tv Headline News RT November 14, 2013 2:00pm-2:30pm EST
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presidential thumbs up to progress on syria's chemical disarmament vladimir putin phones are sad to discuss the elimination of these toxic arsenal and ongoing conflict and the prospects to end it. freezes the expansion of its nuclear program according to the un atomic watchdog but u.s. lawmakers are still mulling further sanctions against iran will report on the divide between the white house and capitol hill and also. it's very easy to it's hard to tell right now exactly how long will be down here given its mission easy to promise but hard to deliver the closure of guantanamo is absolute as it is up twelve years as a terror party reports from inside on what future it may face and.
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the rest of the outskirts of moscow police have been clamping down on illegal immigration every friday they go on rails of accommodation places of work looking for illegal immigrants it's friday morning we go in with the police one of those right. from a studio central moscow this is r.t. with international news and comment russia's president has praised the cooperation between syrian authorities and the chemical weapons watchdog in a land phone conversation with the syrian leader that it became the first head of a u.n. security council member state in years to personally talk to bashar assad. who is reported from the country several times earlier explain the significance of the phone call. this is very significant in terms of of course from russia and from the
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u.n. security council to show support for all the mission that the syrian authorities are now undertaking to end the crisis in the country and mostly focused on the chemical arsenal of syria the demolition of the chemical weapons of syria but also another important topic was the geneva two peace talks that despite some skepticism is considered by many as important a crucial. we saw peacefully the fact of crisis in syria as they say it takes two to tango and this is where the main obstacle in solving the syrian crisis lies and has been lined since the beginning since the conflict started because syrian opposition has repeatedly rejected any dialogue with the syrian current authorities with president assad personally saying that they will never talk to him and they will never come back to dialogue. to he goes and.
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bashar assad of the determent president off serious too so it is quite. bad luck right now so we actually heard some opposition factions saying that they are now ready but i've been to syria many times including how rebel held territories and i've seen that the opposition is very much divided and sometimes fractions that are fighting president bashar assad in syria are not doing connected to each other they don't even know bout that child is so it's like even if we're hearing from one fraction but. now ready it doesn't necessarily mean unfortunately that all their position all the forces are now ready for dialogue and this is why it's quite difficult at this time to talk about any peace between the warring sides. there has been no development in iran's nuclear facilities in the last three months
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and that's according to a new report by the un's atomic watchdog their conclusion comes ahead of a fresh round of talks between two iran and six world powers and just as the u.s. congress considers further sanctions against iran ortiz more important joins me live now from new york with more is this report being seen as a positive sign. well it sure is being seen as a positive sign because what it shows is that iran's words are being backed up by factual evidence and by action the international atomic energy agency says that for the past three months iran has halted expansion of its nuclear facilities the un atomic watchdog released a report finding that only four new you rhenium centrifuges were operating at iran's plant and no additional machines for facilities now un officials also said that iran has not begun operating any new generation i r two
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centrifuges and that no major components had been installed at the reactor being built. now why is this such a major development because many many members of the international community were worried that the reactor. site could provide iran with tony i'm an alternative to uranium for nuclear weapons the findings also the findings by the u.n. watchdog group also deep on critics who accuse you of using faster i r two hundred centrifuges would shorten the time needed to produce enough weapons grade uranium for a nuclear bomb this is the first report being released since president hassan rouhani took off took office in august but it certainly can be considered positive confidence building measure by tehran especially before the next round of talks between iran and world powers continue in geneva next week but what about those
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next round of talks is there not a fear that they could be. the potential the possibility of the u.s. sanctions which is being talked about. look that is a possibility but u.s. president barack obama has been taking precautionary measures by asking congress to hold off on more sanctions against iran while world powers are negotiating and continuing to try to hammer out a deal president obama says if the u.s. is serious about using diplomacy to prevent iran from developing nuclear weapons that there is no need to add new sanctions on top of the ones already in place that have crippled iran's economy however the u.s. is biggest spoiler right now is its ally israel let's remember that israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu and pro israel groups have been lobbying for more punitive measures to be piled against iran now according to reports
