tv Breaking the Set RT November 16, 2013 10:29am-11:01am EST
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historical revisionism sweeping cameron's government after all it's hard to prove that you haven't lived up to any of your initial promises if they're completely expunged from the public record now of course party members are defending the move saying that purging the content is a campaign strategy aimed at replacing old messages with new ones but cameron's former speechwriter in burrell disagrees that this is just a campaign strategy that quote the use of sophisticated software to insure search engines do not stumble upon these archives slightly just slightly undermines this claim is that as it turns out the party went as far as instructing websites such as an internet archive and google to fully remove deleted pages from their databases pages that these websites often keep for posterity usually with the way until politicians died out of their history. but now it looks like if you have the money and if you have the power it's as easy as getting a divorce from the royal family. the please please. please very hard to take
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a. little. better act with the terror threat there are those. that believe. the. little. for the last few decades the chinese government has done everything in its power to control the growth of the country's one point three billion people everything from family planning programs the establishment of a birth control commission have been implemented to keep the swelling population at
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bay but by far the most effective and controversial of china's measures has been its one child policy its laws been in place since one nine hundred eighty and requires the majority of couples to pay steep fines that they have more than one child while today in a surprise this isn't trying to announce that if either member of a couple's only child the couple can have two children now many human rights activists are saying this simply doesn't go far enough to quell the large number of forced abortions infanticide and involuntary sterilizations nicholas backlund of human rights watch in hong kong told the washington post that quote the whole system needs to be dismantled what they're doing is just tinkering with it allowing one specific category of people to have two children the system is abusive and generates so much pain for so many but there is far more encouraging announcement that was also said by the chinese government today the country's long standing rib . cation labor camps are so to be abolished now exact numbers are impossible to know but according to china's state news agency approximately one hundred sixty
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thousand inmates have been held in three hundred fifty of these labor camps throughout the country these camps have been in place to harbor chinese political dissidents since the one nine hundred fifty s. and while the conditions are largely hidden according to former inmates that type of treatment in these camps includes regular beatings sleep deprivation forced labor work barely edible food no freedom to go to the bathroom and a lack of basic needs so considering that this policy has existed for so many years it's truly remarkable communist party leader xi jinping was able to convince government leadership to dismantle this oppressive system you see the shoes own father was sent to one of these labor camps for seventy years during china's cultural revolution and one of his main missions as general secretary has been to cut down the powers of china's massive state security apparatus but even if these camps are removed many human rights advocates are still concerned that the system will only be replaced with another less harsh method of imprisoning political
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critics without trial for now this is a major step in the right direction and shows that although it may take decades brutal and humane and seemingly and movable systems can be changed. some of you might be familiar with the documentary trilogy split the three parts the first of which explores the social constructs that keep humanity's consciousness stunted the next an exploration of our economic system proving its own sustainability of the current and third is an outline of a blueprint on how to achieve a new system one that is sustainable and can exist harmoniously with nature since the series one of viral to spawn a global crusade called a movement in which activists from all walks of life are working together on mapping out a different future for their i said. down with the founder of this like i said the men and creator of the film series peter joseph biden in that interview about the
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philosophy behind the movement and where it will go from here check out. peter why is the current economic model unsustainable i look at the divide you have environmental sustainability of cultural state the environmental standard believes very much recognise today everyone is talking about the need to not destroy biodiversity to be sustainable within the resource consumption use everyone loves to talk about you know the sesame for these things but yet no one seems to break it down to think about what the root cause of all these problems are there's a recent statistic that was put out two of them actually over the course of the past three years one in association united nations that basically they said that after ten years of trying to stop biodiversity loss they've had absolutely no success and in one have this in a lecture i'm giving in a couple of days they say that they state that the reason that we can't do it is because all the money is going into industrial development and not into preservation and this is a very red flag type of statement because of course nothing is going to go into
