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tv   Headline News  RT  November 15, 2013 7:00pm-7:31pm EST

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concert for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines kinds a report. i think. i would like to do. it you know the press is the only industry specifically mentioning the constitution. that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy schreck i'll versus. them you know i'm tom and i'm this show we reveal the picture of what's actually going on and we go beyond identifying. rational debate and real discussion critical issues facing the camera ready to join the movement then walk away they've taken. time same sex in for tom hartman in washington d.c. here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture. there are now five different
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plans to fix obamacare is insurance cancellation problems for those canceled health care plans that everyone is screaming about really health care plans at all talk about that and more in tonight's big picture rumble and global warming is getting worse threatening the future of the one planet we call home a luckily there are solutions one of the best is the carbon tax and it's conversations with great minds will talk with climate reality project c.e.o. maggie fox about what we need to do to get a carbon tax right here in the u.s. . and we begin tonight with the federal reserve janet yellen is the president's choice to be the new fed chair and on thursday she appeared before the senate banking committee for her confirmation hearing it was there that she criticized congress's resistance to economic stimulus saying that years of budget cuts have
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put a damper on the recovery from the great recession take a look. fiscal. policy has been working at cross purposes to monetary policy i certainly recognize the importance of the objective of putting the us debt deficit and debt on the sustainable payouts but some of the near term reductions in spending we have seen have certainly detracted from the momentum of the economy and from demand making it harder for the fed to get the economy moving making our task more difficult what she's getting at there is that austerity is really bad for the economy and she's right on the money but look the fed the institution she may soon be in charge of isn't exactly in anyone's good favor nowadays lawmakers on both
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sides from rand paul to bernie sanders have the fed in their crosshairs since for the last several years the fed has been funneling enormous amounts of money out of thin air into the bands of the banks the hope was the banks would lend that money to main street consumers but they really have it and you can blame the fed all you want for that but ultimately it's the only tool the fed has to fight back against the creeping recession still lingering from the two thousand and eight financial crash and really it's not even the fed's job to get the economy back up and running with stimulus it's the job of congress but congress has failed miserably as it was saying in a more diplomatic way on thursday recent study by the center for american progress estimated that because of budget cuts u.s. economy is added two point four million fewer jobs than it could have since december two thousand and ten but no one in washington especially republicans in washington appear to be listening you know that much celebrated shutdown ending compromise deal that congress passed back in october that was an austerity budget and locked in government spending at sequester levels of nine hundred six billion
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dollars unless congress reaches a new deal in the next few months a second round of sequester cuts will slash that austerity level budget of new. and eighty six billion down to nine sixty seven billion cars in the economy even more pain all that could be avoided however if everyone on capitol hill says goodbye to austerity once and for all let's rumble. joining me for tonight's big picture rumble our neil munro white house correspondent at the daily caller stuart a national organizing director for the national union of hospital and health care employees and huey newsome the national advisory council at the project twenty one black leadership network thank you all gentlemen for joining me let's get started you heard by a off the top about janet yellen i mean we heard ben bernanke bernanke you make the same calls in front of congress like look you know this austerity we understand the goal of deficit reduction but this is hurting the economy this is hurting the recovery we need some sort of stimulus coming from somewhere wins congress going to
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listen what more do we need to see with the economy and austerity before they're like this is not working congress is saving the nation from another blast of debt. called the sequester it will trim federal spending by sixteen nineteen billion dollars all right this is a fifteen trillion economy it's fifteen thousand billion a year this is not going to make a huge difference and if yellen herself by inventing magic money out of the treasury it's making the rich richer that's pumping up the stock market is a democratic form of trickle down economics isn't worth it is not working because the banks aren't lending that money out center lending to each other they're really they're losing into each other so maybe it is not the firms job to do this they're being forced to do this because congress has stuck to austerity for the last several years rather than doing these you get the point of deficit reduction i did that's what david clinton did that but the difference was during cleanse economy it was a boom time right now we're basically in a recession that needs government stimulus right stuart i think zachary right i mean we need we're falling behind the rest of the developed world and in terms of
