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tv   Breaking the Set  RT  November 14, 2013 5:00pm-5:31pm EST

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coming up on our t.v. on capitol hill the senate banking committee is debating over president obama's pick for federal reserve chair we could be watching history in the making if republicans don't block janet yellen nomination that is the latest ahead and what's your number just about everyone in the u.s. has some type of debt attached to their name but one group is working to reverse that buying up tens of millions of dollars worth of debt and then sending a letter to the borrower saying that it's all this forgive it so who holds the key to unchaining thousands of americans from their debt the answer coming up and take a look at this it's the world's first three d. printed metal gun and it could revolutionize the second amendment as we know it we'll speak to one of the men who helped create the gun in today's tech report.
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it's thursday november fourteenth five pm in washington d.c. i'm meghan lopez and you are watching r.t. while we begin this hour with a trip down capitol hill where senate banking committee the senate banking committee met today for janet yellen confirmation hearing yellen was appointed by president obama to replace then bernanke he as the next chair of the federal reserve if yellen is confirmed she would be the first woman to ever hold that position however with a sluggish economy and high unemployment this hearing was anything but friendly boom bust host erin aide breaks down the dollars to make sense of this hearing for us. federal reserve vice chairwoman janet yellen faced the senate banking committee on thursday for her confirmation hearing as the next head of the central bank now
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during that hearing she committed to promoting a quote strong economic recovery and will ensure that there will be no monetary stimulus removal any time soon also during that hearing senator mike crapo he wasted no time grilling yellen over if and when we see any end to quantitative easing but can it just continue indefinitely i mean if the labor market doesn't improve to the point that you reach your target alone can this continue do you agree that there has to be some point which we return to normal monetary policy so i would agree that this program cannot continue forever that there are costs and risks associated with the program now yellen went on to say that the fed takes risks to financial stability very seriously and that the fed recognizes that the longer these programs go on the more prominent those risk could be and while today's hearing to put yellen on track to be the next head of the central bank it isn't without any sort of question now senator rand paul he said that he's going to
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threaten to delay her confirmation process if his bill isn't looked at first fairly janet yellen has been in favor of transparency and said that's all we're asking for is an open audit a year after the fact about yellen for say will that nomination be approved this year will you be able to hold that we have filibuster in the old days you can place a hold on and keep it forever even if i stand on the floor and filibuster in a personal fashion by going all you have for today so she's going to be confirmed in all likelihood yes now like you just heard from paul in all likelihood will soon be yellen as the next top dog at the federal reserve reporting from capitol hill aaron aid are key while congress debates the future of the federal reserve a group of occupy protesters is taking matters into their own hands with its rolling jubilee for almost a year now the strike that group has been buying. so more debt for pennies on the dollar on a secondary market and then immediately for giving it no strings and no conditions
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a clean start for people saddled in debt. has now raised over six hundred twenty thousand dollars and spent four hundred thousand of it to abolish almost fifteen million dollars of debt that debt belong to two thousand six hundred ninety three people from forty five states as well as puerto rico now the group is planning festivals and assemblies in new york and several other states this friday to celebrate its accomplishments i was joined earlier by strike debt activist jock laroche and i asked him if he had expected this kind of success at the outset actually we do because we found in the secondary market that is being sold for pennies on the dollar and if you can get into that market and purchase today you can abolish it and relieve a lot of people from their suffering. so let's say you know it was totally forseeable let's talk about what kind of debt your group is going after. ok we're currently we've been going after medical debt but we're having
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a shift in transition at least here in new york we're looking at going after student debt and trying to build a student movement we have chapters that are all across the nation and they are going to be focusing on finding creative ways of attacking this system of this protest pernicious system of that but ultimately i think the thing is it really comes down to us as individuals saying no to this system and there are many ways for us to do this like basically for example ninety five percent of debt that is disputed is absolutely not collected so there is one tool in the toolkit of like individuals to actually do something to take power back in their own hands unlike relinquish themselves from this system of that bondage absolutely now one of the questions that i heard a lot and is how well known companies are responding to this kind of campaign and
