonial days. it's all it's a lie from moscow lawmakers on capitol hill have been alerted by the media to the wiring trend of so-called online real homing for adopted children that's describes transactions between foster parents who want to get rid of their kids they regret adopting it to strangers who call into old adult through legal channels we're in a porsche nine now investigating what turns out to be a thriving practice. animal owners may be familiar with the term private re homey
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typically it refers to those seeking to give their pet away but today the practice is reportedly being used by parents looking to give away the child they adopted from overseas and no longer wants an investigation conducted by reuters found that this type of child trafficking is happening largely in cyberspace where parents allegedly advertise their unwanted children through yahoo and facebook groups the lawless atmosphere allows internationally adopted orphans to be passed on to strangers without government scrutiny or even a paper trail as a result many of these children can end up in the custody of criminals sex offenders or abusive adults that would have never been allowed to legally adopt according to the reuters investigation many of the children advertised online for private re homing range between the ages of six to fourteen and had been adopted
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from abroad including from countries such as russia china ethiopia and ukraine some of the kids don't even speak english experts say in this expanding underground market of foreign orphans innocent kids are being treated like cattle given away without any legal oversight it poses huge risks right because some of the families into which these children home they're probably perfectly good in the children are doing better perhaps and some of them are not so that the risk is that it's not being done right the risk is that the child is not entering a better situation and certainly as a legal matter again whether that child is yours biologically you're required option however that child got into your family we want legal processes in place so that the rights of those children are protected the lack of oversight and protection of foreign orphans adopted by u.s. parents has faced ongoing criticism as of this. here u.s.
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citizens are banned from adopting russian orphans since nine hundred ninety one thousand russian children have reportedly died at the hands of their american adoptive parents according to the u.s. state department nearly eight thousand seven hundred orphans were adopted from foreign countries last year what we don't know is how many of those kids are still living with the american parents that brought them here and how many have been given away reporting from new york marine upward nial r.t. . and i while many cases of online read homing go unnoticed and lead to die of consequences there are those when human tragedy was now really avoided but only after a time when the measures were taken also used liz wahl reports on one such example dimitris stewart was five years old when he and his brother were adopted from an orphanage in a small town near moscow it would be a rocky road living with his adoptive american parents didn't really feel like. i
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was there when he was a young teenager after years of strained relations and after his parents had biological children of their own the stewarts decided it was time to find him a new home and that's when they turned to the internet is that i go underground groups where people want to. just sort of a dog stands and eventual leave the internet search led the stewarts to meghan axon axon moderated a website to help find new homes for children that's how dimitris parents found a coal isa in eastern advertiser self as an aspiring mother that ran a home school to meet you found out that this was far from the truth this is a little tiny basically. hear me serious it was clear that his new home was no home school there was an e. and a desk there had to do homework he didn't even make you go to school she gave you the option to go to school and then we had
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a biological kid that was taken away from them from the stay so they want a lot to have any more kids and that's why they were doing this underground underground thing the living situation didn't last long a month after being dropped off axon was shocked to learn more information about who the easton's really were nicole had been married to a man who was a pedophile and that she could not get a homestudy due to their finances traditional adoption agencies are becoming a thing of the past you both have to have lawyers you have to do things legally this is not an easy way to adopt these days private adoptions are far more common it's unclear how many of them were facilitated on the internet where it's harder to regulate the transactions between family it's after the traumatizing ordeal dimitri moved to this group home outside atlanta he feels safe with his new guardians in this quaint home in a nice suburban neighborhood today he has words of caution for families turning to
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the internet to adopt us never know who's who's going to. be out there looking for kids and there's people out there everywhere in marietta georgia liz of all are. and he will be having a discussion suddenly live discussion and lists on the issue of online child throughout the day here on r t but for this hour here on the program still to come libya's black gold feud with the central government and separatist militants look control of the country's oil production story with the rest of the world's top headline. react to situations i have read the reports for. the no i will leave them to the state department to comment on your part of the month. mr kerry is on the job.
