tv Boom Bust RT November 14, 2013 10:30pm-11:01pm EST
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totally know if you know that you know the price is the only industry specifically mentioned in the constitution. that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy. but. then again i'm sorry and i'm this show we reveal the picture of what's actually going on and we go beyond identifying. rational debate real discussion critical issues facing the camera. ready to join the movement and welcome their faith. and welcome back to the big picture i'm sam sachs in for tom hartman coming up in this half hour senator dianne feinstein is introduce new legislation aimed at reforming the n.s.a. the national security state but in reality it's just another win for the surveillance industrial complex why is her bill so much weaker than other proposals on the floor and the scientists are wrong thanks to climate change the end of life
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on planet earth could be coming a lot sooner than we all think i'll explain why in tonight's daily ted. efforts to reform the n.s.a. have reached a fork in the road in the senate there are two different reform bills currently being pushed there are a lot but there are two main reform bills currently being pushed one is by judiciary chairman senator patrick leahy called the usa freedom act and a companion bill was introduced in the house as well this bill actually includes some substantial reforms it brings transparency the top secret buys accorded fixes gag orders that prevent companies from sharing government information requests to their customers and it most importantly it bars the bulk telephony metadata collection on americans under section two fifteen of the patriot act also limits collection under section seven of two. the pfizer amendments act all together
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pretty good start but there's a competing and it's a reform bill in the senate one being championed by senator dianne feinstein the chair of the senate intelligence committee and one of the biggest cheerleaders of the n.s.a. her bill is the pfizer improvements act and it's not really reform that has some cosmetic changes to the n.s.a. but it actually codified is the n.s.a.'s bulk collection programs that occasionally target americans those most controversial of the n.s.a. spying activities so there's two roads here one paved with actual reform the other paved with fake reform fake reform and a lot and a lot of money research by the group map light exposes an enormous campaign contribution gap between the two senators pushing and as a reform senator leahy and senator feinstein senator feinstein has received three times as much campaign cash from intelligence contractors like general dynamics and
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northrop government then senator leahy has. of course that might explain her efforts to help the n.s.a. caught by its illegal surveillance and her reform bill joining me now to talk more about the should be political dealings behind n.s.a. reform is lisa graves attorney executive director of the center for media and democracy. so let's start by asking a question which likely doesn't even need to be asked do you think senator feinstein's generous contributions from the surveillance industry might have something to do with this gift legislation she's pushing through the senate for the . well there certainly is a striking contrast between the amount of donations she's received from intelligence and military contractors compared with senator leahy but i would say that there are feinstein things have been captured i'd be very intelligent to be connecting oversight over you know one of the things that's most striking is that senator feinstein appears to express a greater concern about the electronic surveillance of poor and leaders not of her
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own constituents in california and of americans across the country right it might not just be the money she's captured by this very idea of the n.s.a. it's almost this romantic attachment you touch me she has to it i don't think people realize though just how powerful private contractors are in the surveillance state it's not just a rogue government agency it's an entire industry subject to market forces and profits which means it also lobbies and plays heavily in politics how does that make efforts to rein in the surveillance state even harder. i think it's extremely difficult because right now we don't even know how much money from the n.s.a. is being outsourced to these private firms obviously we know there was an outsourcing contract with booz allen in mind at the snowden revelations but the fact is as mr binnie has spoken previously we don't know how much of this has actually been outsourced and that's deeply problematic these corporations may have a vested interest in stopping reform that was true in the case in my opinion with
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eighteen t'srakr it's just weren't reforms that were pushing the first time the n.s.a. surveillance i was revealed after the new york times story in two thousand and six and so corporate involvement in this has has distorted our fourth amendment rights . risen in these times article you make the point that these extraordinary surveillance programs have been around for years. three thousand unelected executive branch employees and who knows how many of the private sector have known about these programs but yet only sixty out of five hundred thirty five members of congress did and yet the entire congress was being a lobbied by companies like a.t.t. to give more legal backing to many of these programs when pfizer was change how can we expect oversight and what does it say about where the power really lies on this issue. well that's true at a certain point in the equation and in the second term president bush thousands of executive branch employees knew about this program and only a few dozen members of the hill did and i think when they were told some of them
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weren't told the whole story quite frankly we know that some members were told without even having counsel present they were told information by the director of national intelligence connell who was part of the revolving door between booz allen before he took over the head of the intelligence community and then after and you have a situation in which these members when they're told information are basically forced to sign an indoctrination that's what the n.s.a. used to call it according to documents revealed by the national security archive and these numbers are very fearful of revealing anything they learn even if it even if it effects americans rights but fortunately we've had members like senator wyden and previously senator feingold are you know all and others who've been calling for reforms imagine how different would be if senator wyden with the chairman of the senate intelligence committee instead of senator feinstein who's so beholden to the words and wishes of the intelligence community they're absolutely and you know there's the lies that are being told in the misinformation that's coming from the
