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tv   Headline News  RT  November 16, 2013 4:00am-4:30am EST

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that's the. another whistleblower bites the dust after breaking into a vast spying database run by u.s. government contract. probably set him up pre-check instead of sending him to prison for the next ten years we report on the story of jeremy hammond allegedly used by the f.b.i. as part of a private army of hackers unpunished going astray. also alarming figures in japan's radiation hot spot. this is close to the average level of the goals down. only with one exception the place where i'm at right now more than ten thousand people are currently living. also travels to the exclusion zone in fukushima which the government is to make. a promise that some see as hopelessly unrealistic
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also coming up. activists protest outside the white house against the devastating cost of america's drone warfare and insider security chiefs warn more and more europeans are joining the rebel campaign in syria and returning home radicalized. and i welcome you watching r.t. with me. now a cyber activist behind a massive expose a on a u.s. private intelligence for spied for the government has been sentenced to ten years behind bars the case though was anything but clear cut and is being described as a warning shot to whistleblowers artie's anasazi talking to reporters from the
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courthouse. after two hour hearing in a packed courtroom in the federal courthouse in lower manhattan twenty eight year old activist and hacker jeremy hammond was sentenced to one hundred twenty months behind bars he's going to spend the next decade in jail and march twenty twelve hammond was arrested for breaking into two hundred gigabytes of five million e-mails of information of private security firms stratfor and leaking this information to transparency organization we q leaks in these e-mails it was revealed that the private security firm was spying on human rights activists upon the request of corporation and the u.s. government earlier hamad had pled guilty to one count of the computer abuse and fraud act this was a classic case of whistleblowing where malfeasance and criminal activity by a private corporation on behalf of both corporations and the government was exposed the government and the judge felt that the idea of causing mayhem or causing
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destruction was incompatible with that jeremy's stated political goals and. we disagree with that and some of hammon supporters have dubbed him the robin hood of our times the defense team inside the court room argued that he fought for the better good trying to bring about real change to the system and shed more light on what the u.s. government was doing the prosecution however said that he stole the numbers of sixty thousand credit cards causing a damage of one to two point five million dollars to businesses and individuals if people who have influence and people whom kia do not stand up and defend people like jeremy the judge said that he is not you know mendell or dr king i was a civil rights activist germany's every much as a progressive human this is the spirit of those leaders as we said in the difference is motivated by his political beliefs his desire for transparency and his desire to highlight what's wrong with the private security industry and with
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government surveillance a total of two hundred sixty. five letters from journalist activists human and constitutional rights groups were sent to the judge asking for jeremy hammond to be released also thirty six prominent freedom of information activists sent their requests to the courthouse however the huge public support for jeremy hammond did not affect the judge's decision if we don't have jeremy hammond since we don't have edward snowden so if we don't have chelsea manning barrett brown's we don't have a free press this sometimes comes on the heels of the n.s.a. scandal continuing the debate on what should and should not be kept secret in the u.s. and for how long the unprecedented war on whistleblowers will continue as well as the war on freedom of information and r.t. new york. well hammond he was a member of the hat to this network anonymous was ensnared by the f.b.i. which persuaded one of his colleagues to become an informant independent journalist david seaman told us the haka seems to have been led every step of the way he was
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approached by an f.b.i. informant as f.b.i. informant is apparently the one who quote unquote cheer lead jeremy into hacking into this organization this f.b.i. informant also allegedly gave them a list of other targets that jeremy should go after and which he did not go after and when c. once he received the information he apparently downloaded it to an f.b.i. controlled server at the request of this f.b.i. informant so if this was basically an f.b.i. operation they should have probably sent him a paycheck and sort of sending him to prison for the next ten years what he leet revealed a degree of wrongdoing that's in the public interest to know about so i was totally shocked that they went with the full ten years the maximum possible that's an outrage this judge represents everything wrong with the american justice system today we shouldn't be silencing guys like jeremy hamad we should be giving them jobs i mean he's an innovator and granted he hacked into something but at the behest of the government. and america's spying activities
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a sewing doubts among european partners in a few minutes we'll hear from a former off the chancellor about how transatlantic relations have been damaged by revelations of america's snooping on its friends plus the syrian government receives a road map for the elimination of its chemical arsenal but finding the destruction site is proving an ominous task. in japan a group of government officials has decided to come clean and admit that residents of fukushima may never return to their homes they say that for radiation levels there cannot be brought back to normal anytime soon and urging the leadership to abandon its promise to make the area fit for living in but only a handful of those residents actually want to go back more than two years after an earthquake and tsunami crippled the daiichi nuclear power plant and here's the main reason for that ideally the radiation level should be just one millisieverts per
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year since this is an impossible target for japan the government reportedly hopes to ensure people aren't exposed to doses of more than twenty times that however in some of the worst affected areas geiger counter measurements are around fifty times the recommended level are found and that's half way to cancer causing levels our season actually brings us this report from the exclusion zone. it's hard to say what gives you a creepier feeling the trail of destruction left by the twenty eleven tsunami all the houses untouched by natural disaster but abandoned after the nuclear accident walking through the deserted streets of the fukushima exclusion zone we can see plenty of both technically aware now well within. the we're just ten kilometers from the nuclear power station these houses ravaged by the tsunami in twenty eleven still standing here nowhere near to being with stuart you'd be surprised to learn that radiation levels here are in fact lower than in some of the european cities