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thank you no more weasel words. when you need a direct question be prepared for a change when you should be ready for a. freedom of speech. down to freedom to question. the olympic torch is on its epic journey to such a. one hundred twenty three days. through two thousand nine hundred ton two cities of russia. relayed by fourteen thousand people or sixty five thousand kilometers. in a record setting trip by land air sea and others face. a limbic torch relay. m r t r c dot com. but. i didn't know that you know the price is the only industry
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specifically mentioned in the constitution and. that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy albus. in fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is the corporate takeover of our government and across several we've been hijacked by handful of transnational corporations that will profit by destroying what our founding fathers once i'm job market and on this show we reveal the big picture of what's actually going on in the world we go beyond identifying the problem trucks rational debate real discussion critical issues facing. ready to join the movement then walk a bit. if
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you are just joining us welcome to the program here on r t i'm rumors to show you in moscow the controversial digital currency bitcoin is now scored a new high it's trading prices almost doubled since october now this despite what some users and many analysts considered to be so-called a considerable cyber safety concerns. its use is still relatively small compared to other currencies of course but it can pay for a range of products and services and boosting its popularity a bit of coins are held in online wallets right here but they cannot be controlled by any central authority other side the currency has been gaining new horizons as artie's correspondent peter all of the reports. in the headlines it's betrayed as a vehicle for drug dealers and potential assassins these people see bitcoin in a different light god will only help you if you have your serve so we could do charity to get the possibility to have them for all we have to do to start thinking
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and make this possible for is a mixed school and it's already being seen in uganda where supporters of using because charity hope to see one hundred percent of the donation reaching those in need something that other charities can't offer the reason that bitcoin could benefit charity is that every penny of what you donate ends up with those who need it no middleman no admin no cut for anyone else if somebody in somalia has access to the technology and to the hardware. and he needs a shovel for his acre he can put up a charity project that just says i need this is this is my acre i need to grow some food there i need a shovel will cost me two euros and can put that up there getting those in need access to the technology is one of the main challenges but those behind the crypto charity say things are moving along quickly where you were to go i mean for my bob
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i know there's already people doing big corn payments for my ballpark and so all of this is going to work itself out just one click in the right place on the website and your donation is there however those that work with established charity say they are convinced all of the kinks have been worked out in this system just yet. so it's very difficult to control if the money is being spent in the way it was intended at this point i'm skeptical but in the future will see bitcoin advocates are determined to push charity as a use for the cryptocurrency it's peer to peer formats adding a personal edge you can show people this is my face my name my family my village and this is what we need can you please help us it's being portrayed as funds without borders if bitcoins twenty first century philanthropists all right it could help some of those most in need peter oliver r.t. belin. just a bit later this hour here in the u.s.
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economy continues to spiral deeper into debt the one of the really taking on the economists who he says are trying to whitewash inflation. over the past decades and really after the post-war period economists writing in mainstream media outlets trying to convince the public that what they see is not true don't believe your eyes listen to what we have to say on the pages of these editorials describing what the truth is even though people in their gut and in their heart know that they're being lied to the difference today is you've got other media outlets you've got other social media outlets that are confirming what people know in their hearts they're being freaked up the shrinks trying hard and they want recourse they want answers. are the kinds of cars a report in about ten minutes time for now they're on the program or the greenpeace crew of the arctic sunrise who stormed a russian oil rig in september reportedly arrived to some. joining us live here on
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the program well this is interesting topic what is the latest what do you know. well it is certainly interesting rory as of this true story of the greenpeace activists continues to unfold this time they've been moved. now one of the reasons this had happened is because the moment's court said that the charges were out of the edge of restriction and so they needed to move them elsewhere now others say that they've been moved from moments because of the weather conditions that means it's quite cold it gets dark really early and so moving the activists to st petersburg guarantees them a little bit of light during this winter while they await trial as well as be able to see their families and speak to their respective consulates now earlier today twelve to eleven at this. midday our local time we saw the train actually
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a riving in us and petersburg now the interesting part about this hour why of all was that one of the last carriages was actually cut off from of the actual main train a so it goes to show and we're all assuming at this point including the greenpeace activists who have been updating all of us via twitter as to what's going on with that train is that indeed that carriage was a holding that twenty eight activists including the two journalists who were with them so from. greenpeace activists arriving on a train to some petersburg and i do take us back if you can talk to you for from what i understand it was a it was more than two dozen people from eighteen countries who stormed the us. twenty eight greenpeace activists including two journalists who were on board the to see the vessel that was the vessel that was taking them through the arctic that they then went into russian arctic space and tried to to board the first oil rig.