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you got any kind of pushback. no we have not but i mean you never who who knows we can happen but the point is for us to actually to keep the fight going to keep pushing the ante and to refuse refuse these illegitimate like for example sixty two percent of medical debt or bankruptcies are tied to medical debt and no large chunk of those people actually had a health insurance bill like these the the point is these debts are illegitimate and immoral so people should be refusing them on that basis and like with the tools that i've said before you know there's there's lots of ways to do that like disputing or refusing and there's already an army of student debtors who have not been paying their debts this millions of them who have not been paying their debts and that's a form of of refusal right there the thing is what we need to do is figure out
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a new a new model of unionization where it's not connected to labor and to jobs but actually to something else to our debts or to whatever else we want to unionize and collectivize about to take our power to you know to give ourselves some breathing room in this system that's continuously crushing us from all sides now obviously the strike that campaign is not going to be able to wipe americans of all of their debt there is just too much of it but well i know from you is what is the ultimate goal here. the open mic goal is to really bring awareness to people that these are illegitimate and that we should not be engaged in this kind of. this kind of system where we're being taken advantage of for example with the rulings you believe with what we're doing it makes it very obvious that these debt collectors are are the lenders in themselves enough themselves are more than
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willing to write off their debts right i mean because we're buying them for so cheap so the thing is if they're if they're willing to write them off why aren't the willing to write them off to you and me right so that's and that's more ammunition like i said with these these kind of like tool kits that we have it as individuals if a debt collector is giving you a call i mean you have ammunition right there to say hold up i know you bought my day for super cheap or pennies on the dollar now you have moral weight to say i refuse this you know it's completely illegitimate like in a system where you have education that's focusing on teaching us how to exploit each other and how to do it the environment those debts to that education system are illegitimate and we know that you your grill fact is reaching its one year anniversary here on the fifteenth and you have celebration planned and so we look forward to seeing what comes after america open the future strength that activists
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chuckle roche thank you so much. thank you have a great day megan. well this morning the senate listened to us law enforcement agencies explained what keeps them up at night that's right the director of the federal bureau of investigation the acting director of the department of homeland security and the director of the national counterterrorism center explained what the majority of the major threats of the hole at the homeland currently are and according to f.b.i. head james komi the u.s. is constantly facing three of them terrorism remains number one called we said the threat isn't limited to the middle east africa is on the agency's radar as well specifically east and north africa and while terrorism is still the main concern cyber security is quickly climbing up the ranks because as kone said much of america's most sensitive data is stored on computers and number three is active
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shooter threats komi and rand beers who is the acting secretary of the d h s said that the threat of online attacks was enough to justify more wide reaching legislation on cyber security that would allow agencies like the f.b.i. and the d.h.s.s. much more access to private data. elsewhere on the hill lawmakers are trying to make the government more accountable for all of the data that it does have as a result of dragnet spine this bill is one of the many that is in response to edward snowden's leaks but it doesn't aim to stop the surveillance as much as it does to make the techniques that it use more transparent democrat senator al franken and republican senator dean heller introduced the surveillance transparency act of twenty thirteen and this is what it entails there are flyers the government to annually report on the number of flights a court orders it creates the general categories of information collected and the
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number of americans it collected information on among other information so all of that would be. a must it would also allow companies to volunteer data that is requested from them like the number of orders the company received and complied with the categories of the information they were asked to release and the number of users whose information was handed over that's a give me an idea of what companies are not allowed to share look at this graph from google or not graph i should say showing it's requests from. they're not allowed to share the number or scope of requests they receive or comply with some of the witnesses testifying today concerns about this bill we do continue to have concerns that some of the provisions raise significant operational or practical problems while we believe it is possible and appropriate to reveal information about the number of targets of surveillance counting the number of persons or of
