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tv   Headline News  RT  November 12, 2013 1:00pm-1:30pm EST

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to the place that some. of our. stores diplomatic ties with despite world powers struggle to reach a nuclear agreement with terror on israel and france say the proposed deal doesn't cut it also. you could go to jail because i find you annoying new legislation in the u.k. could impose hefty fines or even a jail sentence for simply being. kids adopted in the us of being. an underground market. everywhere we talked to a young man who narrowly escaped tragedy after his online re adoption our top stories this hour.
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live from our studios center in moscow this is r.t. with international news and a comment it's official america's relations with iran remain in a state of emergency the sanctions regime imposed nearly three decades ago has been renewed the timing looks bad given the failure of talks on iran's nuclear program over the weekend but the white house says there is no link and progress is being made on other fronts britain has appointed a new diplomatic representative to iran after two years after an angry mob stormed the u.k. embassy in tehran first reports from london and after that we'll have live expert opinion from london. well it's another round of monday names new envoys to each other's countries that's seen as a continuation of this reestablishing diplomatic ties and coming on the back of
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course of the meeting at the weekend in geneva. two rounds nuclear program by and large actually considering the u.k. of course traditionally a very staunch critic over on seemingly very confident in their way of saying that there is going to be a deal reached i'm convinced that the agreement we were discussing would be good for the security of the entire world and we will pursue it with energy and persistence but of course those talks also meant the not successful we've seen the finger of blame pointed by far the front that's largely attributed to the french foreign minister quite publicly making it known his concerns about the proposed agreement saying that he wanted to avoid a fool's game now we've seen the u.k. and u.s. foreign ministers really try and play down these differences saying that the differences between the western powers are actually very narrow first being said by
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some experts to be a basis saving exercise here and of course as we've said to you kate certainly much more positive surrounding the talks looking for the forces to make them for the twentieth when they feel. we've heard foreign secretary william hague saying that he is confident that further progress will be made well despite the failure of last weekend's talks being largely blamed on france the u.s. insists major powers were more or less united on an agreement and john kerry says it was a wrong on the rejected the deal something that to wrong has denied it's not cross live to jonathan steele he's following this in international affairs for the international affairs for the guardian newspaper there in london thank you very much indeed for being with us let's just talk about quite obviously few developments over the iran issue at the moment but let's first of all talk about the french position very very. clearly against any deal being made in geneva why what's its position. well i think there are two reasons i mean france has convinced
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itself to do ronnie's meddling in a region which was traditionally at least in colonial times under french influence i mean syria and lebanon and they feel they took a very hawkish line against bashar al assad the president of syria when the uprising began two years ago they thought he would be toppled quickly and they feel that it's really thanks to russia diplomatically and iran militarily that assad is still there and they feel very annoyed angry over that and the second reason i think is quite simply money they see that saudi arabia is also having a row with the united states partly of iran but partly over other issues and i think they feel that they can get their foot in the arms sales door and take over as one of the major arms suppliers to saudi arabia which of course is a hugely lucrative market and of course another country israel dead against any deal being made just how much of a say does israel really have been all of this well it has an enormous because it
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was noticeable that kerry came to geneva straight from israel where he'd been trying to persuade netanyahu to keep quiet and to accept a deal and the soon as these talks collapsed to the top american negotiator wendy sherman went to jerusalem also very close an enormous growth but not just in its own right but because of its huge influence in the u.s. congress not to notice made no secret of trying to manipulate u.s. congress and u.s. senate against the obama policy it's an incredible interference william domestic affairs and jonathan what do you make of this latest development the sanctions regime is set to continue in effect a state of emergency exists between iran and the u.s. that does that surprise you is it just symbolic or could that have an impact on any deal being reached. well i think the iranians have been extremely constructive and in spite of the collapse of the talks on saturday they didn't come out. in a rude manner at all there was a joint press conference with cathy ashton the e.u.
