tv Headline News RT November 15, 2013 9:00am-9:30am EST
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the future of sewer is toxic gas and it was due to be decided to day after damascus destroyed production facilities the question now is where will the weapons go out. washington tries to whitewash a multimillion dollar british inquiry into the roots of the iraq invasion in case it reveals a few painful protrudes between bush and blair. america's grooming private prisons people tougher sentences and no inmates but and their ex-con tells us how profit something could be for rehabilitating criminals into society.
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and welcome to r.t. twenty four hour news live from moscow my name is you know our top story now syria's chemical design and is approaching a crucial phase with the road map for the weapons actual destruction about to be approved the toxic arsenal will most likely be sent abroad for that part of the process now middle east correspondent reports now on the progress being made and the commitment trying by damascus. today is the deadline for the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons to go up destruction deadlines for syria's chemical arsenal so far damascus has made all deadlines in its destruction program with the latest being the first of november when it had to destroyed all equipment used for the mixing of conduction of poison gases and nerve agents damascus says it remains committed to meeting these deadlines on our part we are ready to do
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whatever it takes to commit ourselves to these deadlines but experts see we can do it sooner we are ready to do it i was recently in damascus where none of the foreign experts that overseeing the destruction of syria's chemical weapons program would speak on camera other than to say that they were extremely satisfied with the progress that was being made and that damascus was copulating fully we have made a commitment and syria is well known for respecting its commitments this is not a commitment to the security council this is not a commitment to the p.c. that we do this is a commitment optional to our russian friends and one of the debates right now is way to actually destroy syria's chemical weapons which are estimated at around a thousand tons possible sites include albania france and belgium chemical weapons have become a heavy burden on syria especially for the presence of militant groups in its soil
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that might want to use such weapons or could even juice a disaster by mishandling members the final deadline for syria destroying its entire stockpile of chemical weapons is the middle of next year policy r.t. television. and here is how serious design element has been progressing damascus revealed its chemical sites shortly after the russia and us roca deal was struck although it's worth mentioning inspectors could not visit all of them due to heavy fighting see we're still manage to miss the november target for destroying all chemical weapons production facilities there but removing the existing arsenal may be quite a challenge for them take a look at will the inspectors are up against these are the major stockpile sites and some are located in contested areas or close to rebel strongholds we're fighting is almost nonstop so we'll have to see how the elimination of syria's chemical weapons progress is from here. and of course we'll keep you updated on
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developments on air and online plans go to r.t. dot com to see the latest footage of what's happening on the ground in syria had to the in motion section of our website. a wide reaching british investigation on why the country invaded iraq along side with the uighurs is being stopped in its tracks a fax to washington it's a match that the white house has brought the inquiry to hold as it could expose secret communications between then prime minister tony blair and president george w. bush but our staffs are seal in our reports there may be more at stake. the report by the independent newspaper as cites a senior diplomatic sources in essentially what they say is that washington is playing a key role in trying to block the publication of some classified information which essentially contains the conversation in exchanges between then president george w.
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bush and the u.k. prime minister tony blair does this will be crucial information for that iraq inquiry that's going on here and i was far as justifications are concerned some of those diplomatic sources say that the us is highly possessive of any information that relates to the president or anyone around them and also that it is not london's call to make that decision on publishing information again which relates to the american president and also david cameron have told that some of the documents need to be handled sensitively and that has been interpreted by the cabinet office as ensuring that the relationship the special relationship between the u.s. and the u.k. is not affected and therefore it puts the government of david cameron in an awkward position of the having to perhaps block some of that evidence as per washington's decision and it will be a politically embarrassing move to have to do this critics are saying that it is important for the public to be able to know and see this information not least of which because the goal of this for your inquiry is essentially to look back at how
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the then government british government had ended up making that decision of sending forty five thousand troops to iraq and to learn from those lessons and not make the same mistakes that was the goal and if you don't publish crucial information about the purpose and another thing is that this inquiry has already cost the taxpayers some eight million pounds so if this becomes a new target a watered down version without such crucial information some are saying it will be a total waste of taxpayers' money. and later this hour we'll go live to london and talk to antiwar activist lindsey german for more on this story but now it's not just classified information that's being kept hush hush in the u.k. later we'll tell you how the ruling conservative party has its website so that no one can tie them promises they've failed to make good on that later.