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u.s. persons whose communications are actually collected even if they're not to targets is operationally very difficult at least without an extraordinary investment of resources and maybe not even then. so too much effort to report on tactics used but not to conduct the surveillance itself meanwhile google and other tech giants have headed to the hill to flex their lobbying muscle google has now surpassed northrop grumman to become the eighth biggest spender of lobbying money in d.c. here also from google is the number of other requests they've gotten from the u.s. government in the past six months as you can see it's almost eleven thousand so you can see why they have a dog in this fight and this just might be the beginning of what we see with agencies like the d.h. s. and n.s.a. being pitted against the tech giants that they rely on for information. the national security agency's massive surveillance programs have been scrutinized
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during various hilling hearings on capitol hill but now it seems the program will have its day in court it comes in the form of a motion for rich trial of a somali immigrant who was convicted for conspiring against the u.s. thirty six year old salim wallen is a cab driver from san diego he was granted asylum in the u.s. after trying to escape the violence in somalia government agencies started looking into wallen as a suspect back in two thousand and three in two thousand and ten he was arrested with three other somali immigrants and indicted with multiple counts of conspiracy after he was caught speaking with one of the leaders of the terrorist group al-shabaab and then he sent the group one thousand five hundred dollars to support quote jihad one of the other three were convicted by a jury and are set to be sentenced on november eighteenth but that doesn't mean it's case closed in light of the edward snowden revelations the n.s.a.
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claimed wallin was a prime example that mass surveillance programs work to terror plots. the boat silent alarm in case what we knew at the time when we made that clear it was we knew a number that we had reasonable suspicion was affiliated with a terrorist group plotting against the homeland that number was in somalia it was associated with al shabaab in order to find the needle that matched up against that number we needed the haystack right that's what the premise is in this case and in that point if just before somebody had made that clear you'd said this is going to connect to a number in san diego that would have been as surprising is if you'd said that number is connected to the same place in yemen but now mullen and his lawyer have filed for a free trial because he argues that the extent to which he was monitoring using section two fifteen and section seven zero two of the finest act violated his first and fourth amendment rights he also says that keeping faisel materials out of the hands of his attorney is a violation of due process so this case could be the first time that americans have
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a chance to see what the courts think about the constitutionality of the n.s.a.'s mass surveillance programs i was joined earlier by marcy wheeler she's a reporter for in the wheel dot net and i asked her what is really on trial here while it is case specifically or the n.s.a.'s surveillance program. he is the only known person who was tipped by the section two fifteen which is the phone dragnet program and he was prosecuted for sending less than ten thousand dollars style shabab and since that time we've discovered that the entire prosecution rests on this section two fifteen program that his his lawyer sends august have been trying to say wait a second this program is illegal and the judge in the case really just isn't all that interested i know that yesterday in a hearing it came up again and the judge just said psmith the maryland which is one nine hundred seventy nine case that talks about one phone records for one person.
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and he didn't really want to deal with the constitutional issues. and that nine hundred ninety seven case obviously is quite quite dated quite a while before any of this n.s.a. mass surveillance started happening that we know of what those have been what this case have been really for a trial had it not been for edward snowden's leaks. no it wouldn't and you know i part of me actually wonders whether he would have ever been indicted were it not for the government's need to have a success story here because we know as of two thousand and nine they hadn't had any we know that they were boasting about having preliminary investigations we know that in two thousand ninety s b i said this guy isn't worst worth indicting because the reasons he's sending money to somalia have nothing to do with terrorism they have to do with defending his ancestral home. and then a year later all of a sudden when when the n.s.a.