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our infrastructure productivity is moving ahead while wages have declined and stagnated over. the last thirty years that's what calls the great recession we're still in a great recession the only way to get out of it is to stimulate the economy by putting money in the pockets of people who will spend it on main street and allow it to trickle up workers' wages go up through the economy three to five times from the bottom up and that's the only way to stimulate he not it's not it's not stimulate the economy of government spending is darkness thing with me what will we know that government spending what stimulates the economy eight hundred forty eight hundred forty seven billion and it's going to go around we're losing five hundred thousand jobs creating jobs and it's not been nearly enough i mean president's own adviser christina romer said that look we need a three trillion dollars stimulus package instead we got a high of eight hundred billion and a third of it was tax cuts another third was state is death is simply that the drunkard's way out of the drunkard's going to hang over
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a drink some more equal to. the president or it's way out it was a progressive sort of strengthening the economy because they want to be in charge they're reducing wages deliberately they are making life difficult for american workers it's going to florence the liberal in the terms that we have found more way to fall for thirty years to give workers the right to form unions which is the organic non-governmental way to stimulate the economy and raise wages and it's not you know has given up on the. making. to maximize the neighbor we're going to buy we're going to get into labor and unions as a growing share this chart and it talks about bang for the buck government spending becomes that if you look at this chart here it says for every dollar the government spends on something like unemployment benefits they get a dollar sixty four and return food stamps a dollar seventy three infrastructure spending a dollar fifty nine at the bottom there you see for every dollar in corporate tax rates only get thirty cents a return and this isn't some leftist study this is from moody's the culture here in
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this is because we're enduring a capital strike we're giving money to the wrong. people who are not spending it in the american economy they're hoarding it they're lending it to one another they're investing overseas but they're not spending it in the american economy trickle down does not work it hasn't worked in thirty five years it's not working you just have to wait a few more years. with these entitlement programs put putting money back into the net but look how much money we pumped into the top of that since two thousand and two unemployment we haven't seen it in g.d.p. so i don't know where those numbers come from and imagine if we had numbers were true how. in the fifty's and sixty's when the government wasn't splashing money out of helicopters on to city centers you had thirty percent unionization. plus we hadn't at the time day industrialized the let's move out of the us that would make their thing today yesterday came president came out address or go on with his
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obamacare fix dealing with people who have seen their plans canceled as a result of the new standards of what health care plan should be in the law today republicans passed fred upton bill which allows insurance companies to keep selling these junk plans to their consumers all this stuff really annoys me because to me i think the white house steward i think the white house should be kind of educating people and saying look you shouldn't like these plans as for certain want to keep these plans and i don't understand. and here we why is that conservatives and some are public and some democrats are fighting so desperately for the right of insurance companies to built their customers by selling the robotics american customers are you know. troubled i actually agree with you have some level because i want americans to be able to make their own decisions on what type of insurance products they buy. incredibly troubled by their ministration that is telling me what insurance policy i can and cannot have that can't be me and at the same time
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can't get a web site running the fact that the administration has such a small amount of credibility to get a simple website up and running that is really just the intermediary between the five but the administration is responsible for managing the i think it's so where if it is a credibility gap here that that's not being addressed and not do not trust this administration to be able to say you will have this policy you will not have this. credibility gap is totally being address part of the answer here is that if these republican right wing republican governors would allow medicaid expansion i mean we now have you. you all have complained about government health care we have by government health care plans that have been in existence for decades medicaid medicare bad trends federal employees and congress it is almost unfair that all these people. that are able to actually play for some government run health care