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preservation the entire economy is based on consumption so you have laborers you have employers and you have consumers and they're all consumers you can take all economic theory and throw out the window when it comes to this very core understanding and sustainability because this is all that matters and i can't reiterate this enough you have a machine of money that's circulating based on consumption the more the faster it goes that's called economic growth slows down economic growth slows that means people lose jobs that means politicians are looked and you know negatively upon the last thing any government wants to see is economic growth slow because it means they're going to be held susceptible of all these factors that force economic consumption which means forces resource consumption so the entire facade of market capitalism looks at the earth as one big inventory and it's for as core philosophical foundation you can consider a society. of this nature. and consider it to ever be ecologically sustainable and that's pretty much all anyone ever needs to know it's completely unsustainable and
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it will persist with all of the degradation that we see there's another study that was put forward the university of washington in association with the un and they did a analysis of loss of biodiversity and i say loss of biodiversity i mean loss of life support systems nuts not just rain forest depletion freshwater it's you know evolution has taken billions of years to create all these inner workings synergistic and symbiotic systems on the planet and we have come in in just a number of centuries mainly one century and we've destroyed and dismantle the mess the stuff up to large degrees to the extent that we don't even know what the repercussions are going to be in the long run. so with that notion united nations and these other guys came together and said what is the what is happening with loss of biodiversity and what's happening with consumption and they calculated that we would need twenty seven more earths by twenty fifty to meet the current rate and trends of demand when we get to be about nine billion people i think by twenty fifty that's very very despairing that's something that everyone should be talking about in sustainability circles but they're not because everyone is terrified of
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addressing market capitalism because if you talk about the actual system problem you're going to label very rapidly as something american or more worse freedom and that's a tangent that i won't go too far on but it's it's very unfortunate every activist organization out there needs to look at the very root of market capitalism and its predication scarcity and its necessity for constant consumption if they want to resolve the ecological problems that are at hand right now why do you think current activism efforts are failing and why is reform of the current system not possible ok i'll jump back to cultural stand ability as well but i'll answer that question as well activism right now tends to take a localized perspective as what you would call it in the sense of systems theory. as human education sees me as human knowledge has evolved we've become more aware of the fact that we're a part of larger and larger holes i mean this is pretty much common sense but. you look at the core of history everyone looked at acts of behavioral behavioral
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actions they looked at any type of causal effect in a localized reductionist way and this still holds true with basic classical economics today as far as the way they perceive causality and incentive and what that does is it removes everything that has a factor of influence and pressure so if you take say greenpeace they are very you know very diligent about stopping corporate corruption as they would perceive it say you know fishermen that go in illegally over fish but why the fishermen over fishing is there maybe a market reason for that is maybe a profit reasons maybe it's a survival reason of why these people are doing that that doesn't come into the equation so the economic structure which is the most dominant force of everything that we do in our society is more or less ignored in its pressures amongst the entire spectrum of activism look at behavioral violence and say just crime in general someone. someone you know someone goes and shoots somebody in an airport recently in los angeles and we say to that guy just must be messed up corrupt
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criminal let's remove him let's get rid of that mentality they'll say something like that in our traditional legal reference but we have no idea what happened that individual with the pressures that emerged around him to create that violence is a process it's not a singular act it never has been and that's again it's sort of narrow reductionist localized view of behavioral causality that we see so activism is going to have to start thinking about the system reference you can look at the social system we have today you can look at economics or market capitalism specifically in the context of today in a reductionist view you have to take a statistically broad view of what's actually happening and then you get actually a clear picture otherwise you're just going to keep chasing little nuances that don't lead anywhere and that that i could say a lot more about that i mean there's a whole subculture of people in libertarian philosophy that see they've called the state so they think you know if we just free the market and we don't have a clue. policies and and they talk about of course moral principles which is usually a waste of time the non-aggression principle is something that comes up well that's
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great you know that i shall not kill either but that doesn't seem to have done a whole lot just to tell people not to do that there has to be a system reference you can't have any behavior in a system it isn't reinforced by the system you know i mean you can't have a if it's not structurally reinforced it doesn't matter what your moral codes are people are going to continue to deviate towards what is working and corruption and abuse and exploitation is what works in this model because it's based on the fundamental predication when you really break it down because of its underlying basis and scarcity and i can't emphasize that enough thought out a state exists now as merely a tool of the market can you break down the historical context of this relationship let's think about this neal the think revolution happened we were all nomads wandering around with small tribes and i'm sure there was some kind of regulatory tradition that occurred amongst any type of organized society but it wasn't until we settled and we started to you know take land masses have land masses near water sources and we started to build you know civilization as we know it with