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negotiator and the iranians have been publicly stream really polite about the whole thing and also upbeat saying they just think it needs a little bit more time so i don't think they're going to fly off the handle because of the sanctions being renewed i think they would get angry if new sanctions were imposed and some of his friends in the u.s. senate wanted to have new sanctions further sanctions imposed but it doesn't look as though that will actually happen and you say iran would like a little bit more time of course there is going to be another round of talks are you hopeful that a deal will be reached then. you're going to depend on the united states i think telling the french and britain also telling the french that they have to sort of change their line i mean it was ridiculous because fabulous came a long long fabulous french foreign minister came along publicly revealed some of the negotiating while it was still happening then said that france didn't want to fall for a fool's game i mean it was very very undiplomatic and so i think britain and the
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united states particular will try and get the french to see reason and say well this is after all this is just an interim deal should short final deal wouldn't be done for another six months. because they just very briefly or they're in london and of course the diplomatic ties formed between the two said that would put pressure on france as well when it briefly just very briefly yes i mean symbolically there couldn't be a bigger difference between the british and the french at the moment over this jonathan thanks so much great to talk to you both and still columnist on international affairs for the guardian newspaper live in london great to talk to you thank you. causing a nuisance in britain could get you two years in jail or an unlimited fine if new anti social laws are pushed through and it could even apply to children as young as ten which is really worrying civil liberties groups. explains. anti social behavior as close as they shorten to here in the u.k. have been the brunt of many jokes for quite some time now namely because of the quite bizarre things that police have reprimanded members of the public for in the
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past now examples include a deaf child being given an as very for spacing in the street or a thirteen year old girl being banned from saying the word grass for saying it too many times and homeless people getting for begging in the street but that's being replaced with a new injunction to prevent nuisance and annoyance which is called and for short now these orders require only that an individual might engage in behavior capable of causing annoyance now the wording of this law is now much vaguer the punishment is much harsher it carries a penalty of up to two years in prison now i don't know about you but i personally know a lot of people both adults and children above the age of ten who can be extremely annoying at times and that is precisely the problem that a lot of human rights campaigners on having the floor at the moment they say that the lines between simply being annoying which many of them will see as
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a fundamental human rights and being a criminal all those lines are now being and it's not just human rights campaigners that have taken issue with it police officers have been coming forward to say that they're worried that children are going to be needlessly criminalized with these new orders and also for them dealing with things that people deem to be nuisances well that's a royal nuisance for the police because they are going to have to divert their attention away from fighting real crime and now another part of this draft bill that's causing a lot of concern are public spaces protection orders which could theoretically be used to stop public protests from gathering now human rights campaigners of even launched a petition in part. because they say that this is the biggest threat to freedom of protest in modern history but i better go because i have been speaking pretty loudly in our news room and in case any of my colleagues think i have been too annoying i could be slapped with in. public protests which are deemed harmful to
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the quality of life for those living nearby could fall victim to this law and that's just one concern for those are a blogger and activist who is campaigning against this bill. attempting to do is give the police. to make any lawful protest immediately illegal simply because i quote this directly from the legislation may. always likely to cause nuisance or annoyance as you can imagine the whole point of protest is to cause nuisance an annoyance is to get in the way to disrupt people in their ordinary daily lives so that you can have them focus on otherwise ignore or issue which is really important what's even more annoying thing about this piece of legislation is it also allows the police to then bar people from what they call a pallet and locality hasn't been defined so it could be
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a city county country. nobody really lays out again with the intervention of a court of law. and security report says the country's intelligence services abandoned an investigation into the alleged murder of civilians after the u.s. refused to cooperate turn to turn by american forces were found dead in the u.s. base what more were reportedly killed in other operations. first of all where the accusations come from the afghan translator who had worked with the u.s. army special forces said the soldiers were involved in the killing of the group of afghan civilians detained in u.s. raids in the wardak province between it's over twenty twelve and february twenty third teen and bodies of ten of the men were found by residence in shallow graves near a u.s. base which hosted the special forces unit the afghan authorities have repeatedly asked the u.s. to allow them to question the soldiers at the base but the u.s.