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who says crime doesn't pay the constant stream of convicts in the united states are certainly keeping private prison corporations and the money so it's little wonder that they are also complaining for tougher custodial penalties even for petty crimes. the cash made by incarceration. corrections corporation of america is the hilton of the private prison industry a multibillion dollar business that's getting rich off punishment we are c.c.a. the more people locked up behind bars and the longer they stay there the more money c.c.a. makes last year the company banked a reported one point seven billion dollars they are fully aware of the reality which is that they need mass incarceration in order to stay in business they need excessive sentences for nonviolent crime so yes they push for legislation that will sure more and more people are in their syllabus with more than to put millions
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people currently incarcerated the united states chomps china russia and the rest of the world in the number of prisoners doing time about half of those in u.s. jails are in for nonviolent offenses since one nine hundred ninety america's private prison population has increased sixteen hundred percent the war on drugs mandatory sentencing and a broken immigration policy have forced more people into prison c.c.a. has roughly ninety thousand prison beds in twenty states jesse lava from the watchdog group beyond bars says many of the company's contracts guarantee occupancy lock up quotas basically say you know if you're a private person and you have a contract with say or a local government you have a guaranteed number of people in your facility are go down with it doesn't matter taxpayers are still on the hook and the government is still in the book for filling up your prisons. in the land of the free it is hard to expect the prison population
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to decrease as long as corporations continue profiting by keeping people locked up reporting from new york marina puerto nile arctic. and a man who spent a decade behind bars in both private and public jails and now is a human rights advocate onix friedman. that private prisons are all about cutting costs no trad batasan criminals into society serve six years at a privately operated prison as part of the ten years total that i spent incarcerated in my experience is privately operated prison pretty much is what led me on to a career if you will fighting against private prison industry it is a very drastic experience and people come out of prison generally worse than they went in to get the isolation due to the lack of resources and rehabilitative programs and what that means of course is that when they get out they are more
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likely to stick to recidivate combat and that benefits no one except for companies like c.c. because if you profit from incarceration then the more people you have locked up the more money you can get. and also told us about the influence that private prison funds will go with the government you know being fully legislation to provide them with even more convicts. the people really benefiting from prison privatization are not the public it's not the prisoners it's not the states that contract with these companies necessarily rather corporate executives and the shareholders who own stock when you incarcerate for the purpose of generating corporate profit you have a built in incentive to incarcerate as many people as you can for as long as possible because that's how the the market system works the companies have to face considerable criticism for lobbying governments and gratian and pension officials and other government officials for basically more contracts and to put more people
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in prison. for the football who has tromped and in desperate need of a transfer out of town on the way me the unpaid french players stopped from returning home just for demanding his way. until later this hour saying isn't quite believing it wrong to hold the expansion of its nuclear program but wary western powers still don't trust them with the us pushing for new sanctions despite ongoing talks. with a bright. idea that. they could talk. to the food through the if you do risk of being good to sit with a buddy agency is a bit of a state where you can buy through private enterprise and it's crazy.
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this is all she welcome bark if you hunt spent two years in the political wilderness how do you make sure that your backlog of promises don't come back to home to it here in britain is conservative party just pretend they didn't happen it's to meet a decade of speeches from its website that were made before scrapping back into downing street in twenty ten point boyko has the details broken out of a way she could prove over him time and simply take back something you've said or a promise we've made. i certainly have and so here how do you take his concerns of the federal government's of current leader off it was revealed that the virtual tory who went to site had says maizie again raised all of this speech is made with him before the conservative cause he was elected into power back in two thousand and ten it's race especially as that in the run up to the next general elections and that someone simply trying to get this elite button on their
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birth and promises remember that time that david cameron pledged not to reorganize the n.h.s. well the speech is no longer on their website and it could be because after being elected the government to went on to preside over one of the largest free organizations in n.h.s. history there was also that time that david cameron promised not to cut child benefit on. to which the coalition scrapped the welfare payment for higher earners and froze it for the rest of you k. families and i wanted me another thing that's now much harder to locate on the net is a quote of david cameron saying that the internet is democratizing the world's information try searching that on the tory party website rather than just removing it from the conservative site they've tried to remove it from the internet archive when he became prime minister one of the first promises he made was this is the most open government and it's pretty clear that's not the case the irony is that the speeches