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has to keep going to congress to get this re approved all of a sudden we have him indicted and so i think. he would never have known he would never been able to raise these issues were it not for edward snowden but i also think we should raise real questions about whether he would have even been indicted if warrant for the need to show results for this program that really has not and that really leads into my next question which is was there are enough evidence without this and as a surveillance to have indicted and convicted him and his three coconspirators. they would never have come back to him we know that they investigated him in two thousand and three and the f.b.i. found no reason to tell him no evidence of criminality and then in two thousand and seven they indirectly found him they say this is based on executive branch testimony they indirectly found him in conversation again indirectly with a. quarrel or name of narrow and everything that followed came off of that
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phone dragnet we don't know what indirect means we know that you know they can go through. he hopped up so it may have been he was three hops away i know his defense claims that intercepts that but the government claims as to this the somali warlord weren't the smaller warlord obviously the jury didn't agree with that but but it all follows and one of the big questions is is the government using this section two fifteen as the sole basis for probable cause to get warrants of american people now if there is a retrial obviously right now the judge is still deliberating whether or not the retrial will happen in the first place but if there is a retrial how likely is it that we will actually see and as a representative appear in court and explain that surveillance tactics well. it's actually interesting because the judge yesterday said that he was only going to he was going to decide on the retrial issued today at two o'clock california time so
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we're going to know pretty quickly and that's one of the reasons why it's it's pretty clear the judge isn't going to give real consideration to this retrial motion now if they appeal you know what's been happening at the same time is that you know great after the defense submits a motion then the government releases vast new information about the many abuses of this program that were in place when they first tip smolin which was two thousand and seven so it was before the worst of the abuses the government claims were cleaned up and and and so even over the course of this two three month period there have been a vast amount to do new information released and we know that the government is considering releasing another possibly very central price the court opinion from two thousand and six on the same day that molin would be sentenced if he doesn't get a new trial so i think you know i don't think anyone from n.s.a. is going to show up they would do it by declaration but i think that there is
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growing evidence that the program itself was fundamentally flawed from the start even according to for example former assistant attorney general. chris you had said well maybe the first opinion was erroneous that's the one that authorizes the the phone collection on on moleyns so i think that there's a lot of evidence that was problematic from the start and that evidence is coming out so i think if there were an appeal or something we might be able to see that evidence in one place and marcy there are just so many question marks when it comes to this case in specific but also the wider ideas of n.s.a. mass surveillance the one thing that we do know though is that this case in this trial potential retrial could potentially set a precedent for the future marcy wheeler a reporter for mt we'll done that thank you so much for weighing in thanks for having me. well to the philippines now where release of relief is slow and people are desperate for help the united nations says nearly twenty four hundred people
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have been confirmed dead in the wake of typhoon haiyan on officials expected that number to increase once a workers begin clearing the rubble and finding more bodies something else that could cause that number to rise access to food water shelter and medical supplies medical experts have warned that people who lack access to these things could fall sick with pneumonia and even die some six hundred thousand people have been displaced now today the u.s.s. george washington arrived in the gulf the gulf bringing with it troops to help in the search and rescue efforts as well as supplies three hundred u.s. military personnel are in the area right now and seven hundred more are expected to arrive by the end of the week check out our sea dot com for the latest information or keep your channel to noon right here as we'll be covering it. full attention on gun enthusiasts take
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a look at this it looks like your typical gun but this is unlike anything you have ever seen before how well you are looking at the world's first three d. printed metal gun the company solid concepts is behind the gun and it says that god has already fired up over fifty rounds without problems now the gun is they have thirty parts it uses a laser since during to actually make this using powdered metal sounds pretty crazy on well thirty printing is opening up a world of possibilities for creating everything from tools to people to guns and this is the topic of today's tech report i was trying to earlier by kent firestone vice president of additive manufacturing and solid concepts and he told us about his new gun. well it started as an r.v. project just that the the processes that we use would withhold and it stresses
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involved in the fire and once it was completed and. we decided that the way to promote the technology and how long have you been working on this project for. it wasn't a focused r. and d. effort we started building parks a few months ago and that's when are we have space and so we would support is it safe. yes very medals or standard medals if you have. regular world water that we. go into service immediately and of the different types of high spirits and are very interesting now when can we expect to see them out on the market or is that something that your company is is going for at this point it's really. more of an already project we have had the measures that we are doing a limited edition limited right next year we're still in there. are