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repeatedly rebuffed the request u.s. forces are immune from afghan law but not so long the immunity issue is the very stumbling block on the way to an agreement between the u.s. and afghanistan under which some u.s. troops would state of ghana stand past twenty fourteen and that's what the obama administration wants immunity for the troops so that they can stay beyond twenty fourteen the same agreement that the u.s. wanted with iraq but iraq refused to grant u.s. forces further immunity from justice incidents like the killing of civilians in the word out province make it that much more difficult for the afghan government to justify such an agreement with the u.s. in front of afghan people. twenty four hours a day still to come this virtual money provides real help. you can show people this is my face my name my family my village and this is what we need can you
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please help us we talk to those making the digital currency core and work for charity souls to a new record that's ahead. react to situations i have read the reports to the point no i will leave that to the state department to comment on your part of the monthly. security because i'm not talking. no more weasel words. when you question me prepared for a change when you should be ready for. freedom of speech and down to to freedom. torch is on its epic
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journey to such. one hundred and twenty three days. through two thousand and nine hundred towns and cities of russia. relate fourteen thousand people or sixty five thousand killings. in a record setting trip by land air sea and others face. a limp dick torch relay. m r t v dot com. adoptive parents in the u.s. read unwanted children online an investigation is exposing the legal underground market where vulnerable kids are handed over to people who have been refused the chance to adult. found out the majority of foreign children. animal owners may be familiar with the term private re homey typically it refers to those seeking
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to give their pet away but today the practice is reportedly being used by parents looking to give away the child they adopted from overseas and no longer wants an investigation conducted by reuters found that this type of child trafficking is happening largely in cyberspace where parents allegedly advertise their unwanted children through yahoo and facebook groups the lawless atmosphere allows internationally adopted orphans to be passed on to strangers without government scrutiny or even a paper trail as a result many of these children can end up in the custody of criminals sex offenders or abusive adults that would have never been allowed to legally adopt according to the reuters investigation many of the children advertised online for private re homing ranged between the ages of six to fourteen and had been adopted
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from abroad including from countries such as russia china ethiopia and ukraine some of the kids don't even speak english experts say in this expanding underground market of foreign orphans innocent kids are being treated like cattle given away without any legal oversight it poses huge risks right because some of the families into which these children home they're probably perfectly good in the children are doing better perhaps and some of them are not so the risk is that it's not being done right the risk is that the child is not entering a better situation and certainly as a legal matter again whether that child is yours biologically you're required to option however that child got into your family we want legal processes in place so that the rights of those children are protected the lack of oversight and protection of foreign orphans adopted by us parents has faced ongoing criticism as of this. here u.s. citizens are banned from adopting russian orphans since nine hundred ninety one
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thousand russian children have reportedly died at the hands of their american i adopted parents according to the u.s. state department nearly eight thousand seven hundred orphans were adopted from foreign countries last year what we don't know is how many of those kids are still living with the american parents that brought them here and how many have been given away reporting from new york marine upward nial r.t. . the only real homing pulse the authorities boyd but the media revealed eight internet groups where this was happening want to lose will met a young man who was given away to a family that never should have had the chance to adult dimitris stewart was five years old when he and his brother were adopted from an orphanage in a small town near moscow it would be a rocky road living with his adoptive american parents don't really feel like. i was there when he was a young teenager after years of strained relations and after his parents had
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biological children of their own the stewarts decided it was time to find him a new home and that's when they turned to the internet is that i go underground groups where people want. their destructive adoptions and eventual leave the internet search led the stewarts to meghan axon axon moderated a website to help find new homes for children that's how dimitris parents found nicole isa in eastern advertiser self as an aspiring mother that ran a home school to meet you found out that this was far from the truth this is a little tiny. as i can now hear me serious it was clear that his new home was no home school there was any on the desk there had to do homework he didn't even make you go to school he gave me the option to go to school and then we had a biological kid that was taken away from them from the stay so they want
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a lot to have any more kids and that's why they're doing this underground underground thing the living situation didn't last long a month after being dropped off axon was shocked to learn more information about who the easton's really were nicole had been married to a man who was a pedophile and that she could not get a homestudy due to their finances traditional adoption agencies are becoming a thing of the past you both have to have lawyers you have to do things legally this is not an easy way to adopt these days private adoptions are far more common it's unclear how many of them were facilitated on the internet where it's harder to regulate the transactions between family it's after the traumatizing ordeal dimitri moved to this group home outside atlanta he feels safe with his new guardians in this quaint home in a nice suburban neighborhood today he has words of caution for families turning to the internet to adopt you just never know who's going to. be out there
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looking for kids and there's people out there everywhere and marietta georgia lives of all our. alone by the revelations of the underground child market u.s. lawmakers are calling for better safeguards for adopted children really posed from the organization against child trafficking says that children from foreign countries are the most vulnerable and should be the main cause for concern. intercountry adoption when detailed and arrived in the u.s. already europe is not considered a child protection measure it's a private matter between your doctor family and the child and nobody is following up the children from foreign countries are not under the normal child protection measure if you adopt a child from u.s. foster care i can imagine that the u.s. child protection services are still the first while keeping an eye on that and people know where to turn to kill them from from foreign countries come from this we call the child markets its commercial agencies who are dealing with providing
