tv Headline News RT November 16, 2013 7:00am-7:30am EST
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the. deadlines for the elimination of syria's chemical weapons are said but finding a country to take and destroy the toxic stockpile of proving far more challenging than expected. a warning for whistle blowing u.s. hacker getting ten years behind bars after breaking into a private companies buying database which revealed the white house was keeping an eye on human rights activists nationwide. and won't back down on a promise to return all of vacuum to homes at near fukushima despite alarming radiation levels well outside the exclusion zone. this is close to the average level of the goes down in the chernobyl zone only with one exception the place where i'm at right now more than ten thousand people are currently living.
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for a four pm in moscow i met reza very good to have you with us here on r t our top story this hour a most of syria's toxic arsenal will have to be taken out of the country by the end of the year according to the newly adopted plan by the chemical weapons watchdog but the agency hasn't mentioned which country will get and destroy more than one thousand tons of highly poisonous materials live to our middle east correspondent paula sleeker now with all the details so paula what are the indications at this point of who may take control of the stockpile and where do things go from there. well the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons has laid out a road map for the removal and the destruction of syria's chemical weapons and
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according to the road map by the end of this year most of these weapons will have been removed from syria the problem though is that they were banking on albania to take these weapons in and albania has since indicated that it will not be party to this this decision and this announcement by albania came as a shock to the united states and the european union albanian is seen as a very strong partner with a so-called unshakeable alliance to the waste it is also a very poor country but there were wide scale protests in albania with people saying that they refuse to allow their government to be party to taking in the weapons from syria now the problem is that only a norway also indicated that it would not allow these weapons to be brought to its shore no way however saying that it will send a ship that will help with transferring the weapons to wherever they are taken but this is the problem it's not yet clear where in fact they will be taken and the latest word from the united states is that it has other options on the table but no
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indication as to what these options are this is a very ambitious timeframe that has been stated by the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons it says that by the end of march next year most of syria's chemical weapons will have been destroyed and that by the end of june all of them will have been destroyed but again it seems that it's facing an uphill battle not least of all with the decision as to where in fact to destroy these weapons. and paula what about the government itself what is necessary in order on their part in order for this plan to be successful. the damascus government for intents and purposes has carried out its share of the deal with the damascus regime actually coming in ahead of schedule on the last deadline that was for the first of november by when it had to have destroyed all equipment that is used for mixing and producing poisonous gases as well as the
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materials we mated to the production of chemical weapons and the would constantly coming from the foreign inspectors was inside damascus watching the regime's involvement in the destruction of its chemical weapons has always been positive we've heard the same words coming out of the damascus regime that they willing to do everything that they were trying to do so the onus really now is on the international community to hold up its share of the bargain and make sure that if indeed syria's chemical weapons are to be destroyed by the middle of next year they do their part in assisting in this writer to middle east correspondent policy or thank you very much for that update while political analyst chris bambery from the international socialist group says it should be the wealthy european countries who should step in to help implement the ambitious elimination plan. my understanding is that they will go to france and i think it's really the onus is on britain or france in terms of the western european powers to deal with this because as i say
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they do have chemical weapons a little we don't advertise the fact that britain and france have stockpiles of chemical weapons they do have the ability to do that the french and the british have the facilities were you can dismantle these things safely they have the expertise surely that's the better option has abided by this deal the west should really put its money where its mouth is here it's signed up to this deal it's sending ships in this case norwegian ships to deal with this but the norwegians claiming they don't have the expertise to dismantle it you can see why chemical weapons say they will not to take them in and i think it kind of smacks of resentment over the fact that really in the end this deal has come or actually putin brokered a deal. and no syria has abided by the agreements of it and i can't hear but feel there's a sort of resentment in european capitals that actually the deal has worked. even if it doesn't hold syria's chemical weapons that use becoming increasingly tangled up in the conflict european spy chiefs warning of a rapid growth of
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a number of citizens going there to fight alongside the islamist opposition factions one of the propellers being cited is muslim europeans promoting quote jihad duty on social networks across the continent as are reports. i am french to french parents my parents are atheist and do not subscribe to any religion. who guided me. nichole are no kills himself. having found islam on the internet in two thousand and nine in this video he's urging muslims to join the fight in syria is younger brother john daniel was persuaded to join up too but he was later killed in aleppo. converted to islam it will save your soul from hell fire. and this is just one of many such videos online of young europeans calling their
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peers to arms french and western intelligence services have intensified their warnings and europeans heading to syria to fight nowadays they've noticed not all the extra rise in the number of individuals heading over there but also in the kind of people who are joining the fight they say that more and more they are more committed to the struggle and upon their return to europe there's still no clear cut way to deal radicalize these individuals for the french the memory of the terror attack by frenchman mom a member of the killed seven people is still fresh heightening fears of a repeat one radicalized young men returned to france most of those people native french people traveled to afghanistan and pakistan and poverty to their. places of warfare judie welfare and he was not goat. here. not to arrest him. on the grounds that he had been fighting in the.
