tv Headline News RT November 13, 2013 3:00am-3:30am EST
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i really do not want to die. an afghan probe into a series of brutal civilian killings. after washington refuses to help despite allegations from locals of american involvement in the day. we hear from a journalist who says he's got evidence pointing to the ugly truth behind the operations in. the us decades long sanctions regime against iran despite predictions that nuclear negotiations in geneva will break new ground. immigration problem by sending out threatening text messages with intimidating advertising but its effectiveness is simply testing the public's patience.
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it is twelve o'clock noon here in moscow live today with. welcome to the program afghan intelligence has been left baffled by the mystery surrounding the bodies of ten civilians dug up near a u.s. army outpost close to kabul but there seems little chance those responsible will ever be found afghanistan has now decided to scrap the probe into the murders of the washington refused to cooperate and asked to spy the victims being identified as a group of locals detained by u.s. special forces who were operating in the area however military officials in washington have long said their troops have absolutely no connection to the killings of journalist matthew a can spend five months investigating the incident in an exclusive interview with an off he claims the evidence he's seen suggests direct american involved. the special forces team the green beret
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a team as they're called was deployed to an isolated valley west of kabul where the taliban and other insurgent groups have a very heavy presence and what happened was over last winter the locals are complaining that the special forces team and their translators were murdering people torturing them abducting them and disappearing them just extraordinary allegations that at the time were essentially unproven after the special forces team was forced out of the area by the afghan government bodies started showing up outside the base bodies that they said were the bodies of ten men who had been seen rounded up by the americans and then were not able to be found either by the red cross or by the afghan government afterward so i essentially investigated these allegations and assembled a huge body of testimony from locals from officials. also learned about two confidential u.n. and red cross investigations that corroborated the allegations that suggested that
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the special forces and their translators were indeed responsible for these men's fate potential war crime allegations that they prove to be correct has there been any accountability for what happened well the military says that it opened a criminal investigation so they declined to comment for the story save the queen all the speeches ongoing but in the five months that i spent reporting the story a single one of the witnesses that i spoke to had ever been contacted by a u.s. military investigator so it really does beg the question of whether these investigators are actually going to be able to establish any sort of accountability for what happened there well certainly disturbing indeed but this isn't the first time that we've heard of allegations of torture and abuse by western forces in afghanistan and i wonder if you can sort of speak more broadly about this in a wider context well while the allegations and these incidents are kind of unprecedented in their severity and scale they do fit part of a larger pattern of recurring abuse. of detainees in u.s.
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and afghan allied custody as well as continued lack of any sort of accountability for individuals or it implicated in this kind of abuse of detainees as a recurring pattern of abuse and a recurring pattern of a lack of accountability and this incident really has to be seen in the context of that. certainly adding to tensions between washington and kabul over the security pact that will ultimately shape the future role of u.s. troops in the country beyond the main twenty fourteen withdrawal guy nature kind of explains. afghan authorities have repeatedly asked the u.s. to allow them to question the soldiers at the base but the u.s. repeatedly rebuffed the request u.s. forces are immune from afghan law but not for long the immunity issue is the very stumbling block on the way to an agreement between the u.s. and afghanistan under which some u.s. troops would stay in afghanistan past twenty four teen and that's what the obama
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administration wants immunity for the troops so that they can stay beyond twenty fourteen the same agreement that the u.s. wanted with iraq but iraq refused to grant u.s. forces further immunity from justice incidents like the killing of civilians in the word out province make it that much more difficult for the afghan government to justify such an agreement with the u.s. seen fun of afghan people still to come here on our t.v. the french agriculture getting the skids a report with suicide is the third highest cause of death among farmers unable to cope with rising costs and low incomes and those details just ahead for you. for now though here on our despite some progress of the nuclear talks with iran in geneva america's relations with tehran remain in a so-called quote state of emergency the obama administration has renewed ixion sions regime first imposed nearly three decades ago after the iranian islamic revolution in a portnoy of reports. u.s.