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fine before obamacare is designed to do is to take over the commercial health care sector and tell americans what's best for them this is america you might remember americans would like to decide their own lives i mean what if he's under one hundred one. company about crony capitalism why would you want insurance companies telling telling me what procedure i can have or have not i need a brick to hit my head because. the. understand republicans want competition to allow individuals to their self. thompson industry into competition but the democrats want crony capitalism because they want to be in charge and so republicans that the republicans do not have the power to bring freedom and capitalism back to the healthcare sector because that's actually what do you put a crowd signifier democrats didn't take up performing the individual health insurance market because it was working just fine they took it up because there is a major problem one of the facts is that more than sixty percent of us bankruptcies
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are over higher medical bills or medical related and all of that three quarters of those people have health insurance that this world is full of crummy statistics that's what this study says it should mean those numbers would you agree that it's a place study says bankrupt sixty percent backs whose health is involved they're not driven by. bankruptcies in most cases but even then this government policy these government progressive say we're going to run the nation's health care policy and they can't even get a website right and they cannot then there is the main problem the web site was one thing this one dimensional so. let me tell you the truth this is my this is a family example my sister head coaching syndrome and grandma. she had to go to mayo clinic my folks insurance couldn't buy a port it broke my family and she died because she couldn't get the care that she needed julia claire. and that has happened to too many american families yes a lot is
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a lot of these people think their health insurance plans are they like it they're cheap but they're going to find out when they get sick that is a class with a i think that's ok i'm sorry more tonight's big picture coming up out of the break . i got a quote for you. it's pretty tough. stay with substory. let's get this guy like you would smear about john stead of working for the people in the mainstream media. bridegrooms be true to. the the. it was a. very hard to take i. want to get. a life has
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he ever had sex with me here. so. let. me. say. one of the if the people.
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and welcome back to tonight's big picture rumble with me tonight are neil munro stewart a cop and huey newsome let's get back to the saga of the trans-pacific partnership secretive trade deal that's being worked out with a bunch of pacific nations the u.s. japan and australia it's been negotiating a complete secret members of congress have complained that they're not getting enough information well this week wiki leaks published a chapter of it on the intellectual property chapter and there's some scary things in here about expanded medical patents it's going to make it harder for people in other countries to get access to drugs paddling surgical methods meaning if some guy in texas comes up with some sort of machine or some new way to do surgery it's
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going to affect what some guy in australia who needs lifesaving treatment can get. it gives it requires internet service providers to be policing piracy violations and shutting down internet most troubling though is this dispute resolution system which comes with all these trade deals where there's this global court that corporations and governments can go to and then sue laws passed by sovereign governments that are protecting consumers this is all happening at a time that there's a couple un treaties going on there's a disability treaty there's a gun trafficking treaty and you hear conservatives say this is one world un government let's not do you have anything to do with this to me t.p. looks like one world government if there is such a thing what where's the outrage coming from neil or is there outrage that i'm just not where well first of all. conservatives and smarter republicans have only moderate america with this knowledge of americans have only a limited amount of admiration span and its focus on. progress is taking over the
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nation's healthcare sector but there is a high measure of creepiness in the t.v. which irritates people on the right and in the center they want transparency even from this administration and yet. if you're going to have intellectual property deeds to be descended from the chinese from people who will steal it i don't think it's an easy problem i think that the creepiness is a function of the huge risk international trade and the fact is what we trade is get more personal and. i don't even reserve stuart is the labor issues through that are you know we're totally against both the way this is being done and what is being there for a transparent process but we're also for the trade deals that serve to lift up workers and not drive the economic global economic race to the bottom we are complicit this country is complicit in our trade deals with driving the economic
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race the bottom nafta lowered manufacturing wages in mexico not just in this country in mexico so the only ones who benefit from these giant trade deals are the elites and all the countries we're told i mean it be different if the negotiators were as concerned about child labor as they are about intellectual property rights they worry all day long about intellectual property rights nobody gives a. rat's tail about a thirteen year old working for eleven days in malaysia. and in a clothing factory he would you feel threatened by this kind of i mean if this deal passes this is going to be a huge power grab by global multinational corporations that the expense of individual sovereignty around the world there's about trouble it does trouble me but. i don't want to hold the baby out with the bathwater here there are some i'm