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trainings there in the summer germany's interior minister suggested a temporary ban on fighters returning home belgium on the other hand had been working with turkish authorities to bring their nationals back to overestimate europe have already been made. there still isn't a one size fits all solution and. could there be difficulty. determining who's a potential threat and who isn't this is still there are. thousands of people evacuated from their homes after the fukushima disaster may never be able to return that's from a group of japanese officials who now want the government to give up the promise that it will make those homes safe for a living again instead the government decided to change the definition of safe ideally the radiation level should be one milli sieverts per year. japan's government hopes to set an acceptable exposure level at twenty times that to be
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able to return the evacuees back to their homes near the stricken fukushima area but in some of the worst affected areas radiation detectors show measurements around fifty times the recommended dose and that's half way to cancer causing levels of he's like sarah he went to the nuclear exclusion zone so it's hard to say what gives you a creepier feeling the trail of destruction left by the twenty eleven tsunami all the houses untouched by natural disaster but the band after the nuclear accident walking through the deserted streets of the fukushima exclusion zone we can see plenty of both technically we're now well within the no go zone the we're just ten kilometers from the nuclear power station these houses ravaged by the tsunami in twenty eleven still standing here and nowhere near to being with stored you'd be surprised to learn that radiation levels here are in fact lower than in some of the european cities and this prompted the decision by the japanese government to allow the people to return to their homes. but scientists say that suicidal because
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radiation migrates and because it exists in hot spots scattered all across the area . in the hot spots there is a huge amount of the radioactive material it's concentrated stored it is almost impossible to find out all the hot spots. from their houses we actually stumbled upon this process radiated material from personal belongings to contaminated soil is put in plastic bags and buried the radiation meter when brazil even from a considerable distance imagine our surprise when we found similar levels in an area which had never been included in the no go zone. i've traveled to the church noble exclusion zone more than a dozen times and this was probably the scariest episode when we put a radiation meter on the ground in a layer of loss and it produced more than eight hundred micro wrong hands per hour that is forty times more than the normal human radiation level here sixty
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kilometers selling coke machine when you clear parked along the readings are certainly less than that this is close to the average level of the ghost town of prepacked in the shallows zone only with one exception the place where i'm at right now more than ten thousand people are currently living. mrs morey's ono is one of them she bought a radiation meter and now patrols the area looking for hot spots as we had after school classes for children at our house but had to close it because of high radiation. in her short life this girl has already got used to seeing a lot of radiation meters just like mrs morey's own know her mother joined an ngo group of ordinary women united by fear for the future of their children and distrust of the government's actions. we're sending our data to government and tepco officials every day and we get no reply don't see an action from down as if they're trying to play down the scale of things meanwhile our children are all. it is suffering from. the voice of dissent is now intensifying despite assurances from
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tepco a spent nuclear fuel rods are removed from reactor four at fukushima dai ichi. we have it under control it's a challenging process but we have the equipment to perform it anti-nuclear protesters in tokyo say no one should be allowed back into the fukushima area until it's completely safe which in truth may not happen for centuries there piquant has just served eight hundred days and they will stay longer they say to force their government into rethinking its nuclear policies. reporting from japan. operators readying to remove the hazardous spent nuclear fuel from the crippled plant but he recently emerged that some of the rods had been damaged decades before the two thousand and eleven tsunami and earthquake details on that and other developments in japan can be found on our website our team dot com. who exposed the u.s.