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president barack obama says it's necessary for the thirty plus years state of national emergency against iran to continue due to the fact that relations between washington and tehran have not returned to normal ironically the move comes as the international community continues taking significant steps to broker a deal over iran's disputed nuclear program now although last week's marathon ministerial talks in geneva ended without a deal on going to go between iran and western powers have been praised as constructive and comprehensive with discussions scheduled to continue next week now the biggest obstacle to a breakthrough has been america's ally israel prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been publicly skeptical and fiercely opposed to easing sanctions against tehran or unless its nuclear program is completely dismantled now u.s. lawmakers have begun by secretary of state john kerry this week before
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deciding whether to impose tougher sanctions on iran but in the meantime pro israel groups have reportedly been ramping up lobbying efforts on capitol hill pushing for more measures now some experts speculate that obama's on going state of emergency against iran saying israel reporting from new york. r.t. earlier my colleague talked to a serai. woman expert on iran and the u.s. foreign policy unlist she believes there was no will it all from america to put an end to the nuclear stalemate with iran in the first place. mr obama is sending very clear message to tara that whatever agreement does make this iran in the future it cannot be trusted as it was not tested in the past i don't believe for a moment that from the onset there was a need to use our actually reach a deal where we were there i mean the whole of the it was the actions were just
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that modest means that we actually x. listen to jay carney here we're going to run a grab from him where he said talks about washington's stance toward tehran and the american people. justifiably and understandably prefer a peaceful solution that prevents iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon the american people do not want a march to war what do you think carney was addressing there what side was that statement aimed toward the united states farm policy has always be about influencing the public opinion the domestic public opinion so that they could push their foreign policy agenda and that this is exactly what it is it's a highly it's dressing the american people is not saying this to the right is going to be america or right. now along with israel there's been yet another diplomatic roadblock in geneva but this one put out by france the country's foreign minister opposed to potential agreement calling the draft deal quote
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a fool's game international affairs columnist of the guardian newspaper jonathan steele the explain why he thinks piracy is getting so tough. france was convinced to do ronnie's meddling in a region which was traditionally at least in colonial times under french influence i mean syria and lebanon and they feel they took a very hawkish line against bashar al assad the president of syria when the uprising began two years ago the base thought he would be toppled quickly and they feel that it's really thanks to russia diplomatically and iran militarily that assad is still there and they feel very annoyed and angry over that and the second reason i think is quite simply money they see that saudi arabia is also having a row with the united states partly of iran but partly over other issues and i think they feel that they can get their foot in the arms sales door and take over as one of the major arms suppliers to saudi arabia which of course is a hugely lucrative market and for more analysis on terror talks with the west be
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sure to catch people levels program cross talk throughout the day here on artsy. one journal times of jerusalem spoke directly saying that binyamin netanyahu one directly off of use that if the deal was a bad deal then they would be immediate we tally ation by israel on the certain number of. nuclear plants ok michael it sounds like there was that's extortion right there ok there is heavy pressure not just from the israelis but also from the saudis and other gulf countries warning the americans not to go too far the question for iran then arises is the united states really committed to the kind of end game that was understood when they began this round of talks and i think that iran may in fact be wondering now whether that is the case i think that's the real danger of the nation. ten minutes past the hour
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moscow time it's r.t. and the u.k. is attempting to curb its immigration problem with the use of a controversial campaign illegal immigrants are being ushered towards the exit with text messages and vehicles with the advertising that reads go home. over smith reports the idea is simply appeared to be just testing the nerves of the public. your phone. is a text message a friend may be asking if you'll free for dinner or your mom just checking your ok but no it's the home office telling you you are illegal in this country and have to leave this is the text got fair enough if he was illegal but he's not and he doesn't even know how they got his details i have been a british citizen for at least for this country so.
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it's all part of a government campaign to weed out illegals first round threatening. and now threatening texts although the home office denies sending one to chan it's triggered two hundred complaints but the government defends the program we are taking proactive steps to contact individuals who records show have novelli right to be in the u.k. some of which date back to december two thousand and eight we believe it's right to enforce the immigration rules chan who's an immigration case officer reckons it won't have any effect on genuine illegals they'll just get a new sim card but will intimidate and alienate entirely legitimate community pointing to what we're not welcome in this country chinatown in london's west end is where the majority of china's clients work and he says several of them have themselves received messages from the hope that together with a series of surprise raids on restaurants by the u.k. border agency makes the u.k.