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intelligence community to congress and then there's the misleading and blocking of information that's coming from the congressional intelligence committees to the rest of the members that have been alleged by members like alan grayson and parker griffith who they've tried to get these documents and they've been barred by those intelligence committees let's let's talk about some of these bills we have the feinstein fi's improvements act which is been pretty much panned as a giveaway to the n.s.a. but the usa freedom act by senator leahy and congressman jim sensenbrenner who wrote the patriot act has some people pleasantly surprised by how strong it is what do you make of it and what are the chances that it is the one that's chose out of these two paths. well i think that is certainly a step in the right direction to bar this kind of bulk collection of innocent americans communications their communications records is imperative to restoring our core privacy rights and in fact our core rights against the government abuse of this power potential abuse by this administration or future administration i'm
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pleasantly surprised to see that congressman sensenbrenner on that bill he was an indefatigable fan and cheerleader for the bush administration when president bush was office we couldn't get a single amendment through the house judiciary committee when he was at the helm but i'm glad to see he seen the light and recognizes how how dangerous these powers are and how far they go how far they transcend what most americans believe reasonably to be their fundamental point right even though the government does not recognize these rights against this sort of mass surveillance mass capturing our communications data and our internet our internet data we say is this the sort of issue that voters might think about a year from now during the midterms could there be a political backlash for those lawmakers like senator feinstein who come out against edward snowden who walked worthwhile the n.s.a. reforms. well i think there will be a growing amount of opposition to her efforts to whitewash to her efforts to basically brush this under the rug with this very weak so called reform that that
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would in essence authorize fully authorized type of collection that has been disclosed that was previously denied by the government i think there really is an opportunity for a populist moment here that transcends politics trends in parties through you know trans partisan effort to restore our final rights but going to take a lot of work to hold these politicians who are so beholden to some of these corporations or in fact some of the intelligence committee agent eight intelligence agencies accountable i'm not sure with prospect but i sure hope people keep speaking out. the intelligence community has defended a lot of these both data collection programs by saying hey it's just metadata private companies hold the stuff on your telephone company holds the stuff you're not a company all the stuff should we even trust private companies with this data out of all these revelations should or should private companies think of alternatives when it comes to storing data and how they handle requests for just thirty seconds . i think we need severe reform substantial working arm to protect ourselves from
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corporations gathering information and selling it or providing it to the government it violates all of our rights whether it's by the government or by corporations they say graves in the senate from interrupt democracy thank you thank you so much . time for tonight it's the good the bad in the very very crudely ugly the good rolling jubilee as we mentioned earlier in the show the offshoot of the occupy wall street movement has now paid off over fifteen million dollars in crushing personal debt private debt is a dead weight on economic recovery and needs to be fought if we want to restore the prosperity of the middle class and the amount of help by the folks that will and you believe it's a good start working americans not bank stirrers need a bailout and it's encouraging to see rolling jubilee tackling this head on keep up
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the good work occupied. and by the way happy one year anniversary rolling to put the bad time cantor the director of a san diego california creationist museum is outraged that san diego is museum council rejected his museum's application to join its membership group you know because it's more about religious mythology than an actual museum that cancer is so outraged that he told kay p.b.s. radio news that he feels like an african american in one nine hundred fifty s. selma alabama take a listen. we are being opposed by nothing more than the old prejudice against god it's like we're in film alabama in the nineteen fifties and i want to have a museum on black america. so you think you're in the same situation as an african-american living under jim crow well call me the next. you get lynched for supporting creationism otherwise stop whining. the very very ugly idaho gun
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laws state rep mark paterson of boise pled guilty in one nine hundred seventy four assault with the intent to commit rape but thanks to idaho's lax gun laws he is still out to carry a concealed weapon even though he lied to law enforcement about his conviction when police discovered that patterson wired about his right away they revoked his carry permit but it turns out that doesn't even matter because i don't know exams state officials from the gun permit law and that it's well that's just very very ugly. coming up while republican lawmakers continue to deny the existence of climate change countries across the globe are introducing carbon taxes to help fight back against the greatest threat our planet has ever faced it's time for the united states to do the same thing because our planet is running out of time will explain why it's needed still we take.
