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tv   Breaking the Set  RT  November 14, 2013 6:29am-7:01am EST

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and spying in the wake of the n.s.a. revelations who's to say that a digital tattoo capable of monitoring vital signs can be hacked as well so is this the future people volunteering to be consumers slaves proudly displaying their google bar codes on their next god i hope not. the please please please enter a plea very hard to take that leap to think. that he ever had sex with that her hair.
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in one thousand nine hundred six a thirty six year old new orleans man named timothy jackson shopped at a jacket worth one hundred fifty nine dollars for an apartment store after being caught by a security guard jackson was jailed and subsequently sentenced to life in prison without parole a shoplifting crime that carries a maximum six month sentence today was instead used to put jackson behind bars for life is the jackson had two former car burglary convictions on his record when he was seventeen he committed an armed robbery therefore louisiana's four strikes law was applied to a sentencing ensuring that he would never again if free man sadly jackson's story is far from unique according to a recently released a.c.l.u. report the rape thousand two hundred seventy eight people in the u.s. are currently serving life without parole for nonviolent crimes these crimes range
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from carrying narcotics for an abusive boyfriend to stealing tools from a tool shed taking a wallet from a hotel room as a result of the three and four strikes laws in many states judges often have no choice but to throw the book at these individuals for even the most minor of crimes is absurd sentencing guideline. have gotten so out of control many of the judges involved in these cases after speaking out are speaking out rather after a federal district court judge james spencer was forced to sentence a prisoner to life without parole for selling small amounts of crack cocaine he said i think a life sentence for what you've done in this case is ridiculous it's a travesty i don't have any discretion about it and i want the world to be clear on that but as i say i don't have a choice now seventy nine percent of these life without parole cases involve nonviolent drug offenses the majority of these prisoners i. come from poor families and did not graduate high school in fact sixty five percent of these three thousand
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plus prisoners are african-american a couple months ago i spoke with eugene puryear author of mass incarceration and capitalist america about the phenomenon. the fact that the african-american community is really the most oppressed community in this country and is sort of the furthest outside of the quote unquote mainstream when it comes to employment and all of these other wealth building type issues and indicators education and so on and so forth so the laws that have existed to create mass incarceration have been disproportionately at those two who where we're african-americans are overrepresented ultimately that's what it comes down to and we see that it plays out sort of on that structural level and also you know for example seventy one percent of black men who are convicted of drug crimes end up in prison as opposed to sixty three percent of white men. in south carolina blacks are five times more likely to be sentenced to life without parole for nonviolent crimes than whites in mississippi they're six times more likely in florida eight times more likely oklahoma eighteen times louisiana twenty three times in illinois and incredible
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thirty three times more likely overall life without parole sentences for all crimes have quadrupled since one thousand nine hundred two and just to give you some more perspective here's a breakdown of just one state's exponential growth in. handing out these life sentences and nine hundred seventy one hundred forty three people in louisiana were serving life without parole at the end of two thousand and twelve that number to increase to four thousand six hundred and thirty seven so why should you care about people who have disappeared into the prison a big. well besides the destroyed lives and shattered families that this kind of policy leads to the financial cost to taxpayers is immense the average yearly price to keep an elderly prisoner in jail is sixty to seventy thousand dollars. estimate that if nonviolent offenses were eligible for life without parole sentencing taxpayers would save a whopping one point eight billion dollars so what can be done for the thousands of
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prisoners that have done maine have may not done more than siphoning gasoline from a truck or attempting to cash a stone check while thankfully through the power of the people we can do this ourselves such as california's two thousand and twelve ballot initiative but for now the a.c.l.u. recommends as do y. that congress eliminate all existing laws that mandate life sentences for nonviolent offenses and that the president used his clemency powers to commute these sentences but the private prison industry boom in a country that holds twenty five percent of the world's prisoners i ain't holdin my breath. since nine eleven there's been an unprecedented growth in the u.s. military machine but one under reported facet of the military industrial complex is the exploitation of social sciences namely anthropology earlier i spoke with
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anthropologist david price who studied the phenomenon and is in debt crisis the author of weaponized an anthropology which explores the relationship between anthropology in america's terror wars i first asked him what bothers him most about the misused application of the. science. for my biggest concerns are when anthropology is used against the people it's studying i think probably the best use for anthropology is to represent the views of people who are studied to people in positions of power so that these voices can be heard not so that these voices can be used against them the people who military and intelligence communities use the field and apology for their benefit it's a good question you know there's a whole range of things that's going on now probably the most famous or most public program is something called human terrain systems which is imbedding anthropologists or social scientists who call themselves anthropologists with the