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in the arctic for russia they were then arrested or rather approached by the authorities are asking them to stop trying to go on board that are taken vessel they would then arrested and then since then charged with piracy in a table there is piracy charges where. they were dropped and since then they've been charged with a severe hooliganism now those charges carry up to seven years in prison they're now in a detention holding center as we speak there in st petersburg what we do know is that this case has actually seen a lot of diplomatic tension between russia as well as the dutch of the vessel was registered in the netherlands and two of the activists who were on board that vessel were also dutch the dutch have also russia to actually release the vessel as well as the activists but russia has since then since i said that that the dutch could. prevented what had happened with that the vessel they were notified once at
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that vessel was approaching a russian arctic space and was to stop the vessel from approaching the oil rig of the dutch had not responded at that point by now has since responded by taking russia to the married time tribe you know to as it will the release of those activists it's been a case that the whole world is looking quite closely to see if indeed they will be charged with that hooliganism i think at this point russia wants to make sure that everybody knows that it's unacceptable to have anyone approach an oil rig in the middle of the arctic for safety of not only the people onboard that oil rig but also for the safety of the activists themselves this was not in the groups time that they actually wanted to border the arctic the part of me the rig in russia's rig in the arctic so it really is a russia saying being quite strongly saying that it will not be acceptable for people to go on behaving in this much in this manner it's ok to be activists and to
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protest but to actually go on risking everybody's life including yours will not be tolerated back to you ari to buy more say thank you. for always so many more stories on our website r.t. dot com for example right now one anonymous group taking on another hackers in australia posting a video warning their counterparts in indonesia they could be facing an all out war and we get to the bottom of the spot at r.t. dot com. also while you're there check this one else president assad hands in a shopping list demanding he's given dozens of ahmed vehicles generators and field kitchens why does he want them. to ought to be thought com you can find out why you can also find out why an international community is more than likely to say no go. for now to libya we go where the government and some of the rebels who. repelled into power and now on
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a collision course tripoli has given separatist militants in the country's east a ten day deadline to stand down or face the consequences a powerful warlord has set up a self-proclaimed autonomous region and taking over more than a half of libya's oil production with a shadow government in place and a private army to back it up the breakaway province is now planning to cash in by starting crude exports consultant mum to a solemn a puts the blame for the ongoing libyan crisis simply on that of foreign meddling. since the foreign intervention and leave leave be as oil production has there should be stopped now adays libi a is hardly able even satisfy the domestic consumption and against that background leave will be. told to be only an explorer for why while until this is their belief he is
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a return to the country that is the price of the lie he. has being told of the play is inflicted on them by western intervention or let's get into the arts he was up to now let's get the latest numbers seventeen hundred people confirmed dead off of a typhoon haiyan slammed into the philippines official saying the death toll could go up to ten thousand many people left to scavenge for food and water in the ruins some have turned to looting the aid began to pour in on monday while rescue workers are still trying to reach various our remote areas. polish police abuse pepper spray and rubber bullets on thousands of nationalist protesters they attacked the russian embassy with firebombs in the capital during an independence day march a scuffles broke out thousands arrested many injured it is the. a year in a row when the country's national holiday has broken down into running battles with
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riot police. ukraine's on the brink of joining a key trade agreement with the european union but tough admission standards of keeping the deal on hold for now however tension over the former soviet country shunning the russian led customs union is certainly escalating earlier in the program i discussed all of this with alex he's host of venture capital. they are indeed brewing these tensions and that's because we've had the latest report that ukraine has stopped by russian gas completely huge revelation considering that they rely on sixty percent. on ukraine so they don't need to buy russian gas now well apparently they've got enough to supply themselves with for this coming winter we know that ukraine rely on russia for the discounts he's got that's right house and all of this is because they have a choice at the moment of joining the russian led customs union or the. get their
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face at the end of the month right you decided that the criteria economic analysts very quick to say ukraine is in no position to know absolutely will that's exactly what president putin is saying as well he's saying that in the short term they can't afford to get to their ambition of what they want to do the president of ukraine disagrees the population is pretty mixed as to where they want to go forty percent of all going towards the e.u. thirty five percent are going toward saying that the customs union as well is that it's all about these gas discounts as i say they need those because at the moment the economy is in trouble they just ended their third recession since two thousand and eight since the financial crisis in the post for you i agree with current account as well and it's all about their foreign reserves they've just been dealt three downgrades from the the biggest credit rating agency in ukraine to you know greece borrowing costs in our three year high so the question is can they afford
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this now also the criteria that the e.u. has set in order for them to enter this is expensive because they would need to invest in infrastructure the president of ukraine has said that he doesn't see joining the e.u. is the be all and end all he doesn't see it as a breakaway he sees it as a bridge. all these could go to her a short while ago here on the program now as promised i'll leave you in the very safe hands of box cars or in what he does best beaming the spotlight on. but dark side of wall street life from moscow it sounds. exactly what happened that day i don't know but a woman i killed. piers later is when i got arrested for. for a crime i did not do. we have numerous cases where police officers lie
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about polygraph results. innocent people to confess to police officers don't beat people anymore i mean it just doesn't happen really. in the course of interrogation why because there's been this is lightman know because the psychological techniques are more effective in obtaining confessions than physical abuse and they were often they could get what they wanted they can say what they wanted and there was no evidence of what they did or what they said. he'd. choose your language. because you know if general going to say sell some honest. truth to the concerns you could. choose to opinions that invigorating to. choose the stories that in time good night. choose be access to your office.
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i am x. kaiser welcome to the kaiser report in ireland this past weekend a group of protesters gathered outside the dial with a simple message don't sell us out by forcing us to work abroad in order to achieve the allegedly falling unemployment numbers which have to impress the troika occupiers the irish government has been sending letters to the young unemployed citizens of ireland suggesting that they leave town go overseas scat scram pound sand get out of our statistical sites get down beat get out of here our choice get don't want to see your poor hungry face in our national accounts no mo.


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