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centralized communities with that there's an inherent need for protection in a scarcity driven world you know obviously if you're a small society in your next to a really nice freshwater pond and you're in a region that doesn't have many of those other tribes are going to start to run out of water and there's going to be conflict they might come in and take your stuff as is of course happened over and over again as of course happens right now in the world today as well when it comes to energy resources but so you have to have excuse me have to have some type of protection system so what does that imply it means that some type of power has to be allocated to some subgroup some some authority and they are going to be given the right to have certain legislations put in place they're going to rights that have control over others then you take the act of commerce which has been around for thousands of years this is one of the great failures of thought with free market theory in this that a libertarian concept and the truncated from a reference that they have it's not that the market started with adam smith the markets in its core philosophical basis of specialization and trade and handicraft
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and barter and and using mediums of exchange that's come back thousands of years so we have tons of history to reference about what this type of pattern does. yes and check out that full interview with peter joseph online at our you tube channel youtube dot com. stick around you guys next will break the stage with music from a heart beat if you want to miss it. americans also came up with another reason to reach a democracy people wanting to be legally people wanting to be free you reach is also you know part of the message of they have revolution always a new mode. to use. this. push you create the conditions you say some country has. with the mass
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destruction. in the case of. this was a week like. meanwhile in vietnam cock out the former general director bank financial faces the death penalty for embezzling five hundred thirty three billion dong. that's about twenty five billion dollars jump shots of on cox and now also this week a former u.s. fed officials confessed to complaining or committing some horrific deadly money printing since many more dogs than five hundred thirty billion were embezzled from the american people according to andrew hoods our good minute to a gruesome bond buying spree that had financially butchered main street america their bloated carcasses fed to the gluttonous money changers and the writ of devils on wall street i'm sorry said the repentant quantitative easing phone.
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if you only need one. scapegoat that would be responsible five with you say that you think the banks the commercial banks then what about the non banks what about the highly leverage is due to she's a late nor a responsible old school what about the phone's floods so what about all the special vehicles so you see it's more. you know you seem banks are the main reason the bad banking system is the main reason that triggered the banks part of the whole. as responsibility including the way us compute the account to the accounting rules. of course also the rating agencies of course you know the anti bank and
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non-banks earned the naive belief that we where you know were real there was other maddi self correction of the market themselves the theory of efficiency of markets was also part of the schools. for many in the world israeli palestinian conflict is an inherent clash of culture a war between blood enemies this perspective puts arabs and jews as somehow incapable seen eye to eye as human beings but we forget that politics and government are as much of a human construct as the walls we build to separate ourselves from each other this in fact is the message of my next guests are musical members of a collective called heartbeat that consists of over one hundred israeli and palestinian youths from all over the world have come together to help end the
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out. harpy is not just the name of the group this is actually the name of an organization an advocacy organization that you guys are all integrated in talk about what heartbeat is so that's true the heartbeat of community of. musicians of youth musicians the group that we have here just we're just representatives of also of our own group which is larger than a few of us who were able to come this time and a large organization that includes other ensembles usually teenage ensembles that's really the core of our work we bring together in samples right now we have three
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operating ensembles in three cities. in jerusalem and yes up and they each meet and create their own music write their own music that's beautiful tamar it's a strange mix for people who know how divisive this issue is obviously palestinians israelis working together providing something as beautiful as a musical message how did this unique partnership come to be. all started with our founder to in two thousand and seven and. he got a. fulbright scholarship and m.t.v. kind of started ship to start the program in palestine and israel to bring together young musicians to work together and to to really amplify their voices that's what that's what we're trying to do you through this trying to get them together to understand that we're all humans after all and we all want the same thing we all want freedom we all want quality so that's why we started. it. let's talk about.