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a deal was nearly reached last week we've been reporting about it and according to russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov he said that there was no joint proposal but there was a u.s. proposal that everyone including iran agreed on but then there were last minute amendments so the deal did not go through now france is being blamed for stalling and putting in those last minute amendments so we have to wait and see if the world powers will come to a consensus with iran on its disputed nuclear program which of course would ease international sanctions against iran and allow iran to proceed with this nuclear program which is says it's being used for peaceful purposes thanks very much indeed live from new york. well let's get into the prospects for next week's nuclear talks on america's role in its care of porters and store and investigate journalist who's written on u.s. national security policy and he joins me now from washington with john kerry and joe biden please really haven't gain much traction among some congress members what
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impact do you think a speech will have do you think it would perhaps make sure that no further u.s. sanctions will be imposed. no i don't think the president's statement or speech at this point is going to hold off the members of congress who are determined to go ahead with this move but the question is whether they will be able to muster a majority in the senate i think the house is more likely to be responsive to israel's urgings on this and most likely to go ahead with with sanctions but i think the senate may possibly constitute a road block to go in your head with much harsher sanctions by which i mean that these will be sanctions from which the legislators have stricken any reference to a national security waiver thus taking away the last bit of flexibility that
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president obama would have so this is all about israel and it's all about israel what israel wants then these members of congress in effect with israel in mind well this is this is the track record that both the majority of the senate the majority of the house have compiled in recent years which is to say that they have been responsive whenever a pack of the lobbying organization devoted to israel's interests has put forward legislation the the majorities in both houses of congress have been responsive so i think that definitely has to be the working assumption for this week and one would assume that if sanctions are imposed on iran may just give all this up and say all right then we're not going to talk any further no white house to say well implications of that we will then have to think about military action is that just idle talk or is that really really a state. i don't think it's realistic that iran is simply going to walk away from
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the table but it is definitely realistic to expect that iran is going to take a much tougher position in the talks coming in this coming week than they did in the last round after all iran was under the firm impression that they had an understanding an agreement on a text with the united states and as foreign minister mohammad judd's a reef has tweeted in the last forty eight hours from late friday last week to late saturday evening late thursday of last week to late saturday this was turned upside down and he claims that as much as fifty percent of the text that they had agreed upon was essentially gutted as he put it by the objections coming from france in particular so definitely the iranians are going to be very skeptical about the intentions of the six powers in these negotiations and they're going to
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insist on guarantees that this is not going to happen again and obviously they're going to insist that the text be returned at least substantially to where it was before this sabotage took place over the weekend and of course the white house is saying to members the congress that military action could be possible if diplomacy fails again is that grandstanding on behalf of the white house. that is grand standing of the united states i can guarantee you is not going to go to war anytime soon over iran i don't think there will ever go to war on iran but certainly not under the present circumstances the u.s. military certainly exercises a very powerful influence over the policy of the white house on this and the pentagon in the in the military services heads are really opposed to the united states going to war and they don't see any reason to do so under present
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circumstances gareth porter historian joining us live from washington d.c. thank you very much indeed for joining us here on r.t. thank you. they held key positions in the world's biggest military and they want to kuantan a mo prison close thirty eight of the united states most respected retired generals and admirals want the senate to take immediate steps despite pressure and promises the jail still reached its twelfth anniversary punctuated by torture and hunger strikes along the way when almost eight hundred inmates have gone through guantanamo but only seven have been tried and convicted washington says the rest are too dangerous to release but analysts say the evidence against them is speculative as for the hot potato and getting it closed both congress and the president blame each other even though barack obama has full authority to shut it down and then there is the cost which is tripled in just five months according to estimates keeping one inmate costs an astounding two and a half million dollars a year now that's roughly one hundred times more than the average mainland prisoner
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and started chatting and now reports on the detention centers future. when it comes to this prison the numbers speak for themselves since being set up after the attacks of nine eleven a total of seven hundred seventy nine detainees have been held at guantanamo today one hundred sixty four people remain. have been long cleared for release but remain locked up a total of six people is currently under trial alleged prisoners of war brought here since two thousand and two removed from the battlefield of america's ever expanding war on terror it's both the policy of the u.s. not to hold anyone longer than necessary but we also know that whenever we release someone we assume a richness over a period of more than a decade the majority of detainees held here have been set free and if the men of guantanamo are really these superhuman monsters you know the worst of the worst