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deletion is simply fueling public interest in the line from conservative h.q. is that they have revamping their website for a new digital era just starting a new chapter. probably avoid artsy london. written spying it seriously is a helping hand to the n.s.a. and how it's affecting transatlantic relations come up in today's sophie and co hero nazi. sorry and how moral is it to assisting united states and spy and europe including its allies the idea that. they could talk freely all the foods without any risk of being intercepted whether by agencies of the state or you can buy proceeded to produce is crazy many european countries were and about a breakdown in trust with the us do you think it will also affect for in their trust to britain i do think this is going to be a loss to know what about the mood within the british public but i do think there's
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a great mood in the british public the story doesn't really run here nearly as much as it does in many other countries do you admire likes of snowden and julian are sorry for their choices or are they traitors and trouble makers for you traitors in trouble because the basically the what they're doing is they've still property and they'll make use of that state of property. so we called you were you could do what the dog. and let's go back to our top stories now a wide reaching british investigation on why the country invaded iraq along side with the you as is being stopped in its tracks thanks to washington it's a match that the white house has brought the inquiry to hold as it could expose secret communications between then prime minister tony blair and president george
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w. bush and let's now go live to london and antiwar activists in the german german welcome to our she's great to have you with us this hour so what do we know actually at this point who's storming the inquiry the u.k. or the u.s. fortunately we just lost the signal and we lost lindsey german as well hopefully we'll try to bring her back shortly in the meantime iran has slowed down its nuclear program to almost a hold according to the latest report by the you want to tonic wash dog inspectors say there's been no development at this facility since president rouhani to converse in august the findings could help build confidence ahead of next week's nuclear talks but it could all be undermined by the u.s. congress pushing for new sanctions as our washington correspondent explains. right
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now negotiations with iran on a nuclear deal or at this very fragile stage with one big component missing trust iranians don't trust the u.s. they've been duped before washington doesn't trust iran when they say they're developing nuclear technology for civilian use and are not trying to build a bomb the u.n. nuclear watchdog just released the report saying in the last three months gone has not expanded its nuclear facilities it also said there were one has also not big on operating a new generation of centrifuges that quote no major components had been installed i don't react to being built at. this could be perceived as a confidence building step that you want is taking to move forward with a deal on its nuclear program the talks with six won't powers in geneva last week did not produce an agreement as we know but there is another round of talks coming up next week and this new report by the i.a.e.a. may play a role but will also play a role is what's happening here in washington and the u.s.
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congress wants to pass a new round of sanctions president obama has urged congress not to do that he said if the u.s. is serious about using diplomacy to prevent iran from developing nuclear weapons there is no need to add new sanctions on top of sanctions already in place. so congress can potentially undermine any chance there is for a deal as well as entrenched the iranians in this view that whatever they do washington is not going to lift the sanctions and is not going to recognize their right to develop nuclear program for civilian use in washington i'm going to. and one fox i wish could swing u.s. lawmakers into no sanctions as israel its prime minister is unimpressed with the on a findings insisting toran has already have tamed all the capabilities it needs to create a nuclear weapon and it's a position which seems to have clout in congress. i don't think a president's statement or a speech at this point is going to hold off the members of congress who are
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determined to go ahead with this move i think the house is more likely to be responsive to israel's urgings on this. most likely to go ahead with with sanctions this is the track record that both the majority of the senate the majority of the house have compiled in recent years which is to say that they have been responsive whenever a perk of the a lot in organization devoted to israel's interests has put forward legislation. and right now we actually can go to london and talk with antiwar activist lindsey german ms german welcome to r.t. so who is stalling the inquiry b u k or the us well i think they're both trying to block this inquiry it was set up in two thousand and nine it was supposed to report in twenty eleven it's now being pushed back to the middle of next year
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and we think it may be pushed back even further than that and they're saying they can't release american confidential documents but this is something they must have known when they set the inquiry up so they could easily release them people in this country are becoming very perturbed about the fact that eight million pounds has been spent on this inquiry but there's likely to be no outcome any time soon and that really seems to me a cover up both on the part of the people who support tony blair and of tools bush but we hear of officials in washington and london say that they need more time to figure out their position on this report and some of the details as well why are they maybe censoring it. i think i think there's definitely very suspicious things going on here the cabinet secretary in this country is the person who's blocking things he's now blaming it on the united states but the truth of the
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matter is that neither he was an advisor to previously nor blair nor david cameron who supported the war are particularly came for the truth to come out and it makes you wonder exactly what is in these conversations between bush and blair the must be quite a lot to hard for them being to be so worried about them being released and i think surely it's in the interest of the public in this country and in the united states to have them released after all there was mass opposition to this war ten years ago it hasn't diminished people still feel the same way they still feel that we're living with a legacy of these wars and they would like the truth to come out. the relationship between the u.s. and the u.k. has always been cold special so what we're seeing here is america basically drags britain into into a wall let its share the blame but then doesn't want to talk about it and about the whole thing afterwards doesn't seem like