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yes i was a new alert animation scripts scare me a little bit. there is breaking news tonight and they are continuing to follow the breaking news maybe. the alexander family cry tears of the war and a great things rather that have you ever read organic or a wall around alive there's a story many sort of movies playing out in real life. it's
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thursday let's get geeky on the power of plants we all know that the planet is continuing to warm up as more and more greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide are released into the atmosphere each and every day so while the situation today looks bleak it could be even worse if it weren't for relatively recent growth over the last hundred years of plants and trees that's because according to new research and scientists a princeton university plants and trees have absorbed billions of tons of carbon
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especially over the past sixty years that otherwise would have been released into our atmosphere causing our planet to become red hot but it wasn't always this way between the eight hundred sixty s. and the early twentieth century deforestation and logging were the norm reason why is because pretty much everybody particularly in remote areas we used to live in vermont pretty much everybody he had with a wood so vermont in the nineteenth century early twentieth century there were no trees there was no forest all those forests you see now over much of the united states they're all less than one hundred years old and because people were heating then you know toward the late nineteenth century early twentieth century they started running the railroads you know abe lincoln put all that money into the railroads they started running the railroads in these regions and they could get coal into those areas in the soon as you get coal and you'll see you'll see in one thousand twenty thirty forty how sizes started increasing and they started growing the forest spec so any other route the result of all that deforestation had been
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the carbon was being released into the environment instead of being trapped absorbed by plants and trees however since really the one nine hundred thirty s. the f.d.r. you know the civilian conservation corps was all about planning trees well by the one nine hundred fifty s. those trees were big enough that they started really absorbing carbon dioxide taking that carbon out of the atmosphere and humans were using land differently planting more trees more plants in fact plants over took many environments that were previously barren and began absorbing. billions of tons of carbon according to the researchers since the mid twentieth century urt earth's land based carbon sink that is mostly the plants and trees that capture carbon has kept one hundred eighty six billion to one hundred ninety two billion tons of carbon out of our atmosphere keep in mind we've only released three hundred fifty billion tonnes and eight hundred fifty so almost two hundred billion of that three hundred fifty has been taken up by the trees if that carbon sink had been in place and the earth
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ecosystems had remained carbon makers instead of carbon takers they would have instead generated sixty to eighty billion tons of carbon on top of what they wouldn't have absorbed which totals up to about two hundred fifty billion to two hundred seventy five billion additional tons of carbon that would be in the atmosphere right now if it wasn't that we had stopped cutting trees all the time. and those numbers would have pushed current carbon dioxide concentrations today to four hundred eighty five parts per million much more than the scientifically accepted threshold of four hundred fifty parts per million a level at which scientists are now saying our climate can not pass without drastic irreversible change the same for fifty is the next tipping point these findings show how important it is that plants be taken to a trees be taken into account in discussions about future global warming trends in the findings make it clear that if we do nothing to reduce greenhouse gases and carbon emissions in our atmosphere we're going to need a heck of
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a lot more plants and trees to pick up the slack and to maintain earth's carbon sink for more on the dangers of climate change and global warming and its causes head over to last hours dot org and check out our new documentary last hours. of. personal or. keeping your man under lock and key partners of excitable men were joyous there is no way to keep your favorite dude's insatiable appetite for love in check that's because the las vegas nevada based companies c b x has just come out with its new line of designer male chastity belts as you can see the belts are designed for men of all shapes and sizes also come in three different unique finishes. cammo and wood and for those of you with shall we
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say more decorated bodies there's even a special of prince albert chastity belt course not everyone wants to control their man's appetite that's why the japanese tech company oculus v r has come out with a virtual sex simulator i kid you not a virtual sex simulator take a look. out there are just some things you just. climate denial cost us all a lot that's the message coming out of new zealand today the new zealand court of
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appeals ruled that the new zealand climate education trust a group working to quote reflect the truth about climate change and the exaggerated claims that have been made about anthropogenic global warming must hand over ninety thousand dollars to pay court fees for a recent lawsuit they were involved in the climate denying climate education trust sued the national institute of water and atmospheric research arguing the institute intentionally manipulated temperature data to promote the idea. of climate change but new zealand court of appeals justice force miller ruled that the climate education trust was the one manipulating and matt quote mounting a crusade against and i w a and was not acting reasonably in other words the climate that is right the world is warming and if you believe otherwise and you want to use the legal system to push an unscientific pro polluter agenda then you better be ready to pay the legal fees for taking scientists to court so in a roundabout way polluters had to pay for once meanwhile back here in the united