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quote there cheney. they would have been really. most of those still kept locked up have not been charged and are being held indefinitely what sort of a black hole of the system where the president of the united states simply refuses to say the innocent but u.s. officials say the law of war remains behind this barbed wire the idea that in a war when you capture folks you as the capturing authority are permitted to hold people during the duration of hostilities. when hostilities and or if there's no longer any purpose legitimate purpose to to hold them and they must be released a tiny problem the war on terror has no geographic borders with men once held here repeat treated to a wide array of countries. who are only specific to guantanamo you can't even you couldn't even the case on the u.s. mainland because it would be unconstitutional and illegal the war on terror also
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has no end in sight and national security is a popular excuse to simply ignore the law. this by the rhetoric really isn't about national security or prisoners being so dangerous that they can't possibly be released and that can't be true after being locked up the legal process if any moves at a glacial pace in two thousand and twelve five detainees were transferred to had completed their military commission sentence two were court ordered released. detainees been repatriated and one was a suicide over the years countless detainee claims of mistreatment and abuse dozens of suicide attempts mass hunger strikes lost patience and hold just this year the majority of the prison population refused to eat for six months straight only to be force fed the. mandate that we have is being able to provide adequate nutrition to preserve life washington has appointed a new envoy to close
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a camp that is a dark spot on america's image this comes after a mass hunger strike that returned the world's attention to the place that some have dubbed the gulag of our times even if close to it seems. to mean a state in u.s. history forever it's very easy to end one ton of. you release the men that you're not prosecuting. and as you said only six men are being prosecuted right now the military prosecutor has made clear that he intends to prosecute a few more but he's also made clear that it won't be more than a few more direct obama promised to close the notorious facility on day one of his presidency he's now in his second term it's only a president can do it and the idea that it's you know that it's congress's fault is just not correct it is the president the top holding these men in detention some president has to come in and this. it's hard to tell right now exactly how one would be down here doing this mission.
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and artsy guantanamo bay cuba. at r.t. dot com you can watch our full series on life inside guantanamo as well as more interviews with former prisoners and in-depth coverage of the international pressure to close the facility. he live here in moscow in a couple of minutes from now the professional footballer prevented from leaving cata for over a year we'll tell you why. there's a war on for a piece of the mud yes the government is doling out maggot infested pieces of mud pie benefits and the peasant voters are beating each other up trying to grab
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a slice or two and if that fails then they try to deprive their neighbor of this unfair piece of the mud pie but while tax revolt austerity riots capture the public's imagination in secret back rooms in europe america trade deals are currently being negotiated which will impose a so-called investor state upon us all. speak your language. programs documentaries in arabic. reporting from the world talks of p.r.p. interview intriguing story. arabic for a visit or a big. trip
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to you should consider sorting out your exit visa before you go a french footballer has been held virtually captive by the authorities in qatar for more than a year unable to see his wife and daughters is because he tried to soothe his club for not getting paid. is being prevented from leaving the country unless he drops the charges against his own employer he says it was completely unexpected. when i went to detroit never imagined that i wouldn't be able to leave the country i didn't think they were. block me my wife is depressed and she can't work i thought of going on hunger strike but my lawyers told me not to they already hurts me and a hunger strike would only hurt my wife and kids enough is enough. the international federation of professional footballers is campaigning for his release and. he says
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the french player is now desperate. we understand that he's also had to act in this matter and that includes the fact that he sold off. that he will be a victim from his own in a matter of days and their full we have offered through our hardship fun here if you brought the opportunity for him at the very least while we help to try and resolve this situation that he at least has some way to live to start you know hotel or whatever the case by be for him his wife and his two choices we are also very mindful of the fact that he has a very fragile mental state right now it's a precarious situation with deeply concerned and so we are asking for the international football community to unite support fee from being at the highest levels of government and within football authorities this is already gone right to the top side here but they need it today himself has written begging for help this is just one player but it's one of sixty thousand we represent around the world and we want him released that we can release now. the pope stay here in the godfather
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in a corruption crusade but one investigator warns of the pontiff could be in danger as he tries to clean up the catholic church and that story at all to dot com. and even though nato member countries have been watching the pennies we'll tell you how the alliance is still managed to find a spare billion dollars to build a new headquarters. in your cultural phenomena like these policies there's a little. pleasure to have you with us here on t.v. today i'm wrong researcher.