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and this prompted the decision by the japanese government to allow the people to return to their homes but scientists say that suicidal because radiation migrates and because it exists in hotspots scattered all across the area. in the hot spots there is a huge amount of the radioactive material it's concentrated stored it is almost impossible to find out all the hotspots all. houses we actually stumbled upon this process radiated material from personal belongings to contaminated soil is put in plastic bags and buried the radiation meter when even from a considerable distance imagine our surprise when we found similar levels in an area which had never been included in the no go zone. i've traveled to the church noble exclusion zone more than a dozen times and this was probably the scariest episode when we put a radiation meter on the ground and
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a layer of loss and it produced more than eight hundred micro wrong hands per hour that is forty times more than the normal human radiation level here sixty kilometers on the coke machine when you clear parked along the readings are certainly less than that this is close to the average level of the ghost town of all those zones only with one exception the place where i'm at right now more than ten thousand people are currently living. mrs morey's ono is one of them she bought a radiation meter and now patrols the area looking for hot spots we had after school classes for children at our house but had to close it because of high radiation. in her short life this girl has already got used to seeing a lot of radiation meters just like mrs moore her mother joined an ngo group of ordinary women united by fear for the future of their children and distrust of the government's actions. we're sending our data to government and tepco officials every day and we get no reply i don't see an action from them as if they're trying
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to play down the scale of things meanwhile our children are already suffering from . the voice of dissent is now intensifying despite assurances from tepco a spent nuclear fuel rods are removed from reactor four at fukushima dai ichi. we have it under control it's a challenging process but we have the equipment to perform it anti-nuclear protesters in tokyo say no one should be allowed back into the fukushima area until it's completely safe which in truth may not happen for centuries their peak it has just served eight hundred days and they will stay longer they say to force their government into rethinking its nuclear policies. reporting from japan. the mayor of toronto has been roundly embarrassed for drink driving drug taking and rude comments and now he's been stripped of some of his powers by the city council you can get the details on the latest twist in his roller coaster ride
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at r.t. dot com also on our website open sesame the un signals it's going to give russia exclusive rights to vast swathes of disputed seas and find out more about the resource rich area that has been labeled and aladdin's cave by one politician. the global chemical weapons watchdog has outlined an ambitious timetable for the destruction of syria's chemical weapons the end of june twenty fourth scene has been set as the deadline for damascus to get rid of its entire stockpile although most of it will be destroyed by the end of this year but while the organization remains positive about the results achieved so far there are plenty of obstacles ahead heavy fighting in syria is putting the international team of chemical weapons experts there in severe danger and it's still not clear where the stockpiles will be destroyed with albania vehemently rejecting a request to be the host site and norway saying it will help but only with transport haitian political analyst chris bambery says finding
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a willing partner will not be easy. i want to find incredible words that is a norwegian merchant ship accompanied by a norwegian naval vessel which is going to syria to pick up these weapons which is mustard gas and siren and bring them to albania the norwegians say they don't have the expertise the ability to dismantle the chemical weapons i would ask you if the richest one of the richest countries in europe don't have the expertise and knowledge to do this how do you expect the poorest country in europe to do this kind of smacks of a colonial mentality that somehow we're going to dump these things in our premier we're not going to bring them to britain why don't you choose a country such as the expertise for instance in britain there is the aldermaston chemical weapons facility i would. trust that to dismantle those weapons but there was high levels of expertise and also albania must be one of the least people countries in europe this is not to attack the al billion people but there are billions the as harvey of mormon history know it's not very stable there's
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a problem of organized crime mail and i think it's a very strange decision to say we're going to these deadly weapons and put them in a country which were security must be an issue and this chemical weapons in syria are being sought out and destroyed spy chiefs in europe have warned of a rapid rise in citizens going out there to fight counter terrorism analysts say one in ten of all foreign fighters come from the continent does he use top intelligence official has warned they pose a serious threat to their home countries if they make it back from the fighting. i am french to french parents my parents are atheist and do not subscribe to any religion praise be to allah who guided me. nicola now calls himself. having found islam on the internet in two thousand and nine in this video he's urging muslims to join the fight in syria his younger brother john daniel was
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persuaded to join up too but he was later killed in aleppo. it will save your soul from hell fire. and this is just one of many such videos online of young europeans calling their peers to arms french and western intelligence services have intensified their warnings and europeans heading to syria to fight nowadays they notice not all the extra rise in the number of individuals heading over there but also in the kind of people who are joining the fight they say that more and more they are more committed to the struggle and upon their return to europe there is still no clear cut way to deal radicalize these individuals for the french the memory of the terror attack by frenchman mom i'm rather killed seven people is still fresh heightening fears of a repeat of one radicalized young men returned to france most of those people native french people travel to again to stand in pakistan and poverty to their.