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states billionaires like the koch brothers are spending millions to fuel climate change denial campaigns while republican lawmakers on capitol hill continue to insist that climate change is one big hoax and no one is paying a dime for the damage this rhetoric is having on the planet the fact is climate change is very real and rather than waste precious time arguing about the legitimacy of climate change and the dangers it presents we need to be fighting back against the greatest threat our planet has ever faced and that starts with introducing a carbon tax big oil is the only industry in the world that doesn't pay to clean up and remove its waste and said you and i are forced to pay for the clean up of its pollution and deal with the damage to the environment that it causes we can't continue letting corporations openly pollute our air damage our ecosystems and destroy our environment or you and i are forced to pick up the bill and deal with the same as most of the cancers and the global warming that the pollution causes several nations across europe from ireland to finland have successively put
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a price tag on carbon and are making corporations pick up the bill even china is discussing a carbon tax both to discourage pollution and to promote the use of renewable energies and this couldn't have been any sooner because we're running out of time to do something about runaway global warming a problem that could be worse than any of us have imagined and that is the subject of tonight's daily take. these scientists are wrong. but not the way you think as global warming picks up scientists and researchers are finally beginning to come to grips with just how very serious this problem is and how quickly we're running out of time to solve for
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example when it comes to sea level and sea level increases scientists of the tory asli under estimated how fast the waters would be rising as church shows sea levels are rising much faster than the i.p.c.c. predictions these were the predictions at least two thousand and ten. over the last two decades scientists also underestimated the extent of ice melting in the arctic it's disappearing at a much faster clip than even the direst predictions again the blue line is the standard of the predictions these are the different sets of math predicting this and this is what's actually been observed this is where we are right now in just a few years we're going to have our first ice free arctic summer in roughly seven hundred thousand years keep in mind human beings have only been on this planet for one hundred sixty five thousand years seven hundred thousand years before the onset of humanity on top of all of that scientists have also consistently underestimated
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just how much carbon dioxide we humans are dumping into the atmosphere again with actual measurements now available to us. production project projections for the last couple of decades two thousand and five two thousand and ten this is what they were projecting the signs of the i.p.c.c. all those people that you know the right wingers are all other alarmists this is what their production projecting this is what we're actually seeing. so what's with the history of underestimation a team of researchers at the university of alberta recently published a paper in the journal global environmental change characterizing this dangerous trend of low balling estimates of global warming they note that the available evidence suggests that scientists have in fact been conservative in their projections of the impact of climate change particularly in i.p.c.c. and assessments of the physical science scientists are not biased toward alarmism
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but rather the reverse toward cautious estimates we call this the tendency of erring on the side of least drama and why is that happening it's simple when going up against a well funded ruthlessly powerful special interest like the fossil fuel industry scientists know that if they rock the boat too much or even appear to they might be targeted and discredited. just as michael mann who is infamous hockey stick chart shows the recent extreme uptick in global temperatures since the industrial revolution and yet that's measured it's real after releasing the hockey stick graph what he was back when he was projecting that he instantly became the target of smears and was mercilessly attacked by conservatives and fossil fuel industry shills for far too long our climate change debate has been focused on not ruffling feathers on finding economically viable solutions depending on the oil companies to lead us through an energy transition. that hasn't worked on our planet is getting
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hotter even quicker the latest i.p.c.c. projection shows that at least a five degrees celsius temperature increase will happen by twenty one hundred and even if countries around the world reduce carbon emissions immediately the planet will still warm over two degrees which will have catastrophic consequences for life on earth but given the history of lowballed projections our planet could be headed for even warmer temperatures for but unfortunately over the past year some scientists have said to hell with the right wingers i'm going to tell the truth even if it does mean that they're going to attack me and they're right now is the time for the rest of us and our politicians to also speak back to the big money interests who don't seem to give a damn about planet earth global warming and global climate change whatever you call it is real it's caused by us in large part and we can stop it if we act quickly enough the time for do the rain is over it's time to get.
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zach see what happened that i don't know but i will. i killed. piers later when i got arrested for. for a crime i did not do. we have numerous cases where police officers lie about polygraph results. innocent people taking shots at police officers don't beat people anymore i mean it just doesn't happen really. in the course of interrogation why because there's been this is like meant no because the psychological techniques are more effective in obtaining confessions than physical abuse and they were often
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the forty six spies president of the begin ited states dick cheney he's one of the most influential and controversial men ever to hold the all of us it was a heartbeat away from the presidency and irony considering his long battle with cardiac disease it chronicles that. in his new book parked an american medical out of sync he's with me at the historic payout of his hotel oval of the white house and the executive office building it's all next on politics case. welcome to another edition of politicking with larry king this will be one of my favorites coasts where with an old friend dick.
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