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government's espionage on human rights groups has been sentenced to a decade behind bars jeremy have been found guilty of breaking into the computer systems of the private intelligence company strapped for as well as law enforcement and government servers are reports from the courthouse and how it's being seen as a warning shot to whistleblowers. after two hour hearing in a packed courtroom in the federal courthouse in lower manhattan twenty eight year old activist and hacker jeremy hammond was sentenced to one hundred twenty months behind bars he's going to spend the next decade in jail in march twenty twelve hammond was arrested for breaking into two hundred gigabytes of five million e-mails of information of private security firm stratfor and leaking this information to transparency organization we q leaks in these e-mails it was revealed that the private security firm was spying on human rights activists upon the request of corporation and the u.s. government earlier hamad had pled guilty to one count of the computer abuse and fraud act this was a classic case of whistleblowing where malfeasance and criminal activity by
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a private corporation on behalf of both corporations and the government was exposed the government and the judge felt that the idea of causing mayhem or causing destruction was incompatible with that jeremy's stated political goals and. we disagree with that some of hammon supporters have dubbed him the robin hood of our times the defense team inside the court room argued that he fought for the better good trying to bring about real change to the system and shed more light on what the u.s. government was doing the prosecution however said that he stole the numbers of sixty thousand credit cards causing a damage of one to two point five million dollars to businesses and individuals if people who have influence and people whom here do not stand up and defend people like jeremy the judge said that he is not. bella or dr king i was a civil rights activist germany's every much as a progressive humanists as the spirit of those leaders as we said in the difference
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is motivated by his political beliefs his desire for transparency and his desire to highlight what's wrong with the private security industry and with government surveillance a total of two hundred sixty. five letters from journalist activists human and constitutional rights groups were sent to the judge asking for jeremy happen to be released also thirty six prominent freedom of information activists sent their requests to the courthouse however the huge public support for jeremy hammond did not affect the judge's decision if we don't have jeremy hammond since we don't have edward snowden's if we don't have chelsea manning. we don't have a free press this sometimes comes on the heels of the n.s.a. scandal continuing the debate on what should and should not be kept secret in the u.s. and for how long the unprecedented war on whistleblowers will continue as well as the war on freedom of information and r.t. new york. and in his supporters claim everything was staged managed by the f.b.i.
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that manipulated him to carry out the attacks on several foreign websites david seaman u.s. journalist who's been keeping tabs on the high tech story so he thinks the activists was led every step of the way. he was approached by an f.b.i. informant this came out an article in wired magazine this f.b.i. informant is apparently the one who quote unquote cheer lead jeremy into hacking into this organization this f.b.i. informant also allegedly gave them a list of other targets that jeremy should go after and which he did not go after and when c. once he received the information he apparently downloaded it to an f.b.i. controlled server at the request of this f.b.i. informant so if this was basically an f.b.i. operation they should have probably sent him a paycheck and sort of sending him to prison for the next ten years what he leet revealed a degree of wrongdoing that's in the public interest to know about so i was totally
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shocked that they went with the full ten years the maximum possible that's an outrage this judge represents everything wrong with the american justice system today we shouldn't be silencing guys like jeremy hamad we should be giving them jobs caught up in the u.s. surveillance network europeans seeing their powerful ally in a different light we hear from a former austrian chancellor on how washington's worldwide surveillance is diminishing trust among partners and eating away at the team spirit. meanwhile in vietnam who cock out the former general director of agra bank financial faces the death penalty for embezzling five hundred thirty three billion dong. that's about twenty five million dollars jumpshot for von cox and oh also this week a former u.s. senator confessed to complaining or committing some horrific deadly money printing since many more dawns than five hundred thirty billion were embezzled from the
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american people according to andrew dodd who admitted to a gruesome bond buying spree that had financially butchered main street america their bloated carcasses fed the gluttonous changers a derivative devils on wall street i'm sorry. the report of quantitative easing pull. your country iraq afghanistan libya saudi arabia israel egypt syria turkey and even away and then each. other they are leaving alone for leading from behind in a muddle is the u.s. simply out of touch or just history in the region nearly. a terrorist who admitted organizing last month's deadly attack in volgograd in southern russia has been killed along with other militants during a police raid or to stop buying might say joins us live now with the details so.
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tell us more about the confession and today's very dramatic raid. confession by the by dimitri happened during a one the. standoff between police and the gunmen for them barricaded themselves in the rest of the region. during the negotiation mother was called in to try and come in and help with the negotiation and speak to his son and say you know i'd given yourself to the police this is when he then confessed to actually be a mazda minding the quitman that helped. that actually helped propel what happened on the table twenty first to happen of that bombing that happened on the twenty first that killed six people now during that siege of a woman as well as a child were also. in that house with those gunmen they. continued
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off of that three of the gunmen where killed and two of them are believed to have been killed inside that house they had been on the hunt hunted by the police and with all of them in that house they are accused of orchestrating terror attacks around russia so this really wasn't the end for them at this point in time back to you matt all right thank you very much for that update. well the gun happy culture in dagestan could be taking root added disturbingly young age take a look at this. kids imitating militant videos sending threats to adults although some of jokingly demand good grades in school others are far more sinister online we report on the fears for these impressionable youngsters plus. lecture interjected this university of london speaker had told off the stage by
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angry muslim brotherhood activists find out why it. is so you. should have you with us here today i'm sure. it's known at least thirty two people died in the libyan capital when a militia fired at a peaceful protest calling for them to leave tripoli campaigners were shot at as they approached the armed groups headquarters.