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places of warfare judie welfare and he was not coached. here. to. not do arrest him. on the grounds that he had been fighting again against training. in the summer germany's interior minister suggested a temporary ban on fighters returning home belgium on the other hand had been working with turkish authorities to bring their nationals back over western europe have already been made. there still isn't a one size fits all solution and the terror chief says lorre could there be the difficulty remains. determining who's a potential threat and who isn't tesser still there are thirty paris. now a senior brutality that libya hadn't seen coming up a militia group goes on
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a deadly shooting spree lashing out to protest this despite the government's desperate attempts to make rival groups like. the trial of devastation left by america's drones in yemen and pakistan germany to reconsider plans to develop its own private we've got these stories coming up in a couple of minutes. meanwhile in vietnam. the former general director of bank financial faces the death penalty for embezzling five hundred thirty three billion. that's about twenty five billion dollars. and now also this week a former u.s. senator is a confessed to complaining or committing some horrific deadly money printing since many more dongs than five hundred thirty billion were embezzled from the american people according to andrew hutaree who admitted to a gruesome bond buying spree that had financially butchered main street america
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their bloated carcasses fed to the gluttonous changers in the river devils on wall street i'm sorry said the report of quantitative easing. pick your country iraq afghanistan libya saudi arabia israel egypt syria turkey and even a one in each washington finds itself with the odd man out leaving alone or leading from behind you know muddled path is the u.s. simply out of touch or it's history in the region nearly. welcome back now you can see him make shift and so way of saying no to america's unmanned killing machines protesters have converged at the white house. claiming that the collateral damage from this anti terror tactic is too high the procession
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later headed towards the offices of general atomics the manufacturer of the manned aircraft used in strikes estimated that roughly one in ten people who were by u.s. drones in yemen and pakistan are civilians and a group of yemenis who lost family members in such an attack came to washington seeking answers to. these drone strikes victims plan on meeting with lawmakers over the coming days their message to them is clear to put an end to the drone can. men they are asking also asking for the memos that justify the drone program to be released for those documents to be made public and for the break down words to get our station we've heard from a going beyond that has a brother in law and now if you were killed by u.s. drone strikes and we saw our loved ones who were enjoying the wedding last knowledge getting cut to pieces by these missiles he says there is a brother in law was a very outspoken critic of al qaeda and thought if you were to be killed that it
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would actually be a terrorist a member of al qaeda but as we hear it turned out very differently here at the white house it was. many has postponed the purchase of unmanned warplanes over legal and ethical concerns lawmakers have condemned drone strikes as illegal killings and recently chancellor merkel was criticized by human rights groups for apparently backing u.s. operations in pakistan but it german m.p. told us that despite the decision the government is more keen than ever to get involved in foreign conflicts. i think it's working in that way that they are want to be committed more war more military interventions and this is a really big scandal because it's going to be more killings more people will die with this combat drones and in fact there are more they want to fight siding the u.s.