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a win win situation there what do you think. well i think that both governments have their reasons for not wanting these things to come out after all these are ongoing situations we've had the recent war in libya we've had the threat of war this summer in syria and we have terrible consequences in iraq and of course many thousands of nato troops still in afghanistan so these are still live issues and people want to know what did tony blair and george bush agree how early did they agree to war what were the conditions of it because frankly if this was agreed as many people believe in the spring of two thousand and two it means all the effort to produce a dossier all the things all the pressure for a second resolution at the u.n. this was a giraffe because tony blair already knew that he was going to go to war. does washington need other countries to justify its actions and probably london is just
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another suitable friend here well i think i think more people are worried about is that there may be lots of evidence here for war crimes for for an agreement for war over regime change which of course is illegal under international law maybe all sorts of other things come up and i think i think people really feel in this country we've had a number of reports of the iraq war none of them satisfactory people felt that maybe chilcote will be better because it was it was a much more thorough going report there's been nearly two hundred british soldiers died during the iraq war we've been hundreds of thousands of iraqis who've died there were millions of people demonstrated all of these people have the right to know and there is absolutely shameful that our government and the united states government are trying to prevent them from knowing. right activists linseed german live from london ms jalen thank you very much indeed for your time and i appreciate
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it thank you. learned all secrets about secret prisons the european human rights court decides people deserve to know about all of the cia's doing on their soil to part and try to keep it quiet from the public i don't want to see that. germany cystitis purchases of military drones saying it would check illegal killings just days after human rights groups come down on chancellor merkel for helping america strikes on pakistan. the main professional football as union is heading to that this is no world cup choke up one of their players is being held captive by the country for daring to speak out over not getting page that frenchman to bologna is currently banned from leaving cottontail he drops a lawsuit against his football club has been fighting for more than a year to get an exit visa but the country is refusing until he drops the charges
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football's governing body says there's nothing it can do right now and andrew are suffering from the football as unions as they french play is losing hope that. we understand that he's also had to act in this matter and that includes the fact that he sold off. that so you will be evicted from his home in a matter of days and their full we have offered through our hardship fun here if you throw the opportunity for him at the very least while we help to try and resolve this situation that he at least has some way to live to stay you know hotel or whatever the case by be for him his wife and his two daughters we are also very mindful of the fact that he has a very fragile mental state right now it's a precarious situation we're deeply concerned and so we are asking for the international football community to unite support free from being at the highest levels of government and within football of foreigners this is already gone right
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to the top side here bill you need it today himself has written begging for help this is just one player but it's one of sixty thousand we represent around the world and we want him released that we are released now. and there also you spoke to the trial of footballer who explained how the trouble snowballed for him and his family. when i went to the tribunals i never imagined that i wouldn't be able to leave the country i didn't think they would block me my wife is depressed she can't work i thought of going on hunger strike but my lawyers told me not to be already on a hunger strike would only hurt my wife and kids enough is enough. let's take a look at some other world news in brief as the philippines battles to recover for one of the strongest storms to hit land there are conflicting numbers of casualties the forces say that three thousand six hundred people have been killed well the u.n. puts the figure out over four thousand adding up to the devastation by typhoon haiyan
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two hundred thousand liters of oil have spilled into the ocean after strong waves grounded a barge the leak has been contained and a cleanup is underway. idling to rebels a sewer beheaded one of their supporters by mistake it was a sunni islamist that was captured and killed by insurgents who mr limbaugh and supporter rebels and published of the zero apologizing for the execution after admitting they killed the young man the group has the islamic state in iraq and will be live and has become one of the main jihad is groups fighting the government forces in syria. a sudanese national has been killed or saudi arabia during police clashes with foreign workers similar violence left two other people dead last saturday i made an ongoing crackdown on illegal migrant labor official raids began after illegal workers failed to formalize their status before
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the deadline saudi arabia has around nine million expatriates mostly from africa to account for a third of the country's population john. and so if you show analogies here next talk to a veteran british diplomat and politician on just how much pressure this is putting on the media. right now. you know i love these rare moments where i actually have something totally sounds positive to share with you the f.d.a. is working to ban partially hydrogenated oils which are the leading source of trans fats and foods and possibly the cause of up to twenty thousand heart attacks per year across the usa according to f.d.a. commissioner margaret hamburg as you know i would like the chemicals in my food kept to a minimum but the.
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