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only worsen the situation is some demonstrators then drew weapons themselves tripoli's long been a hotbed of violence ever since the assassination of leader moammar gadhafi but friday's incident is the most bloodshed the capital seen in months militias there and elsewhere in libya are entrenched despite public discontent and governments calling for them to disband defense consultant tells us they're just too tough to handle. the only person who could have kept the nation united was the revolutionary mama gaddafi so yes the western forces the nato nations member states saw this coming and they knew there would be chaos in the country because there are so many different factions in there they can't seem to succeed so they resort to murdering each other they disbanded the military and the civil service there is in effect no central military role to be played by anyone there is no security aside it's iraq two point zero so that they're all sorts of militias
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coming from different towns and trying to take control of tripoli but that's obviously leads to clashes and murder of civilians in tripoli. turning now to some other stories making global headlines this hour a helicopter crashed in south korea's capital after its propeller hit the side of a luxury apartment building one of the pilots killed the other died later in the hospital no one in the building was hurt cording to fire officials it was fog in seoul during the morning but it's still not clear whether or not poor visibility caused the crash. sectarian violence has killed at least another eight people in pakistan and more than a dozen witnesses say it started after students at a sunni seminary shouted insults at passing shia religious procession or several of the students then dragged out into the street and beaten to death the taliban is threatening to revenge while the government has imposed a curfew in the city where the clashes have. riots in train as italian students
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turned on police during an anti austerity march around two hundred protesters waved flags and lit fires before clashing with officers in march part of nationwide demonstrations against fourteen billion euros worth of cuts due to kick in next year have been college protests all week across the european union including greece sweden and bowl gary. it feels like it's gotten a little bit wider since the u.s. was caught prying where it shouldn't have against europeans who considered washington a friend and ally or peter all there's been talk to a prominent austrian politician about how far the bonds are being stretched public relationship between the european union and the united states seems to have hit something of a rocky punch of late and that's why it's getting to be with a fool of a european leader gave his opinion on the current situation just how damaging has the n.s.a. spying scandal being full e.u. u.s.
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relations. it effected the public perception more then the perceptions among politicians everybody who is a professional politician knows that all countries are looking around for information and information is developed with the currency in the political area arena but the public perception was completely different because of the public perception especially in germany is america is our friend and you should never spy on your friend and it like what good america you said dusky it guy to me that this cannot happen and should not happen is it possible or even healthy for an idea of american exceptionalism to exist in the modern age i don't think that. someone is exceptional that of course some think they are exceptional but they are not either everybody is exceptional or we are equals we are brothers and sisters and you can
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be larger or you can be more powerful economical or militarily but at the end we are no longer individual builds on the notion we are on the same ship and we have to steer this same ship we have to find common rules we have to find the key of course to the future this is the important thing and exceptionalism these is a rather dangerous i think is a little bit outdated by the way to concept of the nineteenth century and the twenty first century i think we are equals it's better. could the pope be the perfect role model for a banker it sounds like a question for magpies or think eyes are reports on next stay with.
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president obama despite being king liberal loves to flatter the troops he loves their courage selflessness and teamwork as he said in his state of the union address but he doesn't love are there expensive injuries which the troops are going to have to pay three times more for according to yahoo news the president's administration wants to force military retirees to get out of tri-care their current plan and added to obamacare the plan calls for them to raise premiums from up to ninety to three hundred forty five percent within five years one example provided by the free beacon estimates that a retired army colonel with a family currently paid four hundred sixty dollars a year for health care would have to pay around two thousand dollars make you pay even more for your war injuries apparently that's what obama is actually planning well he is reading those lovely speeches off of teleprompters people who are against the post nine eleven war against who knows what are often told that they don't support the troops well to the people who say bring the troops home never advocate tripling their health care premiums no they don't all of the chicken hawks who send the troops off to die in questionable wars are the ones who want to make
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them pay even more for their injuries but that's just my opinion. but with the economic sounds in the final month a deal sank i and the rest because i think the eight will be everything. welcome to the kaiser report i'm max kaiser you know in a sermon this way pope francis suggested we tie cement shoes to the bank stairs and
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throw them into the east river of course i paraphrase is exact words may have been slightly more nuanced but the gist was the same in my opinion meanwhile in vietnam blue cock out the former general director of agra bank financial faces the death penalty for embezzling five hundred thirty three billion dong that's about twenty five million dollars chop chop for the bangkok and. also this week a former u.s. senate physical fast a complaining or committing some horrific deadly money printing since many more dawns than five hundred thirty billion were embezzled from the american people according to andrew who are who admitted to a gruesome bond buying spree that had financially butchered main street america their bloated carcasses fed to the gluttonously out money changers and derivative devils on wall street i'm sorry said the repentant quantitative easer. alas andrew the pope will.
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