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with this military operations as we saw it in the last years for example the social democrats they wanted actually that germany will be involved in two of the now two one being against libya but conservatives they were against it now it's a different situation they want to be committed in more wars and more military operations that's what i can see from this agreement. you know the news three militants have been killed in a shootout in russia's north caucasus republic of dagestan the gunmen began firing at police after their house was surrounded a woman and child were let out of the building at the start of the standoff one of the attackers is the husband of suicide bomber an i.e.d. . who blew up a bus in the russian city last month as yet it's unclear whether the man is still alive the twenty one year old named dmitri sokoloff is wanted for planning the volgograd terrorist sold which claimed the lives of six people and injured more
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than thirty during negotiations with police sokolov admitted to his role in the bombing and even said that he was the one who made the explosives. a protest in libya has escalated into an armed confrontation with at least thirty two people killed a militia group opened fire to disperse a crowd rallying outside its headquarters demonstrators then returned with guns and fought back. thanks. this the footage of the chaos that erupted on the streets the worst violence the country has seen in months rival militias have been fighting a turf war since they helped form a leader move market daffy the prime minister has been trying to persuade them to lay down their weapons but defense consultant maureen are all things armed groups are too strong for the government right now. the only person who could serve our
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nation united was the revolutionary mama gadhafi years the worst in the forces and nato nations member states saw this coming knew there would be chaos in the country because there are so many different directions and they can't seem to succesful they resort to murdering each other they disbanded the military under civil service there is in effect a. central military role to be played by anyone there is no security aside it's iraq two point zero so the there are all sorts of militias coming from different towns and trying to take control of tripoli but that's obviously leads to clashes and murder of civilians in tripoli. a quick look at some other news now at least ten people have been killed an eighty injured in sectarian clashes in the pakistani city of around pindi according to witnesses the five hundred started after students of the sunni seminary shouted inso the passing shia religious procession several of
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these students were then dragged out into the street and beaten to death by incest related from their several buildings were set on fire the army had to intervene to quell the young rest. violence in the north bahraini villages reportedly left at least ten people injured antigovernment protesters tried to march to the central square but were met with a wall of police resistance demonstrators three molotov cocktails and riot forces responded with tear gas the gulf state has been shaken by an rest since february twenty levon with frequent rallies calling for political reform. elsewhere italian students clashed with police during an anti a stereotype march in the city of cheer in around two hundred protesters wave flags and burn flares before attacking riot police the march was a part of nationwide demonstrations against fourteen billion euros worth of spending cuts the measures are taking effect in twenty fourteen and are aimed at
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complying with the e.u. wide budget deficit rules i marry because mass surveillance activities have been clouding relations with key allies ever since edward snowden began leaking n.s.a. documents earlier this year and while the reaction from europe has so far been limited to angry statements public discontent is growing to discuss where transatlantic ties are heading artie's peter all of us spoke to a prominent austrian politician. public relationship between the european union and the united states seems to have hit something of a rocky patch of late and that's why i've come here to vienna to meet with a former european leader and gauge his opinion on the current situation. wolf going sure sol was the chancellor of austria between two thousand and two thousand and seven he remains very involved in both international and european affairs dr hughes
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thank you very much for talking to us just how damaging has the n.s.a. spying scandal been for e.u. u.s. relations it affected the public perception more than in the perceptions among politicians everybody who's a professional politician knows the world countries are looking around for information and information is the fact that the currency in the political area arena but the public perception was completely different because of the public perception is in germany is america is our friend and you should never spy on your friend like what good america does skate guy and we know that this cannot happen and should not happen is it possible or even healthy for an idea of american exceptionalism to exist in the modern age i don't think that. someone is exceptional that of course some think they are exceptional but they are not
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everybody is exceptional or we are equals we are brothers and sisters and you can be larger or you can be more powerful economical or militarily but at the end we are no longer individual builds on the notion we are on the same ship and we have to steer this same ship we have to find common rules we have to find the cause for the future this is the important thing and exceptionalism is a rather dangerous thing to. it lived out dated but it was a concept of deny nine hundred century and the twenty first century i think we would split up and she's the thank you very much absolute pleasure speaking that was me peter all of us speaking to formal austrian chancellor dr wolfgang schuessler here in vienna on all. this coming up to help us up on hay in moscow and i could the pope be the perfect role model for banging kids next in the kaiser report.
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you know i love these rare moments where action of something totally sounds positive to share with you the f.d.a. is working to ban partially hydrogenated oils which are the leading source of trance fats and foods and possibly the cause of up to twenty thousand heart attacks per year across the usa according to f.d.a. commissioner margaret hamburg as you know i would like the chemicals in my food kept to a minimum but the thing is the people at the f.d.a. are surely aware of all the hormones and beef and gitmo is being produced why does this band have such a very narrow narrow focus in fact when you look at all the things that americans consume smoke use that to swear health some get the violent band hammer while others are completely tolerated if you ever talk to a hardcore marijuana smoker they'll tell you but dude we does better for you than
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beer and that's the eagles man and they kind of have a point i think there is this is one of those rare instances where a balance position is a really good idea well the country could go the libertarian route and let it be everything be legal let people make their own choices or do what i think would be much much better actually really ban all the things that are destructive to our health both of these paths have positive and negative effects but they are a lot better than our current plan of ban some harmful things for some reason and a lot other harmful things because well they lobby better but that show. just my opinion. what has that he's absolutely only accepting the fragility of the functional system appears to be absolutely dramatic and if we want to never see that again we have to correct the who because if you target on the one scapegoat then you know
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there were not correcting and you had you do not get what you want which is a much more slowly. welcome to the kaiser report i'm max kaiser you know in a sermon this way pope francis suggested we tie cement shoes to the banks toure's and throw them into the river of course i paraphrase is exact words may have been slightly more nuanced but the gist was the same in my opinion meanwhile in vietnam cock out the former general director of agra bank financial faces the death penalty for embezzling five hundred thirty three billion dollars that's about twenty five billion.


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