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troops with military stutter operating in fields of conflict afghanistan and iraq and they they serve in advisory roles there which are ethically very problematic but but anthropologists are in the past have also done you know direct intelligence work they've done troop education they've done a whole range of things for for militaries how are human terrain team incorporated and why are they incorporated in modern warfare and you talk about how this is been exacerbated in a post nine eleven world i'm a librarian that is well. yeah well the yuma terrains you know are a post nine eleven invention and they really came into being two thousand and six two thousand and seven. and i guess there's there's sort of two answers in terms of what these human terrain teams are doing they they claim people working for the program claim what they're doing is essentially education that what they're doing
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is trying to reduce harm when they're in fields of operation by. helping provide information that could reduce what they call kinetic and. reduce shooting down range in these sort of settings but you know the. said i've done and that other critics of human terrain of done shows that in fact what they're doing. often involves intelligence where they're sort of mixing intelligence work identifying who's friendly who's not friendly when they're in these fields of conflict and that's that's very troubling because sort of a core anthropological ethic is that you do not betray the the people you're studying if what you're doing is is making them you know illegible to armed forces that are that are working in these fields it's very dangerous for everyone who's involved certainly how do you think or do you think that the current nation
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building mission u.s. foreign policy incorporates facilitate the new apology in modern warfare. well unfortunately the way that nation building is is used in this sort of sense really involves counterinsurgency it involves co-opting people in ways that are craddick movements so. you know unfortunately the sort of u.s. policy that the obama administration is is continuing from the bush years really involves imposing the american idea of what these nation states should look like so you know unfortunately they come looking to anthropologists and other social scientists to help smooth out these sort of larger larger plants that don't really represent necessarily the interests of the people that you know who are being impacted by this there are rules anthropologist could play in this process and those roles you know could involve increasing the voice of the of the people who
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are being you know impacted by this global american policy but unfortunately when you're working for the military that isn't really the direction that that the voice of anthropology is being used let's talk about. an ak and a man on their educational level how widespread is this military intelligence. in the university system today as opposed to the past few decades. yeah it's it's a real growing trend you know probably the most significant thing that's happening is there are a whole number of programs in the last eight years that have come along programs like the pat roberts intelligence scholars program the rise of the national security education program which does predate nine eleven and the minerva project these are all programs you know certainly the first three programs are ones which there's
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a payback requirement for scholars so as whereas in the past twenty thirty years ago scholars would get funding to study languages of interest to national security or to do independent research they could get federal funds carry out their work do what they were going to do reach their own conclusions and now there's a shift for these programs where you know while traditional funds to attend university are decreasing or are to do research we have these programs where the scholars who engage in their own work sign these agreements that require them to go work for. in the intelligence sector or to work in the national security sector after they complete this work more specifically in your view as an anthropologist how does working for or even simply cooperated with u.s. military intelligence violate the code of ethics for the academic and scientific community as well you know it's possible that an anthropologist could work for a military or intelligence agency and not violate the code of ethics i mean really
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the fundamental code of ethics. demands that each of us carefully consider you know doing no harm representing. who we are to the people that we're studying getting voluntary informed. sent these sort of best practice things and it's possible i could go work for the military i could work for perhaps the department of veterans affairs and study the poor care that many vets are receiving and use that information it's even theoretically possible i could work for the central intelligence agency and do work where i would say study the cia as an organization for the cia and not violate those things but it gets much more problematic when anthropologists are studying others to make them to make them vulnerable i just want to get your assessment on the book's title because it's a really powerful statement and weaponize in anthropology what does that mean to
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you. well to me it means unfortunately many in the military and intelligence agency. recognize only part of anthropology as being useful and what they recognize is the idea or their hope it's not my hope that their hope that anthropology contains these these tools these little secrets that can be used to manipulate other populations and so there's a growing use of anthropology for counterinsurgency and other means within military and intelligence agencies as a weapon trying to take the secrets of culture and use them against these very cultures and just to wrap it up about thirty seconds left but what can you know versing faculty and also the american anthropological association do in response to this phenomenon. you know we all need to have increasing awareness of the militarization of american universities or we're very aware of the corporatization has has been taking over. unfortunately funds are getting so tight people are
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getting ready to sort of change past past practices but what we can all do within universities is remain aware and remain vigilant and protect our academic freedom by standing up and speaking out about these trends well thank you for a stamp and speaking out david price anthropologist and author of weaponize in anthropology appreciate your time thank you very much abbi. coming up i'll speak with one author who thinks that monogamy is unnatural. biological groups. between iran and the united states may potentially put to rest one of the most toxic and missy's in modern politics a possibility that would benefit loving nation. but is this good will. and why is the character of the war.