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very troubled about the way this is being negotiated in secret i think there are some issues that we need to talk about in terms of intellectual property but at the end of the day free trade is still a good thing the united states needs to be able to find a way to be competitive in a free trade in free free. environment so let's not look at it we also have to understand that we have to develop some sort of way to trade with the chinese in a fair way but also free trade way with the japanese with definitely chinese develop a partnership with because of that booming economy we have the ability in the u.s. we have the knowledge we have the skills to be able to compete with the chinese on a level playing field so let's figure that out if you like over the last thirty years it's just become this maxim that free trade is a good idea that it's a good thing where the facts have not really turned out there is a significant measure of skepticism on the people whom the lefties refer to as the baggers who are tea party people they don't like these kind of nontransparent
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business friendly they're not too happy with the whole idea of forcing wages down free movement of labor free movement of capital and if there is resistance on the republican side if there's an effort to make the treaty better it come from the tea party guys not from the business guys who are the democrats how do you see the advance of technology in the way the technology is proliferated in the world the world and how easily people can access intellectual property doesn't that just make current copyright laws and ip laws moved i mean are we entering a period where these laws are just like ok you could do it but think of it this way apple software is worth a lot to workers in california try to america without copyright laws the chinese just rip it off so really there's nothing simple about this and there's ever and will be lots of painful compromises hopefully we can get a decent diversity of opinion to try and nudge this back towards a better what water is what the foundation. of trade negotiations
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should be protecting the environment and protecting labor so that you lift the economy instead of depressing and the consumer instead of the americans first but a hope that maybe we shouldn't even try. deals that cost us millions i really want was then why have we industrialized the country why have we stopped creating wealth by making a reasonable argument that yes you know nothing of this has hurt american blue color it's not a reasonable argument and the absolute truth benefited the university class so let's move on to this next topic here there's a volkswagen plant in tennessee it's got sixteen hundred workers there who want to organize join a union or the united auto workers union back in september the volks managers of the volkswagen plant said fine we're going to be ok with this i mean heck back back home that's the way it is you know there's you need labor all over the place for volkswagen so they're here in the united states they're like ok we're not going to
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pose this unionization efforts well over it in these times the story came out a reporter over there says that despite managers saying ok you know we're going to not oppose this union efforts there's a right wing groups and you have senator tom coburn coming out coming out against it who are putting pressure on this volkswagen company to deny this you know what or have a. senator corker who used to be the mayor of chattanooga who is intentionally trying to depress the wages of his own constituents by striving to stand in the way a labor management right exactly and i just want to read a quote from one of the workers here. this name is chris brown and he says i find it disturbing that outside parties are trying to interfere with a decision that should wrists only with the company of the workers in the u.a.w. the republican party is in a government keeping its hands off business but in this instance they are seeing how deep they can get into it right now i i would recognize a obvious inconsistency here but i would assume the republicans corker of the
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phrase moderate trying to push back because they want to restrict the u.a.w. the u.a.w. these days isn't so much a worker organization as a democratic front group that. and to say i'm like you and this is something sick and in so far he's a democratic. group this is just a proxy fight between republicans and democrats that it's absolutely ridiculous that you would be able to. it's easy to explain one is that bogus wagon has union representatives on its board on its executive board this was done at freightliner which was owned by chrysler and it was done it thomas built by us in north carolina which was owned by dime or chrysler because the union members the german companies demanded that workers in the american south be treated just as well as workers in germany that's what's going on in this bogus wagon it is unconscionable that that bob corker the former senator from tennessee junior
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senator from tennessee former mayor of chattanooga would try to hurt the living standards and wages and living and working conditions on his own constituents the republican is the difference out there that show that workers in the south we all know that the auto industry has used the south open a number of plants. but is there any evidence to show that these workers have any standards lower than what you seem. yeah what what what they have absolutely health care pensions and wages and the president is going to volkswagen point is that they're temporary workers or not who are going to fold at one time to give them the wages of the benefits that they want but i think it's i think it's something disturbing here about the american economy and why the conservatives are standing up for this is that germany is basically using the united states as their low wage labor nation we're just talking about to people are going to job dealing with the