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a pretty scary place to be chinese or indeed any kind of ethnic minority at the moment bans texts and raids all add up say activists to an anti immigrant campaign and jeremy corbyn m.p. who represents a launch multicultural constituency says we can expect to see more of it as the general election approach. i mean it's essentially a battle for political ground between the right wing conservatives in the far right ukip but it's a pretty seemly image that we're getting this is electioneering paid for by the taxpayer no strike rate data is available yet for the forty thousand text messages said it's all day the home office reports just eleven illegal immigrants have gone home as a result of it's cheaper than full simply removing them apparently but at the cost of the goodwill of immigrant communities country white norah smith. it's
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to notice. faces change the world. so picture of today's. politicians from around the globe. i know c.n.n. m.s.m. b c news have taken some not slightly but the fact is i admire their commitment to cover all sides of the story just in case one of them happens to be accurate. that was funny but it's close enough for the truth and might think. it's because when full attention and the mainstream media works side by side the joke is actually on you. and our team
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we have a different brain. ok oh yeah because the news of the world just is not this funny i'm not laughing dammit i'm not going. to get a sense of the jokes that will hand out to me that i've got to. be marching here soon for now though the tough economic times of ruined many lives and it seems in france they've taken them as well a recent report citing an alarming rate of suicides among farmers. traveled to one of the worst hit reach. since two thousand and eight years of milk and meat had to plow one in the face of rising production costs and a fall in profits with some farmers taking it much harder than others. fifteen
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days ago my colleague tried to commit suicide because his nine hundred told him he credited won't be renewed to have to look. we were very long hours seven days a week they were simply disconnected from the rest of french society look hard and keep our heads down but mama look around we all. do we actually have to damascus corrosion the plight of french farmers has been causing a lot of frazzled recent reports show that missing two thousand and seven and two thousand and nine a total of four hundred eighty five farmers had committed suicide but that's an average of one a suicide every two days making it the third biggest cause of death after cancer and cardiovascular diseases alarm bells are already ringing at the ministry of agriculture but farmers warn of the reality is even worse on their insurance reasons when a farmer. said to be an accident because the bank won't pay for his alone over the
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issues so the figures are wrong one farmer a day committed suicide. when farmers are going to the bank meeting the same day dead collectors and with someone else in the social system who can assess the situation to help find a solution brittany where isabel is from is the french region with the highest number of suicides they can exceed the suicide rate among most we're talking about those producing milk and meat is thirty percent higher than the general working population at the same age have more trouble talking about their problems and we have when they decide to take their lives they tend to go through that so doc sickly france is the biggest beneficiary of e.u. farm aid nine billion euros a year the twenty fourteen to twenty twenty period but most of that money doesn't. each small farmers french president francois la has already pledged to shift almost one billion euros towards the livestock farmers don't wait for the better off quote farmers but the frustration has long boiled over isabelle hopes to change comes
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before another farmer she knows throws in the towel duster cilia r t britain and. the shift gears now to syria where the government has asked western powers to provide a host of military vehicles this though in order to safely transport a chemical weapons out of the country the plea has reportedly been denied as the us and its allies are unwilling to give damascus any material support a western diplomatic sources say their governments refused to help us strengthen his position in any way syria has so far been complying with all international agreements on chemical disarmament and is due to relinquish all of its stockpiles by next summer but a political analyst even he my lucia says damascus has an awfully big job ahead. of the west is trying to make it hard for the syrian regime so why why the convention at has faithfully agreed to sign and implement having accepted
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to remove its chemical weapons the syrian regime needs certain the equipment to be able to transfer some of the costs of chemical weapons outside syria and that needs to be done. a protected manner so these weapons would not fall prey. to the arms of the armed gangs in syria the so-called so william or peaceful opposition. is america's ongoing drone war defeating terrorism or merely resulting in civilian casualties and at the end of the day who's to blame i mean martin taking on the issues in today's break in the coming your way in about eight minutes. night georgetown residents got an exclusive screening of a new drone movie outlining human cost of this covert warfare it wasn't a theater though instead it was on the side of the home inhabited by department of