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we all know that in the modern world there is a great deal of monitoring of international communications a lot of this is directed to stopping and intercepting terrorist activities and i think that is legitimate some people people support it. the technology has a rum the political control exercised over it it's a technology permits you to do something then on the whole people will do it unless they all specifically to do it and it's quite clear we have perhaps going to start to be almost as necessary for dealing with international terrorism and international crime into areas where it is a question of warranted intrusion into people's privacy that is
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a problem we have admitted it to be built with the videos of. you know it's a shame that nobody talks about afghanistan anymore considering how the war is far from over remains the longest military quagmire in u.s. history at this point we should be asking ourselves a very important question bin ladin is dead in afghanistan's apparently ready to police themselves so why are we still there suicides of u.s. troops still occupying the country there are over one hundred thousand private contractors and afghanistan and guess what the pentagon can't even tell us what the hell they're doing there but this right here might give you a clue. it is the most unintended in all consequences of our military offensive
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here not diminishing the route by our marines of the taliban from their former stronghold your in helmand province has put us in the weird position of being protectors of the largest crop of opium in the world thanks for all though and guess what guys the taliban had banned almost completely eradicated opium afghanistan shortly before the us invaded some of these headlines the corporate media is even lauding the taliban success fast forward to today where over ninety percent of the world's heroin originates from the war torn country according to a report from the un office on drugs and crime this year opium production serves to a record high the report said that the harvest this may result in five thousand five hundred metric tons of opium forty nine percent higher than last year and more than the combined output of the rest of the world wow that's a lot of heroin and a lot of money being made someone's got to be reaping the spoils which brings us
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back to war which is always been about two things resources and control as reported by global research back in two thousand and five heroin is a multibillion dollar business supported by powerful interests which requires a study and secured commodity flow one of the hidden objectives of the war was precisely to restore the cia sponsored drug trade to its historical levels and exert direct control over the drug routes of course according to her. wrong though it's nothing more than an uncomfortable fluke that the u.s. military happens to be guarding the largest opium supply in the world i guess we're also supposed to believe that the discovery of afghanistan's one trillion dollars worth of untapped minerals was a surprise coincidence this is a globalized world one can't discount the role that multinational corporations play in u.s. foreign policy decisions not only of oil companies and private military contractors made a killing off the occupation big pharma which collectively lobbies over two hundred fifty million dollars annually to congress needs opium latex to manufacture drugs
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for this pill happy nation don't forget about the bag. see trillions in black market sales are being funneled through banks and this money is got to come out clean on the other side support for the ongoing war may not be high but believe me these corporations are in it for the long haul see a strategic pact that will allow u.s. troop presence to remain in afghanistan until two thousand and twenty four has already been signed so basically baseless rhetoric and propaganda aside here's the cold hard truth this government is fighting a war on drugs worldwide with millions of nonviolent drug users rotting away in prison yet on the other hand the us is at the very least nurturing the largest source of the deadliest and most addictive drug on the planet so you tell me what the occupation of afghanistan is really about.
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are human beings meant to be monogamous for centuries we've been taught that monogamy occurs naturally within humans although if you follow celebrity marriages in the growing divorce rate you know that this is not always true my next guest is a physiologist who spent decades traveling the world learning about what separates the human from the old he's also the co-author of the bestselling book sex at dawn how we mate why we stray and what it means for modern relationships he joins me now from our l.a. studio to break it all down and welcome christopher. thank you good to be with you are one of your main arguments that your book makes is that based on our biological past monogamy is not a central part of marriage how did you come to this conclusion. well in our book we're looking for sources of information primarily we look at the primates most closely related to humans which are chimps and bonobos we look at anthropology
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particularly hunter gatherer societies who live the way our ancestors did we look at contemporary psychosexual research what sorts of things turn people on what sorts of porn do people look at what sorts of relationship issues do they they often have and we also look at human reproductive anatomy the shape of our janet taylor and the way we're designed sexually all these things tell us basically the same story which is that our ancestors before the advent of agriculture shared resources and shared sexual pleasure very much like chimps and bonobos do. what how does the western sense of marriage compare to other cultures sense of marriage well see that's a very interesting thing anthropologists often say that marriage is a human universal but when you look at the way they're defining marriage. they define it so loosely that pretty much anything qualifies for example in some hundred other societies when a woman hangs her hammock next to
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a man's hammock the anthropologist will say they're married now there's been no agreement in terms of child care or sexual fidelity or property or inheritance or responsibility to in laws or anything like that or even expectations of permanence and then when she takes her hammock and hands it back next to her mother's or next to another man's the anthropologist will say well now they're divorced and that it's for me doesn't really mean marriage as as we understand it but we find it different cultures define marriage in very different ways in the in islamic tradition there are temporary marriages where a man actually officially marries a prostitute temporarily in order to not offend religious stricture. very very fascinating subject you know what's your response to the claim that people had that human sexuality is just about reproduction. well the