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children to adoptive parents and there's absolutely no oversight at zero. despite widespread condemnation of its drone program the u.s. military is unveiling a brand new concept a robot which can fly drive swim and even hop like a frog tortie dot com for more details. plus american taxpayers find out the billions of dollars being paid to maintain afghanistan's war torn infrastructure is ending up in the wrong hands find out what a recent government survey reveals just a click away right now on our web site. western powers of reportedly turned down syria's request for a new military transport equipment and communication links to help move chemical weapons out of the country diplomats were apparently concerned about providing president assad with the resources that could be used to fight rebels during the ongoing civil war but political analyst talk to him lucia told me earlier that this
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is just part of a campaign to make syria look bad. the west is trying to make it hard for the syrian regime so why by the convention at has faithfully agreed to sign and implement. the weapons the syrian regime needs. to be able to transfer some of the. chemical weapons outside syria and that needs to be done. a protected manner so these weapons would not fall prey. to the arms of the armed gangs in syria the so-called so when the peaceful opposition. digital currency bit coin is climbing to a new record its value is now approaching four hundred dollars that they have been
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fueled by strong demand from chinese investors let's remind you what big coin aims to achieve there are two main features of course the traditional money one there is real value behind it and secondly currencies are under centralized government control big coin aims to overturn those principles first it's not backed up by national assets but mind from a digital code and it's free of all government oversight now critics say this encourages criminals however as artie's peter all of that has been finding out it also offers the opportunity to do good. in the headlines it's betrayed as a vehicle for drug dealers and potential assassins these people calling in a different light god will only help you if you have your serve so we could do charity to get the possibility to have them for all we have to do to start thinking and make this possible use for is a mixed school and it's already being seen in uganda where supporters of using the
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coin for charity to see one hundred percent of the donation reaching those in need something that other charities can't offer the reason that bitcoin could benefit charity is that every penny of what you donate ends up with those who need it no middleman no admin no cut for anyone else if somebody in somalia has access to the technology and to the hardware. and he needs a shovel for his acre he can put up a charity project that just says i need this is this is my acre i need to grow some food there i need a shovel will cost me two euros and can put that up there getting those in need access to the technology is one of the main challenges that those behind the krypto charity say things are moving along quickly there you've already got i'm on my bumper and there's already people doing big coin payments for my ball of fire and so all of this is going to work itself out just one click in the right place on the
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website and your donation is there however those that work with established charity say they are convinced all of the kinks have been worked out in this system just yet this is so it's very difficult to control if the money is being spent in the way it was intended at this point i'm skeptical in the future will see bitcoin advocates are determined to push charity as a use for the cryptocurrency it's peer to peer formats i don't need personal edge you can show people this is my face my name my family my village and this is what we need can you please help us it's being portrayed as funds without borders if bitcoins twenty first century philanthropists all right it could help some of those most in need peter all of a r.t. belin. let's take a look now at some other world news making headlines this hour a three month state of emergency and nighttime curfew has come to an end in egypt
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it's the mild security forces to make arrests without warrants and search people's homes was introduced in august offer a hundred people died in violence sparked by the government crackdown on camps of protests have been in the seat supporters in cairo be deposed president and other key muslim brotherhood figures are facing trial in general on charges of inciting. in south africa at least two people have been killed and three injured by an explosion at a jewelry exchange store in johannesburg and the reports suggest that the blast may have been caused by a bomb or two who died or thought to be associates of the shop's owner born a story as we get it here on r.t. . breaking the set is next. president obama despite being king liberal loves to flatter the troops he loves
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their courage selflessness and teamwork as he said in his state of the union address but he doesn't love are there expensive injuries which the troops are going to have to pay three times more for according to yahoo news the president's administration wants to force military retirees to get out of tri-care their current plan and added to obamacare the plan calls for them to raise premiums from up to ninety to three hundred forty five percent within five years one example provided by the free beacon estimates and a retired army colonel with a family currently paying four hundred sixty dollars a year for health care would have to pay around two thousand dollars make you pay even more for your war injuries apparently that's what obama's actually planning well he is reading those lovely speeches off of teleprompters people who are against the post nine eleven war against who knows what are often told that they don't support the troops well to the people who say bring the troops home never advocate tripling their health care premiums no they don't all of the chicken hawks who send the troops off to die in questionable wars are the ones who want to make them pay even more for their injuries but that's just my opinion.
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of. what's going on guys i'm having martin and this is breaking news that the last straw. today one of the strongest typhoons in recorded history slammed into central philippines killing at least ten thousand people in this scene more than six hundred thousand a monster typhoon destroyed nearly eighty percent of the structures in its path the u.s. has already pledged twenty million dollars of the island nation which is great because turns out america might be partly responsible for some of these casualties is the
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logging and commercial mining was first introduced in the philippines by the us and logging was greatly expanded in the country by western backed dictator for dad marcos especially on the islands in the center of the typhoon deforestation makes these islands extremely vulnerable to typhoons and hurricanes because of the massive piles of wood that are carried into towns and cities by strong water surges and this debris acts as a fatal weapon so today instead of spending the five dollars at starbucks pledge the money toward the people of the philippines there are dozens of worthy organizations already on the ground such as red cross doctors without borders and mercy corps but aside from donating the most important thing we can all do is reject city when it comes to climate change see the philippines government has already concluded that this record breaking typhoon is directly connected to the global phenomenon so while everyone wastes their time on.


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