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homeland security nominee jay johnson has code pink organize the event in order to bring light to the fact that johnson is one of the main individuals behind the legal justification for these unmanned killer robots and while it's true that many people are responsible for the creation and codification of the drone program one historian argues that the buck stops where we at the white house is name is lloyd gardner is the author of sixteen different books on us foreign policy is the latest is called killing machine the american presidency in the age of drone warfare so lloyd your book is a strong indictment of obama's presidency in terms of foreign policy what has obama done to exacerbate the war on terror well that's a very complicated question he obviously inherited a very bad situation in iraq remember obama said he wanted to change the mindset he not only wanted to change getting into the war why we got into the iraq war but the
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mindset that got us into the iraq war and many people assume that meant he was going to change some of the basic american foreign policies the george bush to push the limit while the certainly did change their minds and now we're completely detached from any sort of warfare or foreign policy that we're perpetrating around the world. by the always a lot of stories to be found at odds you don't call me including one of the world's top computer security expert warning about a looming global cyber war. claiming that russian nuclear plants could be at risk from crippling computer viruses are those details right now at all to you dr paul. why you back. how much more passion needs to be splashed to bring fukushima back in order online we've got a report saying japan is a step away from bahrain many billions of dollars for
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a start you know those details three clicks of. the sea. first rate. and i think that your. orders. are before breaking the set let's get into the update starting with egypt that being a three month q. and a state of emergency which gave the military sweeping powers to make warrantless arrests of the measures were introduced in oldest after a deadly crackdown on supporters of the ousted president mohammed morsy by the military backed government now preparing a new law to regulate public protests in an apparent bid to keep the islamist
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opposition but. the philippine president has sharply downgraded the expected death toll from last week's devastating typhoon benigno aquino says the previous estimate of ten thousand victims should be revised down to no more than two and a half thousand and the government's currently struggling with relief efforts and is counting on incoming foreign support to help. now it might soon become costly for anyone who wants to be annoying in the u.k. if new anti social laws are approved getting on somebodies nerves could land you two years in jail or a fine opponents of the bill claim its phrasing is too vague and opens itself up to wide interpretation among other things that also undermine people's rights to protest that's according to activists kerry. attempting to do is give the police the or to make any lawful protest immediately illegal
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simply because i quote this directly from the legislation may has always likely to cause nuisance or annoyance and as you can imagine the whole point of protests is to cause nuisance an annoyance is to get in the way to disrupt people in their ordinary daily lives so that you can have them focus on an otherwise ignore. issue which is really important what is he the more i know thing about this piece of legislation is it also allows the police to then people from what they call a pallet and locality hasn't been defined so it could be a city going to a country maybe they would be ready days out again the intervention of a court of law. from moscow is our role researcher stepping aside for abby martin breaking the set coming your way.
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what is up guys i might be martin and this is breaking the set so guess what mom and pop store is so generous that it's actually forking over turkey and mashed potatoes to all its employees on thanksgiving day that's right wal-mart the philly because of the opening the door on black friday just isn't enough anymore no wal-mart's actually forcing its underpaid employees to work on things giving now so you know stuff even dumplings i guess is the least a store can do that conveniently overshadows the other headlines wal-mart has made this week like in an unprecedented move more than fifty wal-mart employees were just arrested in l.a. protesting the company's new tours the low wages arrests are deterring the workers from standing up a massive nationwide protest against wal-mart is planned for black friday the biggest shopping day of the year i know about you but i'm excited at the thought of
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last night georgetown residents got an exclusive screening of a new drone movie outlining the human cost of this covert warfare it wasn't a theater though instead it was on the side of the home and have it by department of homeland security nominee jay johnson u.s. code pink organize the event in order to bring light to the fact that johnson is one of the main individuals behind the legal justification for these unmanned killer robots and while it's true that many people are responsible for the creation and codification of the drone program one historian argues that the buck stops squarely at the white house his name is lloyd gardner is the author of sixteen different books on u.s. foreign policy is latest is called killing machine the american presidency in the age of drone warfare and he analyzes how the evolution of war technology is changing the executive branch lloyd joins me now from our new york studio thanks so much for coming on lloyd. well thank you very much for having me so lloyd your book is.
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