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other way it's not the only one in here we're trying to make an effort to give just the most basic rights to american workers so they can be somewhat of the same playing field as dirty stereotypes that don't stereotype conservatives are republicans we have a we have a political system where corker whom you're complaining about he signed up. on the immigration bill that would be thirty million work permits were two million work permits i don't want you to want to know where you're going to worry about me or votes like in a thousand federal workers thirty million workers who are going to read about very very worker and i'm sure there are plenty of republicans who don't like what you're describing and there's plenty of democrats the parties are inconsistent on this one there's a cliff and i don't like that it's not one of the right who's ok with this i mean let me know we're going to go on the employee free choice act i can give you the vote count right off the top of my head there were fifty. eight senators all of them democrats who supported it every problem so ridiculous that that black actor you know that's really did it was for my campaign yes because the free choice like
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you're so full of crap. if you are so full of yourself and what it allowed you guys to sit outside guys to set wages so it would not have it was my bill you don't know what you're talking about when i was your whole you are no you're a fool because you don't know what you don't know and you have a lot that is prepared to manage all television utilize their own national media vision because you don't know what you have that you free choice act was designed to do that you need to organize and give them more power over wages and it was designed to allow workers to form unions if they wanted to if they were really under a rigid tally ation to rid them firing said terminations to rid them of intimidation by the bar that i want to break i want to bring you into this just have to wrap this up here and there's a bit there's a factor involved volkswagen factory trying to unionize should outside forces and republican groups be meddling in this and stopping this unionization efforts in
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germany no completely agreed this is a this is a union. this is a union worker a board of directors thing but we talk about crony capitalism we talk about you focused on republicans there's also german labor groups that are coming in today very interfering as well no. to be completely introvert and looking inside but unfortunate is not happening but you know we focus on republicans and beat up republicans but at the same time this is this is a continual problem where talks about a proxy fight between democrats republicans i think this is what's going on it's i mean it's an ongoing problem to also labor forces from from the other countries well it's a regional problem for us that the united automobile workers look at there's nobody at this table who knows more about the. president's one of my bed clothes. variants you all are at risk to kill and no one else knows about it better than you will leave you with the last word there neil munro here when you said workers in america
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ought to be treated thank you all elder joys of measurement coming up while lawmakers in washington are ignoring climate change countries across the globe are turning to carbon taxes to fight back against the greatest airplane is ever faced how could a carbon tax help fight climate change and improve the economy i mean i. think. i would rather ask questions to people in positions of power instead of speaking on their behalf and that's why you can find my show larry king now right here on our t.v. question more. i know c.n.n. the m.s.m. b c fox news have taken some knocks lately but the fact is i admire their commitment to cover all sides of the story just in case one of them happens to be
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accurate. that was funny but it's close enough to the truth to think. it's because one fall attention and the mainstream media works side by side with you know actually i'm here. at our team we have a different price. because the news of the world just is not this funny i'm not laughing dammit i'm not how. he got us into the jokes will hand out to make us happy. this is money whenever i'm feeling a lowered one of the polish i still can't believe it was. my first and says it is for. sure be good for. the good fortune maybe the hope of those
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million maybe i'm very pro level so that these wars are actually. getting people ready for. a few of the more. for tonight's conversations with great minds i'm joined by one of our country's great environmental activists c.e.o. of the climate reality project and a climate reality action fund maggie fox maggie has been a leader in causes for progressive change for most of her life she's passed national president of the america of america votes the former deputy deputy executive director of the sierra club and a consultant to the energy future coalition western resources advocates and the ocean conservancy agates consulted with a number of organizations and foundations on their energy and climate campaigns including the hewlett foundation the u.n. foundation the western conservation foundation and the better we.


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