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a really great song you performed when the impossible becomes possible what is this song all about you guys so it started from an arabic saying actually. which mean it's like it means tomorrow with the apricots but it means it's like when pigs fly it's something that will never happen just because you know and then they changed it a little bit we say because of family. and it changes it just a little bit you can barely catch it with your hair but. to say that possible is happening and what is that what is that possibility that is being achieved that possibility is togetherness and unity we come from the reality of segregation where our two communities are very much separated and the idea that a group of people can come together and become so close and create something together is really very unusual and to some people would sound even. impossible or just ridiculous or whatever so we have this message of hey we're doing it
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it isn't crazy it's part of reality and we can choose if we want to make it the bigger reality amazing and how what kind of feedback have you been getting tamar from from touring and displaying its message to communities all over the world. amazing feedback. we love our audiences we've been getting a lot of support you know we love the people the people seem to love us. amazing feedback i mean. back home maybe it's a little different some people some people like what we're doing and some people don't some people think that we should not be talking to each other we are enemies in the blood and we should not be trying to talk with one another. but i think that's i think we should we should we need to be talking to each other and i think in order to achieve equality in order to achieve freedom we need to want to make each other understand the same and what better way to have the universal language
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of music to do the story and show really that we are all one human family so you know you guys clearly get along right what is going to take this region of the world i mean how can we how can we get there tamar and i want your input on this is well sort of you. oh my god it's a big picture there's so much need to be done. i mean. it's very segregated you know that you have the era palestinians living in specific neighborhoods. specific tiny villages and the same with the jews but jewish israelis where we could start getting together through school through media through through what we're trying to do trying to get people together and that's what that's what we need to do and understand human to human level what do you think just i think everything starts from that from that the minute we get people together we get people to stop seeing themselves as separate stop thinking of. these two communities as sides and to understand that we have mutual interests we
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all want to live in peace and freedom to have opportunity to live in dignity and safety that's something that everybody has in common we don't need to see each other as enemy. you know i don't need to see palestinians freedom as a threat to mine and i think people will understand that if they first get to know each other get to see each other as people it's when you start it's very easy to just have to have the space to do that to get together to be exposed to personal stories. to reinforce those preestablished narratives or biases about what you think about people until you're forced to confront them and really it can be transformative also wanted to add one more thing to what kelly said we want the international national people to help us. as a friend of mine said once you get what you paid for and forty forty billion dollars go to go to military assistance back home and only ten million dollars go
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to programs like what we do through the u.s. so forty billion dollars vs ten million dollars you really get what you paid for and we need international assistance we need people to help us do what we want to do and we're here absolutely absolutely you guys thank you so much tamar you guys heart beat everyone check it out thank you so much for coming. once the law of. the law. the law. was still a lot of. the law. both. told
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the law of. the law. the law of. the law is. the law. of. the of the law the law is the power couple are in the law they speak to the deaf ear and so in the idea over that phrase it says as the pole the water or the water to hide the war and the law is good for the people sometimes they have the days when they want to fund the law lawyer law the lot of lawyers the lot of the polling the analysis the lot of lawyers the law look at. the law molin.
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the goodness in the front of the front of the seat and then. with. the commission. to keep the book the company would be the limit to what the because of the fly in the front of the fifth comic book complicit in the company of the chemical. it's the law. in the lives of the men from the. blood blood the life. blood. blood blood blood. little.
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secret lover a jury to mccurry was able to build the needs most sophisticated robots which will unfortunately doesn't give a dollar amount anything tunes mission to teach music creation why it should care about humans and we're going this is why you should care only. is obviously more for the ladies because it's pink. women wanted to avoid rape they really needed to buy guns and. this is the one that i want to go with them once again it's the fear for. women definitely a target of the gun lobby and one killing one the killing might even if so many would be with this with her. noticing more and more and that's really scary marketing tactics which implies that women have some sort of moral obligation to
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protect their family and young girls shoot out here too so we do have a paying quality. for kids young kids choke on food than are killed by firearms if being armed made us safer in america we should be the safest nation on earth were clearly not the safest. right. the. first strike. and i think that you're. on a recorders. tonight
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deadlines for the elimination of syria's chemical weapons a set but finding a country to take and destroy the toxic stockpiles proving more challenging than expected. a warning for whistleblowing a u.s. attack against ten years by breaking into a private company spying database which revealed the white house was keeping an eye on even rights activists nationwide. and won't back down on a promise to return all evacuees to their homes near the fukushima despite alarming radiation levels well outside the exclusion zone. this is close to the average level of the ghost town. known only with one exception the place where i'm at right now more than ten thousand people are currently living.
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