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problem with that view is that humans have sex about a thousand times per birth and i'm talking before without any sort of the birth control i'm talking about hunter gatherers you know in so-called primitive societies as well as a modern humans most of mammals have sex about a dozen times per birth so the ratio is completely out of whack we are one of the very few species that has sex for non-reproductive reasons we have sex in ways which i'm sure i don't need to outline that can't possibly result in conception we have sex when women are already pregnant when they're postmenopausal when they're menstruating on and on and on so obviously sex for human beings is not about reproduction if it were it would be one of the least efficient mechanisms in all of nature. so you know that that's obviously not true if you look at the data exactly talk about erotic plasticity what is it and how does it relate to the sexuality in
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different genders. well erotic plasticity really refers to the changeability of our rhotic response to things. you know in our book we argue that both men and women are by nature casually promiscuous and use sexuality for social reasons but men and women also have differences in their sexual response and women appear to be much more plastic in their response which is to say that their response responds more to social pressures they're more situational it's it's generally easier for women. to suppress their sexual urges so they sort of have more control over how they respond to things than men do and this tends to extend to other mammals as well and of course i want to be
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clear that our book sex at dawn is not an indictment of monogamy at all in fact i often say just you know we argue that are ancestors were sexual all move orders just as we were dietary omnivores that's not an indictment of vegetarianism to say that our ancestors ate many different kinds of food and all we're saying in our book is that you know just because you decided to become a vegetarian doesn't mean bacon suddenly stops smelling good. what about that kenzie's scale this is a really interesting there and i want to see your opinion on it of course that human sexual orientation is gage on a spectrum do you agree. sure sure i think i think pretty much all of human behavior is analog as opposed to digital. people aren't either this or that they fall somewhere in between whether it be racial characteristics you know intelligence all sorts of different things so i think we need to avoid thinking
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that you know someone is either this or that straight or gay you know black or white or whatever it is and the kinsey scale makes that very clear i totally agree with you thank you for that why do you think that western society has such a negative connotation when it comes to promiscuity and how do you recommend humans approach that to the desire to have sex with multiple partners. well i think we have a negative view toward it because i think that our society is very much based around private property and with the advent of agriculture about ten thousand years ago it became very important to control women sexual behavior as a way to assure paternity so that property would be passed down along a blood line in genetic lineage the problem is that mainstream scientists have assumed that that's built into our d.n.a. whereas what this old and i argue insects at dawn is that that's a response to an economic situation that came about just ten thousand years ago
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which is only about five percent of our existence as a modern species so it sounds like a long time but it's actually a very small part of our existence on the planet. so i think that that's why we have these hang ups about sex because we mistake our partner for property in the bible you read shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife and we always assume that that has something to do with respecting his relationship with their marriage but if you read it in context it continues nor his house nor his slaves nor his ox it cetera so it's don't covet the neighbor's property the wife is just part of his property now as far as advice to couples how to deal with these things. i think the first step has to be just acknowledging the reality of what sort of animal homo sapiens is and to approach these things with greater passion in flexibility absolutely thank you so much christopher ryan author psychologist thanks so much for your time everyone check out the book. thanks. that's our show tonight you guys
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drummer again tomorrow when i break the set all over again until then have a great night. over on june sixteenth one thousand forty one we had a graduation party at school and the war broke out. the shops were always full of good. looks in september leningrad was blocked. one day mom went and saw that all the shelves were
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empty. in november the bomb did but die of steel warehouses it was the main storage place for all the food in the city people are eating the earth because it had small traces of sugar in it i tried to eat it as well but i couldn't. the third night it was incredibly heavy bombing. it was a direct hit on that very shelter and everyone was buried underneath. all of them would do. is obviously more for the latest because it's pick. up women wanted to avoid rate they really needed to buy gas and how to use them. this is the one that i want to go with them once again as the field full of women. definitely the target of the
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gun lubbers one you don't want to kill them when you're killing money but if somebody would you would do this with her. i'm noticing more and more is this really scary marketing tactics which implies that women have some sort of moral obligation to own guns to protect their family and young girls shoot out here too so we do have a pink or. more kids young kids choke on food than are killed by firearms if being armed made us safer in america we should be the safest nation on earth so we're clearly not the safest.
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very easy to end one ton of. the release the now that you're not prosecuting. but most still notched up twelve years as a terror jail but the white house still failing to get it closed once and for all parties reports from inside one of the world's most maligned prisons in the future it may face. military cooperation between russia and egypt could reach a new high with a major arms deal reportedly on the cards relations cool between cairo and washington. and russia clamped down on illegal immigration launching police raids on workplaces and homes. it's wanted warning we go in with the police is one of those rights.


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