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russia has the world's second largest migrant population in search of a better life the majority come to the capital moscow but worryingly high numbers of them stay in the city illegally a concern for the authorities and the locals scot's has the details. migration in moscow is a sensitive subject right now following last month's murder of russian back of allegedly at the hands of an azerbaijani migrant and the nationalistic riots that followed the issue is firmly in the spotlight and an arty camera crew has found out just how sensitive the topic is we went to a market on the outskirts of moscow to try and film an interview with mohamed mage i'm the president of the russian federation of migrants just by getting private mission to film it soon became clear our presence was not welcome. you russian do i have to repeat myself the site ends with the fence we eventually set up our
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interview away from the market. i think they may have suspected some illegal activities to of course when you have thousands of migrants some of them may not have work permits or residence permits so the exact number of migrants in moscow is hard to calculate the best estimates put the figure at around one quarter of the population and according to official statistics one in five murders one into rapes and one in three robberies a carried out by migrants your thirty's or kin to be seen to be tackling the problem as we found out before our meeting with mohammed. since the under arrest in the outskirts of moscow police have been clamping down on illegal immigration every friday they go on a range of accommodation places of looking for illegal immigrants it's friday morning and we're going with the police on one of those raids and it didn't take long for the police to get down to business demanding people's paypal want. to.
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know where do i leave. where do you leave. now the raid on the outskirts of moscow in this deaf i was lasted just about an hour and so far police have rounded up thirty five individuals who don't have the correct paperwork. around one hundred eighty thousand work permits are granted each year according to mohammed this figure is far too low. to address it so you need to conduct a survey as to how many migrant workers more scrutiny if it needs a million workers you should issue a million work permits not a mere hundred thousand. it's believed around three million migrants are working in moscow twenty four percent of the illegally it is creating a vast black market for cheap labor market this some key to keep out of the spotlight let's go to. moscow. now for some more news from around the world in a world update the deaths in the philippines from typhoon haiyan have risen again
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to over four thousand four hundred those are u.n. figures confirmed by a government agency despite unprecedented aid from neighboring countries many victims from rain cut off from food and water supplies as many as eleven million people have been affected by one of the worst ever storms recorded which hit the city of tacloban last week. and the gas pipeline has exploded in texas no injuries are reported but a community has been evacuated in case of further blasts it's pretty much isolated the town of milford emergency crews have shut off the gas and are waiting for the fire to burn itself out local media say the fire began after workers punctured the pipeline. police have been deployed in bahrain to disperse a procession commemorating the muslim festival of assura images of tear gas circulating in the air have emerged on social media security forces also reported the use shotguns to disperse the crowd which was thought to have been infiltrated
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by government protesters. three attacks targeting she should present eastern iraq and left at least forty one people dead the blast took place during events to mark a sure of the most important day in the shiite muslim can and more than seven thousand people have been killed by insurgency in the country this year a political refugee from a saddam hussein's regime told us that iraq is suffering the consequences of america's divide and conquer policy used during its occupation the united states wanted to separate old iraqi forces and to play on sectarian divisions as snake divisions exasperating i'm not sure those differences i leave it to them and trying to muster to i'm plush is but there is also this presence of the terrorist organizations which which is most fair of conflict between these political organizations and groups represented within the government. that brings
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up today for the moment with a new scheme with morphine just over half an hour from now in the mean time extreme economics so on r t with mexico is it including britain america's latest trade deal which could see corporations elevated to the status of nation states. you know i love these rare moments where action of something fairly sounds positive to share with you the f.d.a. is working the band partially hydrogenated oils which are the leading source of trance fats and foods and possibly the cause of up to twenty thousand heart attacks per year across the usa according to f.d.a. commissioner margaret hamburg as you know i would like the chemicals in my food kept to a minimum but the thing is the people at the f.d.a.
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are surely aware of all the hormones and beef and she. being produced once the span of such a very narrow narrow focus in fact when you look at all the things that americans consume smoke use that to swear health some get the violent band hammer while others are completely tolerated if you ever talk to hardcore marijuana smoker they'll tell you but dude weed is better for you than beer and that's the eagle band and they kind of have a point i think there is this is one of those rare instances where a balance position isn't really a good idea well the country could go the libertarian route and let it be everything be legal let people make their own choices or do what i think would be much much better actually really ban all the things that are destructive to our health both of these paths have positive and negative effects but they are a lot better than our current plan of bans some harmful things for some reason and allow other harmful things because while they lobby better but that's just my opinion.
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i am max kaiser welcome to the kaiser report. there's a war on for a piece of the mud pie yes the government is golding out some maggot infested pieces of mud pie benefit slop and the peasant voters are beating each other up trying to grab a slice or two and if that fails then they try to deprive their neighbor of his unfair piece of the mud pie but while tax revolt austerity riots capture the public's imagination in secret back rooms in europe.
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