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actually a process. is really more useful the art of the new bar or technology and that is a question that i was going to ask you is how much it costs to produce one of these in comparison to a traditional gun obviously the research and development stage is much more expensive but can you give us an estimate of what it would cost. our best estimate . of a similar model so that you can our cost would be close to the retail price. really high and i think all of those folks around four thousand dollars wow now meanwhile other companies in the three d. printing industry are working on plastic guns harder along foresman officials have stressed how dangerous these guns are because they're made of completely out of plastic or yes they could be then they would be undetected by metal detectors
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except for a now long time ban on undetectible firearms are scheduled to expire on december ninth so i kind of want to get your thoughts on plastic guns. first lady i mean well obviously you know one thing everywhere says that there are a lot of foreigners on the market today that are made out of plastic just a different type of manufacturing process. pretty. plastic. you know it definitely shows some of the capabilities but obviously the durability is there now we really wouldn't want to have one of the major criticisms of these types of printed guns be it metal or plastic or otherwise and so they can help criminals skirt around gun laws and possibly even print their own should we expect to see in your opinion some type of regulation for three d. firearms. i don't know if there be regulations that i can say that. a criminal is going to forward. that over the burner is getting more there before
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they go down the street they live illegally. and i don't believe that this is going to. increase their access to the level any of previews of what's coming out next from your company. we hundreds of thousand of the boards of the floor of the year so we don't have anything big to slash. were possible to do today to guard the work . thank you so much for joining me ken firestone vice president of additive manufacturing and solid concepts. well it's a political scandal you just can't seem to keep your eye is also of tronto mayor rob ford seems to have a perpetual case of foot in your mouth syndrome with one leash and after another about his salacious personal life first we found out that the mare ok usually blacked out while drinking and also tends to smoke crack and yesterday the people of toronto watched a city council hearing turn into
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a spectacle where rob ford admitted much more than that. have you purchased illegal drugs in the last two years. yes i have i've been in that house i have no interest being about house i'm not a crack user so. you're absolutely right i've made mistakes personal mistakes but these mistakes was not in this council chamber it was in my personal life i sincerely apologize i understand the embarrassment i caused every member of this council. that have caused every resident in this city but we all have skeletons in our closet have you admitted all of your problems i've come i can't come out any i don't know what else to do i don't know i i don't know there
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might be like a coat hanger left in my closet they know that the last thing that many people say is take a leave of absence absolutely not taking a leave of the most deftly keeping this job and on a cobra twenty seventh the people have the right to decide who they want to marry that watches every dime they're saved millions and millions of dollars or they want someone else that's their decision i am not leaving here and you know what he's right only to circumstances can force mayor ford out of office first if voters demand it and second if he is charged with a crime and then forced out by the city council however rob ford supporters are actually growing in number and the evidence levied against him is still small so it looks like for now anyway this made for t.v. drama here to stay. well tonight on politicking larry king sits down with former vice president dick cheney the wide ranging interview cumbers a numerous topics including drones lesson. obama on one side has been around
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the president mayor of drones and like were new or the surprising. no it's. it's something we developed on our watch we knew we had to go on platform . well in sort of way but we always we were the ones that put together the drone with the weapon system initially they were unarmed and we used them i think to great effect but. i think i have supported his efforts to use drones i think that's another appropriate weapon i think it helps significantly but it's not enough he seems to have the attitude that well we put some drones out there and then we get through the boys home and not be actively involved in that part of the world are going to get out of afghanistan but were we launched the drones keep track of what's going on in pakistan or to take
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out the taliban leader as we did ration and launch out of afghanistan. it's a. it the those programs are put in place for a reason they've kept the safe from another mass casualty attack since nine eleven . and there's a great deal of evidence that we would have had additional attacks if it hadn't been for those programs more of an interview tonight on politicking at nine pm. and that's no different on one leg and. exactly what happened that day i don't know but if i killed. piers later is when i got arrested for. for a crime i did not do. we have numerous cases where police officers lie about polygraph results.


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